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List of names in the Name Index
To find details for individuals in these lists, enter the name in the search fields above.
?Earlin?, Alice ?Innell, A--, William A., E. A., A. Hamlyn, Todd Aarfoot, Alice Aaron, Henry Mr. Aaron, Alfred R. Aaron, H. Mr. Aaron, Mr. Aaron, John A. Aaron, John R. Aaron, Henry Aaron, John Richard Abbey, Juliet Abbey, E.A. Abbey, Gloria Abbey, Bertha Abbey, Abbis, Mathilda Abbis, Annie Abbitts, Frederick Abbitts, George Abbot, John R. Abbott, Penelope Abbott, William Abbott, Fred Albert Abbott, Herman Abbott, Oliver Abbott, Leonard Abbott, Alfd W Abbott, George T. Abbott, Fred. A. Abbott, George S. Abbott, Lilian Abbott, John Abbott, Wm. Abbott, Fred A. Abbott, Herbert Abbott, Ernest Abbott, Telly Abbott, E. Abbott, Geoffrey Robinson Rifeman Abbott, Jessie Abbott, Bertie Abbotts, Emily Abbs, Bertie C. Abbs, Bertie Abbs, Bert C. Abbs, Mark Abel, Queenie Victoria Abel, Geo. C. Abel, John Abel, Charles Abell, Ethel Aberdeen, Lord Aberdeen, Lord and Lady Abernethy, Margaret Able, Walter Able, Charles Edward Ablets, Grace Abott, Alexander Abraham, Percival Pvt. Abraham, Patricia M. Abraham, Barbara E. Abraham, John Abraham, Maggie Abrahams, Jno. W. Abrahams, James Abrahams, John W Abrahams, Percy Abram, Alfred Abram, Catherine Abram, Maria Abram, Abram, M. Abram, Zillah Abram, Alfred A. Abram, Katie Abrams, Frank Abrams, R. E. Abrams, Maria Abrams, Zillah Abrams, Fred K. Abrey, Harold Absalom, Henry Absalom, Albert E. Absalom, Harry Absalom, Albert Absalom, CatherIne Absolam, Harry Absolom, Henry Richard Absolom, Albert A Absolom, Albert Edward Absolom, Hy. Acaster, William Acaster, Wm Ackerley, Margaret Ackerley, Jane Ackerley, George Ackerley, William Ackerman, Leslie D. Ackerman, D.E. Ackerman, Martha R. Ackerman, Charles Ackerman, William D. Ackerman, Kate Ackerman, William Ackerman, Emily Ackerman, James D. Ackerman, Charley Ackers, Edmunds Ackers, Edmund Ackland, Louise Ackland, Herbert George Ackland, Herbert G. Ackland, Sarah Ackland, George Ackland, Patricia Ackland, W Ackland, Geo. Ackland, George Thomas Ackland, Ar E Ackland, Henry George Ackland, Henry Geo. Ackland, Ar. E. Ackley, G. R. Pvt. Ackroyd, Frances May / Mary Ackroyd, John E. Ackroyd, Mabel Emma Ackroyd, William Henry Acland, Arthur Acland, Henry Acland, Arthur E. Acres, Ada Acton, Agnes Alice Acton, Ellen Acton, Joseph Acton, Alice Acturn, George Acworth, Alys Acworth, Brian Bisset Adams, Edwards W.A. Adams, Lizzie Adams, Maria K. Mrs. Adams, Arnold F. Mrs. Adams, Edward W. Adams, Mr. & Mrs. Adams, Stanley Adams, Ernest Adams, John Adams, Herbert Adams, Adeline Mrs. Adams, Henry Adams, E. Adams, George Joseph Adams, Ernest H. Adams, E.W. Adams, Ernest Walter Adams, E.J. Adams, George Adams, Charles Adams, Walter Chas. Adams, Alice Adams, Florence Adams, Olive Adams, Gertrude Adams, James Adams, A.G. Mr. Adams, Maude Adams, Ethel Adams, Eric Wilfred Adams, Ernest Alfred Adams, Jonathan Adams, Edward Adams, Wm. Logan Adams, Ruth Adams, Ernest A. Adams, Lilian (Mrs. Charles) Adams, George, Joseph Adams, Elizabeth Adams, Maud Adams, Elsie D. Adams, Adams, Jessie Adams, Edith E. M. (Mrs. Ernest O.) Adams, Geoffrey Julian Balcombe Adams, Frank Jesse Adams, Elizabeth Jane Adams, Lily (Mrs. Roy) Adams, Alfred Adams, S. Adams, G. A. Adams, Ernest W. Adams, Hamilton Adams, Albert James Adams, Samuel Adams, J.B. Commander Adams, Ann Elizabeth Adams, Walter C. Adams, Fred Adams, E. A. Adams, Gladys Adams, Edward W.A. Adams, Tom Henry / Harry Adams, Ada Louise Adams, Fred Geo. Adams, Mrs. Adams, Ernest Henry Adams, Elsie Adams, Ernest A. Mr. and Mrs. Adams, William Adams, Annie Adams, Ernest E. Adamson, Christina Alison Adamson, Margt Adamson, Eva Adamson, Charies Daniel Adamson, George Adamson, Doris Adamson, J. Adamson, James Balfour Adamthwaite, Mary Adamthwaite, Mary Kathleen May Adamthwaite, May Adamthwaite, Ethel Aday, Ethel C. Adby, Flo. Mrs. Adcock, Emily Adcock, Henry Adderley, Edward George Addes, Emily Addicott, Charles Addicott, Chas. H. Addis, Laura Addis, Eli Addis, ElsIe Addis, Philip Addis, Henry Addis, Bertie Addison, Annie Addison, Emily Addison, Hugh Addison, Addison, William Addy, Getrude Addy, Mary Addy, Dorothy Addy, Charles R. Addy, Charles Addyman, Edw. Addyman, William Addyman, William Ernest Henry Addyman, Edward Harold Adey, Nellie (Mrs.) Adhead, John William Adie, J. M. Adie, Dorothy May / Mary Adie, Mary Adie, Harry Adkins, Edith May Adkins, Fred'k Adkins, Elijah Adkins, Herbert James Adlam, Horace Adlington, Percy S. Adlington, George R. Adrian, Richard Adrian, Mary Eliza Adrian, Caroline / Carrie Adrian, Elizabeth Harriet Adrian, Jennet Adshead, John W. Adshead, John William Adshead, J.W. Affleck, Albert Edward Affleck, Percy Thomas Affleck, Percy Agar, Mrs. Wm. Agar, Frederick W. Agar, Henry Gordon Agar, Frederick William Agar, Geo. C. Agar, G. Pvt. Agar, Henry G. Agar, Emma Agar, John Agate, George W. Agate, Eliza Ager, Arthur Charles Ager, John Aggas, George Aggett, Sidney F.G. Aggett, Annie Agius, William Agnew, Peter Agnew, Agris, William Agurs, Jasper Ahlen, Wilhelm Ahlen, Albert E. Ahmed, Albert Edward Ahmid, Abdullah Ahmid, Abdullah W. H. Ahwood, Joseph Aiken, Alexander Aikin, David Pvt. Ailly, Catherine Ailwood, Alice Aimes, Harold Ainger, Pollie Ainger, Flora Ainger, Charles Ainsley, Arthur Ainsworth, Muriel Aird, James Aird, Albert Edward Aird, Albert E. Aires, Henry Airey, James Airey, Jas Airey, Fred. Airy, Frederick Airy, Lily Airy, Lily Ethel Aitcheson, Kate Aitcheson, Edith Aitcheson, Kate Mrs. Aitcheson, Sarah I. Aitchison, Robert Aitken, Mary Aitken, Johanna Aitken, Lizzie Aitken, John F. Aitken, John F. Pvt. Aitken, Sir Max, M.P. Aitkens, Sarah Aitkin, John F. Aitkins, William Akani, William Akehurst, Queenie A. Akehurst, Jessie Akehurst, W. Akehurst, Wilfred Akerman, Rosemary A. V. Akers, Annie Akers, Gertie Alberry, Elizabeth Albert, Henry Albert, Hy. Wm. Albert, John Albert, John W. Alberton, S. Albon, Mildred Albon, Thomas Edward Albone, Cornelius Albury, Jillian May Albury, Doris Albury, Arthur George Albury, Arthur Geo. Albury, Arthur G. Albury, Arthur Albury, Art. G Alce, Albert George Alce, Geo. Albert Alcock, Edith Alcock, Daniel Alcock, Edward Alcock, Danl Alcock, Emily Aldbridge, Lilian L. Aldcroft, George Aldcroft, John A. Alden, Thomas Alden, John J. W. Alden, Edgar Pvt. Alden, Robin W. Alden, James Alder, George Alder, Alexander Alder, Sidney Barnett Alders, Robt. Alders, Edward Alders, Geo. Alf. Alderson, Ernest H. Alderson, Ernest Alderson, Sid Alderson, Lily Alderson, Ernest Henry Alderson, Florence Alderton, Fred Alderton, Walter J. Alderton, Richard Alderton, Oliver C. Alderton, Herbert Alderton, Frederick Aldhouse, Lily Aldis, Wm Aldons, Alfd Aldons, Alfred Aldons, Mary Aldons, Arthur Aldred, Albert Aldred, H. A. Aldridge, Francis / Frank Aldridge, Arthur Aldridge, Ada E. Aldridge, Lillian Aldridge, Rose F. Aldridge, Violet Aldridge, Lilian Louisa Aldridge, Lilian Aldridge, Ada F. Aldridge, Henry Aldridge, Alf. Chas. Aldridge, Harold Aldridge, John Leonard Aldridge, Joseph Charles Aldridge, Rebecca Aldridge, William Henry Leonard Alers-Hankey, Felicity Alers-Hankey, Anthony Alesia, Frances Alexander, Elizabeth Alexander, Frederick Alexander, Henry Alexander, John P. Alexander, Jill M. Alexander, Jack Alexander, Albert Alexander, Walter Weir Alexander, James Alexander, Earnest Alexander, Pamela A. Alexander, John Alexander, John Patrick Alexander, Mr. Alexander, Jackson Alexander, Lilian Alexander, Albert L. Alexander, Mary Alexander, Lizzie Alexander, Minnie Alexander, Thomas C. Alexander, Percy Alexander, Earnest A. Alexander, Charles Alexander, Thomas Alexander, J. Pvt. Alexander, Emily Mrs. Alexander, Henry W. T. Alexander, Thos. C. Alexandre, Ernest A. Aley, AnnIe Alford, William Alford, Charles William Alford, Chas. Alford, Amelia Alford, Chas. Wm. Alford, Mary Ellen Alford, Charles W. Mr. and Mrs. Alford, Charles W. Alford, Herbert Alford, Mary Alford, William G. Alford, Stephen Alfred, Nicholas Alfred, Peter Alfred, Thomas R. Alfred, Cowan Alger, Ada Alger, Florence E. Alger, Ellen Algie, Jas. Algie, Jas Alice, Princess Aligie, James Aljovin, Octavius Alkin, Annie Allabush, George Allabush, George Pvt. Allaby, John Edward Allam, Florence Allam, Jessie Allam, Edith Allan, Ernest Allan, James Allan, William (I) Allan, Rose Ellen Allan, A. (II) Allan, Florence Allan, Mary Allan, Bertha Allan, Robert Allan, Geo Allan, Mr. James Allan, Wm Allan, Edith Allan, Arthur Allan, Marjorie Dorothy Allan, Florence Mrs. Allan, Sarah Elizabeth Allan, David Allan, Glen Allard, Leonard Allard, Eliza Allard, Frederick C. Allard, William Allard, Fred Allbright, Ed. Geo. Allcorn, Wm Allcorn, Frank, Noel Allcorn, Wm. Allcorn, Frank Allcorn, Frank N. Allday, J. Allder, Gertrude Allder, Sidney Barnett Alldridge, John Leonard Alldridge, Violet Alldridge, Henry Alldridge, Arthur Alldridge, Rebecca Alldridge, William Henry Leonard Alldridge, Francis / Frank Allebone, Stanley, Leslie Allebone, Walter E. Allebone, Stanley Leslie Allebone, Walter Allebone, Stanley L. Allebonne, W.E. Allebonne, Walter E. Alleim, Elizth Allen, John H. Allen, Dorothy Allen, Bertha Allen, Edith Allen, Ada Allen, Lily Allen, Henry Allen, Fred J. Allen, William (3) Henry Allen, Lilian Allen, Allen, Frank N. Bakewell Allen, James Allen, Alfred W. Allen, Agnes Allen, Michael Allen, Joseph Allen, William Allen, Frank W. Allen, Archer Cecil Allen, Pamela K. P. Allen, Florence (2) (Mrs. M.) Allen, Albert A. Allen, Edith M. Allen, Edward (1) Allen, Lillian Mrs. Allen, Ada E Allen, Arthur Allen, Florence (1) Elizabeth Allen, Alfred C. Allen, Alfred Allen, Rosemary K. Allen, Isabella Allen, Bernard Allen, Noah Allen, A. E. Allen, Harriett Allen, Elsie Ellen (Mrs. Thomas) Allen, Daisy Allen, Ada E. Allen, Albert Avis Allen, Amelia Allen, Robert Allen, Bessie Allen, Edwin C. Allen, George Allen, Lilian M. Mrs. Allen, William (2) Edward Allen, Melbourne Allen, Kathleen Allen, Reginald Allen, Lionel Allen, Alice L. Mrs. Allen, Arth. Allen, Frederick John Allen, Maud Esther Allen, EnId Allen, Walter Allen, Viola Allen, Albert Edward Allen, Lionel A. S. Lieut. Allen, Sidney Allen, Lilian M. Allen, Frederick Allen, Clara Mrs. Allen, Herbert Allen, Nellie Rosina Allen, John Allen, Rose Allen, Thomas Allen, Ada Gwendolyn Allen, Lionel A.S. Allen, R.C. Rev. Allen, Shophia Mrs. Allen, Charles Allen, John S. L. Allen, Edward (2) Allen, Florence Allen, Private Allen, Prudence Allen, John D. C. Allen, Fred. Allen, Wm. Allen, Thomas (2) Henry Allen, Walter Fredk. Allen, Thomas (1) Allen, Willie Allen, Eva Allen, W. (III) Allen, William (1) Allen, Frances Allenbrooke, Paul Allenby, H.M.H. Alley, Emma Alley, Clara Celia Alley, Henry Herbert Alleyne, Elizabeth Alleyne, Georgina Alleyne, Georgina E. Alleyne, Edith Allibone, Herbert Edw. Allin, V.O. Mrs. Allin, Mrs. Allin, Norman C. Allin, Violet O. Mrs. Allinder, Elizabeth Allinder, Mary Allinder, Samuel Allinson, Herbt. A. Allision, F. Allison, Ed. A.J. Allison, James Allison, Elizabeth Allison, W. Geo. Allison, Frank Allison, James R. G. Allison, George Allman, Michael Allman, Sophia Allmark, John Henry Allnutt, Ernest Allnutt, Francis Benjamin Allport, Margaret Allport, Jno Hy Allport, Daisy Allport, William Thomas Allport, Elsie Allsey, Albert James Allsopp, Alfred Allsopp, George Allsopp, John Allsupp, John Allsupp, Eliza Allsupp, Mary Ann / Mary Jane Allsupp, M. A. Allsupp, Eliza Matty Allum, David Allum, MurIel Allum, Geo. Allum, Thomas George Allum, Edith Allum, George Allum, Elizabeth Allum, Allum, Geo. Wm. Allum, Jessie Allward, George Allway, Thomas Pvt. Allwell, Francis B Allwood, Henry William Allwork, Florence Allwork, Winifred Allwork, Winnifred Allwright, William Ernest Allwright, William E. Allwright, William Alman, Isaac Alpin, Arthur Alpin, Alfred Alsom, Alice Alsop, Norman Sgt. Alston, Donald James Alston, Margot Althrope, George Altrea, Dorothy Altrea, Dorothy Alice Altrea, Dorothea Altria, Dorothea Altria, Dorothy Altridge, George Samuel Alver, Ellen Alverez, Jane Alway, Walter George Alway, Walter Alway, Mrs. Alway, Walter G. Always, Walter G. Alwell, Jas. Alwell, James Ambler, Margaret E. Ambridge, Joseph Ambridge, Alfred E. Ambrose, F. Ambrose, Frederick, William Ambrose, Pullen Ambrose, Ad. Ambrose, Mary E. Ambrose, Frederick Ambrose, Ambrose, Frederick Wm. Ambrose, Adelaide Ambrose, Frederick William Amery, Mr. Ames, Sarah Ames, Albt. V. Ames, Lizzie Ames, Mildred D. Ames, Albt V Ames, Frank Ames, Henry / Harry Ames, William Ames, Mildred Amess, Walter Amess, Wm. J. Amess, Walter J. Amey, Elizabeth Amon, Stephen Amos, J. Amos, Enoch Amos, Job / Joseph Amos, Miss. Amott, Ethel Amps, Herbert Frank Amson, Samuel Amson, Samuel J. Ananias, Charles Anders, Thos Andersen, Percy Anderson, T.F. Anderson, Richard Anderson, William D. Anderson, Sophia Anderson, Percy Anderson, Christina Anderson, Walter Anderson, Anderson, Mr. Anderson, Fred Anderson, John Anderson, Agnes Anderson, R. Anderson, Widnum H. Anderson, Ellen Anderson, Leslie McL. Anderson, Henry Anderson, Sergeant-Major Anderson, Philip Anderson, Annie Anderson, Elizabeth Anderson, Ethel Anderson, Walter R. Anderson, May Mrs. Anderson, Georgina Anderson, William Anderson, Thomas Anderson, Geo Anderson, Jos. C. Anderson, Walter H. Anderson, Jane Anderson, Frederick Anderson, John E. Anderson, Miss. Anderson, Arthur J. Anderson, Charles Anderson, Sarah Anderson, Harry Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, Bertha Anderson, Samuel Anderson, Robert Anderson, Edward Anderson, Leslie Anderson, J. Anderson, Peter Anderson, Nellie Anderson, Kate Anderson, Eleanor I Anderson, Archibald Anderson, EmIly Anderson, Alfred Anderson, James C. Anderson, Fred. E. Anderson, Jon. H. Anderson, James Anderson, O.W. Mrs. Anderson, Berdella May Anderson, Ernest George Anderson, Neil Alex Anderson, Joseph Anderson, Albert Anderson, George Anderson, Fiona S. Anderson, J.W. Anderson, Edith (Mrs. Robert) Anderson, Michael Anderson, Mary Ann Anderson, Catherine Anderson, Leslie M. Anderson, George Frederick Anderson, Percy Ewing Anderson, Sir Robert, K.C.B., L.L.D. Anderson, Widnum Henry Anderson, Sheldon Anderson, Fred E. Anderson, Arthur John Anderson, Caroline Anderson, Jas. C. Anderson, Julia Anderson, S. Anderson, John Albert Edward Anderson, Mrs. Anderson, Percy E. Anderson, T. Frederick Anderson, Mrs. D J Anderson, Ellen S. Anderson, Robina Anderson, Gertrude Anderson, Percy G. Anderson, Mr. William Anderson, Thomas Frederick Anderson, Percy Guy Anderson, Rob Anderson, George F. Anderson, Arthur Anderson, Edith F. Anderson, John Foster Anderson, Isabella Anderson, Frederick E. Anderson, Letitia (Mrs.) Anderson, Alberta Anderton, Albert G. V. Anderton, John Anderton, Oliver C. Anderton, Chas. C. C. Andrew, Gordon Andrew, Hubertin Andrew, Joyce Andrew, Osmond Andrew, H Andrew, Matilda Andrew, R. Andrew, John Andrews, Arthur Andrews, Lily Andrews, Lizzie Andrews, Andrews, Jos. G. Andrews, Alice Andrews, C. A. Andrews, Emily Andrews, Sarah Ann Rebecca Andrews, Ellen Andrews, Ellen B. Andrews, Crock Andrews, Arthur R. Andrews, Lilly Andrews, Caroline Andrews, Nathaniel Andrews, Leslie J. Andrews, Bertram Andrews, Charles A. Andrews, Percy Andrews, Wm A Andrews, Joseph Jacob Andrews, Vernard Reginald Andrews, Thomas Andrews, Charles Andrews, John Henry Andrews, Geo. Andrews, Cecilia Andrews, Mary Andrews, Frederick Andrews, William Andrews, Hugh Andrews, Jos. J. Andrews, Frederick E. Andrews, E. Andrews, Ada Andrews, Albert E. Andrews, Walter W. Andrews, Arthur Richard Andrews, Annie Andrews, Ethel L Andrews, Laura N. Andrews, Kenneth H. Andrews, Mary Mrs. Andrews, Jean M. Andrews, Patricia M. Andrews, Andrew Andrews, Mr. Andrews, Jean Andrews, Annie D. Andrews, Isobel A. Andrews, Rebecca Andrews, Ethel Andrews, Thomas Ely Andrews, Alice D. Andrews, Walter Wm. Andrews, Osmond Andrews, Bertram A. Andrews, Edward Andrews, Annie E. Andrews, Doris Anelay, Percy Anelay, Percy W. Angell, Reginald George Corporal Angell, Reginald J. Angold, Dorothy Angold, Dorothy M. Angove, Clara Angrove, Elizabeth Angrove, Clara Angus, Rachel Angus, James Anile, P Anker, Ernest Annal, Fred Annall, Frederick Wm. Annan, William Annesley, Ethel Patricia Annesley, Eileen Annett, Fred Annett, Lily Annis, George A. Anscombe, Queenie May Anscombe, William Andrew Ansell, Jos. R. Ansell, Jack Ansell, Geoffrey Ansell, Charles Ansell, Thomas Ansell, Alfred W. Ansell, Alfred Wm. Ansell, Joseph Randall Ansley, James H. Ansley, Violet Ansley, Jas. H. Anslow, Ruth Anson, John Anson, Norah Mrs. Anson, Kate Anson, William Ansted, Alfred C. Antcliff, Robert Edward Antcliffe, Robert E. Anthistle, Ed. A. Anthistle, Edward Arthur Anthony, William Anthony, J. Anthony, CarolIne Anthony, Sidney Arthur Anthony, Joseph Anthwistle, Ernest Frank Antram, Sidney John Antram, Sidney Antwhistle, Ed. A. Antwis, Robt. L. Antworth, Lily (Mrs. Charles) Anwyl, William Aplin, Arthur Aplin, Albert Aplin, Harriet Aplin, Mrs. Apperby, Richard Edwards Apperley, William Wynne Appin, Arthur Appleby, Florence Appleby, Hugh L. Appleby, Jos. Appleby, Frank Appleby, N. Appleby, Frank E. Appleby, Lily Appleby, Mary Appleby, Josephine Appleby, Fred A. Appleby, Florence N. Appleby, May Appleby, Frederick Alfred Appleby, Geo Applegate, Stanley Appleton, Elizabeth E. Appleton, Ellen M. Appleton, George E. Appleton, Elizabeth Louisa Emma Appleton, C. Vivian Appleton, Alf. Appleton, Ellen Appleton, Charles Appleton, Elizabeth Appleton, Chas. Appleyard, Frederick Appling, Arthur Apps, T. W. Apps, Willie Arber, Edith Arbon, George Arbon, Herbert Arbor, Edith Arbourne, Fred A. Arbourne, Harry G. Arbourne, Cecil Arbourne, Fred Arbourne, Frederick Arthur Arbourne, Frederick Arburne, H. Arch, William A. Arch, Walter Joseph Arch, Alfred Arch, William Arch(I)Bald, George Archdale, Wm. Archer, Ivy Archer, Charles Frederick Archer, Ethel Archer, Cyril Arthur Archer, Philip J. Archer, Leonora Archer, Frederick Archer, Alfred W. Archer, Emma Archer, Clara Archer, Edith Archer, Richard Archer, Maud Archer, Frank Archer, Archer, Eliza Archer, Jane Archer, Harry Archer, Thomas Albert Archer, John Archer, Maude Archer, Jesse Archer, A. Archer, Cyril A. Archer, Philip James Archibald, Irvine Archibald, Sara Arcus, Janet Ardagh, Judge, His Honour Ardagh, Holford Ardagh, A. P. Dr. Ardagh, Ardagh, Judge Ardashes, John Arden, Annie Arden, Sidney F. Arden, Daisy Arden, Daisy A. Arden, Annie B. Ardour, William Argent, Daisy Argent, Ernest Argent, Daisy Gertrude Argent, Julia Amelia Argent, Julia Argent, John W. Argent, E.T. Argent, Ernest Thomas Argent, Ernest T. Argo, Alexander Argo, Alick Argue, James Argument, Argyle, Elsie Annie Arhey, John E. Arias, George Aris, George Ariss, Joseph Ariss, George Arkell, Raymond Arlin, Arthur Armagh, The Most Rev. the Lord Archbishop of, DD Armisread, Albert Mr. Armistad, Armistead, Armistead, Albert Armistead, Albert Mr. Armitage, Herbert Armitage, Mr. and Miss. Armitage, Walter Armitage, Mr. Armitage, John Armitage, Miss. Armitage, Mr. and Mrs. Armitage, John E. Armitage, Leopold Armitage, H. G. Armour, Richard Armour, Alexander Fleming Armour, Hugh J. Armour, Hugh Armson, Edgar Armstrong, W.E. Armstrong, Charlotte Armstrong, Sarah J. Armstrong, Miss. Armstrong, Eva. Mrs. Armstrong, Barbara Armstrong, Alfred Armstrong, David Armstrong, Christie Armstrong, Sidney Armstrong, Kate Armstrong, Frank Armstrong, Wm. H. Armstrong, John Henry Armstrong, W. Armstrong, Celia (Mrs. William (1)) Armstrong, James D. Armstrong, John Armstrong, Mr. Armstrong, Stephen Armstrong, Hazel Armstrong, Charles Armstrong, Robert Armstrong, William (1) Armstrong, William (2) Armstrong, Agnes Mrs. Armstrong, Thomas Armstrong, Joseph Armstrong, Wm. Sr. Armstrong, George Armstrong, Jane Ann Armstrong, Albert E. V. Armstrong, I. A. Templeton Armstrong, Albert Armstrong, Jane Armstrong, Alfred William Armstrong, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Armstrong, Daisy L. Armstrong, Templeton Miss. Armstrong, Emily Armstrong, Bert W. Armstrong, Sarah Armstrong, Robt. Armstrong, William H. Armstrong, Mrs. W.R. Armstrong, Ethel Armstrong, Alice S. Armstrong, H. Armstrong, Victor A.E. Arnison, Kenneth Arnold, Daisy Arnold, Daisy E. Arnold, Norman Arnold, Oliver Arnold, Emily Jane Arnold, Antoine Arnold, Maurice Arnold, Edward E. Arnold, Jessie Arnold, Mr. Arnold, Elijah Arnold, Bessie Arnold, Art W. Arnold, Emily Arnold, Edw. Arnold, William Charles Arnold, Frank Arnold, Percy A. Sgt. Arnold, John Arnold, William C. Arnold, Ada Arnold, Percy A. Arnold, Oliver S. Arnold, Thomas Arnold, John Henry Arnold, Keziah Arnold, Art. G. Arnold, Percy Alexander Arnold, Thos Arnold, Kate Arnold, Arthur Mrs. Arnold, F. W. Arnold, Ada M. Arnold, Robert James Arnold, E. Arnold, Robert Arnold, W. Chas. Arnold, Albert Arnold, ElIzabeth Arnold, Oliver Samuel Pvt. Arnold, Ellen Arnold, Thos. Arnold, Arthur G. Arnold, Thos. W. Arnold, Donald Arnold, Hy C Arnott, Thos Arnott, Dr. & Mrs Arnott, Jane Arnott, Thomas Arnott, Gerald C. Arnull, John Edward Arnull, Wm. T. Arnull, Jno. E. Arnull, William Thomas Arris, George E. Arron, George Arrowsmith, David E.H. Arrowsmith, David Edward Hy. Arrowsmith, Wm Arrowsmith, Florence Arrowsmith, David Arters, Henry Charles Arthey, Jno. E. Arthrell, W. J. Arthur, George Arthur, P.M. Arthur, Joseph Arthur, Frank Arthur, Chester Arthur J., Phillips Arthurs ?, Annie Arthurton, Frederick J. Arthurton, Frederick John Arthurton, Mr. and Mrs. Arthy, Frederick Artus, Henry Charles Arundel, Emily Mrs. Arundel, Alfred Thomas Asbary, Edwin / Ernest Charles Asbury, Cecilia Asbury, Robert Asbury, Edwin / Ernest Charles Ascoli, H. A. Pvt. Ascot, Arthur J. Ascott, Arthur Ascott, Arthur John Ash, Florence Ash, Christopher Ash, Ernest Albert Ash, Thomas Ash, Harry Ash, Frank A. Ash, Charlie Ash, Reginald S.F. Ash, R.S.F. Ash, Charles J. Ash, Chris Ash, William Thomas Nivel Ash, James R. Ash, T. Ash, Mrs. Ash, Ernest W. Ash, Chas. J. Ash, Dorothy M. Ashbee, John Ashbee, John E. Ashburn, Richard Ashburn, Alfred / Arthur Ashburne, Richard Ashbury, Cecilia Ashbury, George Henry Ashby, Willie Ashby, Jim /James Ashby, Percy Ashby, Rebecca Ashby, Ada A. Ashby, John Ashby, Emily Ashby, Nellie Ashby, Ashby, Bryan / Bryon Ashby, Alice Ada Ashby, Nellie Ethel Ashby, Letitia Ashby, Harry Ashby, Jno. Ashby, Arthur Ashby, Frederick Ashby, Beatrice Ashby, John E. Ashby, Charles Ashby, Fred Ashby, Rose H. Ashby, Beatrice L. Ashby, William E. Ashby, D. Ashby, Rose Ashby, Joseph Ashby, Letitia J. Ashcroft, J. Ashcroft, Albert Edward Pvt. Ashcroft, William Ashdon, Wm S Ashdown, George Ashdown, Annie Ashdown, J.H. Ashdown, Jesse Ashdown, Bridget Ashdown, Wallace Ashdown, Samuel Ashdown, Benj. Ashdown, Annie Emily Ashe, Dorothy Ashe, John Ashely, Percy Ashenburst, Ida Mrs. Ashenhurst, W.C. Mrs. Asher, Thomas Asher, John Asher, Walter Pvt. Ashfield, George E. Ashfield, Ernest Ashford, Harry Ashford, Alice Ashford, George Ashford, J. Arthur Ashford, Alice C. Ashford, Archer M. Ashford, Archie M. Ashford, Arthur Ashford, Arthur Joseph Ashford, Jno. Ashford, Bertram Clement Ashford, Archibald M. Ashforth, Florence May Ashley, Wm. Ashley, T. Ashley, Harold V. Ashley, Frank Ashley, Joseph Ashley, Harold Ashley, Alfred H. Ashley, Ernest Ashlyn, Horace Ashman, Adelaide Ashman, Fred Ashman, W. R. Ashmore, Minnie Esther Ashmore, Grace A. Ashmore, Arthur Ashmore, Ellen Ashmore, William Ashmore, Albert A. Ashmore, Mary E. Ashmore, Art Ashmore, A. Ashmore, Grace Ashmore, Amelia Ashmore, Sarah J. Ashmore, Ellen (Nellie) Ashmore, Minnie Ashmore, Helena / Ellen Ashton, John Ashton, Florence Ashton, James Ashton, Leon Ashton, Joseph Ashton, Charles Ashton, William Wilson Ashton, William Ashton, Wm. W. Ashton, Annie Ashton, Henry Ashton, Arthur Ashton, Richard Ashton, Albert Ashton, Sidney or Sydney Ashton, Sidney Ashton, Frederick Ashton, Edgar Ashton, Leonard Thomas Ashton, Ada Ashton, Harriet Ashton, Samuel Ashton, Percy Ashton, Jas. Ashton, Julia / Flossie Ashurst, John Ashurst, John H. Ashurst, John S. Ashwell, Thomas William Ashwell, Alice Ashwin, Ethel M. Ashwood, Louisa Ashworth, Richard Ashworth, Geo. Ashworth, Wm Ashworth, Geo. F. Ashworth, Florence May Ashworth, Louisa Ashworth, William John Ashworth, Wm. Ashworth, Florence Ashworth, George Ashworth, Walter C. G. Asken, Louisa Askew, Alfred George Askew, Alfred G. Askew, Robt. Askew, Robt Askew, Minnie Askey, C. Aslagsen, Norman Aslagsen, Edward Aslagsen, Alfred Aslagsfn, Alfred Asleford, Joseph Aslett, Frederick Aslin, Mary Patricia Aslin, Ann Marjorie Asnell, Charles Aspden, Margaret Aspden, Jack Aspden, J. W. Aspden, T. Aspdia, Margaret Aspdin, Jack Aspdin, Margaret Aspeden, Margaret Aspen, Jack Aspinall, Alfred Aspinall, Peter Aspinall, T.A. Mr. Aspinall, Joseph Aspinall, Fred Aspinall, Alf Aspinall, Christmas Assadourian, Setrag Asselin, Elsie Wallace Asselstine, Maggie Assent ?, William Alfred Astley, Albert E. Astley, Emma / Emily Astley, James Henry Astley, Rosina Astley, A. E. Pvt. Astley, Kenneth Alfred Jas. Aston, Charles Aston, James A. Aston, James Aston, Abraham Aston, Joseph Aston, Roland Aston, Clarence Penrhyn Aston, Frederick Aston, Jim Aston, Roland Thomas Pvt. Aston, John A. Aston, Sidney Aston, Mary Ann Aston, James Alfred Aston, Lily Aston, Susan Astridge, A. Atack, James Atack, James A. Atack, Jas. Atchison, Kate Athen, C Atherall, P. Atherton, Edwd Atherton, William E. Atherton, Edward W. Atherton, Herbert F. Atherton, Esther Atherton, William Athinson, Annie Athole, Lizzie Athole, Maude Athole, Martha Athy, Alice Atichison, W.J. Atkin, Florence Atkins, Eva Atkins, Bertram Atkins, Eva M. Atkins, Herbert Atkins, Alfred G. E. Atkins, Alfred Atkins, Florence Atkins, Elsie Atkins, Florence M. Atkins, William Arthur Atkins, Ernest Atkins, Frederick (1) Atkins, George Atkins, Wm. A. Atkins, Samuel Frederick Atkins, Kenneth Thomas Atkins, Florence Mabel Atkins, Mabel Atkins, Harold Percy Atkins, Tommy Atkins, John Atkins, Frederick (2) Atkins, Selina Atkins, Wm. Atkins, Albert / Harold Albert Atkins, John Mrs. Atkins, Oscar Atkins, Ellen Atkins, Susan Atkins, Francis H. Y. Atkins, Hebert Pvt. Atkins, Sidney Atkinson, Lavina Atkinson, Elizabeth Atkinson, Anita Atkinson, Hilda Atkinson, Ellen Atkinson, Ethel Atkinson, Minnie Atkinson, Arthur Atkinson, Jos. Atkinson, John H. Atkinson, Isabel Atkinson, Maud Atkinson, Hazel Atkinson, Walter Mr. Atkinson, Eliza Atkinson, Harriet Atkinson, Eliza K. Atkinson, Alice Atkinson, T.E. Atkinson, Robert Pvt. Atkinson, Alexander Atkinson, Annie Atkinson, Louisa Atkinson, Henry Atkinson, Robert Atkinson, Robt. Atkinson, John Atkinson, Thos. E. Atkinson, Amelia Atkinson, James Atkinson, Florence Atkinson, Elizabeth K. Atkinson, G. Atkinson, Grantley W Gilbert Atkinson, R. C. Atkinson, Mary E. Atkinson, Thomas E. Atkinson, Bartholomew Atkinson, Norah Atkinson, Jessie Atkinson, Thomas Ernest Atkinson, Eliza King Atkinson, Lavinia Atkinson, Emily Attenborough, Winifred Attenborough, Alfred Attenborough, Emily M. Attenborough, Michael Attenborough, Frank Attenborough, Emily Atterbury, Wm. Edward Attfield, Edward E. Attfield, Chas. Attfield, Charles Attfield, Kate Attick, Lousia Attoe, Fred H. Attoe, Percy T. Attoe, Fred. H. Attwell, Alfred A. Attwell, Alfred Attwell, Fred. Thomas Attwoll, William H. Attwood, Agnes Attwood, Frank Attwood, Alfred Attwood, W. A. Attwood, William H. Attwood, Beatrice May Attwood, George Attwood, Henry William Attwood, Louisa Attwool, Frederick Chas. Attwooll, Frederick C. Atwell, Bertha (Mrs. Brenton) Atwell, Alfred Atwell, Alfred A. Atwood, Agnes Atwood, W. Aubrey, Elizabeth Aubrey, Alexander Auburn, Eddie Aucutt, Elizabeth Aucutt, John Auden, Mary Auden, Digby Audley, James Audley, Robert Audrey, Mrs. Ernest L. Augurs, Jasper Aukett, Fanny Auld, Alexander Pvt. Auld, Mary Auld, Kate Auld, James Aulton, Alice Ada Austen, Jos. Austen, James Austey, Fredk Austin, Mrs. C. Austin, Henry Austin, George H. Austin, Daisy E. Austin, William W. Austin, Jonathan S. Austin, Wm. Alf. Austin, Wm. W. Austin, Ernest I. Austin, Alfred James Austin, Charles W.A. Austin, Thomas Austin, Daisy Austin, Hilda Austin, George Austin, James E. Mr. Austin, Jonathan Austin, George Henry Austin, Anne Austin, Rose Austin, Robt. Austin, Harry Oscar Austin, Patricia Austin, Edward H. Austin, Ethel Austin, Stanley A. Austin, Charles Austin, Eliza Austin, James Austin, Arthur W. Austin, John E. Austin, William Austin, Robert Wibberly Austin, James H.R. Austin, Tommy Austin, Henry George Austin, John Austin, Ernest J. Austin, William Weston Austin, Charles H. Austin, Ernest John Austin, Frederick (1) Austin, W.W. Austin, Horatio Walwin Austin, Marygold Austin, Frederick (2) Austin, Geo. H. Austin, Chas. W.A. Austin, John Saunders Austin, Frederick Walter Austin, Alice Austin, George Herbert Authurthon, Frederick J. Auton, Kate B. Avarne, Rozel Averhill, Ernest John Averill, Ernest John Avery, Henry Avery, Frederick Avery, Bertie Avery, Charles W. Avery, Sarah Avery, Fred. Avery, Leonard Avery, Wm. Avery, William Avery, C. W. Avery, Percy Avery, Charles Aves, Rose Aves, William J. Aves, Joseph J. Aves, James Avey, EmIly Avis, William T. Avis, W.T. Avis, Wm. T. Avis, Fred Avris, Henry Avriss, Henry Awdas, Ernest Lawrence Axtel, Sarah Ann (Mrs.) Axtell, Percy Axtell, Walter Axworthy, Clifford Axworthy, Albert Aycliffe, Robert John Aycliffe, Robert J. Aye, Laura Ayer, John Ayers, Beatrice Ayers, Harry Ayers, Margaret Ayers, Fred Ayers, Edith Ayers, Henry Wm. Ayers, Emily Ayers, Annie E. Aykroyd, Peter Aylen, Leslie Ayles, Frederick Arthur Pvt. Ayles, Daisy Ayles, F. Ayles, Edith M. Ayles, Fred Aylett, Maggie Aylett, Horace Ayliffe, Robert J. Ayling, Oliver Ayling, William Ayling, William D. Ayling, Gertrude Ayling, Florence Ayling, Florence E. Ayling, Wm. D. Aylott, Horace S. Aylott, Horace Aylward, George Aylwin, Arthur E. Aylwin, Ernest Aylwin, Art. E. Aylwin, Arthur Edmund Pvt. Aynsley, W. G. Ayr, Beatrice Ayre, David Ayre, Joseph Ayre, Arthur Ayre, Conrad Ayres, ElIzabeth Ayres, Edward Ayres, Emily Ayres, Elsie Ayres, Margaret Ayres, Ivy Ayres, John Ayres, Beatrice Ayres, Edward John Ayres, Lillian Ayres, Edith M. Ayres, Clara Ayres, Grace Ayres, Lucy Ayres, Edith Ayres, Frederick Ayres, William Ayres, Henry Ayres, Joseph Ayres, Fred Ayris, William B, Lily B, M.R. B., R. B., Walter B., A. B., J. B., F. B., M. Baalim, Arth. G. Baalim, Emily Baalim, Art G. Baalim, Arthur G. Baalim, Arthur Baalim, Arthur Geo. Baalim, Arthur George Babb, Herbert Babb, William B. Babbey, Nellie Babbey, Jack Babbey, John Sidney Babbey, James Babbey, John S. Babbey, John Babbey, Nell Babbidge, Elizabeth Babbidge, Agnes Babby, Nellie Babe, Mr. Joseph Baber, Harold R. Babey, Nellie Babington, HarrIet Babkirk, Laura (Mrs. Lawrence) Babridge, Lucy Babridge, Agnes Bacchus, Emily Bachaly, Ethel Bache, Thomas Bachelor, H. Backhouse, Thomas Backhouse, A. P. Backhurst, Frank Backshall, Charles A.E. Backus, Sally Margaret Bacon, Florence Bacon, Ernest P. Bacon, Gladys Bacon, Gladys M. Bacon, Rosina (Rose) May Bacon, Ed. J. Bacon, Florence E. Bacon, Robert Bacon, Glady M. Bacon, Arthur L. Bacon, Elizabeth Bacon, William Hudson Bacon, Paul Bacon, William Badby, Arthur Reginald Badcock, Arthur Badcock, Art Baddiley, James Victor Baden-Powell, General Badenoch, Elspeth Margaret D. Badenoch, Catriona Mary M. Badgley, Mrs. Jack Badgley, Staff Sergeant Badly, Arthur Reginald Badman, Bertram A. Badock, Robert F. Bael, Patricia Bael, Peter Bage, Elizabeth P. Bage, Agnes Isa Baggaley, Jessie Baggallay, Arthur R. Baggallay, Arthur Rodney Baggalley, Arthur Rodney Baggott, Horace E. Baggott, Horace Edgar Pvt. Baggott, Minnie Baggott, Annie Baggott, Clara Baggs, Alfred Bagley, Leonard Bagley, William Bagley, Alfred J. Bagley, Annie Dorothy Bagley, Walter A.H. Bagley, Edward Bagley, Richard Charles Bagley, William (2) Henry Bagley, Walter Ambrose Bagley, William (1) Bagnall, James R. Bagnall, Elizabeth Bagnall, James (1) Bagnell, Charlie Bagnell, Chas. Bagnell, James R. Bagnell, Lily Elizabeth Bagot, Annie Bagshaw, Catherine Mrs. Bagshaw, James (2) Bagshaw, Frederick Henry Bagshaw, Thomas Harold Bagust, Albert Bagust, Albert E. Baher, Francis Bailes, Mary W. Bailes, John Bailey, William Bailey, Alexandra V. Bailey, Maud Bailey, John Bailey, John (Jack) Bailey, John H. McL. Bailey, Elizabeth Bailey, Catherine Bailey, Joseph E. Bailey, Cecil James Bailey, Arthur Bailey, Fanny Bailey, Walter Bailey, Joseph Ernest Bailey, Amelia Bailey, Anthony M. Bailey, Mabel Bailey, Joseph Bailey, Annie Bailey, Kate Bailey, Stanley Bailey, Frederick G. Bailey, Edward Bailey, Maud M. Bailey, Beatrice Bailey, Albert G. Bailey, Mary Ann Bailey, Mr. Bailey, Eva Adelaide Bailey, Violet Bailey, Harriet W. Bailey, Anne Bailey, Eva Bailey, Frank Bailey, Frederick W. Bailey, Wilfrid George Bailey, Arthur Henry Pvt. Bailey, Norton Bailey, Private Bailey, Oliver Bailey, Ernest Bailey, R. G. Bailey, Emily Bailey, Dorothy (Mrs. William John) Bailey, Wm Geo Bailey, Winifred Bailey, Thomas Bailey, Christopher Bailey, Alexander Bailey, Lizzie Bailey, J. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey, Nita Blanche Bailey, Harriett Winnifred Bailey, Elsie Bailey, Fred Bailey, Anthony Mansfield Bailey, maud Bailey, Jessica Mrs. Bailey, John H. Bailey, Archd W Bailey, Chas. Bailey, Alberta Bailey, Ruth Bailey, Albert Bailey, Peter Bailey, Arthur H. Bailey, Wm. Geo. Bailey, James Bailey, John H.V. Bailey, George Bailie, Lizzie Bailie, Jeannette Baill, Mary Jane Bailley, J. Mr. Baillie, James E. Baillie, James E. Mrs. Baillie, J.E. Esq. Baillie, James E. Esq. Baily, William H. Bain, J. Bain, Edith Gertrude Bain, William "Scotty" Bain, Robert Bain, William A. Mr. Bain, JessIe Bain, Duncan Bain, James Bainbridge, Robert J. Bainbridge, Catherine Bainbridge, Dorothy Bainbridge, Edward Bainbridge, Jane Bainbridge, Robt. C. Baines, James Baines, John Baines, Guy V. Baines, Richard Baines, Lawrence Baines, John W. Baines, Evelyn Mary Baines, Albert E. Baines, John Walter Baines, Elsie Baines, William Baines, Rhoda M. Bains, Lawrence Bains, John Baird, Margaret Baird, John Baird, Catherine Baird, Andrew Baird, Viva Charles Baird, Daniel Baird, And Baird, Alex Baird, Viva Baird, Elizabeth Baird, James |
Baird, Kate Baird, Sidney George Pvt. Baird, Margret Baird, Alex. Bakeman, Louise Baker, Edith Baker, Oliver Baker, Chas. Baker, William James Baker, William Baker, W.R. Mr. Baker, Arthur W. Baker, E. Baker, Oliver G. St. J. Baker, Mr. Baker, Thomas Baker, John Baker, Nathaniel Baker, Arthur Woodhouse Baker, John Nathaniel Baker, Michael Baker, Kate Baker, Emma Baker, Elsie Wallace Baker, Ernest A. Baker, Bessie Baker, Lilian Eva Baker, Maire Baker, Richard Baker, Frdk Baker, Frank Baker, Thomas Goldie Baker, Dorothy G. Baker, Leonard Baker, Ellen Baker, Jason Baker, Herbert Baker, A. J. Mrs. Baker, Emily Baker, Charles Baker, Ernest Baker, Albert Baker, Gertrude Baker, Leonard Frederick Baker, Marie Baker, Venice I. Baker, William Mr. Baker, H. J. Baker, Jessie Baker, David A. Baker, Abraham J. Baker, Ivy M. Baker, Alfred Baker, Hy. R. Baker, Douglas Baker, Frederick Baker, Walter Baker, Janet M. Baker, Henry Baker, Ann Baker, William (3) Baker, Charles (2) Baker, Tom Baker, May Baker, William (4) Thomas Baker, Mabel Baker, A. E. Rev. Baker, W.A. Baker, Charles H. Baker, Edward G. Baker, Beatrice A. Baker, Fanny Baker, Daisy Baker, Hy. W.17 Baker, William, Esq. M.A. L.L.B. Baker, John H. Baker, Edward V. Baker, Edwin G. Baker, Viola Mildred Baker, Ethel Baker, Baker, Thomas (2) Baker, Dorothy Baker, Alfred Augustus Baker, Phyllis Baker, Alice R. Baker, Edith A. Baker, George (1) Baker, Frederick Daniel Baker, Louis C. Baker, George Baker, L. Baker, Arthur J. Baker, J. A. Pvt. Baker, Lydia Baker, Jane Baker, N. Baker, Henry F. Baker, C. Mrs. Baker, Ada Baker, Hy R Baker, Catherine Baker, Willie Baker, Annie Baker, George (2) Baker, Joseph Baker, Pamela Baker, Jeremiah Baker, Mr. and Mrs. R.H. Baker, Elizabeth Baker, William Mr. M. A. L.L.B. Baker, Thomas (1) Baker, Louis Charles Baker, Oscar Baker, Lilian E. Baker, Davis Baker, Joseph Ernest Baker, Edwin W. F. Baker, Louisa Baker, Edith M. Baker, William (2) Baker, Tiny Baker, Oliver G. Baker, Emily Theresa Baker, Chas Baker, Andrew Giles Baker, William (1) Baker, Edwd W Baker, Alfred (2) Baker, Mrs. Jas. Baker, S. Winnifred G. Baker, Alfred (1) Baker, Joseph E.A. Baker, Jas. H. Baker, Charles (1) Baker, Helen L. Mrs. Baker, Geo. W. Baker, Maggie Baker, Harold William Baker, Gilbert S. Baker, Jas Baker, Alfred A. Baker, Dorothy M. Baker, Amy Baker, Sarah Baker, Fred Baker, Winifred Baker, Adrian Hilary Baker, Emily Maud Baker, Mrs. Baker, David Baker, Lizzie Baker, Frances Baker, George Albany Baker, Gladys M. Baker, Matthew John Baker, Eva L. Baker, Fred Wm. Baker, Florence Camelia Baker, Ernest F. Baker, Oliver St. J. Baker, Herbert Frank Baker, John Joseph Baker, Alfred Pvt. Baker, William Arthur Baker, Hy W Baker, Eva Baker, Arthur James Baker, Charles L. Baker, James Bradshaw Baker, Walter Bradburn Baker, Minnie Clara Baker, Ab. J. Baker, Hy. W. Baker, Charles Smith Baker, Emma Theresa Bakewell, Frank Neville Bakewell, Mary Balack, Mr. Balance, Christopher Balance, Isaac Balance, Ossac Balch, William J. Balchin, William Balckburn, Lavinia Balcombe, Stewart Balcombe, L. Balcombe, Frederick Balcombe, Flora E. Mrs. Baldey, Alfred Charles Baldey, Reginald Balding, Caroline Baldock, J.G. Baldock, Sarah Baldry, Rose Baldry, Elizabeth Baldry, Ellen Baldwin, Fred Baldwin, Charles Samuel Baldwin, Arthur Stanley Baldwin, Edward Baldwin, Thomas E. Baldwin, A. S. Baldwin, Leslie Baldwin, Emma Baldwin, Fredk Baldwin, Ada E Baldwin, Alfred Baldwin, Lily/Ethel Baldwin, Mary Baldwin, Mrs. Jane Baldwin, John Baldwin, Wm. Baldwin, Nellie Baldwin, Joseph Baldwin, Willm. Baldwin, I. E. Baldwin, Grace M. Baldwin, Grace Baldwin, Augusta Baldwin, William Baldwin, Herbert C, Baldwin, J. L. Baldwin, Charles Baldwin, Collin Baldwin, Ernest Baldwin, Francis P. Baldwin, William, Jeffrey Baldwin, Grace May Bale, James Auther Pvt. Bale, Arthur S. Bale, Stanley Bale, Arthur H. Bale, Walter Bales, Clara Bales, Maria Bales, Clara Louisa Bales, Walter Bales, Clara L. Baley, Winnifred Balinent, Alfred Balkman, Millie Balkwell, Louie Balkwell, Millie Balkwill, Amelia Balkwill, Louisa Balkwill, Herman Balkwill, Maurice I. Ball, Margaret E. Ball, Thomas Ball, Harriett Ball, George O. Ball, Barbara Elsie Ball, Sarah Ball, George E. J. Ball, David Ball, Albert Stanley Ball, Lilian G. Ball, Albert Victor Ball, Mary Ball, Robt Ball, Lily Ball, Margaret Ball, Edward Ball, Harry Ball, Robt. Ball, Wm E Ball, Irene M. Ball, Elizabeth Ball, Gladys M. Mrs. Ball, Charles G. Ball, Florence Beatrice Ball, Wm. Ball, Charles Ball, Emily Ball, Lizzie Ball, Harriet Ball, Joseph Ball, W.D. Ball, Louisa Ball, Amelia Ball, Mary Ann Ball, Herbert Ball, George (2) Ball, Alf. Ball, Frank Leslie Ball, Alice Ball, Chas. Ball, Albert Ball, Daisy Ball, George Ball, John Geoffrey Ball, Sidney Ball, Albert S. Ball, Mary A Ball, John Ball, Charles F. Ball, R. T. Ball, George (1) Ball, Leonard G. Ball, William George Ball, Lucy Ball, Charles Fred. Ball, Geo. D. Ball, William Ball, George (3) Ball, James Ball, Arthur James Ballance, Christopher Ballance, Christoper Ballance, A.W., Esq Ballance, Isaac Ballance, Issac Ballantyne, R.T. Rev. Ballantyne, Robert Barn Pvt. Ballard, Alice E. Ballard, Thomas Hy. Ballard, Katie Ballard, William Thomas Ballard, Alfred Ballard, Wm. J. Ballard, Albert Ballard, Leah Ballard, Arthur Ballard, Walter Ballard, Frank Ballard, Ann Elizabeth Ballard, Rose Ballard, George Ballard, Raymond Lloyd Ballard, Ada Ballard, Fred Ballard, W. Pvt. Ballard and Harrison, Leah Ballenger, John Thomas Ballenger, James David Ballentine, Emily (Mrs. Robert) Balley, Fred G. Balls, Alice Balls, Edward Balme, Oliver Balmer, Edmund Cecil Balmer, Arthur Edward Ashton Balmford, James Balmforth, Beatrice Balson, William Baltus, Jas. H. Baltus, Francis Philip Baltus, Frank Baltus, Francis P. Baltus, James Hazel Baltus, Edwin Henry Baltus, Fras. P Balwent, Alfred Bamber, Captain Bamber, George Bambrick, Albert Bambrick, Frederick Bambrick, Fredk Bambridge, Ada Gertrude Bambridge, Ada Bambury, Charles Bamford, George J. Bamford, Albert A. Bamford, Jack Bamford, Harold Bamford, George J. Pvt. Bamford, David Bamford, Edward Bamlett, Alfred Bamsay, Laura Bamsey, Laura Bamsey, Joseph F. Bamsey, Joseph Frederick Bamsey, Joseph Frank Pvt. Bamwell, H. Mr. Banbridge, Ada Bance, Elsie Bancks, Arthur Rundell Billings B. Bandy, George Banes, Victoria Banfield, Frederick W. Banfield, Fred Banfield, Fred. W. Banfield, Robert Thomas Bang, J. Bangay, William A. Banger, William Bangs, Jos. Bangs, William Bangs, Willie Banham, Betty Banham, Ernest Fras. Banham, MarIa Banham, Mavis Banham, Edward Joseph Banham, Ernest F. Banham, Ada Banham, Phyllis Banister, Mr. Banister, Philip Banister, Howard Rev. Bank, Edwin G. Banks, William Thomas Banks, Minnie M. Banks, Harry Banks, Garth Banks, Charles Banks, Minnie M Banks, Hilda Banks, Minnie Banks, F. B. Banks, William T. Banks, Sarah Alice Banks, Lilly Banks, Hannah Banks, Harry A. Banks, Arthur R.B.B. Banks, Herbert Banks, Edwin G. Banks, Henry Banks, John Banks, Ivy Banks, Victor Banks, J.E. Banks, Arthur G. Banks, Herbert Henry Banks, Eleanor Banks, Henry J. Banks, Thomas Banks, Rose Banks, Elizabeth Banks, James C. Bann, Arthur Banner, Jane Banner, Thomas Banner, Laura Banner, Mary Eliz'th Banner, Wm. A. Banner, William Banning, Jane Banning, Hubert Bannister, Arthur James Bannister, C. Bannister, John Bannister, Ivy M. Mrs. Bannister, A. Corporal Bannister, Arthur Reginald Bannock, Henry Bannon, Thomas Bannon, Maureen Bansey, Joseph Frank Bansey, Laura Banstead, John Bant, Nigel Banwell, John Robert Banyard, Cyril F. Barber, Charles Alfred John Barber, David R. Barber, Chas. Barber, Ernest Ford Barber, Barber, Wm. Barber, William Barber, A. Barber, G. Barber, Rose Barber, John Mildmay Barber, John Barber, Harold P. Barber, Edward Barber, Phyllis Barber, Ann Barber, Walter Barber, James Barber, Ethel Barber, A. Mrs. Barber, Herbert W. Barbey, Eleanor E. Barbey, Eleanor Barbour, Lily Mrs. Barbour, Lilly Mrs. Barby, Eleanor Barclay, Alexander Pvt. Barclay, Mrs. Barclay, Edward C. Barclay, William Campbell Barclay, Robert L. Esq, MA, JP Barclay, [V]ery Barclay, E. Barcley, William Campbell Barefoot, Percy Barefoot, Arch. Barefoot, Arthur Barfoot, Alice Barfoot, Bessie Barford, Fred Barge, Walter C. Barge, A. A. Pvt. Barge, Alfred A. Barge, William Barge, William C. Barge, Alfred A Barge, Walter Barham, Leonard R. Barham, L. R. Pvt. Barham, Frederick William Barham, Ada Barington, Avis Barington, Ada Bark, Ruben Bark, Percy Bark, P. Pvt. Barker, Ann Barker, Elsie Wallace Barker, Annie Barker, Mary Barker, John Barker, William Barker, Richard Barker, Ada Barker, Ellen Barker, Austin Barker, Frances Barker, Edith Barker, Charles W. Barker, A.A. Barker, Joshua Barker, Francis Barker, Wm. D. Barker, George (1) Barker, Mary E. Barker, Alex Barker, Elizabeth Barker, William D. Barker, Gordon Barclay Barker, Mr. Barker, J. Barker, Norris R. Barker, Nellie Barker, Margaret Barker, Norris Barker, Jos. H. Barker, Joseph Henry Pvt. Barker, Sarah Barker, Mary E Barker, William Daniel Barker, Christine Barker, Percy Barker, Samuel Barker, Arthur Barker, William C. Barker, Ann J. Barker, E. Barker, Emily Mrs. Barker, Ann J Barker, Kate Barker, Mr. & Mrs. M.W. Barker, Ada Sophia Barker, Barker, Joseph H. Barker, Joseph Henry Barker, Benjamin Barking, The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of, DD Barkley, Harry O. Barlett, Thomas Barlett, Arthur Barley, Anthony W. Barley, Letitia Barley, Frederick Barley, Joseph Barley, Edward Benjamin Thornycroft Barley, Charles Barley, Simon L. Barlow, Elsie Barlow, Emma (Rose) / Emily Barlow, Jno Barlow, Edward Barlow, Joseph Barlow, Lizzie Barlow, Alfred J. Barlow, Percy Barlow, Samuel Barlow, Alfred Barlow, Frank Barlow, Daniel Barlow, Ellen Barlow, Joe Barlow, Arthur Barlow, Alice Barlow, Richard Barlow, John Barlow, Lily Barlow, Will Barlow, Michael Barlow, Uri Amos Barlow, E. Barlow, George Barlow, Lily / Seleny Barlow, Chas Henry Barlow, Elizabeth Barlowe, John Barlycorn, Emily Barnaby, Annie Barnaby, Alice Barnaby, William Barnacle, Hazel Mary Barnard, Arthur Pvt. Barnard, John Barnard, Harry Archibald Barnard, Albert E. Barnard, Chas. A. Barnard, Alfred Francis Barnard, Henry Barnard, Arthur Barnardo, Dr. Barnardo, Stuart Mr. Barnardo, Thos. J. Barnardo, Mrs. Barnardo, Thomas John Barnardo, W.S.E. Barnardo, Cyril Mrs. Barner, John Barnes, William J. Barnes, Christopher Barnes, Charles Barnes, Lillian Barnes, Allen S. Barnes, Clarence George Barnes, Alfred S. Barnes, Rosanna Barnes, George Robert Barnes, John Barnes, Fred Barnes, Emily Barnes, Charles F. Barnes, Samuel Barnes, Joseph Barnes, Harry Barnes, A. Barnes, Lilian Barnes, Sidney T. Barnes, Michael Barnes, Harriett Barnes, Lilian E.M. Barnes, William Barnes, George E. Barnes, Ernest Arthur Barnes, Beatrice Barnes, F.G. Barnes, Gladys Barnes, Alfred Barnes, Herbert L. Barnes, Louisa Barnes, Timothy J .R. Barnes, Fred G. Barnes, Chas Barnes, John L. Barnes, Sarah Ann Barnes, William (1) Samuel Barnes, James Barnes, Jemimah Barnes, John C. Barnes, Wm. J. Barnes, Allan Stanley Barnes, Ernest Barnes, Glady Barnes, Caroline Barnes, Christopher J. Barnes, Ada Barnes, Thomas Barnes, Reginald Barnes, Ellen Barnes, Robert Barnes, Matilda Barnes, Ernest E. Barnes, Wm. Barnes, G.H. Barnes, George C. Barnes, Frederick Barnes, Fred. G. Barnes, L. L. Barnes, Herbert Leonard Barnes, William (2) Barnes, LouIsa Barnes, Frederick Geo. Barnes, Frank J. Barnes, Frank John Barnes, Barnes, Ronald A. H. Barnes, Alfred Edward Barnes, Lillian E.M. Barnes, Rosemary E.G. Barnes, Frederick G. Barnes, Frank Barnes, Chas. Barnes, Frederick Edwin Barnes, Charlotte Barnes, Frederick Pvt. Barnes, Geo. E. Barnes-Pinnock, Frederick William Barnet, E. V. Barnet, James A. Barnett, Barnett, Arthur C. Barnett, F. Barnett, Abigall Mrs. Barnett, Serah Barnett, Arthur Chas. Barnett, James A. Barnett, Thomas Barnett, Reuben Barnett, Keith Barnett, A. Barnett, Edward A. Barnett, Elizabeth Barnett, Doris Mrs. Barnett, George Barnett, Frederick W. Barnett, Art. C. Barnett, Mr. Barnett, R. B. Barney, Joseph Barney, Mrs. John Barney, Joe Barnfather, Thomas Barnfather, Emma Barnfather, Margaret Barnfather, Thos. S. Barnhardt, George E. Mrs. Barnhill, Joseph Barnhouse, Alfred Barnhouse, William Barnhouse, Alfred S. Barnly, Jack Barnsley, Ch. W. Barnsley, William Henry Barnsley, Charles William Barnsley, Charles W. Barnwell, Annie Barnwell, Ethel Baronvartian, Kachazoun Baronvartian, Diran Barr, Henry E. Barr, Alice Mabel Barr, Alice Barr, George Barr, Emily Barr, John Barr, Henry Barr, Hy. E. Barr, Alice M. Barr, Geo. Hy. Barr, Rose Barr, Harry Barr, John H.M. Barr, H. E. Pvt. Barr, John Middleton Barr, John M. Barrass, Ada Barratt, Catherine Barratt, James Barratt, Rose A Barratt, William Barratt, Roseanna Barratt, George William Barratt, Arthur Barratt, Frederick George Barrell, Richard Lionel Barrell, Richard L. Barrell, Wm. Barrell, Florence Barrell, Walter Barret, John Barrett, Robert Barrett, James H. Barrett, Maude Barrett, J.H. Barrett, James Barrett, F. E. Barrett, Thomas Barrett, Mary Ann Barrett, Sidney P Barrett, G. Barrett, William Joseph Barrett, Albt. Barrett, Joseph Edward Barrett, Fank Barrett, Frank Barrett, Herb. A. Barrett, The Rev. G.S., DD Barrett, John Barrett, George Barrett, Douglas Barrett, Lawrence Barrett, Arthur Barrett, James Henry Barrett, Hetty Barrett, Thomas H. Barrett, Frederick T.H. Barrett, George W. Barrett, Wm. James Barrett, John E. Barrett, Thos. H. Barrett, HarrIet Barrett, George Ernest Barrett, Geo. W. Barrett, Geo. William Barrett, William Barrett, Harold H.T. Barrett, John Edwin Pvt. Barrett, John Thomas Barrett, Charles Barrett, Harold Barrett, Mary A. Barrett, Richard L. Barrett, Thos. W. Barrett, Cath. Barrett, Edward Barrett, Hy. E. Barrett, Thos W Barrett, Cecil Leonard Barrett, Bessie Barrett, Henrietta Barrett, Edwd. Barrett, Catherine Barrett, Annie Barrett, Edw. Barrett, Hy E Barrett, John E.H. Barrett, T.B. Mrs. Barrett, Tom Barrett, John E. H. Barrett, LIly Barrett, Rose Barrett, James Joseph Barrett, E.A. Barrett, Herb A Barrett/Corbett, Blanch Barrie, Mary Barringer, Thomas James Barrington, Avis Barrington, Avis V. Barrington, Ada G. P. Barrington, Archibald Barrington, Ada Barrington, Ada G. Barrington, Joseph Barrington, Ethel Barrington, Albert Barrington, Ada C. P. Barrington, Patrick Barrington, Ada Gwendolyn Barritt, Douglas Barritt, Alice Barritt, Mary Ann Barron, Frank Barron, Ruby Barron, Chas F Barron, Mary Barron, Gladys Mrs. Barrott, Sidney A. Barrow, Robert Barrow, Robt Barrow, William Barrow, Fredk Barry, James Barry, Edward Barry, Richard Barry, Richd Barry, Patrick Wm. Barry, William Barry, Thomas Barry, George H. Barry, John Barry, William Patrick Barry, Jas. Barry, Ed Barry, Ernest Barry, Barry, Willam Barrymore, Ernest Barsley, Derrick Norman Barter, George Barter, S. Barth, Ethel Barth, Ethel Florence Barth, Evelyn Barth, Gert. Emily Barth, Nellie Barthholomew, Wm. C. Barthholomew, Edw. J. Bartholomew, George Bartholomew, Frederick George Bartholomew, King Bartlam, Ada Ellen Bartlett, Hy. Chas. Bartlett, Ernest R. Rev. Bartlett, Thomas Bartlett, Jessie Bartlett, Mary A Bartlett, Annie Bartlett, E.R. Rev. Bartlett, Arthur Bartlett, Lydia M Bartlett, Walter Bartlett, Mary A. Bartlett, Rosinna Bartlett, Eliza Bartlett, Wm. Bartlett, John Bartlett, Clarence V. Bartlett, Stanley Bartlett, Mr. Rev. Bartlett, James Bartlett, George Bartlett, Rosetta Bartlett, Tom Bartlett, Elijah Thomas Bartley, Martha Ann Bartley, Richard Bartley, Clara Bartley, Charles Bartly, Charles Barton, Joseph Barton, Ellen Mrs. Barton, Amos D. Barton, George Barton, Alice Barton, Reginald Barton, Harold Barton, Edmund Barton, Ry. Barton, Amy Barton, Ada Barton, John Percy Barton, Leonard Barton, Jennifer Barton, Thos. Barton, B. Barton, George A. Barton, Joyce Barton, A. Barton, John Barton, Alice Ellen Barton, Barb Barton, Bernard I. Barton, Bernard Barton, Amos David Barton, Henry Barton, Chas. Bartram, Alf. J. Bartram, Bartram, A. Bartram, Alfred James Bartram, Alfred J. Bartram, Alfd. J Bartram, J. Bartrop, Ruth C. Bartrop, Anne M. Bartrupp, John Bartrupt, William Bartrupt, Wm. Barty, John Stephen Barwell, William C. Barwell, William Cornelius Barwell, Henry Barwick, Mr. Barzarkie, Tereza Barzarkie, M. Catherine Barzarkie, Charlie Barzarkie, Lizzie Bascombe, John Basey, John R. Basey, William P. Bashan, Bessy Basil H., Bell Basingthwaite, Ernest Baskerfield, John Baskerville, Joseph Basnett, Saml Basnett, John Basnett, Albert Bass, Percy Bass, Philip Bass, Arthur James Bassam, Alfred Bassam, Alfred. Bassanta, Louis Basset, Leopold Bassett, Bassett, Edward Bassett, Joseph Bassett, Harold Norman Eric Bassett, William Bassett, Elizabeth Bassett, Leopold Bassett, Leopold H. Bassett, Minnie Bassett, Frank Edward Albert Bassett, Ernest Bassingthwaite, Earnest Bassingthwaite, Ernest Bastable, Grace Bastable, Reginald Bastable, Robert John Bastable, Kathleen Edith Bastable, Mable Mildred Bastable, Mabel M. Bastable, Grace Gertrude Bastable, Laura Bastable, Robt. J. Bastock, George Baston, Joseph Baston, Eric Bastow, Miss. Batch, William Batch, Fred Batch, William John Batch, Fred. Batchellor, ElIzabeth Batchelor, S.H. Batchelor, Harold John Batchelor, S. Henry Batchelor, Harold J. Batchelor, Hanna Batchelor, Hilda Batchelor, Hannah Batchelor, Syd. H. Batchelor, Charles Batchelor, Alfred Batchelor, Louie Batchelor, Louisa Batchelor, Harold Batchelor, Mr. Batchelor, Harold I. Batchelor, Wm. Batchelor, Sydenham H. Bate, Ernest Bate, Albert Victor Bate, Edgar Ernest Bate, W.T. Mr. Bate, Bernard J. Bate, Harry (Henry) Joseph Bate, Ellen Maria Bate, Leslie A. Bately, Harold Bateman, Thos Bateman, Margaret Bateman, Thomas Bateman, Harry Bateman, Henry Bateman, Lilly Bateman, Blanche Bateman, William Bateman, Lily / Annie Bateman, Leonard Bateman, Herbert Bateman, Louisa Bateman, Alice (Mrs.) Bateman, John Bater, George Bates, Mary A. Bates, Albert Bates, Monica Mary Bates, Walter Bates, Bertha E.V. Bates, Rosetta Bates, Mary Ann Bates, Rose Bates, Maria Bates, John C. Bates, Will Bates, Edith M.B. Bates, Marie Bates, Benjamin Bates, Albert N. Bates, William Bates, Frederick Cecil Bates, Thomas Bates, Mary Bates, Willie Bates, Frederick A. Bates, Harry Bates, D. Pvt. Bates, Edith Bates, Albert J. Bates, Douglas Bates, Lucy Bates, Fred A. Bates, Rose E. Bates, Arthur Bates, Beatrice Bates, W.T. Mrs. Bates, F.A. Bates, Margaret Bates, Montague Bates, Daisy Bates, Annie Bates, Bertha Bates, Lily Bates, Thomas J. Bates, Ernest Bates, Lena Bates, Fred Bates, Frederick Bates, Henry Bates, Louisa Bates, W.T. Esq. Bates, Charles Bates, William H. Bates, George Bates, Fredk Bates, Lucy A. Bates, Robert B. Bates, Ellen Bateson, George H. Batey, Harold Batey, William L. Bath, Stephen Bath, William Bath, Joseph Bathe, Harry Escott Bather, Phyliss Bathgate, Helen Bathurst, George Bertram Bathurst, Henry Allen Bathurst, Alfred Batkin, John W. Batkin, John W. Mr. and Mrs. Batsch, William Batsch, Wm. Batsch, Fred Batson, James Batt, Batt, James H. Batt, James Battago, Louis Battago, John Battago, Louisa Battell, Thomas Battell, Batten, Charles E. Batten, Phillip Thomas Batten, Ernest J. Batten, Albert Edward G. Batten, Chas. E. Batten, A. E. J. Batterbee, Sidney A. Batterby, Robert Batterby, Robert H. Battersbee, Sidney Battersbee, S.A. Battersbee, Sidney A. Battersby, Isabella Battersby, John Battersley, Joseph Batterson, Frank Battey, Thomas Battison, F.W. QM. Sgt. D.C.M. Battison, Frederick W. Battison, Fred. W. Battle, William Battley, Herbert Battley, William John Battley, Reginald Donald Battley, Kenneth Harry Batty, Daisy Bauer, Vic Baughan, Chas E. Baughan, Charles Baughan, Cecil L. Baughan, Charles E. Baughton, Gertrude Baulch, Frederick Thomas Pvt. Baulch, Ellen Baulcombe, Alfred Bauld, Robert Baulk, Walter Mr. Baum, Thomas Baungartner, Ida Baut, Ellen / Nellie Bautch, Frederick Thomas Bavaird, George Bavaird, Geo Baverstock, Alf. B. Baverstock, Alf. Baverstock, Alfred B. Baverstock, Alfred Baverstock, A. Baverstoke, Alfd B Bavis, Walter Bavis, John Henry Bavis, Bertram Bavis, Jane Bawden, Harry Baxandale, Squire Baxendale, Thomas Baxendale, George Baxster, Harry Baxter, Thomas Frederick Baxter, Jessie Baxter, George Baxter, William Baxter, Baxter, Amelia Baxter, Louisa Baxter, Amelia M. Baxter, Edward B. Baxter, Ralph Baxter, Robert James Baxter, Annie Baxter, Sarah Ellen Baxter, Richard Baxter, George C. Baxter, Henry Baxter, Ernest Arthur Baxter, Edith Baxter, George Cecil Bayer, Evelyn (Mrs. Frank) Bayford, Annie Bayley, John B. Bayley, Jno. B. Bayley, Alf. Bayley, John Bayley, Emily Baylis, Edward Baylis, Wm. Fredk Baylis, Edward F. Baylis, Edwin Baylis, Baylis, Harold C. Baylis, Rose Baylis, Frederick Baylis, Ernest Bayliss, Mary Bayliss, William (1) Bayliss, Edward Bayliss, Hannah Jane / Jennie Bayliss, Albert Bayliss, Frederick Bayliss, Ernest Bayliss, Beatrice Bayliss, William (2) Bayliss, Annie Bayliss, Florence (Mrs. John) Bayliss, Elizabeth Harriet / Hattie Bayliss, John Bayliss, William (3) Bayne, Frederick. Bayne, Roland V. Bayne, Ronald V. Baynes, Elizabeth Baynes, James Baynes, Jessie Baynham, Ada Baynham, Geo Baynham, George Bazeley, William Arthur Beach, Joseph Herbert Beach, Elizabeth Mrs. Beach, Sidney Beach, Edna Beach, Eva Beach, Jas. H. Beach, Thomas H. Beach, Lilian Mrs. Beach, Fanny Beach, Edith Mrs. Beach, S. Beachman, Evan Rev. Beachman, Evan Beadell, Mary J. Beadell, Mary Beading, Chas. Beadle, Mary Beadle, George Beadle, George, James Beadle, G. Beagle, George Beagles, G. H. Beak, Albert H. Beak, Hurbert H. Beak, Albert Henry Beak, Herbert Beal, Alfred Beale, Edwin Beale, Geo. A. Beale, Alf. Beale, Lilian Beale, Charlotte Beale, Arthur E. Beale, Sidney G. Beale, Lily Beale, Alfred Beale, Fred G. Beale, Rose Bealey, Harriet Sophia Bealing, Isabella A.M. Beall, Lilian Beall, Rose Beall, Lily Beaman, Leonard Beamer, Elmer Esq. Beamish, John Mrs. Beamish, John Beamish, Jane Beamish, Timothy Beamish, R. Mr. Beamish, Andrew Beamish, Myrtle Miss. Bean, John Thomas Bean, Mary Ellen Bean, Frank Bean, Ernest E. Bean, Ernest Edward Bean, Jack L. Bean, John William Bean, Frederick Charles Bean, John W. Bean, Alfred Bean, Jacob L. Bean, Walter G. Beanne, J. Beard, Ernest Henry Beard, William Beard, John Beard, Bernard Beard, Samuel Beard, Ephraim Beard, Elizabeth Beard, Ernest H. Beard, Isaac John Beard, Wm. Beard, Geo. Beard, William Isaac Beard, Ernest Beardmore, Daisy V. Beardmore, Harold Beardmore, Walter Beardmore, Walter, Henry Beardshaw, John William Beardshaw, John W. Beardshaw, George Beardshaw, John Beardshaw, Geo. H. Beardsley, John H. Beardsley, R. Beardsley, John Henry Beare, Wr. J. Beare, Percy Beare, Brenda A. Beare, Frank Beare, H Beare, Joseph Beare, Anne Beare, Jos. Geo. Bearne, Anne Beasely, Charlotte Beasely, Harold N.E. Beasley, Ernest Beasley, William E. Beasley, A. Beasley, Frederick H. Beasley, Wm. Gordon Beasley, William Edward Beasley, F.H. Beasley, John Beasley, Frank Beatie, Richard Beatie, Richard Edward Beatie, Edw. Beaton, Christopher Beaton, Sarah Beaton, Leah Gertrude / Gertie Beaton, Mrs. Robert Beaton, Margaret K. Beatrice, Sherlock Mrs. Beatrice, Thomas Beattie, E?? Beattie, W. Beattie, J. Beattie, Sarah E Beattie, Lislie Beattie, Walter Beattie, Eugenie Beattie, Sarah E. Beattie, Wm. John Beattie, Wr. Beattie, John Beattie, Waalter Beattie, James Beattie, Jane Beattie, Leslie Beattle, W. L. Beatty, Sidney Beatty, Sarah Ellen Beatty, Mrs. Norton Beatty, Sarah Beatty, William Beatty, Henry Beaty, Sarah E Beaty, Sarah E. Beaty, E.W. Beauchamp, Thos. Beauclerk, Charles Beaufoy, Wm Beaumont, Robt Beaumont, John F. Beaumont, Edith Beaumont, Diana Beaumont, George Beaumont, Lawrence Beaumont, Clara Beaumont, James Beaumont, Thomas D. Beaumont, Patricia Beavan, Frank W. Beaver, Gladys Beaver, Gladys M. Beavis, Sarah E. Beavis, Sarah Beazley, Beazley, F.H. Beazley, Marston Beazley, Frederick H. Beazley, Fred H. Beazley, Frank Beazley, Frederick Bebbington, Florence Bebbington, Catherine Bebee, Elizabeth Bebee, Edith Beby, Ada Beby, Amey Beck, J. F. Beck, Elsie May Beck, Rowland Beck, Albert Beck, Wm Beck, George Beck, Alfred Beck, Christopher Edw. Beck, Henry Wm. Becker, J.M. Mrs. Becker, Louisa E Becker, B. H. C. Becket, Albert E Becket, Walter H Beckett, Kate Beckett, M. Beckett, Gladys M. Beckett, Edward Beckett, Albert Ernest / Alfred Beckett, W. Beckett, Walter Thomas Beckett, Mary Elizabeth Beckett, Louisa Emma Beckett, Gladys Beckett, John Beckett, Alfred Beckett, Ada Beckett, Walter Herbert Beckhurst, Lucy Beckington, Thomas Beckstrom, Aster H. Beckton, Lilian Beckton, J. Thomas Beckton, Amellia Beckton, Amelia Beckton, John T. Beckus, Maud Beckwith, Wm P Beddard, Mary Bedding, William Joseph Beddow, Charles Beddow, Evelyn Beddow, Frank Pvt. Beddows, Eliza Bedell, Robert Bedford, Alwyn P. Bedford, Alice Bedford, Richard Bedford, Isaac Bedford, Kate Bedford, John Edgar Bedford, L.E. Mr. Bedford, Arthur C.P. Bedford, Alwin P. Bedford, Charles Bedle, Mary Bedwell, Horace Bedwell, Frances Bedwell, John Bedwin, Arthur Bedwin, Charlie Bedwin, Charles Bee, Frederick Leonard Roberts Bee, Albert Bee, Louisa Beebe, J. Pvt. Beebe, Joseph Beeby, Elizabeth Beeby, Edith Beeby, Francis John Beeby, Frederick J. Beeby, Fras. J. Beech, Harry Beech, Lilian F. Mrs. Beech, Walter Edward Beech, Arthur Beech, Dorothy Beech, Lilian Mrs. Beech, Samuel Beech, Alfred (1) Beech, Edwin Beech, H. Spr Beech, Frank Beech, James Beech, Louie / Louisa Beech, Alfred (2) George Beech, Joseph B. Beech, Mabel Victoria Beech, Fanny Beecham, Sarah Beecher, Ethel Beecher, Ethel N. Beecher, Robert Beechey, Peter Beeching, Hilda Beeching, Dorothy Beeching, Hilda C. Beeching, W. Beechman, Evan Beechy, Peter Beedell, Charles A. Beehag, George Beel, Elizabeth Beeley, Harriet Beeman, Marcia Beeman, E. Jane Beer, Charles J. Beer, Elizabeth / Lizzie Beer, Thomas Beer, Emily Beer, Gordon Beer, Elizabeth Beer, Ada Beer, Elsie Beer, Mary Ann Beer, Bertram Beere, Lilly Beere, Lily Bees, Hannah Beesley, Ebenezer Beesley, Ebenezeer Beeson, Rupert Beeson, Ed. J. Beeson, Arthur Beeson, Walter H. Beeson, E. J. Beeson, Harold Beeson, Leonard Beeston, M.S. Mr. Beeston, George H. Beetison, Annie Beeton, Ellen Beevens, Barbara Beevers, Barbara Beevers, Geo. W. Beeves, Barbara Beford, Alice Begg, Bridget / Beatrice Begg, P. Beggs, Albert V. Beggs, Albt. V. Begwood, John J. Begwood, Mary Behan, John Behan, Anthony Behan, Thomas Behau, Anthony Behtel, Agnes Beich, T.W. Mrs. Beiderman, John Beilby, Julius G. Beilby, Barbara J. Belbin, Thomas Belbin, Elsie R. Belbin, James Belbin, James Ed. Belch, T. Belch, Walter Belch, T.W. Mr. Belchamber, Harry Belchamber, Arthur Belcher, Edward Belcher, W. Mr. Belcher, Florence Belcher, Thos. Belcher, Will Belcher, E. Belcher, William Tom Belcher, Simeon Belcher, Agnes Belcher, John Belcher, Ann Belding, Hy Beldom, Alfred Beldon, Alfred Beldorm, Alfred F. Belk, Oswald Bell, Doris Bell, Mary A. Bell, Doreen Mrs. Bell, Thomas Bell, Elizabeth Bell, Albert G. Bell, Joseph Bell, Arthur Bell, Dorothy Bell, Thos. W. Bell, Mabel Bell, Nelson Bell, Sarah Bell, Harrison Mrs. Bell, Daisy Bell, Arthur Henry Bell, Christina Bell, Flor. Mary Bell, Nellie Bell, Jos. Bell, Margaret E. Bell, Walter Bell, Norman Bell, Mr. & Mrs. William J. Bell, Katie Bell, John Bell, Edith D ?? Bell, Martha Bell, Dr. Bell, James Bell, Harrison Mr. Bell, Harry George Bell, Laura Mrs. Bell, Harry Bell, Annie Bell, William Powell Bell, Wynsome Mary Bell, Joan Bell, Lizzie Bell, Harriett Bell, Lucy Bell, Mr. John Bell, Wm. Jos. Bell, T. Bell, Bell, Mary Bell, Maud Bell, Gertrude Bell, Christian Bell, J. Bell, William J. Bell, Herbert Bell, Albert George Bell, William John Bell, Edward Bell, Wm. Joseph Bell, G. W. Pvt. Bell, Geo P Bell, Albert Bell, Leonard G. Bell, Annie Kathleen Bell, Jessie Bell, Caroline Bell, Florence Beatrice Bell, Charles Bell, Alfred Bell, William Bell, George W. Bell, Amelia (Mrs.) Bell, William David Bell, Agnes Bell, Thos. J. Bell, Leonard Bell, Wm Bell, Hilda Bell, Hy Bell, Beatrice Mrs. Bell, George Bellamy, Constance L. Bellamy, Constance Bellamy, Albert Bellamy, Joseph H. Bellamy, Joseph Henry Bellamy, Mr. J.J. Bellamy, Edward Bellamy, Fred Bellamy, Frederick A. Bellanson, Hannah Bellason, Hannah Bellbody, Lillian F.E. Mrs. Bellchamber, Hy. Bellchamber, Harry Bellchamber, Henry Belle, Doreen Mrs. Bellefield, Francis James Bellew, John Jeremy Bellinger, H. B. Bellinger, Alfd Bellis, Annie Bellis, Mary H. Mrs. Bellis, Maggie Bellis, Mary Mrs. Bellis, Mary H. Bellman, Lizzie Bellow, Edw Bellow, Edw W Bellringer, George Belsbury, Thos. Belsey, William Belshaw, C. M. Belton, Miss. Belyea, Mary Nellie (Mrs. Lester L.) Benbow, Alfred John Benbow, Alfred J. Bench, Rueben Bench, Cecil Beecham Bench, Frank Beecham Bench, Rubin Bench, Joseph Bendall, George E. Bendall, Wilfred Bendel, Frederick Bendell, Wilfred Bendell, George E. Bendell, George Edward Bender, Lilian Bender, Rosalie Mary Bending, Alfred Bending, Charles Bending, Chas. Bending, Bendixson, Terence Bendixson, Teresa Benetto, Claude C Benfort, Albert Benger, Beatrice Bengough, Benham, Audry W. Benham, Aubery Benjamin, Frances (Mrs. Minard) Benjamin, Albert Benn, Ernest Benn, Mr. Benn, Horace Benn, Sidney Benn, Edith Bennet, Alfred Henderson Bennet, Orr Rev. Bennet, William Bennet, Frederick Bennet, George Bennet, Alfred Bennett, Laura Bennett, Cecil Bennett, Louisa Bennett, Sarah F, (Mrs. Amos) Bennett, A. Bennett, Amy Bennett, Mabel Bennett, Alfred / Albert Bennett, Sarah Bennett, Mary Bennett, Arthur B. Bennett, Gordon Alexander Bennett, James Bennett, Frederick Bennett, Emma Bennett, Chas Bennett, George William Bennett, James R. Bennett, C. Bennett, Henry Bennett, W.H. Mr. Bennett, Orr Rev. Bennett, Alice Bennett, Bennett, Violet Bennett, Gillian C. Bennett, Percy W. Bennett, Donald Stewart Bennett, Katherine Bennett, Gertrude Bennett, William (1) Bennett, Rose Bennett, Artr Bennett, Charles Bennett, Mary A. Bennett, Walter Bennett, Artr. Bennett, John Bennett, Ethel Bennett, Mary Ann Bennett, Thomas Bennett, Percy C. Rev. Bennett, Fredk Bennett, Frank E. Bennett, James Ronald Bennett, Annie Bennett, R.B. Rt. Hon. Bennett, Henry L. Bennett, George (1) Bennett, Elizabeth C. Bennett, Alfred Bennett, William Bennett, Albert Bennett, Arthur Bennett, J.J. Bennett, Orr Esq. Bennett, John J. Bennett, Percy Bennett, Carrie Bennett, Fred. G. Bennett, Cecil P. Bennett, Robt Hy Bennett, Frederick G. Bennett, Pamela C. Bennett, Emily Bennett, Stanley Bennett, George V. Bennett, Edward Bennett, Albert J. Bennett, Florence Bennett, Henry (1) Bennett, Irene Bennett, Benjamin Baden Bennett, Albert J. H. Bennett, Wilfred Raymond Bennett, Violet M. Bennett, Clara Bennett, Flor. Louisa Bennett, George (2) Frederick Bennett, Lily Bennett, Elizabeth Bennett, Eileen Marian Bennett, Walter Daniel Bennett, Gwendoline Rose Bennett, John James Bennett, Rosina Bennett, Fanny Bennett, Nicholas C. Bennett, Minnie Bennett, Mary M. Bennett, Lord Bennett, William V. Bennett, Wm. Bennett, Ernest Bennett, Jimmy Bennett, Sydney Bennett, Fred Bennett, Frederick J. Bennett, F. W. Bennett, Henry (2) Bennett, Herbert Fred. Bennett, Pamela Ann Bennett, William (2) Bennett, Marmaduke John Bennett, Fred G. Bennett, Percy Rev. and Mrs. Bennetto, Claude C. Bennetto, Claud Clorine Bennewith, H. E. Pvt. Bennewith, Henry E. Bennington, Sid. Semac Bennion, Charles Bennison, Lillian Mrs. Bennison, Lilian M. Bennison, Lilian Bennison, Alfreda D. Benniwith, Henry Benns, F. E. Bensley, Daisy Benson, Albert A. Benson, Daniel Benson, William Benson, Adella Benson, Harry Benson, William W. Benson, John Benson, Joseph T. Benson, Eliza Benson, Samuel Benson, Wm Walker Benson, Herbert Bentall, Lila R Bentall, Leila Bentall, Lila R. Bentham, Effie Miss. Bentham, Miss. Bentley, Ernest Bentley, James Bentley, Alfred Bentley, John Henry Bentley, Lily Bentley, William James Bentley, Francis Charles Bentley, E. W. Pvt. Bently, Annie Bently, Alderman Bently, Ernest W. Benton, James Benton, Ed Benton, Edward Benwell, Ernest B. Benwell, Matt Benzing, Samuel Benzing, Florence Berbeak, Sabina Berdin, Louise Berenblum, Theresa Berenblum, Ann Berend, Julius Beresford, Ada Beresford, George Clifton Beresford, Laura Beresford, Daisy Beresford, Walter Beresford, Judith Beresford, Alfred Geo. Beresford, George T. Beresford, Harris Beresford, Geo. Beresford, G.C. Beresford, Nancy Beresford, John Beresford, Geo. C. Beresford, Sarah Beresfore, Sarah Berg, Frederick Lawrence Bergayo, Carlo Bergin, Alfred Bergman, Richard Berham, Stanley Berkeley, Mary Berkovitch, Bernard Berks, William Bernard, W.J. Bernard, Thomas Bernardo, Dr. Berne, Colman Berner, Joseph Edward Pvt. Berrick, Mr. Cyrenus Berrick, Jennie M. Berridge, James Berridge, A.R. Berrington, Joseph Albert Berrington, Albert Berrington, Joseph Berrington, George W. Berrow, Fred Berrow, Fred. G. Berrow, Frederick G. Berry, William Robert Berry, Alfred William Pvt. Berry, Herbert F. Berry, James Berry, Wm. P. Berry, William Berry, John Berry, Herbert Berry, Robert G. Berry, Louisa Berry, Berry, W.R. Berry, Rhonda Berry, Daniel Berry, Florence Berry, Percy Berry, Mary E. Berry, Elizabeth Berry, George Berry, Harry Berry, James (1) Berry, Alfred W. Berry, Norman Berry, Cincetta Berry, James (2) Berry, Thomas Berry, Wm. F. Berry, Elizabeth Lizzie / Bessie Berry, Lizzie Berry, Mrs. Berry, Alfred William Berry, Percy C. Berry, Percy Chas. Berry, Robert Berry, Henry Berry, Muriel Berry, Wm. R. |
Berry, Dan Berry, William R. Berry, AlIce Berwick, Charles James Berwick, Elsie Elizabeth Berwick, Joan Berwick, Albert Berwick, William Berwick, Horace Besant, Thomas Besant, Alexander Beshray, Wm. Besley, John Bess, Frances Bess, Emily Bess, William Bessant, Alexander Besserong, Jane Best, Wm. Best, V. Mrs. Best, Annie Best, Reginald Best, John Best, William Best, Charles Thomas David Best, Albert George Best, John George Best, Olive M. Best, Alexander Best, Trayton G Bestford, W. T. Beston, Albert Lawrence Beswick, William Bethel, Thomas Bethel, Mary Bethell, John Frederick Bethell, Ethel Maud Bethell, Denis Betson, Dorothy Betson, T. Pvt. Bett, Joe Bettany, Leonard Frank Bettel, Thos. Betteley, Albert Betteredge, Thos. Betteridge, William Betteridge, Betsy Betteridge, Elizabeth Bettis, Ralph Bettis, Ralph E. Bettis, Frank Bettis, Frank T. Bettison, Horace Bettle, Fred. Bettle, Frederick Bettleheim, Ralph Betton, William Betton, George Betton, Edwin / Edward Bettridge, Thomas Betts, George Betts, Arthur Betts, Thomas Betts, Rebecca Betts, Ralph E. Betts, Alexander Bertram Betts, Edward James Betts, Percy Betts, Miss. Betts, Charles Betts, Joseph Betts, AnnIe Betts, Lilian F.W. Betts, Harold Betts, Herbert (H. L.) Betts, William Henry Pvt. Betts, Julius Betts, Joseph D. Betts, Francis T. Bettschen, Mrs. Betty, Beatrice Betty, Hugh Kemmis Beuz, Sidney Bevan, Edward Bevan, John Bevan, John G Bevan, James Bevan, George Bevan, A. J. Pvt. Bevan, Alice Bevan, May E. Bevan, Jane / Anna Eliza Bevan, Sydney James Pvt. Bevans, George Bevans, Jane / Anna Eliza Beverage, William Beverage, Cecilia Beverage, Jessie Beveridge, J. Pvt. Beveridge, Elizabeth M. Beverley, Helen Beverley, Rev. A.L. Bevington, Florence Bevins, William Joseph Bevis, Martha Bevis, Ronald Bevis, Roy Pvt. Bewick, Brenda W. Bewley, Robert Beyers, Mrs. Beyylerian, Hampartsom Bibbey, Harriet Bibbey, Mary Bibby, William Bibby, Elizabeth Bibby, Caroline Bibby, Wm. Bichfield, Thomas Bick, Mary Bick, CarolIne Bickenhill, Ernest Bickers, G. Bickerstaff, William H. Bickerstaff, Annie Bickerstaff, William Herbert Bickerstaff, Wm. H. Bickerstaff, Wm. Hy. Bickerstaffe, Frederick Bickersteth, Angela Mary J. Bickersteth, Rosalind Mary Bickersteth, Antony Cyril Bickerstolf, Agnes Bickerton, Fred. Bickford-Smith, Caroline M. Bickford-Smith, Margaret A. Bickley, John Bickley, Susan Bicknell, Fanny / Florence Bickwell, Ellen Biddell, James W. Bidders, Rose E. Biddis, Jessie Biddis, Benjamin Biddle, Edward Biddle, Alfred Biddle, William Biddle, Leonard Biddle, John Biddle, David Biddle, Dorothy A. (Mrs. Walter) Biddle, Ada Ellen Biddlecombe, Eliza. Biddulph, Albert Biddulph, Thomas Biden, James Edward Biden, James Bidmead, Lilian Bidmead, Alfred G. Bidmead, Minnie Bidwell, Bidwell, Mrs. Bidwell, Isabella Bidwell, Elizth. Biffin, Henry Biffin, Rebecca Bigelow, Ethel L. Mrs. Bigg, Lionel J. Biggin, Sam Biggins, Bertram Biggs, A. J. L. Biggs, Robt. T. Biggs, Daisy Biggs, James A. Biggs, Arthur J. Biggs, Albert V. Biggs, Thomas Edward Biggs, Bessie Biggs, James H. Biggs, ElIzabeth Biggs, David S. Biggs, Robt T Biggs, Geo Biggs, James Biggs, Leslie J. Biggs, Edith M. Biggs, David Samuel Biggs, Edith Biggs, Susanna Bignal, Charles Bignall, C. Bignall, May Bignell, Katie Bignell, Kate Bignell, May Bignell, Alfred Bignell, Stanley Bignell, Fred W. Bignell, Joseph C. Bignell, Frederick William Bignell, Mary Bigney, Florence Bigney, Flor. Bennett Bigney, Florence Bennett Bikker, Arthur W. Bikker-Hobday, Arthur T. / Thomas Arthur Bilbao, Annie Bilbau, Annie Bilbow, Rachel Bilbow, Rachel Eliza Biles, Henry Bilke, Eva Bill, Mary Ann / Mabel Bill, M.A. Bill, Arthur Billam, Ada M. Mrs. Billau, Ada M. Mrs. Billing, Betsy Billing, Edward Billing-Hurst, Sydney Billinger, Susan Billinger, Charlotte Billingham, George William Billingham, William Billinghurst, Sidney J. Billinghurst, Sidney Billings, Bessie Billings, Mary "Molly" Billings, Violet Billings, Betsy Billings, Billings, Dora Billings, Ruth Billings, Dora V. Billings, W. H. Billings, Mary Billings, James David William Billings, Sarah V.M. Billings, John Billings, Bestsy Billingsky, Dora Billingsky, Betsy Billingsley, Samuel Billingsley, Francis Billingsley, Thomas Billingsley, S. Billington, George Billington, Charles Billington, Bernard C. Billington, Henry Billington, Miriam Maud Billington, Edwin Billington, William Bills, Mrs. J.T. Bilson, Norah Bilston, Percy Bilston, Herbert Bilston, Frank Bilton, Charles Harold Bilton, Clevland Allen Isadore Binder, Lilian Binder, Charles S. Binder, Charles Samuel Binder, Lillian Bindley, Matilda Bines, Fred J. Bines, Frederick J. Bingamam, Mr. Irvin Bingaman, Isaac Bingham, Sarah Bingham, Richard John Bingham, Donald Bingham, Hugh Bingham, F. Pvt. Bingham, Dinah Bingham, Francis Bingham, Edward Bingham, Jane Bingham, Harry Binks, Elizabeth Binnie, Robert Binnie, Violet Binns, Frederick A. Binns, Esther Bint, George Joseph Birbeck, George Charles Birch, William Birch, Wm Birch, Sarah Jane Birch, George Edward Birch, Isaiah Birch, Thomas H. Birch, Thomas Birch, Wilfred Birch, W. Birch, Thomas H.L. Birch, Carrie Birch, Ellen Birch, Wilfred Lloyd Birch, James Birch, Elizabeth Birch, Arthur James Birch, John (1) Henry Birch, John William Pvt. Birch, Harriett Birch, Alice (2) Minnie Birch, Alice (1) Birch, Rachel Birch, Amy Birch, John (2) Birch, Caroline Birch, J Geo Birch, Birch, Thomas H.L. Rev. Birch, Martha Birch, Charlotte Birch, Charles Birch, George Birch, Andrew Birch, James William Birch, Dora Birch, George E. Birchall, Lilian Birchall, Richard Birchard, Alfred A. Birchfield, T. E. Pvt. Birchmore, G. J. Bird, Joseph Bird, E. J. Pvt. Bird, Lilian Bird, Edwin Bird, George F. Bird, Charles H. Bird, Edith Bird, Martin Bird, John Bird, Benjamin Bird, Jane Bird, Henry Bird, Geo. F. Bird, Viva C. Bird, Isabella Bird, Samuel George Bird, William Walter (A.k.a. Wilfred, Wilford and Willford) Bird, Wm Bird, May Bird, G. Bird, Rose Bird, J. M. Pvt. Bird, Eliza Bird, Thomas Bird, James Bird, Edward Bird, Herbert Bird, Albert E. Bird, John M. Bird, Edith M. Bird, Edith May Bird, Ernest Bird, Chas. H. Bird, James P. Bird, Mary Bird, Mr. Bird, Gertrude Bird, Elizabeth Bird, William (2) Bird, Robert Bird, Charles Bird, William (1) Bird, Jas. David Bird, Emily Bird, Stanley Bird, William (3) Bird, Mabel Bird, Wm. Bird, Samuel Bird, Charlie Bird, John T. Bird, Ethel M. Bird, Mary Ann Bird, Ethel Bird, Thos Bird, Ernest Henry Bird, Eva Bird, Edward James Bird, George Edwin Bird, Lilian Mabel Birdwhistle, Elizabeth Birkenhead, Joseph Birkes, Emma Birkett, A. H. Birkett, Arthur George Birkett, Anne Birkett, Arthur Birkett, H.S. Brig. Gen. Birkett, Helen Birkett, Arthur G. Birmingham, Wm Birmingham, Alice Birnie, George Birrell, Mabel Birrell, Alexander A. Birrell, Alexander Albert Pvt. Birrell, Annie Birse, James Charles Birt, Ellen Birt, Lilian M. Birt, L.M. Birt, Gwendoline Birt, Joseph Birt, Ella Birt, Miss. Birt, Michael Birt, Ellen Sophia Birt, Mrs. Birt, Gwendoline F. Birtle, J. Bisch??, Frederica Bishop, Melita Bishop, Ann Bishop, Laura E.R. Bishop, Hilda Bishop, Frederick Bishop, Gilbert Bishop, Fred Bishop, Laura Bishop, Ronald Bishop, Thomas Bishop, William Bishop, W.C. Bishop, Charles W. Bishop, Fred W. G. Bishop, Rachel Bishop, Nelly Elizabeth Bishop, Baby Bishop, Frederick William George Bishop, Martha Bishop, Walter James Bishop, Thomas W. Bishop, Tommy Bishop, Robert James Bishop, Tom Bishop, Milly Bishop, Mary Ann Bishop, Mrs. Naomi Bishop, George Bishop, George H. Bishop, Maurice Bishop, Llewellyn Bishop, Frederick W. G. Bishop, Charles William Bishop, Elizabeth Alice Bishop, Geo. H. Bishop, Thomas Wm. Bishop, Michael Bishop, Millie Bishop, Ernest Bishop, Edward Bishop, Thomas William Bishop, J. F. Bishop, Robert Bishop, Mabel Bishop, Allen Bishop, Marian Melita Bishop, Emily R. Bishop, Fred W.G. Bishop, Walter Bishop, Henry Joseph Pvt. Bishop, Bishop, Christina Bishop, EdIth Bishop, Art E. Bishop, Henry J. Bishop, Geo. Bishop, John A. Bishop, Ar. T. Bishop, Fanny Bishop, Albert G. R. Bishop, Ar L Bishop, Albert Bishop, David Bishop, Ernest Harold Bishop, Elizabeth A. Bishop, Charles Bishop, Maurice A. Bishop, Ronald LAC. Bishop, Bobbie Bishop, Selina Bishop, Colin Bishop, Herbert Bishop, Edwin Bishop, Arthur Thomas Bishopp, Fanny Bishops, Charles W. Bishton, Henry Mr. Bishton, A. Bishton, Alice Bisiker, Frank W. Bissell, Frederick William Bissell, Walter Bissell, Albert V. Bissell, Albert Bissell, Fred Bissell, Albert Victor Bissell, Albert V. & Fred W. Bissell, Frederick W. Bissell, Frederick Bissell, William Bissett, Mr. Bissonnette, Florence Miss. Bistow, George Biswell, Frances Bithel, Ernest Bithell, Arthur Thomas Bithell, Alfred Bithell, Joseph Bithell, Ernest Bitten, Mr. Biut, Percy Bivens, Harry Blaber, Alice Blachford, Dorothy Black, John Black, Mr. Black, Edward Black, Frances Black, George Mr. Black, Mary Black, Dorothy Black, G. Black, George A. Black, Lizzie Black, Edwd. Black, Annie Black, Philip Comlin Black, Professor A. Black, Chas Black, R. Black, William Peter Black, Alasdair S.H. Black, Maggie Black, William Black, George Black, Geo Black, Robert Black, C.H. Black, Alexander Angus Black, Sarah Black, William A. Black, Anny Black, G. Mr. Black, Martha Black, Alexander Wm. Black, Albert Black, Andrew Black, John Richardson Black, Jno. Black, Doris Black, Mr. and Mrs. Black, Muriel Black, Kevin Black, Rob Black, George Mrs. Black, JessIe Blackall, Herbert George Pvt. Blackburn, Ernest Blackburn, B. Mrs. Blackburn, Richard G. Blackburn, Lavinia Blackburn, Lavina R. Blackburn, Cecil S. J. Blackburn, Walter Blackburn, Sarah Blackburn, Anny Blackburn, Ernest W. Blackburn, Wm. Blackburn, George Blackburn, ElIzabeth Blackburn, Henry E. Blackburn, Ernest Pvt. Blackburn, Arthur Blackburn, Jane Blackburne, Agnes Blacker, W.J. Blackerman, George Blackett, John Blackett, Henry Blackett, Jno. Blackey, Albert Blackford, Harry Blackford, Dorothy Blackford, Dorothy N. Blackhall, H. Geo. Blackhall, Herbert Blackhall, H. Blackham, George Blackham, G. Blackhurst, Peter Blackledge, Elizabeth Jane Louisa Blackledge, Violet Blackledge, James Blackledge, Doris May Blackley, Chas J Blackley, Henry E Blackman, Jack Blackman, John Blackman, Ernest Blackman, Mary Blackmore, Mrs. Blackmore, Charles Blackmore, Chas. Blacknell, Wm. George Blacknell, William G. Blacknell, William George Blackstone, Benjamin Blackstone, Fred Blackwell, A. E. Blackwell, Henry Blackwell, Stanley Blackwell, Margaret Blackwell, T.B. Mrs. Blackwell, Edward Blackwell, Lousia Blackwell, Ernest E Blackwell, Mille Blackwell, John Blackwell, F. Blackwin, Martha Blackwood, Jas Blackwood, Rob Blackwood, James Blackwood, Robt. Bladen, Tom Blades, Teresa Bladgett, Iris M. Mrs. Blaikie, Mary Blaiklock, M.S. Mr. Blainey, Frederick Blair, Jane Blair, George A. Blair, Mary Agnes Blair, Robina Blair, Samuel Blair, James Blair, John Blair, Eliza Blair, Oliver R. Blair, Janet Blair, Elsie Blair, Thomas Blairs, W. Blake, Mabel Blake, John T. Blake, Richard Blake, Frank C. Blake, Florence Rose Blake, Frank Chas. Blake, Florence Annie Blake, Mabel J. Blake, Albert Blake, Mr. John T. Blake, Florence Blake, Rose Blake, P. Blake, Lilian Adelaide Blake, Thomas Blake, Frank Blake, William Blake, George Blake, R. Blake, Jane Blake, Alice Blake, Wm. Harry Blake, F. J. Blake, Jessie Mrs. Blake, Wm Blake, William A. Blake, Mabel Julie Blake, James Blake, Tom Blake, Henry Blake, Harnet Blake, Emma Blakeley, Henry Blakely, John T. Blakeman, Claude Blakeman, Geo Blakeman, George Blakemore, George Blakemore, Ann Phoebe / Annie Blakemore, Amy Rebecca Blakemore, John Blakemore, Isabella Blakey, Dorothy Blakey, Herbert Blanchard, Arthur Blanchard, Jean Jas. Blanchard, William Blanchard, P. Blanchfield, Lilian (Veronica) Blanchfield, James Blanchfield, Lilly Blanchfield, Bessie Blanchfield, Reginald Blanchfield, Mary Blanchifield, Mary Bland, Lancelot John Bland, S.G. Rev. Dr. Bland, Robt Blandford, Frederick J. Blandford, Wm. Blandford, S. Blandford, Frederick James Blane, Percy Blaney, Mary Blaney, Mary A Blaney, Mary A. Blank, John Blasdale, Mr. Blasquez, Blasquez, Frederick Blatch, Wm. Blatch, Albert E. Blatch, James Blathwayt, Raymond Mr. Blathwayt, Raymond Blathwayt, H.J. Rev. Blathwayt, Mrs. Blay, Richard A. Blay, Daisy Blay, William Blay, Eva Blayney, Alex Blazey, Wm. Blazey, John Bleach, William Bleakley, George Bleich, George Blencoe, Arthur Blencoe, Ada Blenkarn, Arthur Blenkarn, Sydney Blenkhorn, Harold Bleschke, Herbert Blewer, William Blewer, Julia /Jean Alice Blewer, Rose Blewitt, Dr. Blewitt, Annie Bligh, Arthur Blight, Dora Blight, William Cyril Blinkho, Harriet Blinkhorn, R Bliss, Robt. Bliss, Henry Bliss, George Albert Thomas Bliss, Wm. Bliss, Fred E. Blissett, Arthur Blizzard, Leonard R. Blizzard, Henry Blizzard, Leonard Ernest Pvt. Blo?Ham, A.C. Block, Charles Blockey, Frederick Blocksidge, Benjamin Blogg, Charles Blomberg, Henry Blomberg, Louise Blomberg, Caesar O. Blomberg, Caesar Blomberg, Lonie Blomberg, Louisa Blomberg, William Blomberry, Lousia A. Blomfield, Priscilla Blomfield, Paul Blong, George Blong, Charles Bloom, Frederick Bloom, J. Blooman, Florence Bloome, A. Pvt. Bloome, Alfred Bloome, Lucy Bloome, Earnest W. Bloome, Ernest W. Bloomer, Samuel Bloomer, Walter Bloomer, Henrietta Bloomer, Florence Bloomer, Edward Bloomfield, Charlotte Bloomfield, Robert Bloomfield, Jno. Bloomfield, C. Bloor, E Rose Bloor, Harriet Bloor, Alice B Blore, Thomas Blore, Thos. Blose, Thomas Blount, Frank Blow, Wm. A.F. Blow, Fred Blowers, Gladys M. Bluck, Frances Blumson, Fred Blundell, Harry Blundell, William Blundell, Percy Blundell, Agnes Blundell, Agnes H. Blundell, Dermot Hugh Blundell, Hubert Lawrence Blundell, Doris Blundell, John Blundell, Annie Blundell, Ann Carolyn Blundell, P. Blundell, Florrie Blundell, Owen Blundell, Joseph Blundell, Amy Blunden, S. Blunden, E. W. Blunden, Frederick Blunden, Gertrude R.V. Blunden, Gladys Blunden, Fred Blunden, Gladys E. Blunden, Isabella F. Mrs. Blunden, Gertrude R.V.M. Blunder, Josh Blunderfield, Elizth Blunstone, Catherine Blunstone, Henry / Harry Blunt, Horace Blunt, Albert Blunt, Ernest Blunt, Mr. Blunt, Andrew Blunt, George Blunt, Geo. A. Blunt, Andrews Blyth, Ann A. Blyth, Emily Blyth, James Esq. Blyth, James Mr. Blythe, W. Blythe, Mr. Blythe, Charlotte Blythe, Emily Blythe, William Mr. Blythe, Alice Blythe, Annie A. Blythe, George Blythe, Anna Blythe, Walter Boag, George Scott Boag, John Boam, J. A. Boardman, Albert Boardman, Mary Ann Boardman, Anne Boardman, Samuel Boardman, Clement, Esq, JP Boardman, Michael Boarse, Clara Boase, Clara Boast, Arthur George Boast, Arthur W. Boatman, George Bobbins, Harry Bobby, Ethel Bock, Francis J.S. Boddington, Albert Boddington, Isabella Boddington, Alfred Samson Boddy, Ethel Bodell, Alfred Boden, William / Willie Bodenham, Hannah Bodenham, Harry Bodger, John Bodger, William Bodkin, Fred K. Bodkin, John Bodkin, W. G. Bodkin, Bodman, Ernest J. Body, Charles A. Body, John R. Mrs. Body, Emily Mrs. Body, Chas. A. Body, Charles Alfred Body, Charles Alfred Pvt. Body, Charlotte Body, Frances M. Boerghmer, Mrs. Jno. Bogan, Archibald Bogan, Annie Bogart, D.F. Rev. Boggie, Alexander Boggie, Alex Boggis, John J. Boggs, Mr. & Mrs. Bogie, David Bogling, R. Bohme, Herbert Bohn, Cyril Bohn, Louisa (Mrs.) Boileau, Etienne Boiling, John Boiling, James Boland, Thomas Bold, Caroline Bold, Samuel Bolden, Mrs Bolden, Walter Bolding, Alfred Bolding, J. R. Boldrick, Mrs. Boldy, John Boleyne, James Bolger, V. E. J. Bollwood, Hy Bolt, Rosie Bolt, Rosina Bolt, Charlotte Bolt, Elizabeth Bolt, Ann Maria Bolt., B. L. Bolton, Sarah Bolton, Edward George Bolton, John Bolton, George Bolton, Edith Bolton, robert Bolton, Mary S. Bolton, Miss. Bolton, Reginald T. Bolton, Mary Bolton, Annie Bolton, Alice Bolton, Molly Bolton, William Bolton, John H. Bolton, Frank Bolton, Albert Sidney Pvt. Bolton, Mary L. Bolton, James Bolton, Mabel Bolton, John Henry Edward Bolton, John H.E. Bolton, A. Bolton, John Henry Bolton, Sarah A. Boltwood, Henry Bolwell, Eva Bonaquest, Edith Bonaquist, Edith Bond, Frederick E. Bond, Laura Bond, Miss. Bond, William Bond, Geo. Hy. Bond, Francis W. Bond, Sidney Albert Bond, Emily Mrs. Bond, Arthur Harry Bond, Chas J Bond, Charles Bond, Geo Hy Bond, Chas. J. Bond, Wm. Bond, Catherine Bond, Norman Mr. Bond, John Bond, James Bond, Arthur R. Bond, Bertie Bond, H. S. Bond, Hy. Bond, John Henry Bond, Arthur Bond, Emily Bond, Albert W. Bond, Attoney Mr. Bond, Arthur F. Bondfield, Margaret Miss. Bondfield, Margaret Miss Bondfield, Margaret Bondy, Percy Bondy, George Bone, Levi Bone, Ethel Bone, A. G. Bone, John Bone, Levi Mr. Bone, Clifford George Bone, Wm Bone, Wm. Bone, James Bone, Edward T. Bonehill, George Bonehill, Minnie Bonehill, E. Bonehill, Frances Elizabeth Bonehill, Ada Bonehill, G. Bones, Horace Bones, A. Sgt. Bonfield, Margaret Miss. Bonhoure, Victor Boniface, Edward Boniface, David Bonifacio, WInIfred Bonner, Frederick James Bonner, Harry Bonner, Leonard S.G. Bonner, John Bonner, Thomas H. Bonner, Sidney T. Bonner, Harriet Bonner, Sydney Bonnett, John Bonney, David Bonnic, Alice A. Bonnick, Alice Annie Bonnick, Alice Bonnick, Alice R. Bonnick, Geo Bonnick, Alice A. Bonnick, Geo. Bonquist, Edith Bonser, Hariot Bonser, Elizabeth Bonsfield, Kenneth Bonsor, Walter Bonter, Mr. Earl Booby, Frederick Boodle, Ann Emma Boody, Frederick Boody, Frederick W. Booker, Mabel D. Booker, John H. Booker, Fred Booker, George Booker, Mabel Booker, Edward Books, Thos. Boole, Charles E. Boole, Frank Boom, Edith Boon, O. L. Boon, Harwich M. Boon, John Henry Boon, Harwich N. Boon, Horace Boon, George Boon, Ephraim Boon, John Hy. Geo. Boon, Ephrain Booner, Sidney T. Boore, Walter Boorman, W. Boorman, Joseph Booter, Edward Booth, Florence Booth, Dennis Booth, Denis Booth, Mary A. Booth, Jack Langton Booth, Annie May Booth, Ada Booth, Herbert Booth, Joseph Booth, William Booth, Mary Ann Booth, Mr. Booth, Margaret Booth, Dennis Pte. Booth, Adolphus Mrs. Booth, H. Booth, Lily M. Booth, Henry Booth, Jack L. Booth, A. Mrs Booth, Booth, Ellen Booth, Mary A Booth, David Booth, Doris Booth, Mrs. Earl Booth, Francis Boothby, Kenneth Walkter Boothroyd, Francis Boothroyd, Harry Boothroyd, Hy. Boothroyd, Henry Boothroyd, Hy Boots, Violet A. Boots, W. J. B. Booty, Ernest J Booty, William Henry Borcham, Wm. Bordie, John Boreham, Charles Borkwood, Geo W Borkwood, Jno W Borland, Mary Borla♪Ð, James Mr. Borldington, Alfred Samson Borman, Joseph Borritt, Arthur Henry Borrows, C. Borsay, Arnold Thilibert Borwnlow, Geo J Bosangust, Christoper Bosangust, Rosemary Bosanquet, Reginald T. Bosely, Gertrude Boskill, Martha Mrs. Bosley, Ellen (Hellen) Bossons, Emma Bossons, Emma E. Bost, MInnIe Bostock, William T. Bostock, Freddie Bostock, Selina Boston, Bertrand Boston, Vivain Boston, Vivian Boston, Wm. Boston, Horace Boston, Samuel Boswell, John Boswell, William Boswell, Ernest Boswell, Cinderella Boswell, Frank Boswell, Elizabeth Boswell, William Pvt. Boswell, Ella Boswell, Lizzie Bosworth, Wm. M. Bosworth, Alice W. Bosworth, George Bosworth, Alice Bosworth, William Henry Bosworth, H. Botall, Claud Boterill, Alice Boterrill, Alice J. Botfield, Richard Bothwell, Florence Bothwell, John Botsford, Emily Mrs. Bott, Thomas Bottem, Mary Botten, Geo. Botten, Mary Botten, George Botten, Stephen Botten, William Botten, Mary M. Botterill, Mary Botterill, Anne Botterill, Alice Botterill, Arthur John Botting, Florence Bottle, Caroline Bottom, Arthur Henry Bottom, A.V. Mrs. Bottomley, Florence Botton, Stephen Bottrell, Dorothy Bottrill, Dorothy Botwood, John Boucher, Sydney Absalom Boucher, Annie Boucher, James S. Boucher, Florence Kate Boucher, Wm. Boucher, William David Boucher, Sidney A. Boucher, Thomas Boughey, Arthur Boughs, George Boughs, Robert Boughtflower, Elsie Boughton, Gertrude Boughton, Phoebe Julia Harland Boughton, Ivy M. Boughton, Ivy Boughton, Albert H. Bould, George Thomas Bould, George Bould, George T. Boulden, K.F. Mrs. Boulden, F.A. Mrs. Boulden, K.F. Miss. Boulder, K. Mrs Boulding, Wm. Boulonge, Wm. Boulonge, William Boult, Wr. Boult, Walter Boulter, George Boulton, Annie Boulton, George Boulton, Geo. Boulton, Hon. Senator Boulton, Senator Boulton, M. Louisa Boulton, T. C. Boultwood, Jane Boultwood, Rose Jane Boultwood, Lily Boundey, Stephen J. Boundey, Stephen James Boundey, Reginald Boundey, Richard H. Boundly, James Bourdillon, Eleanor U. Bourdillon, William Bourk, Frank Bourke, Walter Bourlett, Fred Bourlett, Frederick Bourne, Florrie Bourne, Rachel Bourne, Albert R. Bourne, William H. Bourne, Minnie Bourne, Albert Bourne, William E. Bourne, William Bourne, Florence Bourne, Florence E. Bourne, Bourne, John Bourne, Wm. H. Bourne, Hannah Bourne, William Edward Bourne, Albert Robert Bourne, Margaret Bourne, Wiliam E. Bourne, Wm. E. Bournne, Minnie Bourton, Alfred J. Bousfield, Thomas William Bousfield, Samuel Bousfield, Bousfield, Thomas W. Bousfield, Thomas Bousfieled, Samuel Boustead, James Boutilier, Arthur Lloyd Boutledge, Mary Jane Bovey, Frederick H.S. Bovill/Boville, Sarah Bovingdom, L. George Bovingdon, L. George Bovingdon, George Bovingdon, L.G. Bovingdon, L. Geo. Bow, Thomas Bowater, John Bowater, Ada Bowbrick, Wm. Bowcher, Helen E. Bowd, Bertram Bowden, Alfred James Bowden, Sarah Bowden, William Frederick Bowden, William F. Bowden, Alfred Bowden, Walter Bowden, Eleanor Bowden, Stephen Bowden, Bessie Bowden, Wm. Fred. Bowden, Wm. Bowden, Mabel Bowden, Thomas Bowden, Frank H. Bowden, Sydney Bowden, Maria Daisy Bowden, Reginald Bowden, Leslie Bowden, Henry J. Bowden, M. Daisey Bowden, Walter George Bowder, William F. Bowditch, Alfred Bowdler, J. Bowe, S. G. Bowe, Robert L. Bowell, Emily Bowell, Mackenzie, Sir Bowell, Joseph George Bowell, Eva Bowell, MacKenzie Sir Bowen, William R. Bowen, Arthur V. Bowen, Arthur Bowen, J. BOWEN, Mary Margaret Ellen Bowen, Winifred Gertrude Bowen, Albert A. Bowen, Elizabeth Bowen, Margaret Bowen, Mary Bowen, Edwin Bowen, Albert V. Bowen, Dahlia Maud Bowen, Charles BOWEN, Elizabeth Edith Maud Bowen, Ralph W. Bowen, A. Bowen, Queenie Bowen, W. R. Pvt. Bowen, Dahli Maud Bowen, Albert Victor Bower, Thomas A. Bower, J. F. Bower, Francis Bower, Edgar Oswald Bower, Hy. E. Bower, Harry E. Bower, Ann Boweren, Sidney Bowering, Eliza Bowers, Fred Bowers, Ellen Bowers, Frank Bowers, Peter Bowers, William Bowers, Ellen Louisa Bowers, Catherine Bowers, Clifford Bowers, George Bowers, Robert Bowers, Frederick Bowes, Ellen Bowes, Mr. Bowes, George Bowes, Catherine Bowgate, Frank Bowhay, LydIa Bowhay, Nellie (Ellen) Bowhey, Elizabeth Bowie, Peggy D. Bowie, June D. Bowker, Edward Bowker, James Bowlan, John Bowler, Timothy Bowler, Herbert Bowler, William Bowles, Dorothy E. Bowles, Alfred Robert Henry Bowles, Charles Bowles, Rose Bowles, Eva Florence Bowles, Edward Bowles, John G. Bowles, Bowles, Ernest Bowles, Elizabeth Bowles, James Bowles, Arthur Bowles, George A. Bowles, Owen William Bowles, John Bowles, Eva Bowles, Jas. F. Bowles, Dorothy Bowles, Chas. Bowles, Eve Bowles, Owen W. Bowles, R.M. Bowles, Mr. James N. Bowles, Miss. Bowles, Henry Bowles, J.F. Bowles, James F. Bowles, Alfred R.H. Bowles, Mrs. Henry Bowles, I.G. Bowley, Chas. Bowling, Thomas Pvt. Bowling, Chas Bowling, Pollie Bowlt, Reuben James Bowman, Joseph Bowman, Walter Bowman, Dora Bowman, Albert Edward Bowman, Doris Bowman, A. Bowman, Margaretta Mrs. Bowman, Albert E. Bowman, Alice N. Bowman, Thomas Bowman, Edward Bowman, Richard John Bowman, Edward A. Bowman, William Joseph Bowman, Arthur J. Bowman, John Bowman, Bowman, Jos. Mrs. Bowman, Albert Bownes, Bowns/Bann, JessIe Bowpitt, Edith Bowpitt, Edith M. Bowsher, Geo. Bowsher, George Bowyer, Edith Bowyer, H. E. Bowyer, Robert Box, Fras. C. Box, William Boxall, Emily E. Boxall, Albert Boxall, Ellen Boxall, Claud Boxall, Albert V. Boxall, Edith Boxall, Harry Boxall, Bertram Boxtey, Harold Boyce, Charles Boyce, George S. Boyce, Edward Boyce, PhyllIs Boyce, George Boyce, Walter G. Boyce, G Boyce, Elsie May (Mrs. Gordon Wesley) Boyd, Arthur Boyd, Samuel Boyd, Walter C. Boyd, Andrew Boyd, William Boyd, Alfred Boyd, Thos Boyd, C. V. Boyd, Louisa Boyd, Elsie Boyd, Rachel Boyd, James Boyd, Mary Boyd, Louisa Mrs. Boyd, Emily Mrs. Boyd, Eleanor Boyd, Janie Boyd-Bowman, Peter M. Boyden, Esther Boyer, E. Boyer, Robert Boyes, William Boyes, Reginald Boyes, Arthur H. Boylan, James Boyle, Ellen Boyle, Chas. Boyle, Mary Boyle, James Boyle, John Boyle, Louisa Boyle, Catherine Boyle, Robert Boyle, Thomas Boyle, Violet Boyle, A.K. Boyle, Norman Mrs. Boyle, Jennifer Boyle, Thos. Boyle, Joseph Boylene, James Boyles, Wm. Boyling, Alf. Boynton, Maud Boys, Arthur Boys, Louisa Boyse, Walter G. Boyton, G. Bozman, George H. Brabarzon, Gartton Brabbins, Charles J. Brabbins, Chas. J. Brabbins, Charles Brace, Nora Brace, Albert Brace, Rowland Brace, Ernest Brace, Rowland O. Brace, Elsie / Ethel Brace, Ernest John Brace, Ernest J. Bracewell, Elizabeth Bracey, Edward Eugene Bracey, Bracey, Arthur T. Bracey, Arthur Bracey, Hedley J. Bracey, Francis E. Bracey, Walter J. Bracey, Wm. Brackenbury, Pauline Brackenbury, Edward Brackenbury, Robert Brackley, Mary E. F. Brackley, John F. M. Brackley, David E. Bracknell, Henry George Pvt. Bradbeer, Wm. Bradbrook, Hy. Chas. Bradbrooke, Donna Bradburn, W. C. Pvt. Bradburn, Thomas Victor Bradburn, Walter Bradburn, Reginald Bradburn, Stewart Bradbury, James Bradbury, Charles Bradbury, Ruby Mrs. Bradbury, Ernest Bradbury, Herbert James Bradbury, Wm. Mr. and Mrs. Bradbury, Maggie Bradbury, G. Bradbury, Alexander Bradbury, Arthur Bradbury, George Bradbury, S. H. Bradbury, John William Bradbury, Florence Bradbury, John W. Bradbury, William Bradbury, Percy Bradbury, Annie (Mrs. Alex) Bradely, Wm Bradfield, Ernest W. Bradfield, Thomas Bradfield, Geo. Wm. Bradfield, Thomas A. Bradfield, Arthur Bradfield, Florence Bradfield, Samuel Bradfield, May Bradford, Alfred J. Bradford, Bertie Bradford, Philip Bradford, Robert Bradford, Samuel Bradford, William John Woodman Brading, Charles Bradley, Richard Bradley, Elizabeth J. Bradley, Annie Bradley, John Thomas Bradley, Geo Bradley, George Bradley, John (2) Henry Bradley, Sydney Bradley, John Bradley, Wm. Bradley, Thomas Hugh Bradley, Geo. Bradley, Sidney Bradley, Elizabeth Bradley, William Bradley, Thomas Bradley, Ellen Bradley, John (1) Bradley, Dennis Bradley, Fred. William Bradley, William D. Bradley, Arthur Robert Bradley, E. Bradley, E.G. Bradley, Mary Bradley, Dicky Bradley, Jno. Thos. Bradley, Denis Bradley, Amy Bradley, R.H. Bradley, Lily Bradley, Ada Bradley, Mrs. J.D. Bradley, Rd Bradley, Rd. Bradley, Dick Bradley, James Henry Bradley, Christopher James Bradley, Sarah Ann Bradley, Edward Bradley, Alice (Mrs. George) Bradley, Timothy Bradley, Lydia Bradley, Thos. Bradley, Violet Mary Bradley, Albert Bradley-Williams, Simon Bradnock, Fred Bradshaw, Ruth Bradshaw, J. Bradshaw, Elizabeth Bradshaw, Thomas Bradshaw, Arthur E. Bradshaw, E.E. Esq. Bradshaw, James Bradshaw, John W. Bradshaw, Charles Bradshaw, John Bradshaw, Herbert Bradshaw, Mary Bradshaw, Mary Ann Bradshaw, Hannah Bradshaw, John Wm. Bradshaw, William Bradshawe, Ada Brady, Joseph Brady, Brady, Sarah Brady, Thomas Brady, Denis Brady, Mary A. Brady, William Brady, Edward Brady, Charles Brady, John Brady, Joe Brady, Wm. B. Brady, Geo. Henry Brady, Wm Brady, George Brady, George Henry Brady, Mary Ann Bragazzi, Dorothy Bragdon, Edna Bragg, Beatrice Bragg, Mr. Bragg, Henry Bragg, William Bragg, Percy Bragg, Walter Braggington, Elsie Braham, William George Braham, William Braid, Irene Braid, Elsie Braid, Braid, William Edwin Braid, Annie Braid, Elizabeth Braid, Harold Braifield, Mr. Brailey, Lena Brailey, Eliza Brailsford, DaIsy Brain, A. Brain, Ivy Brain, Charles Brain, Will Henry Brain, Thomas Braine, Richd Braisby, Charlotte Braithwaite, Elizabeth Braithwaite, Ada Brake, Harry O Brake, Alfd S Braley, Elsie F. Braley, Elsie Braley, Wm. Harold Bramah, William Bramah, John Edward Bramall, William D. Bramall, Bramall, Ernest D. Bramble, Sophia Bramble, Lillian (Lily) Agnes Bramble, Sophie Bramble, Lillian A. Bramble, Martha Sophia (also Marian Sophia) Bramble, Lily Brambley, Rose Agnes Brambley, Florence Jane Brambley, Lillian A. Brame, Emily Brame, Isaac Geo. Bramhall, John Edward Bramhall, John E. Bramhell, Serah Brampton, Alice Bramwell, Charles Bramwell, W. F. Pvt. Bramwell, William Bramwell, William Francis Pvt. Bran, George F. Branch, Constant Brand, Bessie Brand, Arthur Brand, Daisy Brand, Dorothy E. Brand, Henry Brand, Annie Brand, Joan Brand, Edward Brand, Pauline Brandon, William Brandon, Robt Brandon, Robert Brandon, Elizabeth Brandon, Wm Brandon, Phyllis Branegan, C R W Branigan, James Brann, George F. Brannigan, James Brannon, William Bransby, Isabella Branscombe, Alb. Bransgrove, Chas. J. Bransgrove, Charlie J. Bransgrove, Chas. H. Bransgrove, Charles James Bransgrove, Charles J. Branson, Herbert Branson, Herbert J. Branston, James Branston, J. Brant, Charles E. Bras, Frederick Brass, Cyril F. Brass, Frederick Brassey, Earl Right Honourable Brassey, Lord Brassey, Lady Brassey, The Right Hon. The Earl, GCB Brassil, John Brassil, Jno. Bratten, Frederick Bratton, Frederick Brauen, Alfred Esq. Braun, Frank C. Braun, Ernest W. Braun, Frederick Chas. Braun, Ernest Braunholtz, Theodore G. Braunholtz, Christopher H. Braunton, Kenneth James Clifford Bravery, E.W. Brawley, Sarah Bray, F. Bray, Ruby D. Bray, Rudy D. Bray, Joseph T. Bray, Joseph Bray, Jos. T. Bray, Edward Bray, Ada Bray, Ellen Bray, Minnie Bray, Fred. P. Bray, Eddie Bray, Annie Bray, Julia Bray, Fred Bray, Frederick P. Bray, Frederick Bray, Wm. H. Bray, Jos. Bray, W. A. Bray, Robert Bray, Arthur Bray, Anne Bray, Frederick G. Bray, Ernest John Bray, William Bray, Ruby Dorrington Bray, Bray, Charles Bray, Thomas Bray, Willie Bray, Fred P. Bray, Benjamin Richard Bray, Richard Bray, John H. Bray, Walter Bray, George Bray, William Henry Bray, Albert Henry Victor Bray, Fredk P Bray, Alfred Geo. Bray, Joseph H. Bray, Ruby Bray, W.H. Bray, Henry Frank Bray, A. Bray, Robert Pvt. Bray, Lilian M. Mrs. Bray, J.P. Brayley, Rich'd. W. Brayley, Richard W. Brayley, Annie (Mrs. C. L.) Brayne, Kenneth Brayshaw, Joseph Brayshaw, Arthur Mrs. Brayshaw, Alfred Brayshaw, A. Brayshawe, Alfred Brayshawe, Arthur Brayshawe, Jno. J. Brayshawe, John Frederick Brazell, Edwd B Brazendale, Emma Brazier, Richard Brazier, G. E. Breach, Eleanor M. Breach, Eleanor Breach, Eleanor, Maud Breach, Arthur Breach, Annie A. Breach, Annie, Amelia Breach, Caroline Breadman, E.P. Breadmore, Maria Bready, Dr. Bready, J. Wesley Dr. Bready, Wesley J. Bready, J. Westly Breakell, Teresa Breakey, John Breaks, Daphne Breakspear, Rose Breakspear, Edith Breakspear, Lucy Breakspeare, Harry Breakwell, Arthur H. Breakwell, Arthur Brealey, Richard Bream, Geo. Fred. Brearley, F. Brearley, Reginald Brearley, Eliza Breckle, Robt Breddy, George Breddy, Thos. Breeden, Albert Breen, Frances Breen, Ellen Breen, Annie Breen, Peter Breen, Wm Breen, James Breen, John Breen, Mary A. Breens, Bertie Breese, James Breese, William Breeves, Barbara Breeze, Jas. Breeze, William Breeze, Walter Breeze, Oliver Samuel Breeze, Wm. Breeze, Joseph Breffitt, Maggie Brefitt, Sarah Brefitt, Maggie Bregazzi, Lawrence Brekell, Walter Brekell, Frederick Brellatt, Louise Brelsford, Thomas Bremner, William McLennan Brenan, Patrick Brenly, Mary Brennam, Patricia Brennan, Mollie Brennan, Patricia A. Brennan, Patricia Brennan, Thomas Brennan, Alfred Brennan, William Brennan, Mary Ann Brennan, John Brennan, (?) Thomas Brennan, George Brennan, Mr. Brennan, Wm. Brennan, Ann Brennon, John Brent, A. Brentford, Leslie Brenton, Leslie S.J. Brenton, Leslie Brenton, Kate E. Mrs. Brereton, Kate E. Mrs. Brereton, W. Sgt. Breseton, Wm. Bresnett, Rose Bresnett, Elizabeth Bresnett, Rose H. Bresnett, Bretland, Nellie Bretland, Ada Breton, Ada Brett, Joseph T. Brett, William Brett, W. H. Brett, Elizabeth Brett, Wm. Brett, Joe Brett, ????? ?. Brett, Jos. T. Brett, Joseph Brett, Willie Brettle, Mr. Brettle, Edward Brew, Edward Brew, Edw Brew, Percy Morton Pvt. Brewer, Frederick Edwin Brewer, Edward Brewer, Maggie Brewer, Frank E. Brewer, Chas. B. Brewer, Henry Brewer, Charles B. Pvt. Brewer, Paul Brewer, W.D. Brewer, Frederick L. Brewer, Robert Brewer, Frank Brewer, H.E. Brewer, Douglas W. Brewer, Charles Brewer, Amy Elizabeth Brewerton, Jas. Pearson Brewin, Clara A. Brewis, Ann Brewis, Katherine Brewster, Nora (Mrs. Aubrey) Breyan, Henry Charles Brian, John Brian, Amelia Brian, Richard Briar, P. Briars, Cyril Brice, Frederick R. Brice, Edith F.L. Brice, Fred. Robert Brice, William E. Brice, Fred Brice, William Brice, Winifred Brickles, Elizb Bricksay, Emily Bricksay, Jane Brickstock, John Brickstock, Molly Brickwood, Geo. R. Brickwood, C. J. Brickwood, Thos. Brickwood, George Briddle, L.W. Pte. Briden, E. Briden, Lily Briden, Elizabeth Briden, Samuel Briden, Lilly Bridewell, Edward Geo. Bridge, Harold P. Bridge, Ada J. Bridge, Mary Jane Bridge, Dorothy A. Mrs. Bridge, Harold Percy Pvt. Bridge, Thomas Henry Bridge, Magnus M Bridge, Dorothy Mrs. Bridge, Albert Bridge, Edith Bridge, Magnus M. Bridgehouse, William Bridgeland, Mr. Bridgeman, Nelly Bridgeman, Nellie Bridgeman, Flossy Bridgeman, Eliza Bridgeman, William Bridgeport, Sidney Bridgeport, W. |
Bridgeport, Alfred Bridger, W. J. Bridger, Wm. E. Bridger, Alfred Bridges, James Bridges, Arthur Bridges, Magnus Bridges, Rose Bridges, William E. Bridges, Charlotte Bridges, Jas. Bridges, Algernon V. Bridges, Victor Bridges, Victor A. Bridgewater, William James Bridgman, William Bridle, Annie Bridle, Augustus Bridle, Arthur Bridwell, Isabella Bridwell, Elizth. Brieley, Philip Brien, Richard Brien, Patrick Brier, John Brierley, Edward Brierley, John Brierley, Philip Brierley, Philip John Pvt. Brierly, Philip J. Brierly, Philip Briers, Audrey Briers, Shirley Briese, Carl Mrs. Briese, Arthur Briffit, Maggie Brigden, Samuel Brigden, Fred H. Mr. Brigden, Fred H. Brigden, John Thomas Pvt. Brigden, John T. Brigden, Samuel George Pvt. Briggs, Kate Briggs, Alice Briggs, Ethel Briggs, Frederick Charles Briggs, Arthur Victor Briggs, Alfred Briggs, Willie Briggs, Briggs, James Briggs, Kathleen Briggs, Jas Briggs, John Briggs, Edward Briggs, W. Briggs, May Briggs, Frederick Briggs, Gertrude (Mrs. James) Briggs, William Briggs, Henry Briggs, Art. V. Briggs, George Brighall, Edward Bright, Eric Bright, Frances Bright, Frances E. Bright, Bright, Chas. J. Bright, Frank Bright, Arthur Bright, John Bright, Richard Henry Bright, Florence Elizabeth Bright, Ivy Bright, Francis E. Bright, Robert H. Bright, Ch. J. Bright, Charles J. Bright, Henry Bright, E.W. Bright, Leonard Bright, Wm. Bright, Percy Bright, Alice Bright, William Pvt. Bright, Robert Bright, Robert Henry Bright, Ethel May Brightling, A. R. Brightmore, Joseph Brightmore, Rosetta Brightmore, Jos. Brignall, Edward Arthur Pvt. Brignall, Edward Brikerby, Margaret Brillard, Fred T. Brimage, John Thomas Brimmage, Jas Brims, David Johnstone Brincombe, Sidney Brind, Edith Brind, Edith Alice Brind, Herbert Brindle, Lily Brindley, May Brindley, Wilfred E. Brindley, Edith Mrs. Brindley, Matilda Brine, Maud Brine, William Brine, Blanche Brinecombe, Sid. Brinecombe, Sidney Brinkley, Albert W. Brinkman, Elizabeth Brinkman, Mr. & Mrs. Brinksworth, Alice Brinkworth, Ellen Brinkworth, Alice Brinsmead, J.C. Brinsmead, John C. Briscall, Harriet Briscall, Hattie Brisco, John Briscoe, William Briscoe, Leslie Briscoe, Wm. Briscoe, Walter Briscoe, Isabella Briscoll, William Briscoll, Harriet Briscoll, Richard Brise, George Brisey, John Brislam, Owen Brislan, Johanna Brister, Peter Bristol, The Very Rev. the Dean of, DD Briston, Richard John Bristow, Irene Bristow, Fredk Jno Bristow, Alfred Bristow, Irene M. Bristow, William J. Bristow, Alfred John Bristow, Arthur Bristow, Bill Bristow, George Bristow, Alfred J. Bristow, Alf. J. Bristow, Albert Bristow, V. Bristowe, Henrietta Bristowe, Mary Ann Bristowe, Louisa Brit, Lilian Miss. Britnell, George Britt, Charles Britt, Albert / Arthur Edward Britt, Chas. O. Britt, J. Brittain, Arthur Brittain, Mrs. A.E. Brittain, Lily Brittain, Alfred Brittain, Clara M.M. Brittain, William (2) Brittain, Clara Brittain, William (1) Brittain, Gertrude Brittain, Charles Brittain, John Brittain, Arthur S. Brittain, Nellie / Helen Brittain, Reginald Harvey Brittain, Ivy Brittain, George Brittain, Arthur Samuel Brittan, William Britten, Cyril Britten, Gladys Britten, Alfred Britten, Gladys J. Britten, N. Britten, Wilfred Edward Britten, Gladys Josephine Britten, Wilfred E. Britten, Thomas Brittian, Geo. H. Britton, Alice Britton, Lizzie Britton, Elizabeth Britton, Andrew Britton, Doris Britton, Susie Britton, William Andrew Britton, Fred Britton, Evelyn G. Britton, Charles Britton, Lilian Britton, Emma Britton, W. A. Pvt. Britton, Florence H. Britton, William T. Britton, William A. Brixey, Charles J. Broad, Elsie I. Broad, Alfred Broad, William R Broad, Leah / Sarah Broad, Vincent Frederick (Frank) Broadbent, Rob. Broadbent, James Broadbent, Hannah Broadbent, Jenny Broadbent, William R. Broadbent, MInnIe Broadbent, A. J. Broadbent, Jas. Broadbridge, Lesley Broadbridge, Herbert Broadbridge, Harry Broadbridge, Henry Broadfield, Amy Broadhead, Norman Eustace Broadhead, Gertrude Broadhurst, Hannah Broadhurst, Elizabeth Broadribb, William E. Broadrick, Alfred Broadwell, Albert E. Brobin, Fanny Jane Brock, Charles W. Brock, Alice Brock, Susan Brock, John William Brock, Archibald Brock, Archd. Brock, Lydia Brock, Henry Douglas Brock, Christopher Brockenshor, BessIe Brockett, Albert E. Brockett, Albert Brockett, Frederick E. Brockett, Frederick Brockett, Frederick Edward Pvt. Brockett, Bertie Brockfield, Edward Brockies, Florence Brockitt, Brocklebalk, William Brocklebank, Agnes Brockley, Fredk. Brockley, Rosina Brockley, Fred Brockman, Walter Brockwell, Rose Broderick, Jas. Broderick, Edwd. Broderick, James Broderick, Edward Brodfield, Emma Brodie, John Brodie, James Brodie, Walter Brodie, Benjamin Brodie, Jas Brodie, Peter Brodribb, William Brodrick, Mrs. Brodrick, Jas. Broe, Margaret Brogden, Henry Broister, Walter Bromage, Joseph Bromage, Charles Bromfield, A. Bromley, James Bromley, Daisy Bromley, Benjamin Bromley, Mary Bromley, Daisy L. Bromley, Adolphus Bromley, Ben F. Bromley, Daisy Laura Bromley, George Henry Bromley, Benjamin F. Bromley, George Bromley, Ernest Bromley, Ben. Bromley, Benjamin, Frederick Brompton, Benjamin Brompton, Joseph Bromwich, Walter Bromyard, Thomas Elwell Brook, Maggie Brook, Laura Brook, Alice F. Brook, Thomas Brook, Frederick Geo. Brook, T. E. Brookbank, Julia K. Brooke, Maggie Brooke, William John Brooker, Edward Brooker, William Brooker, Margaret Brooker, Mr. and Mrs. Brooker, Stephen Walter Pvt. Brooker, Stephen W. Brooker, Fanny Brooker, Henry Brooker, Lily Brooker, Lillie Brooker, Mr. Harry Brookes, Augustus Brookes, Benjamin Brookes, Mona Brookes, Hy. Brookes, George F. Brookes, George Brookes, Albert Brookes, John Henry Brookes, Joe Brookes, Arthur Brookes, Henry Brookes, Thomas Brookes, R. Brookes, John Henry Pvt. Brookes, Edwin Brookes, Richard Henry Brookes, Ernest Brookfield, Andrew Brookfield, Edith Brookfield, Edythe Brookfield, Geo. Brookfield, Andrew Pvt. Brookfield, Brookings, J. Brooklyn, David Richard Brooklyn, Edith Brooklyn, David R. Brookman, W. Brookman, Henry Brookman, Adolphus Brookman, William Brooks, Mona Brooks, George Brooks, William Brooks, Annie Brooks, Eric E. Brooks, Sanley C. Brooks, Frederick Brooks, Clifford Brooks, Augustus Brooks, Edwin Brooks, Sarah Jane Brooks, Caroline Brooks, Thomas Brooks, Henry Brooks, Willie Brooks, Henry E. Brooks, Maggie Brooks, Jas. Brooks, Geo. V. Brooks, Walter Brooks, Arthur Brooks, John Brooks, Caroline L. Brooks, Reginald John Brooks, Edward R. Brooks, Edwin R. Brooks, Rose Brooks, Emily H. Brooks, Albert Brooks, Geo. Brooks, Abraham Brooks, Harry Brooks, Arthur George Brooks, Eli Samuel Brooks, Eric Brooks, Thos. Brooks, George F. Brooks, Edith Mrs. Brooks, Florence V. Brooks, Arthur G. Brooks, Ernest Brooks, Moses Brooks, Hy Francis Brooks, Rebecca M. Brooks, Richard Brooks, Wm. Hy. Brooks, Benjamin Brooks, R. Brooks, Francis Harry Brooks, Stanley C. Brooks, Frances Brooks, Mary Brooks, J. Brooks, George W. Brooks, Shirley Brooks, Samuel Brooks, A. Pvt. Brooks, James Brooks, Blanche Brooks, Herbert Brooks, Tommy Brooks, Herber H. Broom, Wm. Broom, William Broom, Walter Broom, George Broom, Kathleen Broom, Frederick Broome, John Michael Broomer, Emily Broomfield, Arthur Pvt. Broomfield, A. H. Broomfield, James Broomgrove, William E. Broomhall, Catherine Broomhall, Polly Broomhead, Robert Broomsgrove, Wm. E. Brophy, Joseph Brophy, Elizabeth Brosebon, Geo Broster, Frederick Broster, Fred. Broster, Walter Broster, Fred Brough, Annie Brough, George W. Broughall, Robert Brougham, Herbert Broughton, Doris Broughton, Alfred J. Broughton, Cordelia Broughton, A. Broughton, Doris A. Broughton, John W. Broughton, Walter Browell, William F. Browell, William Frederick Brown, Charlie Brown, Walter (2) Brown, Lizzie Brown, Edith Miss. Brown, Andrew Brown, Arthur Brown, John Brown, Henry Brown, Hannah Brown, Mary Brown, David Edwin Brown, Frank Brown, Robert Charles Brown, Robert Brown, Chas. H. Brown, John William Brown, Albert Brown, Willie Brown, Florence Brown, Elsie Brown, Emily Brown, Robert C. Brown, Brown, Mrs. Brown, Geo. Brown, Ellen J. Brown, Thomas Brown, Dorothy Brown, George A. Brown, Robert M. Brown, Eds. Jas. A. Brown, G.H. Brown, George Brown, David Mrs. Brown, Robert H. Brown, H. Brown, Miss. Brown, Edward Brown, Stanley Brown, L. Brown, Margaret Brown, Nellie F. Brown, Herb. J. Brown, Hy. A. Brown, Sarah Brown, Fred Brown, Donovan Brown, William Ernest Brown, Charles Dr. Rev. Brown, Fanny Brown, Wallace Brown, Nellie (2) Brown, John Mr. Brown, William A. Brown, Walter (1) Brown, William Ernest Pvt. Brown, Albert (2) Brown, Edith Mrs. Brown, Wm. E. Brown, Ronald Brown, Harry Brown, Reginald Brown, Hy. Charles Brown, Charles E. F. Brown, Robert allen Brown, M. Robt. Brown, Lily Brown, Ellen Brown, Stamford Brown, Henry P. Brown, Catherine Brown, Louisa Brown, Walter Brown, Amy Brown, James Brown, Annie Brown, E. Brown, Charles Brown, Thomas (1) George Brown, Reg'd. G. Brown, E. J. B. Brown, Hilda Brown, Wm E Brown, Matilda Brown, Edmund S. Brown, Thomas (3) Brown, William Brown, Charles F. Brown, Frederick W. Brown, Robina Brown, Mary Ellen Brown, Reginald G. Brown, Christopher Brown, Mary Ann Brown, Florence Mrs. Brown, Carrie Brown, Florence May Brown, Hariott Brown, Chas Brown, Ronald A. Brown, Thomas Richard Brown, Christina Brown, Robert McG. Brown, Frances E. Brown, Percy W. Brown, Nellie Brown, A. Brown, Archibald Rev. Brown, Wr. H. Brown, Alice Eliza Brown, James Mr. Brown, Joseph Brown, Edith H. Mrs. Brown, Graham Brown, Jane Brown, Julia Brown, John (1) Brown, Francis Brown, Forrester Brown, Agnes Brown, Charlotte Brown, Thos. Brown, Cecil Brown, Bernard Brown, George H. Brown, George A.H. Brown, Francis Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Chas. J. Brown, ???? T. Brown, Ruth Brown, Edward Samuel Brown, Arthur Joseph Pvt. Brown, Margaret Ella Brown, Hy. Brown, Francis E. Brown, C. N. Mr. Brown, D. E. Brown, Wilfred M. Brown, Henry C. Brown, Lizzie / Elizabeth Brown, Chas. Brown, Maud Brown, Albert (1) Brown, Ruby Brown, Caroline Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Charles Henry Brown, E.G. Brown, Percy Robert Brown, Mary J. Brown, Frank Mrs. Brown, Sidney Charles Brown, D. Brown, Alice (Mrs. James) Brown, Ethel Martha Brown, Lillian Brown, Elizabeth R. Brown, Lucy Leonorah Brown, Miriam A. Mrs. Brown, John (2) Edward Stanley Brown, Maude Brown, B. Pvt. Brown, Harry J. Brown, Minnie Brown, William C. Brown, Eleanor Brown, Ernest Brown, Alfred (1) Brown, Lucy Brown, G. Brown, Wm. Brown, Charles Henry Pvt. Brown, Ronald Alfred Brown, E. E. Brown, Mr. Brown, Wm. M. Brown, Mabel Brown, Ian Brown, Herbert Brown, G Brown, Dorothy M. Brown, S. Brown, Dorothy May Brown, Percy Brown, Templeton Mrs. Brown, John T. Brown, Wilfred N. Brown, Frederick Brown, Robert Brooks Brown, P. Brown, Alf. Brown, Martha Brown, Robt S Brown, Benjamin Brown, Edward S. Brown, B. G. Brown, Gordon Brown, M. Brown, Amelia Mrs. Brown, Samuel Brown, Janette Brown, C. W. Brown, Charles A. Brown, John E. Brown, Lily L Brown, John Ernest Brown, Arthur L. Brown, Joseph J Pvt. Brown, William Payne Pvt. Brown, Ivy Mary Brown, Patrick Brown, Frances Brown, Reg. Brown, Sydney Brown, Robt L Brown, Sidney E. Brown, Jessie Brown, Sidney Ernest Brown, Walter (3) George Brown, Emily M. Brown, The Rev. Archibald G. Brown, Ruthie Brown, Daisy Brown, Jno. Brown, M A Brown, Reg. G. Brown, Kate Brown, Eric Brown, Margaret K Brown, Francis Edwin Brown, Nelly (1) Brown, Arthur V Brown, Charles H. Brown, John V. Brown, Enoch Jesse Brown, Horace Brown, Annie L. Brown, Sidney C. Brown, Henry T. Brown, Michael Brown, Frank E. Brown, W. G. Brown, W. James Brown, J. Pvt. Brown, Rose Brown, Alfred Brown, James Michael Brown, Francis William Brown, Thomas J. R. Brown, Emma Brown, David Brown, Caroline S. Dr. Brown, Ernest H. Brown, William Alfred Pvt. Brown, John Thomas Brown, William A Brown, Ethel Brown, Richard Brown, Thomas (2) S. Brown, C. E. Brown, William Charles Brown, William Geo. Fredk. Brown, Donald Brown, Alfred (2) Brown, Lionel Brown, Edith (Mrs. George) Brown, Thomas H. Brown, F. Brown, Florence A. Brown, Peter Brown, Harriett Brown, Chas. H.P. Brown, Arthur E. Browne, Sidney Browne, Thomas George Browne, William Browne, Mary Elizabeth Browne, Thos. G. Browne, Francis Browne, Arthur E. Browne, Michael Joseph Browne, James Henry Browne, Browne, Alfred Browne, Sidney William Browne, Martin Browne, Barbara Browne, Willie Browning, Frederick W. Browning, Maud A. Browning, Thomas Harry Browning, Frank Browning, Maud Browning, Winifred M. Browning, Dora Browning, Browning, Fred Browning, John R. Browning, Charles Browning, Elizabeth Browning, John Browning, Joseph Frank Browning, Wm. Browning, Michael Browning, William Browning, Fred W. Browning, Edwd. C. Browning, Fred K.W. Brownjohn, W.J. Brownsell, George Brownsell, Horace Brownsell, Phyllis Brownsword, May Browse, Doris M. Broxton, George Bruce, Margaret Bruce, Mr. Bruce, William A. Bruce, Alfred Bruce, Herbert Bruce, Robert Bruce, A. Bruce, Mr. Robert Bruce, George R. Bruce, James Bruce, Winnifred Bruce, Robert Mr. Bruce, Winifred Bruce, Bruce, Janet Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce, A. J. Bruce, R. Bruce, Katherine M. Bruce, R. Mr. Bruce, Sarah Bruce, Alfd Brudenall, Henry P. Brueton, Horace K. Brueton, Jesse Brueton, Joseph Brueton, Charles Brueton, Leonard Brueton, Catharine Phoebe Brumbey, James Brumby, H. Brumby, Albert Brumhill, James Brumpton, Benjamin Brumsden, Ellen Brumwell, Frederick Brumwell, Stanley Brumwell, Fred Brunditt, Henry Bruning, Edward Brunner, W.J. Mrs. Brunnett, Robert Davies Brunning, May D. Brunning, Ethel Brunning, Ethel D. Brunsden, Ellen Brunskill, John Brunson, Annie Brunton, William K. Mrs. Brunton, B. Brunton, William Pvt. Brunton, W. Kearns Brunton, William K. Brunton, W. Kearnes Brush, Leonard Brush, Martin Brush, Leonard Pvt. Brush, Somerset Norman Brushett, Hilda (Mrs. Adolphus) Brussey, Francis Bruton, Florence E. Bruton, John H. Bryam, Wm. Bryan, Chas. Bryan, R.J. Bryan, Robert Bryan, Charles Bryan, Thomas Bryan, Sydney J. Bryan, Samuel Joseph Bryan, James Bryan, Florence May Bryan, Ronald Bryan, Dora Bryan, Lisette Bryan-Brown, Marion Bryan-Brown, Patrick Bryan-Brown, Christopher Bryans, John Bryans, Charles Bryans, James E. Bryans, Charles T. Bryans, J. Bryans, Winnifred Bryans, Chas. T. Bryant, Alice Bryant, Annie Bryant, Louisa Bryant, Dora Bryant, Herbert Bryant, George A. Bryant, Amelia Bryant, William Cullen Bryant, George Bryant, Cecil Bryant, Wm. Bryant, Alfred Bryant, William R. Bryant, Bryant, Ralph H. Bryant, Austin Bryant, Anny Bryant, William Bryant, Annie M. Bryant, Benjamin Bryant, Selina Bryanton, Walter Bryanton, Walter E. Bryce, W.E. Bryce, Mary Brych, Mrs. Arthur M Bryden, Lizzie Bryden, William Bryden, Albert Edward Bryden, Henry Edw. Brydges, F.H. Brydges, Algernon V Brydon, Elizabeth Brydon, Lizzie Brydon, Charles Brydone, Barbara Brydson, Wm Bryenton, Walter Ernest Bryne, Dennis Bryon, Geo Hy Bryson, Mary Bryson, John Bubak, Sidney Bubb, Frederick John Bubb, George Bubbs, Ernest Bucchmore, George E. Buch, Margaret Buch, Eliza Buchan, Margaret Buchan, Arthur Buchanan, Wm. Buck, Annie Buck, Margaret Buck, Annie E. Buck, Margaret L. Buck, Eliza Buck, J. C. Buck, George Samuel Buck, Susan Buck, John Robert Buck, H. L. Buck???, Arthur Buckel, Violet Ethel Buckell, Christopher Buckerfield, Joseph Buckham, Wilhelmina Buckham, John Buckham, Jno. Buckingham, Ernest S. Buckingham, James Buckingham, Wm. Buckingham, Herbert John Pvt. Buckingham, William Buckingham, Gertie Buckingham, Walter Buckingham, John Buckingham, Albert Buckland, Jack Buckland, Fred A.G. Buckland, Bessie Buckland, F. G. Pvt. Buckland, Frederick A.C. Buckland, W. A. Pvt. Buckland, Annie Buckland, Frank Buckland, Fred A.C. Buckland, Alfred Buckland, Fred G. Buckland, Frederick G. Buckland, Alfred. Buckland, Buckland, Alfred C. Buckland, William A. Buckle, Christopher Buckle, Albert E. Buckle, Dorothy Buckle, Emma Buckle, Minnie Buckle, Violet E. Buckle, Albert Edward Buckler, Kahura / Keturah Buckler, Leonard Buckler, Harry Buckler, Joseph Buckley, James H.J. Buckley, John Buckley, Ada Buckley, Timothy Buckley, Art. Buckley, Arthur Buckley, Edward Buckley, Mary Buckley, Daniel Buckley, Henry G. Buckley, Elizabeth / Lizzie Buckley, Patrick Buckley, Cornelius Elijah Buckley, James H.T. Buckley, James Buckley, Mary Ann Buckley, J. Buckley, Nora Buckley, James H. Buckley, Jennifer Mavis Buckley, Phyllis June Buckley, A. Buckley, Arthur Mr. and Mrs. Buckley, James Henry John Buckley, Loftus Buckley, Martha Lucy Buckly, Arthur Buckman, Leslie Buckman, Ernest Buckner, JennIe Buckrell, Stella Buckton, Thomas H. Buckwell, J. A. E. BuckŀAnd, William A. Budd, Albert E. J. Budd, Hy. W.J. Budd, Wm. H. Budd, Alfred H.E. Budd, Daisy Budd, Alfred W. Budd, Sarah A. Budd, A. W. Budd, Ernest Budd, Albert Budd, William Budd, Alfred Budd, Horace W. Budd, A. E. J. Budd, Albert E. Buddin, Frank Chas. Budding, John T. Buddle, Jane Buddle, Janie Budner, Bessie Budney, Ronald W. Budrey, Ronald W. Budrey, Maud Bugby, A. H Buggie, Francis Buickery ?, Kate Buie, John Mrs. Bulbitt, Charles Bulcroft, Mary Catherine Bull, William Bull, Dorothy Bull, Gladys May Bull, William B.E. Bull, Alfred Bull, Joseph Bull, William Thomas Bull, Grace Bull, EmIly Bull, Emily Treasey Bull, Leonard G. Bull, William Benj. Edward Bull, Arthur Patrick Bull, Florence Beatrice Bull, Wilfred H. Bull, Alice V. Bull, Arthur Bull, Sarah Bull, Wm. Bull, John Bull, George L. Bull, Isabella Bull, Edwards Bull, Albert / Edward Bull, Bertie Bull, Alice Bull, Bertie P. Bull, Margaret E. Bull, Charles Bull, Alice ?? Bullard, Cecil F. Bullard, Harriet Bullard, Ernest Geo. Bulleid, L.M. Miss. Bulleid, Miss. Bullen, George A.E. Bullen, Percy E.C. Bullen, Henry Bullen, Robert J. Bullen, George Bullen, George Albert Edward Bullen, G.A.E. Bullen, Percy Edward Chas. Bullen, Percy Edward C. Bullen, Mabel Bullen, John Bullen, Percy E. Buller, Frank Buller, Joseph Henry Buller, May Buller, Ada Buller, Sarah Buller, Edwin Buller, Ellen Rosina Bulley, Florena Bulley, Erst. Bulleymeat, Walter Bulleyment, Walter Bullick, Ellen Bulliman, John Bulliman, William Bullimore, Jno. Bullimore, William Bullimore, Fred. G.C. Bullimore, John Bullimore, Frederick George Cliff Bulling, Francis William Bulling, Robert Ernest John Bullman, William Bullock, A. S. M. Miss. Bullock, Laura Bullock, Wm. Robert Bullock, Eileen Bullock, S.A.M. Miss. Bullock, Albert Bullock, Edward Bullock, Richard Bullock, Ellen Elizabeth Bullock, Eilleen Bullock, James Peachy W. / Peter Bullock, Wm. H. Bullock, Frederick Bullock, Ellen Bullock, Peter Bullock, Daisy Linda Bullock, Eileen B.J. Bullock, Mary Bullock, Ronald Bullock, Alice (Mrs. James) Bullock, A. L. M. Miss Bullock, Chas. Bullock, Ellen E. Bullock, Charles Bullock, Sidney Bullock, Captain Bullock, May Bullock, Charlie Bulman, George R. P. Bulman, Edward S. H. Bulman, Felicia M. E. Bulmer, Thomas Bulmer, Harriett Bulmer, William Bulmer, Mrs. William Bulmer, Barbara J. Bulmer, Daisy Bulmer, Annie Bulner, Fanny Bulpitt, Charles Thomas Bulstrode, C. G. Bultin, Ellen Bultlin, Emma Bumpus, Jos. Bundle, Fred. E. Bunker, Frederick Bunker, Sophia Bunker, W. Bunn, Jack N. Bunn, Amelia Bunn, Daisy Bunn, Mary Ann Bunn, Benjamin Renault Bunnage, William Bunnett, A. R. Mrs. Bunney, Arthur Bunning, Mrs. J.W. Bunton, William Bunton, Susan Bunton, George Bunyan, Fred. T. Bunyan, Fred. Bunyar, A. Bunyar, Albert E. Bunyard, Frederick Buott, F Chas Buott, F. Chas. Burbeck, Sabina Burbery, Alexander John Burbine, Mary Ann (Mrs. James) Burbridge, CIssIe Burbridge, John Burbridge, Florence Burbridge, Alfred Chas. Burbury, Alexander John Burbury, George Harry Burch, Carrie Burch, Helen Harvey Burch, George Burch, Caroline Burchall, Elsie M. Burchall, Walter Burchall, Alfred Burchall, George Burcham, Edith Burchell, Elsie Burchell, Peter John Burchell, Wm. Vincent Burchell, Alfred Burchell, Frederick Ernest Burchill, Elsie Burchmore, Burchmore, George Burd, Henry B. Burdall, Dorothy Burden, Lydia Burden, Sage Burden, Annie Burden, Stephen Henry Burden, Charles Edward Burden, Charles Burden, David T. Burden, Alice Burden, William Charles Burden, Annie B. Burden, Miriam Burder, Annie Ethel W Burder, David Burder, Maud Lilian Burder, John Burdett, Julia Burdett, Owen Mr. Burdett, Charlotte Burdon, David J. Burdon, Annie Burell, Wiliam Burfiend, John William Burfoot, Albert Burfoot, Louisa H. Burfoot, Louisa Burford, James W. Burford, James Walter Burford, Bessie Burford, Richard N. Burford, Eva Winnifred Burford, Lizzie Burford, William Murphy Burford, Fredk Burford, Robert Burford, Fredk. Burford, Richard Burgan, William C. Burge, Alfred Ivor Burge, Fred Burge, Rodon Burge, Rose Burge, Francis, James Sapper Burge, John Burge, Louisa Burge, Francis J. Burge, Frederick Burge, William Burge, Peter J. Burge, Leonard Samuel Burges, F. L. Pvt. Burgess, Chas. H. Burgess, Frederick A. Burgess, Maud E. Burgess, Frederick Burgess, Annie Burgess, Sidney J. Burgess, Arthur H. Burgess, Ernest Burgess, Alfred Burgess, William Burgess, Sidney Burgess, June Burgess, Edward W Burgess, Bertha Burgess, Walter S. Burgess, John E.H. Burgess, Drucilla Adelaide Burgess, Edwd. W. Burgess, Grace Burgess, George Burgess, Freddie Burgess, Angela Burgess, Burgess, Cecil R. Burgess, Nigel Burgess, Annie Kathleen Burgess, Edward C. Burgess, H. J. Burgess, Charles H. Burgess, Florence Emma / May Burgess, Robert H. Burgess, Monica Burgess, Minnie Burgess, Henry Burgin, Frederick John Burgin, James Burgon, Earleen Burgoyne, Nicholas Burk, Gordon L. Burke, Catherine Burke, Ernest Ed. Geo. Burke, William Burke, John Burke, Nicholas Burke, Thomas Burke, Mary Burke, John Antony Burke, John Henry Pvt. Burke, John A. Burke, Jas. Burke, James Edward Burke, Margaret Burke, John Henry Burke, Dominic Francis Xavier Burke, William J. Burke, Jas Burke, Walter Burke, Martin Burke, Anthony Burke, W. Pvt. Burke, Maggie Burke, Ellen (Mrs. Simon L.) Burke, Ada Burke, Winnie Burkes, John A. Burkett, Charles Burkhardt, Antony J. Burkitt, G. Burkitt, John S. Burkitt, Lucy Clara Burlace, James Burley, John W. Burley, Louisa Burley, Philip Burley, W. Burley, Arthur Burley, John Burley, Leonard Burlton, George Fredk. Burlton, George Frederick Burly, John Burman, Rural Deal Rev. Burn, Philippa Helen Burn, Mary Ellen Burn, E. Rev. Burn, J. Burnby, Sydney H. Burnby, Sydney Burnby, Sidney H. Burnby, Sidney Henry Burnell, Ernest Mrs. Burnell, Elsie May Burnell, Minnie Mrs. Burnet, Mary Burnet, William Burnet, James Burnet, Elizabeth Burnett, Horace Burnett, William Burnett, Arthur Burnett, Eliza Burnett, A. Burnett, Nellie Burnett, William C. Burnett, Mabel Burnett, T. Burnett, Billy Burnett, Leonard Mr. Burnett, Edward Burnham, James Burnham, Thomas Burns, Mary Burns, Arthur John Burns, Ray Burns, Ann Burns, Frances M. Burns, James Burns, John Burns, Thos Burns, William Burns, John (2) Burns, James William Burns, Elizabeth Burns, George Burns, Ellen Burns, Frances Burns, Rosina Burns, Thomas Burns, Arthur J. Burns, Edward Burns, A. E. Mrs Burns, Annie B. Burns, Margaret Burns, Serah Burns, Thos. Burns, Philip Burns, Peter Burns, Margt Burns, Katie Burns, Benjamin Thomas Burns, John (1) Burns, Edith Burns, Thomas Patk Burns, Kate Burns, Henry Burns, Cyril Burns, Patrick Burns, Alexander Burns, Percy Burns, Annie Burns, Sarah Burns, Charles Burns, Bernard Burns, Hugh Burns, james Burns, Henrietta Mrs. Burns, Samuel G. Burns, William James Burns, Francis M. Burns, Teddy Burns, Sarah Ann Burns, Joseph Burns, John Mr. Burns, Lizzie Burns, Rosa Burns, Elizabeth Jane Burns, Clara Burns, Edward George Burns, Jno Burns, T. Burns, Mary Ann Burns, Frederick Burns, Blanche May Burns, Wm. Burnside, Richard Burntet, Charles Burr, Lucy J. Burr, Edward James Burr, M. Burr, Efhel M. Mrs. Burr, Bronwen Burrage, William Henry Burrel, James Burrell, Amos Burrell, Richard G. Burrell, William Burrell, Wm Burrell, Frank Burrett, Beatrice Burridge, Maggie F. Burridge, Florence Burridge, John Burridge, Margaret Frances Burrington, Fred Burrington, John S. Burroughs, Gordon A. Burroughs, Gordon Arthur Burroughs, Gordon Burrow, Edith Burrowes, Edith Burrows, Geo. W. Burrows, Florence May Burrows, William Burrows, Emily Burrows, Edith Burrows, Wm. Burrows, Rose Burrows, Chas Burrows, Charles Burrows, Rose A. Burrows, Allan Burrows, Arthur Burrows, Henry Burrows, Charlie Burrows, Alfd Burrows, Annie Burrows, George Frederick Burrows, Fred Burrows, R. Burrows, G. Burrows, Samuel Burrows, Ernest Burrows, Alfred Burrows, Edward Burrows, Mary E Burrows, George Burrows, Edwin Burrows, Alfd. Burrows, Mary E. Burskin, Fred Burt, Alice Burt, A.A. Burt, John A. Burt, Leslie P.O. Burt, Samuel Burt, Stanley V. Burt, Alfred Burt, Leslie Burt, Ella Burt, Stanlet Burt, Percy Burt, Samuel Pvt. Burt, Stanley Burt, Leslie P. Burt, F. Burt, J. Burtle, George Burtle, Henry Burton, Thomas Burton, Ellen Burton, Ethel Burton, Lily Burton, John Burton, George Burton, Frank Burton, Ella Burton, Arthur Burton, William Burton, Tom Burton, Sidney Pvt. Burton, Edith Burton, Elsie Burton, Frank George Burton, William Alfred Burton, John James Burton, M. Burton, Ernest Burton, Arthur Frederick Pvt. Burton, W.C. Burton, Ellis Burton, George F. Burton, Sydney John Burton, Walter J. Burton, Arthur F. Burton, Lydia Burton, Frank Pvt. Burton, Eileen Elizabeth Burton, George E. Burton, Leonard J. Burton, W. Burton, Frederick S. Burton, Frank G. Burton, Arthur F. T. Burton, Samuel Burton, Reg. Burton, Charles Burton, George Joseph Burton, Emily Burton, Ernest A Burton, Annie Burton, Thos. Burton, John J. Burton, A. E. Burton, Joseph Burton, Wm. Charles Burtt, Theodore Burtwell, Robt. M. Burtwell, Augustus Burty, Ernest John Bury, Reginald Bury, John Busby, Thomas Busby, Edward Busby, S. Buscall, Alice Buscall, Ellen C'line Buscall, Alice Louisa Buscall, Ellen Busfield, Albert C. Bush, Edith Alice Bush, Alfred Bush, Frank Bush, W. Randall Bush, William George Bush, Wm. G. Bush, William G. Bush, Alice Ada Bush, Dorothy Bush, Arthur H. J. Bush, Mr. and Mrs. Bush, W. O. Bush, Dorothy V.K. Bush, Herbert Bush, Albert Bush, W. G. Pvt. Bush, Jack Bush, John Bush, Alice Bush, Rose Bush, Wm. G Bush, Sam. R. Mr. Bush, Bushell, Lily Bushell, J. Pvt. Bushell, Mary Ann Bushell, Harold Bushell, Elizabeth Bushell, Rose Bushell, George Bushfield, Alfred C. Bushnell, Harry Bushnell, Frederick A. Bushnell, Fred. H. Bushnell, Eliza Busk, Elizabeth S. Bussell, Henry Busset, Florence Busset, Rose / Rosina Bussey, John Bussey, Albert E. Busson, Ernest Cecil Busst, Florence Busst, Rose / Rosina Bustin, Edgar Geo. Buswell, Wm. Allen Morr. Buswell, Frank Buswell, Sydney Ernest Butchard, Sid. F. Butcher, Edward Butcher, William Patrick Butcher, Henry Butcher, Millicent Butcher, Randolph, H. Butcher, Randolph Butcher, William George Butcher, Harold G. Butcher, Eliza Butcher, Lavinia Miss. Butcher, Albert Butcher, C. H. Butcher, Wm. Geo. Butcher, William Butcher, Edith Butcher, James Butcher, Ward Butfield, Josiah / Joseph Butherton, Charles Butland, Annie Butland, Frank Butler, Ronald Butler, George Albert Butler, John P. Butler, Mabel Butler, Emma Butler, The Very Rev. Henry Montagu, DD, DCL Butler, William Butler, Ethel Butler, Ruth Butler, Martha E.M. Butler, Charles Butler, Edward Butler, Leah Butler, Audrey Butler, Jean Butler, Martha Butler, Maud Butler, Henry Butler, George Butler, Ellen Butler, Herbert Frank Butler, Herbert R. Butler, Walter Butler, Willie G. Butler, Kahura / Keturah Butler, Georgina Butler, Philip Butler, Margaretta Butler, Maria Butler, John B. Butler, John James Butler, Eric Butler, George W. Butler, George Joseph Butler, Edith Butler, H. Butler, Katura Butler, Florence Rose May Butler, Frank Butler, Maude E. Butler, Maud E. Butler, Doris Butler, Harold Butler, William George Butler, Frederick William. Butler, Wm. Butler, Margaret J. Butler, Geo. Butler, Herbt. E. Butler, Sarah Elizabeth Butler, Geo Butler, John Butler, Alfred Ernest Butler, Alice Elizabeth Butler, Mary E Butler, S. Eliz. Butler, Thomas Southam Butler, Ann Butler-Gerds, M. Miss. Butt, A. E. Butt, Lilian E. Butt, George A. Butt, Edgar Butt, Louisa Butt, Leslie P. Butt, Christopher Butt, Sarah Jane Butt, Sarah Butterfield, Mr. Butterfield, Wm. E. Butterfield, William Butterfield, William E. Butterfield, James J.W. Butterfield, Albert Butterfield, J. Pioneer Butters, Edith Butters, Elsie Butters, Henry Butterworth, Benjamin Butterworth, Dorothy Butterworth, Ruth Clara Butterworth, John/Ben Butterworth, Frank Pvt. Butterworth, James Butterworth, Hannah Butterworth, Robert Butterworth, Annie Maria Butterworth, John Benjamin Butterworth, Frank Buttle, Walter William Buttle, Mabel Button, Bernard C. Button, Frederick S. Button, Herbert Button, Button, Herbert G. Button, Eleanor Button, Herbt. G. Button, Jos. Button, Albert Buttress, Anne Butwell, Sydney Butwell, Charles Henry Butwell, Walter Butwell, John Butwell, Sarah Louisa Buxton, W.J. Mr. Buxton, Edward C. Buxton, Arthur Rev. Buxton, Edward E. Buxton, Thos. Buxton, Harold J. Mr. Buxton, Bernard T. Buxton, E.C. Buxton, Delia Buxton, Mabel Buxton, Arthur Buxton, Edward Buxton, Margaret Buxton, Audrey Victoria Buxton, E. Buxton, Norman Buxton, John Pvt. Byatt, Elizabeth Ruth Byatt, Joseph Byatt, Thomas W. Byatt, Thomas Edward Byde, Wm. F. Bye, Matilda Bye, Fred J. Bye, Fred Bye, Mathilda Bye, Laura Bye, Frederick Joseph Bye, Frederick Byers, Mr. Jas. Byers, Miss. Byers, Wm. Byers, Edith Rose Byers, W. Byfield, Frederick Byford, Albert Arthur Byford, Albert A. Byford, Albert Byford, Albert E. Byford, Thomas Byford, Henry Bygrave, Charles Bygrave, William Bygraves, Bygraves, Charles Byles, James H. Byles, James H.G. Byles, Jas. H.C. Byrch, G. Byrne, William Byrne, Charles Byrne, Mr. Byrne, Jas. Byrne, Mary Byrne, Celia Byrne, P. Mr. Byrne, John Byrne, John J. Byrne, Blanche Byrne, Elizabeth Byrne, Owen Byrne, Rose Byrne, Denis Byrne, Margaret Byrne, Norah Byrne, Henry Byrne, George Byrne, Mary Anne Byrom, Harry Byrom, George Byrom, Walter Byrom, Emily Gertrude Byron, William Byron, Henry H. Byrose, Thomas Bywater, Gladys Bywater, Joseph Bywater, Gladys D. C E W, C----, C----- C., C. C., H. C., F.C. Cabbage, Clarence Cable, Ernest H. Cable, Henry M. Cable, Henry Cable, Geo. C. Cable, Henry Martin Cable, George H. Cable, Sam. Cable, Henry W. Cable, George C. Cadbury, Anthea Cadbury, Nicholas Cadbury, Veronica Cadd, Gladys Cadd, Gladys M. Cadd, Rose A. Cadd, Rose Cadd, Rosie Cadden, Albert Cadden, John Caddick, James Caddick, John Caddie, Elizabeth Caddy, Ralph Cade, William Cade, George Cade, Edith Blanche Rice Cade, Wm. Cadman, Alice M. Cadman, Alice Cadman, Jack Cadman, Joseph Garnett Cadman, J. Cadman, Wm. Caffey, Henry George Caffley, Wm. J. Caffley, Henry Caffrey, Patrick Caffrey, Ellen Cafley, Wm. John Cage, Alice Cage, Alfred Cahill, Matthew Cahill, Winifred Cahill, Margaret Ann Cahoon, David Caiger-Watson, Myles Cain, Annie Cain, George Cain, Henry A. Cain, Arthur Cain, Thomas (1) E. Cain, William Cain, Clifford Cain, John Cain, Joseph Cain, Clifford Mr. and Mrs. Cain, Wm Cain, Agnes Cain, Jessie Cain (Kane), Arthur Caine, Thomas (3) Caine, Edith Caine, Thomas (2) Herbert Caine, H. Albert Caine, Mary Caine, Chas. Caine, Hall Caine, Annie Jane Caines, Mary Caines, Walter Caink, Sheila Caird, May Cairnie, Alan Cairns, Maud Roden Cairns, James Cairns, Robert Cairns, William Cairns, Joseph Cairns, Mr. & Mrs. Cairns, J.A.R. Mr. Cairns, Annie (Mrs. James) Cairns, Jas. Cairns, Julia Cairns, H. Cairns, Mrs. Cairweros, Annie Caisley, Harry V. Caithness, Elizh Calagan, Ann Calaghan, Ann Calbride, William Calcut, T. G. Calcutt(or Callcut or Calcott), James Caldecott, Edward Private Caldecott, E. Calder, Ed. Calder, W.E. Calder, Warwick Edward Calder, Robert Calder, Dav Calder, M. Calder, David Calder, Olive (Mrs. Robert) Calder, Rob Calderwood, Andrew Caldicott, Edward Caldicott, Ellen Caldicott, Frank Victor Caldicott, Frederick George Caldwell, Ivy Caldwell, Edward Caldwell, Herbert Caldwell, Edw Caldwell, Henry / Harry Caldwell, ElIz. Caldwell, Francis Caldwell, Michael Caldwell, Emma Caldwell, Annie Caldwell, Charles Caldwell, Mrs. Caldwell, Albert Caldwell, Daniel George Caldwell, AngelIna Caldwell, Philip Caldwell, Maureen Caldwell, Walter Campion Caldwell, Emily Lavinia Cale, Michael Cale, George F. Cale, Emily Caley, Minnie Caley, Alfred Cpl. Caley, Lily Caley, Elizabeth Caley, Minnie Elsie Calford, Frederick Calice, Leonard Calighan, Catherine Calise, Hoarce F. Calise, Bertie Calise, Bertie F. Calise, B. F. Calise, Herbert F. Calise, Reuben F. Calkin, John Call, Callaby, Albert Callaby, Albert W. Callacott, Amelia Callagan, John Callagan, Florence Callagen, Elizabeth Callagham, William Callaghan, Ann Callaghan, Patrick Lieut. Callaghan, Patrick Callaghan, Richard Patrick Callaghan, Stephen Callaghan, John Callaghan, Edward Callaghan, Timothy Callaghan, Richard Callaghan, William Callaghan, Richard Patrick Pvt. Callaghan, Louis Callaghan, Bertram Callahan, Catherine Callan, William Callan, John Callaway, George Callaway, George F. Callaway, Geo. F. Callaway, W.R. Mr. Callaway, Ted Callcutt, Jessie Callighan, A. Callighan, Ann Callin, A. B. Mr. Callon, Cornelius Callow, Anne Callow, J. Callow, Ann Calloway, Ernest G. Calloway, James Callum, Mrs. Calnan, James Calstor, Daisy Mrs. Calton, George Calveley, Harry Calver, Grace Calver, Horace Calverley, Henry Calvert, John E. Calvert, D. Calvin, Martha Calvin, Timothy Calvitin, Minnie Calway, Phillip Camberlain, Ronald Camberlain, Mr. Cambray, Frank Cambridge, James |
Cambridge, Josh. W. Cambridge, Mary Cambridge, Josh W Cameron, Alfred Cameron, William Cameron, James Cameron, Ann Cameron, Herbert Cameron, Gordon Cameron, Wm. Cameron, Duncan Cameron, Alex T. Cameron, Mary R. Cameron, G. W. Cameron, Lilian Amy (Mrs. Hugh) Cameron, Miriam (Mrs. George) Cameron, Mary Cameron, Jas. Cameron, Maud Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron, Mr. Geo. Cameron, Simon Cameron, Mrs Cameron, Irving H. Mrs. Cameron, J. T. Cameron, Allan Cameron, John Cameron, Hubert Cameron, Annie Caminada, Ann Camm, William Camm, Ernest J. Camm, Charles Hendry Sgt Cammon, Annie Camp, Edward Camp, Fred Camp, William Camp, Saul Camp, Alfred Camp, Saml Camp, Frederick Camp, Maureen Camp, Walter Camp, Sheila Campbell, Mrs. M.A. Campbell, Edward Campbell, James Campbell, George Campbell, Edmund Campbell, Thomas Campbell, Flora Campbell, Laura Campbell, Robert S. Campbell, Alex Campbell, R. Campbell, William Campbell, John Campbell, Mr. Abram (JP) Campbell, Richard Campbell, Edmond Campbell, Robt Campbell, Charles J. Campbell, Wm. Campbell, A.H. Campbell, Archibald Campbell, J. Campbell, D.A. Campbell, John T. Campbell, Hugh Campbell, Mary Campbell, Katie Campbell, Miss. Campbell, Ernest Cecil Campbell, Arch Campbell, Beatrix Campbell, Bertram Campbell, Kevet Campbell, Daisy Campbell, Jno. T. Campbell, David Campbell, Michael Campbell, Alice Campbell, James Joseph Campbell, Annie Campbell, Robt. F. Campbell, William Henry Campbell, Henry Campbell, Elizabeth Miss. Campbell, M.A. Mrs. Campbell, Arthur Campbell, Charles Campbell, Harry Davies Campbell, A.H. Mrs. Campbell, Neil Campbell, Chas. J. Campbell, Albert W. Campbell, E.D. Campbell, Robert Campbell, Graham Mrs. Campbell-Jones, Janet Campell, John T. Campion, William J. Campion, David Campion, Walter J. Campkin, Oliver J. Campkin, Marie R. Camplin, Joseph Campling, John Arthur Camps, Elizabeth Camps, Peter Camps, Ann Canavor, Frederick Charles Candlen, Elizabeth Candlish, Catherine Candlish, Belle Candy, Arthur Cane, Dorothy M. Cane, Alfred E. Cane, Henry W. Cane, Beatrice (Mrs. Eli) Cane, Eli Cane, Thomas Cane, George Cane, Henry A. Caney, Gertrude Caney, George Caney, Charles Caney, Edwin Caney, Thomas Caney, Thos. Canfield, George Canham, Janes Canker, Jos. Cann, Frederick John Cann, William Cann, William H. Cann, Wm. Cann, William Humphrey Cann, Wm. H. Canning, Frederick Canning, Frederick G. Canning, Fred Canning, George Canning, Cyril Cannock, Florence B. Cannon, Henry Cannon, Horatio E. Cannon, Lena Cannon, kate Cannon, Stephen S. Cannon, J Cannon, Alf Cannon, Sidney Cannon, Kathy Cannon, Walter Cannon, Jane Cannon, Wm. Cannon, Theodore Cannon, Thomas Cannon, Ellen Cannon, Leira Cannon, John Cannon, Katty Cannon, Herbert B J. Cannon, Wm Cannons, Sarah A. Mrs. Cannons, Blanche Mrs. Cannons, Sarah Mrs. Cannovan, Charles Cannovin, Charles H. Canon, Ernest John Canon, R. G. Canon, Edith Cant, Thomas Canterbury, The Very Rev. the Dean of, DD Cantlin, Edwin Cantlin, Edward Cantrell, Joseph Cantrell, Henry Cantrill, Frederick Cantrill, Fredk Canty, A. Canty, James Canyers, Elizabeth Ann Cape, J.H. Mr. Cape, H.J. Mr. Capel, Thos. S. Capel, Thos S Capel, Thomas S. Capel, A. Capeling, Edward Capell, Thomas S. Capell, Henry Capener, Marion M. Capener, Richardson Capewell, Henry Capewell, Alfred Capewell, Edwin Caple, R. M. Capnerhurst, Frank Arthur Capnerhurst, Florence Leah Capon, Sidney Capon, Kate Capon, James Capper, Peter Capper, Thomas Capper, Robin Cappock, Alfred Cappock, John Cappock, Dominick Capps, Sidney C. Capps, Sidney Charles Capps, Sidney Capps, Hilda M. Capps, Percy Carbine, Jane Carbis, Laura Carbon, George William Card, P. Card, Bessie J. Cardale, Mr. Cardell, Joe Carden, Chas. W. Carder, F. R. Cardiff, Chas Cardiff, George Cardiff, E.A. Mrs. Care, Charles Care, Samuel Care, Herbert Care, Charles Stephen Care, Ch. S. Care, Ernest Careis, George Careis, Edward Careis, Careis, Maria Careless, R. Carew, Olivia Carew, Noel Carew, Alfred Carew, Hannah Carey, George Carey, Charles Carey, Rose Carey, Maggie Carey, Mary Jane Carey, Edward Carey, David Carey, Alice Carey, Sidney Carey, Ethel Carey, John Carey, Arthur William Carey, Thomas H. Carey, Annie Carey, Edwin Carey, Edward Henry Carker, Chas Ed Carl, Margaret Carl, Emma F. Mrs. Carless, William Carless, Ada Carless, Albert Carless, Albert Mr. Carless, Albert Mrs. Carless, Mr. and Mrs. Carless, Professor Carless, Luke Carless, Albert Col. Carless, William Arthur Carless, Mr. Carless, Edwin John Carless, Albert Mr. and Mrs. Carless, Albert Colonel. Carless, Albert and Mrs. Carless, Professor Albert, MB, MS, FRCS Carley, James Carley, George Carlin, Edward Carlin, Ed. Carline, Mary E. Carline, Mary Carline, Charles Carling, John Carling, Edward Carlisle, The Very Rev. the Dean of, DD Carlisle, Polly (Mrs. Douglas) Carlisle, T. Carliss, John Carliss, Mary Ann Carliss, J. Pvt. Carlon, John Carloss, Alfred Carloss, Arthur Carloss, Richard Carlow, H. Carlow, Nellie Carlow, Henry Carlow, Harry / Henry Carlson, Mary H. Carlton, Geo. Carlton, George Carlton, Edith Carlyle, William Carlyon, Edith Carman, Fred William Carmichael, Alfred Carmichael, Emily Pegg Carmichael, A. Carmicheal, Miles Carmicheal, Samuel Carmody, John Carmody, Mary Carmody, Cornelius Carnahan, Mrs. Howard Carnahan, Percy B. Carney, Walter Carney, Margaret Carney, Denis Carney, Mary Carney, Henry Carney, Captain and Mrs. Carney, Dennis Carney, Bernice Miss. Carney, Charles Carney, Alice Carnie, ElsIe Carnie, MaggIe Carnwrite, Emily Mrs. Carpener, Elizabeth J. Carpenter, Albert Carpenter, Lucy G. Carpenter, Arthur Carpenter, Charles H. Carpenter, Charles Carpenter, Edward Carpenter, Wm. Carpenter, William Carpenter, Alfred E. Carpenter, Joseph Carpenter, James Albert Carpenter, Albert James Carpenter, Edward A. Carpenter, Chas. Hy. Carpenter, James A. Carpenter, Jane Carpenter, Albert Edward Carpenter, Mr. Lee Carpenter, Edward J. Carpenter, Edward B. Carr, Mary E. Carr, Carr, Dorothy, (Mrs. Frank Leon) Carr, Mary Carr, Robert Carr, Andrew Carr, Jack Carr, Alan Paul Carr, W.N. Rev. Carr, John Carr, James Carr, T. Carr, Peter Towsley Carr, G.W. Carr, Catharine Carr, Jos. W. Carr, J. Able-seaman Carr, Margret Carr, Geo. Wm. Carr, H. P. Carr, S. Carr, William Thomas Carran, Henry Carrey, Thomas Carrick, Joseph Carrick, Agnes Augusta Carrick, Charlotte Ann Carrier, John Carrington, Harry Carrington, Ellen Carrington, Wilfred Hy. Geo. Carrington, Arthur Carrington, Norman Carrington, Frederick Carrington, Rose Carrod, Hannah Carrol, George Carrol, Catherine Carrol, Florence Mae (Mrs. Lewis) Carrol, Mary Carroll, William Carroll, Samuel Carroll, Edward Carroll, Percy Carroll, Mary Catherine Carroll, Alexander Carroll, [name Martin is scratched out] Carroll, Joseph Carroll, Wm. Carroll, Mary Carroll, Margaret Carroll, Jessie Carroll, Catherine Carroll, John Pvt. Carroll, Martin Carroll, John Carroll, Thomas P. Carroll, W. Carroll, James Carroll, Terence C. Carroll, Jno W Carroll, Bertie Gwyllym Carroll, Daphne Carroll, Frederick Carron, Thomas W. Carron, William W. Carrs, Robert Carrs, John Carruthers, Kenneth Carruthers, John Carruthers, Wm. Carruthers, Rebecca Carslake, Jessie Carson, Mary H. Carson, Thomas Carson, Thos Carson, Eliz. Mrs. Carson, Mary Carson, Edith Carss, Robt. Carss, John Carss, Robert Carston, Joseph Carsvay, Catherine Carswell, P. Carswell, Thomas Carswell, Florence Carswell, Florence, Elizabeth Carter, Frank James Carter, Charles H. Carter, Carter, Alfred Carter, Emily Miss. Carter, Louisa Carter, Joseph Harvey Carter, Miss. Carter, Lilian G.V. Carter, Emily Carter, Dorothy M. Carter, Jane Carter, Leonard B. Carter, H. Chas. Carter, Joseph H. Carter, Cecil Fred Carter, William Carter, Charles Carter, Linda Carter, Sidney Carter, Francis L. Carter, Henry Carter, Chas. E. Carter, Rose Ann Carter, Frank J. Carter, Mrs. William Carter, F. N. Pvt. Carter, Sidney G. Carter, Marjorie Carter, Daisy Winnifred Carter, Hubert Stanley Carter, Joseph Harry Carter, Ernest Carter, Edwin Carter, Harry / Henry Carter, Phoebe Carter, Richard H. Carter, Charlie Carter, C. E. Carter, Marjority Carter, Leonard Bertie Pvt. Carter, Chris. Carter, Angela Carter, Cyril William Carter, Charles E. Carter, Thomas Carter, Edward Carter, Lilian Carter, Joseph Carter, W. Carter, Charles A. Carter, Margery Carter, Phyllis A Carter, Albert Carter, Joe Carter, Edwin Victor Carter, Gertrude Carter, Frank Carter, Clifford Pvt. Carter, John Carter, Pte. Carter, Harry Carter, Edwin V. Carter, Gladys Carter, Philip Carter, Mabel Carter, Minnie H. Carter Carter, Albert Ed. Henry Carter, Majorie Carter, Henry Garrett Carter, F. Carter, Alfred Adams Carter, Nelson Carter, Josh Carter, William Joseph Carter, Christopher Carter, Jos. H. Carter, Linda B. Carter, Reuben Carter, Ed. Carter, Joseph J. Carter, Herbert S. Carter, Minnie M. Carter, Cecil F. Carter, Sid. G. Carter, Jas. Hill Carter, John H. Carter, E. Miss. Carter, John W. Carter, Minnie Carter, Thomas H. Carter, Charles Arthur Carter, Herbert K. Carter, Leonard Bertie Carter, Hubert S. Carter, Alfred Jamesa Carter, A. G. Carter, Francis J. Carter, Thomas William Carter, Chas. Ed. Carter, William Henry Carter, Francis H. Carter, Frank I. Carter, Eliza J. Carter, Frank J. Mrs. Carter, Clay & Lintott, Messrs. Cartledge, William B. Cartledge, Jane Cartledge, Florence Cartledge, David Arden Cartlidge, Florence B. Cartmell, Chas Cartmer, George Carton, James Conrad Carton, Shirley Carton, James, Conrad Carton, Geoffrey Cartright, Beatrice M. Cartwright, Joseph Cartwright, Frederick Cartwright, John Cartwright, Jos. Cartwright, Richard Sir Cartwright, Serah Cartwright, Sarah Cartwright, Ernest Cartwright, Thomas A. Cartwright, William Cartwright, Edward Cartwright, George Cartwright, George T. Cartwright, Ada Cartwright, Harry Cartwright, Ruth Cartwright, Frederick Thomas Cartwright, Henry Carty, Wm Carty, Wm. Carvel, John Carvell, John William Carvell, George Henry Carver, Rose Ann Carver, Nellie Carver, Winifred Scanlan Carver, Charles Caryle, W. L. Casagnola, Fred. Casbon, George Casbon, Geo. Case, Rose Elizabeth Case, Florence Annie Case, Francis J. Case, William Caseley, Gordon Caseley, Herbert Caseley, Sarah Casement, Henry Casey, Frederick Casey, Catherine Casey, W. Casey, Albert F. Casey, Edward Casey, Albert Casey, John J. Casey, L. Casey, Daniel Casey, Annie Casey, Kate Casey, George Casey, Ann Casey, Cath. Casey, Cornelius Cash, Annie Maria Cash, EmIly Cashmore, Alfred Cashmore, Harry Cashmore, Casley, Geo Ar Cass, Elizabeth Cass, Harriet L. Cass, Harriet Lavinia Cass, Thomas A. Cassard, Henry Cassell, Eliz Herbert Cassells, Thos. Cassells, John, Donaldson Cassells, John D. Cassey, John J. Cassidy, Patrick Cassidy, Michael Cassidy, Winnifred Cassidy, William Cassidy, Jeremiah Cassidy, Jeremiah(Gerald) Cassidy, Joseph Cassidy, Alfred Casson, Angela Casson, Elizabeth Casson, Patricia Castator, Hannah Mrs. Caster, Daisy Mrs. Caster, Levi Mrs. Casterson, James Castle, Elizabeth Castle, Frederick C. Castle, Geo. Castle, Edwin B. Castle, Castle, Harvey Castle, Brian Castle, John Castle, Frederick Charles Castle, Albert Castle, Rosalie Castle, Priscilla Castle, George Castle, Henry Castle, Prisilla Castle, John T. Castle, Ellen Castlenovo, George Castles, John D. Castor, Daisy Mrs. Castrue, Henry Caswell, Mr. & Mrs. Casy, Albert F. Catch, Clara Catch, Albert Catchpole, Charles Catchpole, Sidney Catchpole, Geo H Catchpole, Alfred Catchpole, Alfred G. Cateley, Eva Cateley, Florence Cater, Fred. W. Cater, Joseph Cater, Alfred Cater, Alice Cater, Thomas Cater, Henry Andrew Cater, Frederick W. Cater, Henry Cater, Marjorie Cater, Henry A. Cater, John Cater, Alice J. Cater, William Cates, Charles Cates, A. Cates, Eliza Cathcart, Thomas Cathcart, Margaret Cathcart, Cathcart, Mary Catherall, Annie Rosina Catherall, May / Mary Cathie, William Cathie, Stanley John Cathline, Florence Elizabeth (Mrs. Chester) Cato, Florence Cato, Christopher Caton, Hubt Caton, Henry Caton, Herbert Cator, John David. Catt, Frederick Charles Catt, Frederick C. Cattaneo, Herbert P. Cattell, Doris Maud Cattell, George Albert Cattle, Edward Caughey, John Mrs. Caughey, John Cauldwell, Frederick Cauldwell, Daniel G. Caunt, Harold A. Caunt, Harold Caunt, Evelyn Cauthers, Mrs. Cavagon, Christina Cavanagh, John Cavanagh, James Cavanagh, Anne Cavanagh, Alexander Cavanagh, Charles Walter Cavanagh, Vincent Cavanagh, Joseph Cavanagh, Penelope Cavanagh, Robert Cavanagh, Jos. Cavanagh, Helen Cavanagh, Nellie Cavanagh, Arthur Cavanagh, Evelyn Cavanaugh, Sarah Jane Cave, Kate Cave, Ada Cave, Reginald Cave, Herbert C. Cave, Walter Cave, Eleanor Cave, William S. Caven, John Cavenaugh, Joseph Cavendish, Edward Caveney, John William Caverley, Flora Mrs. Caverly, Archibald Cavey, Sidney Cavill, Anne Lillian Cavill, Geo. Cavill, George Cavill, Lily Cavill, Alice B. Cavish, Anna Cawdrey, Wm. Cawdron, Henry Cawley, Emily Cawley, Robt Cawley, Burton Cawley, Robt. Cawley, Michael Cawthron, Jack Cay, Messers. Caygill, Ada Cayley, Elizabeth Cearney, Catherine Cearney, Deborah Cearns, Richard Cecil, Gillian Cecil, Davina Cecil, Angela Cecil-Smith, J. Mrs. Cervante, E. Chadney, Geo Chads, William Chads, William G. Chadwick, Joseph F. Chadwick, Joseph Chadwick, Robert Chadwick, James Chadwick, William T. Chadwick, Rachel Mary Chadwick, Judith Chadwick, J.F. Chadwick, Frederick Chadwick, Robt. Chadwick, Lilian Mrs. Chadwick, Harry Chadwick, Joanna Stewart Chadwick, C. T. Chadwick, Earnest R. Chadwick, Jas. J. Chadwick, Robt Chadwick, William Chadwick, Chadwick, Joseph H. Chadwick, Robbie Chadwick, Ursula Dorothy Chadwick, Fredk. Chadwick, Fred. Chadwick, Jos. F. Chaffee, Violet Elizabeth Chaffey, Lilian A.F. Chaffin, Charles Chaffin, Thomas Chaffin, Henry Chaffin, Thos. Chaffin, Henry Pvt. Chaffin, Harry Chald, Richard Hy. Chalk, Fanny Chalk, John Chalk, William (1) Chalk, Charles Edward Chalk, Wm. C. Chalk, William Chalk, C. Ed. Chalk, P. Chalk, Jean M. Chalk, Ellen Chalk, Peter J. Chalker, Dorcas Chalkley, Susan Chalkley, Sarah A. Challender, Valentine H. Challender, William H. Challenger, Miss. Challes, Alfred Challice, James Challice, Wm. H. Challice, Wm. C. Challinger, Miss. Challinor, James Challis, Emma Challis, Sarah Challis, Elizabeth Challis, Challis, John Challis, Pretoria May Challis, George Challis, William Challoner, Ezra Chalmer, R. Chalmers, Aubrey Chalmers, Dr. Chamber, Percival Chamberlain, Maud Mrs. Chamberlain, Frederick Chamberlain, Eliz Chamberlain, Frank Chamberlain, Elsie Mrs. Chamberlain, Emma / Emily Maud Chamberlain, Ruth Chamberlain, Thos. Chamberlain, Ronald Chamberlain, H. Chamberlain, Thomas Chamberlain, Edward Chamberlain, Eliz. Chamberlain, John Chamberlain, Rev. Edward Charles Chamberlain, H Wiliam Chamberlain, J P Chamberlain, William Henry Chamberlain, Walter Chamberlain, Emily Chamberlain, Albert Chamberlain, Ernest Chamberlain, Edwin Chamberlain, Jean I. Chamberlain, John Thomas Chamberlain, J. P. Chamberlain, Kate Chamberland, R. Chamberlian, Harry Mrs. Chamberlin, Adelaide Chambers, Agnes Chambers, Thomas Chambers, James Chambers, Eddie Chambers, George Chambers, Jack Gunner Chambers, William Chambers, J.C. Chambers, Samuel Chambers, John Chambers, John Leslie Chambers, Judith Christine Chambers, Margaret Chambers, Walter Chambers, G. Chambers, Thos Chambers, Walter L. Chambers, Ernest Richard Chambers, Jacob C. Chambers, Frank E. Chambers, Edward H. Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Chambers, W. L. Chambers, Ernest R. Chambers, Fred. Chambers, Ernest Chambers, Joseph Chambers, Wm. Chambers, James C. Chambers, P.H. Chamers, Walter Chamey, Ellen Champerlain, Frederick Champion, Richard Champion, Edw Champion, James C. Champion, Rd. Champion, Ellen Champion, Edward Champion, Chrystal H. Champion, Agnes Champion, J. E.R. Champion, Thomas Champlin, Emma Champman, Lillian Chance, Florence Chance, Samuel Chance, William Chance, Elizabeth Chance, Mary Ann Chance, Annie Chandler, Fred Chandler, William Chandler, Grace R. Chandler, Percy C. Chandler, John Chandler, Grace Ruth Chandler, Thomas Chandler, Cecil Raymond Chandler, Rose Chandler, Nellie Chandler, Mrs. Alice Chandler, Jno W Chandler, James Chandler, Frederick Chandler, Percy Chandler, Norah Chandler, Rose Anna Chaney, Harriet Jessie Chaney, Grace Chaney, Jessie Chaney, Ellen Chaney, Elizabeth Chaney, Bessie Channer, Albert Channing, R.L. Channing, Fred. G. Channing, Frederick C. Channing, Frederick G. Channing, Arthur Channon, Fanny Chant, Bertie L. Chant, Willie Chant, Wm. Chant, Joseph R. Chant, Bertie Chant, Joseph Robert Chant, Joe. R. Chant, Jos. R. Chantler, Arthur Chapel, Arthur Chaplain, Arthur Joseph Chaplin, Herbert G. Chaplin, Arthur J. Chaplin, William Frederick Chaplin, Frederick Chaplin, Samuel R. Chaplin, Sam. R. Chaplin, Frederick Sidney Chaplin, Annie Chaplin, William Chaplin, G. Chaplin, Clara Ellen Chaplin, Nellie Chaplin, Geo. Chaplin, John A. Chaplin, Herbert J. Chaplin, George Chapman, Edith Chapman, J.H. Chapman, Herbert G. Chapman, Lewin Chapman, William Herbert Chapman, Arthur F. Chapman, Clara Chapman, John Chapman, George Chapman, John W. Chapman, Florence Chapman, Elizabeth Chapman, Margaret Chapman, William H. Chapman, Jennie Elizabeth Chapman, Wm. F. Chapman, Charles Ford Chapman, Louisa Chapman, Lily V. Chapman, Albert Chapman, H.C. Mr. Chapman, Elizabeth M. Chapman, Edwin Chapman, Theresa Chapman, Jane Chapman, Annie Chapman, Arthur Chapman, Frank A. Chapman, Bessie Chapman, Frederick Chapman, Clifford Chapman, Samuel Chapman, Fred Chapman, Ernest Chapman, Chapman, Laura Chapman, Mabel McBride Chapman, Mary J. Chapman, Benjamin Chapman, Robert/Bertie Henry K. Chapman, Fredk Chapman, Ellen Chapman, Mr. Chapman, Samuel H. Chapman, R. N. Chapman, Susannah Chapman, Benjamin C. Chapman, Benj. Chapman, Fredrick Henry Chapman, H. Mr. J.P. Chapman, William S. Chapman, Nicholas Chapman, Charles E. Chapman, Fredk. Chapman, Elsie Chapman, William Chapman, Fred'k. Chapman, A. B. Chapman, Mable McBride Chapman, Agnes (Mrs. Carson S.) Chapman, Mabel Chapman, Thersea Chapman, George C. Chapman, Nigel Chapman, John B. Chapman, Herbert E. Chapman, Richard Chapman, Margaret E. Chapman, Edward Henry Chapman, Victor Chapman, Herbert Chapman, T. Chapman, Samuel S. Chapman, Fred. Chapman, Sam. S. Chapman, M.H.L. Chapman, Sydney Chapman, George Albert Chappel, Charles Chappell, Cephas Chappell, Edward Chappell, Amy Chappell, E. S. Chappell, Albt. E. Chappell, Albert E. Chappell, Albt E Chappell, Charles Chappelo, Ethel Chappelow, Ethel Chappelow, Ethel C. Chappelow, Edward C. Chappke, Rose Chapple, Sidney W. Chapple, George F. Chapple, Alice M. Chapple, AlIce Chapple, Alice Chapple, Albert Chapps, Sidney Charante, Gladys Charante, Olive Charboneau, Celia Chard, Queenie Chard, Frank E. Chard, Frank Chard, Edgar F. Chard, Audrey Charke, Alfred James Charke, Ernest John Charldwood, Minnie Charles, Ellen Charles, Thomas Edward Charles, Henry Charles, Edmund R. Charles, George Alfred Charles, W. Eugene Charles, Kingsley Charles, Alexander Charles, Tasker Charles F., Winter Charles M., Wiggins Charles-Baird, Viva Charlesworth, A. Charlesworth, Thomas Charlesworth, George Charlesworth, Mr. Charlesworth, Joseph Charlesworth, William Charlesworth, H. Charleton, May Charleworth, Michael Charleworth, Arthur Charleworth, Cynthia Charley, Reynold Vernon Charlton, May Charlton, Mrs. Peter Charlton, H Charlton, HenrIetta Charlton, Gertrude Charlton, E. Moray Charlton, William Charman, William Charman, Jack Charman, Wm. Charman, George Frewin Pvt. Charman, Eliza Rosina Charman, Alfred Charman, A. J. Charman, Geo. Frewin Charnley, William Joseph Charrington, Ben. Charrington, Fred Chart, Arthur Chase, Harold W. Chase, Harry W. Chase, Florence Annie Chase, Percival H. Chase, Howard Chase, H.B. Chester Chase, George H. Chase, Percy H. Mr. and Mrs. Chase, Albert Chase, Rose Elizabeth Chase, Percy H. Chater, Clive Anthony Chatfield, Bertha Chatfield, James Chatfield, Martha Chatfield, Willie Chatfield, Alfred Geo. Chatfield, William Chatfield, Alfred J. Chatterley, Frederick Robt. Leider Chatterley, Walter Chatterton, Thomas Chatterton, H. M. N. Chatterton, Florence Chatwin, Evelyn Nora Chatwin, Ernest James Chatwin, Harold Chauncy, Eliz. Chaundy, David Chaundy, Christopher Chaundy, Daphne Chavante, Oliver M. Chavasse, Marjorie Chavelier, Andrew Chawdick, William Chazaud, Camile Cheam, John Ladas Cheasley, Sidney R.B. Cheasley, Clifford M.A. Cheasley, Clifford Cheasley, Clifford H. Cheasley, Gordon Checkley, George Checkley, John Chedzoy, Edwin Chedzoy, Percy A. Chedzoy, Henry Cheek, Annie May Cheek, Annie M. Cheek, Annie Mae Cheek, Chas. Cheese, Frederick Cheese, Walter Cheeseman, George Cheeseman, Alice Cheeseman, William Cheeseman, Geo. Cheeseman, Dorothy Violet Cheesley, Albert Cheesman, Archibald William Cheesman, George Cheesman, Wm. Cheesman, Gwendolin Grace Cheesman, A. Cheesman, William Cheesman, Fred Cheesman, Geo. T. Cheesman, Ralph Sidney Cheesman, Cheesman, Mr. Ben Cheesman, Mary Helena Cheesman, Sidney Basil Cheesman, Albert Cheetham, Mr. Cheevers, Mary A Chelifoux, Mary Ann Eliza Chenniery, Alice Chenu, Rose Chenu, Rose Ethel Cherante, Olive M. Cherante, Dorothy G. Cheritt, Alice Cherri?T, Alice Cherry, Rose H. Cherry, George W. Cherry, William James Cherry, Edward John Chesher, Martha Cheshill, Sam Cheshire, Louisa Cheshire, Geo. Cheshire, Nellie Cheshire, Harry Cheshire, Lilian Cheshire, Martha Cheshire, James Cheshire, William Cheshire, Mae Saddler Cheshire, Lily Cheshire, Henry Chesshire, Lilian M. Chessill, Samuel Chessman, Geo. Thos. Chester, Mr. Chester, Florence (Mrs. William Cathline) Chester, Maria Chester, Walter Chester, Horace Wm. Chester, Susan Ellen Chester, Albert Edwin Chester, Wm. H. Chesterman, G. Chesters, Susan Ellen Chetty, Art. T. Chevalier, Andrew Chevallier, Rosalind M. B. Chevis, Frederick George Chew, Sarah Chew, Alice Chew, Lizzie Cheyne, Sir Wm. Watson, Bart, CB, MB, LLD Chi??Ery, Alice Chick, Edwd Chick, Arthur Chick, Edwd. W. Chicot, Charles Chiddle, John Chiddle, William G. Chidgey, Mr. Chidgey, Winnifred Miss. Chidgey, Chas. H. Chidwick, Frederick B. Chidwick, Fred B. Chilcott, R. Chilcott, Robt. Russell Chilcott, Walter Wm. Chilcott, Fras E Chilcott, William James Chilcott, Arthur Lewis Child, Sam. Child, Honor Child, Deirdre Child, Daltry A. Child, Thomas E. Childs, Wm Childs, Frank Bernard Spr Childs, George F. Childs, Wm. Childs, Albert H. Childs, Thos. Childs, Billy Childs, Denis Childs, James Childs, Henry Childs, Henry James Childs, Geo. F. Childs, Emma Childs, Albert Childs, Herbert Edward Childs, Lucy Childs, Arthur Childs, George W. Childs, Ellen L. Childs, Francis B. Childs, George Childs, H.E. Childs, George F. Mr. Chiles, Sidney Chilmaid, T. H. Chilman, Elsie Chilman, William Chilver, Arthur Chilvers, Arthur Chilvers, Alice Chilvers, Harry Chiness, Eva. E. Mrs. Chinn, George Chinn, Geo Chinn, Geo. Chinnery, George Chinnery ?, Alice Chinnock, Walter G. Chinnock, Dorothy Chinnock, Walter Chinnock, Walter F. Chiocchi, Percy I. Chiocchi, Percy Chiocchi, Percy L. Chiocchi, Perry Lewis Chipchase, Esther Chipchase, Esther M Chipman, L.D.V. Dr. Chipman, Messers. Chippendale, Percy Chipperfield, Geoffrey Howes Chippett, Wallace Chipping, George Chipps, Peter Mr. Chipps, Thomas W. Chisholm, Isabella Chisholm, Perry I. Chisholm, Herbert John Chisholm, Anne Chisholm, "Little Tich" Chisholm, Janet Chisholm, Agnes Chisholm, Alexander Chisholm, Agnes A. Chisholm, Sidney Chisholm, William Chisholm, Elizabeth Chisholm, Charles Chisholme, Herbert John Chislett, Willie Chislett, William Chislett, Wm. Chisnall, Margaret Chisnall, Barbara Chisnel, ElIza Chiswell, Alfred Chiswell, William Chiswell, Frederick Chittleburg, Emma Chittock, Wm. Geo. Chitty, Leslie Chivers, Dorothy Chivers, C. Choate, Mr. Thos. Choen, Diasy V. Mrs. Cholerton, George Chollerton, Wilfred Chonchie, Leonard Chopping, H. Chorley, Annie Chorley, Elizabeth Chorley, Mary Chorley, James Walter Henry Chorley, James W. Chorlton, Charles Chovaz, Charles Chown, Maurice Chown, Thomas Edward Chowns, Hrold Baylis Chrisline, Gertrude May (Mrs. Henry) Christian, James Christian, Alfred Christian, Emma Christian, Mary Christian, W. Christie, John Christie, George Christie, Jean Christie, N. C. Lt. Christie, G. Christie, Agnes Christie, Margaret (Mrs. John) Christie, Lilian (Mrs. George) Christie, Charles Christie, Robert Christie, Gertrude May (Mrs. Henry) Christie, Thomas Christmas, Ethel Christmas, Clara Christopher, J. Christopher, John Christopher, William Christopher, Cremaine Christopherson, Barry Christopherson, John Christy, John Chrymes, Edward Chubb, C. W. S. Chubb, Ada Chubb, Charles Sam. W. Chubb, Chas. L.W. Chubb, Wm Chubb, C. S. W. Chuck, William Chuck, Wm. Chuck, C. F. Chugg, Fredk. Chugg, Fredk Chuickshank, Miss. Chum, Abraham Chunu, Rose Church, John Church, Yvonne Church, Geo. E. Church, Alfred James Church, Willie Church, AnnIe Church, Lizzie Church, Walter Church, Ernest Church, W. L. Church, Arthur Church, Charles Church, Alice Church, Florence Church, Thos. Church, William Church, Rose Church, Ellen Church, George Mr. Church, Mr. Church, Florence Kathleen Churchard, Violet Churchard, Violet G. Churchard, Violet G.C. Churcher, E Churcher, A. Churcher, John L. Churcher, Leonard G. Churcher, Sarah Churcher, Sidney F. Churcher, Arthur Churcher, Arthur J. Churchill, Geo. E. Churchill, Frank Churchill, Albert Churchill, Henry Churchill, Geo. Jos. Churchill, Jack F.O. Churchill, Patrick Churchill, Geo Jos Churchill, George Edward Churchill, George E. Churchill, George Ed. Churchill, Chas. H. Churchman, Emma Churchyard, Violet Churmage, Joseph Churmage, John Churmage, J. Chuter, Margaret Chuter, Louisa Chuter, Edith Chuurch, Florence Cindre, Arthur Civalier, Ada Mrs. Clack, Richard Clair, Charles Claire, William Clake, William C. Clake, Edg. F. Clake, Charles J. Clake, E. Clake, Geo. H. Clake, Edgar Clake, Hilda Clancey, Ethel S.A. Clancey, Ethel Clancey, Samuel Clancey, Johana Clancey, John Clancy, John Clancy, John W Clancy, Elizabeth Clancy, Samuel Clancy, Thomas Clancy, Wm. Edw. Clapham, Harry Clapham, Annie Clapham, John W. Clapham, Rosaline Clapham, George Henry Clapham, Eleanor Clapham, Henry Clapham, George, Henry Clapham, Lily E.E. Clapp, Francis J. Clapp, F.J. Clapp, Frank J. Clappin, Wm. Clare, Florence Clare, Thos. Clare, George Clare, Walter Clare, William Henry Clare, Sylvia Claredge, Lily Claredge, Martha Claridge, Ernest Claridge, Emily Claridge, Catherine Wilson Claringbold, Harold W. Claringbold, Claringbold, Harold Clark, Ernest E. Clark, Henry Clark, Hilda Clark, Henry James Clark, Alice Clark, William Clark, Louise Clark, Thomas Clark, Wm. A. Clark, J. R. Clark, Frank Herbert Clark, Francis Clark, Charles Mr. Clark, James Edward Clark, Agnes Clark, Geo. Clark, Robert Clark, Florence M. Clark, Patricia Clark, Cyril G. Clark, Cyril Clark, Sylvia J. Clark, Fred William Clark, Florence Clark, Tristram T. Clark, G. Clark, Mr. Clark, Florence May Clark, Jos. E. Clark, Joan Clark, Cecil(e) Clark, Martha Clark, Louisa M. Clark, Alfred A. Clark, Frank Phillip Clark, Donal Clark, May Clark, George Clark, S. Clark, James Clark, Wm. Clark, Augustus Clark, Harold Clark, James C. Clark, Charles Clark, Phyllis Clark, Frederick Clark, Rose C. Clark, Leonard Clark, Edward Raphael Clark, Rose Clark, Stanley A. M. Clark, Dorothy A. Clark, Clark, MInnIe Clark, Joseph Clark, Edward Clark, Willie Clark, Benjamin Clark, William Sir Clark, Lilian Clark, Mary R. Clark, Evelyn / Eveline May Clark, William (2) Frederick Clark, Pauline Clark, Hector Clark, Ethel Clark, Martin Clark, Tilly Clark, Maud Jane Clark, Margaret Clark, Kathleen Clark, W.J. Clark, James Henry Clark, Victor Clark, Frances Clark, Peter A Clark, Albert Clark, John Arthur Clark, Ellen Clark, Walter Clark, Colin Clark, Pudney Clark, Herbert Clark, Benj. G. Clark, Huntley LeBaron Clark, Richard Clark, John Clark, Messrs. Clark, Frank Clark, Mark Esq. Clark, Sidney, Herbert Clark, William J. Clark, Mary Clark, Frederick Hall Clark, Ernest Clark, William James Clark, Gertie Clark, Norman Clark, George Alfred Clark, Gladys House Clark, Albert E. Clark, Alfred Walter Clark, Emily Clark, James H. Clark, Sidney Clark, Hilda Beatrice (Mrs. George Albert) Clark, Annie Clark, Charles Thomas Clark, Lousia M. Clark, Marie J. Clark, Francis Henry Clark, JessIe Clark, Mabel Clark, Leonard Charles Clark, J.C. Clark, Rosie Clark, Emma Clark, CatherIne Clark, Geo. T. Clark, George H. Clark, George W. Clark, Arthur Ernest Clark (a.k.a. Hawley), William Clarke, Annie Clarke, Hilda Clarke, Ellen Clarke, Elizabeth (1) Clarke, James Clarke, Donald Clarke, Harold L. Clarke, Margaret Clarke, Alfred Clarke, William James Clarke, George S. Clarke, Florence M. Clarke, Agnes Clarke, Donla Clarke, Albert Clarke, Frances Clarke, Ethel Clarke, Basil G. Clarke, Donal Clarke, Henri George Clarke, Francis Clarke, Emily Clarke, Thos. Clarke, Ernest Clarke, M.J. Clarke, Frederick Clarke, Lily Clarke, Martha Clarke, Walter J Clarke, Cyril G. Clarke, Lizzie Clarke, Basil George Clarke, Edward Clarke, Herbert W. Clarke, John Clarke, Edgar F. Clarke, William Clarke, Elizabeth (2) Clarke, Edward Ernest Clarke, Mary Clarke, William (1) Clarke, Stephen Clarke, William C. Clarke, Alice Clarke, Henry Clarke, Charles Thomas Clarke, Sidney Clarke, James C. Clarke, Lilian Clarke, Mabel Clarke, Chas. Clarke, Clarke, Richard Clarke, Ralph Clarke, James Dennis B. Clarke, Edward Albert Clarke, Arthur T. / Thomas Arthur Clarke, Eva Clarke, George William Clarke, Ada F Clarke, Jessie Clarke, Percy Clarke, Rose Clarke, J.C. Clarke, Robert Clarke, E.F. Clarke, Elizabeth Clarke, Walter Clarke, Huntley LeBaron Clarke, J. Clarke, Alfred A. Clarke, Cyril Geo. Clarke, George T. Clarke, Mark M. Clarke, Catherine Clarke, Fred R. Clarke, richard Clarke, Nancy Clarke, Stanley Clarke, Olive Mae Clarke, Ruth Mary Clarke, Charles Mr. Clarke, Fred Clarke, Thos Clarke, Benjamin Clarke, Arthur Joseph Clarke, George Clarke, Rosina A. Clarke, Louisa Clarke, Miss. Clarke, Harry C. Clarke, Katie Clarke, Herbt. W. Clarke, George H. Clarke, Florence (3) Clarke, Kate Clarke, Lillian Clarke, Peter R. F. Clarke, William (2) Frederick Clarke, Benj. G. Clarke, D. T. W. Clarke, Rose C. Clarke, W.C. Clarke, Tristram Taylor Clarke, Maria Clarke, Thomas M. Clarke, Sir Edward, P.C. Clarke, Harry Clarke, Samuel Clarke, Ida Clarke, Jack Clarke, Alfred W. Clarke, Chas Clarke, May Clarke, Nellie Clarke, Alf. Geo. Clarke, Joseph Clarke, Eileen M.W. Clarke, Herbert Clarke, Miss. Nellie Clarke, Francis William Clarke, Tristram T.J. Clarke, Florence (2) Emily Clarke, Emma Clarke, Edward Gerard Clarke, Don Clarke, Charles E. Clarke, Laura (Mrs. Robert) Clarke, Geo. Clarke, William George Clarke, Frederick (1) Clarke, Geoffrey Stewart Clarke, Geo. Henry Sam Clarke, Albert E. Clarke, Priscilla Clarke, Cecil Clarke, Clifford Clarke, C. K. Dr. Clarke, Leslie Clarke, E. John Clarke, Huntley Clarke, Molly Clarke, Arthur E. Clarke, George W. Clarke, Frederick (2) Harold Clarke, Vera Clarke, Amelia Clarke, Willie Clarke, Jas. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke, George Henry S. Clarke, Hy Clarke, Mary A. Clarke, George Mr. Clarke, Leslie C. Clarke, Jas. C. Clarke, Donald LAC. Clarke, Mary J. Clarke, Florence (1) Clarke, Thomas Clarke, Cecil(e) Clarke, Frederick (3) Charles Clarke, Frederick H. Clarke, Louisa M. Clarkson, Amelia Clarkson, Mary Clarkson, Thomas Clarkson, Calvert Clarkson, Arthur Clarkson, Annie Clarkson, Harold Clarkson, G. Clarkson, Tommy Clarkson, Kathleen Clarkson, Ivy Wood Clarkson, Arthur T. Clarkson, Thomas, William Clarridge, Charles Clary, Alfred Clary, David Claske, James Classer, Amelia Classon, Charles William Claxton, G. Claxton, William Claxton, Eliz Claxton, Thomas Mr. Claxton, Thos. Claxton, Eliz. Claxton, Mr. Clay, Alice Clay, Nellie Claybrook, Henry William Clayburn, T. A. Clayburn, Josh Claybury, Josh. Claydon, Florence Ellen Claydon, Arthur Clayson, James Clayson, Eliza Clayton, Ellen Clayton, James Clayton, Horace Clayton, James Henry Clayton, William Clayton, Isaac Clayton, George Clayton, Annie Clayton, Thos. Clayton, Prudence M. Clayton, Albert Arthur Clayton, Frederick Clayton, Edwin Clayton, Fred Clayton, Miss. Clayton, Prudence Clayton, Lilian Clayton, Louisa Clayton, Darcy Rev. Clayton, Louise Clayton, Hy. C.T. Clayton, William Henry Clayton, Willie Clayton, W. Clayton, Elizabeth Clayton, Emily Clayton, John A. Clayton, Windle Clayton, Mark Jno. Clayton, Henry Clayton, Jane Clayton, Norton Clayton, Lizzie Clayton, Daniel George Clayton, Horace James Clayton, Walter Clayton, Geo. Clayton, Julia Clayton, Florence Clearey, William Clearey, Daniel Cleary, Nicholas Cleary, Alice Cleary, Daniel Cleary, Patrick Cleary, John Cleator, W.J. Cleator, Walter John Cleave, Lily Cleaver, Thomas Cleaver, Fred. Cleaver, Gladys Cleaver, Hy. L. Cleaver, Gladys M. Cleaver, Herbert Cleaver, Albert Edward Cleaver, Ernest Cleaver, Charles (1) Henry Cleaver, Charles (2) Clee, Richard Clee, Charles E. Clee, Charles Edward Pvt. Clegg, George R. Clegg, Alice Clegg, George Redvers Clegg, Edith Clegg, Quinelda Clegg, John Cleghorn, Walter Cleland, John Clement, Phoebe Clement, Malcolm Clement, George Clement, Sydney Clement, John C Clements, Edward Clements, Mary Clements, Henry Clements, Ernest G. Clements, Thos. C. Clements, Mrs. Alice Clements, Philip Clements, Art J. Clements, Sidney Clements, Elizabeth Clements, Alice Clements, Sydney Clements, Horace Clements, Ada Clements, Edward G. Clements, Harry Clements, Victor Clements, George Clements, Wm. Clements, Robert Clements, Mary Emily Clements, Annie Clements, C. Clements, Richard Clements, Willie Clements, Ed. Geo. Clementson, George Clemo, Florence Clemo, Florence Annie Clemow, F.W.F. Clemow, F.W. F. Clemson, Edward Clemson, Ed. Clendenan, G.M. Dr. Clennett, Ethel Clent, Charles Cleur, Charlotte Cleveland, Sarah Ann (Mrs. John) Clewes, Hy Clewlow, B. Clews, `Henry Clews, Prudence Clews, Harry Cliff, Albert Cliff, George Cliffe, J. Cliffe, Elsie Clifford, Annie Clifford, Albert E. Clifford, Ernest W. Clifford, Ralph Clifford, Herbert Clifford, Mary / May Clifford, Ernest Clifford, Harry Clifford, Ada Clifford, Arthur Hugh Clifford, Charles Clifford, Walter Clifford, Alice Clifford, Thomas Clifford, John Clift, James Clifton, Charles William Henry Clifton, Alice Mrs. Clifton, Blanche Climer, Francis A. Climer, William Climpson, George F. Climpson, George Clinch, Hy Jno Clinch, Henry Clinch, Hy. Jno. Cline, Bruce Clinkard, Harold Herbert George Pvt. Clinton, Gilbert N. |
Clinton, Patrick Joseph Clinton, Henry Clipperton, C. Clipson, George Charles S. Clipson, George C.S. Clipson, George Clisby, Frank Clissold, Dora Mabel Clive, George Clive, Bernard Clive, Geo. Clogg, Philip Close, H. C. Close, Charles Close, Oswald Close, George Close, A. Clough, James Gordon Clough, Joseph Cloughley, Maria Cloughtman, Lilian A.E. Cloutman, Lilian E. Cloutman, Lilian Clow, Charles Clow, Charles Sgt. Clow, John Clow, Jno. Clow, Chas. Clowes, Kathleen (Mrs. Harry) Clucas, Doris Mrs. Cluer, Charlotte Clugston, Janet Clugston, Maggie Cluitt, Martha Cluley, Francis J. Cluley, Francis F. Cluley, Francis L. Cluley, Francis A. Cluness, Eva. E. Mrs. Cluness, Eva. Mrs. Cluness, Eva E. Mrs. Cluness, Eva Mrs. Cluse, Henry Thomas Cluse, Henry T. Cluse, Stanley Clutterworth, Beatrice Clyaton, James Clyde, Thos. Clyde, Iris Clyde, Iris G. Clyma, William Clynes, Ellen Clynes, Jane Clysdale, Geo. Cmapbell, Helen Coad, Doris Mrs. Coady, Thomas Coakes, Albert Walter Coakley, Mary Coates, Walter W. Coates, Emily Coates, Joseph Coates, Jennifer M. Coates, Charles Sidney Coates, Charles Coates, Mrs. Coates, Timothy S.T. Coates, Laura Coates, Wm. J. Coates, W. Coates, Wm Coates, Irene Mrs. Coates, William Coates, M. Coates, Joseph R. Coats, Walter Cobb, Charles J. Cobb, James Cobb, Dorothy Cobb, Jessie Cobb, Charles Joseph Cobb, Mary Cobb, B. Cobb, Daniel Cobb, Sarah Cobb, Mabel Cobb, Rose Elizabeth Cobb, Ed Cobb, Charles Cobb, Herbert Sullivan Cobb, A. P. Cobb, Chas A. Cobb, Herbert Cobb, H. Edward Cobbald, Mr. and Mrs. Cobbin, Mary Ann Cobear, Ada Cobear, Ada Annie Cobear, Margaret Cober, Elsie Coburn, Winifred Coburn, Nellie Coburn, William H. Cocherham, Wm. Cochrane, Michael Cochrane, Thomas Cochrane, Frederick B. Cochrane, Fred Cochrane, Fred B. Cochrane, Benj. Cochrane, M. Cochrane, Mary Cochrane, James Mackie Cochrane, Fred. B. Cochrane, Arthur W Cochrane, F.B. Cochrane, Christina Andrea Cochrane, Albt. E. Cochrane, Albert A. Cochrane, Margaret Jean Cochrane, Fred. Cochrane, Robert Moir Cochrane, Albt E Cock, William Neville Cock, Charles Garnet Cockayne, Jessie Cockayne, Elizabeth Cockburn, Gilbert L. Cockburn, Cockburn, Eunice Muriel Cockburn, Ronald Cocke, R. Cocker, Ada V. Cocker, Ada Cockerell, Alice Cockerill, William Cockerill, Kate Cockersole, George Cockhill, Maureen Cockhill, Heather Cockle, Mark Cocklin, Daniel Cocklin, Chas. Cocklin, John Cockram, Arthur Cockram, Edgar Cockrell, Margaret Elizabeth Cockrell, Helen Louise Cocks, Albert Robert Cockshutt, Colonel Cocroft, John Cocroft, Mrs. Margaret Cocroft, John M. Cocroft, John M. Mrs. Cocroft, Margaret Cocrpft, John N. Codd, Walter T. Codd, William T. Coddington, Wm Coddington, Wm. Code, SophIe Code, B. Code, Miss. Code, George Code, B. Miss. Code, George Mr. Code, George, Esq Code, Walter C. Code, Bessie Code, Mr. Code, Herbert Stanley Codling, Cyril Cody, Maurice Mr. Cody, Canon Rev. Cody, Cannon Rev. D.D. Cody, Rev. Cody, Cannon Rev. Coe, John H. Coe, William H. Coe, Leonard Coe, Nellie I. Coe, Nellie Coe, Edward Albert Coe, Richard E. Coe, Walter Alfred Coe, W.H. Coe, Nellie V. Coe, A. G. Mrs. Coe, Geo. W. Coe, Richard Coe, Sarah Eleanor Coe, William Coe, William Harold Coebett, Sarah Coffee, Denis Coffee, Michael Coffee, John Coffee, Michal Coffee, Thomas Coffey, Edward Coffield, Jas Coffield, Agnes Coffin, Percy Coffin, Wm Coffin, Charles H. Coffin, Fred. George Cogan, Walter Charles Cogbill, Philip W. Cogbill, Philip Wm. Cogger, Gladys Coggins, Annie Coggins, Jennie M. Coggins, Jennie Coggins, John W. Coghill, Mr. John Coghlan, Susan Coghlan, Thomas Coghlan, Harry Coglan, P. Cogley, Annie Cogley, Eliza Cogley, Thomas Cogley, Annie L. Cohen, Mary Cohen, Hy. Cohen, Daisy V. Mrs. Cohen, JulIa Cohen, Patricia H. Cohen, Paul C. Cohen, Richard J. Cohen, Kate Cohlmeyer, Emily Mrs. Coiner or Corner, Edith Coke, William Coker, George F. Coker, Henry Coker, Fred Colbear, Leonard D. Colbear, Frederick Pvt. Colborn, Arthur Nathanial Colborn, Winnifred Colborn, Maria Colborne, Frank Colbourn, Arthur Nathanial Colbourne, John Colbreay, Clara V. Colburn, Maria Colburne, Frank Colby, George E. Colby, Evan Colby, Evan R. Colby, Annie Mrs. Colclough, Frederick Colclough, Stanley Colclough, P.B. Rev. Colclough, John Ernest Coldham, H Coldicott, Frank Victor Coldicott, Margaret Coldicott, Edith Coldrick, Emily Coldrick, Albert Ernest Cole, Rosina A. Cole, Constance Cole, Lily Cole, William E. Cole, Alice Cole, Walter J. Cole, Janie Cole, D.G. Mr. and Mrs. Cole, Charles Cole, Walter H. Cole, Dahlia Maud Cole, Constance A. Cole, James and Mary Cole, Ann Cole, William A. Cole, Robert W Cole, Isabella Cole, Willie Cole, William Cole, Mr. Cole, Albert Victor Cole, Jane Cole, Leslie A. Cole, Fred Wm. Cole, James Cole, Arthur Cole, Alice B. Cole, Ernest Cole, Wm. Alfred Cole, Sidney Geo. Cole, Cole, Luther A. Cole, Henry Cole, Miss. Cole, Walter Cole, Eliza Cole, Caroline Cole, T.D. Cole, Charles R. Cole, Mrs. Cole, Eva. Mrs. Cole, Rose (Mrs. Alfred) Cole, Wm. Cole, Albert Cole, Alfred H. Cole, Alfred Cole, Rose Cole, Fred Cole, Mr. Henry Cole, Eva Cole, Dahli Maud Cole, Mrs. Henry Cole, Harry Cole, Chas. R. Cole, Fredk. Arthur Cole, Walter Mr. Cole, Bessie Colebrook, Geo. Robt. Coleman, Lily Coleman, Ann Coleman, Hy. Coleman, Charles A. Coleman, Charles Coleman, Phyllis Coleman, Mr. Coleman, Constance A. Mrs. Coleman, Robert Coleman, Wm. Coleman, Thomas H Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Coleman, Robt. Coleman, Alexander Coleman, Mary Coleman, Phillip Coleman, C. Coleman, Violet Mrs. Coleman, Lilian Coleman, Lester G. Coleman, Florence Coleman, Mrs. Coleman, Marion Coleman, William E. Coleman, Arthur James Coleman, Frank A. Coleman, Charles A. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman, Constance Mrs. Coleman, Elizabeth Coleman, Florence M. A. Coleman, Constance A. Coleman, Frank Arthur Coleman, Harry Coleman, Hilda Frances Coleman, Stanley Coleman, Marion H. Coleman, Chas. A. Coleman, Charles C Coleman, C. T. Mr. Coles, Charles Coles, Sidney Arthur Coles, Nellie Coles, Sydney Coles, Charles Fred. Coles, Lily Coles, Eliza Coles, Chas. Coles, Charles Frederick Coles, Annie Coles, John William Henry/Willie Coles, William Henry Coles, William H. Coles, Mabel H. Coles, Sidney, Arthur Coles, W. Coles, John Colesell, J. Coley, Charles (2) Coley, Charles Coley, Charles (1) Coley, Edwin (2) Coley, Robert Colfar, John Colfax, Wm. Colgrave, F. L. Coligan, Richard Patrick Coll, Collacost, William G. Collacott, William G. Collacott, Collacott, Amelia Collacott, Amelia K. Collacott, William George Collam, Andrew Collar, Ed. W. Collar, Ellen Collar, Edwin W. Collar, Arthur Percy Collar, Arthur P. Collar, Arthur Collard, Blanche Collard, Emille Collard, Vincent (John) Collard, Emelli Collard, Emile Collard, Minnie Collard, Richd. Collard, Emel Collard, E.H. Collard, ???? Collard, Richd Collas, LydIa Colleen, Patk Coller, Ernest W. Coller, Edwin Walter Colles, C. Collett, Vincent Bernard Pvt. Collett, Johanna Collett, William Collett, Jessie Collett, Eleanor Collett, A. F. Collett, Ada Collett, Fred. T. Collett, Elizabeth Collett, Fred Collett, Miss. Collett, Fred T. Collett, Raymond Collett, Raymond B. Collett, Arthur F. Collett, Fred T.E. Collett, May Collett, Leslie Collett, Arthur Collett, Augustine Colley, May Colley, Peter Colley, Edwin (1) Ross Colley, Frederick Collie, John Collie, Mary A. Collie, Evan Collier, Minnie Collier, Chas. S. Collier, Wilfred J. Collier, Lilian Hannah Collier, Patrick Collier, MInnIe Collier, Alfred Collier, Florence Collier, Charles S. Collier, Ellen Collier, Collier, Chas. Ed. Collier, John Henry Collier, James Collier, Horace Cecil Collier, Rose Mrs. Collier, Charles Collier, Walter Stanley Collier, Marjorie Collier, Wilfred James Collier, George Colliers, Ellen Colligan, Richard Patrick Collin, William Berks Colling, Salina Colling, Selina Colling, Emma Colling, Salvia ? Colling, David Collingden, Ellen E.V. Collingdon, Ellen Collingdon, Ellen E.V. Collingdon, Ellen E. Collingdon, Ellen E. V. Collingdon, Alfred Collings, Charles Collings, Herbert Collings, Percy Collings, Mildred Collington, Horatio Walwin Collingwood, George Collingwood, Ruby Collingwood, Mary Collingwood, Geo Collingwood, Margaret Collingwood, Albert R. Collins, Edith Collins, Denis Collins, Gordon S. Collins, John Collins, Annie Collins, Harold Collins, Miss. Collins, Harry Collins, David Collins, Thos Collins, James Collins, Joseph Collins, Thomas Collins, Gilbert Collins, Louise Collins, Percy H. Collins, Luke Collins, Ernest Collins, Frank Collins, Stanley Collins, Michael Collins, C. Collins, Florence Collins, William Collins, Emma Collins, Reginald John Collins, Thos. Collins, Sarah Collins, Elizabeth Collins, James ll Collins, Jesse Collins, Walter Collins, Charles Collins, Henry Frank Collins, Wm. Collins, George Charles Collins, Sidney Collins, Collin Collins, Wm. C. H. N. Collins, Mary Jane Collins, E. Collins, Emily Collins, William (1) Collins, Eliza Collins, Edward Collins, Hugh Chas. Collins, Albert Ernest Collins, Jeremiah Collins, Clara Collins, Dora Collins, William Bernard Collins, Jessie Collins, Edwd. Collins, William Owen Pvt. Collins, Thomas William Elliot Collins, Chas. Collins, Geo H Collins, Frederick Collins, Gertrude Collins, Harold H. Collins, George Collins, Dennis Collins, Wm. O. Collins, Henry Collins, Francis Collins, Collins, Edit Collins, H. P. Collins, S. Pvt. Collins, Geo. H. Collins, Alfred Collins, Louisa Collins, Horace T.G. Collins, Herbert Collins, Samuel Frederick Collins, Annie E. Collins, John William Collins, Hugh C. Collins, Edward Thomas Collins, Percy Collins, Cecil Collins, Fred Collins, Sophia Collins, Saml D Collins, Sidney J. Collins, William O. Collins, James l Collinson, Elizabeth Collinson, Elizabeth K. Collinson, Henry Collinson, Kate E. Collinson, Frederick A. Collinson, Sidney A. Collinson, Kate Collis, Rebecca Collishaw, John Thomas Collison, Henry Collison, Alf. Collison, William Collister, Hilda Collister, Madge Collister, Wm Collister, William Colliver, Thos. Samuel Colloer, Minnie Colls, MurIel Collumbell, Donald Collumbell, Donald H Collumbell, Horace Collumbell, Donald H. Collumbell, Horace H. Collyer, Francis L. Collyer, Wm. Colman, Hilda Frances Colman, Lily Colston, Coralie Colston, Michael Colston, Pamela Colston, Charles Colter, Charles George Colter, Jane Coltman, Colverd, Reginald Colverd, W. Colville, Archibald Henderson Pvt. Colville, Mr. R.J. Colwell, William Colwell, Fred. F. Colwell, Victor A. Colyer, Chas. Colyer, Charles Combes, L.M. Mr. Combes (Coombs), John Clive Leslie Comerford, F.A. Comlay, Ernest Commander, Norman George Commander, George N. Commander, Norman G. Commander, Norman Commee, Edward Commerford, Mrs. W.M. Compton, Daisy Compton, John Compton, Daisy E. Compton, Alfred T. Compton, Bessie Compton, Edith Compton, Alfred Turner Compton, Ernest Compton, Daisy Miss. Comyn, Robt. Comyn, Edwd. Con, Tiny Conboy, Sadie Elizabeth Miss. Conby, Walter A. Concannon, John T. Concannon, John Concannon, Conchie, Leonard V. Conchie, Leonard Conchie, James Conchie, Leonard Victor Condell, Jas. Conden, Conder, William George Condon, Edward Condon, John Condon, James Condon, Edw. Coneley, Jeremiah Conellan, John Congreve, Audrey Conlan, Margaret Conlan, John Conless, Patrick Conley, A. E. Conliffe, Nellie Miss. Conlin, Mrs. John Conlon, Arthur Conn, Edward Conn, R. Conn, Edward G. Conn, Catherine Conn, William Conneally, James William Conneally, Joseph Connell, Peter Connell, Edward Connell, Denis Connell, John Connell, Thomas M. Connell, Joseph Connell, William Connell, Timothy Connell, Christina Connell, Margt Connell, EmIly Connell, William Arthur Connell, Oliver Connell, Anthea Connell, Elizh Connelly, Jane Connelly, Mary Connelly, Arch. T. Connelly, John Alfred Connelly, Annie Conner, John Conner, Joseph Conner, James Conner, George Conner, J. Conner, Cornelius Connerton, M. Connerton, Henrietta Connett, Frederick H. Connolly, Joseph Connolly, Patrick Connolly, Annie Connolly, John Alfred Connolly, James Connolly, Paul Connolly, Peter Connolly, Mary E. Connolly, Annie Mary Connolly, Martin Connolly, Wm. Connolly, Walter Connolly, Pat. Bernard Connor, Andw Connor, Jno. Connor, Patrick Connor, William Connor, Thomas Connor, Mary Connor, Ellen Connor, Timothy Connor, Andrew Connor, John Connor, Joseph Connor, Edwd Connor, Nora Connor, Charlie Connor, James Connor, George Ernest Wilfred Connor, Arthur O. Connor, Edward Connor, Connor, Henry Connor, Thos. Connor, Alexander Connor, Nora. Connor, Margaret Anne Connor, BessIe Connor, Jane Connoway, Sarah J. Connup, Edward Conolly, Audrey Caroline R. Conolly, Art. A. Conorton, John Conorton, Harriet Conquest, Lilian C. Conrad, Edith May (Mrs. Keith L.) Conran-Smith, Pamela Conroy, Peter Conroy, Patrick Conroy, Emma Constable, Walter Evans Constable, Percy Constable, R. G. Constant, Charles T. Constant, Chas. T. Constant, Trevyllian Pvt. Constant, Samuel Charles Constant, George Constant, Dennis Robert Constant, Albert Edward Constant, Charles Constant, William Henry Constant, Arthur Conti, Contreal, William Convery, Walter Conville, Mary Conway, Richard Conway, Albt V Conway, Mabel Conway, Jno. J. Conway, John Conway, Geo. A. Conway, Mable Lily Conway, John A. Conway, Edward Conway, Jno. Conway, Albert Conway, Frederick B. Conway, Alfd J Conway, George Conway, Alf. V. Conway, James Conway, Albt. V. Conway, Emily Conway, Alfd. Conway, Margaret / Maggie Conway, Charles W. Conway, Richd Conway, Leslie Edwin Thomas Conway, Laurence A. Conway, Frederick Bertram Conwell, Mary Conybear, James Conyers, Paul Cook, Selina Mrs. Cook, Emily Cook, Frederick Cook, Rose Cook, John (2) Thomas Cook, Annie Cook, George S. Cook, Samuel Cook, Ellen Elizabeth Cook, William Cook, Ethel Cook, Robert Cook, Elizabeth (2) Emma Cook, Joseph Cook, John Cook, Mary Jane Cook, William W. Cook, Claud Reginald Cook, Wm. G. Cook, Charles (2) L. Cook, Charles Cook, Martha Cook, Mary Ann Cook, Cyril P. Cook, Bessie Louise (Betty) Cook, Eliz. Cook, Alfred J. Cook, Violet Cook, Lizzie Cook, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Cook, Bob Cook, Frederick Charles Cook, Kathleen Elizabeth Cook, Horace Cook, Thomas Cook, Arthur A. Cook, David Cook, Gilbert Stanley Cook, Henry A. Cook, James Cook, Alexander Cook, John H. Cook, Ernest A. Cook, Wm. S. Cook, John Hy. Cook, Bertie Cook, Thos. Cook, Henry Orme Cook, Wm. Cook, Edward Cook, Alice Cook, Catherine Cook, Arthur Cook, Elizabeth (1) Cook, Richard Strickland Cook, Ellen Cook, Louisa Cook, Thos. J. Cook, Elizabeth Emily Cook, Mr. Fred A. Cook, Fred Cook, Henry Cook, Rose, Marion Cook, Emma Cook, Eliza Cook, Sarah Cook, Harold Cook, William Edwin Cook, Lizzy Cook, Albert Cook, Maud A. Cook, Maria Cook, Thomas Arthur Cook, Alfred W. Cook, Gertrude D. Cook, Thomas (2) Wm. Cook, Rodney Cook, George A. Cook, Rose M.D. Cook, Albert E. Cook, H. Cook, Ernest R Cook, May Cook, Frank Hy. Vincent Cook, Alex. Campbell Cook, Mrs. Thomas Cook, Dennis John Cook, Thomas (1) William Cook, John (1) Cook, Fay Cook, George Cook, Cook, Joanna Cook, Ernest Robert Cook, Mr. Cook, Lucy Cook, James C. Cook, Claud or Charles Reginald Cook, Charles (1) Cook, E.B. Rev. Cook, Horace R. Cook, Robert William Cook, George William Cook, Eric Wilfred Cook(E)S, George Cooke, Cooke, John Cooke, Ethel Cooke, Elizabeth Cooke, George Joseph Cooke, Albert Cooke, Henry / Harry Cooke, William Cooke, Albert E. Cooke, John (1) Cooke, Frederick Cooke, Gertrude Cooke, Charles (2) L. Cooke, George C. Cooke, David Cooke, Ernest A. Cooke, Joseph Cooke, Geo. Cooke, Robert C. Cooke, Charles (1) Cooke, Alice Cooke, Lily M. Cooke, Martha Cooke, John Henry Cooke, Francis Edward Cooke, W.H. Cooke, George Cooke, Maude Cooke, Gertie Cooke, Arthur William Cooke, Frederick H. Cooksey, Harriet Cooksley, Elise Cooksley, Elsie M. Cooksley, Elsie Cookson, I. Ben Cookson, Benjamin T. Cookson, George Cookson, Jeanette Cookson, Ben T. Cookson, Cuthbert Cookson, Georgie Cookston, Caroline Cooldridge, Rebecca Coole, Harry Coole, William Thomas Cooley, Eliza Cooley, Maud Marie Cooley, Lydia Coolidge, John R. Cooling, Brenda Mary Coom, Ada Coombe, Sarah Coombe, Emily Coomber, Thomas Coomber, Henry O. Coomber, Wm. Coomber, Henry Coombes, Reginald G. Coombes, Muriel Coombes, Eric Coombes, Leslie Coombes, William Hy. Coombes, Herbert Coombes, Sarah E. Coombes, Claude Benjamin Coombes, Alice Coombes, Reginald E. Coombes, A. Coombes, Herbert H. Coombes, Jeanetta Coombes, John C. L. Coombes, Elsie Coombes, Wm. Hy. Coombes, Sarah Coombes, Emily Coombes, Reginald Coombes, Claude B. Coombes, Jennette Coombs, John Coombs, Reginald G. Coombs, T. Coombs, Leslie Coombs, Ada Coombs, Eric Coombs, Leslie J. Coombs, Reginald Coombs, Coombs, Albert Coombs, Bertie Coombs, Alice Coombs, Joseph Coombs, Arthue Cooms, Ada Cooney, Nelly Cooper, Edward Cooper, Robt Cooper, Maud Cooper, William C. Cooper, Joseph J.H. Cooper, Marjorie Cooper, Ernest Cooper, Lillian Mae (Mrs. Frank) Cooper, Florence Cooper, H.E. Cooper, Constance Cooper, Gilbert C. Cooper, Charlie Cooper, Alfred Cooper, Emma Cooper, Harry Cooper, Annie Cooper, John Cooper, W. Cooper, Alfred (2) Leslie Cooper, George J. Cooper, Mary A Cooper, Herbert Cooper, Horace Edgar Cooper, Thomas Cooper, Fanny E. Cooper, John N. Cooper, William (3) Cooper, Ethel Cooper, Margery Cooper, Lizzie Cooper, Ralph Edward Cooper, Anna Cooper, LIlIan Cooper, Harry E. Cooper, T. Mr. Cooper, Hy. Cooper, James Cooper, Lucy M. Cooper, Stanley Cooper, William Cooper, Frank Cooper, Lilian M. Cooper, Stanely Cooper, Albert Thomas Cooper, Elizabeth A. Cooper, Florence M. Cooper, Gilbert Cecil Cooper, Geo. C. Cooper, Lily D. Cooper, George John Cooper, Henry Cooper, Cooper, Reg. Joseph Cooper, Mabel Cooper, William (1) Cooper, Robert Cooper, Henry Richard Cooper, Maria Cooper, Ketty Cooper, George Cooper, Chas. T. Cooper, Charles T. Cooper, Mabel Florence Cooper, Florence C. Cooper, Frank Charles Cooper, Sidney Cooper, Ethel F. Cooper, Anne Cooper, Percy Caleb Cooper, Geo. Cooper, Wm. Cooper, Alfred (1) Cooper, Guy Cooper, Seymour Cooper, Charles, Ernest Cooper, Henry R. Cooper, Katie (Mrs. Robert) Cooper, Ada S. Cooper, Alfred William Cooper, Winifred Jane Cooper, Jack Cooper, Alex. W. Cooper, Samuel Cooper, John Isaiah Cooper, Joseph Cooper, Jno. N. Cooper, Doreen Cooper, Lucy Mary Cooper, James P.A. Cooper, Robert Sgt. Cooper, Cecil G. Cooper, Lucy Cooper, Lillian M. Cooper, Thos. Cooper, Dorothy Sarah Cooper, John Neville Cooper, Percy C. Cooper, Emily Cooper, Ada Cooper, Joseph J.A. Cooper, George H. Cooper, William (2) Cooper, Harold Cooper, Clara Cooper, Esther Cooper, Chas. Cooper, Walter Arthur Cooper, Charles Cooper, T. Cooper, Fanny Cooper, J. Isaiah Cooper, Alexander Cooper, RosIne Cooper, Bertie Cooper, Violet Cooper, Seymow_ Cooper, Joseph H. Cooper, Martha Coot, Henry Mr. Coote, Alice Coote, Henry J. Coote, Vera Coote, Vera A. Coote, Herbert Coote, Ernest V. Coote, Henry John Coote, Henry Coote, Algenon Cooter, Wallace Vincent Cooter, Wallace, Vincent Copas, Agnes Copas, Florence Copas, Flora Copas, Agnes Forester Copas, Flora Adeline Cope, Sidney J. Cope, George H.A. Cope, George Cope, Amy Ellen Cope, Thomas (1) Harry Cope, Thomas (2) Henry Cope, Rosina Cope, Chas. E. Cope, Wilfred Cope, Stephen Cope, John Cope, Cope, Welfred Cope, George A. Copeland, Henry William Copeland, Hy. J.F. Copeland, Art. C. Copeland, Sidney Copeland, Thos. W. Copeland, Arthur Copeland, Henry Copeland, Henry James F. Copeland, A.V. Copeland, Robt. Copeland, Henry J.F. Copeland, Ehel Copeland, Mrs. Copeland, Ethel J. Copeland, Ethel Copke, A. Copland, Edward Coppard, Bessie Coppard, Alice Coppard, Clarie Coppell, Frederick Coppell, William Copper, N.E. Copper, Edgar Copper, Florence Copperfield, James Copperwheat, Wm. Coppin, Wm Coppin, Elsie Coppin, Percy Coppin, Ellen Copping, Gladys Copping, Walter Copping, Edward Copping, Arthur E. Mr. Copping, Walter Pvt. Copping, Maud Copping, Margaret E. Coppinger, Thomas James Coram, Isabella Coram, Bella Coram, Gertrude Corbasson, Peter (Pierre) Corbet, Michael Corbett, Samuel Corbett, Edward A. Corbett, Peter Mr. Corbett, Sarah E. Corbett, Sarah Corbett, Corbett, Ellen Mrs. Corbett, Ada Corbett, Chrisa Corbin, William Corby, Florence Corby, Albt. Corby, Albt Corby, Fred A. Corby, Edward H. Corby, Dora Corbyn, Joseph Corcoran, Cornelius Cordeaux, Anny Cordell, William S. Corden, Harry Corder, Hariott Corderay, George Cordeux, Matilda Cordeux, Jane Cordingley, Francis A. A. Cordner, Robert Corduff, Michael Cordwell, Benjamin G. Core, James Core, William Core, John Coreless, Mark Coreless, Denis Coren, Mona Corey, Henry Corey, Harry Corfe, Robert Corfe, Robert S. Corfe, Bobby Corfe, Robert Stanley Corfield, Harold Coriat, Jeremy C. Corinie, Thomas Corker, Geo. Corker, Geo. R Corker, George Richard Corkill, Alfred Corless, Denis Corless, Mark Corless, Peter Corless, Thos. Corlett, Wm Richard Corley, Emily Corley, Edward H. Cormick, Daisy Cormick, Lottie Cormie, Thomas Cornage, Emily Cornage, Emily Annie Cornall, Cuthbert Cornelius, Nellie F. Mrs. Cornelius, John Cornelius, Sabina Ann Lily Cornelius, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cornelius, Emily Cornelius, James L. Cornelius, Jack Cornell, Rose Corner, Wm. J. Corner, Joan Corner, Thomas Corner, John M. Corner, Mrs. E.G. Corner, Joan M. Corney, Doris May Corney, Mr. and Mrs. Cornford, Chas. Cornforth, William James Cornforth, George Henry Cornick, George Cornick, G. Cornish, Henry Cornish, Alice Mary Cornish, William Frederick Cornish, Harry Mrs. Cornish, Alice Cornish, William Cornish, William F. Cornish, Willie Cornish, Thomas Cornish, Gordon John Cornish, George Corns, Wm Corns, William Henry Humphrey Cornwall, Chas. Cornwall, Charles Cornwall, Gertrude Cornwall, Jane Cornwall, Mary Cornwall, Jack Cornwall, John Cornwall, Margaret Cornwall, Margret Cornwall, Margt Cornwall (Cornwell), Charles Cornwell, A. Cornwith, G. C. Corral, John George Corral, William Corral, John G. Corras, William Laurence Corrett, Jas. Corrick, Walter A. Corrigan, William Corrigan, Owen Patrick Corrigan, Patrick Corrin, Corrin, Thomas Corrin, Margaret Corroyer, Ivy Corroyer, Violet Corry, Ada Corse, Chas Wm Corswell, W. J. Cosby, Walter Cosby, Walter A. Cosby, Walter Pvt. Cosby, Mrs. Lydia Alice Cose, Bessie Cose, Ann Jane Cose, Gideon M. Cosgrove, Thomas Cosgrove, Anthony Cosgrove, William Cosham, Louisa Cossentine, Thomas Costello, Thomas Costello, Annie Costello, Henry Costelloe, James Coster, BeatrIce Coster, Mrs. Cosvley, Thomas Cosway, Stafford Cotrell, Thomas E. Cottage, Norman H. Cottage, Norman Cottam, Thomas Cotter, James Vincent Cotter, Sarah Cotter, Mabel Cotter, Elizabeth Cotterel, Ebeneze Cotterel, Ebenzer Cotterell, Bessy Cotterill, Nellie Cotterill, Samuel Cotterill, John Cotterill, Alfred Cotterill, George (1) Cotterill, Mary Cotterill, George (2) William Cotterill, Arthur Cottle, John Cottle, George Cotton, Maud Cotton, Albt alfd Cotton, Ernest F. Cotton, Arthur Cotton, Maude Cotton, C. S. Cotton, Ellen Cotton, Richard Cotton, Mrs. Cotton, Ernest Frederick Cottrell, Thos. E. Cottrell, Thomas Cottrell, Wm. Hy. Cottrell, Thos E. Cottrell, Thomas Edwin Pvt Cottrell, Eliz. Mrs. Cottrell, Wm. Cottrell, William Hy. Cottrell, Fred H. Cottrell, Joseph Cottrrell, Alice Muriel Couch, Charles E. Couch, Sidney Couch, A. E. Dr. Couch, Vivian Couch, Wm. Hy. Couch, Wm. Couch, Chas. E. Couchley, Alfred Charles Couchman, Sidney M. Couchman, Sidney Herbert Couchman, Sidney H. Cough, Charles Coughlan, Thomas Coughlin, Thomas Coughlin, Jas. Coughter, James Coughter, Herbert Coughtny, James Couglan, Coulbourn, Mayne Couldwell, Fred Coulson, John Coulson, Mabel C. Coulson, Mabel Coulson, W. Coulson, George William Coulson, Frances Coulson, T. H. Coult, Nelson R. Coult, Nelson Rex Coulter, Allan Coulter, Henrietta M. Coulter, Hennrietta Coulter, William Leonard Coulter, Henrietta Coulter, Henrietta B. Coulter, George Coulthard, Chas. G. Coulthard, Robert H.C. Coulthard, Christopher Coulthard, C. G. Coulthurst, Dorothea Coulton, Robert Council, Edward Counsins, Edward Counter, R. Coupe, John William Courley, Samuel Coursey, Mr. & Mrs. Court, F. J. Court, Frederick. Wm. Court, Court, Thomas Courtenage, John Henry Courtenay, Miss. Courtney, Percy Courtney, Percy A. Courtney, David Courtney, Ada Courtney, Harold Courtney, Charles Samuel Courtney, Harold T. Courtney, Florence Courtney, Mary Ann Courtney, George Courtney, Charles Courtney, Miss. Courtney, Kathleen Courtney, Muriel Courtney, Murile Courtney, Frances May Courts, George W. Courts, George Courts, Samuel Courts, Fred Courts, Mr. Courts, Sam Courts, George William Cousens, Robert Boyd Cousens, Geoffrey Cousins, Maud Cousins, Herbert Cousins, E.A. Cousins, Edward A. Cousins, Albt. E. Cousins, Samuel Cousins, Wm. J. Cousins, Edward Cousins, Cousins, Edward Arthur Cousins, James R. Cousins, Alb. Cousins, Alice Cousins, Arthur Cousins, Alfred G. Cousins, Caroline Cousins, Dora E. Cousins, William J.H. Cousins, Wm. J.H. Cousins, Henry James Cousins, James Richard Cousins, Roland Cousins, William Cousins, Florence Cousins, Ed. A. Cousins, Alice R. Cousins, Wm. I. Cousins, F.A. Couvers, William A.J. Couves, Wm. Albert J. Couves, William Couves, William Albert Couves, Wm. J. Couves, William A.J. Couzen, Hector G. Couzens, C Couzins, James E. Coventry, Henry Coventry, Henry E. Coventry, W.E. Coventry, Hy. C. Coventry, William Ernest Coventry, H.E. Coventry, Willie Coverley, Arthur Erns. Rodg. Coverley, Stanley Coverley, George Harold Covey, Edith Covey, Nellie Covey, Nelly Covney, Frances Cow, William Cowan, Thomas Cowan, John Cowan, Eliza Ross Cowan, Henry Cowan, Miss. Cowan, Maggie Cowan, Alfred Cowan, Margt Cowan, J. J. Cowan, E.M. Major and Mrs. Cowans, Sylvia Coward, Henry Coward, Rosina Coward, S. Coward, Steele Coward, Edward Cowdall, Ann Jane Cowderoy, Cecilia Cowdray, Roy Cowdrey, Albert Cowdrey, Albert Edward Cowdy, Ernest Alfred Cowel, Adelaide Cowell, James Cowell, Adelaide Cowell, Ellen Cowell, Thomas Ed Cowell, James Earnest Cowell, Frances Cowely, David Cowen, Sarah Cowen, J. Cowes, E.H. Mrs. Cowgill, Katherine Cowgill, Katherine Mary Cowgill, John Cowgill, Julia Mary Cowie, Hugh Cowie, Albert Cowing, Clifford F. Cowland, Chas. Cowland, Charles Cowland, Chas Cowles, Leonard Geo. Grego. Cowley, Fred. Cowley, Alfred F. E. Cowley, Albert Cowley, Frank Cowley, Winnifred Cowley, Frederick Cowley, Fred Cowley, Albert Fred. Edw. Cowley, Josiah H. Cowley, Edward Cowley, Joseph Cowley, Elizabeth Cowley, Hy. J. Cowley, E. E. Cowley, Serah Cowley, Susan Cowley, Katie Cowling, Wm. H. Cowling, William George Cowling, William Cowling, Alex Cowperthwaite, Betsy (Mrs. James) Cox, Hy. T.J. Cox, William (1) Cox, Alice Cox, Frederick Chas Cox, Thomas J.D. Cox, Tiney Cox, Henry Cox, William Cox, Elizabeth Cox, Richard Cox, Cox, James Cox, Thos. E. Cox, Albert W. Cox, H. Jas. Cox, Elvina H. Cox, Walter (1) Ernest Cox, Beatrice Cox, May Cox, Bertha Leah Cox, Fred Cox, William (2) Cox, Sarah Cox, Frederick H. Cox, Thomas E. Cox, Gertrude Cox, M. Cox, Henry T.J. Cox, Harry Cox, Elizabeth (1) Cox, Fred A. Cox, Charles Paul Cox, Sydney Herbert Cox, Elvina Cox, William Neville Cox, Alfred J. Cox, John W. Cox, Fred C. Cox, Herbert C. Mr. and Mrs. Cox, Ellen Cox, John (2) George Cox, George Mr. Cox, Perey Cox, Leonard Cox, Elvina E. Cox, Annie B. Cox, Ethel Cox, Fred H. Cox, Harry T.J. Cox, Letitia Cox, Henry Thos. Jas. Cox, Ed. W. Cox, Elsie Cox, Herbert C. Cox, Annie Cox, George P. Cox, Albert Stanley Cox, John (3) Robert Cox, Margaret E. Cox, Harold Cox, Hy. Cox, George A. Sen. Cox, H. Cox, Gladys G. Cox, Henry William Cox, Lily / Lilian Cox, Henry James Cox, Louisa Maud Cox, Lizzie Cox, Tryphena Cox, Patricia Cox, Chas Cox, Edward Cox, Henry J.T. Cox, Louis Edward Cox, Fred Martin Cox, Walter (2) Wallace Cox, George A. Hon. Senator. Cox, Henry Arthur Cox, Beatrice M. Cox, Robert George Cox, George Cox, Ernest Cox, John (1) Cox, Elizabeth (2) Cox, Keith Cox, Millicent Cox, Mary Cox, Douglas E. Cox, Arthur Cox, Percy John Cox, Chas. Cox, Thomas Cox, Charles Cox, Margaret Cox, T J D Cox, Benjamin Cox, Thos. J.D. Cox, T. H. Cox, Frederick Cox, Hy. W. Cox, Emily Cox, Gibson A. Cox, Francis Coxall, William Percy Coxcalise, Bertie Coxen, Charles Coxhead, Fanny Coxhead, Henry Coxon, Clarence Coxon, Ada Coyle, Isabella (Mrs. N. N.) Cozens, Basil Rev. Crabb, Geo. Crabbe, AnnIe Crabtree, Avril Crack, Fred W. Crack, Frank Wm. Crack, Frank W. Crack, Roland Cracknell, Frederick Cracknell, Rose Cracknell, Frederick Henry Cracknell, J. Pvt. Cracknell, John Cracknell, Frederick H. Crackwell, Arthur Craddock, Caroline Craddock, Alfred John Craddock, Alfred J. Craddock, Sarah Craddock, Alfred Craddock, Bertha Craddock, Arthur Craddock, Edith Craddock, Alf J. Cradwell, Charles R. Crafford, Florence Crafford, Olivo Craford, Chas Craford, Chas. Crafton, James Crafton, Mr. and Mrs. Crafton, James Mr. Cragg, Sydney Craghill, William Edward Craig, Robert S. Craig, Charles Craig, David Craig, Peter Craig, John M. Craig, John Craig, Jessie Craig, George Craig, Ethel Craig, Grace Emily (Mrs.) Craig, Robert Craig, Robert S.B. Craig, Henry Craig, Albert Craig, Robt Craig, Isabella Ferguson Stewart Craig, James Craig, William L. Craig (Lawrence), William Charles H. Craighead, Alice Craighead, Lilian Craighhead, Alice Craigie, B. Craik, Jane Cramb, Jacqualine Brown Cramburn, Theodore Crammer, Richard Cramp, Alfred Wr. Cramp, Henry J. Cramp, William. John Crampton, Cramshaw, George Roxby Cramwell, Newman Crandall, Florence Harvey Crandell, Newman C. Crandon, Gilbert Crandon, William Crandon, Levina Crandon, Lavina Crandon, Albert Edward Crane, Harry Crane, Lilian Mrs. Crane, Rose A. Crane, Mary Ann Crane, James Crane, Thomas Crane, Ethel Crane, R. Crane, Jos. T. Crane, Walter Crane, Agnes Mrs. Crane, Edgar H. Crane, May Cranfield, Walter Cranmer, Robert William Cranmer, Carl F. Cranmer, Frederick / Herbert Cranner, Henry Gordon Cranshaw, Henry Cranston, David Cranston, Alice Cranston, Mrs. W.A. Crantock, Joseph Cranwell, Newman C. Cranwell, Newman Carr Crapp, Adelaide Crapp, Adelaide M. Crapper, James Crapper, William H. Crasweller, Emma Cratchley, Mary Ann Cratchley, Frederick James Cratchley, Maud Violet Crawford, Mary Crawford, Patrick Crawford, Percy Mrs. Crawford, James Crawford, Jas Crawford, Thomas M.P.P. Crawford, Paul Crawford, Andrew Crawford, Wm Crawford, G. Crawford, Martin Crawford, William Crawley, Charles Crawley, T. Crawley, John J. Crawley, Thos. Crawley, Thomas H. Crawley, John Crawley, Joe Crawley, T.H. Crawley, Crawley, Thomas Mr. Crawley, Charlotte Crawley, Joseph Crawley, Tom Crawley, Thomas Crawley, Jeremiah Crawley, Caroline Crawshaw, Harry Crawshaw, Gladys Crawshaw, Percy Crawshaw, Ernest Crawshaw, Richard Crawshaw, S. Craxford, Craxford, Herbert Cray, B. Cray, Benjamin Crayford, Lewis Craynor, Kate (Mrs. William) Cready, Walter Creary, Lucy (Mrs. Gerald) Creasey, Ernest Creasey, Claude E. Creasy, Mabel Creasy, Mabel, Phyllis Creath, Lilian Gardiner Creator, James Creed, W. Creedy, Frederick T. Creedy, Robert Creedy, Fred Creedy, Frederick Creelman, Florence Creelman, Florence A. Creer, Richard Creer, Fred William Creerer, Susan Crees, Sidney John Creesy, Henry Cregg, John Creighton, Jno Creighton, Wm Creighton, John Creighton, Robert Thomson Pvt. Cremond, Bessie Crerar, J.S. Crerar, William George Cresfield, Leslie G.H. Cresser, Elsie Elizabeth Cresser, Ethel May Cresser, Gertrude Nellie Cressey, Henry Cressey, Dorothy L. Cressey, Dorothy Cressman, Eli Cresswell, Jno. Cresswell, John Cresswell, Elizabeth Cresswell, Kathleen, May Cresswell, Kathleen May Cressy, Alice M. Cressy, John S. Cressy, Alice Cressy, Douglas Cressy, Dorothy Cressy, Dorothy I. Creswell, Simon Creswell, Christopher Crew, George Crewe, Charles William Crewe, Charles Crewe, Thomas George Crewe, Chas. W. Crewe, Charles W. Crewe, Thos Cribb, Lucy Crichton, Ethel Mrs. Crichton, Geo. Crichton, Richard Waters Crick, Yvonne Crick, Jas Crick, James Crickmore, H.E. Crickmore, Ernest Crickmore, H. Ernest Crickmore, Thos. Jas. Crickmore, Elizabeth Cricmore, H. Ernest Cridden, Danl Cridden, Daniel Criddle, Richard Cridge, Wm. H. Crierie, Griscilla Crigger, Harriett Mrs. Crindell, Miss. Cripps, Milo Cripps, Charles W Cripps, Karen Hayward Cripps, Charles W. Cripps, Reg. Wm. Cripps, Florence Cripps, Mary A. Cripps, Mercy Cripps, Chas. W. Cripps, Mary Cripps, William Cripps, John Cripps, E J Cripps, Chas. Cripps, Florence Rose Crisfield, George Crisp, Grace Crisp, Mary Crisp, Geo. E. Crisp, Frank E. Crisp, Gracie Crisp, Alfd. Crispe, Ernest Wm. Crispin, Ernest G. Crispin, Horace Crispin, Albert Edward Crispin, Ernest George Criswell, Etta M. Mrs. Critchley, Rose Jane E. Critchley, G. D. Critchley, Bessie Lilian Louisa Crittel, Henry W. Crittle, Frederick Charles Crivers, Wm. Arthur Croad, P. H. C. Croad, Fred Crocker, Edwd Crocker, Ada V. Crocker, Henry Crockett, Edward Crockett, Francis Crockett, Aubrey Crockett, Wm. Croft, Robert Croft, Albert Croft, Henry Croft, Agnes Croft, William Charles Pvt. Croft, Ellen Croft, Frederick C. Croft, William Charles Croft, Richard Croft, Edward T. Crofts, Sheila Mary Crofts, James Crofts, Joseph Crogan, Thomas Crogan, Francis Croiner, Birdie Croker, Charles Croker, Daniel Croker, Henry T. Crome, Fred. Cromley, David Crompton, Mary Crompton, William Crompton, John Crompton, June Crompton, Henry Crompton, Fred Cromwell, Samuel Cronck, Eli Francis Frank Croney, Thomas Croney, Josh Cronin, Birdie Cronin, James Cronin, William F. Cronin, Jas. Albert Cronin, Albert E. Cronin, Patrick Cronin, Florence E. Cronin, P. Cronin, Daisy Cronin, James A. Cronk, Eli. G.F. Crook, James |
Crook, Ernest Crook, Lilian Crook, Lilian G. Crook, Walter Crook, Alfred Crook, Frederick Joseph Crook, Victor Crook, Alice S. Crook, Alice Crook, Lillian G. Crook, Lillian Crook, Henry Crook or Crooke, Henry Gould Crooke, W.C.S. Crookes, Avril Crookes, Winifred Crookes, Audrey Crookes, Wm. Crooks, George Crooks, Margaret E. Mrs. Crooks, Jean S. Croon, David Croon, Alice Croon (Or Carey), David Croon (Or Carey), Alice Cropper, Richard Cropper, William Henry Crosbie, Gertrude E. Crosbie, Gertrude Crosbie, Gertrude F. Crosby, Mr. Crosby, Gertrude Crosby, George Crosby, Margaret Crosier, Birdie Crosoley, James Crosoley, Felix Crosoley, Amilcar Cross, Alice Cross, Samuel Arthur Cross, Florence Cross, Ellis Cross, ElIzabeth Cross, Alfred Cross, Samuel A. Cross, Mrs. Cross, William Cross, Daisy (Mrs. George) Cross, Ada Cross, Robert H. Cross, Florence Gertrude Cross, Beatrice Cross, Alice Elizabeth Cross, Percival Vincent Cross, Margaret Cross, John Cross, Sidney Cross, AlIce Cross, Mr. and Mrs. Cross, George A. Cross, ? Cross, Walter Crosse, Sarah Crosseley, Fred. Crosseley, Fred Crossen, William Crossin, Joseph Crossland, William E. Crossley, Frederick Crossley, Fred. Crossley, Eliza Crossman, Albert E. Crossman, Maude Crosson, Rose Mrs. Crosswell, Chas. W. Crossweller, Nelly Crotaz, Ernest A. Crotaz, Arthur Crotaz, Ernest Crotaz, ernest A. Croton, Mary Ann Fanny / Polly Crotty, John Crotty, Denis Crouch, Emily Crouch, Sidney J. Crouch, Jane Crouch, W.H. Crouch, John Crouch, Henry Crouch, N. Crouch, Emily E. Crouch, William H. Crouch, Geo T Crouch, Thomas Crouch, Wm Crouch, William Crouch, Harold Crouch, Harold W. Crouch, T.C. Crouch, Mary Croucher, Frederick Croucher, Fred Croucher, Harry Croucher, Lydia Croucher, Ernest Crouchley, Charlotte Mrs. Crouchley, Charlotte L. Mrs. Crough, Sidney J. Crough, Alice Crouse, Jennie Crow, Albert Crow, Percy Thos. Crow, Jane Crow, George Crowe, Wm. Robert Crowe, Geo. Crowe, Hannah Crowe, Kate Crowe, Tommy Crowe, Arthur J Crowe, Charlotte Crowe, Henry Albert Crowe, Henry Crowe, J. W. Crowe, Percy Crowell, S.G. Crowhurst, Albert Crowhurst, Alfred Crowley, John Crowley, Jeremiah Crowley, George Crowley, Car. Daisy Crowley, Susan Crowley, Sarah Crowley, Frank Shepherd Crownsell, Horace Crowson, John Crowson, Jill Crowther, Wilson Crowther, John Percy Crowther, John Perry Crowther, Thomas J. Crowther, Miss. Crowther, Walter Crowther, John Crowther, Thos J Crowther, Emma J. Crowthers, Wilson Croxall, C. Mrs. Croxlan, John Croxton, John Croxtor, John Croyden, Chas. Ernest H. Croydon, Ch. E. Crozier, Albert Crozier, Eliz Crozier, George Crozier, George Wm. Cruel, Anny Cruickshank, William Cruickshank, Helen Cruickshanks, Geo Michael Cruise, Annie Cruise, Mary Crump, Norah Crump, Chas. F. Crump, Albert Crump, Sarah Crump, James P. Crump, Camila Crump, Stephen Crump, Peter Crumplin, Walter Crumplin, Horace Walter Crumpter, Howard Cruse, Mr. Crust, James Crust, James C. Crutchley, George Crutchley, Frederick James Crutchley, Ada Elizabeth Cruttenden, Horace Cryan, James Patrick Cryan, J. Patrick Cryer, Kenneth Cryer, Amy Miss. Cryer, Clara Cryer, Mary Cryer, Amy Cubbin, Alice Cuckon, William Cuddy, Thomas Cuff, Chas. A. Cuff, Sidney Cuff, Richard John Cuff, Victor C. Cuff, Richard Cuff, Charles A. Cuff, Harry Cuff, Norman E. Mr. and Mrs. Cuff, Charles Albert Pvt. Cuff, Henry Cuff, Jno. R. Culcheth, Arthur Culhim, John Culkin, John Cull, Freda Cull, Brenton E. Cull, Freda B. Cull, Brenton Cull, James Cull, Arthur Cullen, Albert Cullen, Arthur Cullen, Rob Cullen, Thomas Cullen, Drummond Cullen, John Cullen, Bartholomew Cullen, Kate Cullen, Albert H. Cullen, Michael Cullen, Daniel Cullen, Robert Cullen, Hilda Cullen, Mary Cullen, Albert H. Rev. Cullen, W. S. Cullen, Michl Cullen, Donald M. Cullerton, Philip Cullerton, Thomas Cullerton, Thos. Culley, Robert James Culliford, Evelyn Culling, Charles Cullingham, William Cully, Fred Cully, James Cully, Fred. Culpin, Olive Culpin, Olive B. Culter, Agnes Culver, Ethel Culver, Wm. A. Culver, John Jr. Culverhouse, Dr. Culverwell, Thomas Culverwell, Thos Cumberland, His Honor Judge Cumberlege, Elizabeth B. Cumden, Annie E. Cumden, Annie Cummin, William Cumming, Mary Cumming, Roderick Cumming, Edina Cumming, Jean Cumming, Elizabeth Cumming, Ian Cummings, John Cummings, Annie Cummings, Andrew Cummings, Alfred Henry Cummings, Thos. Cummings, Henry Cummings, Thomas Cummings, Albert David Cummings, S. Cummings, Patrick Cummings, Fred Cummings, Miss. Cummings, Laura Cummings, Herbert Cummings, Alfred H. Cummings, Mary Cummings, Samuel Cummings, Ethel (Mrs. Robert) Cummings, Anne Cummings, Michael Cummings, Thomas W. Cummings, Henry J. Cummings, Lawrence Cummings, Ernest Cummington, William Hemson Cummins, Miss. Cummins, M. Miss. Cummins, Chrisr Cundale, Charles Ernest Cundale, Charles Cundall, William Henry Cundall, William Henrey Cundy, James Cundy, Henry Cundy, James E. Cundy, Hy Cunerty, Mrs. Cunerty, Amy Cuninghame, Jno. J. Cunnerty, Mrs. Cunniffe, Richard Cunniingham, Mary A Cunningham, Charles Cunningham, John Cunningham, J. Cunningham, Margaret Cunningham, Pat Cunningham, Mary J. Cunningham, Hy Cunningham, Chr. Cunningham, Mary Cunningham, Elsie M. Cunningham, Richard Cunningham, Mrs. Cunningham, G. Cunningham, George Cunningham, Catherine Cunningham, Emma Cunningham, Hy. Cunningham, Jno Cunningham, Mrs. D.C. Cunningham, Alice Maud Cunningham, Mary Mrs. Cunningham, Mary Ann Cunningham, John James Cunningham, Ellen Cunningham, Gladys (Mrs.) Cunningham, Louisa Cunningham, Susan Cunningham, S. Cunningham, Georgina Cunningham, Mary A. Cunningham, Margt. Cunningham, Mary A Cunningham, Louise Cunningham, Patrick Cunnington, William Owen Cunnungham, James Cupiss, Edgar Cupter, John Curbishley, Cornelius Robert William Curd, Ben Curd, Fred Curl, Albert Edward Curl, William Curl, Wm. Curle, Mrs. Amelia Curley, Lily Margaret Curley, Nellie Curley, Thomas Curneek, William Curnick, Wm. ?. T. Curnick, William Curnick, Curnick, Wm J L Curnick, - Curnick, William J. Curnick, William J.T. Curnick, William T. Curnow, Thomas L. Curnow, Thomas Leonard Curr, Wm. C. Curragh, Olive B. Currall, Frederick Currall, Howard Curran, Alice Curran, George Curran, William Curran, John J. Curran, J.P. Mrs Curren, Agnes Mrs. Curren, Louisa Curren, Eliz. A. Curren, Eliz A Currie, James Currie, John St. Claire Currie, Alexander Currie, Malcolm J. Currie, Sarah Elizabeth (Mrs.) Currie, Sidney Currie, Martha (Mrs. Thomas W.) Currie, Malcom J. Currie, Gloria Currie, Malcolm J Currie, D. E. Currie, Grace Curry, Mary J. Curry, Thos. Mrs. Curry, Maggie Curry, George Curry, Mary Jane Curry, Edward S. Curson, Elizabeth Curson, F. Curson, Eliz. Curston, John Edward Curswell, Albert Curtin, Jeremiah Curtin, William Curtis, Alfred Ernest Curtis, Annie C. Curtis, Florence Curtis, Richard Henry Curtis, Alice Curtis, Alfred Curtis, John Curtis, Florence G. Curtis, George Curtis, Mary Curtis, Amy E Curtis, Richard H. Curtis, Albert Charles Curtis, Annie Curtis, Kath Curtis, Jno. Curtis, Florence E. Curtis, J. Curtis, Patrick Curtis, George H. Curtis, Jno Curtis, Thos Hy Curtis, Isabella Curtis, Alfred E. Curtis, Henry Curtis, Amy Curtis, Mr. Curtis, Patk Curtis, James Curtis, Mrs. Curtis, Emily Curtis, Fredk. Curtis, Bessie Curtis, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Curwin, Witton Curzon, Florence Curzons, Bertie Cusack, Charles Cushion, Fredrick Charles Cushion, Fred C. Cushion, Frederick Chas. Cushion, Harold Cushion, Frederick C. Cushion, Wm. Harold Cushion, Cushion, Geoffrey Cushion, Fred A. Cushion, Fred Charles Cushion, F.C. Cusick, Edward Cusitar, William Mr. Cusitar, William Cutforth, Fred Cutforth, Frederick Q. Cutforth, Fred Q. Cuthbert, Mary Cuthbert, Charles Mr. Cuthbert, AnnIe Cuthbert, Thomas Cuthbertson, Charles Cuthbertson, Mary Cuthbertson, George Cuthbertson, May Cuthbertson, Eleanor Cutler, Sarah Cutler, Agnes Cutler, Charles Henry Cutler, Margaret Cutler, Mary Elizabeth Cutler, Margaret D. Cutler, Miss. Cutmore, Eliza Cutress, Alice Cutridge, E. W. Pvt. Cutt, Rose Elsie Cutt, Florence Cutt, Rose Cutt, Rose E. Cutter, Margaret Cutter, Margaret D. Cutter, Margaret K.D. Cutter, Cutting, John Cutting, Albert E. Cutting, Albert Cuttress, Charles Cuttress, Harry Cuttress, Alice Cuttress, Richard Cuttridge, Walter A. Cutts, Mary E. Cutts, Ethel Cutts, Rose Cutts, Squire Cutts, Ethel M. Cutts, Kate Cyder, Frederick Cyples, Leonard Cyples, Hy Cyples, Fredk Cyples, Henry Cyples, Albert Cyples, Fred Wm D'Ace, Frudre Horace D'Arcy, Nellie D'Arcy, John D'Arcy, Josephine D., D. Da Costa, Harold Da???Pre, Isidore Da???Pre, Cecil Dabbs, Francis Edward Dabson, Thos. H.E. Dabson, Thomas W. Dacey, Adeline Mrs. Dade, James Daden, Wm. Dadowell, Gilbert Dadson, Geo. Thomas Dady, Michael Daffin, F. Chas. Daffin, Frederick Charles Pvt. Daffron, Geo Daffron, Geo. Daft, Ada Norah Dafter, Mary Jane Dafter, Mary J. Dagg, William Dagnall, George Dagnall, Lizzie Dagnall, Annie Dagnall, Walter Dailey, Mrs. William Dainsey, Elizabeth Dainsey, Lizzie Dainter, Alice Dainton, Alfred Dainton, Chas. W. Dainton, Dainton, Florence Dainton, G.T. Dainton, George Thomas Dainton, Charles W. Dainton, Edward Dainton, Charles William Dainton, George T. Dainton, Geo. T Daintree, C. L/Cpl. Daintree, Chas. Daintree, C. H. Daintree, Charles Hall George Daintree, Geo. C.H. Daintree, Geo. H. C. Dake, Wm. Dakin, Edward Dakin, Carol F. Dakin, William Dakin, Carrol Fred Dakin, Edward C. Dalaney, Thomas Dalbon, L. Mrs. Dalby, Morris Dalby, Matthew Bentley (Benjamin) Dale, R.B. Dale, Sydney Dale, Isaac Dale, Daisy Dale, Joseph Dale, Arthur Dale, James Dale, Sydney Pvt. Dale, Rose Dale, George William Dale, William Dale, Lily Dale, Elsie Daley, Alexander Daley, Louisa Daley, John Daley, Lizzie Daley, Ann Daley, Ellen Daley, Daniel Daley, James Dalgarno, Mary Ann Dalgarno, Mary Dalgetty, Jno. R. Dalgetty, George B. Dallas, George Dalley, Richard Dalley, Frank Dalley, Morris Dallimore, Joseph Henry Dalling, John Dallinger, John E. Dallman, Richard Dallman, Richard V. Dallman, James N. Dallman, James N.P. Dallman, Ernest Dallman, James Dallman, James P. Dallow, Thos. Dalnsey, Lizzie Dalton, Edward T. Dalton, Andre H. Dalton, Mr. William Dalton, Mary E Dalton, Donald H. Dalton, Edward Dalton, Emily Dalton, May Dalton, Stephen M. Dalton, Andre Dalton, Ed Dalton, Warwick Dalton, Kirby George Dalton, Mrs. Dalton, Stephen Dalton, E. Dalton, Andre Hope. Dalton, H. Donald Dalton, Arthur Dalton, Thomas Dalton, Arthur E. Dalton, Andre Hope Dalton, Arthur Edward Dalton, Donald Dalton, Mary E. Daly, Kate Daly, Daniel Daly, Frances Daly, Fred. Daly, John Daly, Michael Daly, Edward Harry Daly, Mary Ann Daly, W. W. Daly, Ann Dalziel, Walter Dalziel, Walter Sgt. Dambouradjian, Vahram Damery, R. D. Damon, Winifred Damon, Winnifred Damon, Hy. L. Damon, Henry S. Damon, Winnie Damp, A. Dance, Joseph Dance, Albert E. Dance, Hy. A. Dance, Albert James Dance, George Dance, Effie Dance, Albert Dance, W. C. Dance, Walter Henry Dando, Gladys Maud Marion Dando, Gladys M.M. Dando, Gladys M. Dando, William John Dando, Winifred Dands, Winnifred Dane, A. Danes, A.E.(Cpl) Dangerfield, Charles Daniel, W. Daniel, Anderson Daniel, William Daniells, William T. Daniels, William T. Daniels, Maud Daniels, Annie Daniels, Ellen Daniels, Henry Daniels, Thos. Daniels, William Thos. Daniels, Joseph Daniels, John Daniels, John and Mrs. Daniels, Thomas Daniels, John J. Daniels, Walter Daniels, John L. Daniels, Teresa Daniels, Nellie Daniels, Thomas George Daniels, Jas Daniels, Mary Daniels, G Daniels, Herbert H. Daniels, George Hy. Daniels, Josephine Daniels, James Daniels, .Fanny Daniels, Peter Daniels, Harry Daniels, Francis Danks, Herbert A. Danks, Kathleen Danks, Herbert H. Danks, Frederick Danks, Mary Nellie Danks, James Thomas Danks, William Danks, Isabella Margaret Danks, John Danks, Edward Danks, Richard Dann, Augustus Dann, Gertrude Dann, Thos. Dann, Harriet Dansky, Henry W. Danter, William Danter, G. Danter, Danter, Alfred / Albert Danter, Frederick Danter, George Danter, Francis Danter, Sarah Danter, Fred Danvers, Edward Daprato, Louisa Darbon, Mary Darbon, Florence Darbon, George Darbon, Mary E. Darbon, Violet Darbon, Violet L. Darby, Harry Mr. Darby, Wallace B. Darby, Jane Darby, Henry Darby, Harry Darbyshire, Edith Darbyshire, Edith A. Darbyshire, Sarah E. Darbyshire, Sarah Darbyshire, Edith Amelia Darbyshire, Sarah Ellen Darden, Louis Dare, Geo Dare, Wm. S. Dare, George Dare, Arthur James Dare, Geo. Dare, Minnie Darey, L. V. Darey, Patrick Dark, AnnIe Darley, William Joseph Darling, O.W. Rev. Darling, Grace Darling, Kenneth Darling, J.S. Mrs. Darling, Alice Darling, Agnes Darling, Eliza (Mrs. George C.) Darling, Ann Darling, Mr. Darling, Lucy Darling, Mrs. Darlington, Henry Darlison, George Darlow, Albert Darlow, W. Darlow, Willis Darnboro, Harry Darnborough, Walter Darnborough, William Darnborough, Harry Darnbrough, Beatrice Mrs. Darnley, Cyril Darnuzer, Margaretha Darrell, Robert Pvt. Darrell, William Darrell, Robert Darrell, Agnes Darrells, Eliza Darrington, Albert Dart, John Edward Dart, George Dart, Thomas O. Darville, Jessie Darwin, James Dash, Horace N. Dash, Dash, Edmund E.J.R. Dash, Ed. E.J.R. Dashwood, John Dashwood, Alfred C. Datchler, Fred G. Datton, Daniel Daubney, W.J. Daubney, Wm. Daubney, William Jas. Daubney, William J. Daubney, Wm. J. Daubney, Williams J. Daubney, William Daubney, James Wm. Dav1Es, Joseph (2) Davenport, Sarah T. Davenport, Janie Davenport, Agnes Davenport, Agnes O. Davenport, Sarah J. Davenport, Jane Davenport, Sarah (Sadie) Davenport-Browne, Averil M . Daves, Fred Mr. and Mrs. Davey, Sarah Davey, Gilbert Davey, Harry Davey, Connie Davey, William T. Davey, Elizabeth Davey, Frederick Davey, Robert A. Davey, Edward W. Davey, Elsie Davey, William Davey, Wm. Joseph Davey, Elizabeth C. Davey, Serah Davey, Florence Rebeka Davey, Henry John Davey, Reginald Davey, Frederick P. Davey, Nil. Davey, Reginald C. Davey, William Thomas David, Joseph David, Mary Davidson, James Davidson, Frank Davidson, Elsie Davidson, Wm. Davidson, Thomas M. Davidson, Jno. J. Davidson, Hy. Davidson, T. Davidson, Diana Lilian Davidson, Thomas Davidson, J.C. Rev. Davidson, David Davidson, Thomas Henry Davidson, Jessie Davidson, Frederick Davidson, Thos. Hy. Davidson, Thos. H. Davidson, Elizabeth Davidson, Joanna Davidson, Olive Davidson, Jane M. Davidson, Annie Davidson, Lena Davidson, Caroline Davidson, Hannah Davidson, MaggIe Davidson, Beatrice A. Mrs. Davidson, Harry Davie, John Davie, Mary Davie, Elsie Davie, Desmond Davie, Henry Davie, Albert Davies, James Davies, Thomas Davies, John Davies, Leslie C. Davies, Frederick J. Davies, Ernest Davies, Charles Ernest Davies, Dorothy Davies, Henry Thomas Davies, Mary Davies, William J. Davies, Davies, William E. Davies, Frederick Davies, Emma Davies, M.L. Esq. Davies, Walter Davies, Mary (1) Davies, Joseph Davies, Elizabeth Davies, William Henry Davies, Mary A. Davies, John (1) Henry Davies, Frederick W. Davies, George Aquilla Davies, John (3) Davies, George Davies, Martha A. Davies, Ann Davies, William Davies, Victor Lester Davies, W.H. Davies, Charles George Davies, Charles Davies, Albert E. Davies, Joseph (1) Davies, Horace Davies, Hannah Davies, David Davies, Harry Davies, Sydney (1) Davies, Trevor H. Rev. Davies, G. Davies, Eva Davies, Kate Davies, Charles G. Davies, Lilian Davies, Edward G. Davies, Fred W. Davies, Gertrude Mrs. Davies, Rose Davies, Horace J. Davies, Thomas (2) William Davies, Alexander Davies, Peter Davies, Chas. Davies, Wm. Davies, Georgina Davies, Nellie Davies, Richard Davies, Miss. Davies, W. A. Davies, Katherine Davies, P. Mrs. Davies, Charles E. Davies, Geo. Davies, Agnes Davies, Joseph (2) Davies, F. J. Davies, Rose Clara Davies, George Mr. Davies, Elsie Davies, Alice Davies, Bertie Davies, James Ernest Davies, George R. Davies, Hugh J. Davies, Mary Johns Davies, Ada Davies, Beatrice Davies, Jas. W. Davies, Catherine Davies, G.A. Davies, Henry R. Davies, Jas Davies, Wm. H. Davies, Annie Davies, Violet Olive Davies, Rhys Davies, Charles ernest Davies, Edward Davies, Ethel Emma Davies, Miriam Davies, Eva F. Davis, William (3) Henry Davis, Mr. Davis, Jas. E. Davis, F.J. Mr. Davis, Mabel Davis, Amy Davis, Richard Davis, Geo Davis, Eliza Davis, Alex Davis, Harriet Davis, William Davis, Henry T. Davis, Annie Davis, Clara Davis, Frank Robert Davis, James Davis, Matilda Davis, George T. Davis, James William Davis, Frances M.A.S. Davis, E. Davis, Edward D. Davis, O. Davis, Mary Davis, Mrs. Davis, Albert (1) Davis, Alfred Davis, Harry Davis, George Davis, Harriett Davis, Frederick R. Davis, Jack Davis, Alfred (3) Cecil Davis, Walter Davis, Edward C. Davis, William (1) George Davis, A. Davis, Thomas (2) William Davis, F.J. Davis, Violet Davis, Leslie C. Davis, Henry S. Davis, Joseph (3) Davis, Nellie Davis, Frederick Davis, Charles Davis, Kate S. Mrs. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Davis, John Davis, Ernest Davis, Dorothy Davis, George (1) Davis, Susan Davis, Herbert T. Davis, Henry Thomas Davis, Frank R. Davis, Louisa Davis, George (3) Davis, David Davis, Mr. & Mrs. F. Davis, Wm. H. Davis, Malcolm E. Mr. Davis, Frank Ernest Davis, Herbert Edwin Davis, Wm. Davis, Sidney (2) Alfred Davis, Herbert I. Davis, Harold Davis, Malcom E. Mr. Davis, Andrew J. Davis, Emma Davis, Mary (2) Priscilla (Mrs. Albert) Davis, Alice Davis, Alfred Hack Davis, Bertie Davis, Gertrude Mrs. Davis, Ar Davis, Leah Jane Davis, Albert Davis, Lily M. Davis, George (2) Davis, Norman Davis, Elizabeth Davis, John (1) Henry Davis, Albert A. Davis, Annie Mrs. Davis, Walter Thomas Davis, Henry Davis, Wm. E. Davis, Fred. Davis, James E. Davis, Edwd. Davis, Edward Davis, Miss. Davis, William H. Davis, Josh Davis, F.J. Messrs. Davis, J.E. Davis, Mary (1) Davis, Lizzie Davis, M.E. Mr. Davis, Leopold Davis, William (2) David Davis, George E. J. Davis, Bessie Davis, Frank Reuben Davis, Reginald Patrick Davis, Violet O. Davis, Georgina Davis, Beatrice Davis, Leslie Davis, Alfred E. Davis, Alfred (2) Davis, Berdella May Davis, Alfred (1) Davis, Malcolm E. Davis, Daisy Davis, Mr. Sr. Davis, Henry Scott Davis, George Frederick Davis, Davis, Ellen Elizabeth Davis, Victor A.G. Davis, James Wm. Davis, Edward Grey Davis, John (2) Theswell Davis, Edith Miss. Davis, Frederick T. Davis, Maud Davis, Ada Davis, W.J. Davis, M.E. Davis, Francis Davis, John (3) Davis, Frank Davis, Frank A. Davis, Albert (2) James Davis, Lillian M. Davis, V. Davis, Malcom E. Davis, Bertha Davis, Edward G. Davis, John R. Davis, Victor A. Davis, Rose Clara Davis, Joseph (2) Davis, Tucker H. Davis, Edward William Davis, Thomas Geo. Davis, Joseph (1) Davis, Geo. Davis, Henry Tucker Davis, Jos. A. Davis, Alfred Edward Davis, Chas. E. Davis, George (4) Davis, Joseph A. Davis, Ruth Julia Davis, Thomas (1) Davis, Freddie Davis, Geo. Stanley Davis (Davies), Lillian May Davison, Hannah Davison, Isabel Davison, L. Davison, Murray Davison, Olive Davison, Frederick Davison, Frank Davison, Elsie Davison, Joseph Davison, Jane M. Davison, Giles Davison, Jane Davison, Isabel H. Davison, Gladys Davison, Geo. Hy. Davison, Lena Davison, Guy Davison, Agnes Davison, Thomas Davitt, Nellie Davitt, John Davy, Constance M. Davy, Reginald Davy, Geo. Davy, Constance Davy, Reginald C. Daw, Henry O. Daw, Fred Daw, Frederick Daw, Frederick William Daw, Alfred Daw, Francis A. Dawbarn, Mr. Dawes, Albert Dawes, Albt. H. Dawes, Albert H. Dawes, John Dawes, Edward G. Dawes, Emmanuel, James Dawkins, Herbert Joseph Dawn, Lily Dawnay, John Dawson, Sarah Dawson, John Dawson, Eliza Dawson, George Dawson, Emma Dawson, Mary Dawson, William Lewis Dawson, Lucy Dawson, Ernest W. Esq. Dawson, Elsie M. Dawson, Tom Bellinger Dawson, Clara Dawson, Albert E. Dawson, Robert Dawson, Mary Jane Dawson, Thomas Dawson, Ivy Dawson, Fredk. C. Dawson, Olive Dawson, Elizabeth Dawson, Arthur Dawson, Esther Dawson, Harold E. Dawson, Frederick Charles Dawson, Lizzie Dawson, Saml Dawson, Victor J. Esq Dawson, William Dawson, Edith Day, Lilian E. Day, Edward William Day, Anne E. Day, Alfred Day, Wm Day, Ada Day, Mr. and Mrs. Day, Elsie Day, Thomas G. Day, Michael Day, Elsie G. Day, Alfred J. Day, Alfred A. Day, John Day, Deirdre Day, Edwards W. Day, W.H. Day, Mary Elizabeth Minnie Day, Emma Day, Margaret Day, Edward W. Day, Walter Day, Ernest R. Day, Harry Day, Edward Day, Henry Mrs. Day, Henry Day, Gertrude P. Day, Martha Day, William J. B. Day, Cecilia Day, Arthur Day, Alfred James Day, George Day, Aubrey O. F. Day, Frank A. Day, Day, William Henry Day, Alice Elizabeth Day, Wm. Day, Joseph Day, Albert Day, Alice Day, Robert L. Day, Ethel Day, Thomas Henry Day, Fredk Day, Fred George Day, Louisa Day, Barbara G. Day, Dorothy G. Mrs. Day, Edward Wm. Day, Elizabeth Ruth Day, Edwin W. Day, Geo. M. Day, Harold Francis Day, David Frederick Day, Herbert Day, Fanny Dayborn, Arthur Dayes, Frederick Dayes, Fred Dayman, Elizabeth Mrs. Days, Henry Dazley, Herbert C. Dazley, Herbert De Balinhard, Mr. De Canthine, Elizabeth De Caux, Peter De Haviland, Cecil G. De Luca, Florence De Luca, Alfred De Quick, Joseph De Silvia, Henry De Silvo, Paul De Silvo, Eugene de Ville, May De Ville, Leslie de Wynter, Agnes De'Silvia, Hy F De?Rick, William Dea, James Deacon, Frederick Deacon, Daniel G. Deacon, Henrietta Deacon, Albert Deacon, Hettie Deacon, Fred. Deacon, Fredrick Deacon, Emma Deacon, Fred Deacon, Hetty Deacon, Fred'k. Deakin, Geo. Deakin, Thomas Deakin, William Deal, Walter C. Deal, W. Mrs. Snr. Deal, Wm. Mrs. Deal, William Mrs. Deal, W. Mrs. Deamon, Samuel Deamon, Henry William Dean, Kate Dean, George Dean, John Dean, William Dean, Frank Dean, Thomas Dean, Emily Dean, Richard Dean, Margaret Dean, Louis Dean, Alfd Dean, Geo. R. Dean, Fred Dean, Charles Dean, Shirley Dean, Alfred Dean, Benjamin Dean, James Dean, Sarah Dean, George R. Dean, Rose Dean, A. Dean, Arthur Richard Dean, Alfred W. Dean, Jeffrey Deane, Desmond Deane, George Deane, George R. Deane, Richard Deane, Bruce Deane, Honor Deane-Jones, Antonia F. Deane-Jones, Diana M. Deanes, Sam T. Deanes, Samuel T. Deanne, George R. Deany, Ada Dear, Harry Dear, Christina Dear, Fred Dear, Edward Dear, Dearden, Peter Dearden, Thais Deare, Wr. F. Dearling, Alice Dearling, Alice L. Dearman, Fred Dearman, James Dearn, Ernest Dearn, Lucy Dearn, William Dearnley, Alfred Deave, Percy Deave, Wm. Deave, A. E. Deaverson, Heathfield Debarr, Ernest Chas. Debenham, William Decker, George Deckers, Hy. DeCourcey, John Jos. Dee, James Dee, Thomas Dee, T. Pvt. Dee, S Dee, Arthur Deeble, Edith Deeks, William George James Deeks, Charles Deeks, William G.J. Deeks, William Deeks, William G. Deeley, Mary Jane Deely, Mary Jane Deeming, Rose Deeming, Lydia Deeming, Emma Deeming, Emma F. Defew, Wm. Defew, William DeFew, Wm. Degan, Francis Degan, Charles DeGeer, Hill E. Degen, F. Degen, Francis Degg, Clara Degnan, Thomas Deisler, J. H. Deitch, George DeL Degan, Ethel Mrs Del Degan, Ethel Mrs. Del Judice, Nuncio Delafield, Wm. A. Delahaye, Olive M. Miss. Delamore, Art Delaney, Nellie Delaney, Thomas Delaney, Francis Delaney, William Delaney, Catherine Delaney, Frances Delaney, James Delaney, Thos. Delaney, Ernest Delaney, Geo. J. Delaney, Geo J Delaney or Devaney, Michael George Delany, Thomas Delar, Catherine Delay, John Delay, Ellen Delevingne, Malcolm Sir Delgarno, Mary Dell, Francis W. Dell, Edith Dell, William Dell, Francis Dell, Edith Lily Dell, Francis Wm. Dell, Dell, George Dellapinna, William Delley, Henry Delly, Henry Delmage, Nora Margaretta Delmage, Nora Deluka, Florence Delverne, Fred. Vincent Vine Delves, David Delves, Sarah Delves, Edward Demar, Ed. F. Demar, E.F. DeMerchant, Rose (Mrs. Charles) Demery, W. Dempsey, Cath. Dempsey, Catherine Dempsey, William Dempsey, Wiliam Dempsey, Daniel Dempsey, Catharine Dempsey, Julia Dempsey, Mrs. Dempster, Hugh Dempster, John A. Dempster, Mary Dempster, Hugh A. Dempster, John Dempster, C. Dempster, H. Dempster, Jack Dempsy, Julia Demsey, Peter Denahay, John Denahey, Patrick Denard, Catherine E. Denard, David Denby, Dory Denby, Dorothy Denby, Percy E. Denchers, William Dendy, Dorothy Dendy, Wm. Dendy, Christine M. Dendy, Minnie Dendy, Hazel Deneef, Christia Deneef, Christain Deneef, John Welsh Denham, Arthur Denham, Emma Denham, Jennie Denis, William Denison, Shirley Denison, Maud Denison, Bertram Noel Denison, Jeffrey J. Denison, Geoffrey Denison, Shirley Esq. Denison, Shirley Mrs. Denley, Richd Denley, Richard Denlith, Chas Denman, Charles Edward Denman, W. G. Denman, Robert Denman, Ronald Denman, Henry Dennett, Arthur Dennie, John Denning, George Denning, John Denning, Joseph G. Dennis, Ethel Dennis, Dorothy Dennis, Benjamin Wm. Dennis, Miss. Dennis, Geo. Dennis, Henry W. Dennis, Benjamin William Dennis, Wm. Dennis, Wm Dennis, Albert Edward Dennis, Henry Arthur Dennis, Henry A. Dennis, Marjorie Mrs. Dennis, George Dennis, Albert E. Dennis, Harry Dennison, Mary Dennistou, James Mrs. Dennistoun, James Mrs. Denny, EmIly Denny, John Denny, Fanny Denny, Albert Denny, Wm. Denny, ElIzabeth Denny, Elizabeth Denny, T.A. Mr. Denovan, Reginald Densley, Herbert Denson, Edwd. Dent, Edgar J. Dent, Edgar Dent, Reuben Dent, Jas Dent, Mrs. Dent, James Denter, George Denton, Walter Denton, William Denton, Walker Denton, Daniel Denton, Leonard Denton, John Denyer, Alfred Denyer, Mary Denyer, Arthur Denyer, Arthur W. Denyer, Arthur Wyngate Denyer, James Denyer, Mary E. Denyer, Henry, William George Denyer, Elizabeth Deovy, James Depuy, Edith Deradour, Thomas Derany, James Derby, W. Derbyshire, Alice Derbyshire, William Derbyshire, Amy E. Derbyshire, Alfred Derbyshire, Alice May Derbyshire, Edith Derling, Alice Dermedy, Albert Edward Dermedy, William Dermedy, Albert E. Dermedy, Albert Dermody, William Dermondy, Henry Derr, John Derrich, Ada Derrick, George W. Derrick, Ada Derrick, George William Derrington, Emily Derry, Clara Derry, Annie Amelia Derry, John Harold Derry, Sarah Derry, Henry John Derry, Emily Sarah Dervent, Fred Charles Derwent, Jas A Desborough, Alfred H. Desborough, A. Desmond, Thomas John Desmond, William Desmond, Davie Desmond, Harriet Elizabeth Desmond, Frank Desse, Rebecca Deuton, Walter Deuxberry, C. M. Devall, G. Devaney, James Devany, James Devene, John Deveney, Samuel Devenish, Rosamond Devenish, Sheelagh Deverell, Chas. Henry Devereux, Henry Devereux, William Devereux, George Devereux, Emily Devereux, Wm. Devereux, Charles Hugh Deverill, Sidney Deverson, Fred. J. Deverson, Heathfield Deves, Joseph Deveson, Chas. Devey, James Gittoes Devey, Conrad W. DeVille, Leslie Deville, Leslie C. Deville, Leslie Devin, Peter Devin, John Devine, Cecilia Devine, Martin Devine, Thomas Devine, Richard Devine, Albert Devine, Ellen Devine, Albt Devine, John Devine, Alfred Devine, Patrick Devine, Louis Devine, Thos. Devine, Suzan Devitt, Edwin Mr. Devitt, John Devitt, Mrs. J.H. Devitt, Mrs. Devlin, Sarah Devlin, Sarah May Devlin, H. Devlin, Thomas Devlin, Mary Devlin, James Devlin, William Devlin, Jas Devonport, Jhn. Devrick, William Dew, John Henry Dew, George F. Dew, George Dew, Henry James Dew, Simon Dewar, Robert Dewar, Dewar, Arthur H. Dewar, Walter Dewberry, Archie Dewberry, Archie B. Dewbury, Thomas Dewbury, Thos. Dewbury, William Dewbury, T. Dewbury, W.H. Dewdney, Frances E. Mrs. Dewey, John Austin Dewey, Martin R. Dewey, Olive R. Dewey, Douglas Joseph Dewey, Thomas Charles Dewhurst, Frederick Dewhurst, Fred Dewick, Florence Dewing, William DeWinton, Nicholas J. DeWinton, Susan A. D. DeWinton, William Lardner D.P. Dewitt, John Dewland, W.A. Mrs. DeWolfe, Walter Wallace Dewsbury, Percy Dewson, Emma Dewson, Frederick Dewyer, William George Dexter, Edith Ann Diack, AlexandrIna Diamond, Wm. H. Diaper, Wm. A. Diaper, W.A. Diaper, William A. Dibben, Ruby M. Dibben, Ruby Dibble, J. Dibbs, Thomas James Dibbs, Thomas Dibbs, Alfred Dibbs, Thos. Dibden, Ruby Dibden, Ruby M. Dibley, Ernest John Thomas Diceman, Annie Margaret Dick, Dirty Dick, William Dick, Charles Edw. Dickason, Charles Dickason, George Dickason, Walter Dickason, Walter J. Dickason, W.J. Dickason, Arthur Dickason, Dickason, Wm. J. Dickason, Frederick Dickens, Albert Dickens, Thomas Dickens, Wm Hy Dickens, Joseph Jays Dickens, Jos. J. Dickens, Joseph Dickens, Arthur John Dickenson, Richard Dickenson, Frank Dickenson, E.H. Mrs. Dickenson, Ernest A. Dickenson, Harold Dickenson, Thomas Dickenson, Henry G. Dickenson, Arthur William Dickenson, Florence Dickenson, Frederick Dickenson, John Dicker, Henry Dicker, Frederick Dickerson, Walter Dickerson, Geo. Dickie, George Mr. Dickie, Norman Dickie, Norman Leslie Dickie, Garnet R.L. Dickie, Garnot R. L. Dickinson, William Dickinson, Elizabeth Dickinson, H. Dickinson, Alan H. Captain Dickinson, Richard Dickinson, Harold Dickinson, Harold Sgt. Dickinson, John Dickinson, May Dickinson, Rd. Dickinson, Reg. Dickman, Archie Dickman, Issac Dickman, Isaac Dicks, Ellen Dickson, Arthur Dickson, Janes D. Dickson, Dorothy Dickson, Thomas Dickson, James D. Dickson, William Dickson, John Dickson, Ernest Dickson, Louisa Dickson, Mrs. Didsbury, Richard Didsbury, Henry Didsbury, Albert Digby, Ellen Diggins, Eva Lawson Diggins, Florence Digman, Rudolph S. Dignam, Rudolph S. Dignan, Mary Ellen Dignan, Mary J. Dignan, Harry Dignan, Mary E. Dignan, Mary Jane Digweed, Hy. Geo. Digweed, Henry George Digweed, H.G. Digweed, Henry Digweed, Harry Digweed, Henry G. Digweed, William E. Digweed, Henry Thomas Digwood, Hy. Dilke, Walter Reginald Dillion, Rupert Dillon, Michael Dillon, Charles Dillon, John Dillon, Mr. Dillon, Mary Dillon, Patrick Dillon, Rupert J. Dillon, Rupert John Dillon, Michl Dilloway, Agnes Dills, Ernest Dimage, Charlotte Diment, Wm. C. Dimmock, Jean Dimmock, Charles Dimple, Dolly Dines, William Dines, Georgina Dines, Albert T. Ding, J.R. O. Capt. Ding, Henry Dingman, Beatrice S. Mrs. Dingwall, Mary Diniage, Charlotte Dinnes, Clifford Dinnick, C. R. Dinnick, C. R. Esq. Dinnick, C. R. S. Dinnick, C. R. Mr. Dinnick, C. R. S. esq. Dinnick, C. R. S. Esq. Dinwood, William James Dinwood, W.J. Dinwoody, William J. Dinwoody, George Dinwoody, Alfred James Dinwoody, Wm. J. Dinwoody, Geo. Dioscoride, Henri Diplock, ernest John Diplock, Ernest Diplock, Ernest G. Diplock, Ernest John Pvt. Dipple, Edith Dipple, Nellie Dipple, Alice Diprose, Mr. Dirk, Emily Disbury, Ernest Discon, George Disher, Mr. and Mrs. David Dismon, Robert Disney, Harold Disson, William Ditchfield, Elizabeth (Mrs. Mark B.) Ditchmen, Jos. J.J. Divall, Albert E. Divine, Thomas Divine, Albert Dix, Frank Dix, Rosina Dix, John Dix, Frank W. Dix, Robert Dix, Dix, F. Dix, Fred. W. Dixie, Charles Edward Dixie, Ada Elizabeth (Mrs. G.) Dixie, J. H. Dixon, Louisa Ellen Dixon, John Thomas Dixon, William Dixon, Helen Dixon, Margaret Dixon, Louise Dixon, Thomas Dixon, Annie Dixon, Frederick H. Dixon, Dorothy Dixon, Lilian Dixon, Albert E. Dixon, Lizzie Dixon, George D. Dixon, Grace Dixon, Louisa Dixon, Mary Dixon, Louisa E. Dixon, Anthea Dixon, George Dixon, Annie K. Dixon, Michael R. Dixon, George G. Pvt. Dixon, George H. Dixon, Jessie Dixon, Harriet Dixon, Maud Dixon, Ellen L. Dixon, Sylvia B. Dixon, William E. Dixon, Alex. Dixon, Joshua Dixon, Dixon, Daniel Dixon, James Dixon, Norma J. Dixon, Charles Dixon, Jno. T. Dixon, Harry Dixon, Sarah Jane Dixon, Geo. Hy. Dixon, John Dixon, EdIth Doan, L.M. Mrs. Dobb, James Mackinson Dobb, Fred W. Dobb, Ernest Blundell Dobbin, Mr. Dobbing, Annie Dobbs, Ed. Dobbs, Amy Dobbs, Francis Edward Dobbs, Louisa Dober, Thomas Doberty, Elizabeth Dobie, Emma Dobie, Thomas Moffatt Dobie, Thomas Dobie, Francis B. Dobinson, William Dobson, Ernest Dobson, Fellix Dobson, Mary Dobson, Frederick C. Dobson, Grace Dobson, Dorothy Dobson, Felix Dobson, Henry Dobson, Mary Ann Dobson, Florence Dobson, George Dobson, Herbert Henry Dobson, Ethel Dobson, Ernest William Swiftsure Docherty, Malcolm Dochren, William Dochren, Docker, Henry Docker, Ernest James Dodd, Walter S. Dodd, Florence Dodd, Lilian Dodd, Frederick William Pvt. Dodd, Frederick Wm. Dodd, Frank S. Dodd, Annie Dodd, Arthur Dodd, Nora Dodd, Lancelot L.P. Dodd, Frank Dodds, Agnes Dodds, Margret Dodds, Arthur Dodds, Robert Dodds, Alfred Dodds, Jno Ed Dodel, George Dodge, Thomas Dodgson, F.V. Rev. Dodham, Harold Dodham, Harold Sgt. Dodham, Harold Mr. Dodimead, William A. Dodson, Thomas Dodson, Arthur Edward Doe, Julia Doe, Ellen Doeherty, Jno Doeherty, Daniel Doehran, Hannah Doehren, Doggett, Richard Doggett, John Dogherty, Matthew Doghraniadpian, D. Doherty, George William Doherty, Martha Doherty, Mary Eliz. Doherty, John Doherty, Honorah Doherty, Margaret Doherty, Louisa E Doherty, Louiisa E. Doherty, M. E. Doherty, Elizabeth Doherty, L. E. Doherty, James Doherty, Hannah ? Doherty, Mary A Doherty, Mary Ann Doherty, Mary E Doherty, Norah (Mrs. John E.) Doherty, Thomas Doherty, Mary A. Doherty, May Doherty, Josh Doherty, Josh. Doherty, Fred. A. Doherty, Frederick Albert Pvt. Doherty, Mary Doherty, Fred Doherty, George F. Doherty, Mary E. Dohman, William Dolan, James Dolan, M. |
Dolan, Annie Dolan, Patrick Dolan, Maria Dolan, Michael Dolan, George Doland, Mitchell Doland, Michael Dolby, Ann Dolby, William Thomas Cpl. Dolby, Rose Doleman, William Dolittle, Mrs. Dollin, Albert Henry Dollin, Albert N. Dollin, Albert H. Dolling, Albert Dolling, Albert Henry Dolling, George Dolling, Geo. Dollings, Albert Dollman, Thomas Archibald Dollman, H. V. Dollman, Francis James Stubbert Dolman, Hannah Dolman, James Dolphin, Cecil Jack Dolton, Domaille, Edward C. Domaille, Ed. C. Dominey, Wm. Dominey, William Domville, Henry Don, Joseph Don?, J. Donagh, Margaret Donaghue, John Donaghy, Ethel Donahue, Thos. Donald, William Donald, Edgar Donald, Jane A.K. Donald, Matheson Donald, James Donaldson, Thomas Donaldson, A. Wm. Donaldson, Albert William Donaldson, Johhnnie Donaldson, James Donaldson, Richard Donaldson, William Joseph Donaldson, William (1) Joseph Donaldson Donaldson, David Donaldson, Robert Donaldson, David Johnstone Donaldson, Rosemary Donaldson, Joshua Donaugh, Margaret Donavan, Violet Donavan, John Donavan, Timothy Donavan, Elizabeth Donavon, Daniel Donelly, Clara Donelly, Hugh Donelly, Fanny Donelly, James Donelly, Donely, Annie Donevon, Elizabeth Doney, A. Dongall, William Donkin, Mary Donkin, Gertrude Donnan, Wm. J. Donnell, J. Donnelly, Hetty Donnelly, Clara Donnelly, John Donnelly, Fanny Donnelly, Maryanne Donnelly, Ann Donnelly, Jno. J. Donnelly, John J Donnelly, Lilly Donnelly, James Donnelly, Annie Donnely, Clara Donner, Peter Donnison, Rebecca, Chapman Donnison, Rebecca Donnison, Stuart (Stewart), Hoyland Donnison, Mary Ann Donnison, Stuart Donnison, Mary Donnolly, John Donoghue, Mary Ann Donoghue, Matthew Donoghue, John Donoghue, Simon Donoghue, Daniel Donohae, Thomas Donohue, Patrick Donohue, Margaret Ann Donohue, Mary Ann Donohue, Patk Donohue, Margaret Donohue, Daniel Donohue, M. T. Donohue, Thomas Donohue, Simeon Donohue, Francis Donohue, Samuel Donohue, Thos. Donolly, Lily Donolly, Hetty Donough, Margaret Donoughe, Patrick Donovan, Danl Donovan, William J. Donovan, John Donovan, Wm. J. Donovan, David (Daniel???) Donovan, Lizzie Donovan, Violet Donovan, Violet M. Donovan, Denis Donovan, Jno. Donovan, Frederick Donovan, Timothy Donovan, William Donovan, Anne Donovan, John Henry Donovan, Dennis Edward Pvt. Donovan, Dennis Donovan, Pat Donovan, Marjorie Donovan, Reginald Donovan, Thomas Donovan, Patrick Donovan, Elizabeth Donovan, Daniel Dons, Frank Doocey, Patk Doocey, John Doocey, Ellen Doocey, Eliz. Doody, Frank Doolan, Rose Doolan, Patrick Dooley, John Dooley, Willaim Dooley, Emma Dooley, Johanna Dooley, Harold L. Dooley, Harold Dooley, Patrick Dooley, Ellen Dooley, Florence Dooley, Elizabeth Dooley, J. Dooley, William Henry Pvt. Doolin, Matthew Doottett, Walter Doran, George Doran, Rebecca Doran, Catherine Doran, Harry Doran, George John Doran, Jno. Doran, Amy Doran, Geo. Dore, ElIzabeth Dore, Harry Dore, Henry Doré, George Dorer, Cyril H. Dorey, Lewis Dorgan, Patrick Dorkin, Caroline Dorking, Frederick Dorking, Fred Dorking, Reginald Dorking, John Dorley ?, John Dormer, William Dormie, Vance Dorn, Fredk Dorn, Hy F Dorn, Fredk. Dorning, Harold Dorrell, Cyril E. Dorrell, Cyril Dorricott, Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Dorrington, Grace Dorrington, Marjorie Dorsett, Wm Dorsett, Wm. Doryland, Sarah Double, Lilian Double, Lily Double, Lillian Double, Will Double, Thos. Double, John Doublett, Minnie Doublett, Thomas Doublett, Minnie D.A. Doublett, Minnie P.V. Doublett, Tom Doudican, James Dougherty, Mary Dougherty, James Dougherty, Andrew Dougherty, Daniel Dougherty, Jas. Doughty, Jos. H. Doughty, Wm. Alex. C. Doughty, William R. Doughty, Mrs. Ed Doughty, Wm. A.C. Doughty, Wm. R. Doughty, William Doughty, John Henry Aiton Sgt. Doughty, Jas. H. Doughty, William (1) Doughty, William Robert Pvt. Doughty, Herbert Doughty, William (2) W. Doughty, Wm Doughty, John Henry Doughty, Elsie May Doughty, Joseph Henry Pvt. Douglas, Albert Douglas, John Esq. Douglas, M. Ann Douglas, Charles Douglas, Walter Douglas, Miss. Douglas, Alfred Douglas, Margaret Douglas, Mr. Douglas, Jane Douglas, Fred. K. Douglas, Arthur Douglas, Archibald, Lord. Douglas, Rex Eric Sgt. Douglas, Mary A Douglas, William Douglas, George Douglas, Mary A. Douglas, John Alfred Douglas, Wm. T. Douglas, F. Douglas, C. E. Douglas, Oliver Stephen Douglas, John Joseph Douglas-Scott-Montagu, Edward Douglas-Scott-Montagu, Caroline Douglas-Scott-Montagu, Mary Douglass, Mary Ann Douglett, Minnie D.A. Doupe, Robin Doupe, William Douse, Dorothy Mrs. Doust, George A. Douthwaite, Ernest Douthwaite, Joseph Douthwaithe, Joseph Doutney, Alice Douze, Margaret Dove, Alice Dove, Adolphus Dove, William Dove, Etta Dove, Charles Henry Dover, Arthur J. Dover, Reginald George Dover, Cyril H. Dover, Beatrice Doveridge, Nellie Doveridge, Nelly Doveston, Ellen Dovestone, Ellen Dovey, George Edward Dow, Margaret Dow, Caroline Dowd, James Dowd, Francis Dowd, Emma Dowd, Patrick Dowd, Theresa Dowd, John Dowd, Teresa Dowd, David Dowde, Catherine Dowdell, Gerald G Dowdeswell, William Henry Dowding, Beatrice Dowding, Lionel Henry Dowding, Joe Dowding, Sarah Ann Dowell, Ambrose Dowen, Winnifred Dowen, Maud Dowenhut, Douglas Dowlan, Mary Mrs. Dowle, George Dowley, Alice D. Dowley, Alice Dowling, James Dowling, Sarah Anne Dowling, Herbert S. J. Dowling, Alfred Dowling, Harold Dowling, E Down, W.H. Down, Lily Down, George Down, Herbert Edwin Down, May Down, Geo. Downes, Alfred Downes, John Downes, John Charles Pvt. Downes, Thomas George Downes, Mathilda Downes, Matilda Downes, W.H. Downes, William Downes, Harry A. Downey, Mary (Mrs. Harry) Downey, Robert Downey, Mary Downey, Robert Victor Downey, James Downey, Alec. Downey, William Downey, Wm. Downey, Sam A. Downey, Richard J. Downey, Samuel A. Downham, George Downham, Frederick A. Downham, Robert Downham, Ernest Mark Downham, Fred Downham, Fred. A. Downie, Matthew Downing, Ethel Downing, Thos. Downing, Ernest Downing, Elizabeth D.M. Downing, Thomas Downing, Edith C. Downing, Florence Downing, Alfred V. Downs, Thomas Downs, George Downs, Frank Downs, Thomas Mr. Downs, John Downs, Edward Downs, Wm. Henry Downs, R. Downton, Helen Mrs. Downton, Helena M. Mrs. Downward, Richd Dowse, FrancIs Dowse, Robert Dowsett, E. Selina Dowsett, Selina Dowsett, Elizabeth Dowsett, James John Dowsett, Grace Dowsett, Minnie Dowsett, Minnie B. Dowsett, Jas. J. Doyle, William Doyle, John Doyle, Mary Doyle, Thomas Doyle, Moses Doyle, Wm. Doyle, Catherine Doyle, Anne Doyle, Kate Doyle, Harriet Doyle, Matilda Doyle, R. Doyle, Elizabeth Doysdale, Robert Trail Drabble, Cecil Drain, Kate Drain, George R. Drake, Olive Drake, Frederick Chas Drake, Viola Drake, Oliver L. Drake, A. Drake, Viola C. Drake, Sydney Drake, William Drake, James A. Drake, Agnes Drake, Emily Drake, Adelaide Drake, Sidney Drake, Olive L. Drake, Viola A. Drake, Olive Palmer Drake, Albert G. Dransfield, H. Drape, Arthur Draper, William Daniel Draper, Chas. Draper, William J. Draper, Charles Draper, Henry Draper, Arthur Draper, John F. Draper, William James Draper, Elizabeth Draper, Elizabeth K. Draper, Wm. J. Draper, William Albert Draper, Sidney Draper, Bessie Draper, John Draper, Elizabeth E. Draper, Walter Draper, Fred. E. Dray, Ronald Drayesy, George Dredge, Evelyn Drennan, William Drew, Ernest E. Drew, Joseph Drew, Samuel Richard Drew, James McLean Drew, Harry Drew, Patrick Drew, Chas. G. Drew, Herbert W. Drew, Sidney Drew, Samuel R. Drew, Ernest William Drew, Henry Drew, Sidney W. Drew, Wm. Drew, Clifford Drew, Ernest Drew, Dennis Drew, Mary Emily May Drew, Samuel Drew, Jean Drewalt, Martin Drewalt, James Drewalt, Robert Drewalt, Wm Drewery, William C. Drewett, Daisy Drewett, Walter Herbert Drewett, Wr. H. Drewitt, Daisy Drewry, Wm. Drewry, Wm. C. Drewry, William C. Drewry, William Dreyer, Horatio J. Drimmie, John D. Mr. Drinkwater, Frank Drinkwater, Arthur Drinkwater, Arthur W. Drinkwater, William James Drinkwater, Andrew W. Drinkwater, W. Mrs. Drinkwater, Thomas (1) Drinkwater, William H. Drinkwater, Thomas (2) Driscoll, Cornelius Driscoll, William Driscoll, Daniel Driscoll, James Driscoll, Wm. Driscoll, Joseph Driscoll, Edward Driscoll, Alfred Driscoll, Thomas Driscoll, Henry Driscoll, Elizabeth Driver, William Driver, Emma Driver, Violet Driver, William Mr. and Mrs. Driver, Violet M. Driver, W. Driver, Giles Driver, Bill Driver, Mr. Drivers, Charles Henry Drost, Cecile (Mrs. Hayward) Drought, Miss. Drover, George W. Drover, George William Dru, Colonel E. Drumlanrig, David A. H. Drummond, John Drummond, Robert Drummond, Iris Drummond, Alexander J. Drummond, Diana C. Drummond, Robert Addison Pvt. Drummond, Ethel Mrs. Drummond, James Drummond, Iver G. Drummond, Lucille C. Drummond, Robert D. Drummond, J.D. Mrs. Drummond, Grace Drummond, Elizabeth M. Drury, Lizzie Drury, Jno Stephen Drury, J. Drury, James Drury, John S. Drury, Catherine Drury, Philip R. Drury, Richard Drury, William Drury, Richard G. Drury, R.G. Drury, Wm. Drury, Wm Drury, Rd Geo Drury, E.C. Hon. Druy, R.G. Drycott, Louise Dryden, John Dryden, Honora Dryden, Mary Dryden, William Dryer, Richard W. Dryland, Thos. Drysdale, Nellie Drysdale, Barbara Drysdale, James Du?Ah, John Dubbins, Eva Duberry, Frederick Dubois, Robert F. Dubois, Robt. Frederick Dubois, Victor Dubois, Victor Edward Duce, Edith Duce, Edward J. Duck, Arthur O. Duck, Howard Duck, James Duck, Carlton Duck, Florence Mrs. Duck, Duck, Albert R. Duckering, Mrs. A. Duckering, William Duckers, Emma Duckett, Ellen Duckett, Mrs. Henry Duckett, John H. Duckett, John Henry Duckham, Blanche Duckhouse, Stephen Duckhouse, Stephen Pvt. Ducklin, Ducklin, George Edward Ducklin, George Duckling, George Duckworth, Ellen Duckworth, Edward Duckworth, William Ducy, Patrick Ducy, Jno. Ducy, Elizabeth Ducy, Ellen Duddie or Duddin, Elizabeth DuDemaine, E. L. Dudgeon, Mable McBride Dudley, Stanley Dudley, Wm. Dudley, Alfred Dudley, May Dudley, Bessie F. Dudley, John Dudley, MIrIam Dudley, Albert Dudley, Wm A Dudley, Norah Elizabeth Dudley, Wm Dudley, Mgt. Mrs. Dudley, Ethel M. Dudley, June Dudman, Edward S. Duell, John H. Duesberry, George Duey, Ellen Duey, Elizabeth Duey, Patrick Duey, John Duff, George Duff, William Duff, Mary D. Duff, Edward Mr. and Mrs. Duff, Albert Edward Duff, Jno. T. Duff, Lilian Duff, Margaret A. Duff, Jessie Duff, Albert Duff, Mildred Duff, Mary I. Duffell, Albert William Duffell, Mercy I. Duffell, William, Albert Duffell, Edward J. Duffell, William Albert Duffey, William Duffey, Cecil Duffey, J. B. Duffield, Harry Duffield, Miss. Annie Duffield, Charley Duffield, Charles A. Duffy, Patrick Duffy, Bridget Duffy, June A Duffy, Thomas Duffy, Tom Duffy, Mary Ann Duffy, James Duffy, William Duffy, Andrew Duffy, John Duffy, Richard Duffy, Jas Duffy, Wm Duffy, Michael Duffy, Geo Forbes Dufty, Nellie Duggan, Georgina Duggan, Clement Harold Duggan, Bernard Duggan, Emma Duggan, James Duggan, Thomas Duggins, Henry Duggins, Eva E Duggins, Miriam Duggins, Eva Lawson Duggins, John William Duke, William Duke, Alfred Duke, Alice Louisa Duke, Amy Florence Duke, Albert Edward Dukes, Lucy Dukes, Alfred Harry Dukes, Edwin Duly, Charles Dumbrill, Alice Dumbrill, Thomas Dumbrill, Florence Dumbrill, Thos. Dumbrill, Rosa Dumelow, Thomas Henry Dumford, Martha E. Dummett, Benjamin Dummitt, Benj Dumsday, Edwd. Dumsday, Edwd Dunbar, Thomas J. Dunbar, Ellen Dunbar, Jas Dunbar, Thos. Clement Dunbar, Thomas Dunbar, Charles Kirk Pvt. Dunbar, Susan Jane Duncalf, Walter Duncan, Chrisa Duncan, Fred Duncan, William Duncan, Landie Duncan, Lily Duncan, John Duncan, Jessie Duncan, Benjamin Duncan, Maggie Duncan, Mrs. Duncan, Samuel Duncan, McDonald Duncan, Jane Duncan, B. Duncan, Robert Duncan, Jamie Duncan, W. J. Duncan, Lizzie Duncan, Alex. Duncan, Sandie Duncan, James Dunchin, Edward Dundas, Charmain Dundas, Mrs. David Dunent, Willie Dunent, Frank Edward Dunent, William C. Dunford, Wm Geo Dunford, Arabella Dunford, Albert H. Dunford, Albert Dunford, Emily Dunford, Bella Dunford, Fred Dunford, A. E. Dunford, Jno. W. Dunford, Albert Henry Dunford, Constance C. Dunford, Harry E. Dunford, Annie Dunford, John William Dungate, Harry Dungate, Alf Dungate, John Roberts Dunger, Albert C. Dunger, James W. Dunger, James William Dunger, James Walter Dunger, Jas. W. Dunger, James H. Dunger, Joseph W. Dungey, William Dungleson, Alfd E Dunham, Joseph Leonard Ce. Dunham, Geo. A. Dunhill, Robert Dunhill, Edgar Dunk, Amy Dunkerley, Anita Dunkerly, Joseph Dunkerton, Mr. Dunkey, Charles Hy. Dunkin, George Dunkin, Lilian A. Dunkinson, William Dunkley, Elizabeth Dunkley, F. Dunkley, Ch. H. Dunkley, Charles Dunkley, Harry Dunks, Frederick Dunlavey, Herbert Joseph Dunlevy, Bernard Dunlop, Mrs. Dunlop, Walter Eric Dunlop, James Dunlop, Elsie Wallace Dunlop, Dorothy May (Mrs. Roy) Dunn, James Dunn, Sarah Dunn, Albert Dunn, Jessie Dunn, George Dunn, John Dunn, Richard Dunn, Jane Dunn, Thomas Dunn, Henry Dunn, Dunn, Robert Dunn, Alice Dunn, Wm. F. Dunn, Brendon C. Dunn, Orr Dunn, Augustus Dunn, Jane A. Dunn, Lawrence Dunn, Alfred james Dunn, John Pvt. Dunn, Wm. Dunn, Brendon Dunn, H. Dunn, William F. Dunn, Edwin Dunn, Fredk Dunn, Joseph Dunn, H. G. Dunn, Edith Dunn, William Dunn, Frederick Dunn, robt. James Dunn, Arthur Dunn, Mrs. Dunn, R Dunn, Laurence Dunn, Maude Dunn, Alice M. Dunn, Rose Dunne, Robert Dunne, Wm. A. Dunne, Josephine Dunne, Daniel Dunne, John Dunne, Denis Dunnett, Wm. H. Dunnett, Florence Dunnett, Sydney Dunnett, Mrs. Bernard Frank Dunnett, Sidney V. Dunnett, Sidney W. Dunnicliffe, G. Dunning, Arthur L. Dunning, Joseph G. Dunning, Alice Jane Dunning, Arthur Dunseeth, Geo. Dunseith, Alex Dunshee, Doris Dunshee, Clarence Dunsieth, Jas. Dunsieth, Alex. Dunslow, Henry Dunslow, Albert Dunstall, Harry Dunstall, Benj. Dunstall, ElIzabeth Dunstan, Ernest Dunstan, E. Dunstan, Mr. John Dunstand, Norman Dunster, Wm. Dunston, Ernest E. Dunsworth, Walter Dunton, Arthur J.F. Duplyn, James Dupont, Joseph Dupont, Louisa E. Dupre, Natl Dupre, Geo Dupre, George Charles Dupree, G. Dupuis, Herbert Dupuy, Edith Durant, Edith Durant, Maud Durban, Mrs. Durbridge, Rose Durbridge, Lilian Durbridge, Rosa Durham, Burton Durham, Geo. Wm. Durham, The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of, DD Durkin, William Durkin, Wm. Durkin, Mary Durkin, Kate Durkin, Emily Durling, Horace Durnford, Susan Durose, Harriet Durost, Clare Rose-Marie Durrant, Frederick Durrant, William A. Durrant, Lilly Durrant, F. B. Durrant, Fanny Durrant, Julia Durrant, Victor G. Durrant, Charlotte Durward, Quentin Durward, Quentin Pvt. Duryer, Harry E. Dussold, Elizabeth G. Dutch, John Dutch, Pat Duthie, Herbert Duthie, Wm. Horace Duthie, Wm. H. Dutton, Mrs. Dutton, Ed. Dutton, John Dutton, Wm. J. Dutton-Forshaw, Barbara Dutton-Forshaw, John Duval, William Henry Duxbury, W. J. Dwyer, Sarah Dwyer, Henry C. Dwyer, Margaret Dwyer, Mary Agnes Dwyer, James Dwyer, Thomas Dwyer, Edward Dwyer, Beatrice Dyas, John Evelyn Dyas, Wm. Henry Dyas, William Henry Dyba, Harold Dyball, Harold Dyball, Harold R. Dyce, Bartholomew Dyche, Betsy Dyche, Dorothy Dyche, Annie Dyche, Jack Dyche, Bessie Dyche, Besty Dye, Edward Dye, Dye, Walter Dye, William Dyehouse, Minnie Dyer, Dyer, Henry J. Dyer, Stanley Dyer, Costance Dyer, Alfred L. Dyer, Albert E. Dyer, James R. Dyer, Lizzie Dyer, Thos. V. Dyer, Edward Dyer, Ethel (Mrs. Floyd C.) Dyer, Thomas W. Dyer, Alfred R. Dyer, Reg. Charles Dyer, Thomas V. Dyer, Margaret Dyer, Frederick Dyer, Charles Russell Dyer, Elizabeth Dyer, Constance Dyer, Francis Dyer, Henry Dyer, Thomas Valentine Pvt. Dyer, Alf. R. Dyer, Alfred Dyers, Mrs. Dyett, Alex Dyhouse, Florence Dyke, Cecil Harold Dyke, Cecil H. Dyke, William Dyke, George Thomas Dyke, Frederick Dyke, John Hy Dyke, Joseph Dykes, James Dykes, Cecil H. Dyment, William C. Dymond, James Sgt. Major. Dymond, Thomas G. Dymond, A. H Dymond, James Dymond, Thomas George Dymond, George T. Dymond, Dyson, Jane Dyson, Emma Dyson, Mary Dyson, Fred Dyson, J. Dytch, George Dyte, Leonard John E, C. Eachen, Edith M. Eacott, Reginald Eacups, Louisa Eade, Frederick Eade, Elsie Eade, Doreen Eades, Maud Eades, Thomas Christopher Eades, Nelly Eades, Maude Eades, F. Eades, Percy W. Eadie, S. Eads, John Eagar, Lily Eager, Alfred Kitchener Eager, Lilian Eager, Alf. K. Eager, Lily Eager, Alfie Eagers, Walter Eagle, Alfred E. Eagle, Fanny Eagle, Thomas J.W. Eagle, Mrs. Eaglen, Florence Eaglen, Elizabeth Eagles, William Eagles, William James Eagles, Arthur Eagles, Herbert Eagles, Thomas J.W. Eagles, John L. Eagleson, Mr. Eagleson, Mr. Frank L. Eaglin, Florrie Eaglin, Lizzie Eagling, Edward Henry Eales, Albert Ealy, M. Eames, Dora Eames, Ernest Eames, Lilian Eames, E. Dora Eames, Dora Euphemia Eames, William Eames, Euphemia Eames, John Eames, Caroline Eames, Henry Douglas Sgt. Eardley, Albert E. Earl, Florence Earl, Ethel Martha Earl, Ethel May Earl, Lillie Mrs. Earl, Arthur Earl, Kate Earle, Rosemary D. G. Earle, Albert H. Earle, Alexander Earle, Albert Henry Earle, Gladys E. Earle, Deirdre Earle, Mrs. Earle, John Earles, Francis William Earley, Charles E. Earley, Edward Samuel Early, George Early, Lena Early, John N. Early, John Early, Mrs. Philip Earnshaw, Victor Earnshaw, Stanley Earp, LouIsa Earp, Jesse Earthy, Stanley H. Earwicker, Albert A. Earwicker, Albert H. Easey, Fras C Easion, Samuel Eason, Joseph Mr. Eason, Frances Eassie, Rose Easson, Andrew East, Maud East, Mr. and Mrs. East, Fred East, Arthur East, Elizabeth East, John James East, James J East, Wm Jesse East, Art. F. East, Arthur F. East, James J. East, Richard East, Clara East, William Jesse East, Florence East, A. F. East, Fred Wm Easter, Hannah Easter, Hannah, Jane Easterly, Alice Julia Eastes, John Eastham, John Eastham, Geo Eastham, George Eastham, William Eastham, Jane Eastham, Wm Eastick, Joseph Thomas Eastland, Harry Eastley, Alice Julia Eastman, Jackie Eastman, Vivienne Easton, Daisy Easton, Margaret Easton, Annie Easton, Mary E. Easton, Harry Easton, Florence L. Easton, Sarah Easton, Daisey Eastwood, Harold Eastwood, Doris Eastwood, John Eastwood, D. J. Eastwood, Sarah Easy, Amy Eatley, Alice M. Eatley, Alice Eaton, George Eaton, Henry Eaton, Willie T. Eaton, Henry Edward Pvt. Eaton, Rose Eaton, William Thomas Eaton, Elspeth (Elizabeth or Eliza) Eaton, Sarah Eaton, Alfreda Eaton, Maria Eaton, George R.A. Eatten, Willie Eatten, Wm. Richard Eatwell, William J. Eaves, John Robert (Jackie) Eaves, J.R. Eaves, James Eaves, Joseph H. Eaves, Joseph R. Eaves, Joe Eaves, Joseph Eaves, Ivy Winnifred Eaves, Josh Rd Eaves, Josh. Rd. Ebbisham, Rt. Hon. The Lord, G.B.E. Ebden, Una Eberle, Adolf Eberli, Bryan H. Eberli, Eileen P. Ebsworth, Daisy A. Eccles, Margt Eccles, Eleanor B. Eccles, Arnold Eccleston, John Leslie Eccleston, James Henry Eccleston, Fredk. Eccleston, Harold Eccleton, Michael Eck, William Ecker, Alice Maud Eckersby, Robert Eckersley, Lilly Eckford, Alexander Eckton, Herbert John Eckton, Hebert Eckton, Herbert Edbrook, Frederick Edbrooke, Frederick H. Edcombe, H. Eddey, Frank Eddie, Maude Eddie, Maud Eddington, James A. Eddington, James Eddolls, Ellen Mrs. Eddotts, Mrs. W. Eddowes, John Eddy, Maude Eddy, Maud Ede, Wm. H. Ede, Leonard Eden, Meriall Eden, Ann Eden, Fred Eden, John Eden, Margret Eden, Frederick Eden, Amelia Edgar, Gillian Edgar, Jean Edgar, Robert Edgar, Leopold Edgar, Robina Edgar, Anthony Edgas, Leopold Edge, Thurza Edge, Mary Edgecombe, Herbert Edgecombe, Mr. Edgecombe, H. Edgehill, H. Edgell, John Robt. Edgell, Sydney Rawling Edger, Margret Jane Edgerton, James Joseph Edgerton, J. Edgington, Alice Maud Edginton, William Edie, Frank R. Edington, Alexander Edington, Alex Edingurgh, Geo. Edisbury, John Edkins, Sidney Edkins, William T. Edlin, Jason Edling, Sidney Edmenson, Elizabeth Edmison, Miss. Edmonds, Blanche Edmonds, John E. Edmonds, Harry E. Edmonds, Mary Jane Edmondson, Mary Ann Edmondson, Jane Edmondson, Mary Edmonson, Sabina Edmund J., Boucher Edmunds, Henry E. Edmunds, Charles Samuel Edmunds, Chas. W. Edmunds, Henry D. Edmunds, Henry / Harry Edmunds, Arthur E. Edmunds, Thomas Edmunds, H. E. Pvt. Edmy, Henry Edney, Charles Edrington, Thomas Edward, Elsie H. Edward, Ring Edward, William Edward, Albert Edward, Taylor Edward, patrick Edwards, Florence M. Edwards, Reginald A. Edwards, James Edwards, Walter Edwards, Jessie Edwards, John Henry Edwards, Albert William Edwards, Elizabeth Edwards, Richard Edwards, Charles Edwards, Alice M. Edwards, Joseph Edwards, William Edwards, John Edwards, William H. Edwards, John George Edwards, Thomas Cox Edwards, Annie Edwards, Aline Edwards, Henry Edwards, Bert H. Edwards, Florence Mary Edwards, Frederick Thos. Edwards, Lilian Edwards, Jos. Edwards, Patrick Edwards, Florence Edwards, Wm. G. Edwards, Thomas Edwards, Robert H. Edwards, Ann Edwards, Mabel Edwards, P. Pvt. Edwards, Edwards, Nora Edwards, Albert H. Edwards, Albert Edwards, Norah Edwards, Henry G. Edwards, Florence A. Edwards, Eliza Edwards, Selina Edwards, F.A. Edwards, George Henry Cox Edwards, Harry Edwards, Phoebe Edwards, Frederick A. Edwards, George Pvt. Edwards, Elsie Edwards, Alfred Edwards, M. K. Edwards, George Edwards, Albert W. Edwards, Albert Pvt. Edwards, Edwards Edwards, Chrissie Edwards, Norah S. Edwards, Lillian Edwards, Wm. Henry Edwards, Leslie Edwards, Christina Peteress Edwards, Frank A. Edwards, Geo. Hy. Edwards, William G. Edwards, Minnie Edwards, Olive Edwards, Robert Harold Edwards, Elizth Edwards, Florence Mary (Mrs. George) Edwards, Mary Edwards, Phobe Edwards, Rupert C. Edwards, Reginald Edwards, Richard Pvt. Edwards, Frank Edwards, Ronald Edwards, Charlotte Edwards, William John Edwards, Fred. C. Edwards, Gordon Herbert Edwards, George Henry Edwards, Fred Edwards, Eric Edwards, Emily Edwards, Richard Archer Edwards, Wm. H. Edwards, R. R. Edwards, Lilian V. Edwards, Frederick Edwards, Eleanor Edwards, Claude Edwards, Wm. Edwards, Arthur J. Edwards, Sydney H. Edwards, Hy. Edwards, Harriet M.E. Edwards, Lena Edwards, E. Leslie Edwards, Herbert Edwards, Edwin Edwards, Arthur E. Edwards, William Grosvenor Edwards, Thos. G. Edwards, A. Edwards, Fred C. Edwards, L. Edwards, William J. Edwards, Henry Arthur Edwards, Nora S. Edwards F, George Edwick, Kathleen Edwick, Roy Edy, L. Edy, Ellen S. Edy, Leonard Edy, Ellen Sarah Edye, S.A. Mrs. Egale, Fanny Egales, William James Egan, Peter Egan, Margt. Egan, Michael Francis Egan, John Egan, Amelia Egan, Francis Egan, Agnes Egar, Alfred R. Egerar ?, Rose Egersdorff, Horace Egerton, James Joseph Egerton, Geo. Egerton, Isabel Egginton, Sarah Ann Egginton, Elizabeth Egginton, Henry Robert Egginton, Alice Eggleston, Edward Egglestone, Thos. Wm. Eggleton, William Eggleton, Tommy Eggleton, William R. Eggleton, Thomas Eggleton, Wm. R. Eggleton, Mary Eggleton, Richard Eggleton, Thos. Egleton, John Eglington, Herbert Eichorn, Florence B. Eichorn, Florence Eims, Lily Einhauser, Louis Einhauser, Joseph Eisener, Alice (Mrs. George R.) Eke, John W. Ekers, Arthur Walter Ekers, Arthur W. Elborne, Helen (Nellie) Grace Elbourne, Ellen G. Elbourne, Cecil Charles Elbourne, Ellen Elcock, Thomas Eld, Ronald Elder, Fred. Elder, J. A. D. Elder, Muriel June Elder, Grace Elder, James Elders, Corporal Eldridge, Edward Wm. Eldridge, William Henry Eldridge, Edward W. Eldridge, Alf. Eldridge, Florence Eldridge, Hy. Eldridge, Walter G. Eldridge, Frank Eldridge, Samuel Eldridge, Jas. Eldridge, Fanny Eldridge, Thomas W. Eldridge, E.W. Eldridge, Frederick J. Eldridge, Edward William Eldridge, Fred Eldridge, Fred James Eldridge, Sam'l. Eldridge, Michael Eldridge, Walter Kingston Elen, Frederick Elen, Fred Eley, Charlotte Eley, Walace Elfick, Ida Elford, Gwendoline Elford, Winifred M. Elford, Winnifred Elford, Gwendoline C. Elford, Doline Elford, Gwen C. Elford, Miss. Elford, Eleanor Elgar, Saml Elgar, Saml. Elgar, Peter Elgar, Thomas Elgar, Guy Elias, Charles F. Eliefson, Wm. Eliffe, Fred Elines, Henry Eliot, Geo. Elkham, Annie Elkin, Anne Elkington, Alfred T. Elkins, John Elkins, Robert John Elkins, John T. Elkins, Robert Elkins, John Thomas Elkins, Robert J. Elkins, William Henry Elkins, Ellam, J. Ellement, Victor E. Ellender, John C. Ellershaw, Dulcie Ellery, William Samuel Ellett, Thomas Edward Elley, Hy Ellia, William Ellicot, James Ellicott, James Ellicott, Thomas Elliman, Annie / Rose Annie Elliman, Evelyn Frances / Fanny Ellingford, Henry Ellingham, Charles Ellinor, Hubert Elliot, Frederick C. Elliot, Ada Elliot, Henry Elliot, J. Elliot, James I Elliot, Gilbert Charles Edward Elliot, John Elliot, Robert Elliott, Albert Elliott, Beatrice Elliott, Charles Elliott, Gertrude Elliott, Charlotte Elliott, William Elliott, Joseph W. Elliott, Norah Elliott, T.W. Mr. Elliott, Chas. Elliott, Geo. Mr. Elliott, Benjamin S. Elliott, Dr. M.L.A. Elliott, George Elliott, Henry N. Elliott, Robert Elliott, Wm. Elliott, Charles R. Elliott, R. Elliott, Ada M. Elliott, John Keith Elliott, Jaleez Elliott, Frederick Elliott, Robert Mr. Elliott, Edward Elliott, James Elliott, Matilda Elliott, Beatrice V. Elliott, Jabez Elliott, Samuel Elliott, Clara Mrs. Elliott, Ruth Elliott, AnnIe Elliott, Nora Elliott, S.S. Mr. Elliott, Mrs. Elliott, Ada Elliott, Nellie Elliott, Wilhelmia B. Elliott, I. Mrs. Elliott, Mr. Elliott, Robt Elliott, Norah K. Elliott, George H. Ellis, Hilda Ellis, Annie Ellis, Frederick J. Ellis, Dorothy Ellis, Douglas W. Ellis, Stanley Chas. Ellis, Caroline Ellis, Douglas William Ellis, Frank Ellis, Willie Ellis, Reginald Ellis, Susan Ellis, Dr. Ellis, John Ellis, Douglas Ellis, Julia (Mrs. E.) Ellis, George Ellis, Thomas Ellis, Charles Ellis, William (1) Joseph Donaldson Ellis, William Henry Ellis, Owen Ellis, Leah K. Ellis, Alfred C. Ellis, Beatrice Ellis, Alfred Ellis, Samuel J. Ellis, Lillian A. Ellis, Nellie (Mrs. Ed) Ellis, Wm. Ellis, Elllen Ellis, William Ellis, Owen John Ellis, Lillian Amy Ellis, Robt Ellis, Elizabeth Ellis, Albert B. Ellis, William Cooley Ellis, Claud Ellis, Gladys (Mrs. Charles) Ellis, Annie Elizabeth Ellis, Hilda M. Ellis, Mary Ann Ellis, Lilian A. Ellis, Marion Ellis, Wm Ellis, Maurice Ellis, Robert H. Ellis, Sarah E. Ellis, Charles William Ellis, Amy Ellis, Alice Mrs. Ellis, Albert (1) Ellis, James Ellis, Annie E. Ellis, Lilian Ellis, Ada Ellis, Alfred G. Ellis, Gladys Ellis, Robert Ellis, Ellen Ellis, John (1) Ellis, Albert Edward Ellis, Ada M. Ellis, Sarah Ellis, Sarah E Ellis, Wm. D. Ellis, Doris Ellis, Harry Ellis, Alice Ellis, John (2) William Ellis, Thomas Owen Ellis, William (2) Edmund Ellis, Douglas Wm. Ellis, Albert (2) Ellis, Oliver Ellis, Eliz. Ellis, Elizabeth Annie Ellis, Mark Ellison, Frank Ellison, John Ellison, BeatrIce Ellison, Joseph Ellison, Maria Ellison, Arthur Ellison, William Ellison, Frederick Ellison, Harry Ellison, John Albert Joseph L/Cpl. Ellison, Thos Ellison, John A. Elliston, Peter Ellman, Florence Ellson, Charles Ellson, Reginald Ellson, Isabella Ferguson Stewart Ellwood, Wm. Ellwood, Henry Elm, James Elm, Wm Elman, Agnes Mrs. Elmer, Jas. H. Elmer, Walter F. Elmer, George William Elmer, James H. Elmer, James Henry Elmet-Browne, A. Elms, Leslie J. Elms, Lily Elms, W Elms, Edward Elms, John Elmsley, Walter Elmslie, Harry F. Elmslie, Harry Elmslie, Mr. Elmslie, Harry Mr. Elmslie, H.F. Elmslie, Mr. and Mrs. Eloy, Charlotte Elphick, Ida Elphick, George H. Elphinstone, Edward J. Elphinstone, Edward Elphinstone, William H. Elsers, Ar Ernt Elsey, Chas. Elsley, Herbert Elsmore, Joseph Elsom, Lydia Elsom, Alice Elsom, Alice Miss. Elson, Charles Elson, Geo. Elson, Reginald Elson, Charley Elson, Geo Elson, Lidia Elson, R. Elson, Charles Pvt. Elson, Alice Elston, Guy Elston, Alfred Elston, George Elston, Violet Elston, Victoria Elston, Willie Elston, Vickie Elstub, Geo. Elstub, George Elsworthy, Harriet Elton, Harry Elton, Walter R. Elvin, Daisy Elvin, John W. Elvin, A. G. Elvin, Florence Elvin, Art. G. Elvin, John Elvin, Miss. Elvis, James Elwell, George Elwell, Geo. Elwell, Elwill, George Ely, Charlotte Ely, Horace F. Ely, Rose A. Ely, Horace Ely, Charles Henry Emary, Robert Emblem, H. S. Emblem, Albert Embling, Jack Emeny, Jane Emeritia or Emerentia, Sister Emerson, Victor E. Emerson, Albert Emerson, Martha Emerson, Frederick C. Emerson, JessIe Emerson, Claude R. Emerton, Charles F. Emerton, Beatrice Emerton, Charles Emerton, Chas. Emerton, Charles E. Emerton, Rose Emerton, Chas. E. Emery, Harold Mrs. Emery, Isabella Emery, Norman Emery, Walter J. Emery, Thomas Emery, John Emery, Walter John Emes, edward John Emetton, Charles E. Emily, Alexander Emily, Alex Emily, Rose Emily, Alex. Emmans, Mary Emmanuel, Joseph Emmens, Adelaide Emmens, Mary A. Emmerson, Bertie Emmerson, Walter Emmerson, Claude Emmerson, Bert Emmerson, Albert Emmerson, Martha Emmerson, Albert L. Emmerson, Albert Lewis Pvt. Emmerson, Eric R. Emmerton, Charles Emmerton, William Emmerton, Beatrice Emmett, Charlotte Emmett, Edward Emmons, Adelaide Emmons, Frank Gilbert Emmons, Frank G. Emms, Isabella Emms, George Emory, Isabella Empringham, Geo. E. Empson, Jno R Empson, John Empson, J R Empson, Geo Empson, George Emptage, George Emsley, Walter Emslie, Harry Mr. Emslie, Violet Lillian Emslie, H.F. Mr. Endall, Herbert Lines Endecott, Arthur Endersby, Arthur Endersby, Arthur John L/Cpl Endicott, Arthur M. Endicott, David Endicott, Charles William Pvt. Endicott, Samuel Endicott, A. M. Endicott, Edward Endicott, Daniel Enfield, Edward R. England, Harriet England, R. G. England, Albert England, Frances England, Walter England, W. Englefield, Francis Lewis English, John English, Stephen English, Nellie English, C. F. English, Albert English, Edward English, Thomas English, Thomas Francis Ennis, Robert Ennis, Arthur Ennis, Mary Ennis, John Mr. Ennis, A. Enright, William Enright, Walter Ensor, Albert Ensworth, Wm. Ensworth, Wm Entwistle, Thomas Entwistle, Dorothy A. Entwistle, Margaret Entwistle, John Eonnell, Richard Epps, Professor Epps, Jane Epps, Elizabeth Eppy, Peter Epson, Geo Erasmus, Georgie Ernest, Harold Ernest A., Nash Ernshaw, William S.K. Erratt, Jonothan A. Erridge, Colin Errington, G. Erskine, David Erskine, Erskine, Rosemary Erskine, Jean F. Ervine, C. J. Ervine, Arthur Wisdom Pvt. Ervine, Arthur W. Erwood, Walter J. Erwood, Fred G. Erwood, Wm. James Erwood, Fred Erwood, Fred. Erwood, W. John Erwood, Fred Geo. Erwood, Frederick G. Erwood, F.E. Erwood, Frederick Erwood, Walter John Escott, Charlotte Escott, Albert Ernest Escott, George Escott, MIss Eshelby, Peter Eshelby, Primula Esland, Wm. Esley, H. Espie, Alexander Espinasse, Frances G. Essery, Harry Essery, Harry Benjamin Essery, Alf. E. Essery, Helen M. Essery, Henry B. Essex, John Wilfred V. Essex, John Wilfred Victor Essex, Violet Essex, Edith Essex, Harry Essex, Charles Essex, James Essex, G Essland, Wm. Essland, William Essland, W. Esslands, William Estabrook, Walter Estles, harry Etchells, Louis Winter Etcher, L. F. Etheridge, Clement Etheridge, Arthur Etherington, Reginald John Etherington, Robert Price Etherington, Sydney S Etherington, Rose Etherington, Robert Etherton, Francis J. Etherton, Earnest E. Etherton, Ernest F. Ethier, Mr. M.P. Etkin, Annie Etles, Chas. D Eton, Sarah A. Etty-Leal, M.W. Mrs. Euridge, Edith Euridge, Edith I. Euson, Hy. Euston, Mary Ann Evan, Robert Evangelist, Sister/Mother Evangelista, Sister/Mother Evans, Wilfred Evans, Edward Evans, George Evans, Chas. Edward Evans, Alfred E. Evans, Walter Charles Evans, Rose Evelyn Evans, Minnie Evans, Edgar Ernest Pvt. Evans, W.B. Evans, Alfred Evans, Leon Evans, Maggie Evans, F.W. Mrs. Evans, Mary Evans, John Arthur Evans, Sydney Percival Evans, Joseph Evans, Albert E. Evans, Elizabeth Evans, Edwin Evans, William (1) Evans, F. Evans, Evan Evans, Thomas Evans, Fred Evans, Frederick Evans, T. J. Evans, Wm. Evans, Sarah Evans, Georgina Evans, Margaret A. Evans, Gertrude Evans, Henry Evans, Edward Pugh Evans, Florence Mabel Evans, John Evans, Wm. C.A. Evans, W. H. I. Evans, Rose Evans, Cecil G. R. Evans, Arthur Joseph Evans, Henry G. Evans, John (2) Evans, Phillip Evans, George (2) Evans, Frances Evans, Alfred J.R. Evans, Albert Evans, Alfred Edgar Evans, Renée Evans, Rosina / Rosetta Evans, Jim Evans, John (4) Evans, Albert Edward Evans, Chas. Evans, Willie Evans, Camelia Rose (Mildred / Milly / Millie) Evans, Robt. Hy. Wm. Evans, Ernest E. Evans, David Mr. Evans, John (3) Frederick Evans, William Evans, Hiram Evans, John (5) Evans, ellen Evans, Ellen Evans, Jane Martha Evans, George (3) Henry Evans, Alice Evans, Charles Evans, Robert Evans, Ada Beatrice Evans, Alfred L.R. Evans, W. M. J. Evans, Percy Evans, Albert Evan Evans, William (3) Richard Evans, Jennie Evans, Henry (2) Charles Evans, Gertie Evans, Ernest Evans, Wilford Evans, Charles William Evans, Arthur J. Evans, William (2) Evans, Henry A. Evans, Henry (1) Evans, Arthur Pugh Evans, Agnes Evans, Ernest Kingston Evans, Edith Evans, Martha Evans, Ellen / Nellie Evans, Harry Evans, Jos. Evans, Edgar Evans, Harold Evans, Ada Evans, Frederick (1) Clement Evans, Louis Stanley Evans, Frederick George Evans, Dudley Evans, Herbert D. Evans, Charlotte Evans, Dr. and Mrs. Evans, Arthur Evans, Frederick (2) Thomas Evans, Minnie Mrs. Evans, S. Evans, Frank E. Evans, Albert (1) Evans, Frederick (3) Newman Evans, Albert (2) Evans, William C.A. Evans, Hiram Edward Evans, Albert H.R. |
Evans, James Evans, T. H. Evans, William (4) Henry Evans, Wm. R. Evans, Fred. Evans, George (1) Evans, John (1) Thomas Eve, Julia Eveleigh, F. J. Pvt. Eveleigh, Frank Everall, Eli Everall, William Everden, Henry Everest, Ethel Everet, Jame C. Everett, Henry Everett, Ernest Everett, George Everett, Nelson Everett, Robert Everett, Doris Lilian Everett, Frank Everett, Albert Everett, Marjorie Eileen Everett, Florence Everett, Daisy Everett, Mr. Harry Everett, Jesse Everett, Harry Everett, Frederick F. Everett, Doris Everett, Henry A. Everett, Esther Everill, Edward Thomas Everitt, Martha Everitt, James Everitt, Chas. W. Everitt, William Everitt, Eleanor Everitt, Harry Albert Everton, Ethel Mary Everton, Ethel M. Everton, Ethel May Everton, Ethel Everton, Dorothy Margaret Evis, Alfred Evrett, Doris Ewen, William Ewers, Chas. E. Ewers, Maud Ewin, Ernest Ewin, Annie Ewing, Kate Ewing, William / Willie Ewing, Selma Ewing, Herbert George or E. Ewing, Hannah / Annie Ewing, Charlotte Ewing, Ewing, Jessie Ewins, Ernest Ewins, William Ewins, Reginald Ewins, Albert Excell, Albert Exega, Madeline Exhall, Albert ey, Miss. Eyden, William Eyden, William Albert Eyden, William A. Eyden, Wm. A. Eyers, Willie Eyers, Charlie Eyles, Charles D. Eyles, George H. Eyles, Charles Daniel Cpl. Eyles, Geo. H. Eyre, Jno Eyre, Jno. Eyre, Katie F, E. F., M. F. H., Cunningham F??Th, Wm. Fabian, William Fabin, William Facey, Lawrence William Faga, Margaret Fagan, John Fagan, George Fagan, Horatio Fagan, Thomas Faice, George Faichney, Christina Faiers, Nellie M. Faiers, Nellie Faint, Edward Fair, Grace Fair, Clara Fair, Miss. Ella Fairbairn, Agnes C. Fairbairn, Elspeth Mary Fairbrass, Arthur Fairbrother, Lilian Selina Fairbrother, Walter Fairbrother, William Fairbrother, Charles Fairbrother, George Fairchild, Alf V. Fairchild, Alfred V. Faircloth, George A.W. Fairclough, Harold Cecil Fairclough, Hugh Fairely, Daisy G. Fairely, Fairers, Nellie Fairfax, Gordon Fairfield, Bernard Fairfowl, Robert M. Fairman, Sophia Fairman, Sophia L. Fairman, Harry Fairman, John Fairweather, Bessie Fairweather, Bessie K. Fairy, Frank Fairy, James Faithful, Rose Faithful, Ethel Mary Faithful, Ethel Falconer, C. Falconer, Camille Falkner, Allan Crawford Pvt. Fall, Ernest Fall, Florence Fall, Alice Fall, Beatrice Fall, Caroline Fall, Daniel Fall, Bertie Fallener, Margaret Faller, Esther Fallom, William Fallon, William Fallon, James Fallon, Thos. Fallon, Morris Fallon, Thomas Fallon, William H. Fallow, Thos. Fallow, Thomas Fallows, William Fallows, Fallows, Albert E. Fallows, Alfred Falls, Frederick Falvey, John Fane, Lucy Fane, Maud Fane, Hy Fann, Thos. Fanning, Alice (Mrs. Benson) Faraday, William Farbridge, James Farbridge, James Pvt. Fardo, Florence Fargie, Miss. Fargie, Georgina Farinilloe, Jesse G. Farley, Geo. Wm. Ashford Farley, Ellen Farley, Daisy Farley, Farley, Frances Farley, Francis E. Farley, Ivy O.G. Farley, Chas. F. Farley, Ed. Farley, Fras. E. Farley, Edwd Farley, Charles F. Farley, Charles Frederick Farley, James Farley, John J. Dr. Farley, William Farley, Francis Edward Farley, albert Farley, Florence Miss. Farley, Edward Farley, Charles P. Farlie, William J. Farlie, Farmer, Helen Law Farmer, Ivy M.D. Farmer, Frances Farmer, Doris H. Farmer, Ellen Farmer, Sam. Farmer, Amy Farmer, Wm. Farmer, John George Farmer, Doris Farmer, Ivy (Mrs. Frank) Farmer, Bertha Farmer, Timothy Farmer, George (2) Farmer, John Farmer, George Farmer, Frank Farmer, George (1) Alfred Farmer, Albert / Alfred Bernard Farmer, Clara Frances Farmilloe, J.G. Farmilloe, Jesse G. Farmiloe, Jill Farmiloe, Jesse G. Farndon, Robert Farnell, Mrs. Farnell, Thomas Farnell, Catherine / Kate Farnell, Samuel Farnfield, Charles Farnham, Ada (Mrs. Ralph) Farquhar, George Farquhar, John Farquhar, Jane Farquhar, Patrick Farquharson, Donald Farquharson, Jean Farr, Walter A. Farr, William J. Farr, Wr. A. Farr, Minnie Farr, Edith Farr, Wm. A. Farr, W.A. Farr, Beatrice Farraghar, Mary Farrance, Oliver Farrance, John Thomas Farrand, Mr. Farrant, George Farrant, William Farrant, Geo. Farrant, Herb. Farrar, A. H. Farrar, Betsy Farrar, H. Farrel, Annie Farrel, Eleanor Farrel, Elizabeth Farrel, Constance Farrell, William Farrell, Eleanor Farrell, John Farrell, Lizzie Farrell, Annie Farrell, James Farrell, Fred. Farrell, Constance E. Farrell, Emily Farrell, Annie Miss. Farrell, Isabel Farrell, Mary Farrell, Norah Farrell, W.J. Farrell, Constance Farrell, George Farren, Margaret Mrs. Farren, Mgt. Mrs. Farren, Adelaide Farren, Margaret G. Mrs. Farrence, John T. Farrence, J. Farrier, Gertrude Farrimond, T. Farrington, Chas Farrington, Frederick Farrington, Chas. Farrow, Basil F. Farrow, Henry Farrow, Wm. Farrow, Bertie F. Farrow, William Farrow, J.T. Farrow, Horace E. Farrow, John Thomas Farrow, John T. Farrow, Robert Farrow, Bert F. Farrow, Jno. T. Farrow, Horace Edward Farrow, Frederick Farrow, F. Farrow, Arthur Farrow, Bert Farrow, Bertie Farrow, John T Farrow, James Farrow, Hoarce Farrow, Basil S. Farrow, Jane Farrow, E. J. Farrow, Basil Sydney Farrow, Horace Farson, Daniel Farthing, Reginald Farthing, Reg. Farthing, Geo. Farthing, John Ephraim Farthling, Redinald Farwell, Alfred George Farwell, Alfred G. Farwilloe, Jesse G Fathers, EdIth Fathiful, Rose M. Fatley, Alice Faucitt, Florence Faul, Richard Faulds, Annie Faulker, Ernest Faulkes, Anne Faulkner, Leon James Faulkner, William (1) Faulkner, Frederick Faulkner, Mabel Faulkner, Eva Faulkner, John Mr. Faulkner, Ernest Faulkner, Allan Crawford Faulkner, Henry Gage Faulkner, Allan C. Faulkner, Albert R. Faulkner, Wm. Faulkner, Mabel E. Faulkner, Edna Margaret Faulkner, W. Faulkner, Eva A. Faulkner, William Faulkner, Wm Faulkner, Daisy (Mrs. Harvey) Faulkner, Thos. I. Faulkner, Thomas L.S. Faulkner, John Faulkner, John Mrs. Faulkner, Alfred George Faulkner, Mr. & Mrs. John Faulkner, William (2) Faulks, Nellie Faulks, George Thomas Faulks, Alice Maud Fauthey, Jas. G. Fawcett, Charles Fawcett, Robert D. Fawcett, Fawcett, Chas. G. Fawcett, Kate Fawcett, Thomas Fawcett, W. Harry Fawcett, Ada Fawcett, Herbert W Fawcett, Robert Fawcett, William Fawcett, Tom Fawcett, Robert David Fawcett, Harry Fawcett, I. Mrs. Fawcus, Evelyn Fawell, Alison Fawell, Ann Fawke, Betsy Fay, Matthew Fay, Jane Fay, Mary E. Fay, Catherine Fay, Mary Ann Fay, Mary E Fazan, Elizabeth J. Fazan, Anne M. Fea, John M. Feairs, Frederick Feairs, Grimmer Feairs, James Fear, Hy E. Fear, Hy. E. Fear, Frederick A. Fear, Fras. Fear, Henry Edgar Fear, William Mr. Feardi, Grimmer Fearn, John Howard Fearn, Florence Fearney, Thomas Fearney, Sarah Fearns, Annie Fearon, James Fears, Benjamin Fears, Mr. Fears, Susan Fearson, James Feasey, Charles Feasey, William Feasey, Lily May Violet Feasey, Lily Feasey, William H. Feasey, Catherine Ethel Feasey, Catherine Feast, Thomas Feast, Thomas W. Feasy, Lily Feasy, Catherine Feasy, James Feathers, J. Featherstone, Sidney Featherstone, Ellen Featherstone, Ellen J. Featherstone, Sid. Featherstone, Ellen J Featherstone, Beatrice May Featherstone, Sid Featherstone, Thomas Feaver, Beryl Jean Febbell, Albert Fedrick, Ernest Fedrick, Hubert Fee, Matilda Feege, Florence M. M. Feeley, John W. Feeney, Sarah J Feeney, Sarah J. Feeney, Edward Feeney, Ann Feeney, Oliver Fran Feeney, Patrick Feeney, Sarah Feeny, Ellen Sarah Fegan, J.W.C. Mr. Fegan, Mr. Fehan, Peter Fehler, Henry C. Felan, Peter Feldwick, Henry Felkin, Lily Fell, Dorothy Annie / Nancy Fell, William Fell, Mr. and Mrs. Fell, Mr. Fell, Elsie Fell, Mary Fell, Albert Fell, Willie Fella, William H. Fellen, Luke Fellingham, Mary Fellows, Thos. H. Fellows, Thomas H. Fellows, Edith Fellows, Fellows, Alice (Mrs. Ernest) Fellows, Alf. Fellows, Emily Fellows, William Fellows, Herbert Fellows, Wm. G. Fellows, Thomas Felstead, Cyril K Felstead, Cyril K. Felstead, Cyril Kersey Felterson, Geo. Feltham, Edward Feltham, Jon. W. Feltham, William Feltham, Mary E. Felton, Commander Felts, James Edward Felts, James Felts, Edward Felttham, James Thomas Felvey, Frederick Femidy, Agnes Feng(?), Ellen Fenn, Daniel Fenn, M.A. Mrs. Fenn, Robert Arthur Fenn, Edward Fenn, Ada Fenn, Daisy Fenn, Robert A. Fenn, Lilian Fenn, Sidney Fenn, E. Fenn, Geo. E. Fenn, Louisa Fenn, Edith Fenn, Ada Louisa Fenn, Lillian Fenn, Ernest Fenn, Percy Fenn, F. Fenn, John William Fenn, James Fenn, Ed Fenn, James S. Fenn, John W. Fenn, Earnest J. Fennel, James Fennell, Sidney G. Fennell, Herbert J. Fennell, Herbt. J. Fennell, Sidney Geo. Fennell, Jesse Fennell, Jessie Fennell, William Pvt. Fennell, H.J. Fennell, Herbert James Fenner, Reginald Fenner, Mr. Orville Fenner, Reginald V. Fenner, William Fenney, Emily Fenney, James Fenney, William Fenning, John Fensom, Alfred Fensom, A. E. Staff Sgt. Fenson, Alfred E. Fenson, James H. Fenson, Henry Fenson, Alfred Fenton, Agnes A. Fenton, Charles Henry Fenton, Charles H. Fenton, Francis Fenton, Mary Fenton, Frederick Fenton, John Fenton, Faith Fenton, Chas. H. Fenton, C. H. Fenton, William / Willie John Fenton, Thomas S. Fenton, Herbert Fenton, Sarah Mrs. Fenton, Thomas G. Fenton, Mrs. Fred Fenwick, Jane Fenwick, Janet Fenwick, Alice R. Fenwick, Edward Fenwick, J. Fenwick, Andrew Fenwick, Florence Ferber, Norah Fereday, Annie Fergus, John Fergus, Mary Fergusen, Ann Jane Ferguson, Mary Ferguson, Albert Ferguson, James Ferguson, Frank Ferguson, Joseph Ferguson, Ellen Ferguson, Howard Hon. Ferguson, Duncan Ferguson, Mary A. M. Ferguson, Alb. Ferguson, Ferguson, J. Ruston Ferguson, George Ferguson, Robert Ferguson, Eleanor Ferguson, John H. Ferguson, Anne Ferguson, Mrs. Ferguson, James A. Ferguson, Stuart Ferguson, Hattie Ferguson, Donald Ferguson, Mary Ann Ferguson, Beatrice Bayliss Ferguson, Fred W. Ferguson, Eliza Ferguson, Annie Ferguson, Alexr Ferguson, Fred Fergusson, Beatrice Bayliss Fergusson, Robt D.A. Fern, George Fernee, Bertie Fernefield, Matilda Ferneybough, Charlotte Fernibough, G. Fernihough, Gordon Leslie Pvt. Fernside, Edward Ferrar, George Ferrell, Edgar Ferrenden, Clipton G. Ferrier, Alexander I. Ferrier, William Ferrier, Llay Charles Ferrier, Diana T. Ferris, Archibald Ferris, William Ferris, James Ferris, Jas. Ferris, Mary Emma Ferris, D. E. Ferris, James A. Ferris, Arch Ferris, Jas. A. Ferris, Janes A. Ferris, Ada Ferris, Arch. Ferris, Thomas Ferris, Edward Ernest Ferris, May Ferris, Mr. & Mrs. George A. Ferry, Alfred Ferry, William Ferry, W.H. Ferry, Wm. H. Ferry, Harry Ferryman, Wm. Ferryman, William Fery, William Fessey, W J Fessey, Henry Festing, U Fettes, Dd Fettes, Geo Fettes, David Fetts, Geo Feurs, Benjamin Feuterill, Jonathan Fewings, Louis Ffrench, A. G. E. Fice, Jennie Ficking, James Fickling, Robt Fiddis, Bella J. Fiddler, Beatrice R. Fiddler, Emma E. Fiddling, Sarah Fidler, Geo. Fidler, George A. Fidler, William Fidler, Geo. A. Fidler, Albert Fidler, George Arthur Field, Annie J. Field, Florence Field, Rosa Field, Christopher E Field, Florence (3) Field, Christ. E. Field, Horace Field, Wm. Field, Mabel Field, Ernest H. Field, Arthur H. Field, Wendy Field, Wm. Thomas Field, Frederick E. Field, Gilbert S. Field, Thomas Field, Annie Field, Fred. E. Field, Florence (2) Field, Florence (1) Field, Ellen / Nellie Field, Frances Fieldbrook, Elizabeth Fielder, Frederick Fielder, Mr. Fielder, William Fielder, Percival C. Fielder, Frederick and Mrs. Fieldhouse, Edith (Mrs. Arthur) Fielding, George Fielding, Emma Fielding, William Fielding, Emma / Ann Fielding, Isaac Fields, Lily Fieldsend, Thomas Fifield, Mgt. A. Mrs. Fifield, Lester Charles Pvt. Fiftich, Margo [Marco] Figgis, Captain Figgis, Mr. and Mrs. Figgis, Bryan E., Esq Figgis, E. Bryan Captain Figgis, Bryan Captain and Mrs. Figgis, Bryan E. Mr. Figgis, Bryan E. Figgis, Captain and Mrs. Figgis, Bryan E. Captain Filbey, A. Filby, E. Fildbrook, Elizabeth File, Joan Patricia Filer, W.H. Filer, W.B. Filipovitch, Milon Fill, Matilda Filmon, Geo. Filson, Mr. Hugh Finaman, Edward Finaman, Elsie Finch, Alice Finch, Wyndham Finch, Ruby Finch, Annie Finch, Finch, William F. Finch, Bertrand Finch, Wm. George Finch, W.H. Finch, R.W. Finch, William J. Finch, Fredeick R. Finch, Wiliam J. Finch, Leonard Finch, Arthur W. Finch, Robert Finch, Robert W. Finch, Albert Finch, Violet Mrs. Finch, Selina Finch, Henry Finch, Thomas Finch, Tommy Finch, Lily Finda Fincham, mary Fincham, Ellen Fincham, Charles Fincham, James Cyril Fincham, Mary Fincham, Frederick H. Fincham, Fred M. Fincher, Thos. Jno. Fincher, Walter Fincher, walter Findlay, Brothers Findlay, Fras. J. Findlay, Wm Findlay, Mary Findlay, James Findlay, Margt Findlay, Arthur / Arnold Findlay, William Findlay, Mary E. Findlay, Robert Findlay, Fras. John Findlay, James B. Findlay, G.G. Mr. Findley, Sydney Finegan, John Fines, Elsie E. Fines, Elsie Fines, Winnifred V. Finigan, Hugh Finlay, Mary Finlay, Emma Finlay, Charles Finlay, F.G. Dr. Finlay, H. Dav. Finlay, William Malcolm Pvt Finlayson, Martha Finlayson, Ellen Finlayson, J. Finlayson, George Finley, A. Edgar Finman, Lucy Finn, Mabel Finn, Pascall Finn, Ernest Finn, Edward Finn, James Finn, Thos. W. Finn, Richard Finn, Thomas Finn, Louisa Finn, Thomas W. Finnan, James Finnan, John Finnemore, Wm. E. Finnemore, William Edward Finnemore, Maul Finnerty, Norah Finnerty, Thomas Finnettan, Patrick J. Finney, Richard Finney, Wilfrid Finney, Wilfred John Pvt. Finney, W.H. Rev. Finney, Mr. Finney, M. H. Finnigan, Thomas Finnimore, William Mr. Finnimore, Wm. Edward Finter, Chas. T. Firkin, William Firkins, Minnie Firmstone, William Ernest Firth, George Firth, Beatrice Firth, G. Firth, Geo. Firth, Ethel M. Firth, Ethel Mary Firth, L. Fisburn, Annie Fish, William Fish, Annie Fish, Matilda (Mrs. Peter) Fish, Willie Fish, Fred. Fish, Ann Fishbourne, Sidney Fishbourne, S. Fishbourne, Annie Fishbourne, Sidney R. Fishbrook, Sidney Fishburn, Annie Fisher, John Edward Fisher, Arthur Fisher, John Fisher, Wm. Fisher, Albert Fisher, George Fisher, Claude Fisher, Fisher, Rebecca Fisher, Wm. C. Fisher, Nancie Fisher, Eliza Fisher, Florence Fisher, William (2) Henry Fisher, James Fisher, Mr. Fisher, William C. Fisher, Horace Fisher, Teresa Fisher, Horace W. Fisher, Phil Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Fisher, George Edward Fisher, Mrs. Fisher, Edward Fisher, Hy. Fisher, Emma Fisher, H. O. Fisher, Amelia D. Fisher, Hilda K. Fisher, Arthur Christopher Pvt. Fisher, F.F. Mr. Fisher, George Henry Fisher, George V. Fisher, Benard W. G. Fisher, Stephen W Fisher, Albert E. Fisher, Geraldine E. M. Fisher, Monica Fisher, Ruth Fisher, Ocean Fisher, Jane Fisher, Thomas Fisher, Messers. Fisher, Humphrey Fisher, Fred Luke Fisher, A. Fisher, Kathleen M. Fisher, Sidney Hon. Fisher, Alfred Fisher, John William Fisher, Geo. Fisher, William Fisher, Thos Fisher, William (1) Edward Fisher, Fred Fisher, Elizabeth Fisher, Walter Fisher, Geo. V. Fisher, G. Fisher, Albert W. Fisher, Catherine Fisher, Sonia Fisher, Alfred H. Fisher, Emily H. Fisher, David Fisher, Elsie Fisher, William (3) Edwin Fishlark, Sidney Fishley, Fras. C. Fishley, Frank C. Fishley, F.C. Fishley, Francis C. Fishley, Francis B. Fishlock, Sydney Fisk, John Fisk, Chas. F. Fisk, Charles F. Fisk, Charles Fisk, Henry James Fisk, Edith Fiske, Frederick Fiske, Hy. J. Fiske, Edith Fiske, Jno Fiske, Frederick William Pvt. Fisser, Joseph Fitch, J.A. Mr. Fitch, William Fitch, Wyndham Fitch, Wyndham H. Fitch, Wm. Fitch, Mrs. Gordon Fitch, J. A. Mr. Fitch, W. Fitch, Windham Fitch, Gordon Fitch, C. H. Fitches, William H. Fitchett, Egbert A. Mr. Fitcombe, Herbert William Fitcombe, Frank Fitrcombe, Frank Fitsimmons, Rose Fitt, Charles Fittis, David Fitton, Robert Fitton, John H. Fitton, J.H. Captain Fitton, J.H. Fitton, John Fitts, Laura Fitz, R. Fitz, Laura Fitz-Henry, John Fitzerald, Francis Fitzgearld, Margaret Fitzgerald, Mr. Fitzgerald, Margaret Fitzgerald, John Fitzgerald, Denis Fitzgerald, Edward Fitzgerald, Leonard John Fitzgerald, Lily Fitzgerald, William Fitzgerald, Wm. Fitzgerald, Maggie Fitzgerald, T. Mr Fitzgerald, Edwin Fitzgerald, Thomas Fitzgerald, Maurice Fitzgerald, Arthur Fitzgerald, Fitzgerald, W. E. Fitzgerald, Edward C. Fitzgerald, Gillian Fitzgerald, Jas Fitzgerald, Ed. Fitzgerald, Christine Fitzgerald, Thos. Fitzgerald, John G. Fitzjohn, John Fitzjohns, John Fitzmaurice, Amie Fitzmaurice, Charles Fitzpatrick, James Fitzpatrick, J. Fitzpatrick, Jessie R. Mrs. Fitzpatrick, William Fitzpatrick, John Fitzsimmons, Rose Fitzsimmons, Kathleen S. Fitzsimmons, Albert or Archibald Fitzwalter, Howard Fiyyel, Blanche Flack, Florence Flack, Minnie B.F. Flack, Minnie Fladburgh, Annie Flaherity, Emily / Emma Flaherty, Albert Flaherty, Rosina Flaherty, Ellen Flanagan, John D. Flanagan, Will Flanagan, James Flanagan, W. E. Flanagan, Edward Flanagan, Ellen Flanaghan, Rebecca Flanigan, Robert Flanigan, Charles Flanigan, Mrs. Robert Flanigan, Ellen Flannagan, Ellen Flannagan, William Flannery, Annie Flannigan, James Flannigan, Ellen Flannigan, Flannigan, Patrick Joseph Flansberg, Samuel Flarity, Claude Flatley, James Flatman, Albert J. Flatman, Albert Flatman, Charles Flatman, Albert John Flavell, William Flavell, Doris Miss. Flavell, M.J. Mrs. Flavell, Nellie Flavell, Miss. Flaxman, Minnie Flaxman, Ethel Flaxman, Robert Fleet, Sydney Fleet, John Fleet, Percy Fleet, Bertram Fleet, Christopher Fleet, Richard James Fleetwood, Minnie Fleetwood, F.A. Fleetwood, Mr. Flegg, Ellen Flegg, Lily Fleming, William Fleming, Mr. Leslie Fleming, William Boyd Fleming, Joan Sadler Fleming, Albert D. Fleming, John Fleming, John William Fleming, Sidney H. Mr. Fleming, Cannon, Fleming, Cannon Rev. Fleming, Thomas Fleming, A. W. Mr. Fleming, Geo Fleming, Annie Fleming, Alexander Fleming, Joseph Fleming, George Flemi♪G, Mr. Leslie Flemming, Helen Flemming, Joseph Flemming, John Flemming, James Flemming, Wilfred Flemming, Anne Flemming, Charlotte Flemming, Ada Flemming, Thos Flemming, Mr. & Mrs. John Flesher, Miss. Fletcher, Arthur Fletcher, Martha Fletcher, Robt. Fletcher, George Fletcher, Caroline Fletcher, George Henry Fletcher, Albert Fletcher, Oswald Fletcher, Chas. Fletcher, John Fletcher, Daniel Fletcher, Leslie A. Fletcher, Thomas Cpl. Fletcher, C. E. Fletcher, Nellie Fletcher, William Fletcher, H Fletcher, C. Fletcher, Harry Fletcher, Harry Cecil Fletcher, A. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher, Charles Fletcher, Richard Fletcher, Maude Fletcher, Sally Fletcher, David Fletcher, James Fletcher, Henry Fletcher, William Arthur Fletcher, Ethel Fletcher, Ellen Fletcher, Rodney Fletcher, Dav Fletcher, Jas. Fletcher, Walter Fletcher, John Charles Fletcher, Albert Edward Fletcher, David Johnstone Fletcher, Anthony Fletcher, Robt Fletcher, Wilfred F. Fletcher, Thomas Albert Fletcher, John William Flett, Nelly Flett, James Flett, Andrew Flett, Katie Flett, Annie Flett, Georgina Flett, George Flett, William Flettt, Ralph Fleury, Albert E. J. Fleury, Eva Flewellyn, Cyril Fling, Emma Flinn, Patrick Flinn, William Flinster, Mary Ann Flinster, Charles Flint, William Flint, Thos. G. Flint, Emma Flint, William R. Flint, Percy Flint, George Frederick Flint, Charles R. Flint, Charles Flint, Thomas Geo. Flint, Mabel Flint, Charles Robert Flint, Alec Arthur Flint, Albert E. Flint, George Richard Pvt. Flitter, Charles Flood, Catherine Flood, Thomas Flood, Albt E Flood, Albt. E. Flood, Michael Flood, Henry Flood, Margaret Flook, Joseph Flook, James Florey, Paquita M. J. Florey, Charles de Ve Flory, Edmund C. Flory, Joseph Flory, Edward C. Flory, Edmund Flower, Florence A. Flower, Ethel Flower, George Frederick Flower, George Francis Flower, Della M. Flower, Francis G. Flower, George F. Flower, Elsie B. Flower, William C. Flower, William Flower, Wm. Flower, John E. Flowerday, Chas. A. Flowerday, William J. Flowerday, William G. Flowerday, William George Flowerday, Charles A. Flowerday, Charles Ambrose Pvt. Flowers, William Flowers, Harold Edward Flowers, Sidney H.R. Flowers, Charles Arthur Floyd, Fredk. Floyd, Frederick Floyd, Fred Floyd, Fred'k. Floyd, Albert J. Floyd, Albert L. Floyd, John Floyd, Robt. Scott Floyd, Rob S Fluellon, Nellie Mrs. Fluellon, Nellie F. Mrs. Flux, Alice Flux-Dundas, Jill Flynn, Hy Flynn, Lucy Flynn, Patrick Flynn, Mary Flynn, James Flynn, Flynn, John Flynn, Charles Flynn, Dennis Flynn, Lucy H. Flynn, Wm. Fras. Flynn, Thomas P. Flynn, Patk Flynn, Wm Fras Foakett, Isaac Foale, Frank Foale, Henry Wm. H. Foale, Henry William Foale, Henry Foale, Hy. W.K. Foale, Henry W.H. Foale, Henry Wm. Hingston Foan, Thomas Foden, Harry Foden, Lizzie Fogarty, Walter Fogarty, Francis Fogaty, Emma Fogg, John William Fogg, James A. Foggart, Archibald Fogwell, Violet Fogwill, Robert Foley, John Foley, Patrick Foley, James Foley, Edward Foley, Daniel Foley, Joseph Foley, Robert Foley, Violet Foley, Elizabeth Foley, William John Foley, Maurice Foley, Michael Foley, Charles William Foley, Alex. Foley, Pat Folland, Albert Victor Folley, Charles Folley, Chas. Folley, Chas Folley, Charlie Follows, Herbert Font, Martin Fontaine, Francis Fontaine, Frank Fookes, Lilian Fookes, Lily Fookes, Lilian M. Fookes, Lilian Miss. Fooks, William Fooks, Lucy Foord, Henry Foord, Harry Foot, Francis Foot, Edger Foot, Edgar J. Foot, Edgar John Foot or Foote, Edgar John Foot or Foote, Francis Howard Foote, Daisy E. Foote, Lily Foote, Thos Foote, Edith A. Foote, Lilian Foote, Beatrice Foote, Alice Foote, Edgar J. Foote, Hy James Foote, Jack Foote, Daisy Foottit, Lillian Foottitt, Lilian Foran, Robert Forbes, Miss. Forbes, Frederick William Forbes, James Forbes, Wm. Jno, Lindsay Forby, G.T. Ford, Wallace Ford, Maurice Ford, W.E. Ford, Kenneth Ford, James Ford, William E. Ford, Walter Ford, Archibald V Ford, Beatrice Ford, Henry Ford, Dora Mary M. Ford, Annie E. Mrs. Ford, John Ford, Leonard Joseph Ford, Ernest Ford, Maurice Mr. Ford, Raymond Conrad Ford, Arthur Ford, Wallace Mr. Ford, William Ford, Harold Ford, Archibald V. Ford, Charles W. Ford, Victor Ford, Albert E. V. Ford, Dora M.M. Ford, Archie Ford, Bridget Ford, George Ford, Mary Ford, Maurice R. Ford, Thos. H. Ford, William (1) Fox Ford, William (2) Arthur Ford, Alexander Ford, Albert James Pvt. Ford, Richard Hy. Ford, Maurice Rupert Lieut. Ford, Thomas H Ford, Thomas Ford, Alice Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Ford, A. V. Ford, James N Ford, Bertie Ford, Alex Ford, Bertram Ford, Thos. Ford, George Alfred Ford, Jennette Ford, Robert J. Ford, Archie V. Ford, A. J. Ford, Ellen Ford, Ford, James Henry Ford, Charles Ford, William H. Ford, Eliza Ford, Eliza E.M. Ford, E.E. Mable Ford, Susan Jane Ford, Dora Forde, Alexina Forde, Eliza Forde, Violet Elizabeth Forde, Alexina Simpson Forde, Mary Ann Eliza Forde, Robert Forde, Alban Forde, Alban John Forde, Robert H Forder, Albert James Forder, Mr. Joseph Forder, Hy. Forder, Sty Forder, Albert Forder, Fordham, Percy V. Fordham, Gladys M. Fordham, Arthur E. Fordham, William Victor Fordham, Emily Fordham, George Fordham, Wm. Fordham, William Fordham, Sydney Fordham, Bertie Fordree, Willie Foreman, Edward Foreman, Frederick Foreman, Benjamin Foreman, Francis Foreman, Fras. Foreman, James Foreman, Thomas Foreshaw, Peter Forest, Albert E. H. Forest, Magie Forest, Frank Forester, Anthony Forester, Frederick Forester, F. Forester, Brian Forester, Lilian Jane Forgan, Annie Forrest, Albert E. H. Forrest, Francis (Frank) Forrest, Maggie Forrest, Frank Forrest, John Forrest, Peter Forrest, David Forrester, Fred Forrester, Frederick Forrester, Lilian J. Forrester, Jane L. Forrester, J. J. Forrester, Valerie Forsdike, C. W. Forse, Albert Forshaw, Peter Forshaw, Michael Forshaw, Elizabeth Forshaw, Alice Forster, William G. Forster, Andrew Forster, Thomas Forster, George E. Forster, Beatrice May Forster, Albert W. Forster, Margaret Mary Forster, Maud Forster, Bernard Forster, Margaret Forster, John Burton Forster, John Forster, Walter Forsyth, M.T. Mrs. Forsyth, Margaret Forsyth, A. B. Forsythe, David Fortin, Archdeacon Fortnum, John Joseph Fortnum, John, Joseph Fortnum, John J. Fortune, William Fortune, Mary A. Fortune, Mary Forwood, Alice Fosket, Cecil Fosket, Henry Foskett, Isaac Foss, Francis H. Foss, Francis Henry(Coleman) Foss, Francis Henry Foster, Stanley W.D. Foster, Walter George Foster, Thomas Foster, Simpson Foster, Minnie Foster, Jessie Ada Foster, Mrs. Foster, William (1) Foster, Daniel L. Foster, Walter Foster, Winnifred Foster, Alfred Foster, Michael Foster, Sam. R. Foster, Florence Foster, William Foster, Henry J. Foster, Clara Foster, Ellen Foster, William G. Foster, William (2) Foster, Emily Foster, Winnie M. Foster, Reginald A. Foster, Andrew Foster, Louisa Foster, Reg. Foster, Albert W. Foster, Rose Foster, May Victoria Foster, Mary Ann Foster, Alice B. Foster, Francis P. Foster, Isabella Foster, Samuel R. Foster, Ada Foster, Mary A. Foster, Edith Foster, Stanley Foster, Frederick Foster, Arthur John Pvt. Foster, Margaret Miss. Foster, Geo. Foster, George Foster, Minnie L.M. Foster, Standley W. D. Foster, Millie L.M. Foster, James Charles Foster, Reginald A Foster, Lily Foster, Sidney Foster, Rose M. Foster, Doris Mrs. Foster, Foster, Minnie L. Foster, Sydney Foster, Rachel Foster, M.A. Mrs. Foster, Reginald Foster, Wm. Foster, Ada N. Foster, Phyllis Foster, Elizabeth Louisa Foster, Elizabeth Foster, Mae Foster, John Foster, Margaret Foster, Clarence Earl Foster, Rose D. Foster, Winifred Foster, Thomas G. Foster, Jessie Foster, Mr. Foster, Sarah Foster, Samuel Robert Foster, Fredk Foster, Leah Gertrude Foster, Minnie S. Foster, Albert Foster, Wallace Valentine Foster, Lawerance Wm. Foster, Kate Foster, William Thomas Foster, William George Foster, Harold Edw. Foster, John Rae Foster, Thomas George Pvt. Foster, Leah Gertrude / Gertie Foster, Messers. Foster, G. L. Foster, Daisy Foster, Frank Foster, Benjamin Brooke Foster, Ben. B. Foster, Charles Foster, H.W.A. Esq. Foster, W. Foster, Beatrice Foster, Lilian Foster, Miss. Foster, George Alfred Fothergill, Emily Fotheringham, D. Rev. Fotheringham, J.T. Dr. Fotheringham, J. Dr. and Miss. Foulds, Alfd Hy Foulger, Walter Foulkes, Edw Foulkes, Geo. Foulkes, Janie Foulkes, John Foulkes, Jno Foulkes, Margaret Fountain, William Fouracres, Ellen L. Fouracres, Ellen Fourneaux, Jean Baptiste Fourness, Geo. H. Fournier, Jean Fowle, Reg. Art. Leon Fowle, Wm. H. Fowler, Geo. Fowler, Grace Mrs. Fowler, William Fowler, Horace Fowler, Peter Fowler, Herbert Fowler, Kate Fowler, Arthur Fowler, Emily Fowler, Thomas Fowler, Nellie Fowler, Robert E.L. Fowler, Jessie Fowler, William Mr. Fowler, Mr. Fowler, Edward E.J.F. Fowler, George Fowler, Sidney Fowler, Eva (Mrs. W.) Fowler, Cecil J. Fowler, George Pvt. Fowler, Alice Fowler, Willie Fowler, A. Fowler, Doreen Fowler, Mrs. Thomas Fowler, Elizabeth Fowler, Hebert Fowler, John Fowler, Thos. Fowler, Alfred Fowler, Wm. Fowler, Katie Fowler, Mrs. Fowler, Ruth Fowler, W. Fowler, Frederick Fowler, Florence Mabel (Mrs. Earl L.) Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. Fox, Peter Fox, Joseph Fox, Thomas Fox, Elsie Fox, James Fox, Randall Fox, Diana Fox, Rosina Fox, Harry A. Fox, Minnie Fox, Henry Fox, Lily Fox, Kate Fox, Daniel Wm. Fox, William Fox, Ethel Fox, Ernest S. Fox, Albert Fox, Frank Fox, Peter John Fox, Maggie Fox, Adrian Fox, Mr. Clifford Fox, Charles C. Fox, Christopher J. Fox, Emmaline Fox, W. Fox, Jas. Fox, Chas. Geo. Fox, Randel Fox, Mary Anne Fox, Harold Fox, Frederick Fox, Chas. Hy. Fox, Emily Fox, John Fox, Herny Fox, Mr. John Fox, Louisa Fox, Robt. W.L. Fox, Rosina Ophelia Fox, Ch. C. Fox, Randal Fox, William Arthur Fox, Philip Mr. Fox, Harold F. Fox, Mary Ann Fox, Wm. Fox, Margaret Fox, Thos. Fox, Frederick Wiilliam Fox, Michael J. Fox, Henry L. Fox, Gillian M. Fox, Robert W.L. Fox, Rosie Fox, Ernest Fox, Philippa K. Fox, Herbert Fox, John Fredk. Foxall, Frank Foxhall, Mary E Foxhall, Mary Elizabeth Foy, Michael Foy, Albert A Foy, Henry L. Foy, Mary Foy, John Foy, William A. S. Foy, James Patrick Foy, William Foy/Ryder, Mary Foye, Martin Foyle, Emma Foyle, Lucy Fracknell, Jane Fraenkel, Ludwig Frafall, Lydia Fragle, Thomas Fragle, Jno. Fragle, Thos. Fragnelli, Rosina Frain, James Fralick, Edmund Fram, James Fram, Joseph Frame, James Frampton, Caroline Frampton, Bertha Frampton, Dolly France, Henry Frances, Dorothy M. Frances, Mary Frances, Jessie Frances, James Frances, Tibble Frances, Florence Francey, Alexander Francis, Mary Ann Francis, F.W. Francis, Henry Francis, Eleanor Gertrude Francis, Mary Francis, Harold A. Francis, George Arthur Francis, Annie Francis, George Francis, Claude Pvt. Francis, Arthur J. Francis, Wm. John Francis, Elizabeth Francis, Fred. W. Francis, Dorothy Francis, Frank B. Francis, Harry Francis, Francis, Gertrude Francis, Jas. Francis, Walter Francis, Gladys Francis, Francis Francis, Sister/Mother Francis, Maria Francis, Dorothy M. Francis, Alice Francis, Robert G. Francis, Frank Francis, Alfred H. Francis, Charles Francis, Arthur Francis, Matilda Francis, Florrie Francis, Frederick W. Francis, Mary F. Francis, E.G. Francis, Charlotte Francis, Edwin C. Francis, Freddie Francis, George A. Francis, Albert E. Francis, Edwin W. Francis, William Francis, Ada Francis, Alfred Francis, James Francis, Edmund Francis, Richard Francis, Robert Francis, Gertie Francis, Amy Francis, Joseph Thomas Francis, Geo. A. Francis ?, Fredk. Francombe, Art Francombe, Arthur Francombe, A. Francotti, Sidney Francotti, Sidney O. Frands, Dorothy Frangle, Johnnie Frank, Robert Frank, Jas Henry Frank, Newby Frank;In, Thomas Frankfort, Jon Frankies, Clarence Frankies, Lilian Frankish, William Henry Frankish, S. M. Frankish, Susan Maria Franklin, Edna May Franklin, Percy Franklin, Henry Thomas Franklin, Franklin, Henry T. Franklin, Percy John Franklin, Francis Franklin, Margt Franklin, Hilda Franklin, Mr. Franklin, Annie E. Franklin, Thomas Franklin, Margaret Franklin, Arthur Franklin, Roger H. E. Franklin, Henry Francis Franklin, William F. Franklin, Albert Franklin, Emily Franklin, Harry T. Franklin, Joseph Franklin, Theo. Heath Franklin, Wr. Christian Franklin, William Franklin, F Franklin, Owen G. Franklin, George Franklin, Henry Franklin, Anthony J. Franklin, Annie Franklin, Derek Franklin (born Harrow), Henry, Thomas Franks, Dorothy Franks, Violet Franks, Hy. Kemp Franks, Lillian Franks, Alfred Franks, Edward Franks, William H. Franks, Richard Franks, Dorothy A. Franks, Alexander Franks, Albert Franks, Alexander Mrs. Franks, Jas. Franks, James Henry Franlin, Albert Franthrope, Frederick Franzen, Rena Franzen, Winnie Frape, Arthur Ernest Frape, David Frape, Pamela Fraquelli, Rosina Fraser, James Mrs. Fraser, J. Mrs. Fraser, William Fraser, Col. Fraser, Jean Fraser, Frederick Fraser, Isabella Fraser, Donald Fraser, Cicely M. Fraser, John Fraser, Robert Fraser, Lily Fraser, D. A-Bmdr. Fraser, David Brown Fraser, Margaret Fraser, Robt. Fraser, E. W. Fraser, Elizabeth (Mrs. Charles) Fraser, William Owen Fraser, William T. Fraser, Cicely Fraser, Maggie Gr. Fraser, Cyril Fraser, I. Fraser, L. Miss. and H. Miss. Fraser, J.P. Rev. Fraser, Bella Fraser, Peter Fraser, Leonard Fraser, Robert L. Frayne, Doris Mrs. Fraytagg, Harry Frazer, Wm. Thos. Frazer, Samuel Frazer, A. Frazer, Albert Frecke, Harry Fredennick, Joy Fredennick, Christopher Fredennick, Mary Frederick, Frederick J. Frederick, Horace B. Fredericks, Amie Free, Ernest Henry Free, Sidney D. Free, Mary Mrs. Free, Jane Mrs. Free, William K. Freeborough, Leslie Reg. Freeborough, Robert Henry Freedland, Patricia Freeland, Mrs. Freeland, George Freeland, Eliza Freelove, George E. Freeman, Gertrude Freeman, Thirza E. Freeman, Sidney H. Freeman, Maud Freeman, Florence Freeman, Chas. E. Freeman, George Freeman, Edmund Freeman, James Freeman, Morris Freeman, Alfred Freeman, Katie Freeman, Percy Freeman, Willie Freeman, Harold Freeman, William W. Freeman, Art. Ernest Freeman, Charles Frederick Freeman, Mrs. Freeman, Emma Freeman, John Henry Freeman, Harold Thomas Freeman, Kate Freeman, Harry Freeman, Bertha Freeman, G. Freeman, William Freeman, Robert Freeman, Alfred R. Freeman, Henry (Harry) George Troke Freeman, John Edward Freeman, Margaret Freeman, Dudley P. Freeman, Bertie Freeman, Thomas Cowley Freeman, Harriet Freeman, Thuza E. Freeman, Joseph Freeman, Mary Freeman, Ruth Freeman, Henry Freeman, Gertde Freeman, A. Freeman, Christobel Freeman ?, John Freemantle, Henry Freemantle, Will Freemantle, William H. Freemantle, William Henry Freemantle, Hy. Freeney, Christina Freer, Abraham Freer, Thomas Freestone, Wm. J. Freestone, Sarah Freeth, Elizabeth Lucy Freeth, Gertrude Beatrice Freeth, Laura A Freeth, Samuel Freeth, Lucy Freeth, Gertrude B Freeth, Edith Rachel Freeth, Laura Ann Freeth, Edith R Freethy, Mrs. Joseph Freiberg, Sarah Freilingsdorf, Wm. Frelingsdorf, William Fremantle, Wm. H. Fremlin, Frank Fremlin, Jesse French, Henry French, Maragret French, Miss. French, Albert Edward French, John French, James John French, Harry French, Walter French, Frederick C. French, Percy Hamilton French, Herbert French, Mabel French, George M. French, Jeremy French, Mr. French, John F. French, French, John J. French, Edwin French, Alice French, Mrs. French, Colonel French, Mabel E.B. French, Mary French, John James French, William Frenheath, W. Frere, Alfred Freshwater, Annie Frethy, Caroline Frew, W. Frew, John Frew, Margaret T. H. Frew, Thomas Craig Frewin, Baden Arthur Friars, Annie Elizabeth (Mrs. William) Frick, Adam Frick, Wm. Fricke, Harry Fricker, Bertram G. Frickers, Elizabeth Frickers, Ann Friday, Matilda Frieburg, Sarah Friel, Francis Frielingsdorf, Eleanor Frielngsdorf, William Friend, Emma Friend, A. Frier, Frank Fright, Edward James Pvt. Fright, Edward J. Fright, Alfred T. Frisbee, E. Frisco, Herbert Friscoe, Herbert |
Friswell, Bryan Thomas Frith, Fred Frith, Ellen Frith, John Frith, L. Fritz, Hazel Fritz, George Fritzeche, Wilhelm Frizzel, Blanche Frizzell, Harriet B. Froade, Emma Froats, Mr. Ezra Frobisher, Col. Martin, JP Froggartt, Percy Froggatt, George Froggett, Dorothy A. Froghett, Dorothy A. Frohock, Annie Frohock, Maud Frohock, Maud E. Frome, A. Frome, Alice Froome, Henry Frost, Percy Frost, Frederick Frost, Mrs. Frost, Charles Frost, Charles Henry Frost, Loris F. Frost, Lizzie Frost, James Frost, Elsie A. Frost, George Ebenezer Frost, George Frost, C. Frost, Albert Frost, Isaac J. Frost, Wm. Frost, William A. Frost, Chas. Frost, Joseph Frost, Wm. A. Frost, Phoebe Frost, Dorothy Frost, L.F. Frost, Leonard Frost, Gordon Frost, John Frost, H. R. Frost, Charlie Frost, John Thomas Jenkins Frost, Harold Frost, Ernest J. Frost, Ada, Frances Frost, Thomas Frost, Jeffrey Frost, Frank Frost, Lavinia Elizabeth Frost, Elise Frost, Isaac John Frost, William Frost, Wm Frost, Percy Charles Pvt. Frost, Lizzie Louisa Frost, Ernest Frost, M.A. Frost, Isaac John Pvt. Frost, Geo. Frostie, Annie Froud, Alice Frueman, Bertie Fry, Fred Fry, William Sir Fry, Victor P. Fry, Percy John Fry, Jack Fry, Margaret Fry, William Thos. Fry, Percy Fry, Lucy Elizabeth Fry, Harry Fry, Fred H. Fry, Wm. T. Fry, Frederick Fry, Harry L/Cpl. Fry, H. G. Fry, Thos. T.K. Fry, Wm. C. Fry, Clara Fry, Albert E. Fry, Florence M. Fry, William T. Fry, William Fry, A. Mr. Fry, Alphus L. Fry, George Fry, Stanley G. Fry, Thomas William Fry, Elizabeth Fry, Benjamin Fry, Florence Fry, Lucy Fry, P. Fry, John Fry, Guthrie B. Fry, Thomas Fry, John Fisher Fry, Eli Fry, Reuben Gordon Fry, Walter Fry, W. F. Fryer, Arthur J. Fryer, Frank Fryer, Harry Fryer, Michael Fryer, Albert Fryer, Frank T. Fryer, Frank F. Fryer, Frederick Fryer, Rachel Fryer, Sarah Fryer, Rosina M. Fryer, Rosina Fryer, Mrs. Fryer, John Fryer, Herbert Fryer, Edgar Fryer, Winifred Mrs. Fryer, William Fryer, NellIe Ftich, William Fudge, Gladys Mrs. Fudge, Winnifred Fuerd, Eliz. Mrs. Fuggles, Wm. T. Fulbrook, Charles W.A. Fulbrook, George Fulbrook, C. E. Fulcher, Arthur Fulcher, Art Fulcher, Lilian Fulcher, Nellie Mrs. Fulcher, Robin S. Fulcher, Fredk Fulcher, Stanley Fulford, Ellen Sarah Full, W.H. Fullard, Dorothy Fullbrook, Harry Fuller, Charlie Fuller, Marion A. Fuller, Chas. Fuller, Marion Fuller, Albert E. Fuller, Reuben Jack Fuller, Rose Fuller, Albert Fuller, Katie Fuller, John Fuller, Edwin W. Fuller, Wm. A. Fuller, Frank I. Fuller, Dorothy Fuller, Ernest Fuller, Rob. Fuller, Herbert Fuller, Frank Fuller, Peter Fuller, Raymond John Fuller, Margaret J. Fuller, Alexander Pvt. Fuller, William Fuller, J. D. Fuller, Albert J. Fuller, George Fuller, PhyllIs Fuller, Sidney Fuller, Charles Fuller, Willie Fuller, Albert J. Mrs. Fuller, Elizabeth Fullerton, Bessie Fullerton, Robert Fullerton, George Fullerton, Richard Fullerton, Alfred W. J. Fulling, John H. Fulling, John Henry Fulton, Janet Fulton, Elizabeth Fulton, Edward David Fulton, Charles Gordon James Fulton, Robert Fulwell, George Fung, Julie Funge, Julia Funnell, Chas G. Funnell, Arthur James Funnell, Dorothy G. Funnell, Dorothy Funnell, Frank Funnell, Thos. Furby, William E. Furby, Edward E. Furby, Wr. E. Furby, Walter E. Furby, Edward Pvt. Furlong, Teresa Furlong, James Francis Pvt. Furlong, William Furlong, John Furlong, Reginald O. Furmidge, Fred W. Furnell, Francis Furnell, C. Furness, Beatrice Furney, Philip Furniss, Beatrice Furse, Robert Stanley Furse, Ernest J. Furse, Robert Furse, Robert S. Fursman, Gertrude Fury, Alfred Fury, James Furze, Helen June Furze, Alison Futcher, Maud Futrall, William Futrall, Richard Trevor Fyfield, Annie Fyfield, Elizabeth Fyfield, Henry Fyfield, Jane Fyfield, Emma G., Mrs. G., J. G., R. G??Ton, Arthur Gaade, Mr. Gabbitas, Leslie F. Gabbitas, Leslie G. Gable, Rueben Gable, Sidney Gable, Thomas Walter Gabrielson, Edwin Gadd, H. Gadd, Mary Ann Gade, Henry Gade, Harry Gadsden, James Gadsdon, Ernest Gadsdon, Mrs. Gaetz, Emily Mrs. Gaff, Wm. Gaffney, Patrick Gaffney, Wm. Gaffney, William Henry Pvt. Gaffney, Wilfred Gaffney, Wm. H. Gage, William H. Gage, Harold W. Gage, Alice Doreen Gage, Harold Gage, William Gaghan, Laura Gaghan, Grace Gaghan, Stephen Gagie, G. Gaines, Ernest Gainey, Violet Gainey, Violet M.M. Gainey, Mabel Gainey, Issac S. Gains, Ernest Gaitier, John Gaitier, Julian Gaitiur, Julian Gaitiur, John Gaituir, Julian Gaituir, John Galbraith, Mrs. Galbraith, John Edward Galbraith, Arch. Henry Galbraith, Grace Gale, Howard Gale, Michael Gale, Fred E. Gale, Edward Gale, Fred Gale, Sidney Gale, Fred. Gale, Fred C. Gale, William John Gale, Thomas Gale, John Gale, Maud Gale, Louisa Gale, Wm. Gale, John J. Gale, John Thomas Gale, William Foster Gale, John James Gale, Wm. J. Gale, James J. Gale, Gertrude Gale, William F. Gale, Amos Gale, William J. Gale, Wm. Jno. Gale, Joe Gale, John G. Gale, Thos Gales, John Galey, Walter Galey, Fredk Gall, A. E. Mrs. Gallacher, Emil Mrs. Gallacher, Jane Gallaghan, Annie Mary Gallagher, Belinda Gallagher, John James Gallagher, Wm Gallagher, Catherine Gallagher, Cecil A. Gallagher, Elizabeth Gallagher, Albert Gallagher, Joseph Gallagher, Chas Gallagher, Mary Gallagher, Celia Gallagher, Frank Gallagher, Bridget Gallagher, John Gallagher, Alex Gallagher, George Gallagher, Patrick Gallagher, Thomas Mrs. Gallagher, Mary E. Galland, Arthur Gallard, Florence Gallaway, Dorothy Gallehawk, Reginald W. Gallett, William Galliford, Willie E. Galliver, Lily Gallop, John Gallop, Emily (Mrs. Henry) Gallop, John Mrs. Gallop, Marilla Mrs. Galloway, Galloway, John Galloway, Jane Galloway, George Galloway, G. W. Galloway, Ernest Galloway, Earnest C. Galloway, George F. Galloway, Geo Gallowy, Ernest Gallway, Jennie Galpin, Mr. Galt, Mr. Galton, Joseph Galton, Thomas D. Galvin, Daniel Galvin, Catherine Galvin, John Galvin, Mary Galvin, Bridget Galvin, Wm. Galway, Rose Galway, Robert Galway, Thos. Galway, Stewart Galway, Thomas Gamble, James Gamble, James Sgt. Gamble, J. Gamble, Lillian H. G. Gamble, Raynald Mrs. Gamble, Edith Gamble, Beatrice Gamble, S. Gamble, Henry Gambrial, Edgar J.S. Gambrial, Edgar Jesse Gambrial, Ed. J. Game, Charlie Game, Mr. Game, Alfred S. Gammack, Elsie B. Mrs Gammack, Elsie Gammon, Mr. Gammon, James Gammon, Annie A. Gammon, Mrs. Mary Gammon, Gladys (Mrs. Daniel) Gammon, Annie Gamp, Mrs. Gan, Wolstan Gander, Chas. Ganderton, John Thomas Ganderton, Albert Edwin Gandley, James Gandy, Charles Gandy, Frederick Edward Gandy, Frederick King Gane, Thomas Gankowitsch, Iwan Ganney, Frederick Pvt. Gannon, Thos. Gannon, Herbert Gannon, William Charles Gannon, T. Gannou, William Charles Gansden, Saml. Gant, Arthur Gant, Fred. G. Ganter, Mary Ann Ganton, Thomas Gaplin, Thomas Gaplin, Thomas William Gapp, Stephen Gapper, Mary J Gapper, Mary J. Gapper, Mark Garaghty, Peter Garbe, Edward Garbe, Marie Garbett, Ernest George Sgt. Garbutt, Ellen Garcia, George Garcin, Albert J. Gard, Albert Edward Gard, Albert E. Gard, Hy. Thomas Gard, Henry Thomas Gardener, Fred C. Gardener, Edith Gardener, Lily Gardener, Noel Stokes Gardener, Richard Gardener, Mary Jane Gardener, Mabel Hope Gardener, Violet Gardener, Chas. T. Gardener, Francis Gardener, Alfred Gardener also Gardiner, Mabel Hope Gardhouse, Edith Mrs. Gardiner, Edith Gardiner, Francis Gardiner, Maggie Gardiner, Winifred Gardiner, Moresly Gardiner, Mabel Gardiner, Percival W Gardiner, Mary Gardiner, William G. Gardiner, Mabel H. Gardiner, Geo. H. Gardiner, Thomas Gilbert Gardiner, Wm Gardiner, Cecil Gardiner, Ruby Gardiner, Wm F Gardiner, Jack Gardiner, Gardiner, Mrs Gardiner, Violet Gardiner, Eliza Beth Gardiner, George Gardiner, Joseph Gardiner, Barbara Gardiner, Hy Gardiner, Winifrd Gardiner, Jno Albt Gardiner, Nellie Gardiner, P. W. Gardiner, Gertrude Mrs. Gardner, S. Gardner, Ann E. Gardner, Winifred Gardner, Thomas Gardner, Charlotte F. Gardner, Fred. D. Gardner, Harry Gardner, Gardner, Helen Gardner, William Gardner, Jack Gardner, George Gardner, Arthur Gardner, David Gardner, Caroline Gardner, Frank H. Gardner, William G. Gardner, Frederick Gardner, Robert Gardner, Nellie M. Gardner, Wm. Gardner, Fred. G. Gardner, George Henry Gardner, Thomas Gilbert Gardner, Mrs. Gardner, Nellie Gardner, Violet Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner, Edward Gardner, N. Mrs. Gardner, Maude Gardner, Florence Gardner, Pat Gardner, Albert Gardner, Blanche Annie Gardner, Charles G. Gardner, Mrs. Leroy Gardner, Albert E. Gardner, Victoria May Gardner, Nelly Gardner, Winnifred Gardner, Wm Gardon, Alice Gare, James A. Gare, Matthew Gare, Miss. Garland, Arthur Edward Garland, Susan Garland, ElIzabeth Garland, Georgenia Garland, Art. E. Garland, MInnIe/Nellie Garland, Georgina Garland, Mable Garland, Gertrude Garland, Georgie Garlinge, George A. Garlinge, George Garlinge, Andrew Garner, Stanley Garner, David Garner, Elizabeth Ann Garner, William H. Garner, Wm. Hy. Garner, Lucy Garner, Henry G. Garner, Emma Garner, Victoria M. Garner, Caleb Garner, Martha Ann Garner, Edward / Edwin Ernest Garner, John Garner, Mr. Garner, Pauline Garner, Hy. G. Garner, Annie L. Garner, John Henry Garner, Richard Garner, Cyril Garner, Jn. Wm. Garner, Thomas Garner, Eliz'th Anne Garnet, Mary Garnet, Alice Garnett, Frank Alex Garnett, Alice B.C. Garnett, Alice Garnett, Allice B.C. Garnett, Mr. Garnett, Michael Garnett, W. Mr. Garnett, Cecil Garnham, Nehemiah J. Garnham, N.J. Garnham, N. Garnham, Nehemiah Garood, Geo. T. Garrard, Charlie Garrard, Sarah Garrard, Charles L. Garrard, James Garrard, Charles Garrard, M. Garratt, Louisa / Jane Garratt, A. Garraway, Reginald Garraway, Edwin George Garraway, Reginald E. Garrett, William J. Garrett, Maurice George Garrett, John Joseph Garrett, William Garrett, Geo. V. Garrett, Edith M. Garrett, George Victor Garrett, Rose Garrett, Morris G. Garrett, John H. Garrett, Ferderick E. Garrett, Ernest W.J. Garrett, Morris George Garrett, Renee Jean Garrett, Arthur W.A. Garrett, Wilfred Garrett, Harry Garrett, Herbert Garrett, Frank A. Garrett, Harry P. Garretty, Patrick Garrigan, Mary Garrison, Charles Oliver Garritty, Patk Garrock, AdamIna Garrod, Ivan James Garrod, Edward Ernest Garrod, Alice Garrod, George Garrood, George Thos. Garrood, George Thomas Garrood, G.T. Garrood, George T. Garrood, George Garrood, Geo. T. Garside, Ellen Garside, Derek Garthwaite, Elinor Anne Gartlan, J. Gartlan, Joseph Garton, William Garton, Garton, Wm Gartry, Charles Garvey, Mrs Ann Garvey, Mary Garvey, Charles Garvey, Agnes Garvey, Kate Garvey, George Garvey, James Garvey, Jno Garvey/McCann, Katie Garwood, Wm. Guy Garwood, George Garwood, Lizzie Garwood, Wilfred Guy Garwood, Leslie Mountjoy Garwood, Elizabeth Garwood, John Garwood, Gary, Harry Gascoign, George Gascoigne, Geo Gascoigne, Robert Gash, Walter Gaskell, Walter Gaskell, Mary Gaskell, AnnIe Gaskell, Margaret Gaskell, Elizabeth Gaskell, Henry Gaskell, Lena Gaskill, Henry Gaskill, Roger Gaskill, Elizabeth Gaskill, William Gaskill, Margaret Gaskill, Walter Gaskin, Eliz. Gaskin, Florence Gaskin, Florence M. Gaskin, W. George Gaskin, William George Gaskin, Margt Gaskin, William Gaskins, Margaret Gaskins, Elsie/Ethel Gaskins, Bertie William Gasper, Wm. Manuel Gassage, Thomas Gasson, Fredk. Gaster, Alfred Gatehouse, Henrietta Gatehouse, H. Maud Gatehouse, Hetty Gatehouse, M.L.E. Gatehouse, Gatehouse, Edith Gateley, Patrick Gately, Patrick Gatenby, Harry Gater, Joseph Gater, Jos. Gates, Philip Gates, Thomas Gates, Lancelot L. Gates, Mary A. Gates, Artr Gates, Joseph Gates, James F. Gates, John Gates, Rosina Gates, James Gates, R. Gates, Robert W. Gates, Jas. E. Gates, James E. Gates, Rosina Alice Gathin, Robert Gatland, Alfred Gaul, Edward Gaul, Edward J. Gaul, Edward John Gaul, E. Gaunce, Ester (Mrs. George) Gaunt, Mr. Gaunt, Claude C. Gaunt, Messrs. Gaunt, Evelyn Gaunt, Ernest Gaunt, Claude Cecil Gausden, Mabel Gavell, William Gavell, Harry Gavillet, George F. Gavillet, Alexander Gavillet, Mr. Gavin, Patk. Gavin, Rosetta Gavin, Patrick Gavin, Martha Gavin, Mary A. Gawtray, Lanes Gawtray, Thos. Gawtray, Thomas Gawtrey, Thomas Gay, E. Gay, Ernest Gay, Robert Gay, Adelaide S. Gay, Thomas William Gay, Arhtur Medford Gay, Arthur M. Gay, Arthur Gay, Christian B. Gayford, Ernest Gaylor, Fred. E. Gaylor, Thomas Gaymer, Laura Gayner, Ellen F. Mrs. Gayner, Ellen Mrs. Gaynor, William Gaze, Percy Gazlee, Robert Gear, Eric G. Gear, Nellie Gear, Matthew Gear, Eric Gearing, Fred Geary, Walter Herbert Geary, Ernest Mr. Geary, Walter Geary, Sybil Geary, Sybil M. Geary, Arthur Gebert/Gibert, CarolIne Geddes, JessIe Geddings, James Gee, William Edward Gee, Edith Gee, William Gee, Robert Gee, Nellie Gee, George V. Gee, Ernest Gee, Clara Hilda Gee, Robt. Gee, Anna Maria Gee, Earnest Gee, Anna Marie Gee, Ivy M. Gee, Rebecca Mrs. Gee, Walter E. Gee, Henry J. Gee, Mary Gee, Jennie Gee, Jane Gee, Hilda Gee, Annie Gee, Daisy Geer, Mabel Geldard, Ernest Geldard, Earnest Gellan, Garvin C.A. Gellan, Garvin E.A. Gelling, Mr. Gelling, Henry H. Gelsthorpe, Hilda Gemmill, Benjamin Genenry, Alice Genery, Percey E. Genge, Lily Genner, George F. Gennery, Annie Gennery, Alice Gent, John P. Gent, John F. Gent, John Frederick Gent, John W. Gentle, Horace A. Gentle, Florence Gentle, H. Gentle, William H. Gentle, William Geoghan, Martin Geoghegan, Grace Geoghegan, Laura Geoghegan, Stephen George, Matilda George, Alf. W. George, Art W. George, Violet R. George, Alfred James George, Mathilda George, Charles B. George, Alfred George, Susan George, Alfred Edward George, Martha George, Albert George, Edward George, Mr. John H. George, Gwendoline George, Arthur George, Arth. George, Albert E. George, Herbert Robert George, John Alfred George, Henry W.J. George, William John George, Violet George, Herbert R. George, Mary George, Robert S. George, Percival George, Percy George, Ernest Walter George, Edwin George, William S. George, Alfred E. George, Charles George A. S., Sparkes Georghegan, Stephen Georghegan, Grace Georghegan, Laura Geraghty, Frank C Geraghty, Michael Geratty, Bridget Gerbs, M.B. Gerds, M.B. Germain, Harry German, Mary E. Geronomo, Edw. Oliver Gerrard, Alberta Gerrard, Elizabeth Gerrard, T.C. Mr. Gerratty, Bridget Gerred, Ada Gerrie, Sister Gerrie, M. Gerry, Reginald Piper Pvt. Gerry, Reginald Piper Gerry, Reginald P. Gertie, James Gervaux, Annie E. Gessell, Jane Mrs. Gethen, Lucy Gethin, Robert Gethurst, Frank Getty, Annie Mrs. Gevaux, Annie E. Gevaux, Annie Geveaux, Annie Geymer, Ellen Mrs. Gheney, Samuel Gibb, Alec Gibb, Thomas Gibb, Miss. Gibb, Oliver E. Gibban, Anne Gibban, Rosemary Gibbens, William (1) Henry Gibbins, W.H. Gibbins, William (1) Henry Gibbon, Annie Gibbon, Fredk C Gibbons, James Gibbons, Edmund Gibbons, William Gibbons, John Gibbons, Florence Gibbons, Annie F. Gibbons, Geo Gibbons, Frank Gibbons, William (2) / Willie Gibbons, William (1) Henry Gibbons, Albert E. Gibbons, Ellen / Nellie Gibbons, Charles Gibbons, David Edgar Gibbons, Edward F. Gibbons, Mary Gibbons, Geo. Gibbons, Albert Victor Gibbs, Oliver E. Gibbs, Wm Gibbs, Miss. Gibbs, Joseph Gibbs, Nellie F. Gibbs, Leslie A. Gibbs, Frances E. Gibbs, Thomas Gibbs, Frederick C. Gibbs, John Gibbs, Clement Gibbs, Fred Gibbs, Olive Evelyn Gibbs, Albert J. Gibbs, C. Sgt. Gibbs, Thomas Pvt. Gibbs, William Gibbs, Gibbs, Oliver Ernest Gibbs, William Henry Gibbs, Annie Gibbs, Francis Gibbs, Sidney Thomas Gibbs, Samuel Hry. Gibbs, Gladys Gibbs, Nellie Gibbs, Louisa Gibbs, Alfred Gibbs, Annie L. Gibbs, Albert Gibbs, Susan Gibbs, Frederick G. Gibbs, Jane Gibbs, George A. Gibbs, Ann Gibbs, Louisa M. Gibbs, William Henry Clare Gibbs, Henry Gibbs, Ernest William Gibbs, Jos. Gibbs, W. Gibbs, Earnest H. Gibbs, Hy. Gibbs, G. Gibbs, Josh Hy Gibbs, Josh. Hy. Gibbs, Annie Louisa Gibbs, George W. Gibbs, Ernest W. Gibbs, G. Miss. Gibert, Joseph Gibley, James Giblin, Edward Gibson, William Ezra Gibson, Gladys A. Gibson, Thomas Gibson, Vincent Gibson, J.E. Rev. Gibson, Frederick (2) William Gibson, Elizabeth Gibson, George Gibson, William Gibson, Mrs. William Gibson, W. B. Gibson, Mr. Hon. Gibson, Nora Gibson, Sarah Gibson, Arthur William Gibson, G. Gibson, W.H. Gibson, William John Pvt. Gibson, James Gibson, Harry Gibson, Leonard D. Gibson, Edgar Mr. Gibson, Gladys Gibson, Frederick (1) Gibson, Francis Gibson, Sidney Gibson, George C. Gibson, William J. Gibson, Edward Rennis Gibson, A. W. Gibson, John Gibson, Nellie Gibson, Ivy Blackburn Gibson, Jas Gibson, Isabella Gibson, Clarence W. Gibson, Edward R. Gibson, Peter Elliott Gibson, Clara Gibson, A. C. Gibson, William John Gibson, A. Dr. Gibson, Monro Dr. Rev. Gibson, Alan James Gibson, Jas. Gibson, The Rev. J. Monro, DD Gibson, C. D. Gibson, Mary Gibson, Wm. J. Gibson, Alice F. Gibson, Raymond F. Gibson, A. Gibson, MInnIe Giddings, Frank Giddings, Willie Giddings, William Giddings, James Giddings, William S. Giddings, Wm. S. Gidson, Nellie Giffen, J.A. Mrs. Giffen, Sydney Giffen, Charles Gifford, Eliza Gilbert, Charles Henry Gilbert, Amy Gilbert, Herbert Gilbert, Sarah J. Gilbert, Leonard S. Gilbert, Amy S. Gilbert, Bertha Gilbert, William Gilbert, Stanley A. Gilbert, Philip Gilbert, Sarah J. Mrs. Gilbert, Daisy Gilbert, Ernest Gilbert, Ernest G. Gilbert, Ernest Geo. Gilbert, Howard Gilbert, Henry Gilbert, Grantley Cpl. Gilbert, Daisy D. Gilbert, Wm. Gilbert, Chas. Hy. Gilbert, Albert Gilbert, Alice Gilbert, Thomas A. Gilbert, Thomas Gilbert, Jane Gilbert, Fredk Gilbert, Sarah Gilbert, Leonard Gilbert, Charles E. Gilbert, Arthur Gilbert, H. Gilbert, Clara Gilbert, Richard Gilbert, Harriet (Mrs. W. G.) Gilbert, Agnes M. Gilbert, Arthur Frank Pvt. Gilbert, John Gilbert, Charles H. Gilbey, Raymond Gilby, Thomas Gilchrist, Jas. Gilchrist, D.J. Gilchrist, Henry Gilchrist, Daniel J. Gilchrist, Daniel Gilchrist, Hilda M. Mrs. Gilchrist, Arthur Gilchrist, Gilchrist, James Gilchrist, Alexander L. Gilchrist, Sam. J. Gilchrist, Daniel John Gilder, Wm. Robert Gildersleeve, Saml. Gildersleeve, Samuel Gildersleeve, Saml Gildersleeve, Albt Gildersleeve, Albt. Gilderson, Geo. A. Gilderson, George A. Gilderson, George Giles, Marion Giles, Alfred Joseph Giles, Marianne Giles, Mariannie Giles, Alice Giles, A. E. Giles, Henry Giles, Fred. Giles, Alice M. Giles, Lily Giles, Alice Mary Giles, Frederick Giles, Alfred Joseph Pvt. Giles, Harry / Henry Giles, G. Giles, Arthur Arnold Giles, Harry Giles, Frank G. Giles, Thos. M. Giles, Violet Giles, Frank George Giles, Sarah Giles, Thomas M. Giles, Alfred E. Gilfillan, George Gilham, Alice Gilham, Robert Gilham, Thomas Frederick Gilham, Alf. George Gilkes, Charles Gilkes, Charles D. Gilkes, Walter S. Gilkes, William Gilkes, William Pvt. Gilks, Walter Seaton Gilks, Walter S. Gilks, Walter Gilks, Alfred F. Gilks, Alfred Gill, Frank Gill, William T. Gill, Ernest W. Gill, Robert Noel Gill, Mary Gill, George Rev. Gill, Ernest Walter Gill, Gill, William H. Gill, David Gill, Reg. H. Gill, Herbert J. Gill, Rev. Gill, H.J. Gill, Mr. Gill, Robert Gill, Martha J. Gill, James William Gill, Alfred Gill, Marie Gill, Albert Gill, Reginald Gill, W.R. Gill, Edith Gill, Alfred John Gill, Ernest William Gill, William H.C. Gill, William Gill, Ronald Arthur Charles Gill, Amelia Gill, Ralph Gill, Emmiline Gill, Walter Gill, Ellen Gill, David Arnold Cpl. Gill, Martha Gill, Florence Gill, Alice Gill, William Hy. Gill, George Gill, Emmeline Gill, Albert Edward Gillam, Harold Gillan, Harold Gillard, Jessie Gillard, John Gillard, Dorothy I. Gillard, Christopher Mr. Gillard, Wm. Hy. Gillard, Caroline / Katie Giller, Edward G. Giller, Edw. G. Giller, William H. Gilles, D.M. Gillespie, John Ronald Gillespie, Heather Dare Gillespie, Maggie Gillespie, James Gillespie, Diana Gillespie, Ethel Mrs. Gillespie, MaggIe Gillespie, Willie Gillespie, Dougald C. Mr. Gillespie, Mrs. Gillespie, Barbara Gillet, Wm. Herbert Gillett, Rosina Gillett, Rosina F.K Gillett, Doris Gillett, Gillett, Mrs.Ellen Gillett, Margaret Gillett, Doris I. Gillett, Anthony Gillett, Doris T. Gillett, Rosina F. Gillett, Alfd. Gillford, Mary Gillham, Elizabeth Gillham, Elizabeth L. Gilliam, Harold Gilliame, Fanny Gilliard, Dorothy Gillingham, Jno. R. Gillingham, William Gillingham, James Gillings, Margaret Gillingwater, A. L. Gillingwater, Arthur L. Gillingwater, Alfred L. Gillis, Alice M. Gillis, Robt. John Gillispie, Mary Gilllett, Alfd Gillmore, Margaret (Mrs. T.) Gillon, John Quinn Gillot, Mrs. Gilman, J. Gilmartin, M. Gilmore, Jno. Gilmore, Thos. C.S. Gilmore, Richard Santon Gilmore, Robert Gilmore, John Gilmore, Geo. Frederick Henry Gilmore, James Gilmore, Wallace L. Gilmore, Gilmore, Thomas C. Gilmore, Thomas Gilmore, George Joseph Gilmour, Anna Gilson, Joseph Gilson, Mabel Mrs. Gilvear, Robert Gimber, Elizabeth Gimber, Emma Gimber, Gimber, E. Gimbert, Mrs Gimbert, Gimbert, Minnie Gimbert, Ada Gimlett, Stephen Gimson, Charlotte Gimson, Alice Gimson, Olive Gimson, Olive Ivy Ginder, Howard C. Gingle, Edward Gingle, Walter Ginner, Topsy Eliza Girault, Theodore Girdler, Herbert Girdler, James Girdler, Daniel Girdler, Geo Girdler, Geo. Girdler, Charles Girdlestone, Rev. Girdlestone, The Rev. Canon, MA Girdlestone, Canon Girdwood, James Giri, Michael Girl, Maya Girling, Ada Girnlett, Letitia Girvan, Wm. Girvan, Albert Victor Girvan, W. C. Pvt. Gisborne, Frederick W. Gisborne, Alice Gisborne, Frederick G. Gisbourne, Alice Gisbourne, Frederick W. Gisby, Samson Gitsham, Charles B. Gittens, Thomas (2) Henry J. Gittens, Leonard Elderton Gittens, Thomas (1) Gitting, Alfred Gittings, Alfred Gittings, Thomas (2) Henry J. Gittings, Elizabeth Gittings, Fred Gittings, F. Gittings, Fred. J. Gittins, Eliz. Gittins, Robert Basil Gittins, Thomas (2) Henry J. Gittins, Elizabeth Gladden, Joseph Gladding, E. C. Gladman, Charles M. Gladman, Charles Martin Pvt. Gladstone, D. Gladstone, William John Gladstone, Daniel Gladstone, David Gladstone, John Gladstone, Mr. Gladstone, W.E. Right Hon. Gladwell, Florence Gladwell, Arthur J. Gladwell, Robert J. Gladwin, Eileen Gladwin, Sheila Glancy, John W. Glanon, Gwen Glanville, Harriet Glanville, Amelia Glasbury, William Glasbury, Benjamin Glasgow, Daniel Glaspy, Florence Glass, Cecil Glass, ElIzabeth Glasscoe, Daniel Glasscoe, John H. Glasson, Sophia Glastonbury, Minnie Glastonbury, Minnie B. Glastonbury, Beatrice Minnie Glazebrook, Glazebrook, Hy. J. Glazebrook, Stanley Glazebrook, Stanley R. Glazier, Ivy Glazier, Henry Gleary, Jane Gleaves, George Gleaves, Gleed, George Gleeson, Ethel Glegg, Bertha Glen, Danl Glen, Charles Glen, Wm Glen, Bessie Glencross, Joseph Glendenning, John Glendenning, Mary E Glendinning, John Glenister, Harold Glenister, Harold G. Glenister, Jas J Glenister, Geo Glenister, James Jessup Glenn, Kjohn Glenn, William Glenn, Matthew Glenn, Danl Glenn, John Glennie, John R. Glennie, James Glennie, William R. Glennon, Ester Glenny, J.W. Mr. Gliddon, Frederick Geo. Gliddon, Geo. F. Gliddon, George Frederick Pvt. Glide, Frederick Glitz, A. E. Glodhill, LouIsa Glogham, Martin Glover, Major Glover, William Glover, Wm. Glover, Edith Glover, Sidney Glover, Harold Glover, Isabella Glover, H. Geo. Glover, Henry Glover, Lily Mrs. Glrainium, Gusst Glynn, Artr Glynne-Jones, Michael I. Glynne-Jones, Daphne K. Go?Obed, Jno. Goaling, Alfred Gobey, Mr. and Mrs. Goble, Stanley Goble, Charles A.B. Godard, Susan Godbehere, Ernest Godbehere, Arthur Godbehere, A. Godbehere, Albert Goddard, Harriet L. Goddard, Harry Goddard, Chas. A. Goddard, Violet Goddard, Gladys Goddard, George Goddard, Jas. E. Goddard, Fred James Goddard, Walter Goddard, Albert E. Goddard, Leonard Goddard, Alfred Goddard, A. E. Goddard, Rodney C.S. Goddard, Sydney A. Goddard, Rodney C. Goddard, Horace Goddard, Wm. Goddard, Ethel Goddard, Alec Goddard, Charles Goddard, Frank Goddard, Patricia May Goddard, Owen Goddard, Ada Goddard, Charles Henry Goddard, Charles H. Goddard, J. Goddard, Albert Goddard, John Goddard, Barbara C. H. Goddard, Edward Goddard, Maria Goddard, Gladys A. Goddard, Jimmy Goddard, William Goddard, John S. Goddard, Matilda Goddard, Goddard, Henry Godden, Jeanette Godden, Agnes Godden, Edith Lillian Godfrey, Bertha C. Godfrey, Mabel Miss. Godfrey, Bertha Godfrey, Mr. Godfrey, J.W. Godfrey, Gerald Godfrey, Samuel Godfrey, Mabel Godfrey, Charles Godfrey, Mrs. Godfrey, Miss. Godfrey, Reg. J. Godfrey, Geo Godfrey, Thomas Arthur Godfrey, Sibyl Miss. Godfrey, Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey, Mr. & Mrs. Godfrey, John Godfrey, Dora Godfrey, Herbert Mr. Godfrey, Leopold Godfrey, James E. Godfrey, Chas. Godfrey, Ethel Godfrey, Thos. Godfrey, Joseph Godfrey, Reginald G. Godfrey, Jas. E. Godfrey, Walter H Godfrey, James Godfrey, J. R. Godfrey, Ethel Miss. Godfrey, Chas Godfrey, John M. Godfrey, Saml Godfrey, Philip Godley, Arthur Godman, AlIce Godman, Mary Godman, Agnes Godschalk, Cyril Godsell, Thomas Godson, William Godson, W. Godson, Miss. Godson, Jane Godtschalk, Cyril Godward, Sidney A.L. Godward, Sidney Godwin, Walter Godwin, Maria Godwin, Charles Edward Godwin, Leonard Godwin, Leonard Thos. Goeman, Edith Mrs. Goen, John Goff, Kate Goff, Elizabeth Anne Goff, Ernest W. Goffard, Alfred Gogarty, Michael Goggins, Jennie M. Goguel, Charles Gokie, James Golch, Ernest Gold, Charles Gold, Jack R. Gold, George Gold, Mary Ann Gold, Harry Golden, William Golden, Herbert Victor Pvt. Golden, H. Vic. Goldenburg, Ben. Golder, Rose Golder, George Golder, Rose C. Golder, Ross C. Golder, Wm. A. Golder, William Arthur Golder, Willie Golder, Jno. Hy. Golder, John H. Golder, Rosie Goldfinger, Elizabeth A. Goldfinger, John Goldie, Norah Mrs. Goldie-Baker or Baker, Thomas Inglis Goldie Goldie-Baker or Baker, Winifred Stella Goldie Golding, Peter Golding, Alice L. Golding, Alice L Golding, Wm. Golding, Lionel Golding, Robert Golding, Sheila Golding, Sidney Hy. Golding, Alfred Golding, William Golding, William Herbert Golding, Frederick Chs. Golding, James Wilfred Goldingham, Virginia Goldsby, Ellen Goldsby, William Goldsby, Thomas Goldsmith, Charles Goldsmith, C. Goldsmith, Perry Goldsmith, William Goldsmith, Mary Goldsmith, Arthur Goldsmith, Art. J. Goldsmith, Charlotte Goldsmith, Arthur G. Goldsmith, John Goldsmith, Wm. Goldsmith, Ann Goldsmith, Thomas Frank Goldstein, Adolph Goldstone, Herbert Goldstone, Christopher Goldstone, Daniel Goldstraw, Joseph Goldsworthy, Albert Goleby, Cha Goley, Henry Golle, George Golledge, Cecil G. Gollidge, Thomas E. Golling, Arthur Pvt. Golliss, George Gomersall, George William Gomersall, George W. Gomersall, Geo. W. Gomm, Emily Gomm, Louisa Gonge, Frederick Stoker Gonin, Jennifer Gonin, Roger Gooch, Emma Good, Good, Henry J. Good, John Francis Good, Harry Good, Henry Good, Thomas Good, John F. Good, Henry John Good, William Good, Hy. John Good, Henry A. Goodale, Robert Goodall, Albert V. Goodall, Charles Goodall, David Goodall, Archibald Douglass Goodall, James Goodall, Alert V. Goodall, Albert Victor Goodall, Victor Goodall, Beatrice Goodall, Mabel Goodall, Frederick Burt Goodall, Albert Goodall, Robert Goodall, Alvert V. Goodan, Frank Goodard, John Edward Goodard, Gladys Goodbody, Lizzie Goodbody, Elizabeth Goodchild, Chas Goodchild, Jack Goodchild, Ada Goodchild, Henry Goodchild, N. Goodchild, Thomas Arthur Goodchild, William C. Goode, Ada Goode, Colin Goode, Henry Goode, Wm. Goode, Mark Goode, Frank Goode, William Gooden, George Gooden, Geo T Goodenough, Charles A. Goodenough, Geo Gooder, Rose Gooder, Elizabeth Goodey, Winifred G. Goodfellow, Henry Goodfellow, Geo Goodfellow, William Goodfellow, George Goodfellow, George Mr. Goodfellow, G. Goodfellow, Mr. Goodfelow, William Goodfrey, Gerald Goodgain, Rose Goodge, Edwin S. Goodger, Gertrude Goodger, Rose Goodhead, J. Mrs. Goodhead, Eliza Goodhead, Lizzie Goodhead, Elizabeth Goodier, Henry Gooding, Geo. Hy. Gooding, John Gooding, Chas. Gooding, George H. Gooding, William Gooding, Albert Gooding, Charles Gooding, Bertram Goodison, B. Goodman, William Goodman, Ada Goodman, T.M. Goodman, Louis Goodman, Thos. J. Goodman, Emily Goodman, I.M. Goodman, Percy Goodman, Charles Goodman, Horace Goodman, Thomas M. Goodman, Mary Goodman, Henry Goodman, Frank Goodman, William Henry Goodman, Elizabeth Goodreave, Charles Goodshell, J. Goodside, Wm. Goodson, H. Goodwin, Arthur Goodwin, Goodwin, Mornington Goodwin, Julian Goodwin, Sidney Goodwin, Andrew Goodwin, Daphne Goodwin, Arthur R Goodwin, Eliza Goodwin, George Thomas Goodwin, Cecil B Goodwin, Kenneth Goodwin, Herbert I Goodwin, Gertrude Goodwin, Edward Goodwin, Henry Goodwin, W.A. Goodwin, Charles Goodwin, Edith Goodwood, Mrs. Percy Goodwyn, Gertrude Goodwyn, Cecilia Goodwyn, Flora Goodwyn, Louisa Goodwyn, Grace Goody, Winifred G.L. Goody, Winifred Grace Goody, Winifred Goody, Winifred G. Goody, Winifed Goody, Winnifred Goodyear, James Goodyear, Edward Goodyear, Elizabeth Goodyear, Arthur Charles Goodyear, Arthur Goodyer, Arthur C. Gooodram, Rose A Goor, Serah Gordon, John Gordon, Margt Gordon, Elsie Gordon, Joseph Gordon, Oliver Gordon, Florence Gordon, Roderick Gordon, J.R. Gordon, Johan Gordon, William Gordon, Ronald Mr. Gordon, Terence Gordon, Alf. Gordon, Malcolm Gordon, F. Gordon, Lukyn Gordon, Barb Gordon, Terrance Gordon, Margaret Gordon, Johnnie Gordon, Alexander Gordon, Henry Gordon, Mr Gordon, Duncan Gordon, Goodman Bradford Gordon, AnnIe Gordon, Effield Gordon, Mary Gordon, Arthur Gordon, D W Gordon, Ann Gordon, Sidney Gordon, Stephen Gordon, Hy. Keith Gordon, Eliza J. Gordon, Mrs Gordon, Jessie Mary Gordon, Jessie Gordon, Bessie Gordon, Margaret G. Gordon, Robert Cpl. Gordon, Lizzie Gordon, Alexn Gordon, Jim Gordon, Griselda Gordon, Thomas Gordon, Arthur Pvt. Gordon, Sam Gordon, Annie Gordon, Walter Gordon, Joseph A. Gordon, Audrey Gore, Joseph Gorhall, Thos Gorking, John Gorking, Jno. Gormaly, Mr. Gorman, Samuel Gorman, Walter Gorman, Kathleen Gorman, Edith M. Mrs. Gormlie, Ralph Gornell, Horace Goroodzola, Georgie Gorrie, Colin Gorrie, John Gorse, William Gosconbe, Charles Gosden, David G. Gosling, Alfred Gosling, Edward Gosling, Reginald Gosling, Percy Gosling, Daniel Gosling, Wm. Hy. Gosling, William Gosling, Willie Gosnay, minnie Gosnay, Minnie Goss, Mr. Fred Goss, Samuel Gossage, William Gossage, Wm. Gossage, Thomas Gossage, Thos. Gotch, Ernest Gothberg, Svea E. C. Gothberg, Beatrice Gothberg, S.A. Beatrice Gothberg, Signe A.B. Gotobee, Jno Gotschalk, Cyril Gott, J. H. Gotts, Dorothy Goucher, Albert Henry Goucher, Florence (Mrs. George) Goucher, Frederick George Gouge, Edwin Gouge, Alfred Gouge, Alf Gouge, Minnie Gouge, Mary Adelaide Gouge, Annie Gouget, Charles Gough, Arthur Gough, Amy Gough, Richard Gough, Elsie Gough, Howard Gough, Daisy Gough, Edith Gough, Hugh Gough, Mrs. Gough, Sarah Gough, Richard C. Gough, Lottie Mrs. Gough, Daisy Mrs. Gough, Edwin Gough, Albert Henry Gough, Nellie Gough, John Gough, Amelia J. Gough, Alfred Gough, William H. Gough, Albert Gough, Rhoda Gough, Edith M. Gough, Jennifer Gough, James Gough, Albert E. J. Gough, Mary Gould, Eric Gould, Doris Gould, Herbert Gould, Geo Gould, Muriel Gould, Annie Gould, George Gould, Frank Gould, Mary Ann Gould, Allen Gould, Gould, Edward Gould, D. Gould, John Gould, William Gould, Ethel Gould, Ernest A. Gould, Agnes Gould, Edith Gould, Florence Gould, Maud Gould, Rebecca Gould, Mary Gould, Annie M. Gould, Mary E. Gould, Ernest A.C. Gould, Hector Gould, Brenda Goulden, John Goulding, William Goulding, Louisa Goulding, Walter Goulding, E. Goulding, Walter Gibson Gourman, Thomas Gove, Annie Gover, Emily Gow, Joseph Gowan, Mr. Gowen, Mr. Gower, Alfred Gower, John Richard Thomas Gower, Florence Gower, Florence M. Gower, Robert Thomas Gower, Beatrice Gower, George E. Gowers, Henry R. Gowie, GeorgIna Gowing, Clifford F. Gowing, Clifford J. Gowkey or Cowkey, Grace Gowlland, Winifred Grabham, George Grabham, Ralph Grabham, Ivor Robert Grabham, Annie Grace, Eva Grace, W.G. Dr. Grace, Alfred Mr. and Mrs. Grace, Alfred Gradwell, Chas. Robt. Gradwell, Charles H. Gradwell, Charles R. Grady, Cath. Grady, Robert Grady, Michael Grady, Catherine Grady, John Grady, Hannah Grady, Wm Graham, Sarah J. Graham, Alice Graham, Nehemiah Graham, Dolly Graham, Thomas Graham, Sarah Graham, William (1) Graham, Geo. E. Graham, Mary Graham, Nellie Graham, John J. Graham, Charles Graham, Roy Graham, Percy B. Graham, A. Esq. Graham, Matthew Graham, James Graham, John W. Graham, R. Graham, Alice R. Graham, Percey Graham, Clara Graham, Thos. Mrs. Graham, Ruth Graham, Richard Graham, Miss. Graham, W. H. Graham, Doris Graham, Percy Graham, Jno. Graham, E. Graham, Rich Graham, Frank Graham, Geo. Emil Graham, Edmund Graham, Edward Graham, Jas Graham, Graham, Alexander Graham, Norah Graham, Chas. J. Graham, Ellen Graham, Elizabeth A. Graham, Jessie Graham, Daisy Graham, Jean Graham, Joseph Graham, Alice Ruth Graham, Lizzie Graham, Mrs. J.A. Graham, John Graham, William Graham, Alfred Graham, William (2) Farrow Graham, H. Grahame, Ronald, Douglas, Rodgerson Grainger, George D. Grainger, Samuel Grainger, William Grainger, G.D. Grainger, Selina Grainger, Geo. D. Grainger, Albert Grainger, James Graley, Thomas Grand, Claudien S. Grand, Walter Grandage, Diana Grandame, Francois / Francis Grandame, Adeline Grandame, Gustave Grandame, Marie Grandison, Wm. Grandison, William Grandley, James |
Grandon, Lily Grandville, Hy. Jos. Grandy, J. Victor Grandy, Robert Mrs. Grandy, Sarah Ann Grandy, Thomas Graney, John George Granfuld, Walter Grange, Charles Vincent Granger, James Granger, Celina / Selina Jane Granger, Geo. D. Granger, Jas. Granham, Fred Granholm, James Granmer, Herbert Granner, Thomas Arthur Grant, Maria Grant, Basil Grant, Austin Grant, Anne Grant, Lilian Grant, Leon Geo. Grant, W. L. Grant, Lillian Grant, Robert Grant, Walter Grant, CatherIne Grant, Nellie Grant, Lily / Lilian Grant, Margaret Grant, Thomas Grant, A. F. M. Grant, Herbert H. Grant, Jane (Mrs. Walter) Grant, Arthur Grant, William Grant, Hetty Grant, Wm Geo Grant, Harriett Grant, Grant, Edith (Mrs. Benjamin) Grant, Mary Grant, George Grant, William H. Grant, E. Grant, MarIon Grant, MaggIe Grant, Annie Miss. Grant, Charles Grant, Elsie Grant, George Edward Sapper Grant, Isabella Grantham, James Grantham, Jas. Grantham, Walter Granville, John Granville, Henry J. Granville, Granville, Hy J. Granville, Henry Joseph Granville, Hy. J. Granville, Amelia Granville, John H. Grapes, Sidney Grasett, H.J. Col. C.M.G. Grass, Nellie (Mrs. Del T.) Grass, Elsie Grassby, Francis Grassett, H.J. Colonel Grassett, F.A.M. Dr. Grassett, H.J. Col. Grassie, Stuart Kiniment Grassie, Colin B. Gratrix, Charles Gratton, John William Gratton, Annie Gratton, Gladys Gratton, Sarah Gratton, Hannah Gratwick, John Thomas Gratwick, John T. Gravatt, Wm. Gravatt, Elizabeth Gravatte, Graver, Walter Graver, Frederick Graves, Sidney Graves, Stanley Graves, Sarah Ann (Mrs.) Graves, Arthur L Graves, George Graves, Sam Graves, Harry Graves, Fred. E. Gravett, Henry Gravillet, Gravitt, Henry Gravitt, Harry Gray, John H. Gray, Melvina Gray, Mary Ann Gray, Clara Marion Gray, John Gray, Alice Gray, Thomas E. Gray, Reginald F. Gray, Ada Gray, Phoebe Gray, Clara Gray, Wm Edwd Gray, Robin Gray, Harriett Gray, Alice S. Gray, Alfred A. Gray, R. Gray, Josh Gray, Edward G. Gray, John G. Gray, Alice Susannah Gray, Gray, Mrs. Gray, Wm Hy Gray, Amy E. Gray, Thomas A. Gray, Andrew Gray, Robbie Gray, Alfred William Gray, Rebecca Gray, Florence E. Gray, Harriet Gray, Elizabeth Gray, Amy Gray, Emily Gray, Robert Mr. Gray, S.M. Major Gray, W.W. Gray, Robert Gray, Ed. G. Gray, Geo Gray, Henry Gray, Edward Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Gray, Daisy L. Mrs. Gray, C. Gray, Lily Gray, Hepzibah Gray, Elsa I. Mrs. Gray, Frederick C. Gray, James Gray, Mr. Gray, Eliza Gray, Percy Gray, John A. Gray, Thomas Alfred Gray, Stanley Gray, Wm. Gray, Mifanwy / Ruby Gray, Herbert Gray, George Gray, C. F. Gray, Thomas Gray, Emily Beatrice Gray, Dorothy Gray, Wm. A. Gray, george Gray, Alice L. Gray, George W. Gray, Harold Gray, Mary E. Gray, William Henry Gray, Phebe Gray, Mary Gray, Margaret (Mrs. Samuel) Gray, George Ernest Grayless, Ellen Grayson, Jessie M. Grayson, Jessie Margaret Grayson, Jessie Grayson, Mary Grayston, Horace Pvt. Graystone, Henry Graystone, Herbert Graystone, Herbert C. Graystone, Hubert Grayton, Jessie M. Grazier, Agnes Greaterix, Charles Greathead, Reuben Greathead, Reuben F. Greatrex, Arthur Greatrex, Charles Greaves, Samuel Greaves, John Cpl. Greaves, Daisy Greaves, Mary E. Greaves, Horace Greaves, George A. Greaves, Lily Ethel Greaves, Mr. Alfred H Greaves, Nellie Greaves, George Greaves, Albert Greaves, Arthur L. Greaves, Mary Greaves, Albert E. Greaves, Stanley C. Greaves, Arthur Greaves, Stanley Charles Greaves, Sam Greaves, Violet Greaves, Stanley Greaves, Charles Edward Greedy, Fred T. Greeley, Horace Green, A. G. Green, William (3) Green, Violet Green, Sarah Green, F.W. Esq. Green, Ronald May Green, William (1) Green, Alf. Green, Alice Green, William Green, Walter Green, Mabel Green, Rosina Green, Nellie Green, Ellen Green, Alfred E. A. Green, William F. Green, J.E. Green, Edith Elizabeth Green, Eliza Green, Green, John Green, Gertrude Violet Green, Betsy Green, Lizzie Green, Albert E. Green, Alfred Harold Green, Albert Green, Beatrice E. Green, Beatrice Green, Jos. J. Green, Esther Green, George Everett Green, Beryl Green, David Green, Albert Richard Green, Florence Green, John Westwood Green, James (3) Green, R. Wm. Green, Harold E. Green, Stanley Green, James (2) Green, Chas. Green, Jessie E. Green, Willam Green, George Green, Albert A. Green, Rose Ann Green, Mrs. Green, Roy Green, Hannah Green, William (4) Green, Harold Green, Joseph Green, Daisy Green, Ernest Green, Dora Green, F.W. Green, James Green, Worthy Henry Green, Catherine Green, Cyril Green, Annie Green, Gilbert Green, Charlie E. Green, Rosie Green, S. H. Green, Albert Edward Green, Adelaide Ann Green, Charles Green, Wm Green, George W. Green, Walter J. Green, Thomas R. Green, Harold W. Green, Georgina Green, Jane Green, Hilda Green, Rev. W.H. Green, Fredrick Green, Geo. L. Green, Alfred Green, Ian Green, Henry W. Green, Adelaie Ann Green, Arthur Green, Jas. Green, Mr. Green, David William Green, Emily Green, Herbert Green, A. W. Mr. Green, Victor W. Green, Earnest H. Green, Elizabeth Green, Dorothy Green, Henry Thomas Green, James (1) Green, Catherine Annie Green, Francis Green, William (2) Green, Arthur George Green, Wm. Green, Caroline Mrs. Green, Fred. H. Green, Thomas Green, Thomas H. Green, Alfred A. Green, Stanley E. Green, Jessie Green, Mercy Mary Green, W. Green, Louisa Green, G. Green, Mrs. G.W. Green, Mary Jane Green, Alb. A. Green, Charlie Green, Thomas William Green, Frederick Green, F. C. Green, Edwd Geo Green, Joseph James Green, Arthur W. Green, Jimmy Green, Charles Edward Green, Emma Green, W.M. Green, Winnifred Amelia Green, P. Mrs. Green, Mrs. Frank Green, Edward Green, H.E. Greenaway, James Greenaway, Mrs. W.R. Greenaway, John Greenbury, Mrs. Greene, Greene, James Greenen, Ernest Reg. Greeney, Elizabeth Greenfield, Herbert Greenfield, Bertram Greenfield, Edith Greenfield, John Thomas Greenfield, John Thos. Greenfield, Frances Greenfield, Robt. James Greenfield, J.G. Greenfield, Bessie Greengrass, Reginald Greengrass, Ellis A. Greenhalgh, Elizabeth Greenhalgh, James Greenhalgh, Henry Stewart Greenhall, Lily Greenham, Sidney C. Greenham, Sid. C. Greenhill, Arthur Greenhouse, Susanna / Susan Greenhouse, Lily Greening, Mary Greenland, Victor Ernest Morgan Greenling, William George Greenshaw, A. H. Greenslade, Charles Greenslade, Ernest Greenslade, Ernest F. Greenslade, Ernest F.G. Greenslade, Ernest Frank Greenslade, John Lloyd Greenstreet, Chas. W. Greenstreet, H.F. Greenstreet, Ch. W.P. Greenstreet, Horace Greentree, Charles William Greentree, Charles W. Greentree, Frederick A. Greentree, Charles W.P. Greentree, Fred A. Greentree, George Harry Greentree, George Henry Greentree, Chas. W.P. Greentree, Chas. Greentree, Fred Greentree, Chas W. P. Greentree, George H. Greenway, John Henry Greenway, Alfred Greenway, Howard Greenway, Dorothy Greenway, Francis William Greenwood, Hy. Greenwood, John Greenwood, Thomas Greenwood, Walter Greenwood, Sydney Stuart Greenwood, Herbert Greenwood, Sidney Greenwood, Arthur Greenwood, Robert William Greenwood, Robert W. Greenwood, William Greenwood, Ern. Percy Greenwood, Alfd Greenwood, Robert Greenwood, Thos. Greenwood, Ralph S Greenwood, H. Greenwood, Percy R Greenwood, Kirby Greenwood, Harold Greenwood, Gilbert Greenwood, Edwin Greenwood, Ed. Greer, Mr. Jerry Greer, Mabel Greer, Margt Greer, George Greer, Archie Greer, Lizzie Greetham, Mary Greg, John William Gregg, Jessie Gregg, Daniel E Gregg, Robert James Gregg, Mr. Gregg, Daniel Edward Gregory, Albert Gregory, Jane Gregory, Maud Gregory, William Gregory, Andrew Gregory, Samuel Gregory, Caroline Gregory, Eliza Gregory, Minnie Gregory, John Gregory, Frank (1) Gregory, Margaret Gregory, Hannah Gregory, James Gregory, Edgar / Albert E. Gregory, Alice Gregory, Hy Gregory, Eva Gregory, Ellen Gregory, William B. Gregory, William G. Gregory, Jno Gregory, Christine Gregory, Wm. G. Gregory, Edward Gregory, Henry Gregory, Hy Chas Gregory, Alfred Gregory, Frank (2) Gregory, Ellen / Nelly Gregory, Sarah A Gregory, Sarah Ann Gregory, Jane Elizabeth Gregson, Bridget E. Gregson, Michael F. Gregson, Richard Gregson, Richard J. Gregson, Hilary F. Gregson, Charles Gregsond, Richard Greiff, Harry Martin C.P. Greig, Robert William Grenzeback, W.H. Mr. Gresham, G. Gresty, ElIz. Grey, Mr. and Mrs. Grey, Albert Grey, Thomas Grey, Emily Grey, Geo. E. Grey, Margaret (Mrs. Samuel) Grey, John Grey, Willie Grey, The Right Hon. the Earl, GCB, GCMG, LLM Greyling, Fred Greyson, Annie Greystone, Herbert C. Greystone, H. Gribbin, John Gribble, Harriett E. Gribble, Harriet Gribble, Harriet E. Grice, Hubert Edwin Grice, J. Grice, John Grice, Charles Grice, Ethel Gridley, Tom Gridley, Thomas Griesbach, Mrs. C.G. Grieve, Maureen Grieve, Valentine Grieve, Norma Grieve, Ann Grieve, Walter Grieves, Ida Grieves, Annie Griffen, Mr. William Griffen, Maria Griffen, James Griffen, Leslie Griffen, Henry Griffey, Joseph Griffin, Thomas William Griffin, Leslie Griffin, Emma Griffin, Henry W. Griffin, Mrs. Griffin, Thomas Griffin, Richard H. Griffin, F.T. Griffin, John Griffin, Nesby James L/Cpl. Griffin, Thomas W. Griffin, J. N. Griffin, Charles H. Griffin, Charles Griffin, Edward James Griffin, Hy Griffin, Maria Griffin, R.H. Griffin, Harry Victor Griffin, Richard Hy. Griffin, Joseph Griffin, Grace Griffin, William (1) Griffin, C. H. Griffin, Chas. Griffin, Richard Henry Griffin, William (2) / Willie A. Griffin, P. W. F. Griffin, W. Griffin, Albert / Bertie Griffin, J. H. Griffin, Lily Griffin, Leslie A. Griffin, James Griffin, Charles Henry Griffin, Lillian Griffin, Wm. F. Griffin, Ethel Griffin, Nicholas Luckman Griffin, ElIzabeth Griffin, Susan Jane Griffith, Herbert Griffith, Ernest F. Griffith, Harvey W. Griffith, Mr. Griffith, Alice Griffith, Wm. E. Griffith, Isaac Griffith, Grace Violet Griffith, Grace Griffith, Martha Griffith, George Griffith, Ernest Frederick Griffith, John Griffith, Annie Griffith, Harriet Griffith, Ann Griffith, A. G. Griffith, A. R. Dr. Griffith, Arthur Griffith, Wm Griffith, Ernest Griffith, George Mr. Griffith, Geo. J. Griffith, Ernest Fred. Griffith, Messrs. Griffiths, Joseph Griffiths, Bessie Griffiths, Geo. Jestyn Griffiths, Henry Griffiths, William Griffiths, Emily L. Griffiths, George Jestyn Griffiths, Robert MacDonald Griffiths, Gertrude Griffiths, Emily Griffiths, John Griffiths, Raymond Griffiths, Glyn Griffiths, Annie Griffiths, Rose Griffiths, Agnes Griffiths, Herbert J. Griffiths, Martha Griffiths, Arthur Griffiths, Grace Griffiths, Louise May / Mary Griffiths, Ivy Mrs. Griffiths, Edward Griffiths, Georgina Griffiths, Harriet Griffiths, Eric Griffiths, William Eldred Griffiths, Amy Griffiths, Thomas Griffiths, Minnie / Martha Griffiths, Wm. Eldred Griffiths, Elizabeth Griffiths, Martin David Griffiths, George Griffiths, Leslie Augustus Harris Griffiths, Alice Griffiths, Ethel Griffiths, Walter V. Griffiths, John / Thomas Griffiths, Jessie Griffiths, William (1) Griffiths, Margaret Griffiths, Walter John Griffiths, Leslie H. Griffiths, Walter J Griffiths, Henry / Harry Griffiths, Benjamin Griffiths, Clarence V. Griffiths, Lizzie Griffiths, William E. Griffiths, Jno. Griffiths, Gladys Griffiths, Ruth Griffiths, Rosalie Jane Griffiths, Griffiths, William (2) Howard Griffiths, W. J. Griffiths, Harry Griffiths, William (3) Griffiths, William (4 ) Albert Griffiths, George Henry Griffiths, Grace V. Griffiths, Jane Griffittes, Emily Griffths, Horace Grigg, Ernest Grigg, George Edwin Griggin, Alfred Griggs, Rhoda Griggs, Minnie Griggs, Frederick Griggs, George Chas. Grilton, Lavinia Grime, J. Grimes, Georgina Grimes, Walter Grimes, William Grimley, Mary Grimley, Thomas Grimm, Annie B. Grimm, Annie Beatrice Grimmer, Geo. Saml. Hy. Grimmett, George Grimmett, Charles F. Grimmett, Benjamin Orange Grimmitt, Benjamin Orange Grimshaw, Thomas Grimshaw, Henry Grimshaw, T. B. Grimshaw, Jno. Grimshaw, Wm. Grimshaw, Jessie Grimsley, Ernest Thomas Grimson, Donald Grimwood, A. E. Grimwood, Daniel Grimwood, Thomas Grimwood, Lydia Grimwood, Seymour Grimwood, Edward W. Grindle, Hy. Grindley, Fred Grindley, George Grinsdale, Joseph Grinton, Arthur Grinway, Henry Wm. Grisbrook, John H. Grisbrook, Hy Grisbrook, Henry Grisdale, Geo. E. Grisdale, George E. Grisdale, George Eric Grist, Albert Edward Grist, William C. Grist, Jas. W. Grist, William Chas. Grist, Albert E. Grist, James William Gristey, William T. Gristry, William T. Griswald, Mr. and Mrs. Gritten, Elizabeth Leila Gritton, Florence Gritton, Chas Wm Gritton, William Charles Gritton, Lavinia Smith Grocott, Nellie Grocult, Wm Grocutt, William Grogan, Julia Grogaw, Mary Groggan, Geo Groggan, Geo. Groggins, Jacob Grohman, Albert E. Grohman, Albert Grohman, Alb. E. Grohmann, Albert E. Groom, William Groom, John Groom, Fred. A. Groom, Arthur Groom, Henry Groombridge, Christina Groombridge, Arthur Groome, John C. Groome, Groome, Cluade Groome, John Cedric Grose, Rosina Grossley, Eliza Groucher, Florence (Mrs. George) Groundwell, Nellie Grout, William Henry Grout, Ernt. J. Grout, Edwards J. Grout, Willie Grout, Edward J. Grouth, William J. Grove, Alfred J.W. Grove, Walter Grove, George Grove, Edward Lewis Grove, Richard George Grove, Alfred J. Grover, Murray B. Grover, William Thomas Grover, Arthur J. Grover, Arthur Jubilee Grover, Arthur Grover, M.B. Grover, Mabel Grover, Murray Bristol Grover, A. J. Mrs. Groves, Annie Groves, Alfred Groves, G. Sgt. Groves, Albert E. Groves, Matthew Rueben Groves, William Groves, Frederick Groves, Elizabeth Groves, Richard P. Groves, Walter Groves, Henry Groves, James Groves, Sarah Groves, Charles R. Groves, Thomas Groves, Wm. Groves, John Groves, Albert Edward Groves, Arthur W. Groves, Arhtur Wm. Groves, Henry L. Groves, Grovier, Elias Growcott, Ewart / Edward John Growcott, Harold Arthur Grower, Grower, Francis Grower, Alfred Gruar, A. Grub, Emily Grubb, Emma Victoria Grubb, Elizabeth Grubb, Emma V. Grubb, Bessie Grubb, Edwin Gruber, Desider Gruber, Gruggan, Miss G. Gruggan, MIss Gruggen/Gruggan, ElIzabeth Grumball, Eileen Grumdy, Alfred F. Grundy, Harry Grundy, Samuel, P. Jones Grundy, Hy. Grundy, Arthur Grundy, Alfred F. Grundy, Grundy, Alf. Grundy, Thomas Grundy, Alfred T. Grundy, Alfred Francis Grute, Herbert Gubbins, Harold Gubbins, Minnie Gubbins, John Gudgeon, Alfred S. Guerard, Emily Guerier, A. Guerin, W. Guerney, Beatrice Guerney, Frederick Charles Guerney, Arthur Edwin Guerrier, Achille Guerrier, A. Guest, Harry Guest, Mr. Thomas A. Guest, John Arnold Guest, Elizabeth Hariet Guest, Mr. Frank Guest, Jno Wm Guest, Joseph Guest, Elizabeth H Guest, Harry Pvt. Guest, Jabez Guest, Mrs. Guest, Thomas Guest, James Guest, Arthur Guest, Henry Guest, William Guest, Haydon Dr. Guild, Mrs. Guildford, Guildford, William Guiler, Miss. Maggie Guilfoyle, Catherine Guinibert-Check, Raymond Guinibert-Check, Rosalie Guinness, Harry Dr. Guinness, Jeremiah Guinness, Grattan Dr. Guinness, Peter W Guipson, Elizabeth Gullen, Colin Gulley, Arthur Gulliford, Robert N. Gulliford, Emma Gulliman, Henry F. Gulliman, H.F. Gulliver, Ethel Gulliver, William E. Gulliver, Wm. E. Gulliver, Walliam E. Gulliver, Ethel, Maude Gulls, Jane Mrs. Gumbelton, Emily Gumbleton, Emily Gumbrell, A. E. Gun, Alfred B. Gunn, Alice Gunn, John B. Gunn, LIzzIe Gunn, A. Gunn, Richard Gunn, Alfred D. Gunn, J. Gunn, Wm Gunn, Mary Josephine Gunn, Alistair Gunn, Arthur H. Gunner, Edgar Gunner, Joseph Gunning, Arthur Howard Gunning, Mr. William Gunnir, A. Gunthorpe, Thos. W. Gunthrie, Dora Guppy, Percival John Guppy, Arthur G. Guppy, P.J. Guppy, Charles H. Guppy, Henry Guppy, Percy John Guppy, Arthur George Guppy, Arthur Gupwell, Jennie Gurd, D.F. Dr. Gurden, Mrs. William Gurdon, Stephen Gure?, Ada Gurney, Arthur Edwin Gurney, Beatrice Gurnham, N. Gurr, Albert E. Gurr, William C. Gurr, Amos A. Gurr, Alfred Gurr, Edgar James Gurr, Edgar Jos. Gurr, Amos A. Mr. Gurr, A. Gurrell, Wm. Gurrell, Will Gurrell, Wm. H. Gurrell, William Gusen, Aaron Gusterson, Florence Gusterson, Caroline Gusterson, Mary Guthrie, Alexandre Guthrie, Dora Guthrie, Mary Guthrie, Alex. Guthrie, Alexander Guthrie, Albert Guthrie, Herbert Guthrie, Herbert A. Guthrie, Robert Guthrie, Herbert Alex Gutman, Alfred Gutsell, Rose Gutteridge, William J. Gutteridge, John Guttridge, John Guttridge, Jas. Guy, Stanley Guy, Thomas Guy, Mary Guy, Charles Edwin Guy, John Guy, Louisa Guy, Walter Guy, Harry Guy, George William Guy, Laura Guy, Eliza Guy, Leonard Guy, William E. Guy, Chas. F. Guy, Tommy Guyott, Chas Guyse, Wm. Guyton, Maisie E. Guyton, Maisie Guyton, Maise Guyton, Mailie Gwatkin, Willoughby Garnons Gwilliam, William Gwymar, W. L/C Gwymar, L/C W. Gwyn, William J. Gwyn, David Gwynn, Thomas H. Gwynn, Mary, Livingston, Forrester Gwynn, Kate Gwynne, Miss. Gwyon, Arthur Gyde, Wm. Gyde, Rose Gyde, George F. Gyde, William Arthur Gyde, William Gyde, Rose Annie Gyde, William A. Gyde, Geo. T. Gyde, George Francis Gyertson, Henry Arthur Gynane, Jospeh Gyson, Jno. W. H--, Fred H., S.J. H., I. H., F. H., J. H. LeBreton, Ross H???, Sophia Haarle, Laura Haarle, Diasy Haarle, Daisy Hachman, Herbert Hack, Edward Hacket, Ronald A. Hackett, Charles V. Hackett, Constance Hackett, George Hackett, Ada Hackett, Chas. Jas. Hackett, George E. Hackett, Thomas Hackett, Hackett, George A.H. Hackett, Geo. A.H. Hackett, John Hackett, Ronald A. Hackett, Alfred Henry / Edward Hackman, Mr. Hackman, George Hackman, Eileen Hackman, Samuel Hadaway, Richard Hadder, Geo Haddington, Archibald Haddlington, Solomon Haddock, Margret Haddock, Margaret Haddon, Eileen Haddon, Eilleen Haden, Ernest L. Haden, Ernest Pvt. Haden, William Hadfield, Joseph Hadfield, John Hadge, Elizabeth Hadley, William Hadley, Robert A. Hadley, Samuel Hadley, Julius Edward Hadley, Mona Hadley, Harry Hadley, Joseph Hadley, Claude Hadley, Charles Hadley, Robert Abel Hadley, Clement Hadley, Frederick Hadlow, Vera Hadnutt, Jas. Hadnutt, James H. Hadnutt, Samuel Hadnutt, S. Hagans, W. Hagarty, Thomas Hagarty, Ann Hagarty, Martin Hagarty, Mary Hagel, Ethel Hagell, Mrs. Hagell, Mr. Hagell, Mr. and Mrs. Hagell, E. J. Hager, Helen Hagerty, James Haggar, Fred Haggar, Mary E. Haggarty, Geo. Hagger, Violet Hagger, Lily Hagger, William S.C. Hagger, Alec. C. Hagger, Alexander Hagger, Alex Charles Hagger, Alex. C. Hagger, Alex Hagger, Alex C. Hagger, Emily Hagger, Wiliam C. Hagger, Fred. S. Hagger, Henry Hagger, Lily G. Hagger, Haggerty, John Haggerty, Johanna Haggith, Timothy Hague, Patricia Hague, John Hague, Arnold Hague, Horace Hague, Miss. Haig, Ernest Haigh, Frederick Haigh, Jos. Haigh, Ernest Haigh, George W. Haigh, Joseph Haight, Joseph Haile, Mary Hailstone, Walter Hailstone, W. Haines, Reginald Haines, John Haines, Thomas Haines, Selina Haines, Elsie Haines, Thos. E. Haines, Harry / Henry Haines, Frederick Haines, Ellen Haines, Walter H. B. Haines, Catherine Haines, Mary Ann Haines, Fred J. Haines, Ethel Haines, George Haines, Arthur Ernest Haines, Albert John Haines, Henry (2) Haines, Thomas Magnus Haines, Fred Haines or Haynes, Frederick James Hair, James Hakansan, Olga Adelina Halday, Henry Halden, Elizabeth Halden, Lizzie Haldow, Jas Haldow, James Hale, Aaron / Harold Hale, John Hale, Thomas Hale, Adelaide Hale, Lillian Hale, William John Hale, Mary Hale, Bridget Hale, Edward George Hale, Alfred J.P. Hale, Nora E. Hale, William John Pvt. Hale, Lily W. Hale, William Herbert Hale, Albert T. Hale, Harold Gnr Hales, Rd Hales, Edward Hales, Minnie Edith Hales, Kate Hales, Ethel Mary Hales, Hales, Rosina Hales, Rosie Hales, Wm. J. Hales, Jennifer Hales, Frederick Hales, Elizabeth Halewood, Hugh Haley, Charley Haley, Arthur Haley, Elsie Mrs. Haley, Daniel Haley, Elsie Haley, Charles Haley, Robert Haley, Louisa Haley, Elise Haley, Albert Robert Haley, Mrs. Haley, Albert Haley or Haly, Elsie Halford, Isaac Halford, John C. Halford, Louis Haliday, Henry Hall, Elizabeth Hall, Emily Louisa Hall, Adelaide Hall, Ellen Hall, George H. Hall, Ernest Hall, John (1) Edwin Hall, Arthur G. Hall, Rose Hall, George Hy. Hall, Florence Hall, Marie Hall, James Hall, Sarah Hall, John W. Mr. Hall, George Hall, Roger James Hall, Charles Hall, William Hall, Hall, Edith M. Hall, Alexr Hall, Hugo B. Hall, Susannah Hall, Will Hall, Albert Hall, Arthur J. Hall, Robert Hall, Albert (2) Hall, Annie Hall, Priscilla Hall, Hy. Jas. Hall, Edward Hall, Alfred Hall, Thomas (1) Hall, Eric Hall, Chas. E. Hall, Chas Hall, Harry Hall, Emma Hall, Thomas Hall, Edith Hall, Grace Hall, Eleanor Louisa Hall, Charles E. Hall, Sarah Mrs. Hall, Herbert Hall, Sarah A. Hall, Annie S. Hall, Walter Hall, Thomas W. Hall, H.E. Mr. Hall, Jos. Harrison Hall, John Hall, Chas. Hall, Minnie Hall, Albert Edward Hall, Geo. H. Mr. and Mrs. Hall, Charles Edward Hall, Rosina Hall, Albert (1) Edward Hall, Charlie Hall, Rose Emily Hall, John Joseph Hall, Eleanor Hall, Emma Miss. Hall, Agnes (1) Hall, Thomas Leatham Hall, Henry Hall, Miss. Hall, Eric Carter Hall, Edwin Hall, Rachel Hall, Joseph Hall, Thomas (2) Joseph Hall, Agnes (2) Hall, Harry (2) William Hall, A. Hall, John (3) Hall, Helen L. Hall, John Robert Hall, Newman Hall, Matilda Hall, Isabella Hall, Sarah (1) Hall, Alfred C. Hall, Ida K. Mrs. Hall, Kenneth H.S. Hall, Thomas William Hall, Alice Hall, Alfred (1) Hall, C. Hall, Leonard Blake Hall, Horace Hall, Joseph H. Hall, Frederick Hall, Hugh Hall, Hugh B Hall, Alfred (2) C. Hall, Clara Harriet Hall, Robt. W. Hall, Edith A. Hall, Sarah (2) Ann Hall, George Henry Hall, Jno Thos Hall, Rosa Hall, Leona Hall, James H. Hall, Mary Hall, Eric, Carter Hall, Geo. R. Hall, Geo. Hy. Hall, I.G. Hall, Dora Hall, Bertha Hall, Joseph Frank Hall, Norman Hall, JessIe Hall, Arthur James Hall, HTC. Hall, Emily L. Hall, Alex Hall, John (2) W. Hall, Viola Hall, Harry (1) Hall, Laura Hallacy, Daniel Hallacy, Daniel C. Hallam, Augustus Samuel Hallam, Richard Henry Hallam, Hallam, Augustus Hallam, Athur Hallam, Richard Hallam, Richard H. Hallam, R.H. Hallam, T.E. Hallam, William Hallam, A. S. Hallam, Thomas E. Hallam, Thomas Hallam, Thos. E. Hallamore, Annie (Mrs. William) Hallan, Augustus Samuel Halland, Helen Valerie Hallandale, Edith Hallard, Harold Hallas, George Edward Hallas, Geo. E. Hallbrook, Arthur Hallday, Henry Hallday, Hy. Halled, Kathleen G. Halled, Kathleen Hallendale, Edith Hallendale, Gertrude Hallendale, E. Hallendale, Gertie Hallett, Kathleen G. Hallett, Edwin Hallett, E. Hallett, Herbert Hallett, William Halliday, Allen Halliday, Mary J. Halliday, Mary Halliday, Henry Halliday, Andrew Halliday, Henry (Harry) Herbert Halliday, Frederick Halliday, Sarah A. Halliday, Harriet Halligan, C. Halligan, Thos. William Halloran, John Halloran, Patrick Hallord, Frances Hallord, James Hallowell, George Hallows, Ernest Hallows, George Halls, Frederick C. Halls, Ernest Henry Halls, Albert Ed. Francis Halls, Herbert Edward Halls, Herbert Halls, Ernest Halls, Martha Halls, H.E. Hallt, Fred. G. Hallt, Freddie Halpenny, R.F. Halpin, Michael Halpin, Thos. Halsall, George Halse, William Halsey, James Halsey, James Edward Halstead, Albert H. Halt, Frederick George Halton, Harold S. Halton, James Haly, Arthur Ham, HenrIetta Ham, Rose Ham, Samuel Ham, Minnie Ham, Lily Ham, Alfred Hamble, Ethel Hamblen, George Hambleton, Robert Hambley, Winnie Hambley, Hilda Hambley, Kathleen Hambley, Frances Hambley, Henry Hambley, Charles Hamblin, George Samuel Hamblin, George Hamblin, Frank Edgar Hambly, Charles Hambly, Henry Hambly, Kathleen Hambly, Frances M Hambly, Joseph Mrs. Hambly, Frederick John Hamblyn, Lizzie Hambrook, Louisa Hambrook, William Hambrook, Hamel, Mrs. Hamely, Charles Hamely, Henry Hamer, Peter Hamer, Alice Hamer, Norman Hamer, William Hames, Thomas H.H. Hames, George Hames, Tommy Hamilin, Mr. and Mrs. Hamill, Walter C. Hamill, Ellen Hamilton, Leslie Hamilton, Thomas Hamilton, Hamilton, William G. Hamilton, Sylvia Hamilton, Sarah Hamilton, Walter Hamilton, Leah Hamilton, John Hamilton, George Hamilton, Edward Pvt. Hamilton, Chas J. Hamilton, Sidney Hamilton, Barbara Hamilton, C. W. Hamilton, Mr. Hamilton, Walter Sydney Hamilton, Catherine (Mrs. Alex) Hamilton, James Hamilton, Lewis Hamilton, Cyril W. Hamilton, Edward Hamilton, George B. Hamilton, G. H. Hamilton, G. T. Hamilton, D.A. Rev. Hamilton, Mrs. Hamilton, Charles D. Hamilton, Robert Hamilton, Marion Hamilton, Daisy B. Hamilton, Daisy Hamilton, Andrew Hamilton, Charles Hamilton, Cyril Hamilton, Hugh Hamilton, Ian Sir Hamilton, William Hamkins, Alfred Hamlet, Annie Hamlet, Harold Hamlet, Ellen Hamlet, J. Wm. Hamlet, John Hamlet, Harold Pvt. Hamlet, Harold E. Hamlet, Ann Hamlet, Elsie Hamlett, Hamlett, H.E. Hamlett, Harold Edward Hamlett, H.W. Hamlett, Harold F. Hamlett, Harold Hamlett, Harold E. Hamlett, Henry Walter Hamley, Ernest Hamley, Margaret Hamlin, Mr. and Mrs. Hamm, A. Hamm, Wm. A. J. Hammersley, Charles Hammersley, William Lockley Hammerton, Robert Geo. Hammick, George Hammond, Lottie Hammond, Nellie Hammond, Ellen Hammond, Cyril Hammond, Frederick Hammond, Eleanor Hammond, Charles Hammond, Sydney Hammond, Charles Rich. Hammond, William F. E. Hammond, Joshua Hammond, Peter Hammond, Hammond, Beatrice V. Hammond, Maurice L Hammond, William Hammond, Thos. Hammond, James W. Hammond, May Hammond, C. R. Hammond, Richard Hammond, Beatrice Victoria Hammond, Lottie (2nd) Hammond, Thomas Hammond, Herbert Hammond, Mary Hammond, edward Hammond, N. Hammond, Fredk Hammond, James R. Hammond, Albert Hammond, Fred. Hammond, Richard, Birrell, Carruthers Hammond, Charles R. Hammond, Fredk. Hammond, Lawrence Hammond, George Hammond-Williams, Mrs. Hamon, Alfred Hamon, Peter Hampson, Thos. Hampson, Mary Jane Hampson, John H. Hampson, Walter F. Hampson, Peter Hampson, Thomas Hampson, Mary J. Hampson, Charles Hampson, Lily Hampson, Anthony Hampson, Helen (Ella) Hampton, C. Mr. C.R. Hampton, Sydney Hampton, Robert Hampton, R.E.W. Hampton, Eliza Hampton, Harriet Hampton, Francis Hy Hampton, Robert Edward(Edwin) W. Hampton, Clara Hampton, Walter J. Hamsworth, Ethel Hanbury, Serah Hanbury, Frank Hanbury-Tracy, C. Hance, Ernest Hance, Frederick Hance, Fred Hanchard, C. E. Hancher, Cyril A. Hancher, Cyril Hancock, Mr. Hancock, Robert Hancock, John Hancock, Henry Hancock, Jesse Hancock, Hilda Hancock, Jessie Hancock, Jno. Hancock, Hilda Louisa Hancock, Gladys G. Mrs. Hancock, Hamilton Arnold Hancock, Emmeline Hancock, William (1) H. Hancock, Ada E. Hancock, Harry Hancock, John L. W. Hancock, Annie Hancock, Florence Hancock, Daisy Hancock, Robt. Hancock, Hamilton Arnold, Esq Hancock, John William Hancock, Ronald J. Hancock, Ada Hancock, Anne C. W. Hancock, Alvina Hancock, Florence O. Hancock, Thomas Hancox, Elsie Hancox, George Hancox, Edith May Hancox, William (2) James Hancox, Jane / Lettie Hancox, Ellen Hancox, William (1) H. Hancox, Miss. Elsie Hancox, Phyllis Hand, John Hand, James Hand, Harry Hand, Hand, Daisy Hand, Frederick Hand, William Hand, George Hand, Annie Handcock, John Handfield-Jones, Stephen J. Handicott, A. Handley, Clara Jane Handley, James Hands, Charles Hands, Amy Hands, Alfred E. C. Hands, Robert B. Hands, Walter Hands, Henry Hands, William F. Hands, Charlotte Hands, Beatrice Hands, Emily Hands, Edward George Hands, Ely Hands, Thomas Hands, Marion D. Hands, Mary E Handscombe, Arthur T. Handsford, Annie Handy, George Handy, H.W. Handy, Thomas Handy, Elizabeth / Letty Handy, Harold W. Handy, George H. Handy, S. Handy, Edith Florence Haners, Arthur Robert Hanes, Thomas H. Hanghtan, Charles Hanham, D.J. Hanham, David J Hankin, F. Hankin, Lily Hankinson, Mary Hankinson, Leonard Hankinson, John Hankinson, Kathleen Hankinson, Lee Hankow, Helen Hanks, Rose Hanks, Frederick A. Hanks, Fred. A. Hanks, Frederick Albert Hanley, Stella Hanley, Henry Hanley, George Hanley, Harry B. Hanley, Florence Hanley, Edith Hanlin, Mr. and Mrs. Hanlon, Cyril Rupert Hanlon, John Edward Hanlon, Joseph M. Hanlon, Edward Hanlon, John Hann, Edith Hann, Harriet B. Hann, Edith K. Hann, Florence Hann, Arthur George Gunner Hann, Matilda Hann, Albert S. Hann, Robert Hanna, Jno. Hanna, Albert Hanna, Alberta Hanna, Margt Hanna, Mrs. W. Sr. Hanna, Jno Hanna, Chas. Hannaford, Olive M. Hannaford, Ellen M. Hannaford, Wm. Geo. Hannaford, Olive Hannaford, Percy Lt. Col. Hannah, James Hannah, John Hannah, David Hannah, Euph. Hannah, Mary Hannan, J. Hanney, John Hannon, Mary Hannon, Wm. Hanns, Albert S. Hanratty, George Hanratty, Walter Hanratty, Elizabeth Hanscombe, Henry Chas. Wm. Hansell, Walter R. Hansen, Arthur Hansen, Hansen, Annie Hansen, Kate Hansen, Mary Hansford, Herbert William Hansford, Annie Hansford, Ann Priscilla Hansford, Fred W. Hansford, Frederick W. Hansford, George Arthur Hansford, Frederick William Hansford, Ch. F.A. Hansford, Charles Augustus F. Hanshawe, Phoebe Hanson, George Rev. Hanson, Walter Henry Hanson, Josiah Hanson, Waldemar Hanson, Frederick E. Hanson, John (1) Hanson, Elizabeth Hanson, Agnes Hanson, Arthur (2) Oswald Hanson, John (2) Shaw Hanson, Arthur (1) Hanson, William Henry Hanson, Wm Hy Hanson, Patricia Hantlebury, Ellen Hantness, Martha Hanwell, Alfred Hanwell, Thomas Hanwell, Hapgood, Albert Harback, William Harben, Henry Harben, Joanna Harboard, Ashton Harbon, Charles Harbon, Ada Harborne, Charlotte Harbour, John Harbour, Wm. G. Harbour, Wm G Harbour, Chas. Geo. Harbour, Chas Geo Harbourne, Charlotte Harbourne, George Henry Harbourne, Charles H Harbridge, Joseph Harby, Ellen Harcastle, Jack Harch, David Harcourt, Benjamin Harcourt, Percy Vernon Harcourt, Charles Hardaker, George Hardaker, James Hardcastle, Jack Harden, H.S. Scott Hardie, Jane Hardie, Caroline Hardiman, Wm. Hardiman, Florence Hardiman, Ada Hardiment, Mary Hardine, Caroline Harding, Joe Harding, Mary Harding, George Harding, Frank Harding, Annie Harding, W.H. Harding, Selina E. Harding, Rose Harding, Violet Harding, Selina Harding, Alice Harding, Stanley Harding, EdIth Harding, William H. Harding, Rosina Mrs. Harding, Albert E. Harding, Edith Harding, Alfred Harding, Jane Harding, Wm Hy Harding, Sidney P. Harding, Clara Harding, Ethel Violet Harding, Ethel Harding, Doris Harding, Charles W. Harding, Arthur Harding, Caroline Harding, Ada A. Harding, Hardley, Robert A. Hardman, William Hardman, Fred. Leon Hardman, William James Shepherd Hardman, Henry Hardman, Albert P. Hards, Norman Hardstone, Charles Hardwick, Violet M. Hardwick, Winifred Hardwick, Violet Hardwick, Bessie Hardwick, Chas. Walter Hardwick, Joseph Hardwick, H. Hardwick, Edmond Hardwick, Jos. Hardwick, Violet Winifred Hardwick, Edward A. Hardwick, Christina Hardwick, Lucy Hardwick, Violet W. Hardy, Jos. H. Hardy, Mr. Hardy, Artr Hardy, Evelyn E. Hardy, James H. Hardy, Harold William Hardy, Ellen Hardy, Harold W. Hardy, George W. Hardy, William G. Hardy, James Hardy, Edward Hardy, Elizabeth Hardy, Richard E. Hardy, Horace Hardy, John Hardy, Thos. W. Hardy, Dorothy May Hardy, Edw Hardy, Joseph Hardy, Margaret Hardy, Caroline Hardy, Joseph E. Hardy, Lilly Hardy, James Henry Hardy, Fred. Hardy, George William Hardy, Thos. Hardy, Percy Hardy, Harry Hardy, Sarah Hardy, Harold Hardyman, William Hare, Michael James Hare, James Hare, H. Hare, James A. Hare, J.A. Hare, Albert Hares, Edward Henry Haresnape, T. W. Harford, E. Harford, Edward Harford, Ed. Harfour, Stanley Hargitt, Alice Hargitt, Samuel L. Hargrave, Lizzie Hargrave, Annie Hargraves, James Hargraves, Amy Hargraves, Ernest Hargreave, Lizzie Hargreave, Annie Hargreaves, Maureen Hargreaves, Mary Hargreaves, Elsie Hargreaves, William Frederick Hargreaves, Harry Hargreaves, William D. Harimson, George Haris, Henry Harker, Susan Harker, Eileen Harker, Alfred Harker, James Harker, George Harker, Albert Harkness, Robt. Harkness, Jane Harkness, A. C. Harkness, Rob Harland, WIlliam Harland, Sidney C. Harland, Pheobe Harland, Phoebe Harland, Phoebe Julia Harle, Laura Harle, Daisy Harle, Harleigh, Cyril Harles, Laura Harley, Thomas Harley, Walter Harley, Mary Harley, Thos. Harley, Frederick Harley, Thomas E. Harley, Robert Harley, Thos Harling, Eva Harling, Beatrice Eva Harling, Beatrice Harling, Beatrice E. Harlow, Charles Harlow, Harlow, Sidney Harlow, Chas. Harlow, Henry Richard Harlow, William Benjamin Harman, Edwin Harman, Stephen Harman, Charlotte Harman, Charlottte Harman, Percival Harmer, Mr. Harmer, John H. Harmer, John Henry Harmison, George Harmon, F. Harmon, A. Harmsworth, Vere H. Harmum, Dave Harne, James N. Dr. Harnett, Frederick J. Haroer, Harold Harold, John Mrs. Harold, George Harper, Josh. Harper, Elizabeth Anne Harper, Joseph Harper, John (2) Harper, Albt. Sydney Harper, Charles A. Harper, Harry R.F. Harper, Georgina Harper, R. Harper, Henry Hubert / Herbert Harper, Maude Harper, Horace Greely Harper, Anne Harper, Harper, John (1) Harper, Mary Ann Harper, Harold Harper, Horace Harper, Harvey R.F. Harper, Albert Harper, Harry Harper, Thomas Harper, Fred. C. Harper, George Harper, John (3) Harper, Frederick C. Harper, Matthew Harper, Elizabeth Harper, Fred C. Harper, Rose Harper, William Harper, Alice Harper, Gledhill Harper, Agnes Harper, Mrs. Harper, Charles H. Harper, Harry R. Harper, Josh Harper, Maude R. Harper, Sarah Jane Harpour, Stanley Pvt. Harpour, Stanley Harradine, Bertie Harradine, P. W. Harrald, Grace Harrell, Alfred Harrell, S.J.C. Harries, Wm. Harrigan, John Harrigan, Ernest Harrington, Timothy Harrington, Jeremiah Harrington, John Harrington, Daniel Harrington, Jerimiah Harrington, Arthur Harrington, A. Harrington, Elizabeth Harrington, Josiah Harrington, William Harrington, Charles Harrington, Alfred Harris, Beresford Harris, William Harris, Laurie Harris, Charles Harris, Charles H.J. Harris, Amelia Harris, Frances Mary (Mrs. George) Harris, G. Harris, Dorothy Harris, Naomi Maud |
Harris, Harold J. Harris, Frederick Harris, Jas. E. Harris, Harris, Robert W. Harris, Walter Harris, John William Harris, Herbert William Harris, Edith Harris, Charles Wm. Harris, Doris I. Mrs. Harris, John Harris, Richard Harris, James E. Harris, Herbert Harris, Charles W. Harris, Rosina A. Harris, Albert J. Harris, Geo. J. Harris, Edith May Harris, Fred A. Harris, James Harris, Harry Harris, Elaine Harris, Norah Harris, Charlie Harris, Wm. H. Harris, Frederick H. Harris, John Henry Harris, Frederick J. Harris, Henry Harris, Wilbert Harris, Joseph Harris, Selina Harris, Simon P. Harris, Doris Mrs. Harris, Rose May Harris, Florence Harris, Leonard Harris, William H. Harris, Jacob Harris, Violet Harris, Laura Harris, Rose Mary Harris, Bertha Harris, George Harris, Rosina Harris, Samuel Harris, Frances M. Harris, Wilfred Harris, Grace J. Harris, W. Harris, Ernest H. Harris, Gilbert Harris, William Henry Harris, Olive Mrs. Harris, Arthur (2) Thomas Harris, Naomi Harris, Lily M.A. Harris, Albert Harris, Maud Daisy Harris, Frederick Edwin Harris, Arthur (3) Augustine Harris, Frederick Charles Pvt. Harris, Lettie Harris, Stanley Harris, Leonard D. Harris, Polly Harris, Edith C. Harris, Miss. Harris, Wilfred N. Harris, Wm C Harris, Ada Harris, Ada Rebecca Harris, Elsie May Harris, Stewart / Stuart Harris, Mabel Harris, Chas. Harris, Joseph (1) Harris, Reginald Harris, Arthur Harris, Emily E'b'th Harris, Serah Jane Harris, Frances Harris, Chas Harris, Edward Harris, Fred H. Harris, Fred J. Harris, Thos. Harris, Fred Harris, Ernest Harris, Grahame Harris, Evelyn Harris, Eddie Harris, Albt. W. Harris, Albert Pvt. Harris, Edith M. Harris, Maud Harris, Edwin George Harris, Doreen Harris, Wm Harris, Lilian H. Harris, Mr. Harris, Alice M. Mrs. Harris, Beatrice Jane Harris, Arthur (1) William Foster?? Harris, Joseph F. Harris, Willie Harris, Frederick James Harris, Wm. C. Harris, Henry H. Harris, Barnett Harris, John W. Harris, Thelma Harris, George Albert Harris, J.W. Harris, Hy. Harris, Harold Harris, Fred. J. Harris, Rose Harris, Thomas G.W. Harris, Simon Peter Pvt. Harris, Michael Harris, George A. Harris, Wm. Henry Harris, David Harris, Frederick C. Harris, Monica Cecil Harris, Helen Harris, James W. Harris, Thomas George Harris, Valerie Margaret Harris, Frank Harris, Susie Harris, Hy. Mrs. Harris, Alice Harris, Walter E. Harris, Joseph (2) Harris, Alfred Harris, F. Harris, Ethel Harris, Dorothy M. Harris, Wilfred A. Harris, Francis Harris, Geo Harris, Thomas Harris, Andrew Harris, Wm. Harris, Colin Harris, Fred C. Harrison, Thomas Harrison, Kenneth Harrison, Thos. W Harrison, John (1) Harrison, Ed Harrison, Charles (1) Harrison, Reginald Harrison, Maud Harrison, LIzzIe Harrison, Victor Harrison, John Henry Harrison, Rupert Harrison, Henry Harrison, George Harrison, Sarah Harrison, Minnie Ada Harrison, Mrs. Harrison, Albert Harrison, Louisa Harrison, C. Harrison, Isaac S.P. Harrison, Robert Cpl. Harrison, Samuel Harrison, David J. Harrison, Alfred David Harrison, Jonothan Alex Harrison, Thomas (2) Harrison, Kate Harrison, Bernard Harrison, Lucy Harrison, Harrison, Jennie Harrison, Louise G.M. Harrison, Louise Harrison, Clara Harrison, Herbert Hy. Harrison, Jno N Harrison, Rose Harrison, R.W. Harrison, William Harrison, Florence Harrison, Joseph Harrison, Robert Harrison, Timothy Harrison, Mrs. John Harrison, W. Harrison, Herbert Harrison, John Harrison, Walter A. Harrison, Edward Harrison, Thos. W. Harrison, A. E. Harrison, Annie (2) Frances Harrison, Thos. Harrison, Richard Harrison, Oliver Charles Harrison, E. Harrison, Ellen Harrison, Thomas William Harrison, Alfred Harrison, Charles (2) Henry Harrison, Isaac Stephen Powell Harrison, Wm. Harrison, Margaret Harrison, Victor F. Harrison, Victor G. Harrison, Grace Harrison, Emma Harrison, Robert I. Harrison, Thomas (1) Harrison, Annie (1) Harrison, Gladys Harrison, Edna May Harrison, Arthur Harrison, John (2) Robert Abraham Harrison, Jonathan Harrison, Issac S.P. Harrison, Hubert Harrison, Shirley B. Harrison, Edith Harrison, C. O. Mrs. Harrison, Louise G. M. Harrison, Clarence Harrison, Robert M. Harrison, Mary Harrison/Gibbon, Christine Harrold, John Harrold, Ellen Mrs. Harrop, Agnes Harrope, John Harrot, Agnes Harrow, Neil Harrow, John Mrs. Harrow, Neil McBride Harrow, Miinnie Harrow, Minnie Harrup, Mary Harrup, Rachel Harry, Sidney Harry, Bobbins Harry, Frank Harry H., Gray Harsden, J.A. Harse, Frank H. Harse, Frank Hy. Hart, George Hart, Angelina Hart, Fred Hart, Hetty Hart, Nellie Hart, Elizabeth Hart, Minnie Hart, Stanley G. Hart, Agnes Hart, Alice Hart, John Hart, Stanley George Hart, James Hart, Harry Hart, Arthur A. Hart, Alfred Henry Hart, W. Hart, Percy Hart, Ansell Arthur Pvt. Hart, Thomas H. Hart, William Hart, Charley Hart, Cornelius Hart, Albert H. Hart, Jno. C. Hart, W. H. Hart, Henry Frederick Hart, Charles Hart, Alfred A. Hart, Elizabeth L. Hart, Samuel Hart, Mary Hart, William / Willy Rogers Hart, Mr. Hart, Albert Hart, John Richard Hart, Maude Hart, Annie Hart, Nellie Lavinia Hart, John C. Hart, Edward James Hart, Joseph Hart, Joseph Henry Hart, Art. A. Hart, Edward Hart, George Stanley Hart, Frederick Hart, James Richard Hart, Jno. Hy. Hart, Alfred Hart, Alfred Mr. and Mrs. Hart, Maud Hart, Les Hart, Geo. Hartas, George Hartas, George Bertram Murray Harte, Daisy Harte, John Edward Harte, Laura Hartell, William Harten, Kathleen Hartfield, Alma Hartfield, Alice Hartfield, Alma Huggett Harthebury, Eliza Hartican, B. Hartigen, Annie Hartland, Henry Hartlebury, Eliza Hartley, Sarah Hartley, Lilian Hartley, Mildred L. Hartley, Thomas W. Hartley, Mary Ann Hartley, Sara Hartley, Susannah Hartley, James Hartley, Thomas Pvt. Hartley, AlIce Hartley, Sidney Hartley, Thomas Hartley, Ellinor Hartley, George Hartley, William H. Hartley, Walter Hartley, John Mrs. Hartley, John Joseph Hartley, Frederick Hartley, Margaret Hartley, Harry Hartley, A. E. B. Hartley, Gilfrid Mrs. Hartley, Wm. Hartley, Hy. J. Hartnell, Leslie Hartnet, John Hartnett, Maurice Hartnett, John Hartnup, Minnie Hartree, Oliver P. Hartree, John R. Hartree, Lester M. Hartrup, Minnie Hartwick, Mrs. Hartwright, Frank R. Harvery, Victor J. Harvey, Florence Harvey, Philip Harvey, Edward Harvey, Henri Harvey, Chas. M. Harvey, Frank Harvey, John Henry Harvey, Ellen Harvey, George Harvey, Geo. Wm. Harvey, Jos. Harvey, Henry Harvey, Victory J. Harvey, Elizabeth (Mrs.) Harvey, Mrs. Harvey, Walter Herbert Harvey, Charles Harvey, George Mrs. Harvey, LIly Harvey, Walter Harvey, Leslie Harvey, Albert Harvey, Lucy Harvey, Benjamin Harvey, Walter H. Harvey, Frederick William Harvey, Frank S. Harvey, John W. Harvey, W.H. Harvey, Walter Pvt. Harvey, Art S. Harvey, Gladys Harvey, Charles (1) Harvey, William Alex Harvey, John Wm. Harvey, T. S. Harvey, George T. Harvey, John Harvey, Henry G. Harvey, Arthur M. Harvey, Charles H. Harvey, Alice May Harvey, Arthur Sidney Harvey, Frederick Harvey, Chas. Harvey, Charles (2) Harvey, Victor James Harvey, Geo Wm Harvey, Anny Harvey, Arthur Mitchell Harvey, Harvey, Thomas Harvey, Victor J. Harvey, Wilhelmina E. Harvey, Florence Amelia Harvey, ElIzabeth Harvey, John M. Harvey?, Doreen Harvieson, M.A. Mrs. Harvison, M.A. Mrs. Harwood, Joseph Harwood, William H. Harwood, William Pharo Pvt. Harwood, Lucy Harwood, Harwood, William P. Harwood, Wm. Harwood, Joe Harwood, Mary J. Harwood, Jno. Harwood, Wm. P. Harwood, Albert Harwood, Martha Harwood, L. H. Harwood, Thos. Harwood, William Harwood, Fred A. Harwood, William E. Harwood, Thos. Hy. Harwood, Mary J Harwood, Ernest Redfern Harwood, Thomas Henry Harwood, Thomas Harwood, Joseph Mr. Harwood, John Harwood, George Skidmore Harwood, Fred Albert Harwood, George F. Harwood, Margaret Mrs. Harwood, Joe Mr. and Mrs. Harwood, M. Harwwod, Wm. H. Hasdell, W. F. Hase, H.J. Haseltine, James Haseltine, Mark Hashagan, William Hashagan, W. Haskell, Mrs. Haskell, Percy Haskett, George R. Haskett, Constance Haskett, Eliza Haskey, John Haskins, Ada Haskins, Robert Haslam, William J. Haslam, Joseph Haslam, Cyril Hasleden, T. Hasler, Anna Maria Haslett, George Haslip, Wm. L. Hassall, Harold Victor Hassard, Charlotte Hassard, Mr. Hassell, John Hassell, Mary Jane Hassen, Bretrand V. Hassett, Geo. Hassian, Andrew Hastie, Bella Hastie, Annie Hastie, Isabella Hastie, Alice Hastie, Peter Hastie, Isabel Hastin, Hugh Hasting, Walter P. Hasting, Albert Edward Hastings, Sheila Hastings, Agnes Hastings, Albert Hastings, Albt Hastings, Ernest Hastings, Matt. M. Hastings, Violet Hastings, Frederick Hastings, Ernest Craneswick Pvt. Hastings, Matthew Hastings, Bridget Haswell, Florence Haswell, Robert Haswell, Louisa Hatch, Eliza Hatch, George Hatch, Frank Hatch, Katie R. Hatch, E. A. Hatch, Frank H. Hatchcroft, Lily Hatchcroft, Florence Hatcher, Charles H. Hatcher, Lizzie Miss. Hatcher, James Hatcher, Lizzie Hatcher, C. H. Hatcher, Elizabeth Hatcher, Charles Hatcher, Chas. Henry Hatcher, Charles Henry Hatchett, Percival Hatchett, Hy Hateley, Charles Hateley, William Hatfield, Miss. Hatfield, William Hatfield, Harry / Henry Hatfield, Margery Hatfield, George Hatfield, Norman Hatfield, Marjorie Hatfield, Geo. H. Hatfield, Samuel Hatfield, Laura Hatfield, Louisa Hathaway, Bert Chas. Hathaway, Elsie (Mrs. Roy) Hathaway, Joseph Hathaway, Elsie May Hathaway, Charles J. Hatherill, William C. Hatherill, George F. Hatherley, Edith Hatherley, Frederick Hatherson, Robert Hatherton, R. Hatherton, Robert Henry Hatherton, Hatherton, Peter Hathway, Gilbert J. Hatley, Walter Julius Hatt, William George Pvt. Hatt, William G. Hatton, Thomas C. Hatton, Sarah Ann Hatton, Albert E. Hatton, Albert Hatton, Bessie Hatton, Gladys Ida Hatton, A. Hatton, Thomas James Hatton, Arthur Hatton, William Hatton, George Hatton, Lydia Hattrick, Ida Hatwood, Arthur Hatzfeld, Paul Hauchett, Aubrey Hauenstein, Mary Haughes, Harold Haughin, R Haughney, Ellen Haughney, Caroline Haughton, Haughton, William Haughton, Hy. H. Haughton, Henry M. Haughton, Henry Herbert Haughton, Alf. M. Haughton, Henry Haughton, Chas Haughton, Alfred M. Hauley, Harry R. Haultain, Mrs. Haultain, Edward Havard, Emily Havard, Thomas Havergal, J. Rev. Dr. Havergal, Frances R. Havergal, J. Dr. Rev. Haves, Thomas Haw, Harold Hawes, E. C. P. Hawes, Minnie Hawes, Agnes Hawes, George James Hawes, Lily Hawes, John E. Hawes, Sidney Hawes, Arthur Hawes, Margaret Hawes, Maria Hawes, John Hawes, Archibald Mrs. Hawes, Ernest E. Hawes, Reginald R. Hawes, Frederick William Pvt. Hawes, John Edward Hawes, Henry Horatio Nelson Hawes, Laura I. Hawes, Henry H.A. Hawes, William George Hawes, Ethel Hawey, Edward Hawk, Charles Hawke, David Hawke, Charles Hawke, Bertha Hawke, George Hawker, Edith Hawker, Thos Wm Hawker, William Rees Hawker, Alfred Hawkes, Eliza Hawkes, Fred G. Hawkes, George Hawkes, Bertha Hawkes, Fred. G. Hawkes, Ralph C. Hawkes, Hy. Hawkes, Frederick Hawkes, Florence Mrs. Hawkes, Joseph Hawkes, Albert Edward Hawkes, George Mrs. Hawkes, Mary Louisa Elizabeth Hawkes, Frederick George Pvt. Hawkes, Geo. Hawkes, Jonas Hawkeswood, Hilda Hawkeswood, Arthur John Hawkesworth, Robert William Hawkesworth, Robert W. Hawkesworth, Robt. Hawkesworth, Robt. W. Hawkesworth, Robert Hawkesworth, Robt W Hawkesworth, R.W. Hawkey, Frank Hawkin, Arthur Hawkins, Nellie Hawkins, Hawkins, William W. Hawkins, K. Hawkins, William Hawkins, Samuel Hawkins, Wm. R. Hawkins, Robt. Hawkins, James Hawkins, William Henry Hawkins, John W. Hawkins, William T.C. Hawkins, Fras. W. Hawkins, Daisy M. Hawkins, Isaac Hawkins, Frank Hawkins, Edward Hawkins, Miss. Hawkins, Charles William Hawkins, T. Hawkins, Benjamin Hawkins, Albert S. Hawkins, Fred. Hawkins, Agnes Hawkins, Issac Hawkins, Leonard Hawkins, Leslie A. Hawkins, William D. Hawkins, Alfred John Hawkins, T Hawkins, Beatrice M. Hawkins, Mr. Hawkins, Beatrice Hawkins, Herbert Hawkins, George Hawkins, Clarence Hawkins, JulIa Hawkins, Daisy Hawkins, Rose Hawkins, Wm Hawkins, Edith Hawkins, Saml. Hawkins, William (3) Hawkins, Dorothy M. Hawkins, Wm. Hawkins, Serah Hawkins, Alfred Philip Pvt. Hawkins, Alfd Hawkins, John William Hawkins, Henrietta Hawkins, William (1) Hawkins, Wm. I. Hawkins, Robert Hawkins, Henry J. Hawkins, William Thomas Charlton Pvt. Hawkins, Collin C. Mr. Hawkins, William T. C. Hawkins, Henry Hawkins, William (2) Edward Hawkley, Alfred Hawks, Frederick G. Hawks, A. Hawksley, Edith Annie Hawkswood, Hilda Hawley, William David Hawley, Sidney P. Hawley, Sydney Hawley, Sidney Percy Hawley, Sidney T. Hawley, Thomas Hawley (a.k.a. Clark), William Haworth, Norman Hawson,, William Hawthorn, Winnifred Hawthorne, Winifred Hawthorne, Ernest Hawthorne, Edward Hawthorne, Geo. P. Hawtin, Mabel Haxby, Dot Haxby, Herbert Wm. Hay, Frances Hay, George Mrs. Hay, Joseph Hay, Alex Mrs. Hay, Lizzie Hay, Jessie Hay, William Hay, Geo. Hay, Mary Haycock, Mr. George W. Haycock, William Henry Haycock, Benjamin Haycock, Elizabeth Haycock, William Haycock, John Haycock, Samuel Haycock, Wm Haycocks, Benjamin Haycocks, John Haycocks, Samuel Haycox, Thomas I. Haycox, Albert Haycox, Ernest John Hayden, Sgt. Hayden, Arthur L. Hayden, Hiram Hayden, A. Hayden, Arthur Hayden, Dulcie Hayden, Nellie Hayden, Arthur Leonard Hayden, Arther J. Hayden, John Hayden, May Miss. Hayden, Laura Hayden, Arthur Sgt. Hayden, Michael Hayden, Lydia Haydock, Rosemary Haydock, Arthur Haydock, Edwina Haydon, Charles Haydon, Mary Haydon, Albert Haydon, Nellie Haydon, James Hayeraft, Margaret Hayes, Dennis Hayes, Moses Hayes, Walter Hayes, John Thomas Hayes, James Hayes, John Hayes, Denis Hayes, George H. Hayes, Rich Hayes, Edward Hayes, Herbert Hayes, William (2) Hayes, Robert Hayes, George Henry Hayes, Alice Hayes, Isaac Hayes, Elizabeth Hayes, Margaret Hayes, ElIza Hayes, Enoch Hayes, Raymond Hayes, Thomas Hayes, Herbert Pvt. Hayes, Philip Hayes, N. Hayes, Catherine Hayes, William Harry Hayes, George Hayes, John Patrick Hayes, Maggie Hayes, Bertie Hayes, John Harold Hayes, Harry Hayes, William Hayes, William (1) Hayes, Sidney Hayes, Caroline Hayes, May Hayes, Geo Hayes, Ramond Hayes, Jane Hayes, Ellen Hayes, James Ernest Hayes, Bert Hayes, Eliz. Mrs. Hayes, Jimmie ? Hayes, Thos. Hayes, Frederick Hayes, Eliza Hayes, Annie Hayes, Sidney Reg. Hayes, EdIth Hayford, Hayford, Daisy Hayford, Harry Hayford, Ellen Hayhoe, Ernest Hayhoe, Hayler, George Frederick Hayling, J. Haylis, George W. Haylis, George Haylis, Haylock, Vincent George Haylock, V. George Haylock, Vincent G. Hayloe, Hayman, Elizabeth Hayman, Ernest Hayman, Arthur Edwin Pvt. Hayman, Arthur Hayman, Maria Hayne, F. Hayne, Stanley R. Hayne, Ernest F. Hayne, Ernest Haynes, Peter Haynes, John Haynes, William G. Haynes, William R. N. Haynes, Harry / Henry Haynes, Henry Haynes, Edward, James Haynes, George Haynes, Charles J. Haynes, J.E. Mr. Haynes, William R. Haynes, Mary Haynes, Ernest Haynes, Thomas Haynes, Louisa Selina Jane Haynes, Alfred J. Haynes, Edward Haynes, Geo. H. Haynes, Clement Haynes, Herbert H. Haynes, Ada Haynes, Wm. R. N. Haynes, Susan Haynes, A. Haynes, Wm. R.N. Haynes, Albert George Haynes, Wm. Reg. Norman Haynes, William R. N.. Haynes, Henry (1) Haynes, Henry (2) Haynes, George Henry Haynes, Annie Haynes, William Reginald Norman Haynes, H. J. Haynes, Haynes, Thomas Clifford Haynes, Dorothy Haysman, Wm. H. Haysman, William Henry Haysman, W. Henry Hayson, Jane Hayson, Elizabeth Hayson, Florence Hayter, Lizzie Hayter, Gwendoline Hayter, Lillie Hayter, Elizabeth Hayton, Mary Elizabeth Hayton, Mary Hayward, Charles Lindley Hayward, Emma Hayward, Annie Hayward, Henry Hayward, Ruby Hayward, Thomas Hayward, G. Hayward, Gordon Hayward, Hy Hayward, Violet G. Hayward, Violet Hayward, Joseph Harold Hayward, Charles Hayward, Saml Hayward, William John Hayward, Walter Hayward, William Hayward, Elsie Hayward, Frederick Hayward, Lucy Hayward, Cecil L. Hayward, S. Hayward, Violet Georgina Hayward, Thomas A. Hayward, A. E. Hayward, Thos. A. Hayward, Frank Phillip Hayward, Hy. Hayward, Chas. Hayward, John Hayward, Minnie Hayward, E. Hayward, Albert Frank Hayward, E.A. Hayward, Lucy Nellie Haywood, Elsie Haywood, Moira Haywood, Roland Moore Haywood, Elizabeth Haywood, Hy. D. Haywood, Thomas Haywood, Sidney Haywood, Haywood, Walter James Haywood, Margret Haywood, Sarah Haywood, Arthur Haywood, Frederick Haywood, Florence Mary Haywood, Emily Haywood, Eric G. Hayword, Kenneth Hayzen, Fredk Hazel, James Hazel, Wilfred Hazel, Alexander Stephen Hazel, Wilfred John Hazel, Thos. Hazel, Thomas A. Hazelden, Herbert Hazeldine, Elizabeth Hazeldine, Patricia Hazeldine, Wm. Hazeldine, Wm Hazell, Thomas Hazell, Thomas Alexander Hazell, Joseph Hazelwood, Alice Hazelwood, Nellie Hazledon, A. Hazlewood, Thomas Hazlewood, Albt. Edward Hazlewood, Samuel Hazlewood, Arthur James Hazlitt, M.A. Mrs. Heacock, Herbert Head, Susannah Head, Albert Head, Sidney Head, Henry Head, John R. Head, Hy. Wm. Head, Eliza Head, Alex. R. Head, Henry Pvt. Head, Wilfrid R.A. Head, Ada M Head, Jos. C. Head, Beatrice Head, Sydney Head, Susanah Head, Hy Wm Head, A. C. Head, Jno. R. Head, Eva Mary Head, Joseph Chas. Headhouse, Louisa Headlam, Arthur Headland, William Headon, Hilda M. Headon, Robert B. Headon, Olive Headon, Thos. Walter Sam. Heagle, Mrs. C Heagney, Bernard Heal, Gilbert Heal, Miss. Heal, Royal Heal, Mary Heald, Lottie Heald, Arthur Heald, Oscar Heald, Percy Heale, Mary Healey, Robert Healey, John R. Healey, Edward Healey, Margaret Healey, Arthur Healey, Daphne Healey, Dorothy Healey, Hubert Healey, Arthur E. Healey, Sonia Healey, Walter J. Healey, Maria Healey, William E. Healey, Ellen Health, John Health, Jno. Healy, Edward Healy, Walter J. Healy, Alfred Healy, Anne Healy, Charles Healy, Aletha Healy, Robert Healy, Yolande Healy, Herbert Healy (Healey), Richard Heany, Mary Heany, George Heany, Thos. Heany, Alice Heany, John Heap, Mr. Heap, J.W. Mr. Heap, Messrs. Heap, Harry Heaps, William Hear, Fred Hear, William Heard, John Heard, William Heard, Frederick Heard, Florence Heard, Wm. Heard, Jno. Heard, Arthur Heard, Henry Geo. Hearn, Ed. Hearn, George Hearn, Geo. Hearn, William B. Hearn, Alice F. Hearn, Elizabeth U. Hearn, Stanley Thomas Hearn, Miss. Hearn, Wm Hearn, John Hearn, Alice F Hearn, William Hearnden, Edward C.V. Hearnden, JackIe Hearnden, Edward Hearnden, Laura Hearnden, Edward C. Hearne, Charles Hearsay, Elizabeth Hearsey, Chas. F. Hearsey, Wm. Geo. Hearsey, Charles Frederick Pvt. Hearsey, Leonard Heaseman, A. Heasley, Miss. Heaslip, Miss. Heasman, Nellie M.D. Heasman, Nellie Heath, Ernest Heath, Jno. Heath, John Heath, Percy Heath, Alice Heath, George Heath, Lilian Heath, Fred G. Heath, Miss. Heath, William Heath, Harry John Heath, William Henry Heath, Harry Heath, Frederick George Heath, Walter Heath, Christopher Heath, Ernest S. Heath, W. Heathcote, Clarence F. Heathcote, Clarence Heathcote, Clarence Rev. Heathcote, William J. Heathcote, Harry Heathcote, Willie Heathcote, Elizabeth Heathcote, Edith Heather, William Heather, William F. Heather, Geo. Wm. Heather, James / John Heather, James Heather, Leon W. Heather, Alfred Heather, Len Heather, Heather, S. V. Heather, George Heathershaw, Henry Heaton, Emily / Emma Heaton, Robert Heaton, A. J. Heaton, Thomas Heaton, Mary Ann Heaton, Elizabeth / Lilly Heaton, Olive M. Heaton, Florence May Heavens, Thomas Hebb, Cecil Hebburn, Ellen Hebburn, Eliza Hebburn, Rose Heberie, Nellie Mrs. Heberle, Nellie Mrs. Hedden, Richard Hedderick, James Heddon, Richard Heddon, R. Hedge, Amy Hedge, Stanley Hedger, Harry Hedger, Hy Hy Hedger, H.H. Hedger, Henry H. Hedger, Henry Hedges, Percy F. Hedges, Percy Hedges, Ernest Hedges, Elizabeth Hedges, Percy Frederick Hedges, Sidney G. Hedges, Thomas William Pvt. Hedges, Thomas William Hedges, Percy Fredeck Hedges, Henry Herbert Hedges, Henry Hedges, Henry Pvt. Hedley, Thomas Hedley, Thomas J. Hedley, Hannah Hedley, Maria Hedley, Margaret Heeley, Betty Heeley, Edward Heeley, Michael Heeley, Alfred Heeney, Henry Heeney, Edward Heeson, Olive Ruby Heffard, Wm. A. Heffern, Kate Heffernan, Kate Hefferon, Ellen Heffeson, Ellen Hefford, Geo. E. Hefford, Lottie Eliza Hefford, Ephraim E Hefford, Wallace G. Hefford, Leslie C.R. Hefford, Charles Hefford, Lottie E. Hefford, Wallace George Hefford, George C. Hefford, Thomas F. Hefford, George Cole Pvt. Hefford, Harry Heffron, Charles Hegan, Geoffrey Roy Hegan, Geraldine Hegan, Barbara Mary Hegan, Frank W. Hegdes, Henry Heggarty, George Heims, Janet Heiseman, Robinson Wm. Heland, John Helford, Wallace George Helford, Charles Leslie P. Helford, Harry Helford, Edward E. Helford, Thomas Frederick Hellawell, G. Hellewell, George Hellier, Devonia Natalie Helliwel, John Archibald Hellyer, Reginald John Helm, Wm. Helmer, Hans Helmore, Alfred Charles Helmore, Alf. C. Helmore, Alfred C. Hely, Arthur Helyar, Patricia Hemborough, Walter T. Hemington, Sidney W. Hemington, Sidney Hemington, Edward W. Hemington, Edward Hemington, Sidney Walter Hemming, Albert Hemming, John H. Hemming, Norman Hemming, John Henry Hemming, George Hemming, Arthur Hemming, Francis Hemming, Florence Hemming, Robert Hemming, Reynold Hemmings, Annie Hemmings, Francis Hemmings, Alfred Henry Pvt. Hemmings, Albert Hemp, William J. Hemphel, Rosina (Mrs. J.) Hemphill, Ellen Mrs. Hempill, Annie Mrs. Hempinstall, E. Hempson, William James Hempstead, Percy Hems, Ernest Hemsley, Edward Hemsley, John Henry Hemus, Robert Burns Hemus, John James Hence, William Henden, Alice Henden, Wm. Pat. Hendersen, Ellen Henderson, Gerald P. Henderson, Florence Henderson, Nellie Henderson, Lawrence Henderson, Jacqueline Henderson, William Henderson, John T. Henderson, Robt. Henderson, Mary Henderson, Rob Henderson, W. Pvt. Henderson, George Murray Henderson, Bella Henderson, George Henderson, Jno. T. Henderson, James Henderson, Alexander Henderson, Minnie Henderson, Mrs. Thomas Henderson, John Thomas Pvt. Henderson, Lilian Henderson, Miss. Henderson, P. Henderson, Harry Henderson, John Henderson, Louis J. Henderson, Lillian Henderson, Gerald Patrick Henderson, Horace Hendey, Edward F. Hendey, Frank Hendey, Edward Frank Hendley, F. Hendrey, Thomas Hendrickson, Jane Hendries, Robt Hendry, Mary A. Hendry, William J. Hendry, Thomas Hendry, A. Hendry, John C. Hendry, William Hendry, David Hendry, Wm. John Hendy, James Henery, Nellie Henley, Stella M. Henley, Walter J. Henley, Stella Henley, A. F. Mr. Henley, John Henley, S.T. Mr. Henley, May Hennell, Sidney Charles Hennell, Francis Hennell, Robert Hennerty, Joseph Hennessey, Joseph Hennessy, Boyan Henning, Clifford Henratty, Maurice Henricks, Louisa Mrs. Henrickson, Kate Henrickson, Jane Henry, Esther Henry, Timothy A. Henry, Sheila Henry, George Henry, Shelia M. Henry, Charles William Henry, Chas Henry, William Henry, Albert Henry, John Henry, Shelia Henry, Peter C. Henry, Thos. Henry, Blanche Henry, Thomas Henry, Mary Henry, Robert Henry, Wm Henry H., Cameron Henry H., May Henry L., Chepmell Henry P., Brumell Henshaw, Sylvester Henshaw, George Henshaw, Joseph Henshawe, Phoebe Hensley, Charles Hensman, W.J. Henson, Arthur (1) Henson, Annie Henson, Arthur Henson, Elizabeth Henson, Mary J. Henton, Miriam Henvis, Maud Henwood, Nora Henzee, John Hepburn, Hepburn, Edwina M. Hepburn, Alice Hepburn, Mary E. Hepburn, Arthur Hepburn, Mary Hepburn, MarIa Hepburn, Alice E. Heplinstall, John Heppell, George Heppell, Catherine Heppell, Eleanor Heptinstall, John Hepton, Norman Heptonstall, John Hepworth, Alfred Hepworth, A. Herbert, Albert E. Herbert, Harry Herbert, A. P. Herbert, John H. Herbert, Hy Herbert, Alfred Herbert, Collin Herbert, John Norris Herbert, Harry W. Herbert, F. Herbert, Ellen M. Herbert, Fred. C. Herbert, Florence Herbert, A. E. Herbert, Ellen Herbert, Chas. Herbert, William John Herbert, Henry Herbert, William D. Herbert, Hy. Herbert, Frederick G. Herbert, William David Herbert, Mrs. Harry Herbert, Thomas Herbert, Fred Geo. Herbert, Robert George Herbert, Howard Herbert, Joseph Herbert, George Herbert, Sidney Herbert, Harold Herbert, Rosina Herbert, Wm. D. Herbert Murray, Jarvis Herbertson, James Herbertson, Herbet, Sarah Herd, Joan Herd, Mrs. Annie Herd, Ellen Herd, Mary Herd, Marion C. Herd, Marion Herd, Maurice J. Herd, Mary Lucas Heritage, Mabel Heritage, Hy F R Herman, Judith Herman, S.M. Mrs. Herman, Allan Hern, John Hern, Alice Hern, Mary Ann Hern, Florence Heron, Henry Heron, John Heron, George Heron, Valerie Herrick, Emily Herrick, James Herrick, Florence Herring, Edith Herring, Vickey Herring, Vickie Herring, C. Mr. Herring, Geoffrey Herring, Hazel E. M. Herring, Ethel Herring, Victoria Herring, Edie Herring, Edith H. Herrins, Vickie Herriott, Wm Chas Herris, Minnie Herris, Margaret Herron, Kathleen Herron, David Herschell, Howard M. Herz, Frank Hescott, Ivy Heseltine, Mark Hesian, Annie Hesketh, Louis Hesketh, Emily Hesketh, Wallace Hesketh, Elizabeth Marsh Hesketh, Joseph Hesketh, E. Hesketh, W. Hesketh, Elizabeth Hesketh, Martha Heskett, Jas Jno Heskettt, Wm Heslop, Mary Heslop, Jno. Heslop, John Heslop, Neville Hessall, John Hessian, Andrew Hessian, Annie Hessian, And. Hessner, W. Hester, Wm. Hetherington, Doris Hetherington, Percy Hetherington, Frederick Hetherington, Hett, Thomas Hetward, Violet Heuley, Sam George Heward, Francis Peter Hewell, Henry Hewer, Thomas Hewett, Joseph Hewett, Wm. Hewgill, William Percy Hewins, Ernest Hewins, Walter Hewins, Gladys Hewith, Lewis Hewitson, William Hewitson, Hy. J. Hewitson, Sarah Hewitson, Henry James Hewitt, F. Hewitt, R. Hewitt, Eddie Hewitt, D. Hewitt, Violet J. Hewitt, Cyril Hewitt, Maud Hewitt, Richard Hewitt, Thomas Hewitt, Sidney Hewitt, Lewis Hewitt, Mrs. W.D. Hewitt, Edward Hewitt, Enoch Hewitt, Jessie Hewitt, Willie Hewitt, John Frederick Hewitt, William Hewitt, Lewis, Alfred, W. Hewitt, Arthur Hewitt, John Hewitt, John Samuel Hewitt, A. Lewis Hewitt, George Hewitt, J.M. Hewitt, Violet G. Hewitt, A. Hewitt, Thos. Hewlett, William H. Hewlett, Kathleen Hewlett, Geo. T. Hewlett, Wm. H. Hewlett, Charles L. Hewlett, Charles Hewlett, Charles Leonard Hewlett, George T. Hewlett, Joseph J.E. Hewlett, Alfred Hewlett, Kathleen M. Hewlett, Joe Hewlett, Chas. L. Hewlett, William Herbert Hewlett, Joseph Hewlett, W.H. Hewlett, Thos. Hewlitt, John Hewson, Christine Hewson, Thomas Hewson, Janie Hewson, Jane Hewson, Jane A. Hewson, Jane Ann Hexter, Leslie A. Hey, Florence Heycock, Herbert Heyes, Edward Heyward, Howard Heyward, Violet Heyward, Henry Heyward, Violet R. Heyward, Thomas Heywood, Brida Heywood, Violet R. Heywood, William G. Heywood, Percy Heywood, Wm. A. Heywood, Frederick Hibbard, Henry J. Hibbard, G.F. Rev. Hibberd, Henry Hibberd, Robt. Murray Hibberd, Kate Hibberd, Bessie Hibberd, J. S. Hibberd, Henry John Hibbert, Arthur Hubert Pvt. Hibbert, Frank Hibbert, Charles Hibbert, Rosina Hibbert, F. Hibbert, Kate Hibbert, John William Pvt. Hibbert, Arthur Hibbert, Ruth Hibbert, John W. Hibbert, MrsMary Hibbert, Charles Arthur Hibbert, Samuel Hibbert, Charles A. Hibbett, Charles Arthur Hibbett, Chas. Hy. Hibbett, Chas. A. Hibdin, Frank Hick, Florence Annie Hicken, Ernest Hickey, William Hickey, Henry Hickey, William Pvt. Hickey, Winnifred Margaret Hickey, Hugh Hickey, Henry Sgt. D.C.M. Hickey, Teresa Hickey, Sargeant Hickey, Henry Frederick Hickey, John Hickey, Theresa Hickey, Roslyn Hickey, Bridget Hickey, Harry Hickey, James George Hickey, S. Ann Hickey, Jeremiah Hickey, Agnes Hickey, Charles P. Hickey, Henry W. Sgt. Hickey, Hy. Hickey, Mary Ann Hickey, Henry Sgt. Hickey, Wm. Hickey, Celia Ann / S.A. Hickford, Albert Hickford, Wm. Hickford, Montague Hickford, Bert Hickford, Wm Hickford, William Hickie, Bridget Hickley, James G. Hickley, James Hickley, James E. Hickley, James George Hickley, Jas. Geo. Hickling, Frank George Hickman, Frederick C. Hickman, Jonn Hickman, J.M. Hickman, Fredk. H.C. Hickman, R. Hickman, Raymond J. Hickman, Mabel Hickman, George Hickman, A. Hickman, Mabel (Ellen, Mabel, Ethen) Hickman, Wm. Hickmott, T. Hicks, Ellen F. Hicks, Ella Francis Hicks, Hester Hicks, William J. Hicks, Thomas Hicks, Ada Hicks, W.J. Hicks, William Hicks, Prebendary Walter Rev. D.D. Hicks, A. Hicks, Hannah Hicks, W. E. Hicks, Ella Hicks, Emily Winnie May Hicks, Ella F. Hicks, C. Stansfield Hicks, Arthur D. Hicks, E. Francis Hicks, Alfred Hicks, John Hicks, Walter Edward Hicks, James Henry Hicks, R.K. Mrs. Hicks, J Hicks, Thos Hicks, William Sir Rt. Hon. Hickson, Samuel Hickson, Mr. Thomas Hickson, Herbert S.W. Hickson, Joseph Mr. Hidden, Joan Hiddlestone, W.B. Hide, Ernest G. Hide, Henry T. Hide, Harry Hider, Alfred Hields, William C. Hielon, Margaret Hierons, J. Higginbottom, George Higginbottom, Geo. Higgins, Robert Higgins, George Higgins, Lily / Lilian Higgins, Agnes Higgins, Margaret Higgins, William Higgins, Andrew Higgins, Francis E. Higgins, Francis Higgins, Norman Higgins, Thomas Higgins, Henry Higgins, Alfred Higgins, Mary Higgins, Daniel Higgins, Annie Higgins, Sarah Higgins, Myra Higgins, J.B. Higgins, Fred Higgins, Ruth Higgins, R. Emily Higgins, And Higgins, Timothy Higgins, W. H. Higgins, John Higgins, Rose Emily Higgins, William H. S. Higginson, Eliza Higginson, Fanny Higgs, H. Higgs, Violet Higgs, Catherine Higgs, Walter E Higgs, Walter Higgs, John Higgs, Catherine V. Higgs, KatherIne Higgs, Violet C. Higgs, Sarah Higgs, Selina Higgs, Ambrose Higgs, Elizabeth Highaim?, J. Higham, Mrs. William Higham, Sarah Highes, John Highstead, James Highton, alfred Highton, George Higney, Peter Higson, Doris Higson, Doris E. Higson, Harry Higss, John Hiinch, James Hiind, Louisa Hiindley, Mary Hilbert, Frank Hilder, Mary Hilder, May Hilder, Mary Frances Hilder, Mary F. Hildgard, Fredk Hildore, Dagmar Hildreth, Elsie A. Hildyard, Fred Hildyard, Fredk. Hildyard, Frederick Hiley, Eliza Hilham, Lily May Hill, Jack Hill, Emily Hill, Thomas Hill, Dorothy M. Hill, Chas. Hill, Dorothy Hill, William G. Hill, Thomas W. Hill, Wm Hill, George Hill, Charles Hill, Arthur E. Hill, Alice Hill, Elizabeth Hill, John E. Hill, Richard Hill, Owen Hill, Alice M. Hill, Chas Hill, C. N. Hill, John E.B. Hill, Charles W.D. Hill, Hill, Ernest S. Hill, William Hill, Fred Hill, Emily M. Hill, George (2) Joseph Hill, Edwd Hill, T.W. Hill, John Samuel Hill, Edward Hill, Frederick Arthur Hill, Edward F. Hill, Bertram H.S. Hill, Arthur M. Hill, Henry Hill, Thos. W. Hill, Kate Hill, Bertram H.I. Hill, John Hill, Wm. Hill, Bertram H.L. Hill, William Luke Hill, Joseph Hill, Horace Hill, Ernest Hill, Russell Mrs. Hill, Emily Maud Hill, William Pvt. Hill, Alfred Hill, Alfred E. Hill, Diana Hill, Henry Thomas Hill, Charles Wm. Hill, Dr. Hill, Thos. Wm. Hill, John Edward Hill, Edward Frank Hill, Mrs. Percy Seymour Hill, Albert Samuel Hill, Joseph William Preston Hill, Evelyn Hill, Sidney Hill, Thomas Wm. Hill, Edwd. Hill, John B. Hill, Charles E. Hill, Claude Hill, Rowland Hill, James Hill, Betram H.L. Hill, Willie Hill, Horace Bernard Hill, Walter Chas. Ernes Hill, James John Hill, Claude F. J. Hill, Gertrude Hill, Charlie Hill, Mary E. Hill, Geo. Hill, Harold B. Hill, Hy. T. Hill, Wm. Luke Hill, Edith Hill, Janet Hill, ElIzabeth Hill, Mr. Nathaniel Hill, Milton Hill, J. Hill, Ellen Hill, Ann Eliza Hill, Arthur Hill, Annie Hill, Esther Hill, Henry William Hill, Mr. Hill, A. E. Hill, B. H. L. Hill, Chas. E. Hill, Bertram Hill, Miss. Hill, W Hill, Thos. Hill, Chas. W.D. Hill, MaryAnn Hill, Jessie Hill, Lizzie Hill, Albert Hill, Percy Hill, Henry T. Hill, Harold Hill, George (1) Hill, Ernest Frank Hillditch, James Hilliard, Michael Hilliard, Geo. Hilliard, George Hilliard, John H. Hilliard, Hilliard, Albert Hilliard, Hilliard Hilliard, Michael A. Hilliard, George H. Hillick, Walter Hillier, Thomas Hillier, Arthur Hillier, Christina Mrs. Hillier, Horace W. Hillier, Hy. G. Mr. Hillier, John Hillier, Alfred T. Hillier, Herbert George Hilliman, Albert Hillman, Samuel Hillman, A. E. Hillman, Mercy Hillman, Rosalie Hillman, John Hillman, Emily Hillman, Wm. G. Hillman, Judith Hillman, H.H. Lt. Hillman, Edith Hills, Fred Hills, Alice Hills, William L. Hills, Horace B. Hills, Edwin Hills, Ernest G. Hills, Ernest Hills, Alf. E. Hills, Rosina Hills, Albert E. Hills, Horace Hills, Bertram H.L. Hills, Wm. L. Hills, George Hills, William Hills, Harry Hills, John Hills, John H. Hills, Percey Hills, Jessie E. (2nd) Hills, Jessie E. Hills, Wm. Luke Hills, John B. Hills, Bertha Hills, Horace Bernard Hills, Harry S. A. Hillsdon, Walter J. Hillson, John Hillson, Frederick Hillson, John Pvt. Hillstead, Rose Hillstead, Elsie M. Hillyard, Andrew Hillyer, John W Hillyer, Bertha Hillyer, W. Hilry, Wm. Hilstead, Elsie M. Hilton, Charles Hilton, ChrIstIna Hilton, Alexander Philip Hilton, Alfred M Hilton, Hilton, Edward W. Hilton, Kate Hilton, Ethel Hilton, AnnIe Hilton, Fred. Hilton, Thomas Hilton, Reg. Hilton, Ernest Hilton, E. Hilton, Elizabeth Hilton, Chas. Hilts, Elizabeth Mrs. Hilyard, John Edward Himsworth, Shirley Himsworth, Patricia Hinch, Edward Hinch, James Hinch, Kathleen Hinchcliffe, Walter Hinchcliffe, Frank Hinchley, John Hinchliffe, Monica Field Hincks, Mary Hincks, Mary A. Hind, John C. Hind, John Oswald Hind, Professor Hind, Jemima Hind, William S. Hind, Robert Hind, John O. Hind, Jno Hy Hind, D. Hind Smith, W. Wilson, Esq. Hind Smith, Mr. Hind Smith, W.W. Mr. Hind Smith, Jack Hind Smith, William P.O. Hind Smith, Mr. W.W. Hind Smith, W. Wilson Hind-Smith, W.W. Hind-Smith, Mr. Hind-Smith, W.W. Mr. Hind-Smith, Wilson Mr. Hinde, Mary Hindley, Mary Hindley, Thomas Hindrey, John C. Hindry, Harold George Hindry, John C. Hindry, Harold G. Hinds, Alfred E. |
Hinds, A. E. Hinds, John Hinds, Alf. E. Hinds, Alfred Hines, Alfred Hines, Arthur R. J. Hines, William Hines, Harry Hines, Geo. Hines, Mary Ellen Hines, George Hines, John Hines, Arthur R.J. Hinett, Annie Rose Hinett, George Leonard Hinett, Doris Hinett, Laura Hingley, Elsie Hingley, John Allan Hinks, George W. Hinks, George William Hinks, John C. Hinks, Mary Ann Hinks, John Charles Hinks, Arthur E.J. Hinks, Arthur Revet John Hinks, Annie Hinks, Arthur Hinks, Arthur R. J. Hinks, Arthur Evett John Hinlay, James Hinson, Hannah Louisa Hinson, Louisa Hinton, Sarah Hinton, Louisa Hinton, George Hinton, Alexander P. Hinton, Alfred A. Hinton, Thos. C. Hinton, Charlie Hinton, Thomas Hinton, Joseph Thomas Hinton, Alfred Hinton, W.H. Mrs. Hinton, Frederick J. Hinton, Thomas Charles Hinton, Hinton, A. A. Hinton, Louise Hinton, Fred. J. Hinton, Harry / Henry Hinton, Alice Hippsley, Albert H. Hiram, Tommy Hirch, Cynthia Hird, Ellen Hird, John Hird, Ellen E. Hird, Walter Hirons, Charles Hirons, George Herbert Hirous, V. Hirst, Fred. Law. Hirst, George Hirst, John Hy. Hirst, John H. Hirst, Charles Frederick Hirst, George R. Hirst, Lily Hirst, Alb. Goldthorp Hirt, Wilfred Victor Hiscock, Mary Ann (Mrs. Claude) Hiscock, George Hiscocks, Alfred Hiscocks, John T. Hiscox, Maud Hiscox, C. Hisketh, Wm. Hislop, Mary Hislop, Maud Hislop, Jno. Hisman, G Arthur Hisrt, Lily Histed, Amy Hitch, Amy Hitch, William H. Hitch, EdIth Hitchat, Elizabeth Hitchcock, George Hitchcock, G. Hitchcock, John Pvt. Hitchcock, Mr. and Mrs. Hitchcock, Mrs. Hitchcock, E. Mr. Hitchcock, Mr. Hitchcock, Thomas Hitchcock, John Hitchcock, E.W. Hitchcott, Henry Hitchcox, Ralph Joseph Hitchen, Herbert Hitchen, H. Hitchfield, Ellen Hitchin, Herbert Hitching, William Hitching, Stanley Hitchings, Henry F. Hitchings, William Hitchins, Thomas Hitchman, William Hitchman, Frank Hitchot, Elizabeth Hitcock, Miss. Hithe, Steron Hithe, Stebon Hitshot, Elizabeth Hives, William Hix, Edith A. Hizzey, Dorothy Hizzey, Dorothy A. Hoad, Leonard Hoad, Henry Hoadley, Robert J. Hoadley, Robert Hoar, Annie Hoare, Albert Hoare, Edw. Hoare, Joseph Hoare, EmIly Hoare, Anna Hoare, Herbert Hoare, Henry John Hoare, Serah Hoare, Jas Edwin Hoare, Dr. & Mrs. Hoare, Mr. Hoare, John Hoare, Ann Hoare, Mabel E. Hoare, Master Hoare, Charlotte Kate Hoa__, Elizabeth Hoban, Thos. Hoban, John Hoban, James Hoban, Thomas Hoban, Php Hobart, Florence Hobart, Ellen Hobart, Jane E.J. Hobbins, Thomas Hobbins, Polly Hobbis, Kathleen Hobbourn, John Hobbs, Frederick Hobbs, Geo. Hobbs, Ellen Hobbs, Frederick H. Hobbs, Fred H. Hobbs, William Hobbs, Christopher Hobbs, Wm. Hobbs, Char. Hobbs, W. Hobbs, Wm. W. Hobbs, Chas. N. Hobbs, Charles Hobbs, George W. Hobbs, James Hobbs, Ellen H. Hobbs, Arthur J. Hobbs, John M. Hobbs, Charles Pvt. Hobbs, Arthur Hobbs, Ellen Harriet Hobbs, Agnes Hobday, J.W. Mr. Hobday, Arthur Thomas Bikker Hobday, J.W. Mrs Hobday, Mrs. Hobday, Mr. and Mrs. Hobday, John Hobday, H.W. Hobday, John W. Mr. Hobday, Rose Hobday, Herbert Wm. Hobday, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Hobday, John W. Hobday, Mr. Hobday, Ethel Hobday, John W. Mrs. Hobden, C. G. Hobden, L Hobman, John Hoborough, Hy. Hobs, Dora Hobson, Margaret Hobson, James Hobson, Robert Mrs. Hobson, Millie Hobson, John Hy Hobson, William Hobson, Joseph Hobson, Hobson, J. Hobson, Thomas Hobson, R.M. Mrs. Hobson, Thomas H. Hobson, Sgt. Hobson, John Hoccom, Olive Ruby Hoccorn, Olive Ruby Hoccum, Olive Ruby Hockaday, Dennis Walter Hockaday, Albert J. Hockett, Hockett, Ted Hockett, Frederick Hockett, Arthur Hockey, F. Hockham, George F. Hockham, Emma Rose Hockham, Harry B. Hocking, George Hocklefound, James Hockley, Jas. Hockley, Charles Hockley, Jno Hockley, Jno. Hockley, Wm. Hockley, Jas Hockman, Rose Hockrey, Rose Hocquard, Fred. Hocquard, Albert Hocquard, Edward Hocquard, Chas. Wilfred Hodde, Arthur George Hodden, Wm. Hoddenott, Herbert Hoddy, Mary A. Hodesdon, Henry F. Hodge, George Edward Hodge, James Hodge, Hodge, Amy Hodge, George C. Hodge, Violet Hodge, Francis Stewart Hodge, Elizabeth Sinclair Hodge, Frederick Hodge, Alfred Hodge, Robert H. Hodge, Christina Victoria Hodge, Jno. H. Hodge, James H. Hodge, Mrs. Hodge, William Hodge, Percy A. Hodge, Alice Mrs. Hodge, Edward H. Hodges, Percy A. Hodges, Ernest Hodges, George F. Hodges, Alfred Hodges, George Hodges, Henry Chas. Hodges, Florence Hodges, E. R. Hodges, Celina Hodges, Amy Hodges, George Francis Edward Pvt. Hodges, Ernest R. Hodges, Ermest Mr. and Mrs. Hodges, Henry (1) Hodges, George Henry Hodges, Brenda Hodges, Mary Hodges, Mary E. Hodges, Florrie Hodges, Percy Hodges, Grace Hodges, Amelia Hodges, Henry Hodges, E. Hodges, Hodges, E.R. Hodges, Harry H. Hodges, Harry S. Hodges, Harry S Hodges, Ernest Richard Pvt. Hodges, Geo. F. Hodges, Alfred J. Hodges, Henry H. Hodges,, Henry (2) George Hodgetts, C. A. Mr. M.D. Hodgetts, Joseph Hodgetts, May Hodgetts, George Hodgetts, C. A. Mr. Dr. Hodgetts, Ernest Hodgetts, J.A. Hodgetts, Alfred Clarence Hodgetts, Messers. Hodgins, John Hodgins, Mr. Walter Hodgins, Mr. Hodgins, William Hodgins, John Mr. Hodgins, F.E. Hodgins, Frank E. Hodgins, Frank Mr. Hodgkins, Amy Elizabeth Hodgkins, Henry Hodgkins, George Hodgkins, Louisa Hodgkinson, Harriet Hodgkinson, Sarah Ann Hodgkinson, Mary Ann Hodgkinson, Elizabeth Joy Hodgkinson, Ann Patricia Hodgkiss, Henry Hodgon, Henry A. Mr. and Mrs. Hodgson, Mr. Hodgson, James Hodgson, Ruby Hodgson, P.K. Hodgson, Penelope Hodgson, Elizabeth Hodgson, Ellen Hodgson, Janet Hodgson, Henry Hodgson, Alexander Hodgson, Clarence Hodgson, David Hodgson, John Hodgson, Edgar Hodgson, Hodgson, Amy Hodgson, Alex Hodgson, P.K. Major O.B.E. Hodgson, Enoch Hodgson, Lily Hodgson, G. Hodgson, George Hodgson, Alex. Hodgson, Adam Hodgson, William Mr. Hodgson, Lily M. Hodgson, Harry Hodgson, Annie Hodgson, Wm. Jno. Hodgson, Lizzie Hodgson, P.K. Major Hodgson, Clarence E. Hodgson, Leonard Hodkinson, Serah Hodson, Alfred Hodson, George Hodson, Mary Hodson, Maud Hodson, William Welsh Hodson, Matilda Hodson, John Hodson, Alfred James Hodson, Emily Hodson, Henry Hodson, Hodson, Charles Hodson, Samuel Hodson, Margaret Hodson, Enoch Hodson, James Hodston, Harold Hoey, Alex Hoey, Alexander Hoey, Fredk. James Hoey, Miss. Hoey, Cecil Hoey, Alex. Hoey, John Hoff, Andrew Stewart Hoffin, Edwin Hoffman, Mr. Hoffmeyer, Herman Hofman, John W. Hog, George Hog, Henry Hogan, Denis Hogan, Thomas Hogan, Mary Josephine Hogan, Thos. Hogan, Daniel Hogan, J. Hogan, Patrick Hogan, Chas. Hogan, Fred Hogan, Mary Hogarth, Sophia Hogben, Geo. Hogbin, John Hogg, Sheila Hogg, Mable Hoggard, Alfred Hoggard, Frank Hy. Hoggarth, Lily Mary Hoggins, J. Hogsden, Arthur Hogsden, Art Hogsden, Hy. A. Holbeche, Nigel Holbeche, Hubert Cecil Holbooke, Hubert Cecil Holbooke, Charlton Nigel Holborn, Arthur Ed. Holborough, George A. Holborough, Geo. A. Holborough, Ernest Holborough, George Arnold Holborough, George Holbrook, George A. Holbrook, J.H. Dr. Holbrough, George Holcomb, Archibald Holdam, James Holden, Fred Holden, James Holden, Leslie Francis Holden, Eliza Holden, Fred. J. Holden, Ernest C. Holden, George A. Holden, F. Holden, John Holden, Harry Holden, Walter Holden, Neville Holden, Nora Holden, George Holden, Fred J. Holden, Frederick Holden, Edward A. Holden, Frederick J. Holden, Henry Holden, Arthur John Holden, Vincent Holden, Mable Mrs Holden, George W. Holden, Benjamin Holden, William Holden, Isabella Holder, Walter Holder, Henry Holder, Sarah Ann Holder, Hy. Holder, Thomas Holder, Alice Holder, Sarah A. Holder, Francis / Frank James Holder, George William Holdford, Hy Holdford, Hy. Holding, Walter Holdsworth, John Holdsworth, Olive Holdsworth, Florence Hole, George F. Hole, Frederick Hole, Ada Amelia Hole, Anthony Hole, W. R. Holeford, Edith Holenthal, France Holford, Edith M. Holford, Edith Holford, Louis Holford, H. S. J. Holford, William Holgate, George Holiday, Ronald J. Holiday, Esther Holiday, Ralph Esq. Holiday, H.W. Mrs. Holiday, Wm. Holinshead, Mrs. Holinshead, Mary Mrs. Holinshead, J. Hollamby, Ann Hollamby, Amy E. Hollamby, Hilda Hollamby, Rose E. Hollamby, Amy Holland, Louis Henry Holland, Margaret Holland, William Holland, Cecil Holland, Cornelius W. Holland, Alfred James Holland, Wm Holland, Clifford Holland, Cecil Pvt. Holland, Daniel G. Holland, Marion Holland, Alfred Holland, Sophia Holland, Bernard Holland, W. Holland, Mr. & Mrs. Holland, Moody Holland, John Holland, Elizabeth Holland, James Holland, Ellen Holland, Thos. Holland, Harold Holland, J. W. Holland, Thos. H. Holland, Francis William Holland, Arthur S. Holland, C. E. Mrs. Holland, Daniel Holland, A. I. Mrs. Holland, Richard Holland, Oscar Emmanuel Holland, Frank John Holland, R. Holland, Cycil Holland, Johnnie Holland, Matilda / Tilly Holland, John Henry Holland, Emma Holland, Henry Holland, Ada Holland, Walter Holland, Thomas H. Holland, Art. S. Hollands, Henry Hollands, Harry Hollands, Isiah Hollands, James Hollands, George Hollands, Arthur S. Hollands, Arthur Sidney Pvt. Hollaway, Stanley Hollebon, W. Hollerden, Mary Holliday, Wm. Holliday, Ronald J. Holliday, Jessie Hollifield, Wm. Hollifield, Geo Hollifield, William Hollifield, George Hollifield, Alfred Hollifield, Wm. T. Hollifield, Geo. Hollifield, Jno E Hollingdale, Henry Hollingdale, H. Hollings, Albert E. Hollingshead, W. Mrs. Hollingshead, Mr. Hollingshurst, Charles E. Hollingshurst, George F. Hollingshurst, Chas. E. Hollingsworth, Daisy Hollingsworth, Isa Hollingsworth, Charles F. Hollingsworth, Ellen Hollingsworth, Isabella Hollingworth, Frederick William Hollingworth, George Edward Hollins, Arthur T. Hollins, Art. T. Hollins, Saml Hollins, Thos Hollins, Chas Hollinshead, Mrs. Hollis, Patricia M. Holloway, Florence Holloway, George F. Holloway, Edith Holloway, Albert H. G. Holloway, Albert Holloway, David Holloway, Frederick Holloway, George Fred Holloway, William R. Holloway, George (1) Holloway, Albert E. Holloway, Joseph Holloway, Frederick W. Holloway, MImosa Holloway, Caleb F. Holloway, William A. Holloway, George (2) R. Holloway, Charles Henry Holloway, William (1) Holloway, Charles Holloway, Clarence George Holloway, Wm. A. Holloway, Enoch Holloway, Martha Holloway, Amelia Holloway, Douglas Holloway, CarolIne Hollowood, William Henry Hollway, Harry Stanley Hollway, William Hollway, Wm. Hollway, Frederick. Wm. Hollway, Florence Holly, George James Holly, George J. Holly, John Holly, George Hollyfield, Alfred Hollyfield, A. Hollyfield, Valentine Hollyman, Emily Hollyman, H. Holman, Patk Holman, Maud Fl'ce. Holman, John W. Holman, Josh Holman, Maud Holman, Rich Holmes, William H. Holmes, Sidney Holmes, James Holmes, Ada Holmes, Catherine Holmes, Robt Holmes, John James Holmes, Beatrice Holmes, Walter James Holmes, T.R. Holmes, W.H. Holmes, Harry H. Holmes, Matthew Henry Holmes, Robert Holmes, Miss. Holmes, Maureen Holmes, John Holmes, Thomas Holmes, Agnes Holmes, Thurza / Thyrza Holmes, Walter Holmes, Kate Holmes, Frederick Holmes, Cecil Holmes, William Hy. Holmes, Eva Holmes, Edith Holmes, Fred Holmes, Alfred Holmes, John J. Holmes, Lillian Holmes, Arthur Holmes, Frank Holmes, Florence Holmes, Eleanor Miss. Holmes, Richard T. Holmes, Clara Holmes, Freddie Holmes, T.H. Holmes, Rebecca Holmes, Fred. Holmes, Cecil Pvt. Holmes, Gilbert Holmes, Robt. Holmes, Brenda Y. Holmes, Ethel Holmes, Eleanor Mabel Holmes, Augusta Holmes, H Holmes, Frederick William Holmes, Maggie Holmes, H. Holmes, Prudence Holmes, Alan Holmes, Jane Holmes, Charles Holmes, Edward Holmes Or Elmes, Wm Holmes-Watson, Ruadh Holmfield, Charles Holmgrean, William Holmgreen, William Holmwood, Stanley J. Holmwood, Olive Holmwood, Art. Bertie Holmwood, Stanley Holmwood, James Thomas Holmyard, Frederick Holmyard, Charles Henry Holness, Frederick Holness, Percy Gilbert Holroyd, W. Holt, Violett Holt, Donald Holt, Charles Holt, Oswin Holt, Ernest Holt, Isabella Holt, Rufus Holt, Lilian Holt, Edmund Holt, T. J. Holt, George Frederick Holt, Blanche Holt, Violet Holt, Caroline Holt, C. G. Holt, E. E. Holt, John M. Holt, Henry Thomas Holt, Jacob Holt, Albert Holt, Millicent Edith Holt, Bridget Holt, Florence Holt, Minnie Holt, William Holt, Rufus Alfred Holt, Robert Holt, Elizabeth Holt, Frederick Holt, Annie Holt, W.B. Mr. Holt, Peter Holt, Joseph Holt, Frederick J. Holt, Beatrice Holtby, Florence Holtham, Albert (2) William Holtham, Annie Holtham, Albert (1) Holtom, Bertie Holtom, Charles Holton, Reg. T. Rev. Holton, Bertie Holton, Reginald Holton, Mr. Holton, Reginald T. Holton, Walter J. Holton, Reginald T. Rev. Holtum, James William Albert (Alfred) Holtum, George Holtum, Robert C. Holway, Wm. Holwell, Henry Holyoake, Caroline (1) Holyoake, Annie Holyoake, Caroline (2) Holzke?, Otto Homar, Elsie (Mrs.) Homer, Lucy Homer, Charles Homer, Thomas Homer, Joseph Homer, H. Homer, Beatrice Homer, John Thomas Homes, Edith Homes, Joseph Homes, Mary Homewood, John Homewood, Charles Homridge, Charles Homsby, Alice Homsby, Maria Hond, Albert Joseph Hone, Beatrice Hone, Ernest C. Hone, Honey, Edwin Honey, Frederick Honey, Kate Honeybourne, Wm. Honeybourne, Walter Honeybourne, Charles Honeybourne, John Honeybourne, William Honeybourne, Honeybourne, Florence Honeyford, Rob Honeyford, Arthur Honeyford, John Honeyford, Robt. Honeyford, Mrs. Honner, Elizabeth Honnor, A. Honour, Florence Honour, Albert Honour, Samuel Honour, Florence M. Honsden, Clarie Hoobs, George William Hood, James R. Hood, Ethel Hood, Ethel M. Hood, John Hood, Sidney Hood, Miss. Hood, Sidney J. Hood, H. J. Hood, Douglas C. Hood, Joseph R. Hood, E. Miss. Hooey, Helen E. Hoof, Jas. Jno. Hook, Percy Hook, Emily Hook, Mary Hook, Henry William Hook, James Hook, Albert Philip Hook, Dorothy Hook, Chas Hook, Margaret Hook, Percy F. Hook, Agnes Hooke, Maude Hooke, Dorothy Hooke, Henry Willam Hooker, Geo Hooker, Rich Hooker, Harry M. Hooker, Geo. Hooker, George Hooker, Edward Hooker, James Hoolahan, John Mr. Hooland, Margaret Hoole, Victor Hoole, Lily Hoole, John Henry Hooley, Eliza Hooley, Jane Hoolican, Dennis Hooper, Joseph Hooper, Hooper, Thos. Hooper, John Hooper, Kate Hooper, Albert Hooper, Edward Easton Hooper, Cyril F.J. Hooper, Douglas Hooper, John Henry Hooper, Archie Hooper, Stanley F. Hooper, Charles William W. Hooper, Charles Arthur Hooper, Charles Hooper, Leonard Hooper, Henry / Harry Hooper, Fras Hooper, Florence Hooper, Frank S. Hooper, Bertie Pvt. Hooper, Fras. Hooper, Hy. Hooper, Cyril Frank Joseph Hooper, Walter Hooper, Bertie Hooser, George Arthur Hoot, Mary Ellen Hooten, Ann Hoover, Mrs. Henry Hop?, E.M. Miss. Hope, James Hope, James John Hope, Richard Hope, Annie Hope, Charles Hope, Ruby Pearl Hope, James Arthur Hope, Mary Hope, R. Hope, Susan Hope, Eva Hope, Alfred Hope, Violet Hope, Lewis Hope, Margery Hope, Basil H. Hope, John William Hope, Catherine Hope, Bella Hope, Edward Hope, Lady Hope, John Hope, Basil Harvey Hope-Stone, Harold F. Hopely, Alice Hopgood, Arthur Robert Hopgood, Mr. Alexander Hopkins, Violet Hopkins, William H. Hopkins, Ronald Hopkins, Henry Hopkins, Alfred John Hopkins, Ernest Hopkins, Margt. Hopkins, Alfred Hopkins, Wm. Hopkins, John T. Hopkins, Walter Hopkins, John T Hopkins, Jno. Hopkins, Alfred R.J. Hopkins, Charles Hopkins, Walter Samuel Hopkins, Frank Hopkins, John Hopkins, Edward C. / Edwin Hopkins, Violet M. Hopkins, Doris Hopkins, Mrs. Hopkins, Sarah Hopkins, Emma Hopkins, W. H. Hopkins, George Hopkins, Frederick Joseph Hopkins, Frederick Hopkins, Beatrice Hopkins, Fredk. Hopkins, Hopkins, Margret Hopkins, Doris E. Hopkins, Harry Hopkins, Thomas Hopkins, Henry Thomas Hopkins, Fred Hopkins, Frederick J. Hopkins, Patrick Hopkins, U Jane Hopkins, E.I. Hopkins, Elizabeth Miss. Hopkins, John Thomas Hopkins, Fred. Hopkins, Ralph Hopkins, Herbert Hopkins, John William Hopkins, Leonard Hopkins, Ronald J. Hopkins, William Hopkins, Geo Hopkins, John W. Hopkins, Albert Hopkins, Chas Hopkins, Margaret Hopkinson, Walter Hopkinson, Nellie Hoplet, Clara Hopley, Clara Hoppe, Charles Hopper, Leslie G. Hopper, Hopper, Mrs. Hopper, Leslie Ed. Hopson, James Hopson, Daisy Hopson, George Hopson, Hopson, Gertrude Hopson, Albert Hopton, Harry Hopton, William Hopton, Edward Hoptrough, Edward Hopwood, Edward W.F. Hopwood, Thos. Geo. Hopwood, Edward W. Hopwood, Edward W. F. Hora, Sarah Ann Hora, E. Hora, Elizabeth Horace, Horace Horan, John Horan, Thomas Hord, George William Horden, D. Hordern, Alfred Hordern, Mary Horgan, Daniel Horlock, Peter Horn, Harry Horn, Alfred Horn, Alex Horn, Mary J Horn, Mary J. Horn, George Hornblower, Geo. Hornblower, Michael Hornblower, Catherine Hornblower, George Hornblower, Mich. Hornblower, C. Hornblower, Annie Hornblower, Hornblower, Wm. Hornby, Alice Hornby, Walter G. Hornby, Margaret Hornby, Bertha Horne, George William Horne, James Horne, Ann Horne, Joseph Horne, George Horne, Louisa Horne, Alfred Horne, William Horne, John Horne, Stanley Horne, Jack Horne, Albert Samuel Horne, Alf. Frank Horne, George W. Horner, William Horner, Henry C. Horner, Henry Charles Horner, H.C. Horner, J.A. Hornett, J. Hornett, Wm. Horney, William G. Hornfeck, Charles Hornfeck, Charles Sidney Hornfeck, Chas. S. Hornibrook, F. Horniman, Michael Horniman, Jessica Hornsby, John Hornsby, Alice Hornsey, Ruth Jeanetta Hornsey, John George Hornsey, Adelaide Florence Hornsey, Elsie Phyllis Horrigan, Daniel Horrigan, John Horrigan, David Horrigan, Harriet Horrigan, Dan'l Horsburgh, Myrtle Miss. Horsburgh, John Alfred Horsburgh, Walter J. Horsburgh, A. Mrs. Horscoft, Carrie Horscroft, William Horscroft, Caroline Horscroft, Bill Horse, Frank Horsebough, William Horseburgh, Peter Horseburgh, William Horsefield, Lavinia Miss. Horsfield, Patricia M. Horsfold, William Horsford, Georgina Horsley, Horsman, T. W. Horstead, Douglas Alfred Victor Horstead, Douglas Horstead, Reginald S.P. Horstead, Douglas A.V. Horsted, Percy Horswood, Cyril Horton, James Horton, Chas Horton, Rose Horton, John Horton, Herbert Horton, Bertie Horton, Florence Horton, Percy J. Horton, Leah Horton, William Charles Horton, Charles Horton, Joseph Horton, Sydney Charles Horton, Elizabeth Horton, Genevieve Horton, Jas. Horton, Amy Horton, Chas. Horton, Lily Horton, Henry Horton, The Rev. Robert F., DD Horton, Ada Ellen / Ida Horton, Jas Horwell, Arthur Wm. Horwood, Arthur L. Horwood, Ethel Horwood, George H. Horwood, Marguerite Horwood, George Horwood, Ethel M. Horwood, Geo. H. Hosie, A. Hosier, Hosier, Ernest James Hosier, Ernest J. Hoskin, Frederick A. Hoskin, George Hosking, Wm. Ernest A. Hosking, Wm. E.A. Hosking, Geo. Hosking, William E.A. Hosking, George Hoskings, George Hoskins, Cecil Dawson Hoskins, James Hoskins, Sophia Hoskins, Alfred Thomas Pvt. Hoskins, Harold Hoskins, William E.A. Hoskins, Hy W Hoskins, Fred. J. Hoskins, Frederick John Hoskins, George A. Hoskins, Harold Dawson Pvt. Hoskins, George Alfred Hoskins, George Hoskins, Harriet Hotham, Thomas Hotham, George H. Hotham, Thos. Hotson, Daisy Hotson, Maud Hotson, Ernest Hotson, Jemima Hotson, Maud Matilda Hotton, James Hough, Annie S. Hough, William Hough, John A. Hough, Ernest Arthur Hough, Ernest Hough, Ernest A. Houghney, Ellen Houghney, Caroline Houghney, Carol Houghton, Sarah Houghton, Frances A. Houghton, John Houghton, James Houghton, Henry H. Houghton, Wm. Houghton, Ethel Houghton, Mary Houghton, Margaret Houghton, John William Pvt. Houghton, E. Houghton, Francis A. Houghton, William Pvt. Houghton, William Houghton, George A. Houghton, M G Houghton, Sarah Annie Houghton, George Houghton, H F Houlahen, John Houlder, Willie Hoult, Edward Hoult, Henry / Harry Hounsell, P. B. Hounsome, F. R. Hounsome, Fred. R. Hounsome, Fred Hourie, J. R. Housby, Emily Housden, Clarice Housden, Lillian House, Charles Houseman, Eliza. Houseman, Minnie Houseman, Mary A. Houston, Clarice Houston, Charles Houston, Sarah Houston, Minnie Hovelaque, P. A. Hovey, Henry R. Hovey, William Hovey, John William Hovey, William J. Hovey, Henry How, Archibald Howard, William Howard, Billy Howard, Thomas C. Howard, Wm. Howard, Robert Howard, Violet Howard, Thomas Howard, Thompson Howard, Laurence C. Howard, Maria Howard, George William Howard, F.H. Rev. Howard, Jane Howard, William A. Howard, Edward Howard, John George Howard, J. Howard, George Howard, Bertie Howard, Henry Howard, Charles Howard, Annie Elizabeth Howard, Albert Howard, Will Howard, Will. Howard, Susan Howard, Edwin Ephraim Howard, Wm Howard, Fred Howard, John T. Howard, Maria K. Howard, Arthur E. Howard, Geo. Edwin Howard, Joshua Howard, Esther Howard, Lavada Miss. Howard, Joseph E. Howard, W.B. Mr. Howard, Willie Howard, Arthur E Howard, Lettie Howard, Lawrence Howard, Joseph Howard, Charley Howard, Sidney Howard, Howard, Herbert Howard, Lawrence C. Howard, John Howard, Mary Ann Howard, Christina Mrs. Howard, Jno. G. Howard, Herbert John Howard, Lydia Howard, Muriel, Joyce Howard, Frances Howard, Theodore, Esq Howard, J.G. Howard, John G. Howard, William Alfred Howard, Jas Howard, Muriel Joyce Howard, Alice Howard, Mrs. Howard (Blair), Muriel Joyce Howarth, W. H. Howarth, John William Pvt. Howarth, John James Howarth, Thomas Howarth, William Howatson, W. Howden, Philip Howden, Uriel Howe, William Howe, James R. Howe, Dora Howe, George Howe, Ethel Howe, Ethel M. Howe, Leslie Howe, William D. Howe, George Albert Howe, Doris Howe, Lizzie Howe, Arthur Howe, Mrs. G.E. Howe, Agnes Howe, Leslie G. Howe, Wm D Howe, Mrs. Robert E. Howe, Dora W. Howe, Leslie George R. Howe, Jno Howe, Dora M. Howe, Leslie G.R. Howe, Wm. D. Howe, Violet Howe, Jno. Howe, Ethel Muriel Howe, William J. Howe, Frederick J.W. Howe, Edith Howe, Geo. Hy. Howe, Mary Jane Howell, Robert Howell, Eda Maria Howell, Stan Wm. Howell, Richard Howell, Lucy Howell, Eva Howell, D.C. Mrs. Howell, Julia Eva Howell, Alfred Howell, Arthur Howell, Charles Howell, Julia Howell, Hy. Howell, William (2) Howell, Lizzie Howell, William (1) Howell, Isabel Howell, Hariott Howell, Agnes Howell, William Howell, Thos Howell, Cyril J Howell, Thomas Howell, Hy Howell, Chas Howell, Julius A. Howell, James Howell, Mrs. Marshall Howell, Fred Howell, John C. Howell, R. Howell, Mary / Polly Howell, W.W. Howell, Wm Howells, Daniel Howells, John Howells, Elizabeth Howells, Robert Howells, Richard Arthur Howes, John Howes, Elizabeth Howes, Gilbert F. Howes, Alfred Arthur Howes, Sidney H. Howes, Emma Howes, William Howett, William G. Howgate, William W. Howgate, James A. Howgate, William Howgate, James Alfred Howgate, James C. Howitt, Violet Jenny Howitt, Anne R. Howitt, Violet J. Howland, Q.A. Howles, Sidney H. Howles, George Howlett, Horace Howlett, Charles Howlett, George Howlett, Victor Howlett, Howlett, Horace R. Howlett, Percy Alfred Howlett, Fred H. Howlett, C. Howlett, Fanny Howley, Katie Howley, Kate Howley, Albert Edward Howley, Albt. Howley, Francis John Howley, Albt Howling, W.H. Howse, Matthew Howson, Ver Archdeacon Hoxwell, Percy A. Hoy, Rose Hoy, Lewis Hoy, A. B. Rose Hoyle, Agnes Hoyston, Jane W. Huband, Theodore Huband, Mabel Annie Hubbard, Dorothy A. Hubbard, D. Hubbard, Elbert Hubbard, Annie Hubbard, Dorothy Hubbard, Henry Hubbard, Fred. C. Hubbard, Elizabeth A. Hubbard, Wilfred H.N. Hubbard, Rose Hubbard, Harold J. Hubbard, Wilfred Hubbard, Ernest J. Hubbard, Elizabeth Hubbard, David Hubbard, Ethel K. Hubbert, Benjm Hubble, Louise Hubble, Frank James Hubble, Louisa Hubble, Lawrence Hubble, Ernest Hubertin, Andrew Hubt, Gladys J. Huchens, Edith Huckell, William J. Huckell, George Huckell, Wm. J. Huckell, Wm. Isaac Huckell, Wm. I. Huckins, D.A. Mrs. Huckle, William Isaac Huckle, William I. Huckvale, Arthur James Hudd, Jack Huddle, Alice Huddle, Leonard Huddle, Alice E. Huddle, Huddlerstone, Mrs. Huddleston, Jas. Huddleston, James Huddleston, Mary Huddleston, M. Ellen Huddlestone, Arthur Huddlestone, Thomas Hudley, Laurie Hudson, Dorothy Hudson, Jack Hudson, Wm. Hudson, William Hudson, Ivy Hudson, John (1) Fred Hudson, Frederick Charles Hudson, James Hudson, Fred C. Hudson, Elsa Hudson, Serah Hudson, Jno Hy Hudson, Olive Hudson, Elsie Hudson, Joseph A. Hudson, John Hudson, Elizabeth M. Hudson, Thomas Hudson, Lvy Hudson, Elsa I. Hudson, Florence Hudson, Elizabeth Hudson, Violet Hudson, George Hudson, Lizzie Hudson, John (2) Hudson, Joseph Hudson, Albert Victor Hudson, Lilian Mrs. Hudson, Alice Hudson, Robert Hudson, Madeline Hudson, Mabel Hudson, Arthur Hudson, Dorothy G. Hudson, Sydney Hudson, Albert Edward Hudson, Jessie Hudson, Albert V. Hudson, Tom Hudson, Ivy. Hudson, Lily Hudson, Annie Hudson, Fanny Hudson, Richard Hudson, Father/Msgr Hudson, Charles Hudson, Alfred Huff, Wm. Huges, Elizabeth Gwen Huges, Mary Ann Hugget, Joseph Huggett, Leslie Huggett, John A.A. Huggett, E. Mrs. Huggett, Johnny Huggins, James Huggins, Miss. Huggins, Mary Hugh, McCarthy Hugh-Jones, Jennifer Hugh-Jones, Felicity Hugh-Jones, Martin Hugh-Jones, Katherine Hughes, John Hughes, Frederick Hughes, John (1) Hughes, Wm. Hughes, Amy Hughes, Bernard Hughes, William Hughes, Mrs. Hughes, Catherine E. Hughes, William (5) Amyour Hughes, Herbert Stewart Hughes, Maud Hughes, Herbert S Hughes, Lewis Hughes, Herbert Hughes, Ruby Hughes, Mary Hughes, Sarah Hughes, Florence Hughes, Catherine Hughes, Ben. Sid. Hughes, Humphrey Hughes, George Hughes, James Mr. Hughes, Benjamin Hughes, Thomas (2) Hughes, Florence J. Hughes, Charles Hughes, Harry Hughes, Daniel Hughes, Jane Hughes, Sam'l. Hughes, T. Pvt. Hughes, Henry Hughes, James Hughes, Peter Hughes, Edward T. Hughes, Catherine Ellen Hughes, John C. Hughes, William David Hughes, Mary A. Hughes, William (1) Hughes, Florence Jane Hughes, William (2) Hughes, William A. Hughes, David Hughes, Alice Hughes, Richard Hughes, Ellen Hughes, Ed. F. Hughes, Walter (1) Henry Hughes, Gladys Hughes, Robt. Charles Hughes, Hazel Hughes, Emily Hughes, William Ar. Hughes, Ethel Hughes, Samuel Hughes, Ernest Hughes, Maud M. Hughes, Mary Ann Hughes, Clara Hughes, Edward W. Hughes, Thomas Hughes, Albert Hughes, Robert Hughes, Walter Hughes, Mary Jane Hughes, Joseph F. Hughes, John Henry Hughes, William H. Hughes, E. J. Hughes, William (3) David Hughes, Marie Hughes, Edith Hughes, Michael Hughes, Dennis Hughes, John (2) Hughes, Thos. Hughes, Thomas (1) Hughes, Joseph Hughes, Chas. Hughes, Charles F. Hughes, J. Mr. Hughes, Walter (2) Hughes, Harold Hughes, Barbara Hughes, Fred Hughes, William Orlando Hughes, Arthur Hughes, Elizabeth Hughes, William (4) Orlando Hughes, Benjamin S. Hughes, Vincent H. Hughes, Mabel Gwen Hughes, Alfred Hughes, Samuel Henry Hughes, Thos Hughes, Flor. Hughes, Wm. H. Hughes, Reuben Hughes, Geoffrey Hughes, Geo. Hughes, Jessie Florence Hughes, Henry T. Hughes, V. Hughes, Thomas (3) Hughes, Marie Rose Hughes, James Norman Hughes, F. Hughes, Ada Hughs, Maud Hughs, Ernest Hughs, Mary Hughs, Sarah Hughs, Walter Hughs, Bernard Hulbert, Thomas Hulkes, Geoffrey Hulks, Alfred Hull, Thomas John Hull, Mary Hull, Minnie Hull, George Hull, Beatrice Hull, W. Hull, Sam. E. Hull, Samuel E. Hull, William Hull, Robert Hull, Dorothy / Dolly / Dora Hull, Walter Hull, R. Hull, Waalter Hull, S.E. Hull, Lily Hullyer, Lorna Hullyer, Norah Hullyer, Elsie Hulme, Thos. Hulme, Thomas Hulme, Mary E. Hulme, Henry Hulme, Mary E Hulme, Frederick Hulme, R. Hulmes, John R. N. Hulse, Ernest Fred Hulse, Earnest F. Human, Margaret Human, William H. Human, William Human, William M. Humberstone, Jno. Henry Humble, Ethel Humble, John Humble, Ethel Alice Humby, Frederick Hume, James Hume, Kate Hume, Maude Hume, Maud Hume, E Hume-Rothery, Jennifer A. Huminks, Geo. W. Huminks, Arthur Humm, Wm. Humm, Edith Humm, William John Hummerstone, Emma Humpage, Frank Humpage, G. Humpage, Kate Sister Humpage, H. Humpheries, Stanley Alfred Humphery, Cecil Humphery, Ernest V. Humphery, Albert V. Humpherys, Ellen Humphrey, E. Humphrey, Albt. Jn. Stephen Humphrey, Cecil Humphrey, Felix Humphrey, Geo. Humphrey, Amy A. Humphrey, Rachel Humphrey, William Humphrey, Edith Humphrey, Edward Humphrey, Saml. Humphrey, Amy Humphrey, Minnie Humphrey, Jas. Humphrey, Mary Humphrey, Edith Mrs. Humphreys, Cecil E. Humphreys, John James Humphreys, Alfred Humphreys, John H. Humphreys, Mary Humphreys, Mary G. Humphreys, Cecil Humphreys, Kate Humphreys, R. A. Humphreys, George C. Humphreys, Madge (2) Eleanor Humphreys, Clara Humphreys, Ellen Humphreys, Cecil G. Humphreys, Gwendoline Humphreys, Car'line [Caroline] Humphreys, Miss. Humphreys, Geo. Carter Humphreys, Jessica Humphreys, Minnie Humphries, Maud Humphries, Geo. C. Humphries, Thomas Humphries, Norman Humphries, Eva Humphries, R. J. Humphries, Herbert Humphries, Madge(1) Humphries, James Humphries, Dorothy Humphries, Jas. Humphries, Violet Humphries, William C. Humphries, Mary Humphries, Anne Humphries, T.W. Mr. Humphries, Mr. Humphries, Cecil Humphries, Clara Elizabeth Humphries, William Charles Pvt. Humphries, Ed. Humphries, Rose Humphries, Elizabeth Humphries, Emily Humphries, John James Humphry, Mary A. Humprey, Wm. Humprey, Leo Roy Hunderwood, William Hundley, Hundley, Laurie Hundley, Eileen Hundley, Doris Hundley, Laurie H. Hundley, Laurie Henry Thomas Huner, Richard Hung, Annie Hung, Li Viceroy Hungerford, Cyril V. Hungerford, John Hungerford, Fredk. Hungerford, Cyril Hungerford, Charles E. Hunloke, Timothy Hunloke, Philippa Hunnybun, Mary Hunston, Thomas Hunt, Sidney Hunt, Edward Hunt, Jane Hunt, Sarah Ann Hunt, Arthur (1) John Hunt, William Pvt. Hunt, Anne R. Hunt, Gladys Hunt, Henry Campbell Hunt, Gladys M. Mrs. Hunt, Ivor Hunt, Harry Hunt, John Hunt, Annie Hunt, William Edwin Hunt, William H. Hunt, Arthur Hunt, James Hunt, Agnes Hunt, Albert Hunt, Albert J. Hunt, Leslie Hunt, William Hunt, Ada W. Hunt, Emily Hunt, Edward Alex Hunt, Ada Marion Hunt, Wm. Geo. Hunt, Matilda Hunt, Rosetta Hunt, Robert J. Hunt, Robert Hunt, Alfred Hunt, H. J. Hunt, Alice Hunt, Sheila M .V. Hunt, Wm. Jas. Hunt, Ernest W Hunt, Walter Hunt, Henry William Hunt, Henry Wm. Hunt, Charlotte Hunt, Fred. Hunt, Albert James Hunt, Thomas Edward (1) Hunt, Vivyenne M. R. Hunt, Arthur (2) John Hunt, Ernest Hunt, Gladys J. Hunt, Gladys Mrs. Hunt, Wm. H. Hunt, Albert Francis Keith Hunt, Thomas Edward (2) Hunt, Arthur G. Hunt, Thos. Joseph Hunt, George Hunt, E.R. Hunt, Richard Hunt, Thomas Hunt, Elsie May Hunt, Peter J. Hunt, ElIzabeth Hunt, Fanny Elizabeth Hunt, Reginald Hunter, Charles Hunter, Arthur Hunter, Frederick Hunter, Andrew Hunter, John R. Hunter, C. L. Mr. Hunter, Mrs. James Hunter, Dorothy Hunter, Kathleen Hunter, Mr. Hunter, Elizabeth Hunter, S. T. Hunter, Katie Maud Hunter, May Hunter, Charles L. Hunter, Alex Mr. Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Hunter, Ernest Smith Hunter, Edith Hunter, Jas. H. Hunter, Sidney Hunter, Ada Hunter, John Hunter, W. G. Hunter, Mary Hunter, Thomas Hunter, Samuel Hunter, Stewart Dr. Huntingdon, Bessie Huntingdon, Albert Huntington, Rebecca Huntley, George Frederick Robert Huntley, Herbert Frank Huntley, William A. Huntsman, W.V. Mrs. Hurbert, Flora E. Hurcombe, Ralph Hurd, Maurice J. Hurd, Hurd, Jno. Hy. Hurdis, Elizabeth Hurdis, Margaret Hurdle, Chas Hurdle, Chas. Hurford, Percy Huriwaka, George Hurley, Timothy Hurley, John Hurley, Edward Hurley, Alexander Hurley, Alfred Hurley, James Hurlock, Wm. Hurlston, Percy William Hurlston, Godfrey Lewis Hurn, Mary Hurn, Prissie Huroid, Jessie Ann Hurrell, Elizabeth Hurrell, Hurrell, Henry Hurrell, AlIce Hurrell, William H. Hurrell, Hy. T. Hurrell, Wm. Hurrell, Mary J. Hurrell, William Hurrell, Wm. H. Hurrell, Mary Jane Hurring, Alfred Hurry, James Mitchell Hurst, Albert Jas. Hurst, John H. Hurst, Albert Hurst, Lily Hurst, Rosemary Cushla Hurst, John W. Hurst, James Hurst, Herbert Hurst, Hurst, Joseph Hurst-Brown, Nancy Hurtley, William Husband, Ruth Husband, Margaret Husband, Percy James Hush, Matthew Huskin, John Huskins, John Huson, Horace Mr. Hussey, Mary Hussey, Joey Hussey, Anny Hussey, Richard / Dick Fred Hussey, Lilian Hussey, Julietta Hussey, Beatrice Mrs. Hussey, Foster Hussom, Fredk. Husson, Herbert Hussy, Frederick Huston, George Hutchcraft, T. Hutcheon, Penelope Hutcheon, Petra Hutchings, H.E. Hutchings, Wm. Hutchings, Fred. T. Hutchings, Adelaide Hutchings, Fred T. Hutchings, Gordon Hutchings, Ethel Hutchings, Daisy Hutchings, Frederick T. Hutchings, Harold E. Hutchings, Gertrude Hutchings, Emmanuel Hutchings, Harold Hutchings, A. Hutchings, Mary Hutchings, Fred Hutchings, Edward Geo. Hutchings, William Hutchings, Michael Hutchings, Harold E Pvt. Hutchings, Frederick Thomas Hutchings, F.T. Hutchings, Harold Ernest Hutchings, E. Hutchingson, Mary Hutchins, Florence E. Hutchins, Miss. Hutchins, William Hutchins, Harold Hutchins, Daisy Hutchins, Edward G. Hutchins, Edith Hutchins, Gertrude Hutchins, Harold David Hutchins, Ethel Hutchins, Mary Hutchins, Leon Mr. Hutchins, EdIth Hutchins, Harold E. Hutchinson, Fred Hutchinson, Edith Hutchinson, Thomas Hutchinson, Alfred M. Hutchinson, Herbert Hutchinson, Mary Hutchinson, Jas. Hutchinson, John Henry F. Hutchinson, Frederick Hutchinson, Alfred Hutchinson, John Hutchinson, Margaret Hutchinson, T.R. Hutchinson, Gladys Hutchinson, Florence Hutchinson, James Hutchinson, Edward C. Hutchinson, Thomas R. Hutchinson, Arthur William Hutchinson, Alexander Hutchinson, Art. W. Hutchinson, David Hutchinson, Garnet Hutchinson, Fredk Hutchison, Alfred M. Hutchungs, Adelade Huthchison, J.F.H. Huthinson, Jas. Hutt, Thomas Hutt, William Hutt, Wm. Hutt, Florence Hutt, Reuben Hutton, Robert S. Hutton, Anthony Hutton, John W. Hutton, Edward Hutton, Alfred |
Hutton, James Hutton, ElIza Hutton, Benjamin Hutton, Richard R. Hutton, Susan H. Hutton, General Hutton, John Hutton, W. Hutton, Vernon Hutton, Margaret Hutton, Sarah Hutton, Susan Hutton, richard Hutton, Richard Hutton, Samuel R. Huxley, Minnie Elizabeth Huxley, Frank Huxley, Eric Huxley, J. Huxley, Mark Huxley, H. Huxley, Ernest Huxter, Frederick Huxter, Fred Huxter, Frank Huxter, Huyton, Isabella Huyton, Edward J. Hyam, Sarah Hyam, A Hyams, Willie Hyar, Winnifred M. Hyatt, Alfred Hyatt, Alice Hyatt, Sally Hyatt, Lily (Mrs. Joseph H.) Hycox, Reginald Hyde, Walter Mr. Hyde, William Hyde, Hyde, Winnifred Hyde, Albert Hyde, Wm. Hyde, Charles Hyde, Cyril George Hyde, Albert R. Hyde, Winifred Hyde, John Hyde, Mary Elizabeth Hyde, Wm. J. Hyde, Mary Hyde, C Hyde, Percy Hyde, Ellen / Nellie Hyde, W. H. Hyder, Alfred Hyett, Manon Hyland, John Hyland, James Hyland, Eliza Hyman, Sarah Hyndman, Mr. Louis J. Hynes, William John Hyslop, Beryl Hyslop, John McLintock Pvt. Hyslop, Mary Ibberson, Charles H. Ibberson, Olive Ibbertson, Ellen Ibbetson, Ellen Ibbetson, James Ibbs, John Ibbs, Sarah Ibell, Ellen Mrs. Ibell, Thomas Ibell, E. Mrs. Ibell, Eliz. E. Mrs. Iddenden, William Iddenden, Frank Iddenden, Arthur Thomas Iddenden, Frank W. Idle, Mrs. Ife, Wm. Iles, Mary Iles, Emily Ilett, Doris Ilett, D. Ilett, Fred. Ilett, Nettie Doris Iliffe, Lydia / Eliza Iliffe, Charlotte Iliffe, Mary Ann Ilitch, Nedan Iller, Wm Illingsworth, Dorothy Illingworth, H. Illman, Arthur Illsley, Alice Imms, Myrtle Impey, Emily Ince, Robt. Wm. Ince, Frank S. Ince, Ince, Frank Inchely, Arthur H. Inchey, Thos. Inching, Margaret Inchley, Arthur H. Inchley, Joseph Inchley, A. H. Incline, Thomas Ing, Jas. A. Ing, James Ing, Lily M. Ingalls, Nita (Mrs. William) Ingarfield, H. Ingham, Jean Ingham, Barry Ingham, William Henry Ingham, Howard Ingle, George Ingle, Alfred Ingleby, Christopher Ingleby, Mrs. Ingledew, Rosina Ingles, Ernest A. Ingles, Horace Ingles, Earnest A. Ingles, Horace Percy Ingles, George F. Ingles, Charles W. Ingleton, Rosina Inglis, Thomas Inglis, Jane Jessie Ingram, Alfred William Ingram, Thomas Ingram, Alfred Ingram, Samuel Ingram, Geo Ingram, Leonard L. Ingram, Alfred W. Ingram, Richard Ingram, Mabel Ingram, Frederick Ingram, Ethel M. Ingram, A. Doris R. Ingram, May E. Ingram, Wm. Ingram, John Ingram, William Ingram, Walter Ingram, Alfd Ingram, Doris Inkpen, Percy Inkpen, Trevor Innenden, William Innes, Alex Innes, Florence Innes, Mary A Innes, Isabella Innes, Alfred Innes, Louis Innis, William Inns, Francis Inns, Mary Inoine, Clara Insall, Alfred Robert Insall, Alfred R. Insall, Alf. R. Insall, George Edward Invine, Clara Elsie Invine, Clara Invine, Ellen Invine, Ellen B. Inward, J.W. Inward, James Wm. Inward, James William Inward, James Inward, James W. Inwards, Jimmie Inwards, James Inwards, Jimmy Inwood, Margret Ira, Thomas Ira, Henry Ireland, Charles Ireland, William Ireland, Dorothy Ireland, George Ireland, Ireland, Frederick Ireland, Dorothy M. Ireland, James Henry Ireland, Geo Ireland, Fred E. Ireland, Geo. Ireland, Fredk. Ireland, Ernest Ireland, James H. Ireland, James Ireland, Ruth Ireson, Kathleen F. Ireson, Gertrude A. Irish, Henry Irlam, Tomas george Irons, Sidney A. Irons, Sidney Arthur Irons, Sidney Irons, Agnes G M Irvine, Elsie Irvine, Kate Irvine, Kate Rose Irvine, Annie Irvine, Katherine Irvine, Edward Irvine, William Irvine, E. Irvine, Thomas John Irvine, Kate R. Irvine, Elise Irvine, C. A. Mr. Irving, Mary Irving, Joshua Irving, A. Irving, Thomas Irving, George Irving, Catherine Irving, James Irwin, Winifred Irwin, Eileen B.J. Mrs. Irwin, S.F. Mrs. Irwin, William Irwin, Mrs. Irwin, Edward G. Irwin, A. F. Mrs. Irwin, Simon Irwin, Frederick Arthur Irwin, George Irwin, W. Mrs. Irwin, Ian Irwin, Eileen Mrs. Irwin, Fred A. Irwin, Fred Isaac, May Isaac, I. D. Isaacs, May Isaacs, Thomas Isaacs, John Gomer Isaacs, David Isaacs, Mary Isaacs, George Isaacs, Charles Isam, Henry Isden, G. Isherwood, A. Isles, Harold Ernest Isner, Alice (Mrs. Claude) Israel, Philip Issacs, John Gomer Isted, Ernest Alfred Iverson, Lily R. Ives, Joseph Ives, Denis Ives, Fanny Ives, Bertha Ives, Annie L. Ives, William Ives, Annie Iveson, Lily R. Ivory, James Ivy, James Ivy, Marion N. Ivy, Marion Ivy, Thomas Richard Chas. Ivy, Marion M. Izarcl, Manuel Izat, Anne Izett, Alexander Izett, Alex J., H. J., H.S. J. W., Hamilton Jack, Helen Jack, Margaret Jack, Minnie A. Mrs. Jacklin, Benj. Jackman, Wilfred Jackman, Geo. Jackman, Albert A. Jackson, Fred Jackson, Mabel F. Jackson, Florence Jackson, Ernest Jackson, George William Jackson, Edward Jackson, M Jackson, Emma (Mrs. George) Jackson, Nellie Jackson, William Jackson, Ellen Jackson, James William Jackson, Ada Jackson, Amelia Jackson, Gladys Jackson, Edith Jackson, Minnie Jackson, edward Jackson, Mary Jackson, Henry Jackson, Ethel Jackson, Geo. W. Jackson, Emily Jackson, Esther Jackson, George Jackson, Adrian Jackson, Andrew Jackson, Chas. Jackson, A. Jackson, J.W. Jackson, L.W. Jackson, John Jab Jackson, James A. Jackson, Geo. Jackson, Hilda Jackson, Albt. Wm. Jackson, Mrs. Jackson, Duncan Jackson, James Jackson, Lily A. Jackson, Mr. Jackson, J. Jackson, Frances Mrs. Jackson, William A. Jackson, Clara Jackson, Chrisr Hy Jackson, Alice Maud Jackson, Ethel Amelia Jackson, George D. Jackson, Gertrude Jackson, Gertie Jackson, Arthur Jackson, Isaac Jackson, Ethel A. Jackson, Leonard Jackson, John Murray Jackson, Herbert Jackson, Alice Jackson, George W. Jackson, John Henry Jackson, John Jackson, J. W. Jackson, Sarah Jackson, Miss. Jackson, Gertrude M. Mrs. Jackson, Issac Jackson, Isacc Jackson, Albert William Jackson, Joseph Harold Jackson, Robert Mr. Jackson, John W. Jackson, John Thomas Jackson, Hubert Jackson, A. B. Esq. Jackson, W. H. Jackson, Eliza Jackson, Mabel Jackson, Leah Jackson, Henry Duncan Jackson, Edw. Jackson, John S. Jackson, Goodwin Jackson, Harry Jackson, Charles Jackson, Emily Rose/ Rose Emily Jackson, Nita / Minnie Jackson, Lily Jackson, Florence G. Jackson, Arthur Mr. Jackson, C.G. Jackson, Walter William Jackson, Dora M. Jackson, Bert Jackson, Eva Jackson, Arthur John Jackson, Albert B. Jackson, Elizabeth Jackson, John Mr. Jackson, Mary A. Jackson, Margaret Jackson, Frederick William Jackson, J.W. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, G. Mr. Jackson, Wm. Jackson, Nelly Jackson, Richard Jackson, George Russell Jackson, Ellis Jacob, Eliza Jacob, Emma Jacob, Alison Jacob, Henry George Jacobs, Edward Jacobs, Thomas V. Jacobs, Amelia Jacobs, William Jacobs, Sydney Jacobs, Wm. Jacobs, Alf. Jacobs, Hy. Geo. Jacobs, Tommy Jacomb, Edwin Jacomb, Frederick Jacomb, Fred Jacombe, Frederick Jacombe, Ed. G. Jacombe, E.I. Jacombe, Edwin C. Jacombe, Edwin Jacques, Willie Jacques, Hy. Merville Jacques, William Harold Jacques, William Jacques, Helen Jacques, E. Mrs. Jacques, Wm. Jaggers, Geo Jaggers, Geo. Jaggers, Joseph Jago, Daisy Jago, Maud Jagot, Esther E. Jakeman, Elizabeth Jakins, Sarah Jakins, Louisa James, William T. James, William J. James, William Ramsay James, Herbert S. James, F. James, Sherman James, Captain James, George James, Emily James, W.T. James, Lizzie James, Nellie James, Ethel James, Alice James, Louisa A.E. Mrs. James, Edith James, Roy Mrs. James, Charles James, Auberon Thomas James, Harry James, Thomas James, Frank James, Wm. T. James, Laura James, Ernest James, Gertrude James, Horace F. James, Laura M.B. James, Hannah James, Tom H. James, Joseph James, John William James, Cassidy James, Samuel J. James, Walter (2) Howard James, Dunnet James, George S. James, Maud James, Thomas H. James, Mr. W.T. James, Willie James, Charles E. James, Elsie M. James, J. James, Grace James, Queenie D. James, Auberon T. James, Willaim T. James, William James, Mrs. George James, Edwin James, Herbert James, Hector James, George II James, Agnes A. James, Sara James, Mark James, Elsie James, Samuel James, Philip James, Mrs. Richard James, Arthur R. James, Donald James, Mary James, Jeremy James, Charley James, Florence James, Daphne James, Gertie James, Henry James, Austin James, Harry (1) James, Walter (1) James, Gracie James, William T. Mr. James, John James, Angus James, A. James, Henry C. James, E. James, Edmund James, William T.M. James, Arthur G. James, Harry (2) / Henry James, Harold Victor James, Queenie James, Richard W. James, Bertie James, Margaret James, Florrie James, Geo James, Annie James, Francis James, Mr. James D., Taylor James W., Patterson Jameway, John Thomas Jamieson, Fred Jamieson, R.H. Jamieson, Fred. Jamieson, Archibald William Jamieson, Gemma Jamieson, Margaret Jamieson, A. F. Jamieson, Miss. Jamieson, Fredk. Jamieson, John Jamieson, Joseph Alexander Pvt. Jamieson, Joseph A. Jamieson, JessIe Jancey, Harold J. Jane, Gilbert Sarah Janes, Louisa A.E. Mrs. Janes, Frederick C. Janes, Richard W. Jaques, Sarah Jard, Charlotte Jardine, Wm. Jardine, Wm Jardine, Barbara Jardley, W Jared, Kathleen Jared, Elizabeth Jarman, Matilda Jarman, Henry Jarman, Henry / Harry Jarmyn, Kate Jarmyn, Ada May Jarmyn, Kate Alice Jarmyn, Ada Jarmyn, Ada M. Jarmyn, Kate A. Jarrad, Amos J. Jarram, Walter Jarrard, Amos J. Jarrett, Cyril A. Jarrett, Leah Jarrett, H Jarrett, Charles Edward Jarrett, William James Jarrett, Albert Jarrett, Elizabeth Jarrett, Cyril Jarritt, A. H. Jarrom, Eliza Jarvis, Stanley Jarvis, Herbert B. Jarvis, Henry J. Jarvis, Rose Jarvis, Albert Jarvis, Beatrice Jarvis, Mrs. J.S. Jarvis, Frederick Jarvis, Mrs. W. Jarvis, Wm. Jarvis, Fred C. Jarvis, Edward Jarvis, Bernard Jarvis, Alice L. Jarvis, W. Jarvis, Jim Jarvis, Violet Mrs. Jarvis, Florence Jarvis, Chrysostom Jarvis, Richard Jarvis, Robert Tom Jarvis, Alice Jarvis, Julian Louis Jarvis, Johnathon Jarvis, Elsie Mrs. Jarvis, Albert E. Jarvis, Rose Ellen Jarvis, Eric Jarvis, Frederick Charles Jarvis, William Jarvis, Henry Jarvis, Ellen / Nellie Jarvis, Evelyn Jarvis, Alice E. Jarvis, Robert Thomas Jarvis, Leonard J. Jarvis, G. F. V. Jarvis, Herbert Jarvis, Albert Edward Jaslin, Dorothy (Mrs.) Jasper, William Jasper, M ... ? Jasper, W.J. Javis, Grace E. Javis, Herbert B. Jay, Cyril C. Jay, Wm. James Jayes, Beatrice Eliza Jayes, Walter Rodmirsh Jays, Grace Jays, Grace Edith Jeanes, Louisa E. Jeanes, Louisa Jeanes, Lily M. Jeanes, Lily Jeavons, Edith Jeavons, Edith Millwood Jeavous, Edith Jebb, Mrs. W.H. Jeckell, Henry Jee, George V. Jefferies, Frank A. Jefferies, Frank Jefferies, Henry Jefferies, Albert Jefferies, Wm. G. Jefferies, Sarah Jefferies, Theresa Jefferies, Albert E. Jefferies, Beatrice Jefferis, David Jefferiss, Frank Alfred Pvt. Jefferiss, Frank A. Jefferson, Edward Jefferson, Ed. Jefferson, Jessie Monica Jefferson, J. Mrs. Jefferson, Hilda C. Jeffery, Jane Jeffery, Earnest G. Jeffery, Maude Jeffery, Hetty Jeffery, Ernest Jeffery, M.A. Jeffery, Mary Ann Jeffery, Mary Jeffery, Edward Jeffery, Lionel Jeffery, Selina Jeffery, Hy. Jeffery, Frank Jeffery, Henry Jeffery, Geo. Jefferys, Frederick G. Jefferys, Edward H. Jefferys, Ernest W. Jeffkins, Alb. S. Jeffkins, Albert Stanley Jeffkins, Albert S. Jefford, Geo. Jefford, William H. Jeffrey, Selina Jeffrey, Hy. Jeffrey, Lionel Jeffrey, Elizabeth Jeffrey, Reuben Jeffrey, Mary A. Jeffrey, Alfred J. Jeffrey, Alfred Jeffrey, Fred. Jeffrey, Mary A Jeffrey, Reuben J. Jeffrey, Maud Jeffrey, Edward H. Jeffrey, Jane Jeffrey, Frank Jeffrey, Archibald W Jeffrey, John Jeffrey, Beatrice M. Jeffrey, Fred. St. Jeffrey, M.A. Jeffrey, Hetty Jeffrey, Harry Jeffrey, Mary Ann Jeffrey, Bessie Jeffrey, Ernest G. Jeffrey, William Jeffrey, J. Jeffrey, Philip Jeffrey, Ada Jeffreys, Frank V. Jeffreys, Alfd Jas Jeffreys, Alfred J. Jeffreys, Edward H. Jeffreys, Geo. Jeffreys, Frank Jeffreys, Hetty Jeffreys, Edward Harry Jeffreys, Charlotte Jeffreys, Lionel Jeffreys, Edward Jeffreys, Harold W. Jeffries, Ernest Jeffries, Alfred Jeffries, Henry Jeffries, Harriet E. Jeffries, Harriet Jeffries, Ada Jeffries, Charlotte Jeffries, Emma Jeffries, Ada E. Jeffries, Albert Jeffries, John Jeffries, Selina Jeffries, Beatrice Jeffries, Harold H. Jeffries, Lucy Jeffries, William E. Jeffries, Edwin Jeffries, Harry Jeffries, Charles Jeffries, Lily Jeffries, Edward Henry Jeffries, Sydney Jeffry, Harry Jeffs, Elizabeth Jeffs, Alice Jehu, Edward Jehu, Jehu, Edward C. Jehu, Charles Jehu, Edwin Jehu, David F Jehu, Chas. Jehu, John Thomas Jelfs, Amy E Jelfs, Amy Jellicoe, Admiral Jellie, Stephen Jemmett, William Jenden, Geo. W Jenden, Geo. W. Jenden, George Walter L/Cpl Jenden, George W. Jenden, George Walter Jendin, George Jenkins, Walter Jenkins, Russell Mr. Jenkins, Richard H. Jenkins, Richard N. Jenkins, James (2) Jenkins, William Jenkins, Graham H. R. Jenkins, Michael J. R. Jenkins, Richard Jenkins, James (1) Jenkins, Arthur Jenkins, Charles Jenkins, Mary Jenkins, David Jenkins, Fanny Jenkins, William G. Jenkins, Joan E. Jenkins, David I. R. Jenkins, Jas. H. Jenkins, David Mr Jenkins, Thomas Henry Jenkins, Mr. Jenkins, W.G. Jenkins, Mary Ann Jenkins, TydviIl/Tydivil Jenkins, Emily Jenkins, Mary E. Jenkins, Jenkins, Elizabeth Jenkins, Amy Mrs. Jenkins, Thomas Jenkins, R. Jenkins, Charles, George Jenkins, John Sidney Lionel Jenkins, Hariott Jenkins, Wiliam George Jenkins, Alfred Ernest Pvt. Jenkins, Frederick Jenkins, Harold A. Jenkins, Florence Jenkins, Francis Jenkins (Jeffkins), Albert Stanley Jenkinson, Harriet Jenkinson, Charles Thomas Jenkinson, Robert Jenkinson, Harry Jenkinson, W. H. Jenkinson, Walter Jenks, Andrew Peter Jenks, Peter Andrew Jenks, John Jenn, Mabel Jenn, Mabel E. Jenn, Mabel Emma Jenn, Arthur Jenner, Daisy E. Jenner, Henry Jenner, Reginald G. Jenner, Reginald George Jenner, F. Jenner, Albert W. Jenner, Daisy Jenner, Walter Jenner, Mrs. John Jenner, Leslie J. Jenner, Albert William Jenner, Reginald Jenner, Daisy Emily Jenner, Leslie John Jennett, Mr. Isaac Jr. Jenning, Jennings, Thomas A. Jennings, Walter St. Paul Jennings, Emma Jennings, Leslie Jennings, Chas. Jennings, Douglas Jennings, Harvey Jennings, Henry / Harry Jennings, Sidney T. Jennings, George Jennings, Florence Jennings, R. L. Jennings, W. Jennings, Arthur Jennings, William Jennings, Victoria Jennings, Charlie Jennings, Walter Jennings, Teresa Jennings, Charles Jennings, Harry Jennings, Lilian Jennings, Omar E. Mrs. Jennings, Percy Jennings, T. Jennings, Leonard Jennings, G. Jennings, Henry Jennings, May Jennings, Henry W. Jennings, Thomas Henry Jennings, Wm. Jenns, Alfred E. Jenoure, Arthur S. Jeppe, Harry Jeppe, George William Jepps, Alfred E. Jepson, Jessie Jepson, May Jepson, George Jepson, Minnie Jepson, Mary Emma Jepson, Jessica Jepson, Miss. Jeram, Ivy Jeram, Ivy May (Iva) Jermain, John Jermain, Janet Jerman, Walter Thomas Jermyn, Dora Jerome, Arthur Cecil Jerrett, Henry Jervis, George Jervis, George Mills Jervis, Henry Jervis, James Jervis, Hy. Jervis, Jervis, John Vincent Jervis, Jim Jesney, John W. Jesney, John Wm. Jess, Charlotte Mrs. Jessie, George Jessiman, Faith Justine Jessop, Arthur Jessop, Geo. Jessop, Alice Jessop, Geo Jessop, Joseph Jetson, Priscilla Jetson, Alice Jane Jevins, Hy Jevins, Henry Jewell, Charlie Jewell, Joseph Jewell, Wm. Jewell, Chas. Jewell, Charles Jewell, Frances M. Jewell, Frank Jewett, Sarah Jewett, W. A. Jewis, John James Jewis, William Richard Jewrey, Emma Jewry, Hariott Jex, Albert C. Jex, Albert George Jex, Albert Jex, Albert G. Jeyons, EmIly Jiggins, Danl. Jiggins, William Jiggins, Wm. Jiggins, Lilian Jiggins, Danl Jillard, Victor E. Jillard, Victor Ewart Jillard, Bessie Mary Devonia Jillard, Alan S. D. Jilliard, Alan Jimpson, George Wm. Jimpson, George W. Jimpson, Mable Annie Jimpson, Mable, Annie Jiniver, William Jinks, Elizabeth Jinks, Thomas Jinks, Peter Jobbling, Margaret Jobson, Frederick Jobson, Harriet / Hattie Jocelyn, Frank. Joel, Chas. H. Joel, William Joel, Ernest Johanney, Ernest Johannson, Arthur A. John, Clark John, Rogers John, Dorothy John, Boville John, Mullin John, Henry John, Hilton Ellison John St. C., McQuilkin John V., May Johns, Alfred Johns, H. J. Johns, Cyril A. Johns, Michael Johns, Henry F. Johns, Angela Johns, Mary Johns, Lily Johns, Joseph Johns, Sidney Richard Johnsing, Thurza (Mrs.) Johnson, Elizabeth Johnson, Harry Johnson, Alex Johnson, Timothy Johnson, C. Johnson, William Acroyd Johnson, James Johnson, Miriam M. Johnson, Sidney Johnson, Chas. Johnson, George Johnson, Kate Johnson, Herny Doiglas Johnson, Dorothy Johnson, Ed. C. Johnson, William Johnson, Louisa Johnson, Charles Johnson, Charles Wm. Johnson, Miss. Johnson, Ernest William Johnson, Wm. Johnson, Thomas Johnson, Percy Johnson, George Henry Johnson, Joseph Johnson, Lily Johnson, Caroline Johnson, Jack Johnson, Jos Hy Johnson, Edward C. Johnson, Margaret Johnson, Charles Henry Johnson, Mary J Johnson, Ben Johnson, E. Johnson, Pompey Johnson, Arthur Johnson, E. Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Johnson, Lewis Johnson, Frances M. Johnson, Maud Johnson, Walter Johnson, Henry Johnson, Isobel Johnson, Nelly Johnson, Maria Johnson, Jas. Johnson, William Henry Johnson, Francis Johnson, A. Johnson, Frederick Johnson, Mary Johnson, Catherine Johnson, W. H. Johnson, Jesse Johnson, Florence Johnson, Ernest Johnson, R. G. E. Johnson, Arthur W. Johnson, Mary Anne Johnson, Fred. C. Johnson, Johnson, Frederick P. Johnson, Miriam Johnson, Mary E. Johnson, Percy C. Johnson, Myrtle Johnson, Ethel Johnson, G. Johnson, Mr. Peter Johnson, Mrs. Ben Johnson, Herbert Johnson, Fred. Johnson, P. Johnson, Lawrence Johnson, Beryl Johnson, Frances Johnson, F. Johnson, Robt S Johnson, Edward Johnson, Thos. E. Johnson, Felix Peter Johnson, AnnIe Johnson, Ethel M. Johnson, Sarah Alice Johnson, Benjamin E. Johnson, Authur Johnson, Robert Henry Johnson, Lionel Johnson, Annie Johnson, Matthew Johnson, Gwendoline Johnson, James Richard Storm Johnson, Rose E. Johnson, Timothy Mrs. Johnson, Betty Johnson, Robert Johnson, Christina Johnson, Charles May Johnson, Emma Johnson, Jos. Hy. Johnson, John Johnson, Stanley Johnson, Laurence Johnson, May Johnson, Gilb Johnson, Hy Johnson, Gilbert Johnson, Margaet Johnson, Rd. Johnson, T. Johnson, Mathew Johnson, Felix P. Johnson, Beatrice Johnson, Hy. J. Johnson, Simeon Johnson, William (2) Robert Johnson, William (1) Johnson, Chas. H. Johnson, Amos Johnson, Frederick George Johnson, H. Mrs. Johnson, Albert (1) Johnson, Charles W. Johnson, D. Johnson, Harold Frederick Johnson, B. Johnson, Rosannah Johnson, Charlie Johnson, Albert (2) Edward Johnson, Alice Johnson, Gertrude Johnson, Edward Alf. Johnson, Robt Johnson, Rd Johnson, John Charles Harold Johnson, W. Johnson, Fred C Johnson, Harold Sgt. Johnson, Francis M. Johnson, Catherine Sophie Johnson, Edgar Mr. Johnston, Thomas Johnston, E. Johnston, Augusta Johnston, Stanley Johnston, Jack Johnston, Ernest Johnston, Edward C. Johnston, Beryl Johnston, William Johnston, Mary Johnston, Margt. Johnston, Johnston, Timothy Johnston, John Johnston, Margaret Johnston, Violet Johnston, Wm. Johnston, Elizabeth Johnston, Henry Johnston, Daisy Johnston, Helen Johnston, Ellen Johnston, Robert Johnston, F.P. Johnston, W.R. Rev. Johnston, Mary A. Johnston, Francis E. Johnston, Richard E.R. Johnston, Beryl A. Johnston, Fred. O. Johnston, Lionel Johnston, Archibald Johnston, Thomas John Johnston, Felix P. Johnston, J. Johnston, Mary E. Johnston, Miss. Johnston, Mrs. Johnston, Sam. Johnston, Anny Johnston, Mrs. Alexander Johnston, Wallace A. Johnston, Rev. W.R. Johnston, Mr. Johnston, James Johnston, Samuel Johnston, Robert J. Johnston, Eliz. Johnston, Gerald B. Johnston, Charles Johnston, Bennie Johnston, George Johnston, R.R. Johnston, Ellie Johnston(E), Clementina Johnstone, Stanley Johnstone, Helen Johnstone, Duncan C. Johnstone, Edward Johnstone, Bella Johnstone, John Catley Johnstone, Rose Johnstone, Robert Johnstone, Ellen Johnstone, Mary Johnstone, Agnes Johnstone, Samuel Johnstone, James Joiner, Doris M. Joist, Charlotte C Joliffe, Emma Joliffe, Charlotte Joliffe, Elizabeth Joliffe, Mary Ann Joll, William Jolley, Alfred Jolley, Reginald Jolley, Alfred John Sgt Jolley, Elsie Jolley, Leonard Jolley, Elsie A. Jolley, Alf. Jolley, Fred Jolly, Arthur Mr. Jolly, June D. Jolly, Harry Jolly, Alfred Jolly, Arthur R. Jolly, Archibald Jolly, Elsie Jolly, Gillian M. Jonas, Hannah Jones, Richard Jones, Laura Jones, John Evans Jones, Henry Jones, Isabel Jones, John A. Jones, Stanley Jones, William Jones, Edwin Jones, Mary Agnes Jones, Sarah (3) Jones, Elizabeth Jones, Besse Jones, Mary Jones, A. Jones, Enoch Jones, Edward Jones, Hy Jones, George Jones, Joseph (2) Jones, Sarah Jones, John Hy. Jones, John Jones, Alex Jones, Cycil P. Jones, Arthur Jones, Willoughby David Jones, Albert (1) G. Jones, Blanche Jones, Thomas E. Jones, Martha Jones, Christopher Jones, Thomas Jones, AnnIe Jones, Winifred Jones, Louis Alexander Jones, Charlie Jones, Harry Jones, W.E. Jones, Alfred Jones, Frank Henry Jones, Annie Jones, Meighan Jones, Albert Edward Jones, Edw Jones, Leslie Herbert Jones, Caroline Jones, Florence (3) May Jones, Fredk Jones, James A. Jones, Louisa Jones, Richard F. Jones, Frederick Jones, William (7) Jones, Eliza Jones, Florence I. Jones, Melvin Jones, Ellen Jones, Bert Jones, Anthony Jones, Hugo Jones, Charles (2) Jones, Walter (2) Jones, Alfred (1) Henry Jones, Edward (1) Jones, Henry J. Jones, Karl Jones, A. C. Jones, James R. Jones, Kenneth Jones, Reg. Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Norman Jones, Winifred H. Jones, Abr. F. Jones, William (9) James Jones, Sarah (2) Ann Jones, Mabel Jones, Alice Jones, Hannah Jones, Mary Ann Jones, Harriet Jones, Richard W. Jones, Jane Jones, Robert Jones, Mr. Jones, Herbert Jones, Thomas H. Jones, Edward Wm. Jones, Bertie Jones, Ivor Jones, Walter Jones, Albert Edw. Jones, T. Mr. Jones, Minnie Jones, Frederick (2) Jones, Thomas Mr. Jones, Henry (1) / Harry Jones, Maud Jones, Thomas John Jones, Arthur George Jones, Margaret M. Jones, Ivor E. Jones, Daniel T. Jones, William (2) Jones, Daniel Jones, Ernest E. Jones, Winnie Jones, John (2) Jones, Edith Jones, Herbert (1) T. Jones, John (6) Thomas Jones, Elsie May Jones, P. Irving Jones, Frederick (1) Jones, Ernest Jones, Percy Jones, Frederick (3) Howard Jones, William C. Jones, Alfred (2) James Jones, Jones, Richard H. Jones, Ruth Jones, Willam Jones, F. H. Jones, John Henry Jones, L.B. Jones, Walter (4) Jones, Matthew William Jones, Albert Jones, Leslie Jones, Arthur P Jones, Lillian Mrs. Jones, Amelia Jones, E. G. Jones, Thomas Edward Jones, Frank E Jones, W.C. Jones, John Alfred Jones, William Ernest Jones, Emily Jones, BeatrIce Jones, Molly Jones, Leslie H. Jones, Thos. Ed. Jones, Henry Joseph Jones, Nicholas Jones, Frank Jones, Alice C. Jones, Levina Jones, Wm. Robert Jones, Rose Mrs. Jones, Gladys Jones, Patricia Jones, James William Jones, William Wilson Jones, Willy / William (3) Jones, T. Jones, Paul Jones, Chas. Hy. Jones, Samuel Jones, Blanche J. Jones, Llewellyn Jones, Mary E. Jones, James Jones, Samuel J. Jones, Rich Jones, Albt Jones, John C. Esq. Jones, Albert E. Jones, Samuel, P. Jones, Richd Thos Jones, Wm. Ross J. Jones, William J. Jones, William R. Jones, William Davis Jones, Olive Jones, Cecil P. Jones, Percival Jones, Florence (2) Elsie Jones, George (2) Jones, Leslie Francis Stu. Jones, Wm. Jones, James (1) Jones, Willoughby D. Jones, Albert O. Jones, Victor Reginald Jones, Ernest Edward Jones, Kate/ Gertrude Jones, Ethel Jones, James Herbert Jones, Samuel P. Jones, Thomas (1) Jones, John (4) Jones, Arthur C. Jones, Alexander Jones, Maria Jones, Bessie Jones, William G. Jones, Chas Jones, Donald I. Jones, Lilian Mrs. Jones, Montague Jones, Albert (2) Edward Jones, Captain Jones, Herbert (2) Jones, Ernest L. Jones, Marie Louise Jones, Clara Jones, Wm. John Jones, Lilian Jones, Fanny Jones, Barbara Jones, Amy Jones, Mary E Jones, Elaine Jones, Martin Jones, Philip Jones, Thomas J. Jones, Griffiths Ellis Jones, Edwin M Jones, William (1) Thomas / W. F. Jones, Sarah (1) Jones, Sopha Jones, Mavis Jones, Florence May Jones, Florence M. Jones, Nellie Jones, Charles Jones, T.E. Jones, Jas Jones, Wm Andw Jones, Victor R. Jones, John D. Jones, John James Jones, Lillian Jones, Olive M. Jones, Blanche Miss. Jones, W. J. Jones, William Owen Jones, George (1) Jones, James H. Jones, Edward (3) H. Jones, Thomas (4) Jones, Lillian Gladys Jones, Fred. C. Jones, Fred. Joseph Jones, Serah Jones, D. Jones, Colin Jones, Arthur L. Jones, Harry B. Jones, L. Miss. Jones, W.L. Jones, James (2) Edward Jones, Mary Ellen Jones, Fred Jones, Henry (2) Jones, Wm. J Jones, Gladys Elsie Jones, Albert J. Jones, Wm. Jno. Jones, Serah Ann Jones, John (5) Jones, Willian Ernest Jones, Arthur J. Jones, Florence Augusta Jones, Ted Jones, Albert J. O. Jones, Stephen Jones, W. E. B. Jones, Nichs. Jones, Rachel Jones, W. Jones, Thomas (3) Henry Powers Jones, S. H. Jones, John (1) Charles Jones, Albert M. Jones, William (5) Jones, John Edward Jones, Evan J. Jones, Wm. Andw. Jones, Gordon Major Rev. Jones, Albr F Jones, Pamela Jones, Susan Jones, Wm. Ernest Jones, Wilfred Jones, Howard Jones, Alb. E. Jones, Jones Jones, G. Jones, Joseph Jones, Wm. S. Jones, William John Jones, G. H. Jones, Walter (1) Jones, Henry Alexander Jones, Cecile Yellowley Jones, Minnie Winnifred Jones, Ed. Wm. Jones, John Thomas Jones, John (3) Jones, Llewellyn B. Jones, Charles Hy. Jones, Elsie G. Jones, Denys Jones, Ann Jones, Henry (3) / Harry Jones, Chas H. Jones, Mary Jane Jones, I. Jones, William (6) Henry Jones, Charles (3) Jones, Geo. Wm. Henry Jones, Flroence Jones, John E. Jones, Mary A Jones, Joseph Reginald Jones, William (8) Jones, Susan E. Jones, Thomas Vine Jones, Laura Louisa Jones, Helena Jones, Ann Maria Jones, Charles (1) Jones, Graham Jones, Albert Cecil Jones, Nora May Jones, Florence (1) Jones, Margaret Jones, John R. D. Jones, William (4) Jones, Adeline May Jones, William A. Jones, Thomas (5) Jones, Joseph (1) Jones, Anne Jones, Wm. J. Jones, Ernest Lewis Jones, R. Jones, John Henry Pvt. Jones, W.J. Jones, Clara Jane Jones, Edward William Jones, Mary J. Jones, William Robert Jones, A.M. Jones, Mrs. Eleen Jones, Lilian B. Mrs. Jones, Edward (2) Jones, Percival Yellowley Jones, H. Jones, Thomas (2) Jones, Howard Conroy Jones, Jennie Joness, Bea Jopson, Ernest Jordan, Charles (1) Jordan, Beatrice Jordan, Albert E. Jordan, George (2) Henry Jordan, Jessie Jordan, Millie Jordan, Bertha Jordan, Mary Jane Jordan, Jessie I. Jordan, Albert J. Jordan, Lily Jordan, Helen Jordan, Ernest Jordan, David Jordan, Michael Jordan, Charles (3) Linegar Jordan, Albert Jordan, Joanna Jordan, Charles (2) Jordan, Wm. H. Jordan, Annie Jordan, Evelyn Jordan, William Jordan, Winnifred May Jordan, Harry (1) / Henry Jordon, Jessie Jordon, Bertha Jordon, George (1) Jordon, Harry (2)/ Henry William Joselin, Joseph J.F. Joseph, Herbert Lionel Joseph, A. Joseph, Albert Joseph, Firth Joslin, Herbert Cecil Joslin, Edward Joslin, Thomas Josling, Henry C. Joslyn, Thomas Jost, Chris. W. Jost, Chrisr Jost, Christ. Jourdry, Edith (Mrs. Alfred) Journett, Chas. F. Jousse, Victor Jowett, Ada Jowett, Cecilia Clara Ellen Jowett, The Rev. J.H., DD Jowett, Ethel A. Jowett, Celia Jowett, Cecilia Jowett, Edwena Jowett, Frederick Jowett, Deborah H. B. Jowett, Ethel Jowitt, Grace Jowitt, Isaac Jowitt, AnnIe Joy, Bertha Joy, Sidney Joy, Arthur Joy, Alfred Joy, Ed. G.G. Joy, Herbert A. Joy, Sidney J. Joyce, John Joyce, Martha Jane Joyce, Angus E. Joyce, Angus E Joyce, William Joyce, Albert Henry Joyce, Agnus E. Joyce, Doris Joyce, James Joyce, James J. Joyce, Frederick W. Joyce, Samuel N. Joyce, Arthur Joyce, Fred. W. Joyce, Elvina Sarah Joyce, Mr. Joyce, Sarah Joyce, Joseph Joyce, Doris L. Joyce, Mary Emily Joyce, Annie Joyce, D. Joyce, Ethel Joyce, Wm. Joyce, Miss. Joyce, F. W. Joyes, J. Joynes, Joseph Joynes, Jos. Joynes, Albert Joynson, Edward Joynson, Emma Joynt, Letitia Joynt, Dora Judd, George Judd, Ernest Judd, John Judge, John Albert Judge, William Judge, Albert Judge, Emily Judge, Mary Judge, Florence E. Judge, Emily Flor. Judge, Emily F. Judge, Charles Judge, Florence Juett, Sarah Juffs, Dorothy Mrs. Jukes, Clifford Henry Winbush Jukes, Wallace Jukes, William Leonard Jukes, Alfred H. Jukes, Lucy Jukes, Lily Jukes, Leonard Jukes, Clifford Wilfred Pvt. Julian, Emily Julian, Mary Ann Julien, Leon Jully, Archibald Jump, Lucy Juniper, Wm. Jupe, Beatrice Jupp, George James Burton Jupp, Jane Jupson, Minnie Jury, James Just, Daisy Just, Herman F. Just, C. F. Mr. Justess, Kate K, J K., B. Kahler, B. G. Kallar, Rose Ethel Kaltsfen, Rose M. Kane, Mary Kane, William Kane, Eleanor Kane, Annie Kane, Margaret Kane, James Kane, Lewis Kane, T. Mr. Kane, Thomas Kane, Thomas Mr. Kane, H. Kane, Elizabeth Karaszewski, Auguste Karg-Berenburg, Margaret Karheck, Harry Karn, Johnny Karslake, Andrew Kate, Wilson Kaufman, N. E. Kavanagh, Patrick Kavanagh, Philip Kavanagh, Mary Ellen Kavanagh, Philip W. Kavanagh, P. Wm. Kavanah, William Kavanaugh, Mary Ellen Kavanaugh, Patr. Kavin, John Kavin, Amelia Kay, Albert Kay, Patrick Kay, Henry Kay, John Kay, Mary Ellen Kay, Helen Rachel Kay, Mary Kay, Selina / Celina Kay, Iris Kay, Philip Kay, Margaret Eleanor Kay, Fred Kay, Catherine Kay, Mrs. Robt. Kay, Chas. Kay, Benjamin Kay, Jno. Kay, Charlie Kay, H. W. Kay, Ursula Kaye, Samuel Kayes, Edward Kealey, Percy Reginald Kean, Clarence E. Kean, Jessie Keane, Nellie Keane, Mary Kear, William George Kearn, Thomas Kearney, Margaret Kearney, George Kearney, Sarah M. Kearney, Wm. Kearney (Kenernay), John Kearns, Emily Kearns, William Kearsley, Edward Kearton, R. D. Kearvell, W. Keary, Joyce Keary, G. Keary, Charles R. Keary, Chas. A. Keary, George Keates, Minnie Keating, George Pvt. Keating, Marion Keating, Charles Keating, Florence Keatinge, Bridget Keatinge, William Keatley, George Keatley, Ellen Annie Keats, Minnie Keats, Louis Keats, H. Keay, Reuben Keay, Minnie Keay, Selina / Celina Keay, Verena Russel Keay, Joseph Keay, Philip Keay, Elizabeth/ Lizzie Keay, Florence Keay, Dudley J. Kebbler, Ellen / Nellie Keddie, Margaret L. Kedge, Albert Kee, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Keeble, Lewis Wm. Keeble, Lewis W. Keeble, Frank Keeble, Louis W. Keed, A. E. Keef, Oliver Keefe, Ellen Keefe, Alfred E. Keefe, James Keefe, Daniel Keefe, Richard Keefe, David Keefe, Freda Keefe, Freda T.M. Keeffe, Ellen Keeffe, David Keegan, Michael Keel, Samuel Keele, Jos. Dumon Keeler, Mr. And Mrs. John B. Keeler, Ernest James Keeley, James Keeley, William Keeley, Arthur Keeley, John Keeley, Wm. Keeling, Thos A Keeling, Emily Keeling, Ernest Keeling, Peter Keeling, Arthur Keeling, Percy Keeling, George Keelty, Wm. John Keelty, Francis Keen, Henry william Keen, Hy. Keen, Keen, Frederick W. Keen, Wm. Keen, William Charles Keen, Ruben C. Keen, Chas E Keen, Cyril B. Keen, Elsie Hannah Keen, Henry W. Keen, Robert Keen, Wm J Keen, Fred W. Keen, Alice Keen, Ethel Mary Keen, Geo Keen, Edwd Keen, Fred Walter Keen, Reuben Cyril Keen, Harold Keen, Edith May Keen, Arthur Keen, Eliza Keenan, Wm. T. Keenan, Geo Keenan, Ethel Mrs. Keenan, Mark Keenan, William Thomas Pvt. Keene, William Keene, George Keene, Robert Keene, Cyril Keene, Arthur Keene, Henry Keene Or Earl, Wm. Keep, Edw Keep, Louisa Keep, Esther Maria Keep, Geo Keep, Ann Verity Keeper, Charles W. Keeping, Charley Keeping, Lily Keer, Andrew Keesham, Alexander Keetch, Alfred George Keeting, Edward Keevil, Walter J. Kegan, John Kehoe, Joseph Kehoe, James Kehoe, Mary Kehoe, Ann Keicks, Sidney Keifsizian, M. Keighley, Kate Keighley, Annie C. Keighley, Annie Keighley, BrIdget Keightley, Albert Keiks, Sidney Keiley, Sydney Keir, Maggie Keir, Walter Keith, Stanley Keith, Montague R. Kell, Freda Kell, Freda A. Kell, Freda Ann Kellard, Nora Kellard, Alice Kellaway, Beatrice Kellaway, Charles Kelleher, Mary Kellerby, J. Kellett, Maude Kellett, Alice Maud Mary Kelley, James Kelley, Martha Kelley, John Kelley, Sidney Harold Kelley, Myrtle Kellick, Thomas Kellick, Tommy Kellick, Mary Kellie, James Kelloawy, Charley Ed. Kelloway, Charles Kelloway, Charles E. Kelloway, Benjamin Kelloway, C. E. Kelly, William Kelly, Ada Mrs. Kelly, John Kelly, Alice Kelly, Richard Kelly, John edward Kelly, James Kelly, Elsie Mrs. Kelly, Esther Kelly, John W Kelly, Olive G. Kelly, H. Kelly, Edward Kelly, Edward Alfred Kelly, Michaeil Kelly, Phyllis Kelly, John Joseph Kelly, Alfred George Kelly, Patrick Kelly, Thomas Kelly, Harry Kelly, Alex Kelly, Minnie Kelly, Herbert Edwin Kelly, W. Kelly, Herbert E. Kelly, Winnie Kelly, Catherine Kelly, Leonard Kelly, A. Kelly, Lily Kelly, Bridget Kelly, Alex. Kelly, John William Pvt. Kelly, Hugh Kelly, Thos. Kelly, Walter A. Kelly, Thomas Edward Kelly, BessIe Kelly, Margaret Kelly, Mary Kelly, Jno. W. Kelly, Lilian Selina (Mrs. J. W.) Kelly, D. Kelly, Thomas E. Kelly, Michael Kelly, John Francis Kelly, Herbert F. Kelly, William John Kelly, Mary Alice Kelly, Herbert Kelly, Alfred Kelly, Sarah Kelly, Hubert Kelly, Samuel G. Kelly, Arthur William Kelly, Janet Kelly, Arthur Kelly, Maureen Kelly, John W. Kelly, John James Kelly, Denis Kelly, Geo. Kelly, T. Kelly, C |
Kelly, George Thomas Kelly, Annie Kelly, Arthur R. Kelly, Saml. Geo. Kelly, Robert Kelly, Owen Kelly, Saml Geo Kelly, Lettie / Violeta Kelly, Gerard Kelman, J. Kelsey, James Wm. Kelsey, Gertrude M. Kelsey, Wm. Kelsey, Rosalind Kelsey, Wm Kelshie, Amy Kelso, Christopher Kelso, Mr. Kelterborn, Harry Kelterhorn, Harry Kelvey, William Kemble, Eli J. Kemble, Geo. Kemble, Kemble, Mary E. Kemble, Geo Kemble, George Kemp, John E. Kemp, Lewis Kemp, Grave Mrs. Kemp, Frank W. Kemp, William Kemp, Charles Kemp, Charles T. Kemp, James Henry Kemp, Ellen (Mrs. Wallace) Kemp, Tom Gnr. Kemp, Ellen V.M. Kemp, William H. Kemp, Walter Kemp, James Kemp, Alfred Francis Gnr. Kemp, Beatrice Kemp, Julia Margt. Kemp, Leonard Kemp, Daisy Kemp, Albert George / George Albert Kemp, AnnIe Kemp, Daisy I. Kemp, Florence Kemp, Chas. Thos. Kemp, Henry S. Kemp, William John Sanderson Kemp, Beatrice M. Kemp, Alexander Richard Kemp, John Edwin Kemp, Frank Kemp, Mrs. Alex. Kemplin, William Harry Kempsford, Arthur Kempsford, Alfred Kempson, Maxwell Kempster, Frederick John Kempster, Hy Kempster, May Kempster, Annie Kempster, George Kempster, Frederick Kempster, Geo. R. Kempster, Fred Kempster, Annie E. Kempton, John Kempton, EmIly Kendal, Stanley H. Kendal, Florence Kendal, Wm. Thos. Kendall, Mary Kendall, L. Mrs. Kendall, Stanley H. Kendle, Rose Kendrick, Joseph Kendrick, Jos. Kendrick, George H. Kendrick, Samuel Kendrick, Mr. Kenefick, James Kennan, William T. Kennard, Thomas C. Kennard, Thomas Charles Pvt. Kennard, Maud Kennard, Thos. C. Kennard, Albert Kennard, Williams H. Mr. and Mrs. Kennard, Thos. C Kennaugh, G. W. Pvt. Kennear, Isobel S.C. Kennedy, J.G. Kennedy, Patrick Kennedy, Miss. Kennedy, Robina Kennedy, Stanley J. Kennedy, Mrs Kennedy, Jane Kennedy, Samuel D. Kennedy, John Kennedy, Mr. Kennedy, Miss. J.G. Kennedy, Alfred Kennedy, Dugald Kennedy, Jenny G. Miss Kennedy, Mary Kennedy, Eliza Kennedy, Bridget Kennedy, Elizabeth Kennedy, William Kennedy, Andrew Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Winnifred Kennedy, Eliza Ellen Kennedy, Rose Ann Kennedy, Edward Kennedy, Sam. D. Kennedy, Rose A Kennedy, Henry Kennedy, Mary Agnes Kennedy, Catherine Kennedy, Agnes Kennedy, J. Kennedy, Samuel Kennedy, Florence Mrs. Kennedy, Austin Kennedy, Dougald Kenneth, George W Kennett, John Kennett, Mary Kennett, Henry Kennett, Annie Kennett, John Dennis Kennett, Emma Kennett, Beatrice Kenney, William Kenney, Christopher Kenney, James Kenningale, Alice L. Kennings, Ernest Kennington, Catherine Kennington, Christopher Kennon, Peter Kenny, John Kenny, Catherine Kenny, Walter Francis Kenny, Florence Kenny, Ellen Kenny, Joseph Kenny, R.Y. Dr. Kenny, Michael Kenny, F. Kenny, Patrick Kenny, Michl Kenny, Josh E Kenny, John J. Kenny, Josh. E. Kenny, James Kenny, Sidney Kenny, Hubert Vincent Kensett, H. Kent, Frances Dora Kent, Arthur L. Kent, Alfred James Kent, Rose Kent, Wilfrid H. Kent, Wilfred Henry Kent, Lena Kent, John Kent, Mrs. William H. Kent, Albert Kent, Rosina M. Kent, George Pvt. Kent, Robert Malcolm Pvt. Kent, Gerald T. Kent, William Kent, Alfred J. Kent, Louisa Kent, George Kent, Wm. A. Kent, Alfred James Pvt. Kent, Mary Ann Kent, Rosina Kent, Albert E. F. Kent, Richard P.H. Kent, Joseph Henry Kent, Emma Kent, Alfred W. Kent, A. H. Kent, Wm. Kent, William James Kent, Fred. George Kent, Annie Kent, Elizabeth Kent, Wilfred Kent, Percy A. Kent, John William Kent, Albert E. Kent, Rd. Pascoe Harvey Kent, Jno. Kentish, Art Kenton, George Kenton, E. H. Kenward, Harry Kenway, W. Kenyon, John Kenyon, Jennifer Keogh, Percival Thomas Keogh, Daniel Keogh, Vincent Francis Keogh, Michl. Keogh, Keough, Keough, Michl Keppel, Edwin Ker, George Kerby, James John Kerby, Charles Kerby, Kate Maud Kergan, Michael Kerkland, Ernest Kermeen, Alice Kermode, Lois Kermode, Brian Kermode, Peter Kermott, Jos. C. Kern, Maud Roden Kernaghan, Rose Kernaghan, Rose A. Kerr, H.C. Mr. Kerr, Lizzie Kerr, Mary Kerr, William Henry Kerr, Margaret Kerr, George Douglas Kerr, Andrew Reid Kerr, Mr. H.C. Kerr, William John Kerr, William Kerr, Wm. H. Kerr, Wm. Hy. Kerr, Alice Kerr, James Kerr, Rose Ann Kerr, Maggie Kerr, Mr.and Mrs. Kerr, Anna Kerr, Mrs. Catherine Kerr, P.C. Kerrell, Wm. Kerridge, Lily Maud Kerridge, Edith Kerridge, Edward Kerridge, Florence May Kerridge, Lily Kerridge, Florence Kerrison, Wm. Kerry, G. W. Kerry, Annie Elizabeth Kers, Michael Kersey, Frederick N. Kersey, Mary J. Kersey, Fred Kersey, Sarah E. Mrs. Kersey, James Kersey, Frederick Arthur Kersey, Frederick A. Kersey, Fred A. Kersey, William T. Kershaw, E. Kershaw, Frederick Kershaw, Robert Kershaw, William Kershaw, Harry Kerslake, Sydney Graham Kerwin, Thomas Kerwin, James Kerwin, Mary Ann Kerwin, Emily (Mrs. William) Kessler, Ernest Kesterton, Miss. Ketchea, Huntly D.B. Kethro, Mary Ketley, Fras W Kett, James Kettle, Jos. A. Kettle, William Fred. Kettle, John Sampson Kettle, George Kettleton, Isa. Kettlewell, Mary Kettley, John A. Kettley, James Kevern, John Kevin, John Kew, Laurence Kew, Lawrence Key, Mr. Key, Henry J. Key, John H. Key, Henry John Key, E. C. L. Keyes, Rebecca Keyhoe, Mary Keys, Rebecca Keys, Edward A. Keys, Annie Keys, Horace J. Keys, Wallace Keys, Wallace H. Keys, Mary Keywood, A. E. Kezar, Helena M. Kezar, Mrs. George G. Khashmanian, Mugerdich Khaznadjian, Mugerdich Ki??Ard, Maud Kibbey, Rosetta Kibble, J.R. Kibble, James R. Kibble, Jane Kibble, Daisy Kibble, Jimmy Kibble, Kibble, Jesse Kibble, H. J. Kibble, Jennie Kibble, Jas. R. Kibble, James Kibble, James Robert Kibble, Jane E. Kibble, Elizabeth Jane Kibble, Janie Kibbler, Ellen / Nellie Kibbler, Ellen Kibby, W. S. Kibby, Wm Thos Kibby, Wm S Kickiinson, William Kidby, Herbert George Kidd, S. Kidd, James W. Kidd, Jas. W. Kidd, leonard Kidd, John Kidd, Harry Kidd, Mary Mrs. Kidder, John Mr. Kiddie, Robert Kiddle, Charles Kidgell, Dorothy Kidgell, Francis G. Kidgell, Ivan Kidgill, Dorothy Kidgill, Ivon I. Kidman, Walter Albert Kidman, John Lewis Kidman, W.J Kidman, Wilfred J Kidman, Walter A. Kidman, Kenneth Kidner, John Kidner, Mr. Kidner, J. Mr. Kidner, John Mr. Kidney, Homer Oswald Kidney, Mrs. W.J. Kiefsizian, Mihran Kiefsizian, Loghfet Kierstead, Sarah (Mrs. Kartley) Kievell, Amelia Mrs. Kiff, Ernest George Kiff, Earnest G. Kiff, Ernest John Kiff, Ernest G. Kilbanks, Lily Kilburn, Fred. Charles Kilby, Jno Kilby, Jno. Kilford, Joseph R. Kilgallen, Messers. Kilkelly, Michael Kilkelly, Michl J Killaney, Catherine Killeaney, Catherine Killeen, James Killeen, Jas. Killen, Charles Killen, Arthur Killen, John Killens, Edward Killery, Wm Killey, Thomas Pvt. Killey, Tommy Killick, Frances T. Killick, Fras. G. Killick, F.R. Killick, Miriam Killick, Walter Killick, Francis Killingham, Emma Killlen [Sic], James Killowen, Kilminster, Henry Kilpatrick, Edw Kilpatrick, Fanny Kilsby, Sarah Kilshaw, William Hy. Kilty, Patrick Kilvington, Minnie Kimber, Benjamin Kimber, Sydney C. Kimber, C. Kimber, C. Mrs. Kimber, Annie Kimber, Annie Marie Kimber, Emily Kimberley, Esther Kimberley, Samuel Kimberley, Benjamin Kimberley, Ellen Kimberley, Kathleen Kimble, James Kimble, Jane Kimbling, Joe Kimbling, Joseph Kimbling, Albert Edward Kimpton, Harold Edgar Kimpton, Albert Howard Kinahan, HenrIetta Kinch, J. Kinchin, Arthur J. Kinchinton, Herbert F. Kinder, Annie Kindersley, Ginette Kindersley, Robert Sir Kindersley, Robert Kindon, Rose Kindon, Thomas Edgar Kindon, Walter Kindred, Herbert Kindree, E. H. King, John King, Albert Henry King, Henry A. King, Fanny King, Ellen M King, Edward A. King, Albert H. King, Charlotte King, Ernest R. King, Alfred Thomas Pvt. King, Catherine King, Henry R. King, Mary E. King, Elizabeth Mrs. King, Henry E. King, Eliza King, Henry King, Gwendoline King, Henry Chas. King, Emma King, George King, Ellen King, Ernest Pvt. King, James King, Charlotte C. King, Chas. H. King, Sidney E. King, W. H. Pvt. King, Kate King, Chas. Peter King, Reginald King, Reginald G.J. King, Thos. W. King, Wm. King, Albert George King, Elizabeth King, Louisa King, Florence King, Lily Kate King, Frederick King, Albert Hy. King, Thomas King, William V. King, Thomas W. King, Henry Richard King, Fredk King, Joseph King, Edward Arthur Sgt. King, King, Albert King, Wm. H. King, Winnifred Rose King, Lydia King, William King, Fred King, George S. King, Karin King, Francis C. King, Geo. Wm. King, James A. W. King, Ada A. King, David King, William Thomas King, Catherine G. King, Clara King, John R. King, Francis Cyril King, W. H. King, Geo. King, Frederick W. King, Violet King, Sarah King, Ellen /Nellie King, Arthur H. King, Lilian E. King, William George King, George Edward King, Alfred T. King, Lily King, Edward E. King, Edgar King, Charles P. King, Frank King, Daisy King, Annie King, George E. King, Chas. hy. King, Charles Peter King, Richard J. King, George Edward Pvt. King, Elizabeth A. King, Christina Peteress King, William C. King, William Henry King, Mrs. H King, May King, Charles F. King, Albert G. King, James N. King, Rose Violet King, Charlie King, William H. King, Robert King, Hubert W.C. King, Bartholomew King, Arthur H.F. King, Lillian King, John B. King, Henry Alfred King, AlIce King, Ethel King, Jesse King, Nellie (Mrs. Benjamin W.) King, W. J. King, Edith King, Jno. King, Ann King, Charles King, Mary Ann King, Alice King, Arthur King, Chas. Hy. King, Richard King, Emily King, Wm King, Ernest W. King, Christina King, Mrs. King, Albert James King, Edward King, John S. King, Charles Henry King, Ernest King, Francis King, Christina P. King, Mary A. King, Leonard Charles King, Jas. A.W. King (a.k.a. Price), Thomas William King-Sabourin, Mary Kingdom, Edith M. Kingdom, May Kingdom, Edith Kingdom, Edith May Kingdom, Edit Kingdom, Edythe Mae Kingdon, EmIly Kingdon, Wm Jas Kingham, Thos. Kings, James George Kings, Francis C. Kingsbury, Gabriel Kingsbury, Arthur Kingsbury, Joseph Kingsell, William Alfred Kingshott, P. D. Kingshott, Nellie Kingsley, Annie Kingsley, Philip Kingsley, Robin Charles Kingsley, Elizabeth Kingsley, Henry /Harry Kingsley, Anne Kingsley, Robert Kingsley, Robt Kingsman, John R. Kingsman, Henry W. Kingston, Amy Kingston, M. Mrs. Kingston, Florence Kingston, Wm. Kingston, George Kingswell, William Kingswood, Amy Kingswood, Charlotte Kingwell, James S. Kinigsley, Clara S Kinman, Rose Kinnaird, Alfred Frederick Kinnaird, W.A. Kinnaird, The Right Hon. the Lord, DL, JP Kinnaird, David G. Kinnaird, Arthur James Kinnard, William Henry Kinnard, William Kinnard, William H. Kinnard, Wm. H. Kinnear, Elizabeth Kinnell, Leslie R. Kinnersley, Harold Kinney, Vera (Mrs. Russell) Kinning, Annie (Mrs. George) Kinohan, Anthony Kinrade, J. L. Kinross, Andrew Kinsella, Francis Kinsella, Charles Kinsella, Cyril William G Kinsella, Cyril Kinvington, Minnie Kippen, James Kirby, Arthur Henry Kirby, Kenneth A. Kirby, Amy Kirby, Mabel Kirby, Thomas Moses Kirby, Gilbert Kirby, Patrick Kirby, Wm. Kirby, Harold Kirby, Lily Kirby, Lydia Kirby, Arthur H. Kirby, Jabez Kirby, Kate Maud Kirby, Arthur Edward Kirby, Robert Kirby, Joseph Kirby, William Kirby, Stanley Kirby, Arthur Kirby, Kenneth Kirby, Rich. Alf. Kirby, Florence Kirby, Maud Kirby, Edward William Kirby, Richard Kirby/Kirkby, Mary Kirch, John Kirch, Albert Kirchey, Arthur Kirk, Lena Kirk, James Ross Keith Kirk, Arthur Harold Kirk, Leonard Kirk, Emily Kirk, William Pearce Kirk, Hy Kirk, James Kirk, James Vincent Pvt. Kirk, Thomas George Kirk, John Kirk, Thomas G. Kirk, Sam Kirk, Albert Kirk, Frank Kirk, John (1) Kirk, Annie Kirk, Henry Kirk, Charles Kirk, John (2) Reginald Archibald Kirk, David Kirk, Robert Kirk, Frederick Kirk, James V. Kirk, Leonard Pvt. Kirk, Jas Isaac Kirk, Dorothy Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. Kirk, R. Kirk, Joseph Kirk, Vincent James Kirkby, Isobella Kirkby, Lydia Kirkham, George Kirkham, James Kirkham, G. Kirkland, Francis William Kirkpatrick, Robert Kirkpatrick, Teresa Kirkpatrick, David Kirkpatrick, Lawrence Kirkpatrick, Martha Kirkpatrick, Alice Kirkpatrick, A. E. Mr. Kirkpatrick, Ernest Kirkpatrick, John Kirkup, Fred G. Kirkup, Frederick G. Mrs. Kirkup, Fred Kirkup, Frederick Gargett Kirkup, Evelyn Kirkup, Frederick G. Kirkup, Dora Kirkwood, Alex. Kirkwood, Lily May Kirkwood, Raymond Kirkwood, Alexander Kirkwood, Alex Kirkwood, George Kirkwood, Robert Kirkwood, Geo Kirkwood, James Pvt. Kirkwood, Nellie Kirsch, John Kirsch, Albert Kirsch, John (1) Kirton, William Kirton, Joseph Charles Kirton, William Cpl . Kirton, Thos. Kirton, Albert E. Kirton, Albert Edward Gnr. Kirton, Beatrice Kirwin, Henry Kiss, Samuel Kissach, Wm Kissack, Ernest Malin Kissop, Ed. W. Kitcheman, Richard Kitchen, Jessie (Mrs. Samuel) Kitchen, Florence Kitchen, Harry Kitchen, Sarah A Kitchen, Harold Kitchener, Herbert Kitchener, Alf. J. Kitchener, Alfred Kitchener, George Kitchener, Alfred J.K. Kitchener, Ivy Mrs. Kitchenman, Richard Kitcher, Annie Kitcher, Ellen E. Kitching, Louisa Kitching, A. W. Kite, Elizabeth Kite, Maud A. Kite, Dorothy Kite, Elizabeth M. Kite, Grace L. Kite, Ivy Kite, Grace Kite, Dorothy Ivy Kite, Audrey Kite, Maud Kite, Audrey W. Kite, Dorothy I. Kite, Audery Kiterside, Geo. Kites, Maud Kitley, Gertrude Kitley, Mabel Kitley, Ethel Kitney, Ronald C. Kitney, Ronald Kitsemetry, Walter Kitten, Bessie Kitto, William R. Kitton, Bessie Kitts, Araunah Klaiber, Miss. Klein, Jacob Kleiser, Leslie Klinge, Knagg, Henry Knaggs, Bertha Knaggs, Jane Knaggs, Henry Knapman, Herb. C. Knapman, Herbert Charles Pvt. Knapman, Herbert C. Knapp, Jno. Hy. Knapp, Henry J. Knapp, Knapp, Hy. Jos. Knapp, Henry Joseph Knapp, Hy. J. Knapton, H. Knasboro, John Knatchbull, Mabel Knatchbull, Thomas Kneale, William A.D. Kneale, Kneller, Percy Kness, Theodore Kness, William Knibbs, George Knibbs, James Knight, Clara Jane Knight, Walter N. Knight, Mary Ann Knight, Agnes Knight, Eva Knight, Mary Knight, Henry Knight, Warren Mr. Knight, John H.W. Knight, Herbt. T. Knight, George H. Knight, Leslie Thomas Knight, John (2) Knight, Herbert (1) Knight, Charles H. Knight, William Knight, Florence L. Knight, H. R. Knight, Edith Knight, E. Mr. Knight, Alice Knight, Percy Knight, Warren Knight, Charles (1) Henry Knight, William V.T. Knight, William Pte. Knight, Alfred J. Knight, George E. Knight, Frank Knight, George Knight, John W. H. Knight, John W.H. Knight, Alfred Knight, Alfred F. Knight, Frederick Charles Knight, Knight, Elizabeth Knight, Thomas Knight, Lily Knight, Roy John Knight, Albert (1) Edward Knight, Henry James Knight, George Herbert Knight, John Knight, Arnold Knight, Louis Knight, William George Knight, Frances Kate Knight, Frederick Chas. Knight, Victor Knight, Robert Knight, Bertie Knight, Ellen L. Knight, Charles (2) Knight, E. Warren Dr. Knight, William John Knight, Herbert (2) Norman George Knight, Lily M. Knight, John (1) Henry Knight, Marie Knight, Horace Adolphus Knight, Frederick Knight, Walter, Henry Knight, Frederick C. Knight, Wm. Knight, Edmund Knight, Oscar Knight, Leonard Rouen Knight, F.G. Knight, A. W. Knight, George Henry Knight, Arthur W. Knight, Chas W. Knight, Albert (2) Knight, John Henry Knight, Joan Knight, Ellen L Knight, Chas Knight, Geo Knight, Westley Ronald Knightly, John C. Knights, John C. Kniveton, Suzanne Kniveton, Mary Knollys, Francis Knopp, Henry Knott, George Knott, Winnifred Knott, Teresa Knott, Christopher Knott, Olive Knott, A. H. Knott, James Knott, Ernest Knott, Wm Knott, Jas Knott, Beatrice Knott, William Knowlan, Thomas Knowland, Thomas Knowlden, Chris. Knowlden, Rayner Knowles, Edgar George Knowles, Mary Knowles, Alice Knowles, Ethel Knowles, Caroline (Mrs. M.) Knowles, Lois Strover Knowles, George Knowles, Grace Knowles, Thomas Knowles, Edgar G. Knowles, Ellen Knowles, Arthur Knowles, E.G. Knowles, Albt E Knowles, Leslie John Knowles, Edgar K. Knowles, Albt. E. Knowles, Jenny Knowles, Edgar J. Knowles, Jesse Knowles, Edgar Knowles, Harry Knowles, Edward Knowles, Albert Knowles, Mr. Knowles, John Knowles, Lawrence Joseph Knowles, Annie Knowlton, W. Knowlton, Walter Knowlton, Ellen Mrs. Knowlton, Walter Mr. Knowlton, Ivy Knowlton, Alfred Knowlton, Mrs. Knowlton, Alfd. Knowlton, Alfd Knowlton, Wm. Knowlton, Albert Knowlton, Walter Mrs. Knox, Andrew E. Knox, William Knox, Mr. Andrew Knox, Elizabeth Knox, Emily Jane Koctic, Buatutin Koeff, Fred Koettlitz, F. A. Koettlitz, A. R. Kohl, John Kohles, Maria Kohlmeier, Annie Mrs. Koiley, John Koltz, Arthur R Kolz, A. Kostoris, Beryl E. Kotila, Lauri Kozik, Wm. Kranzler, Jno Kratz, James Edward Kresvanovitch, Dmetria Kroldart, Mark J. Kroldart, Marter (Mark John) Kroldart, Marter Kruger, Paul Kruse, Louisa Kyer, Wallace Kyle, Robert Kyle, Charles Kyle, Robert E. Kyle, William Kyles, L. B. Kynnersley, Harold Kyte, Francis John L., I.M. Mrs. L., E.A. L., M. La Belle, Clara Laccohee, Arthur C. Laccohee, George Laccohee, Sarah Lace, Wm Lacey, E. Gordon Lacey, Philip John Lacey, William Lacey, Richard Lacey, Ernest G. Lacey, Josh Lacey, Harold W. Lacey, Rose Lacey, Gordon Lacey, Henry Edgar Lacey, Jane Lacey, EmIly Lackey, Ellen Jane Lackey, Ellen Lackington, Oscar Lackington, Charles R. Lacock, Emily Lacombe, Peter Lacroix, Jean Ladd, LouIsa Ladd, Louisa Ladhams, George Thomas Ladley, Stephen Ladley, Frederick Ladley, Spephen Lafferty, James Lafferty, Edith Laidlaw, James Laidlaw, Susan Mrs. Laidlaw, Thomas Laidler, Jas. Laidlow, George Laing, Jack Wilfred Laing, Robert Laing, Laing, Patricia A. Laing, David M. Laing, Mrs. Laing, Wm. Mr. Laird, Edward Laird, K. Laird, John S. Laird, George Laird, George Alfred Laity, Laity, Harry Laity, Percival R. Laity, Robert P. Laity, Bernard Laity, Percival Lake, James Lake, George A. Lake, Albert Edward Pvt. Lake, Violet Lake, Annie Lake, George Lake, Wm. Hy. Lake, Sidney Lake, Reginald Lake, Ernest Geo. Lake, Ernest G. Lake, Elsie May Lake, Miss. Lake, George Alfred Lake, Regd. Lake, Ernest George Lake, Percy Henry Noel Lake, John Thomas Lake, William H. Lake, Leonard S. Lake, Wm. H. Lakeman, Mr. Lakeman, Gertrude Mrs. Lakeman, Gertrude Miss. Lakeman, Gertrude Miss Lakeman, Mrs. Laker, George H. Lakes, Alice Lakes, Alice Maud Lakin, Cyril Hy. R. Lakin, R. Lakin, Cyril Lakin, F. Lalley, John Henry Lally, John Henry Lamb, Rosanna Lamb, Lucy Lamb, James W. Lamb, Ada Lamb, Mary E. Lamb, Rob Lamb, James Lamb, Joseph Wm. Lamb, Lily Lamb, Mary Lamb, Joseph Lamb, Lamb, William B. Lamb, Wm. H. Lamb, Wm Lamb, Kate Lamb, Charles Lamb, Robert Lamb, William H. Lamb, Mary E Lamb, June Lamb, Mary Jane Lamb, Naomi Lamb, Frederick Lamb, Wm. R. Lamb, William Lamb, William Henry Pvt. Lamb, William Henry Lamb, Elsie D. Lamb, Rose Lamb, William Joseph Lambard, Walter O. Lambard, Percy Hy. Lambard, Walter Lambard, Percy H. Lambard, Perry Henry Lambard, Walter Owen Lambden, Leon Lambden, Leon C. Lambden, Albert Lambden, Edward A. Lambden, Harriet Lambe, Sidney J. Lambe, James W. Lambert, Victor Lambert, William Ernest Lambert, Beatrice Lambert, Solomon Lambert, Elizabeth Lambert, Albert Lambert, Victoria Lambert, William Lambert, Frank Leonard Lambert, Victoria, Alice Lambert, Maria Lambert, Edward James Lambert, John Lambert, George Lambert, Nellie Lambert, Katherine D. Lambert, Herbert Lambert, Patrick Lambert, Emily Lambert, Hy Lambert, Richard Lambert, Alfred Lambert, Lambert, Geo. W. Lambert, Joseph Lambert, Christopher J. Lambert, Alice Lambert, William J. Lambert, Margaret Lambert, George H. Lambert, Sidney Lambert, Henry Lamble, Sidney J. Lamble, Robert Lamble, Samuel Lambourne, Frank George Lambourne, Mary Lambrenos, George Henry Lamey, John Laming, Henry George Lammerton, F. Lamming, Wm. Lamont, Albert Reginald Lamont, Mrs. Lampard, John Lampert, John Lampitt, Leslie Arthur Lamplough, James Lamplough, Lizzie Lampshire, Edwin Lancaster, William (1) Frederick Lancaster, Eliza Lancaster, William (2) Joseph Lancaster, Henry James Lancaster, John Lancaster, William Lancaster, Alice F. Mrs. Lancaster, Daisy Lancaster, W.C. Lancaster, Walter Lancaster, Leslie Lancaster, Isaac L Lancaster, Arthur Lancaster, Daisy M. Lancaster, Isaac L. Lancaster, Albert Edward Lancastle, Lancastle, Albert H. Lancastle, Albert Lancastle, A. H. Lancastle, Albt. Hy. Lancastle, Alb. H. Lancastle, Al. Lancastle, Albert Henry Lance, Agnes Land, Gladys Land, William Land, Stanley Landeg, DaIsy Lander, William Lander, Geo. Lander, Sarah E Lander, Christopher Benjamin Lander, Arthur Lander, Florence Landman, Vivian F.D. Landricombe, Georgina Landry, Alfred Lane, John Lane, Reginald Wm. Lane, Alice Lane, James Lane, Joseph Lane, Eva Lane, Mabel Lane, Rose Lane, Alfred Lane, Geo. Lane, Fanny Lane, Walter Lane, Florence E. Lane, Joseph E. Lane, Winifred Lane, Mary Ann Lane, Frank Lane, Wm. F. Lane, W.R. Mr. Lane, James Mr. Lane, Samuel Lane, George J. Lane, Edgar Lane, Francis Ball Lane, Willie Lane, Henry Lane, William Thomas Lane, William A. Lane, George Lane, Florence Lane, Denis Lane, Eric Jasper Wright Lane, Geo Lane, Harry Lane, William F. Lane, Ernest Lane, Winnie Lane, Annie Lane, Susan Lane, H. C. Lane, Sidney A. Lane, W. R. Lane, Wiliam G. Lane, Edward Lane, Albert Lane, William, Stanley Lane, William Lane, Joe Lane, G.A. Lane, S. Lane, R. H. Lane, Wortley Lane, Mary Lane, Louisa Lane, Wilfred R. Lanesbury, Florence May Lanfranchi, Cecil Lang, Otto F. Lang, Otto Frederick Lang, Alice Lang, William Mr. Lang, William Lang, T. Lang, Frederick James Lang, R.J. Lang, Roger Henry Lang, Fred J. Lang, H. Lang, F. Lang, Mr. Frederick Langan, John Langan, Charles Langan, Jno. Langbridge, Alice Langbridge, Phyllis Langbridge, Phyllis L Langbridge, E. Langbridge, Langbridge, Ernest Langdale, Ernest R. Mrs. Langdale, Caroline Langdale, Ernest R. Langdon, Charles Langdon, Israel Langdon, Lizzie Langfear, Chas. Langford, Kate S. Langford, James Langford, William Langford, Janie Langford, James Alfred Langford, Jas. Langford, John Langford, Robt. Langford, Thomas Langford, Jno. Wm. Langford, Kate Langford, Mary Jane / Mary Ann Langford, Frederick R. Langford, Robert Langford, William Ernest Langford, Jane Langford, Beatrice Amelia Langford, Selina May Langford, Edgar Langford, Mary A Langham, John Langham, Lewis Langham, Chas. Langley, R. Langley, John Langley, Fanny Maria Langley, Walter Langley, Mary A. Langley, William Langley, Margaret Langley, Joseph Langley, Fanny M. Langley, Mary A Langley, Fredk. Langley, Wm. Langley, Geo. Fred. Langley, Jennie Langley, Edward John Langley, Albert Edward Norgrove Langley, Fredk Langmead, Wm. F. Langmoor, Mr. and Mrs. Langram, Alfred Langridge, G. Langridge, James H. Langridge, Alfred Langridge, Herbert E. Langsdale, F. Langston, William Langstone, Herbert Clifford Langton, Arthur V. Langton, Maurice Langwitz, Nellie Langwitz, Nellie M. Lanham, Harry Lanigan, John Lanigan, James Lankaster, Robert Lankshear, A. Lannary, Richard Lannary or Lennery, Richard Lannen, James Lannen, John Lannen, Jno. Lannen, Jas. G. Lannigan, Joseph Lanridge, BessIe Lansdowne, Thomas Lansely, Harry Lansley, Kenneth Lansley, Henry L. Lanson, Herbert Lantalun, Mr. Lanthrope, Hilda Lapage, Ruth Lapainteur, Nelly Lappen, Geo. Thos. Lappin, Pat Lappin, Patrick Lappin, Patrick G. Lappin, Pat. Lapping, Annie Larcombe, John Larcombe, Mr. Larder, Thomas Large, Herbert Large, Septimus Large, Charles Large, Kathleen Large, Charlie Large, William Large, James Large, Sarah Large, Amy Mary Lark, Henry J. Lark, Bertie Lark, Harry J. Lark, William Larkin, Thomas Larkin, William Larkin, Horace Larkin, John Larkin, Florence Larkin, George Larkin, Maud Larkin, Oliver Larkin, Joseph H. Larkin, Ellen Larkin-Blackham, Ellen Larking, Beatrice Larking, John Larkins, Emily Larkins, Christina Larmour, David Larner, Caroline Larner, Geo. Larner, George Henry Larner, George Larner, Violet Larner, Violet M. Larnsley, Harry L. Larrigay, Thomas Larry, Alfred J. Larry, Alfred J.L. Larwood, George Lashmar, William Lashmar, Thomas Lashmar, Bro. Lashmar, W. Lashmar, Thos. Lashmar, Wm. Lasmar, William Lasper, Adela Lassam, MarIa Last, Florence Last, Robert Last, Joseph Last, Ethel Last, Roland Last, Pretoria Last, Pretoria May Latchford, Thomas Latchford, Margaret Latchford, Gladys Later, Mrs. Latford, Richard Latford, Rich Latham, Edward A. Latham, Evelyn E. Latham, Ethel Latham, Thomas Charles Latham, Ethel M. Latham, Albert Edward Latham, Alice Latham, Evelyn Latham, Harry Latham, Edward Latham, Harry George Salisbury Latham, Frederick Lathrope, William Latimer, Wm. O. Latimer, Joseph Latimer, James S. Latimer, R. Mr. Latimer, Frederick Hy. Latman, Joseph Latman, William Latta, Captain Latter, W. Latter, Thomas Latter, Wm. C. Lattimer, John Lattimer, Wm. O. Lattimore, A. W. Lattimore, Arthur Lattimore, Arthur W. Laud, Robt. Lauder, Mary Jane Lauder, Charles Lauder, Edward Lauder, Elizabeth Laughlin, James Laughlin, John Laughton, Emily Adelaide Laughton, Ellen Laughton, Ethel May Laughton, Alice Maude Laumann, Mr. Laundry, Alfred Laundry, Thomas Laurance, Rosalie Mary Laurance, Rosa Mary Laurence, Joseph Laurence, Willie Laurence, Charles W. Laurenson, James Laurie, Chas J. Laurier, Wilfred Mr. Laurier, Wilfred Hon. Laurier, Wilfred Sir Lauzane, Frederick Lavatian, James Lavatien, James Lavell, Mary Lavelle, James Lavelle, Daniel Lavelle, Margaret Lavender, A. H. Lavender, Harry Lavender, Albert H. Lavender, Rosetta Lavender, Charles Laver, Matilda Laver, Bruce Laverick, John Lavers, Charlotte Laverty, Arthur Laverty, Robert Lavery, James Henry Lavery, Margaret Lavick, Howard Lavill, Matthew Lavin, C. Lavin, Wm. Lavin, Charlotte Lavine, Wm. Lavis, Henry Lavis, Thomas Lavoie, E. Lavzell, George Law, Henry E. Law, Charles Law, Gertrude Law, Annie Law, John Law, Charles W. Law, John Bolton Law, Jno Law, Philip Law, Thomas Charles Law, Charles T. Law, Thomas Law, William Law, T. Law, Law, Alan Law, Walter Law, Robert Crichton Law, Martha Law, Emma Law, Walter N. Lawder, David Lawerance, George Lawerance, Fred. Lawerance, Stephen Charles Lawerence, William Lawernce, Reginald Lawes, Henry Lawes, William Lawes, Frederick Compton Pvt. Lawes, William Ernest Lawford, Albt. Lawler, Mary Lawler, John Lawler, Abraham Lawler, Luke Lawler, Bridget Lawler, Teresa Lawless, Edward Lawless, William Lawless, Lawless, Wm Lawless, John Lawless, Ed. Lawless, Iris Lawless, Jas Lawless, Priscilla Lawless, Philip Lawless, Mary A. Lawley, Charles Lawley, William Lawlor, William Lawlor, Margaret Lawlor, Luke Lawlor, Thos. James Lawlor, Wm. Lawrence, Reginald Lawrence, Amy Emilline Lawrence, Charles E. Lawrence, James Edward Lawrence, Alice Lawrence, Reginald Herbert Lawrence, Gordon Harry Robert Pvt. Lawrence, Sidney Lawrence, Henry Lawrence, Catherine Mrs. Lawrence, Edward Lawrence, Jas. Edward Lawrence, Walter C. Lawrence, Sidney G. Lawrence, George Lawrence, Mrs. Geo. Lawrence, James Lawrence, William Charles Henry Lawrence, Samuel Lawrence, James E. Lawrence, Gordon H. Lawrence, Chas. Lawrence, Stanley George Lawrence, Amy Lawrence, C. E. Lawrence, William Lawrence, Nellie Lawrence, St. Mr. Lawrence, Emma Lawrence, Percy W. Lawrence, Ellen Victoria Lawrence, Ellen V. Lawrence, Charles Stevens Pvt. Lawrence, Eliza Lawrence, Sid. G. Lawrence, Ernest Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence, Chas Lawrence, Charles Lawrence, James Arthur Lawrence, Chas. E. Lawrence, Reg. Lawrence, Alice Ellen Lawrence, Maria Lawrence, Alice E. Lawrence, Alfred Lawrence, Ellen B. Lawrence (Craig), William Charles H. Lawrie, Charles Lawrie, Chas. J. Lawrie, Wm Lawry, Robert J. Laws, Walter Laws, Florence Laws, Adolphus A. Laws, Fred. C. Mrs. Laws, Charles A. Laws, Adolphus Augustine Laws, Rose Emily Lawson, Vera A. Mrs. Lawson, Hannah Lawson, Sarah Lawson, Herbert Harold Lawson, George Lawson, Alfred G. Lawson, G. Lawson, Ausgustine Lawson, Louisa Lawson, Margaret Lawson, William J. Lawson, Louise Lawson, Eva D. Lawson, Frances Lawson, Eva Lawson, Clara Lawson, Margaret A. Lawson, Jno. Lawson, Joe Lawson, Ada Lawson, Edith Mrs. Lawson, Henry Lawson, Thomas Lawson, Vivienn W. Lawson, Alice Lawton, Jane Lawton, Sarah Lawton, Hannah Lawton, MarIon Lawton, George Lawton, Harvey L. Lawton, Mr. Laxarus, Harold Laxton, James Laxton, William Laxton, Harry Lay, Danl Lay, Edward Lay, Kathleen M. H. Lay, Arthur Lay, Leonard Lay, Charles William Alfred Lay, Grace, Dorothy Lay, Jno. Lay, Mabel, Caroline Lay, Emily Lay, Jno Lay, Henry Lay, Alfred Lay, Edward B. Laycock, H. Laycock, Ernest Laycock, David Laycock, James P. Laycock, Alfred Laycock, Harry Laycock, James Mr. Layland, Percival Douglas Dundonald Layton, Henry Layton, Walter Layzell, Frank Layzell, Robert F. Layzell, Robert H. Layzell, George Layzell, Layzell, Robert Layzell, Jessie F. Layzell, George T. Layzell, Jessie Lazarus, Harold Lazenby, Herbert Le Beau, Elise Le Bourgeois, Alfred G. Le Duc, Frederick W. Le Gard, George Le Lievre, Janice Le Pla, Willie Le Rougetel, Katharine Le Vasseur, Harold F. Le Vasseur, Harold Le?, Richard Le?, John Lea, Ann Philippa Lea, George P. Lea, Henry Lea, Frank Lea, Clara (Mrs. F. Lorne) Lea, Edgar C. Lea, William (1) / Willie Lea, Albert George Lea, John Lea, Polly Lea, George Percy Lea, E. Lea, William (2) Thomas Lea, Mornington Otto Lea, Christopher Lea, Edgar Chas. Lea, Nellie Lea, William (3) Lea, Margt. Lea, Lillian Leach, Sidney C. Leach, Charles Albert Leach, Frances Leach, Sidney Clayton Leach, Ernest Leach, Violet Leach, R. J. Leach, Ernest H. Leach, Frank Leach, W. Leach, Elizabeth (Mrs.) Leach, Alison Mary Leach, Henry William Leach, Albt. Leach, Ch. W. Leach, Charles W. Leach, Charles Frank Leach, H. E. Leach, Albert Leach, Samuel Leach, James Pvt. Leach, Frederick Leach, Nellie Leach, Ted. Leach, Chas W. Leach, Jean Turnbull Leach, Martha Leach, Arthur Ernest Lead, Albert Edward Lead, Frank Lead, Walter William Leadbeater, Elizabeth Leadbeater, Emma Leadbeater, Annie Leadbeater, Anne Leadbetter, Ethel Leadbetter, Selina Mrs. Leadbetter, Bernard A. Leadbetter, Samuel D. Leadbetter, B. A. Leader, Joe Leader, Jos. Leader, Joseph Leader, Mabel Leader, A. Leader, J. Leader, Richard Leaf, Thomas M. Leaf, Thos. M. Leaf, Thomas Melham Pvt. Leagis, Geo Leah, Rich. G. Leah, W. Leahy, Bob. Leahy, Leahy, Robert Leahy, Robt. A. Leak, George Leak, Leak, Annie Leak, Charlotte Leak, Elizabeth Leake, Henry Leake, Wm Leake, Frederick Leake, William Leake, Amy Leake, Elizabeth Leaming, George Leaming, F.G. Leaming, Henry Leaming, Francis George Leaming, H.O. Leamon, Eric F. Leamon, Robert Leamon, R.A. Leangley, Edward John Leanley, Edward John Leaphard, Claude L. Lear, William Lear, Edith Learle, Joseph Learmouth, S. R. Leary, Margaret Leary, James Leary, Ada May Leary, Charles S. Leary, Alice Leary, Sidney Leary, John Leary, Wm Leary, Charles Sidney Leary, A. Leasby, Raymond A. Leask, John William Leask, John W. Leatham, Hugh Leatham, Ellen Leather, Alf. Leather, George E. Leathwood, Mary Leathwood, Catherine Leaven, Edmund Leaver, William Leaver, Wm. Leaver, Edward Leavitt, Beatrice Leay, William John LeBrun, George Leckes (Lecker), Katie Leckes (Lecker), Mattie Leckie, Miss. Leconte, Fras. Louis Leconte, Fras. L. Leconte, Francis L. LeConte, Francis Louis Ledingham, Mr. Ledingham, Miss. Lednor, Hy. Lednor, Henry Lednor, H.W. Lednor, Hy. Wm. Lednor, Hy. William Lednor, Hy. W. Lednor, Harry Lednor, Hy Lednor, Henry J. Ledsham, Francis E Ledsham, Francis Ernest Ledster, Thos. Wm. Ledue, Frank Wm Ledue, Fredk Wm Lee, Robert B. Lee, Walter Lee, F.E. Mr. Lee, Phyllis Lee, Arthur Lee, John Lee, Ed. John Lee, Isabel Lee, Louisa (Mrs. Alfred R.) Lee, George Lee, Emily Lee, Jack Lee, William Lee, Syd Lee, William (1) / Willie Lee, Hy Lee, Thos Henry Lee, William (3) Lee, Harold Vincent Lee, Amy Lee, Frank M. Lee, Gladys F. Lee, Lewis W. Lee, Frank W. Lee, Alice Pearl Lee, Edith Isabel Lee, Louisa Lee, George H. Lee, Ada Lee, Edward Lee, Richard Lee, Albert Lee, Louis Lee, Gladys Lee, James Lee, Frederick I. Lee, Ernest Lee, Alfred Lee, Thomas Lee, Edith G. Lee, Herbert Lee, John A.M. Lee, Lee, Letty Lee, Tommy Lee, Arthur S. Lee, Eva Lee, John William Lee, A. H. Mrs. Lee, Wilfred E. Lee, Hilda Lee, John Arthur Lee, Henry Lee, Charles Lee, Emma Lee, Alice E. Lee, Albert V. Lee, Frank Lee, Gladys F.B. Lee, Horace Lee, Percy Lee, Fred. Wm. Lee, Alfred Sydney Lee, Harry G. Mr. and Mrs. Lee, Mary Ann Lee, Isabella Lee, Chas Lee, Jno. W. Lee, Olive Lee, Arthur E. Lee, Ellen Lee, MarIon Lee, John W. D. Lee, Thos. Lee, Robert Burn Lee, Arthur Henry Lee, Thomas C. Lee, Louise Lee, Lewis Lee, Agnes Lee, Robert Lee, Harry Geo. Lee, John, Henry Lee, Miss. Leea, Katie Leech, Nellie Leech, Ernest Mr. Leech, Ernest Leechman, Henry Leed, Archibald W. Leeder, M.A. Miss Leedham, Walter William Leef, Mr. George Edwin Leek, John Leeming, Francis G. Leeming, Henry O. Leeney, Horace Leeney (Webster), Horace Leer, Chas Leer, Jno Lees, Kate Lees, Albert Lees, Katie Lees, Maureen Lees, William Lees, Maria Lees, Josh Lees, Thomas |
Lees, Wm Lees, Peter Lees, Elizabeth Lees, Katie Miss Lees, John Lees, James Lees, Pauline Lees, Leslie L. Lees, Jno. Lees, Jno S Lees, William J. Lees, Freddie Lees, Henry Lees, William Arthur Leese, R. Leeson, Richard A. Leeson, Mrs. Leeves, George E. Lefevere, J. Lefevere, H. Lefevre, Henry Lefley, George Legar, Charles LeGarde, Elizabeth Mrs. Legg, John Legg, Harriet Legg, William Legg, James Legg, Wm. Legg, Hart Legg, Wm Leggat, A. W. Leggat, R. Legge, Charles Stanely Legge, Geo. H. Legge, Francis Legge, Percy Legge, George Sanderson Leggett, Lily Leggett, Thomas Leggett, Thos. Leggett, Sarah Anne Leggett, Sidney Leggett, Geo. Ernest Wil. Legrade, Eliz. Mrs. Legrand, George Lehan, Thos. Lehel, James Lehell, James Leicester, Joseph Henry Sap. Leigh, Ellen Leigh, Harry Leigh, Fred Leigh, Annie Leigh, John Leigh, Henry Leigh, Thomas Leigh, Martha R Leigh, Wm. G. Mr. and Mrs. Leigh, Edward Leigh, Alice R Leigh, Sydney Leigh, H. Leigh, John S Leigh-Clare, Phyllis Leigh-Clare, James Leiper, Margaret Leisk, Alfred Leister, John E. Leitch, Thos. Leitch, Mary Jane Leith, Mr. Robert Leithwaite, Hamilton P. Lell, Edward Lelond, A. Mrs. Lemmon, Malcolm J.B. Lemmon, John Lemmon, William Lemmon, Wm. H. McK. Lemmon, Donald Lemmon, William H. McK. Lemmon, Malcolm Lemmon, John B. Lemmon, Donald B. Lemmon, James Lemmon, William James Lemoilie, Marg Lemoine, Winnie Lemoine, Teddy Lemon, James Lemon, Henry Lemon, William J. Lemon, Frederick Lemon, Lemorris, James Lempriere, Renee Lench, Fred William Lench, Robert Leney, Leonard Leng, Lennard, Anne Lennard, Albert Lennard, Edward S. Lenney, Caroline Lenney, Roger Lenney, Kate Lennie, Harry Lennon, Michael Lennon, Arthur Lensch, Ribert T. Lenschen, Caroline Mrs. Lensh, Robert H. Lensh, Lensh, Robert Lenson, Herbert Lenson, Herbert S. Lent, R.J. Lenthall, R. Lenton, S. Lenton, H. Lentz, Thomas Lentz, Mary Ellen Lentz, Thos. Lentz, Minnie Lenzen, Lilian Mrs. Leon, David Leon, Thomas Alexander Leon, Timothy Leon, Louis Leon, Louisa Leona, Alfred Leona, Albert Leonard, William Harry Leonard, Thomas Leonard, Elizabeth Leonard, Martin Leonard, William Henry Leonard, Gertrude (Mrs. J.W.) Leonard, Kathleen Leonard, Joseph Leonard, William Leonard, Mary Leonard, Robt. Leonard, Henry G. Leonard, Hy. G. Leonard, Hy. Geo. Leonard, George Byron Leonard, Rose Leonard, Charles James Leonard, Robert Leons, Alfred Leophard, Claud Lepine, Lizzie Lepine, Elizabeth Lepla, William J. Lepley, LIlIan Leppard, Leslie V. Lepper, Lilian A. Lepper, Nellie Lepper, Lilian Lepper, Nellie F. Lepper, Nellie Frances Lepper, Frederick Arthur Lepper, Lilian Agnes Leroy, Alb. Leslie, John Leslie, Frederick Leslie, Fredk. Leslie, David Bruce Leslie, Adrian William Leslie, Leslie Leslie, Thos. Leslie, William H. Leslie, Fred Leslie, Mrs. Lessells, AlIce Lesser, N. J. Lesson, Alfred Williams Lester, Alice Lester, Mae Saddler Lester, Gertrude Ellen Lester, John Lester, Chris. Lester, Albert Saddler Cheshire Lester, Hy. W. Lester, May Saddler Cheshire Lesurf, Alfred Letch, Arthur Haydon Pvt. Letch, Arthur H. Letchford, Alfred Letessier, Fred. Wm. Letford, William Alexander Pvt. Letham, Jane Lethby, Alice E. Letherbarrow, Henry Letten, Jessie Letten, James Edward Letten, James Letten, Jessy Amelia Letts, Frank Letts, William Letts, Albert Levar, Geo. Chas. Leveiller, D. Mrs. Levell, Thomas Leven, Isaac Leverett, Leslie G. Leverett, Leslie J. Leverick, Clarice Leveridge, Henriette Leveridge, Elizabeth Leveridge, Henrietta Leverington, Wm. H. Leversedge, Percy Leversedge, Herbert Leversuch, Fred T. Leversuch, William F. Leversuch, Wm. F. Leversuch, Frederick Thomas Leversuch, W. F. Leversuch, Frank Leverton, Leverton, Henry Levett, William Levett, Charles Levi, Herbert Levi, Harry Levick, Ernest Levick, Earnest Levick, Clarice Levins, Charles Levins, Thomas Levis, John Levitt, Louisa Levitt, John Riley Levitt, Rose Sarah Levitt, Beatrice Levitt, Rose Levo, William Levy, Harry Levy, May Levy, Lewas, Reginald Lewett, Leonard Lewin, Henrietta Lewin, Capt. and Mrs. Lewin, Captain and Mrs. Lewis, Harry Lewis, Kathleen Lewis, Henry Lewis, Florence Lewis, Job Lewis, Albert Edward Lewis, Alfred H. Lewis, John Lewis, Louisa Lewis, Cath. Lewis, Arthur Lewis, Alfred Lewis, Chas. F Lewis, Frederick C. Lewis, Theodora Lewis, Joseph Lewis, Hy Lewis, Percy M. Lewis, Robert G. Lewis, Henry J. Lewis, Ethel Lewis, Lizzie Lewis, William Lewis, Charles F. Lewis, Florence Beatrice Lewis, Danl Lewis, Emma J. Lewis, Harriet Lewis, Hector Lewis, Albert Lewis, Richard William Lewis, Catherine Lewis, Dd Jno Lewis, Daniel Lewis, Elizabeth Lewis, Bertie Lewis, John F. Lewis, John D. Lewis, Minnie Lewis, Fanny Lewis, Emma Lewis, W. S. Lewis, Violet Lewis, Charles Lewis, George Lewis, Caroline Lewis, William Hy. Thomas Lewis, Clarence Cecil Lewis, Ernest Lewis, Benjamin Lewis, Francis H. Lewis, Frank F W Lewis, Frederick Lewis, Olive Lewis, Ed. M. Lewis, Lewis, J. Pitt Rev. Lewis, James Edward Lewis, William E. Lewis, Edward Lewis, R. Lewis, Flroence Lewis, Ed. Lewis, Gaynor Lewis, Edna Lewis, Esther Lewis, F. Lewis, Francis Lewis, James E. Lewis, Jack Lewis, Herbert Lewis, Wm. Lewis, Gordon A. Lewis, Bella Lewis, Mary Lewis, J. Lewis, Albert V. Lewis, H Lewis, Louis Lewis, Wm. S. Lewis, John A. Lewis, Margaret S. V. Lewis, Lewis Lewis, Martha Lewis, Mabel Kathleen Lewis, Fras. H. Lewis, Edward D. Lewis, James E.W. Lewis, Edward Mahoney Lewis, Ada Lewis, Alfred Henry Lewis, Edward M. Lewis, S. C. Lewis, Ethel Margaret / Maggie Lewis, Charles Edward Lewis, Wm S Lewis, Miss. Lewis, Katherine P. Lewis, Olivia Lewis, Mary Ann Lewis, Agnes Lewis, Frank Lewis, Henry Lewis Lewis, Elsie Lewis, John S. Lewis, Samuel Lewis, John David Lewis, Arthur L. Lewis, Robert H. Lewis, Fred John Lewis, Percy Lewis, Mary E. Lewis, Charles Frederick Pvt. Lewis, Persie R. Lewis, Wm. E. Lewis, Ernest J. Lewis, Watchyn Lewis L., Brophy Lewis?, William Lews, Wm. Lewtas, Chas. Lewtas, Charles Lewtas, George Lewtas, Chas Lexmond, Benjamin Leyban, Walter Leyden, Margaret Leyden, Willie Leyden, Margaret Elliot Leyland, Mary Jane Leyland, Margaret Leyland, George G. lgglesden, John Liarwe, Srah Libard, Libb, Leonard Libby, Leonard Libby, Leonard George License, Harriet Liching, Albert Lichtenthal, Brama Lico, Violet Jenny Liddell, Eliza Liddiard, William Redvers Liddle, Dorothy Liddle, Joseph Liddle, Florence Liddle, Thomas George Liddle, Christy Albert Liddle, Ress T. Liddycoat, Louisa A Liddycoat, Elda Liddycoat, Florence Lidiard, William Redvers Lidlow, Charles Frederick Lidstone, Arthur Lidstone, Frank Lidstone, Helena Liebenrood, Nellie Liebenrood, Elizabeth Liebenrood, Eliz'th Liebenrood, Nelly Liepschietz, John Lifford, Rose (Mrs. William) Liggins, Leonard R. Liggins, Stephen James Liggins, Stephen Liggins, Henry /Harry Liggins, Archibald James Liggins, Archibald Ligham, Lucy M. Light, Frank Percy Light, W. Light, Frank P. Lightbody, Minnie Lightfoot, Tommy Lightfoot, Charles Lightfoot, James Lightfoot, Sarah Lightford, Wiliam G. Lightwood, George Lightwood, Francis Lightwood, Francis (Frank) Lightwood, Alfred Pvt. Liley, Violet Lill, Edward Lock Lill, Victor W. Lill, F. Lill, Frederick Lill, Fred. Lill, Frederick L. Lill, Edward L. Lill, Wm. T. Lilley, Mary Lilley, William Henry Pioneer Lilley, Violet R. Lilley, Violet Lilley, John Lilley, Charles Henry Lilley, Frederick W. Lilley, William H. Lilley, Harold Lilley, Rachel Lilley, Harry Lilley, Fred W. Lilley, Charlotte F. Lillico, Thos. Lillico, Thos Lillus, Nicholas Lilly, Catherine Lilly, Charlotte Lilly, William H. Lilly, Margaret Lilly, Carrie Lilly, Rachel Lilly, Ronald Lilly, Ronald Hubert Lillywhite, Lillywhite, Annie Lily, E. Lily, Margaret Lily, Catherine Lilywhite, Annie Limb, Wm. Limber, George Limbert, George Limbourne, Lizzie Limbourne, Elizabeth Limerick, Arthur R. Limmon, John Lin, Jin Wing Lincoln, Edward Lincoln, Beatrice M. Lincoln, Alice Lind, Rob I Lind, Robt. John Linden, Frederick Linder, Richard Linder, Daniel Linder, Richd Linder, Louise Lindley, Mary A. Lindley, Wm. H. Lindop, Wm Lindop, Robt Lindop, Robt. Lindsay, Nora Lindsay, James C. Lindsay, Clarence Lindsay, Edward Lindsay, Alfred Lindsay, VIctorIa Lindsay, Edward A. Lindsay, J. Lindsay, Edwd Lindsay, Leonard Lindsay, Lena Lindsay, Robert W. Lindsay, Edward Albert Lindsay, Robert Wm. Lindsay, Lindsay, Robt. Lindsay, Norah Lindsay, James Lindsay, Helen Lindsey, Walter C. Lindsey, Charles Line, William J. Line, Charles H. Line, Charlie A. Lines, Alfred Lines, William Fred. Lines, Ada Elizabeth Lines, Thomas Linfield, Florence Linford, John W. Linforth, Norah Ling, Saml. M. Ling, Samuel M. Ling, Samuel Ling, William John Ling, Sam'l. M. Ling, Samuel Myring Lingard, Gertrude Lingard, Jane Lingard, Harry E. Lingham, Lucy M. Lingham, Lucy Lingham, Herbert Lingham, Herbert S. Lingham, Walter J. Lingwood, Benjamin Lingwood, James Lingwood, J. W. Lingwood, Alfred Link, Ruth Link, Beatrice Link, Ada Linley, Frederick Linlott, Mr. Linney, Thomas Linney, Thos Linnon, Jno Linsday, Stayner Linton, John M. Lintott, F. Mr. Lintott, Mr. Lintott, Frederick Lintott, F. Linville, Florence Lipper, Lilian A. Lippett, Frederick Lipscombe, Thos Lisby, S. W. Lisles, Nelson Lisles, Nelson S. Lisles, Horace D. Lisles, Horace Lisles, Lisles, Nelson Sidney Lissaman, Henry Lissaman, Herbert Lissaman, Lissman, Lister, R.A. Lister, Sarah Lister, Cheshire Lister, May Lister, Mary Lister, Cecily E. M. Lister, R.A. Mr. Lister, Christopher Litchfield, John Litchfield, Dennis Litchfield, John a.k.a. Jack Litchfield, Jack Litchfield, Mrs. R. Lithgow, Joan Lithgow, Wilfred Little, Stephen Little, Agnes Little, Alfred Little, David William Little, G.F. Mrs. Little, Fanny Little, Mrs. R. Little, Caroline Little, R.S. Mrs. Little, Stephen P. Little, Little, Jane Little, Francis Little, Wm. John. Little, Mary Agnes Little, Charles Little, Archibald Little, Thomas Little, Ivor Little, Kenneth Little, Lila Little, Arthur Little, Alonzo R. Mr. and Mrs. Little, James Little, John Little, Fannie Little, Louisa Little, George L. Little, Mrs. Thomas Little, Henrietta Littledyke, Tom Littlefield, Kate Littlefield, Henry Littlehales, Fanny Littlejones, Frank Wm. Littler, Rachel A. Littler, William H. Littler, Agnes L. Littlewood, Mary M. Littlewood, Mary Littlewood, Bertie Lively, Frank Lively, Gladys Livermore, Lily Liverpool, The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of, DD Liversedge, John Liversidge, Frank Livesay, William J. Livesey, William Starkey Livesley, Frank Livesley, Harry Charles Livick, Ernest Livimgs, Frank C. Living, Frank C. Livings, Frank Livingstone, Kathleen Miss. Livingstone, Josephine Livingstone, Mrs. Livingstone, Kathleen Livingstone, L.B.C. Esq. Livingstone, Charles Ernest Lawrence Livingstone, James Hall Livingstone, Josephine Caroline Livingstone, Charles Livingstone, E. Mrs. Livingstone, Livock, Frederick W.C. Livock, Frederick Livock, Fred C. Livungstone, Viola Miss. Llewellen, J. Llewellyn, Cyril Llewellyn, Ethel Llewellyn, Thomas Beresford Llewellyn, Frederick Llewellyn, Geoffrey Llewellyn, David Llewellyn, Gordon Llewellyn, John Llewhellin, Thos. Milford Lloyd, David Lloyd, Kate Lloyd, Mrs. Lloyd, Edward Lloyd, James Lloyd, Agnes Lloyd, Jack M. Lloyd, Maria / Marcia Lloyd, Bertha Lloyd, Wm. Lloyd, Blanche Mrs. Lloyd, Andrew Lloyd, Mr. Lloyd, Richard Lloyd, Kitty Lloyd, Emma Lloyd, Daisy May Lloyd, Charles Lloyd, Edward Thomas Lloyd, Margaret Lucy Lloyd, Harry / Henry Lloyd, Alice Lloyd, William Lloyd, Henry Alexander Lloyd, Ada Lloyd, Alfred Lloyd, R.H. Lloyd, Gladys Lloyd, Lloyd, Frank L Lloyd, John Lloyd, W.H. Mr. Lloyd, Thomas Lloyd, David A. Lloyd, Ada Mary Lloyd, Reginald Lloyd, Arthur Lloyd, Geo. David Lloyd, Alfred Mrs. Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, Thos Lloyd, Thomas A. Lloyd, Hilda Lloyd, William G. H. Lloyd, Agnes Clara Loach, J. Loach, Thomas Loach, William Loach, Joseph Loakes, William Loan, Matthew Loan, G. Loasby, Rosemary Kuzmich Loasby, Raymond Loasby, Raymond A. Loat, Ernest William Loat, Elizabeth Alice May Loat, Albert Leslie Loates, Albert Robert Pvt. Loates, Albert R. Lobb, George Lobb, Arthur Lobb, Stanley R. Lobili, Elviri Lock, Arthur Wm. Lock, Frank Lock, Frederick William Lock, Dorothy E. Lock, Fanny Lock, Maud Lock, Clara Lock, Lily Lock, Alfred Lock, Arthur William Lock, Arthur W. Lock, Hector Henry Lockart, N. McD. Lockart, W. S. Locke, Ada Locke, George F. Locke, Rose Locke, Fanny Locke, Peter Locke, Albert Edward Locke, Joseph Locke, Frederick William Locke, George Locker, Louisa Lockerby, James Leopold Lockerby, Lockerby, James L. Lockery, Lockett, Charlotte E.E. Lockett, Charlotte Lockett, James Lockett, Fred Sr. Mrs. Lockey, Robt. Lockey, Robert Lockey, Ernest Pvt. Lockhart, Archibald Lockhart, Margaret Lockhart, Maggie Lockhart, Elizabeth Lockhart, Mary Lockie, Miss. Lockley, Gabriel Lockley, Garbiel Lockwood, Stanley Lockwood, G. Lockwood, Joseph Lockwood, George Lockwood, Florence Lockwood, Joan Lockwood, Joseph C. Lockwood, Phoebe Lockyear, Walter F. Lockyear, Albert Lockyer, F.G. Lockyer, Walter F.G. Lockyer, W.F.G. Lodge, Ellen Lodge, A. Lodge, Wm. Lodge, Beatrice Lodge, Mary Lodge, Jessie Loffts, Wilfrid Loft, Doris Ella Loft, W. Loft, William Loft, Winifred Mabel Loft, Thomas Loft, Margaret Elizabeth Loft, Wilfred G. Lofthouse, Harold Loftin, Mr. Lofting, Edward Loftus, Kate Loftus, Cecilia Loftus, William Loftus, Hugh William Loftus, Charles Loftus, Francis Pvt. Logan, John Logan, Kenneth G. Logan, Helen Logan, Fred Logan, John W. Logan, George Logan, Lizzie Logan, Ben. Logan, David Logan, Alice Elizabeth Logan, Kenneth George Logan, Kenneth Logan, Charles Logan, Charles N. Logan, C. N. Gladstone Lohman, Mr. Loman, Dr. Lomas, Sarah Jane Lomas, Bernard Lomas, Sarah J. Lomas, James W. Lomas, Annie Lomas, Ellen Lomas, Alice Lomas, Albert Lomas, James Wilfred Lomas, Ellen M. Lomax, John Lomax, Ruth Lomax, Nancy Lombard, H. Londale, Josephine London, Jas. London, James Henry London, Percy Frederick London, Wm. London, Edward London, AlIca London, Frederick R. Loney, Mary Maud Long, Jane Long, Alice Long, Bertram W. Long, Edward J. Long, George V. Long, Florence Long, Mae E. Long, Leonard Long, Edward Jas. Long, Ernest Long, Joseph Charles Pvt. Long, George Long, George Mr. and Mrs. Long, James Long, Jos. C. Long, John R. Long, Florence M. Long, Annie Mrs. Long, William G. Long, Beatrice Long, Thomas Patrick Long, Long, Joseph C. Long, Geo. V. Long, Lawrence Long, Lawrence George Pvt. Long, Thomas Long, Charles Edward Long, Isaac A. Long, John Long, Mrs. Long, W.G. Long, Edward James Long, William Long, Hilda Long, Joseph Charles Long, George Vincent Long, Ethel Mrs. Long, Lawrence G. Long, Jane A. Long, H. Mr. Long, Charles Mr. and Mrs. Long, Marion B. Long, Charles James Long, A Long, Albert Long, Marion L. Longbottom, George Ramsden Dvr. Longbottom, Alfred Clarke Longbottom, R Longevain, Sarah E. Mrs. Longfield, Charles W. Longford, Robert Longford, James Longhorn, John Henry Longhurst, A Longhurst, Mrs. Longley, Rose Longley, Minnie Longley, William R. S. Longley, Thomas Longley, Ethel Longly, Thos Longman, Wm. A. Longman, Augustus Longman, Geo. A. Longman, Aug. Longmoor, Mr. Longmore, B. Mr. Longmore, B. Longmore, Mr. Longmore, Benjamin Mr. Longmore, Thomas H. Mr. Longmore, Benjamin Longmore, Benjamin, Mr. Longmore, Mrs. Longridge, Jemima Longridge, Jerima Longrigg, Delia Longrigg, Roger Longstaff, John Pvt. Longstaff, John Longstaff, H. Longton, John Longworth, Wm Longworth, G. H. Longyear, Walter William Frank Longyear, Walter W.F. Longyear, Walter Lonnguist, Harry Mr. Lonsay, Arthur Lonsdale, Ruby Lonsdale, Albert Lonsdale, Eileen Lonsdale, Sarah Lonsdale, William H. Lonsdale, Maureen Lonsdale, Albert E. Lonstaff, John Looker, Louisa Looker, Caroline Looker, Stella Looker, Elizabeth Looney, Mary Maud Looney, Emma Loper, E. C. Lord, Cynthia Lord, Florence Lord, Henry Lord, Henry Mr. and Mrs. Lord, W.E. Lord, Arthur Lord, William Joseph Lord, Kate Lord, Harry Lord, Edward Lord, Hy E Lord, Hy. E. Lorenza, Sister Lorking, John Lorking, J.A. Mr. and Mrs. Lorking, Lorking, John Mr. and Mrs. Lorking, John A. Lorking, John and Mrs. Lorrigan, David Lorrimer, Dr. Loscher, Sidney E. Losher, Sidney E. Lott, John Lott, Geo. Lott, Geo. F. Lott, JnoThos Lott, George Lott, George F. Lott, G.F. Lotzbayer, Gottfried Louch, Henry G. Louch, Stanley N. Louch, John W. Louch, Regd. P. Loucks, Anna Louder ?, Jessie Loughlin, James Loughnam, John Loughnan, John Loughton, Ethel May Loughton, Alice Maude Loughton, Emily Adelaide Louisa, Gibbs Loundes, Emma Lovatt, John Lovatt, May Lovatt, Patrick Lovatt, Florence Love, Geo. J. Love, Jas Love, Leslie J. Love, Mary Love, Elizabeth Victoria Love, Molly Love, James Love, John Love, Lionel Percy Love, Jack Reg. Love, Frederick W. Love, Leslie John Love, Wm. Loveday, Miss. Loveday, J. Loveday, John Lovegrove, Emily Lovegrove, Miss. Lovegrove, Charles W. Lovegrove, Amy Lovegrove, Charles w. Lovejoy, Elizabeth Alice Lovejoy, Elizabeth A. Lovejoy, Eliza A. Lovejoy, Alice E. Lovejoy, Eric A. Lovekin, James D. Lovelace, Sydney Lovelace, Sidney Lovelady, John Lovelady, Miss. Loveland, Thomas J. Loveland, Thomas John Pvt. Loveland, George Loveland, James Lovell, Alfred William Lovell, F. G. Lovell, Sarah Lovell, W. L. Lovell, Sarah Jane Lovell, Frank C. Lovell, Catharine Lovell, John Lovell, James Lovell, Frederick Charles Lovell, Albert Lovell, Fred C. Lovell, Alfred W. Lovell, Fred Charles Lovell, Ferderick C. Lovell, Frederick Chas. Lovell, David Lovell, Fred Lovelock, Wm. Lovelock, John Lovelock, William Lovelock, Wm Lovely, Annie (Mrs.) Lover, A. Lover, Robert Loveridge, Alfred George Loveridge, Alfred Geo. Lovering, Richard Lovett, James Lovett, Alfred Lovett, Wm. Lovett, Fred G. Lovett, Walter Lovey, Alb. E. Lovey, Albert A. Loveys, Miss. Loveys, Bessie A. Lovick, Ada R. Lovick, Mrs. Earnest Lovie, George Loving, Jessie Loving, Rosina Lovitt, D. Lovkin, James D. Low, William Low, Frank Llewellyn Low, Annie Low, Daniel Low, Isabella Lowden, Mr. Ansen Lowden, Elizabeth Lowe, William S. Lowe, William Lowe, Charles Martin Lowe, D.G. Mr. Lowe, Ann Jane Lowe, John Lowe, W. Lowe, Agnes Lowe, Samuel Ernest Pvt. Lowe, Robert Lowe, Charles Lowe, Anny Lowe, Abraham Lowe, Cyril Pvt. Lowe, Edith Lowe, Eliza Lowe, Mary Margaret Lowe, Samuel Lowe, C.M. Lowe, Cyril Lowe, Albert E. Lowe, Edward J. Lowe, Elizabeth Lowe, Alfred Lowe, Annie Lowe, Thomas W. Lowe, Anne Lowe, Chas. Lowe, Edward Lowe, Sarah Lowe, George Lowe, Edward John Lowe/Low, Frank Llewlyn Lower, Charles Edward Lower, Chas. E. Lowin, Rose Lowing, Kate L. Lowing, Percy E. Lowing, Lily M. Lowndes, Emma Lowndes, Peter Lowrey, William Lowrie, William Lowry, Robert J. Lowry, George G. Lowry, William Loxley, William Loxley, William Henry Cpl. Loxley, Wm. Loy, Geo. W. Loy, Wm. G. Loyden, Martin Loyden, Michael Lubbock, Walter Lubbock, Alice O. M. Lubbock, Eric R. Lucas, George J. Lucas, William Lucas, Elizabeth Lucas, Thos. Lucas, LetItIa Lucas, Edmund W. Lucas, Edward W. Lucas, Christina Lucas, Richard Lucas, Arther Lucas, Martha Lucas, Maria Lucas, Alfred H. Lucas, John N. Lucas, James Lucas, Ernest Lucas, Charles Lucas, Edmund William Lucas, Eileen Lucas, Eliza Lucas, George Howard Lucas, Florence Lucas, John Noble Lucas, Rich Lucas, Winnifred Lucas, Thomas Lucas, Alfred Luck, George Luck, Alfred Luck, Mr. & Mrs. Luck, Mrs. Luck, George H. Luck, Bobbie Luck, Walter Luck, Harry T. Lucken, John Lucken, Jno. Lucken, Barnard William Luckett, R. Luckett, Harold George Luckett, Frank Pvt. Luckett, Frank Luckett, Harold George Pvt. Luckhurst, David G. Luckhurst, George Luckin, William Luckman, Robert F. Luckman, Mildred May Luckman, John Gnr. Lucky, Annie E. Lucock, Arthur Lucock, Art. Lucy, Frances Lucy, Emily Lucy, Patk Lucy, Emily L Lucy, Patk. Ludford, Edith Florence Ludford, John Ludford, Harry / Henry Ludkin, Ernest Ludlam, Henry Ludlow, Thomas Ludlow, Gerald Ludlow, George Ludlow, A. W. Ludlow, Naomi Ludlow, Maud Annetta T. Ludlow, Ludwig, A. E. Ludwig, Albert E. Luff, Wm. Luff, William Luff, Catherin M. Luff, Harry Luff, Kate Luke, William H. Luke, James Luke, Elizabeth Luke, William Luke, Wm. Luke, William Henry Luke, Anthony Lukes, Oscar K. Mrs. Lukes, S. Mrs. Lukey, Lilian Lukey, Lilian M. Lukey, Annie Lull, John Edward Lumb, W Lumb, Marjorie Lumb, Marjory Lumbert, George H. Lumd, Patrick Lumley, John Wm. Lumley, Jno. W. Lumley, John W. Lumley, J.W. Lumsden, William Lumsden, Margaret Lund, Hilda Lund, Marion Lund, Martha Lund, Lund, Alfred Lundberg, Chas Lundberg, Maria Lundy, A. R. Mr. Lunel, Hy. Lunn, Abraham Lunn, Winifred Lunn, Hy. A. Lunn, Earnest T. Lunn, Winnifred Lunn, Dennis G. Lunn, William Mr. M.P. Lunn, Dennis Lunn, Fanny Lunn, Herbert Lunn, Mr. Lunn, D. Lunn, David Mr. and Mrs. Lunnon, Vera Lunt, Henry Lunt, Henr Lunt, James Lunt, Anne Lupton, Geoffrey Lupton, Cecily Lusby, Earnest Luscombe, Even T Luscombe, Nathan C. Luscombe, J. Luscombe, N.C. Luscombe, N. Luscombe, Caroline Luscombe, Dawn Luscombe, S. Lush, Wm. Archie Lush, Jack Lush, Hy. Lush, Ed. Luston, William Lutman, Robert F. Luton, Harry Lutt, Harriet Ann Lutz, W.H. Mrs. Luxford, Sarah Lwing, Chas. G. B. Lyall, H. Mrs. Lycett, Frank Lycett, Elizabeth Lycett, John Frederick Cpl. Lycett, Francis Joseph Pvt. Lycett, Frederick Lyell, Barbara Jean Lyell, Helen Adamson Lyford, Thomas Lygo, Albert G. Lygrave, Edward Lymath, Vincent G. Lymath, Vincent George Lynch, Henry Lynch, Annie Lynch, Wm. Lynch, Robert Johnston Lynch, Ellen Lynch, Patrick Lynch, Mathew Lynch, Thomas Lynch, William Lynch, Susan Lynch, Matt. Lynch, Florence Lynch, Matthew Lynch, Lily Lynch, Margret Lynch, Rowena Lynch, Julia Lynch, Peter Lynch, Elizabeth Ann Lynch, James Lynch, Helen Lynch, Kate Lynch, Alice Lynd, Cissy Lynds, Cissy Lynds, Elizabeth Lyndsay, Mary Lyndsay, Thomas Lyne, James Lyne, Fred Lynes, Elizabeth Lyness, Florence Lyness, Margaret Lynham, William H.F. Lynn, Harold R. Lynn, Hamilton Lynn, Ham Lynton, Aubyn Lyon, Thos. E. Lyon, Stanley Lyon, Thomas Lyon, Thos. V. Lyon, Ernest V. Lyon, R.V. Lyon, J.T. Lyon, Ernest W. Lyon, Sarah Mrs. Lyon, Robert David Lyon, Ernest V.W. Lyons, Mary Lyons, Eliz. Lyons, Ernest Lyons, Alfred Lyons, Patrick Lyons, Mr. Lyons, James Lyons, John Lyons, Sidney J. Lyons, Mary Ann Lyons, Sarah Lyons, Thomas Lyons, T.J. Lyons, ElIzabeth Lyons, Emily Alice Lyons, Mrs. Lyons, Lyons, Maud Lyons, Elizabeth Lysett, Elizabeth Lyster, Rae Lyster, Peter Lywood, John Lywood, Jane L_Ydall, William M, H.B. M, W.J. M"Grath, Maurice M'Cann, Wm. M'Cready, Alf. M'Cuddin, Thos. M'Cuddin, Robt. M'Dermott, Mgt M'Donald, Geo. M'Donald, Daniel M'Donald, John M'Farlane, Peter M'Gann, John M'Gann, Alfred Michl M'Garry, Frank M'Grail, Margaret M'Grail, Kate M'Grath, Maurice M'Grath, Owen M'Guage, Geo. M'Guinness, Peter M'Kay, Roderick M'Kenna, Mary M'Laren, John M'Myles, Anty M'Nally, John M'Namara, John M'Quade, Alex. M'Quade, Jas. M'Quie, Joseph M'Steen, Mary M., A. J. M., Ed. M., T. M., F. M., G. M?Llor, Geo. Maban, Charles George Mabbert, Arthur Philip Mabee, Fred. E. G. Mabery, Henry Mabey, Hy. Mabey, Wm. H. Mabey, Wm. Henry Mabey, Hy. H. Mabey, Henry Mabley, Thomas George Mabley, William J. Mabley, Wm. James Mablin, Albert B. Mabon, Wm Thos Mabon, George Mabon, Wm. Thos. MacAndrew, D.J. Mr. MacAndrew, Douglas J. MacAndrew, D.J. MacAndrew, Mr. MacAndrews, D. MacAndrews, Mr. Macarney, Ellen MacArney, Ellen MacArthur, Duncan Macartney, C. Macartney, Allen MacAskill, Daisy MacAulay, Thomas MacAulay, Walter MacAulay, Clara (Mrs. Harry) MacAulay, William John MacAulay, John Macauley, Arthur Macauley, Fanny MacBane, Alfred MacBeth, L.I.C. Miss. MacCallan, William David Maccarlty, Anne Maccarthy, Thomas Maccaud, Douglas T. Maccauley, James MacCormack, Bert. Maccuad, Douglas Theodore MacDermott, Sidney MacDermott, Samuel MacDermott, Edith Norah MacDermott, Siney MacDermott, Agnes Winifred MacDermott, Sydney MacDivet, Horace Cecil MacDivith, Horace Cecil MacDivitt, Horace Cecil MacDonald, Ellen / Nellie (Mrs.) Macdonald, John A. MacDonald, Ellen (Mrs. Laughlin) MacDonald, Jessie Stenhouse MacDonald, Charles MacDonald, Elsie MacDonald, Edward MacDonald, F.C. Rev. Macdonald, John MacDonald, Ernest MacDonald, Hugh John MacDonald, May Lilian (Mrs. Arnold Stewart) MacDonald, Herbert Albert Macdonald, John A.S. MacDonald, Rev. Dr. MacDonald, A. H. Dr. Macdonald, Charlotte MacDonald, James MacDonald, John Sir MacDonald, Daisy MacDonald, Henry MacDonald, Nellie MacDonald, Joseph MacDonald, Nellie (Mrs.) MacDonald, William Freer MacDonald, Mr. Macdonald, Mary MacDonald, John R. MacDonald, John A. Sir Mace, Robert Mace, Robert S. Mace, Thomas Macey, Joseph E. Macey, Joseph Edwin Macey, James A. Macey, Emily Mrs. Macey, Jas. A. Macey, Clara A. Macfarlane, Ian MacFarlane, ChrIstIne Macfie, Joseph Macfie, John MacGibbon, MarIon Macgillivray, Thyrza MacGillivray, Margaret MacGregor, Robert James Ernest MacGregor, Sarah MacGregor, Isabella MacGregor, Ruth MacGregor, James A. Machin, Douglas Machin, Rebecca Machin, Edwin Leonard Pvt. Machin, Edward L. MacInnis, Harriet (Mrs. J. E.) Mack, Mary Mack, Joan B. Mack, John Mack, F Mack, C. W. Mrs. Mackay, Benjamin MacKay, Louisa Mackay, Harry Sinclair Mackay, Louise MacKay, D MacKay, Louise Mackay, Louisa MacKay, Mackay, Henry Mackay, Elizaberth MacKay, Louisa Ann Mackay, Louiisa Mackenrot, Stanley MacKenzie, Roderick MacKenzie, David Mackenzie, Jean MacKenzie, Alexander MacKenzie, Alexander Hon. Mackenzie, Nancy MacKenzie, Robert Mackenzie, Roderick R Sgt. Mackenzie, Muriel MacKenzie, Keith Mackenzie, Art. S. P. MacKenzie, Alexander K. Mackenzie, A. Mackenzie, Arthur S.P. Mackersey, John Mackesey, George Mackesey, John Mackey, John MacKey, Louisa Mackie, Richard Ernest Mackie, George Owen Mackie, John Albert Mackie, Ellen Mary Mackie, Ernest Ford Mackie, Robert Mackin, Edward MacKinlay, Col. Mackins, George Mackintosh, Sally Mackintosh, Martin Mackintosh, Mary Mackintosh, Nicholas Mackintosh, Peter Mackintosh, May Mackintosh, William R. Mackisey, John Macklin, Reuben Macklin, Tom Macklin, Edwd Mackness, Joseph Mackness, Jos. Mackness, W. G. Mackness, O. Mackridge, Arthur MacKrill, Emma MacKrill, Emma A. MacKrow, Chas. MacLean, Florence MacLean, W. MacLean, Winnifred D. MacLean, Miss. MacLean, Mrs. MacLurkin, MacMahon, J. B. Macmahon, Thomas D. MacMillan, Henry T. MacNaghten, Miss. Hon. MacNaghten, Miss. MacNaghten, Annie Miss. Macnamara, Frank Macnamara, Arthur John MacNamara, John MacNichol, James Macoy, Elizabeth MacPerson, Miss. MacPhail, James MacPhail, Miss. MacPherson, Reuben C. MacPherson, J. Mrs. MacPherson, Reuben MacPherson, Reuben Charles MacPherson, Bert Macphie, J. Pvt. Macr??Dge, A. MacRae, A. O. Dr. MacRay, Amy Marshall Macrow, Chas. MacSkinning, Jane Macuair, Margt Macullan, Deforest Madden, Ellen Madden, Lilian Madden, Daisy Madden, Arthur Madden, Margaret Madden, Alfred J. Madden, William Madden, A. J. Madden, Kate Maddicks, Kate Maddin, Thomas Maddock, R. Maddock, William Maddock, Walter R. Maddock, J. B. Maddock, David Maddocks, W. R. Maddocks, William Maddocks, Harry Maddocks, Elizabeth Maddon, Horace Maddow, Horace Maddox, Elizabeth Maddox, Edit Mrs. Maddox, Captain Maddox, Richard Maden, Lucy Madison, Charlotte Mae, Thomas Harold Mael, Percy Mael, Eliz. Maflin, James Magarry, James Magarry, Sarah Magarry, Bridget Magdalen, Sister Magee, Lizzie Magee, David Magee, Albert Magee, Robert John Magenty, Albert Maggin, Joseph Maggs, Charles A. Magill, Robert Magill, Emily Magill, Victoria Magimis, Mary Maginnis, Thomas Maginnis, Joseph Maglam, Wm Magowan, Charles J. Magrath, John Art Chas. Maguire, Mr. Maguire, John Maguire, Dickie Maguire, Winnie Maguire, James Henry Maguire, Mary Maher, James Maher, John Maher, Louisa Maher, Ruth Maher, Mary A. Maher, Joseph Mahon, William Mahon, Brigid E. Mahoney, T.J. Mahoney, John Mahoney, William Mahoney, Thomas Mahoney, J. Mahoney, James Mahoney, Mary Mahoney, John J. Mahoney, Mary Ann Mahoney, George Mahoney, N. Mahor, Ruth Maiden, Elizabeth Maiden, George Dudley Maidlow, Harry Maidman, Frederick J. Maidment, Edward Maidment, Charles Maidment, Florence Maidment, Edward Cpl. Maidment, Edward Pvt. Maidment, Sidney Maidnent, John Maidnent, Austin Mail, Percy Maile, Lily Maile, Jane Annie Maile, Eliza Elizabeth Maile, Maude Mailes, Lily Mailey, Fred Mailing, Willie Mailing, Harold Maillard, Mr. Mailley, Fred Mailley (Mailey), Fred Maimtford, Joseph Main, Frederick Main, L.M. Mrs. Mainamara, Wm Maines, Mrs. Mains, Elmer Mrs. Mains, David Mainsprize, Louise Mr.? Mainwaring, Victor Mainwaring, Wm Mair, Frank Mair, Leslie Maitland, Joanna Maitland, Algernon Maitland, Neil Maitland, Gladys Maitland, Christine Major, Wm. Major, Bertie Major, James Major, Elizabeth Major, Thos. Major, Robert Leonard Major, Percy Major, Wm. Thomas Major, James Edw. Major, George Majoram, Ethel May Majoram, Ethel MaKay, Mr. and Mrs. Makepeace, James Makepeace, Frederick Makepeace, Florence Makepeace, Alfred Makepeace, Albert Makepeace, Nancy (Mrs. Alfred) Makepeace, Ada May Makepeace, Lily Maker, Albert E. Maker, Sidney T. Maker, Sydney T. Maker, Albert E., Jno. Makin, Chas Makin, Janet Makin, Ivy Makin, John Makin, George Makins, Eva Makins, Caroline Malaly, James Malam, William Malbon, Edward Malcolm, Peter Malcolm, Family Male, Arthur Male, Frederick Male, Cyril Male, Sidney Harold Malin, Frederick Malin, Albert (1) Henry Malin, Alfred Malin, Thomas Malin, Henry Malin, Edith Malin, William Malin, Wm. Malin, Clara Malin, Amy (Mrs. William) Malin, Albert (2) Malin, Frank Malin, Annie Elizabeth Malins, James Malkin, Arthur Mallaby, Maud Mallaby, Charles Mallaby, Beatrice Mallam, R.H. Mallandine, Alf. H. Mallard, John Mallard, Charles William Mallarkey, Michael Mallen, Sarah Mallers, Phoebe Mallet, Richard Mallet, Jessie Mallett, Henry C. Mallett, Arthur G. Mallett, Jessie Mallett, William Mallett, Robt. Mallett, R. Private Mallett, Richard Mallett, Ada C. Mallett, R. Mallett, Russell Mallett, John Mallett, Thomas Mallett, Frederick L. Malley, Hy Mallinson, E.R. Mallinson, May Malloch, O.C.E. Mrs. Malloy, Andrew Malone, Patrick Malone, Mary Ann Malone, Lizzie Malone, Michel Malone, Michael Malone, T.P. Malone, Patrick James Malone, John Malone, Elizabeth Maloney, Henry Maloney, William Maloney, H. Maloney, Albt Maloney, Matthew Maloney, Patrick Joseph Maloney, Michael Maloney, Albert Victor Maloney, James Maloney, John Malpass, W. A. Malpass, James Maltby, Harold A. Mr. Maltman, William Henry Maltwood, Albert E. Mamblyn, Roberts Elizabeth Mrs. Mamie ?, William Mamie ?, George Manchester, The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of, DD Mand, Fred Mander, Charles Robert Mander, Robert / Bertie Manders, Emma Manders, Henry Manderville, Catherine Mrs. Mandy, Cornelius Manester, Rose Mangin, Esther Manhard, L.E. Mr. Manion, Vera Mankell, Charles Frederick Mankell, Charles Mankell, Charles F. Manley, Albert Manley, J. Lloyd Manley, James Manley, Jane Lloyd Manley, Mary Ann Manley, Morris Manley, Morris Lloyd Manley, Bridget Mann, Jessica Mann, William Mann, Albt. Mann, Jane A. Mann, Clara Mann, Herbert Mann, Arthur G. Mann, Frank Harry Mann, Edward A. Mann, Edith Mann, Albert Mann, Alfred Mann, David Mann, George Mann, Frederick Mann, Jane Ann Mann, John Mann, Jeanie / Jennie Mann, Annie Mann, William B. Mann, Elizabeth Mann, Marigold Mann, Art. J. Mann, Robert Mann, Phyllis Mann, James Mannell, Mr. Manners, Margory Manning, Emily Manning, Arthur T. Manning, John Manning, Herbert A. Manning, Sidney P. Manning, Rose Manning, Henry Manning, Charles Manning, E. Manning, Alice C. Manning, Arthur Manning, Mary T Manning, Charles H. Manning, Saml Manning, Edward A. Manning, Edward W. Manning, Sidney Manning, Alice E. Manning, George Edward Manning, Rose Kathleen Manning, Bessie W. Manning, Sydney Manning, Samuel Manning, Bessie Manning, Manning, Rose K. Manning, George Manning, Herbert Albert Manning, Thomas H. Manning, George E. Manning, Ernest Wm. Manning, Joseph M. Manning, Mary Manning, Nancy Manning, Geo. Mannings, Ethel Manno, M. Mannock, Robin G. P. Manooch, Ann Mansell, Thomas Mansell, Thos. Mansell, Leonard Mansell, Arthur Mansell, Mansell, A. Mansell, Jane Manser, Manser, Arthur Manser, George Mansfield, Elizabeth Mansfield, William Mansfield, Thomas Pvt. Mansfield, Thomas Mansfield, Robert Mansfield, C.J. Mansfield, Thos. Mansfield, Christopher Mansfield, Wm Mansfield, Joseph Mansfield, Alice Mansfield, Marjorie Mansfield, Russell Mansfield, Mary Mansfield, Samuel Mansfield, Alice R. Mansfield, Wm. A. Mansfield, Wm. Mansfield, Wm. A.H. Manship, C. C. Mantague, Euphemia Mantel, Emily Mantell, Charles F. Mantle, James Manton, F. G. Manton, Sidney Manton, Florence Manton, Walter Manuel, Mr. Manuel, P. H. Manuel, Stuart M. Manuell, I. P. Manuell, J.P. Manuell, Mr. Manwell, J.P. Manzer, Henry Jonathan Mapie, Maud Maples, Joseph Maples, Reginald Maples, Joseph Chas. Maples, Reginald Frank Maples, Joseph Charles Maples, Reginald Frank Pvt. |
Maples, Jos. C. Mapp, Percy T. Mapp, Percy Mapps, Lilian Mapps, Lilian Ann Maracle, P. W. Marcant, Henry J. Marcelle, Mangel March, George Alfred March, Walter March, Vivian H. March, George March, Pamela Marchant, Alfred Marchant, Henry William Joseph Pvt. Marchant, Henry J. Marchant, Jesse Marchant, Albert Edward Marchant, John Marchant, Joseph Marchant, John P. Marchant, AnnIe Marchant, Frances Marchant, J. Rev. Marchant, Albert Marchbank, Violet May (Mrs. Hudson) Marchmont, Florence K. Marcool, Abraham Mardell, Ernest Marden, Louisa M. Marden, George Marden, Louisa Mare, Philip Mare, Patricia Marfleet, Eleanor Margan, Wm Jas Margareson, Robert Margaret, Princess, HRH Margaret, Rose Princess Margereson, Robert Margeth, Thos Margetta, Hubert Margetts, Ernest Margetts, Hubert Margill, Dianna Margrett, Hubert Maria, Francis Marigee, Eleanor Marigee, Eleanor / Nellie Marin, Edward D. Mariner, Frederick Maringo, Anthony Marjoram, Alice Marjorie, Mrs. Mark, Mr. Walter Mark, Roy Markell, Henry Markham, Minnie Markham, Mabel Markham, Patrick Markland, Edwin G. Markland, Edwin George Markle, H. Mrs. Marklew, Mary Ann Markman, Philip Marks, Amy Marks, Annie Marks, Hannah Marks, Julia Marks, Frederick Marks, Robert Pvt. Marks, Kate Marks, John Marks, A. Marks, Robert Marks, Abraham Markwell, James Marlatt, Samuel Mr. Marler, Harry Claude Marley, Maud (Mrs. Albert) Marley, John Marlin, Marian Marling, Walter Marlow, Elizabeth R. Marlow, Isabel Marlow, Edward Marlow, Elizabeth Marlow, John Marlow, Bertha Marlow, enry Marlow, Henry Marlow, Isabel M. Marlow, Patrick Marlow, Alfred Spicer Marlow, Thomas Marment, Wm. Hy. Marment, William Henry Marment, W. Marment, Wm. Henry Marmion, Bernard Marmion, Mr. Marmion, William Marno, John Marno, Jack Marno, M. Marno, John Francis Marno, Marno, J. Marno, Matthew Maroney, William Magner Maroney, William Magnes Marr, Robert Marr-Johnson, Frederick J. Marr-Johnson, Simon Marriner, Frederick Marriner, Fred. Marrington, Mary Marriott, John H. Marriott, Violet Marriott, Joseph H. Marriott, Arthur Marriott, Nellie (Mrs. Arthur) Marriott, Arthur Pvt. Marriott, John W. Marriott, George Marriott, T.S. Marriott, Thomas S. Marris, Henry Marrs, Walter Marrs, George Pvt. Marscham, Violet Cherrington Marscham, Elizabeth Marschan, Violet Cherrington Marsden, Alex Marsden, Edward Marsden, Frank A. Marsden, Lester Marsden, Lillie Marsden, A. Mrs. Marsden, Constance Marsden, Emily Marsden, Frank Arthur Marsden, Garnet William T. Marsden, Victor Marsen, James E. Marsh, James E. Marsh, Frederick Marsh, Margaret Marsh, Matilda Marsh, H. Marsh, Lily Marsh, John S Marsh, Thomas W. Marsh, Joan Mary Marsh, Wm. Marsh, George Marsh, Elsie F. Marsh, Vivian H. Marsh, James Marsh, Thomas Wm. Marsh, Phyllis Marsh, Henry Marsh, L. Marsh, Thomas Marsh, Frederick and Mrs. Marsh, Cecil John Marsh, William H. Marsh, Joseph Edward Marsh, ClarIce Marsh, Albert E. Marsh, Jas. Marshall, Emily Marshall, Jennie M. Marshall, Wm. Marshall, Ethel Marshall, Olaf V. Marshall, George S. Marshall, Miss. Marshall, Nellie Marshall, Clara Marshall, A. A. Marshall, Frederick J. Marshall, George Marshall, O. Vernon Marshall, Ethel May Marshall, Samuel Pvt. Marshall, Arthur Marshall, Vernon Marshall, Ethel M. Marshall, William Marshall, Delia Marshall, Rose Marshall, M. Wilfred Marshall, Margaret Edith Marshall, Charlotte Marshall, Alice Marshall, Patrick Marshall, M. Marshall, Joshua A. Marshall, Ellen Marshall, Annie Marshall, Ben. E. Marshall, James Marshall, Herbert Marshall, John Marshall, Maud Marshall, Mary Marshall, Kathleen Marshall, Percy Marshall, Mrs. Marshall, Randolph L. Marshall, Moses Wilfred Marshall, Margaret Marshall, Moses W. Marshall, Thos Marshall, Frederick John Marshall, Maud Mabel Marshall, Evelyn Marshall, William George Marshall, Albert Fred Marshall, Janet Marshall, Amy Marshall, J. Marshall, Samuel Marshall, Randolph Marshall, Bernard E. Marshall, Barbara C. Marshall, Harold Marshall, Thomas Marshall, AnnIe Marshall, Jennylin Marshall, Martin Marshall, Alfred Marshall, Ebenezer John Marshall, Ellen (Mrs.) Marshall, Robt. L. Marshall, Joshua Marshall, Violet Marshall, Wm Marshall, Daisy Mrs. Marshall, Robert Marshall, Charles Marshall, Ernest J. Marshall, Mary Maud Marshall, Martha Marshall, Richard Marshall, E.A. Marshall, Marshall, Fred S. Marshman, Frederick Hy. Marshman, Alice Marshman, Fred. H. Marshman, Alice M. Marsland, Eva. Marsland, Walter Marson, Edith Marson, Lucy Marson, Ethel Marston, Victor Marston, Victor William Marston, Victor N. Marston, Victor W. Martel, Ellen Martell, George Martell, Sidney Martell, Amy (Mrs. John) Martell, Gordon G. Martell, Frank Marten, Anna Marten, Herbert G. Marten-Smith, Humphrey Marter, Thos. Martin, Gladys Martin, Margaret Martin, Annie Georgina Martin, George Martin, Louisa Martin, Walter Martin, F.J. Mr. Martin, John Henry Martin, Harriet Martin, Anthony Martin, Martin, Edmund Martin, Thomas Martin, Edward W. Martin, John F. Martin, L.W. Martin, Charles William Joseph Martin, Celina Elizabeth Martin, Gladys I. Martin, Helen Martin, Margaretta Martin, Charles Martin, Chas. Martin, Alfred Martin, Bernard H. Martin, Kate Martin, James Martin, Leslie Martin, Jessie Martin, William W. Martin, Caroline Martin, Andrew Martin, Robert Martin, Sophia Martin, John Martin, And. Martin, Charles Oliver Martin, George Sidney Martin, Joseph Martin, Henry Martin, Margaret A. Martin, Herbert Martin, John S. Hon. Martin, W. E. Martin, Leonard Martin, Alfred C. Martin, George H. Martin, Maud E. Martin, Amy Beatrice Martin, Robert Albert Martin, Cecile Martin, Lawrence Martin, Hilda Martin, Olive C. Martin, William Martin, Percy Martin, Herbert G. Martin, Florence Martin, Fred. Martin, Mary Martin, Sidney G. Martin, Frank Henry James Martin, Cecil J. Martin, Ann Martin, Glady Martin, Leonard S. Martin, Albert E. Martin, Nancy Martin, Cecil Martin, Alfred E. Martin, Edward Martin, Mr. Martin, Victoria May Martin, Geo. H. Martin, H Martin, Elizabeth Martin, Edward William Martin, Annie Martin, Olive Martin, Cicely Martin, Bernard J. Martin, P. C. Martin, Harold P. Martin, I. Miss. Martin, Horace Martin, J.H. Martin, Bert. W. Martin, G. Martin, Bertie Wm. Martin, Herbert H. Martin, Arthur S. Martin, Alice Martin, Benjamin Martin, Emily Mrs. Martin, Harry E. Martin, Arthur Martin, Gladys M. Martin, Robert James Pvt. Martin, John H. Martin, Robert J. Martin, Jesse Martin, Richard D. Martin, Edwin D. Martin, Harold Martin, William F.C. Martin, Daphne M. Martin, John J. Martin, John Melburn Martin, Thos. Martin, W. Martin, Bertie W. Martin, Alfred Ernest Martin, Emily Martin, Cicele Martin, J.J. Martin, Helen L. Martin, Ivy Martin, Stephen Martin, Clara Martin, Horace H. Martin, Lillian R. Martin, Celina Martin, Alfred Edward Pvt. Martin, G.H. Martin, Margueretta H. Martin, Syd. Geo. Martin, Mrs. Martin, Margueretta Martin, Chas. Arthur Martin, Waller Martin, Mary J Martin, Basil F. Martin, A Martin, William F.E. Martin, Charles O. Martin, Jos. Martin, Art S. Martin, Constance Martin, Eleanor Martin, George Henry Martin, Henry E. Martin, Thomas W. Martindale, Thomas W. Martindale, Albert P. Martyn, Mrs Jane Marven, Beatrice Mary, Smith Maryan, Lily Maryon, Lily Maryon, Lillian Elizabeth Mascall, Filicity A. Mascar, Roy A. Masey, Thomas Mash, John Mash, Eliza Maskell, Thomas Maskell, Hy Maskell, Henry Maslen, Albert R. Mr. and Mrs. Maslen, Robert R. Mr. and Mrs. Maslin, George G F Maslin, Theodore Cluade Vernon Maslin, Maslin, George J.F. Maslin, Sam Maslin, Albert R. Mason, Charles W. Mason, Lilian Mason, Margaret Mason, Florrie Mason, henry Mason, Fred. Mason, Wm. Mason, Eliza Mason, Bill Mason, Herbert Mason, Percy Mason, Mason, Charles Mason, Hy Mason, George R. Mason, James C. Mason, C. Mason, George Mason, Wm. L. Mason, Harry (2) Mason, William Mason, Margaret A. Mason, Ken. C. Mason, Percival Mason, William A. Mason, Thos Wm Mason, Sarah Jane Mason, Polly Mason, Samuel Mason, John Mason, Kenneth Mason, Lillian Mason, Percival F. Mason, Thomas Mason, Mary Mason, William Charles Mason, Wm Mason, Colin Mason, Percy M. Mason, George Hy. Mason, George H. Mason, David Mason, Hy. J. Mason, Henry Mason, Horace Mason, Fred Mason, Percy F. Mason, W.R. Mason, Fanny Mason, Emily (Mrs. Loftus) Mason, Charles (2) Mason, Percival Francis Mason, Arthur Mason, Perry Mason, S. Mason, Leonard Mason, Mrs. Mason, William J. Mason, James Mason, Albert Thomas Burford Mason, Charles (1) Mason, William Frances Mason, Jas. Mason, Frederick Mason, Jeffrey Mason, Thos Mason, H.J. Mason, Francis H. Mason, Harry (1) Ernest Mason, Marian Mason, Chas. Mason, Bella Mason, Percy Mr. Mason, Francis Harry Mason, Harry Mason, IsabelI Lillian Mason, Martha Mrs. Mason, Thomas William Mason, George Henry Mason, Emma Mason, Lilian M. Mason, Samuel G. Mason, Percy Clinton Mason, Isabella Mason, Mr. Mason, Albert Mason, Maggie Mason, Mary Jane Mason, Thos. H. Mason, Thomas H. Mason-Jones, Dorothy May Massen, Andre Massen, Angelo A Massey, Grace Massey, Nellie Massey, S. Massey, Robert Massey, Robert C. Massey, Mary Massey, Doris Massey, Frederick Massey, Ellen Massey, Becky Massey, Mary Ellen Massey, John J. Massey, Doris Q. Massey, Robt. C. Massey, Lily F. Massey, Doris L. Massey, Anne Massey, Fred Massingham, Ethel Massingham, Ethel F. Masson, Arthur C. Masson, George Master, Gladys S. Masterman, George Henry E. Masterman, Charles Reuben Masteron, Frank Masters, Emily Masters, Richard D. Masters, Ronald Arden Masters, Richard Masters, Frank Archibald John Masters, James Masters, Henry Masters, Gladys A. Masters, William John Masters, Amelia Masters, Mrs Masters, Harold Pvt. Masters, George Masters, Rosina / Rossanah Masters, Harry Masters, Richard Davy Masters, Charles Henry Masters, Dora Masterson, Richard Masterson, Mr. Masterson, Fred Masterson, Alice Masterson, Francis J. Matcalfe, Peter A. Mateer, Sarah Materson, Frances J. Mates, Sydney Mates, James Mather, C. W. Mather, William Mather, Louisa Mather, Emmine Mather, J. Mather, Herbert Mather, Minnie Mather, Lavinia Mathers, Bessie Mrs. Mathers, Bert Mathers, Benjamin Matheson, Ada Gwendolyn Matheson, Wm. Matheson, Lily Matheson, Matheson, E.C. Matheson, W. Matheson, Doris (Mrs. Daniel A.) Matheson, K. Matheson, Mrs. Borah Mathew, Mark Mathews, Francis Mathews, William (2) Mathews, Harold Mathews, John Mathews, H. Mathews, Harry Mathews, Fred Mathews, Montague Mathews, Ellen Mathews, Bessie Mrs. Mathews, Frederck Mathews, James Mathews, Helen Mathewson, Geo. Mathewson, Wm. Mathewson, William Mathieson, Wm. Kyle. Mathieson, Chas Mathieson, Mrs. Duncan Mathieson, A. E. Mrs. Mathieson, Christine Mathieson, Hilda Mathieson, Jessie Mathison, Walter Matier, Edward V. Matisch, Dimitri Matler, Louie Matrick, Ida Matters, Elizabeth (Mrs. J. H.) Matthenson, Amie Mattheson, Mabel Eveline (Mrs.) Matthews, Jessie Margaret Matthews, Annie Matthews, J. C. Matthews, W.M. Geo. Matthews, Alice P. Matthews, John Matthews, E. G. Matthews, Edward Matthews, William G. Matthews, Alfd Matthews, James Matthews, Lily Matthews, Mary Matthews, Harold Matthews, Herbert Matthews, Frederick Chas. Matthews, Elvira Matthews, Ed. Matthews, Walter Matthews, Lizzie Matthews, Ernest Matthews, Dorothy Matthews, Hilda Julia Matthews, Mrs. Matthews, Priscilla Matthews, Wm. H. Matthews, Thomas Matthews, Wallace James Matthews, Frederick Matthews, May Matthews, Roy Matthews, Chas. A. Matthews, Fcis Matthews, John B.A. Matthews, Percy Matthews, Thos D Matthews, Bessie Matthews, Oswald Henry Matthews, Wm. G. Matthews, Henry Matthews, Albert Matthews, George H. Matthews, Kate Matthews, Francis Matthews, Harriett Matthews, Thos. D. Matthews, Leonard Matthews, William Henry Matthews, Edwin Matthews, Alfd. Matthews, William (1) Frederick Matthews, Thomas D. Matthews, Thos Matthews, John Thomas Matthews, Cornelius Matthews, Miss. Matthews, T.D. Matthews, William (2) Matthews, William A. Matthews, Christopher Matthews, Geo Hy Matthews, David Matthews, Charles Henry Matthewson, Geo. Matthewson, Wm. Matthewson, William Matthewson, George Matthieson, Mabel (Mrs.) Matthison, Walter Mattice, Mrs. M.C. Mattin, Frank W. Mattin, Frederick Mattin, Frederick A. Mattin, Frederick William Arthur Horace Pvt. Mattin, Stanley H. Mattison, Richard Mattison, C. Mattock, Edwin A. Mattock, Henry T. Mattock, Henry Mattocrk, Edwin Alexander Matton, Phoebe Matty, Eliza Matty Mauchan, JemIma Mauell, J.P. Maufe, Rachael Maufe, Susan Maufe, Jane Mauger, John / Jack Maughan, Louisa Mauhood, Walter Maul, Ernest G. Maun, James Maund, Stanley C. Maund, Margaret Mary Maund, Selina Helen (Nellie Maund, William G. Maunders, Fred Maunders, Charles Maurice, John E. Maurice, Phillips Mauseley, Letty Mauser, Art. W. Mavor, David Maw, Percy Maw, Wm. Mawby, P. W. S. Mawson, Minnie Mawson, Ellen Mawtin, Mabel Maxey, Alfred Maxfield, W. Maxim, Cyril Maxley, A. Maxted, Stanley Maxwell, Floyd Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell, Mary Maxwell, Frank Maxwell, Howard Maxwell, John Maxwell, Patrick Maxwell, Alfred John May, Leonard May, Dorothy May, Fred A. May, Alexander May, Louisa May, Arthur E. May, William May, C. May, Louise May, Vivian Pvt. May, George May, Leonard V. May, Edith May, Percy A. May, Frederick A. May, May, Charles May, James May, Ethel May, Peroy A. May, Vivian May, Ethel M. May, William C. May, Percy Arthur Pvt. May, Dorothy Evelyn May, Alice May, Sheila Ruth May, Walter May, Ernestine I. May, Emily May, Dorothy E. May, Emily C May, Elizabeth May, Joan Doris May, Thomas May, Ann M. May, Stephen May, Alfred May, J. B. May, William H. May, Cindy C. May, Harry Roland Maybee, Rosina Mrs. Maybry, W.H. Maybury, Elsie Maybury, William Maybury, William Corp Maycock, Arthur Maycock, Samuel Mayer, Louisa Mayer, Mr. Mayers, W.J. Rev. Mayers, Rev. W.J. Mayers, Mr. Mayers, N.J.L.R. Mayers, Norman J.R. Mayers, Norman J.L. Mayers, Norman J.R.L. Mayers, Norman Mayes, Alfred Mayes, Charles Mayes, Henry Chas. Mayes, H. Charles Mayes, George Mayes, Jas. H. Mayes, Arthur Mayes, Robt John Mayes, Percy Mayes, Henry C. Mayfield, William Mayher, Daniel Mayhew, Albert Mayhew, John Mayhew, Wm. Mayhew, Charles Mayho, Eric Arthur Maylam, William Mayling, J. Mayna, William Maynard, Stewart Maynard, Jno. C. Maynard, Robert Maynard, Fred Maynard, Gilbert Mrs. Maynard, William Maynard, Alice Mrs. Maynard, John C. Maynard, Albert Maynard, Albt. R. Maynard, Albt R Maynard, Alfred Maynard, Mrs. Gilbert Mayne, Mayne, William Mayne, AnnIe Mayne, Thomas Mayne, Mabel Mayner, Kate Elizabeth Maynes, John Mayo, Henry James L\Cpl. Mayo, Geo R Mayo, Harry Mayor, Mary Mays, William Mays, Charles Mayson, Harold Mayson, Harold George Mayzer, Henry McAdam, Henrietta McAdam, Jane Mcadam, Wm McAdam, Mrs. McAdam, James McAdams, James McAlister, Samuel McAlister, Evelyn Mcalister, Mary McAlister, Jessie McAll, H.W. Mr. McAll, William McAll, R. Mrs. McAll, Mrs. McAllen, Thomas Mcalley, Emma Mcalley, Margaret McAllister, James McAllister, Thomas James McAllister, Ernest McAllister, William McAllister, Maggie McAllister, Thos. J. McAllister, AlIce Mcallister, Mary McAllister, McAllum, Lee Mcancrin, Benjamin Mcancrin, James Mcancrin, Walter Mcanerin, W Mcardle, Frank Mcardle, James McArdle, Joseph McArragher, Frank McArragher, Walter Mcarthur, Jno. McArthur, Wallace D. Mcarthur, A. Mcarthur, Arthur McArthur, Alexander McArthur, Alice McArthur, Catherine Mcarthur, Amelia McArthur, A. A. Esq. McArthur, M. McArthur, James McAskill, Mary McAteer, McAterr, Charles J. McAuley, Jos. McAuley, McAuley, Joseph McBain, Mrs. William McBain, John McBeth, Alexander McBride, James McBride, Grace D. McBride, Daniel Mcbride, Edwd McBride, Thomas Mcbrien, Mary A. McBrien, Mrs. H.W. Mcbrien, Mary Mcbrien, Mary A McCabe, Charles T. Mccabe, William Mccabe, Thomas Mccabe, Agnes McCabe, Robert McCabe, Susan McCabe, Patrick McCabe, C. T. Pvt. Mccafferty, Mary McCague, Geo. Mrs. McCain, Gertrude McCall, William McCall, McCall, William Mr. McCall, H.W. Mr. McCall, Ben. G. Mr. and Mrs. McCall, Mrs. James McCall, Benjamin G. McCall, William, Esq. Mccall, David McCall, Mrs. McCall, R. Mrs. McCall, Wm. Mr. McCall, Mr. Mccall, Dav McCallion, Kitty Miss. Mccallum, Alexander Mccallum, Alex. Mccallum, Richard Mccallum, Annie Mccallum, Donald Mccallum, Don Mccallum, Sarah McCallum, R.H. McCamuse, James McCane, Herbert Wells Mccann, Margaret McCann, Edw. Mccann, Elizabeth McCann, J. Sgt. Mccann, Mary Ann Mccann, William McCann, William McCann, Jamie McCann, Patrick Mccann, Mary McCappin, William McCardle, Walter Bryant Mccardle, Mitchell Mccardle, Ann Jane Mccardle, Frank C McCarley, Charles G. McCarley, Charles Gordon McCarley, John McCarroll, Amelia Mrs. Mccarthy, Lawrence Mccarthy, Kate Mccarthy, George Joseph Mccarthy, Timothy Mccarthy, Owen Mccarthy, Florence Mccarthy, Mary Mccarthy, Jno Mccarthy, Chas. Mccarthy, Thomas McCarthy, Patrick James Mccarthy, Catherine McCarthy, Fred McCarthy, David Mccarthy, Mary A. McCarthy, Edward McCarthy, Dennis Mccarthy, Charles McCarthy, Thomas Mccarthy, Patrick McCarthy, A. Mccarthy, John McCarthy, Martin McCarthy, Owen Mccarthy, C. Mccarthy, Jno. McCarthy, E. McCarthy, Albert Mccarthy, Thimothy Mccarthy, Thos. McCarthy, John McCarthy, Michael Mccarthy, David McCartney, Wm. Mr. McCartney, Alan Mr. McCarty, M. McCave, Herbert Wells McCaw, Ann. Mrs. McCaw, Samuel McCaw, Mary McCaw, John McCaw, Annie McCaw, James McCaw, Ann Mrs. McCaw, J. Pvt. McCay, William John McChesney, Frederick Mcckeown, Mabel McClarnon, Evelyn K. Mcclear, Peter McCleary, Robert McCleary, George McCleery, Ella Mccleish, Robert Mcclelland, Jane McClements, Hester McClements, Hesther McClements, William McClements, Wilttam McClenaghan, Wm. Mccloskey, Peter Mccloskey, Mary McCloud, John McCloughry, Pamela McCloughry, Sheila McClugan, Robert McClugen, Robert McClunan, Valerie McClung, Robert James McClung, Mrs. McClung, Robert J. McClung, Robt. J. McClung, R.J. McClung, Robt. J Mcclure, Tyrrhina McClure, William John Mcclure, Thos McClure, William Mr. McClury, Joseph Mccole, Jane McColl, Sarah McColl, Margaret/Mary McColl, Roderick McColm, James Mccomb, Alexander Mccomb, Samuel McComb, Margaret McComb, Archibald McCombie, Harold J. McCombie, Robert McCommachie, George McCommachie, Henry Mcconaghy, Patrick McConkey, Robert James Mcconnachie, John McConnell, Chas. McConnell, Samuel McConnell, Mrs. Jas. McConnell, Thomas Mcconvey, Edward McConville, Arthur McCooey, Owen Desmond McCool, C. W. Lieut. McCoombe, George McCoombs, John J. McCord, Charles F. McCord, Charles McCormach, Mary McCormack, Mary Mccormack, Thomas McCormack, Bert. McCormack, Mrs. Mccormack, Walter McCormack, Maggie Mccormack, Thos. Mccormack, Amelia McCormack, Emma McCormick, The Rev. Canon, DD Mccormick, Catherine McCormick, A. E. Mr. Mccormick, Elizabeth Mccormick, Tom McCormick, J.E. Miss. Mccormick, Peter McCormick, William Matthew McCormick, William McCormick, Joseph Mccormick, Henry McCormick, Emma Mccort, Sarah McCoudie, Jane McCoy, Albert Arthur McCoy, Minnie Roselea McCoy, Francis Mccoy, Pansy Mccoy, Alfred Mccoy, Thomas Mccoy, Catherine McCoy, Violet Ada Mccracken, Elizabeth McCracken, William Mccracken, James McCrae, David McCrae, William B. McCrae, Mr. McCrea, McCready, Maggie McCreary, Mrs. McCreery, James McCrudden, J. McCubbin, Lillian I. M. Mccuddin, Thomas Mccuddin, Robert McCue, Thomas Mccugo, George McCulloch, Mary McCulloch, Richard Mcculloch, Ellen McCullock, ChrIstIna McCullough, Alfred McCullough, E.A. Dr. McCullough, Hugh Rev. Mccullough, Ellen McCullough, W.G. Dr. McCullough, McCullough, John McCullough, Sarah McCullough, James McCullum, David McCullum-Davies, JessIe McCusker, Fred McCutcheon, Agnes McDann, Jean McDermott, John Mcdermott, Margret Mcdermott, Jeannie McDermott, Sydney McDermott, Sidney T. Mcdermott, Elizabeth Mcdermott, Esther McDermott, Ernest McDermott, Sidney Mcdermott, Emily Mcdermott, Pat McDermott, J. M. Mcdermott, Mary Mcdermott, Margaret Mcdermott, Eliza McDiarmid, Janet McDiarmid, Annie McDiarmid, Mr. Mcdiarmid, Annie McDiarmid, Mrs. McDonagh, Alex. McDonagh, Alex. Mr. McDonald, Christina McDonald, John Mcdonald, McDonald, James McDonald, Thomas McDonald, Mrs. McDonald, Robert McDonald, James Alexander Stewart Mcdonald, John Mcdonald, Alex Mcdonald, M. Ellen Mcdonald, Mary Mcdonald, Chas McDonald, Donald A. McDonald, Harry McDonald, Wm. McDonald, Mcdonald, Edward McDonald, Margaret Mcdonald, James Mcdonald, Frank McDonald, Gladys (Mrs. Murray) Mcdonald, Thos. McDonald, Donald F. McDonald, William Mcdonald, Alex. McDonald, Adelaide Mrs. Wilfred) McDonald, Mr. Hugh Mcdonald, Michael Mcdonald, George McDonald, Janet Mcdonald, Agnes McDonald, G. Mcdonald, Alexander McDonald, Christopher McDonald, Charles McDonald, Peter McDonald, Henry McDonald, MaryAnn McDonald, David McDonald, Emily Mcdonald, Eliza Mcdonald, Christina McDonald, Alfred J. McDonald, C. McDonald, A. G. Mrs. McDonald, Edward McDonagh Mcdonald, Wm McDonald, Amos McDonald, Jane (Mrs. N.) McDonald, Frederick McDonald, Wm. A. Dr. McDonald, Florence E. McDonald, Albert McDonald, Herbert McDonald, Alice (1) McDonald, Alice (2) (MRS. James) McDonald, Phyllis Mrs. McDonald, Herbert A. McDonald, Arthur Lloyd McDonald, Margaret (Mrs. Donald) McDonald, Richard Macormac Mcdonald, Thos Mcdonald, Ellen McDonald, Phyllis L. Mrs. McDonald, P. McDonald or MacDonald, Margaret Isabel Mcdonaugh, Maud Mcdonell, Edward McDonnell, William McDonnell, Christopher McDonnell, W. J. Pvt. Mcdonnell, Edw. McDonough, Ellen McDougall, M. Miss. McDougall, Susan Jean McDougall, W. Mcdougall, Robert McDougall, Pheobe A. Mcdougall, Mary McDougall, Patricia A. M McDougall, William McDougall, Phoebe Mcdougall, Sarah McDougall, John Mcdougall, R James McDougall, Sheila Mcdougall, Wm McDowell, Mary McEachen, Walter McEachern, Edith M. McEachern, Walter McEachern, Edith McEachern, Arch'd Mr. Mceachern, Walter Mcelland, Jas. Mcelland, Jas Mcelroy, Thomas McEmery, May Lilian McEnery, May Lilian Mcevoy, Sarah E. Mcevoy, Sarah E Mcevoy, Margaret McEwan, David Mcewen, James Mcewen, Thomas McEwin, James McFadden, Henry McFaddin, Henry Mcfadgean, James Mcfadgean, Arthur Mcfadgean, Thomas Mcfadyean, Arthur Mcfadyean, Thos McFadyean, Joan E. McFadyean, Margaret A. McFadyen, Eric Mcfadyen, Jas McFadyen, Eric P. Mcfarlan, Peter McFarland, Mrs. Eliza J. McFarlane, Lizzie McFarlane, Duncan Mcfarlane, Peter McFarlane, R. Mcfarlane, George McFaul, Mr. Daniel McFayden, Eric Mcfee, Donald J. McFee, Donald J. Mcgann, John Mcgann, Michael McGann, Violet Florence Mcgarry, Frank Mcgarry, Bridget Mcgarvey, Albert Mcgaughey, James Mcgeachie, Nelly Mcgeachie, Jno Mcgeachy, Mary McGeachy, Emma McGee, E. McGee, (Baby) Mcgee, Francis Mcgee, Margaret Mcgee, Thos McGee, William Henry McGee, McGee, John McGibbon, Jane McGibbon, Martha Mcgibbon, Martha McGibbons, A. McGill, Vera McGill, W.R. McGill, J. Mcgill, Mary Jane McGill, Daniel Mcgill, Annie Mcgill, Mary Ann McGillan, Lily S. McGillgan, James B. McGilligan, James McGilligan, James Bassett McGilligan, James B. Mcginley, Alice Mcginn, Elizabeth McGivering, Edward Mcgivering, Edwd. Mcgivering, Edwd McGlassham, Wm. McGlasson, Jno. McGlennen, Thos. McGorman, Percy Mr. McGorman, Mr. N.B. Mcgourk, Philip Mcgourk, Michael Mcgovern, Esther McGowan, Hilda Bell McGowan, Edwin McGowan, Robert Mr. Mcgowan, Mary A. McGowan, Edward McGowan, James McGowan, John Geo. McGowan (McKeown), Arthur William McGrady, Mary McGragh, John Mcgrail, Richard Mcgrail, Margaret Mcgrail, Kate McGrath, Michael Mcgrath, Denis Mcgrath, John McGrath, M. McGrath, Henry Mcgrath, Francis McGrath, Me. Mcgrath, Charles McGrath, John McGrath, Martin McGrath, C. N. Mcgrath, Annie Mcgrath, James Mcgrath, Maurice McGrath, Matthew McGraw, Mrs. Rose McGregor, Annie E. McGregor, JessIe McGregor, Ellen B. McGregor, Annie Elizabeth Mcgregor, Wm McGregor, James McGregor, Julia McGregor, Annie McGregor, James F. Mcgregor, Benjamin Mcgregor, Wm. Mcgrew, Walter McGrogan, Thomas Mcguffie, Alice Mcguffie, Hugh Mcguffie, James Mcguffie, Margt Mcguffie, Mary Ellen McGuigan, Archibald Mcguiness, Peter Mcguiness, Thomas Mcguiness, Flora Mcguinness, Rebecca Mcguinness, William Mcguire, Maggie McGuire, Thomas McGuire, Rose (Mrs. Lee) McGuire, George Mcguire, Mary Ann McGuire, Paddy McHard, P.C. McHardy, T. E. Mcheather, Margaret Mcheather, Mary McHenry, Mary Ann Mchue, Francis Mchue, William Mchugh, Walter McHugh, Arthur Mchugo, George Mcildowie, Rosalind M. McIlhenny, James McIlroy, Thomas McIlvenney, Martha McIlvenny, Martha Mcinally, Wm E G McInnes, George J. McInnes, P. N. L. Mcinnes, Sarah McInnes, John McInnes, George James Sgt McInnes, J. Mcinnes, Annie Mcinnes, Flora Mcinnis, Mary Ann Mcinnis, George J. Mcintosh, George Mcintosh, Wm. McIntosh, Emma Mcintosh, William McIntosh, Mrs. Susan Mcintosh, Wm McIntosh, William Mcintosh, J Chas McIntosh, Peter Mcintosh, Mary Mcintosh, Geo Mcintosh, J. Chas. McIntyre, Henry Mcintyre, May McIntyre, Robert McIntyre, W. Mcintyre, William McIntyre, Robt. McIntyre, F. A. McIntyre, William Mcintyre, Mary A McIntyre, James McIntyre, Rose Ann McIntyre, Edward Victor McIntyre, Daniel McIntyre, JessIe Mciver, Thos McIvor, Gilbert McKay, Malcolm McKay, Mr. McKay, Cpl. McKay, John McKay, Alfred Mckay, Louisa McKay, Albert Edward Mckay, Barb McKay, Catherine / Katie McKay, Frances (Mrs. G.) McKay, Amy (Mrs. Eli) McKay, Thomas McKay, May McKay, Mckay, Norah McKay, Jane A. McKay, May Laura (Mrs. Robert) McKay, Archibald Mckay, Isabel Mckay, Hy McKay, John Wilfred McKay, William Mr. McKay, Laura also Ruby, Pearl and Frances McKay, Jacob Mrs. McKay, Hugh Mckay, Wm F McKay, Jessie McKeane also spelt McKeen and McKeene, Hilda Winifred Mckearney, C. Mckearney, A. McKechine, Emma McKechnie, Beatrice McKechnie, Emma McKee, Janet McKee, Mr. Mckee, Walter McKeegan, William McKeegan, Mrs. McKeegan, Frank McKeegan, Mr. McKeen, David McKeen, David T. McKeen, Alexander McKeever, Thomas McKeever, Doris Mrs. McKeighan, Beatrice (Mrs. John) McKeith, Wm. D. McKeith, William D. Mckellar, Peter McKellar, Hugh Mr. Mckelvie, Mary Mckelvie, Helen Mckelvie, Robert Mckelvie, William McKelvy, Hugh McKenna, Catherine Mckenna, Mary McKenna, James McKenna, J. Ronald McKenna, Messers. Mckenna, Maxwell Mckenna, Bob McKenna, Ronald J. McKenna, James Mr. Mckenna, Philip McKenna, Margaret McKenney, Thomas Mckenney, Isabella McKennie, Miss. McKenzie, Mr. C.J. Mckenzie, James McKenzie, Ethel M. McKenzie, William McKenzie, C. McKenzie, Helen McKenzie, Ellen (Mrs.) McKenzie, K. Mckenzie, J.... Mckenzie, David McKenzie, Dolina (Ina) McKenzie, Kenneth McKenzie, Robert Mckenzie, Jas. McKenzie, Thomas McKenzie, Ada (Mrs. J.) McKenzie, Douglas McKenzie, Alexander McKenzie, A. F. Miss. McKenzie, Gladys McKenzie, McKenzie, Roderick McKenzie, Arthur S.P. Mckeon, Thomas McKeowen, John McKeown, David McKeown, Edward Mckeown, Annie McKeown, Edwin McKeown, John Jas. McKeown, Wm. Mckeown, Daniel McKercher, Albert E. McKercher, Walter Mckernan, Ellen McKerricher, Florence (Mrs.) McKerricker, Robert A. Mckerroll, Alex. Mckerroll, Alex McKessar, B. Mckew, John McKie, Reginald McKie, S. R. J. Pvt. McKie, George McKie, William Harvey McKim, Hamilton Mrs. McKinlay, A. C. McKinlay, James McKinlay, Mr. Patrick McKinlay, Pat McKinley, Patrick McKinley, Pat McKinley, James McKinley, Norman McKinley, Julia Maude McKinley, John McKinnon, Ada Elizabeth (Mrs. John R.) McKinnon, Geo. McKinnon, Isabella McKinnon, Margaret McKinnon, Mr. And Mrs. McKinnon, Harry McKinnon, Annie (Mrs. David) McKinnon, Peter McKinnon or Beckenham, Margaret McKittrick, Robert McKittrick, Robert M. Mckiver, Elizabeth McKjeever, Thomas Mcknight, William McKnight, Lily Mcknight, Wm Mcknight, Dora McKnight, Robt. Mcknight, John Mclachan, J. McLachlan, James H. McLachlan, S.R. McLachlan, James Hy. Mclachlan, Alice McLachlan, S. J. McLachlan, Jas. H. Mclachlan, Agnes McLachlan, Charles A. Mclachlan, James McLachlan, Chas. A. McLachlan, Flo. Mrs. McLachlin, Charles McLaren, Reginald J. McLaren, R.W. Mclaren, John McLaren, F.C. Mrs. McLaren, William J. McLaren, Donald Mr. McLaren, Reginald W. McLaren, Reginald T. Mclaren, Agnes Mclaren, Joan McLarren, Frank George Mclarty, John Mclarty, Peter McLatchy, Gladys Goddard McLaughlan, T. Y. Mclaughlen, Fred McLaughlin, Mr. McLaughlin, Hy. Mclaughlin, John McLaughlin, John McLaughlin, Henry McLaughlin, Mr. & Mrs. McLaughlin, Margaret (Mrs. Harry) McLaughlin, Mrs. Archie McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McLaughlin, N.J. McLaughlin, Henry J. McLaughlin, Laura McLay, Queenie Victoria McLean, Janet McLean, Miss. McLean, Henry McLean, Mr. and Mrs. McLean, S. McLean, D. McLean, Flora Miss. McLean, J. McLean, Connie B. McLean, Amy (Mrs. Angus) Mclean, John McLean, Malcolm Mr. and Mrs. McLean, Margaret Mclean, Mary McLean, Wm. McLean, Mary Miss. McLean, Christine McLean, Christina Miss. McLean, Agnes Mrs. Mclean, Peter McLean, Beatrice McLean, Peter McLean, Daisy Mrs. McLean, William McLean, John K. McLean, Frances May (Mrs. Lemuel) McLean, Robert Mclean 2, John McLeish, MaggIe McLellan, Norman Mr. McLellan, Andrew McLelland, AnnIe McLelland, Mary Mclelland, Geo McLennan, David John McLennan, Mrs. Norman McLennan, Dorothy E. Mr. McLeod, James Scott McLeod, Maud McLeod, Thomas Mcleod, Bella Mcleod, George McLeod, Nellie Kirkwood McLeod, Joseph McLeod, T. McLeod, D. R. Mcleod, Sarah McLeod, Norah Mcleod, Margt McLeod, Neil McLeod, Mr. McLeod, James F. Lieut-Colonel McLeod, Colonel McLeod, David Nelson McLeod, Donald McLeod, Annie McLerie, Lucy E.C. Mclighe, Richard McLlvenny, Martha Mclocklin, Annie Mclocklin, McLoughlin, Sophie McLoughlin, Hy. McLoughlin, Marie Jose McLucas, Mr. and Mrs. Mclure, Thomas McLuskey, Mary McLuskey, Helen McLuskey, Mary "Molly" Mcluskie, George McMachan, Oscar Desmond Mcmachen, Thomas McMacken, Thomas McMacken, Frances Mcmahon, Rose McMahon, Louisa McMahon, Thomas D. McMahon, Alice McMahon, Charles Pvt. McMahon, Thos. D. Mcmahon, Louisa Mcmahon, Bridget McMahon, Edward McMahon, John McMahon, Lewis McMahon, Thomas Cpl. McMannus, Michael Mcmanus, John McMarne, James Pvt. McMaster, Myra K. McMaster, Nellie McMaster, D. C. McMaud, Lilian Mcmayer, Annie McMeekin, Alex. Mcmenemy, Agnes McMichael, Ian McMichael, Jean McMichael, Hugh McMichael, P. McMichael, A. Mrs. McMillan, Herbt. McMillan, Hy. T. McMillan, Agnes Mcmillan, Edwd McMillan, Thos. Mcmillan, Laura McMillan, Henry Thomas McMillan, Jessie F. McMillan, Henry Thos. McMillan, Alice (Mrs. George) Mcmillan, Edwd. McMillan, Jessie McMillian, Hy. T. McMinn, Anne McMordie, William McMullen, Elizabeth McMullen, William James Mcmullen, Margaret Mcmullen, J. Mcmullen, Adam McMurray, Wm. T. McMurrich, G. Mrs. McMurtrie, David Mcmylen, Anthony Mcmyler, Anthony McNab, William Frederick McNabb, Alfred McNabb, D.A. Mr. McNabb, Andres McNabb, James C. McNabb, Charles Robert McNabb, Francis D. Mcnabb, James Mcnair, Lizzie Mcnair, Margaret Mcnally, John Mcnally, William McNally, Clara McNally, Miss. Mcnally, Thomas McNamara, Thos Mcnamara, Peter Mcnamara, James Mcnamara, John Mcnamara, Thomas McNamee, Bernard Mcnamee, Emma Mcnamee, Mary McNaney, David McNanney, David Mcnaught, Andw McNaughton, L. Miss Mcnaughton, Duncan McNaughton, Arthur Mcnay, robt Mcnay, Jas McNay, Rebecca Mcnee, Martha Mcnee, Bella Mcnee, Jeanie Mcnee, Richard McNeil, A. P. Rev. McNeil, Adam McNeil, Thomas McNeil, Lorne Mr. Mcneil, James McNeil, Thos. Mcneil, Jemma McNeile, A. Patrick Rev. McNeile, A. Patrick McNeile, Mr. McNeile, A. P. Rev. McNeill, Mr. McNeill, Rupert McNeill, Thomas McNeill, Adam Mcneish, Mrs Mcneish, Christina Mcnelly, Jno Mcnelly, Jno. McNerney, May McNicholls, Harriet McNicol, Margaret McNicoll, Theo. McNiven, David Mcnulty, Francis Mcnulty, Ann Mcnulty, James McNulty, John McNulty, Patricia Mcnulty, Mary McNulty, James McOnie, Duncan McOwen, Fred. McPeak, John M. McPhail, Edgar McPhail, John Mcphail, Daniel McPhearson, Lilian McPhee, Archie Mr. McPhee, Mr. John McPhee, Mrs. McPhee, Mrs. A. McPhee, Elizabeth McPhee, Mrs. Albert V. McPherson, Reuben Mcpherson, Charlotte Mcpherson, Alex McPherson, Reuben C. McPherson, Cluny Mcpherson, Harry Mcpherson, Lizzie Mcpherson, Julia McPherson, AnnIe Mcpherson, William Mcpherson, Mary McQuade, Josephine McQuade, John Mcquade, Jas. Mcquade, Alex. Mcquade, James Mcquade, Alexander McQuade or M'Quaid, Josephine Griffith Mcquaid, Alexander Mcquaid, James McQuarrie, Harriett Louisa McQuarrier, Lily Fairbrother McQue, Ann McQue, Annie Mcque, Annie McQue, Mary McQueen, Mrs. Mcqueeney, John Henry Mcquie, Joseph Mcquiggan, Mary A Mcquigley, Catherine McQuinn, Florence Mabel McQuire, JessIe Mcrae, Alex McRae, Wm. Geo. Mcrae, John McRae, Art. T. McRae, William McRae, K. N. McRae, Calvin A. Rev. McRae, Messrs. McRae, Calvin Mr. McRae, Mr. McRae, Calvin A. Mr. McReynolds, Jas. McReynolds, James McReynolds, John Mcriven, Elizabeth McRoberts, John H. McRoberts, R.J. Mcrorie, Edward Mcrorie, David Mcrorie, Dav Mcstean, Mary E. Mcstean, Mary E McTaggart, Robert McTaggart, Reginald McTeer, Charles McTernan, Walter McTimoney, William McTimoney, Doris McTurk, Mrs. McVey, Rose Veronica McVicar, Elizabeth Martin (Mrs. Edward) McVittie, John McVittie, John Mrs. McWaters, Martha McWells, Fred McWhinnie, John McWilliams, Jonothan Mcwilliams, Mary McWilliams, John Mrs. Mcwilliams, David Mcwilliams, Alice Mcwilliams, James Me.Ley, Albert Meach, Mary Ellen Meacham, Walter Meacham, Diana M. Meacham, Charles Meacham, Diana Meacham, Chas. Meacher, Lizzie Meacher, Elizabeth M. Meacher, Fanny Meacher, Walter Meacher, Elizabeth Meacher, Fannie Meacock, robert Meacock, Robert Mead, William Hry. Mead, William Mead, William J. Mead, Stanley Mead, Doris E. Mead, Edith Laura Mead, Mary Mead, Doris Mead, Bertie Mead, George Mead, Ernest B. Mead, F. Mead, Stanley P. Mead, John Mead, Clara Mead, Charles Mead, Arthur Charles Mead, Florence M. Mead, Arthur C. Mead, J. Mead, Arthur Mead, A. C. Mead, Esther Mead, Frank A. Meade, Mary Meade, Florence Meade, Florence M. Meade, George Meade, Mary Ann Meaden, William A. Meaden, Wm. A. Meadows, Sarah Elizabeth Meadows, G.B. Mrs. Meadows, Mary Meadows, E. Meadows, Charles Meadows, G.B. Mr Meadows, Alice E Meadows, Alice Meads, Stanley Meads, Arthur Meaghan, J W Meakin, Alfred Charles Meakin, Harry Meakin, Frank |
Mealing, Cyril Henry Mealing, Ethel Emma Blanche Mealing, Geoffrey Robert Meanley, Frank Mearns, W.A. Mrs. Mearns, Archibald J. Mearns, Archibald Mears, John G Mears, Elizabeth Mears, Jno G Mears, Mrs. John F. Mears, Frederick Pvt. Mears, Frederick Mears, Wm. Jas. Mears, John F. Mears, Alexander Mears, F. Mears, Alexander Pvt. Mecory, Minnie Roselea Mecory, Violet Ada Mecory, Albert Arthur Meddar-Reeves, Jacqueline Meddar-Reeves, Peter Meddick, Charles Medding, Florrie Medding, Florence Meddings, Lily Meddings, Florence Meddlicott, C. Meddlicott, Thomas Meddlicott, William Medhurst, Reggie Medhurst, Nathol Medhurst, William J. Medhurst, George Medhurst, W. J. Medhurst, Aug. Medhurst, Lawrence Medland, Geo. F. Medland, George F. Medland, George Medley, G.W.H. Medley, George H.W. Medley, Geo. W.H. Rev. Medley, G.W. Rev. Medley, George W.H. Rev. Capt. Medley, Capt. Medley, Geo. W.H. Medley, George W.H. Medley, George Wm. Medley, Medlicott, William Medlicott, Hilda Medlicott, Charles Richard Medlicott, Thomas Mee, James Mee, Kathleen Meech, Mary Meech, Mary Ann Meech, Mary C. Meech, Joyce J. Meech, Dudley G. Meechan, Maggie Meehan, William Meehan, Nellie Rose Mrs Meehan, Mary Meek, Harry Meek, Arthur Meek, Trevor Meek, Reuben Meek, William H. Meek, John Meek, Frederick Meek, Arthur William Meek, Joseph Meek ?, Joseph Meekin, Cyril / Cecil Meekins, Mary Meeman, James Meen, Florence Meen, Frederick A. Meese, Charles S. Mefsted, Fred Megan, John Megeson, John Meggs, Lettice Meggs, Leonard Meghan, Michael Megit, Charles Megit, Richard A. Megson, Henry M. Megson, Harry M. Megson, Henry A. Mehrtens, John F.W. Meikle, Alexander Meldon, William Meldrum, Elizabeth Melford, Agnes Melford, Isaac Melhado, Leah Melhado, JulIa Melhuish, Helen Melhuish, Helena Melhuish, Catherine Mellanby, Joseph Meller, Kate Mellerick, Nora Melling, Ann Mellor, J. Mellor, Emily Gertrude Mells, T. Mr. Mellwaine, John Frederick Melrose, Walter Melrose, John Melsom, Geo. J. Melson, George J. Melson, George James Melson, Geo. J. Melton, Henry Melton, Eliza Melton, Henry Geo. Melton, Jasmes W. Melton, James W. Melton, Henry George Melville, William Melville, Art. Melville, Frank Ernest Melville, David Melville, Camelia Rose (Mrs. William C.) Melvin, John D. L. Menard, Rene Menard, Joseph Menard/Phipps, Lizzie Menghette, Victor Albert Pvt. Menghetti, Victor Mennell, Frances Mennie, George E. Mennie, William H. Mennie, George Edward Pvt. Mentor, Frederick Menzies, John P. Menzies, Albert Edward Menzies, Albert E. Menzies, Eliza Mepstead, George Mepstead, Fred. Mercer, Benjamin Mercer, Ella Jessie Mercer, J. Mercer, Sydney C. Mercer, Henry Mercer, George Mercer, Mercer, Hy Mercer, Hy. Mercer, Walter Mercer, Harry Mercer, Wm. Mercer, Annie (Mrs. Gordon) Merchant, Ernest Merdith, John Meredith, John Meredith, Charles Meredith, Freda Meredith, Philip Meredith, Philip L. Meredith, Harry Meredith, William Meredith, Lily Meredith, Emily Meredith, Albert Meredith, Frederick (1) Meredith, Frederick (2) Meredith, T. G. Meredith, Kate Meredith, Richard Meredith, Jas. Wm. Meridith, Richard Meridith, Mary Ann Merkel, George Morris Merkley, J.A. Merrick, Philip Merrick, Philip E. Merrick, Fred. Merriday, Ada Merridew, Frederick Merriffield, George Mrs. Merriken, Wm. Ernest Merriken, William E. Merriken, Ernest Merriken, William Ernest Merriken, William Merrikin, William Ernest Merrikin, William Merrikin, W.E. Merrikin, Wm. Ernest Merrikin, Ernest Merrikin, Wm. Merrill, Frederick Merriott, Jas. Merrison, William Merritt, Charles F. Merritt, Chas. H. Merritt, Ernest Pvt. Merritt, Charles Bert Merritt, Charles Merrix, Albert Merrix, Albert Edward Merry, Annie Merry, W.H. Merry, Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Merry, Mr. and Mrs. Merry, Rose Merry, Charles Merry, Ann Elizabeth Merryman, John Merton, Albert R. Merult, Abraham Merzies, Eliza Message, Elizabeth Messaue, H. E. Messecar, Charlotte Mrs. Messenger, Herbert Messenger, John Messenger, Harry Messenger, Herbert H. Messenger, Chas. S. Messenger, Charles S. Messenger, Jno. Messenger, Emily Messenger, Arthur Messenger, Sarah A. Messenger, Alice Messenger, Hebert Henry Messent, William Metcalf, Mrs. Metcalf, Mr. Metcalf, Mr. and Mrs. Metcalf, Thomas Metcalfe, Mrs. Metcalfe, William J. Metcalfe, W. Metcalfe, Mr. and Mrs. Metcalfe, Frank Metcalfe, J. Metcalfe, Wm. Metcalfe, Thomas Metcalfe, Mr. Metcalfe, George C. Metcalfe, Wm Metcalfe, Alfred W. Metcalfe, Michael A. Metcalfe, W.C. Metcalge, Thomas Metge, Wm. Metgi, Gustavia Metherell, Edward John Pvt. Metherell, Edward Methven, Deirdre Meuis, Jno Meurer, Wilhelmina Meve, Ernest Mew, Thomas Mew, George Mew, Harry Oliver Mew, Harry O. Mew, William Mew, Harry Mewbold, Mary Mews, John Meyer, The Rev. F.B., DD Meyer, F.B. Rev. D.D. Meyer, Rev. F.B. Meyer, Henry Meyer, Cyril William Meyers, Mary Meyler, Llewellyn G. Miall, Miall, Ada Michell, Alfred C. Michelmore, Willie T. Michelmore, William T. Michenson, Margaret Mick, Arthur Micklem, Ambrose M. Micklem, Nathaniel Micklem, Robert D. Micklewright, Ellen O. Micklewright, Emmine Mrs. Middle, T. Middlebrook, E.T. Mrs. Middleditch, Geo. W. S. Middleditch, Geo W S Middleditch, Ada Middlemiss, Chas Middlemore, Mr. Middleton, Stanley Middleton, Elizabeth Middleton, Alfred Middleton, Amelia Middleton, Leslie Middleton, Frederick Middleton, John J. Middleton, Joseph Middleton, Emily Middleton, John Edward Middleton, John L. Middleton, William Middleton, Horace Middleton, Maria Middleton, Mrs. Andrew Middleton, Rose Middleton, James Arthur Pte. Middleton, Harry Middleton, Kate Mrs. Middletown, Alfred Midgeley, William S. Midgley, Alice S. Midgley, Alice Midgley, William S. Midlane, Ernest Midlane, Ernt. Midlane, Ernest James Midoleth, Robt. Might, E. Miss. Miingles, Madeleine Mil:Iken, Doris Miss. Milam, Frank Milan, Alexander Milantavitch, Danirbzo Milbury, Jas. Mileham, Samuel James Mileham, John F. Mileham, Samuel J. Mileham, John Mileham, Mileham, Samuel Mileham, John Frederick Miles, Wilfred Miles, R.G. Miles, Robert E. Miles, Sidney Miles, Minnie Mrs. Miles, Thomas Miles, Ellen / Nellie Maude Miles, Jane E. Miles, Luther Miles, Archibald Miles, Sidney W. Miles, George D. Miles, Albert Thomas James Miles, William Miles, Miss. Miles, Henry Miles, Ronald A Miles, Joseph Miles, Harry Miles, Elizabeth Miles, Cecil H. Miles, Charles Miles, Mr. Miles, Rose E. Miles, Harold Augustus Miles, John Miles, Miles, Jane Elizabeth Miles, Sidney Walter Miles, Albert A. Miles, Ellen Miles, Margaret Miles, Herbert Miles, Frederick Miles, Thomas Charles Pvt. Milford, Walter Millace, VIda Millan, John Millar, Nellie Millar, Edward Millar, Frederick Millar, William Millar, Arthur Millar, Miss. Millard, Walter Millard, William (2) / Billy Millard, William (1) Millard, George J. Millard, Frederick (1) Millard, Maurice Millard, Fred Millard, Herbert William Millard, William Millard, G.J. Millard, Charles Millard, Mary Millard, Gertrude Millard, Frederick Millard, Fredk. Millard, Frederick (2) Millard, Ada M. A. Millbery, James Milledge, Edith M. Milledge, Florence Milledge, Edith Millen, I. Sidney Millen, Sidney Millen, Horace Miller, John Henry Miller, John A. P. Miller, George Miller, Nellie Miller, John A.P. Miller, Edward Miller, Sydney Miller, Eliza Miller, Thomas L. Miller, Ethel Miller, William Miller, Charles Miller, Wm. R. Miller, Doris Miller, Walter Miller, Frank Miller, James Miller, Alexander Miller, William R. Miller, Maud Miller, LIlIas Miller, Chas. Miller, Lily, Maud Miller, Lily Miller, Thos. Miller, Alice R. Mrs. Miller, Thomas Miller, Fred Miller, Hy. W. Miller, W. M. Miller, Albert Edward Miller, Maud Mabel Miller, Tommy Miller, Janet Miller, Alex Miller, Annie Miller, Tom Miller, Mr. Miller, May Miller, John Miller, Frederick Miller, Hy W Miller, William Pvt. Miller, Thos. L Miller, Maud M Miller, Rose Mrs. Miller, Edith Mabel Miller, Arthur Miller, Albert Miller, J.W. Miller, Howard Miller, Margaret J Miller, Archie Mr. Miller, Kenneth Miller, Robert Miller, George T. Miller, Lily M. Miller, Elizabeth Miller, Sidney Miller, Henry Miller, Alice Miller, William Alfred Miller, Evelyn Miller, Miller, Wm. Miller, Beatrix Miller, Louisa Miller, Nelie Miller, AnnIe Miller, William J. Miller, Geo. Miller, Chas Miller, George J. Miller, Miss. Miller, Dorothy M. Miller, Reginald Miller, Arthur Wm. Miller, Fredk. H. Miller, Geo. J. Miller, Mr. Fred Miller, Harry Miller/Smirk/Smerk, Thomas Charles Miller/Smirk/Smerk, George Frederick Millerick, Ruth Millerick, Frank Millerick, Nora Millerick, Frank T. Millerick, Frank Frederick Stoker 1st Class Millett, John T. Millett, Daisy Millett, John Thomas Millett, Daisy K. Millett, Dailey Millett, George W. Millgate, Walter S. Millgate, Arthur W. Millichamp, Julia Millichamp, William Milligan, Kate Milligan, LIzzie Milligan, George F. Milligan, Alice Mrs. Millington, Frederick W. Millington, Annie Millington, Ada Elizabeth Millington, John Millington, Sam Millington, Frederick Millington, Samuel Millington, William Millington, Edith Millington, Charles Millions, Esther Mills, Edward H. Mills, Robert J. Mills, Fredk Mills, Herbert Hy. Mills, Wm. Luke Mills, Henry C. Mills, George Mills, Frederick Mills, Gwen Mills, Margaret Mills, W.A. Mills, Jack Mills, Eleanor Mills, Robert Mills, Alfred G. F. Mills, Robt Mills, Dora Mills, Elsie Mills, John Mills, Robert A. Mills, Gwendoline Mills, Thomas Mills, Gwendoline M. Mills, Joseph Mills, Alfred Mills, Alfred George Foster Mills, John Henry Mills, David Mills, Robt. Mills, Elizabeth Mills, Joseph H. Mills, Mary Mills, Edith Miss. Mills, Robert James Mills, Daisy Mills, Geo. Mills, Rosie Mills, Flora Florence Mills, Arthur Edward Mills, Frank L. Mills, Arthur Mills, Agnes Mills, Martha Mills, Alfred George Mills, J. H. Mills, Henry William Mills, Gertrude Mills, Mathilda Mills, Catherine Mills, Henry Mills, Jane E. Mills, Ellen Mills, Elsie E. Mills, Thos. E. Mills, Wm. F. Mills, Henry W. Mills, S.P. Mills, Joseph T. Mills, Charles Mills, Jno. Mills, John Walter Mills, Rose Mills, Tillie Mills, Wm. H. Mills, Florence (Mrs. Albert) Mills, Gwendowline Mills, Leontine Mills, R.A. Mr. Mills, Albert E. Mills, Alfred Geo. F. Mills, Ellen Elizabeth(Nellie) Mills, Sydney Mills, George Frederick Mills, Leontine L. Mills, Joseph Thomas Mills, Thomas Pvt. Mills, Jno W Millsom, Dorothy Millward, William Millward, Charles Millward, Elizabeth Millward, Mary Millward, Chas. Millward, Alice Millward, Charlie Millwater, Ernest Millyard, Frederick Millyard, Frederick George Millyard, Edith M. Miln, James Miln, James R. Miln, James Ryder Miln, Jas. R. Milne, Arthur Milne, J. Milne, Margaret F. Milne, Alexander Milne, James Dr. Milne, Dr. Milne, James Milne, Horace L/Sgt. Milne, James R. Milne, G. Milne, Margaret Milne, Milne, Mr. Milne, Eleanor D. F. Milne, John Milne, H. Milne, Robert Dr. Milne, W. Milne, Miss. Milne, Dr. Jim Milner, F. Milner, The Right Hon. Sir Frederick, Bart, PC Milner, Maud Milner, Louisa Milner, Beatrice A. Milner, John Milner, Margaret Milner-White, Rhodope Milner-White, Ursula Milnes, John Milnes, Horace Milnes, Jno. Milnes, Margaret Milo, George Milovonovic, Milo Milrose, Geo. C. Milson, Agnes Milson, Dorothy Milson, Dorothy Winnifred Milson, Milson, Cyril Milstead, Sidney F. Milton, W.G. Milton, Henry Milton, John Edward Milton, Thomas Milton, George Channing Milton, Henry Pvt. Milton, Wm. Milton, John Milton, Eliza Milton, Henry C. Milton, James Milward, George Milward, Ernest Charles Milward, Elsie May Milward, Charlie Milward, Alfred Minall, Ethel Minchall, Thomas Minchan, William Minchin, Charles Minchin, Phoebe L. Minchin, Chas. Minchin, Phoebe Minchinton, Robert Mineham, William Minehan, Michael Minell, Harry Miner, Arthur W. Miner, Nellie Mrs. Miner, Jack Miner, George Mines, Elizabeth F. Mines, James J. Minett, Charles Mingles, Madeline Minifer, Dorothy Minister, Amey Minner, Frederick Minnett, F Minnie, Henry Minnifer, Dorothy Minns, Samuel Minns, Daisy B.L. Minns, Harry C. Minns, G. Minor, Ada Minsey, Margaret Minshall, Rose Minsham, Michael Minshan, Michael Minshaw, Michael Minshull, Elizabeth Minter, Bert. Chas. Minter, Arthur Mintern, Benjamin Geo. Mintern, Ben. G. Minto, Lord and lady Minto, Nellie Mintram, Ellen Mintram, Nelie Mintram, George Mintram, Ellen (Nellie) Minty, Alfred Minus, Harry C Misener, Roy Mrs. Misener, Daisy Mrs. Miskelly, Mary Missen, Jas Missen, William Missent, William Mist, Alfred Mist, Albert Mitcham, William Mitcham, William J. Mitcham, Sam J.W. Mitchel, Thomas Mitchel, Joseph Mitchell, John Mitchell, Doris Mitchell, Thomas Mitchell, Charles William Mitchell, Alice Mitchell, Laura Mitchell, George Mr. Mitchell, Wm. F. Mitchell, Lewis Leon Mitchell, Ernest A. Mitchell, G. Mr. Mitchell, William Mitchell, Mr. Mitchell, George G. Mr Mitchell, Florence Mitchell, Robert Mitchell, Thomas F. Mitchell, Margaret Mitchell, ChrIstIna Mitchell, Sarah Mitchell, Stanley Mr. Mitchell, Annie Mitchell, Mary Mitchell, Robt. Mitchell, John Ernest Mitchell, John Marsden Mitchell, Alfred Mitchell, Harry Mitchell, Victor Lionel Mitchell, HarrIet Mitchell, Walter Mitchell, Hamilton Trelford Pvt. Mitchell, George Mitchell, William Frank Mitchell, Gladys Mitchell, Mitchell, Joseph Mitchell, Alfred C. Mitchell, Hy. Mitchell, Ada Mitchell, James Mitchell, Amy E. H. Mitchell, Annabella Mitchell, Robert B. Mitchell, Leonard Mitchell, Lizzie Mitchell, Geo. E. Mitchell, G.A. Mitchell, Emma J. Mitchell, Wesley S. Mitchell, Victor Mitchell, Ellen Mitchell, Earnest A. Mitchell, George E. Mitchell, Ernest Arthur Mitchell, Alfred F. Mitchell, Arthur Mitchell, Elizabeth Mitchell, Thos. B. Mitchell, Nellie L. Mitchell, David Mitchell, Hamilton T. Mitchell, Cecil Mitchell, Thos. E. Mitchell, Charles Mitchell, Stephen Hugh Mitchell, B. Mitchell, Patrick Francis Mitchell, Chas. W. Mitchell, Frank Mitchell, Hugh Brown Pvt. Mitchell, Charlie Mitchell, Christina Mitchell, ChrIstIne Mitchell, Mary Ann Mitchell, ElsIe Mitchell, Bella Mitchell, Percival Mitchell, Matthew Mitchell, Mary Helena Cheesman Mitchell, Charles W. Mitchell, Victor L. Mitchell, Minnie Mitchell, Thomas Edward Mitchell, John S. Mitchell, Jane Mitchell, Fred. Mitchell, Doris M. Mitchell, Alice Mary Mitchell, Henry Mitchell, Clifford Mitchell, William E. Mitchell, Frederick Mitchell, Mrs. W.J. Mitchell, Albert Geo. Mitchell, William F. Mitchell, William J. Mitchell, Percy Reginald Mitchener, William Hy. Mitchener, Alfred J. Mitcheson, Margaret Mitchner, William Henry Mitic, Mikaljo Mititsch, Milissa Mitrovic, Dusan Mitten, James Mitton, Nellie Blanche Mitton, Gladys Mizon, F. Moband, Philip Henry Mockridge, Arthur Mocroft, Serah Moddy, Agnes Moffat, William Hall Moffat/Moffit/Moffitt/Moffitte, Claudine W. Moffatt, Archibald Moffatt, James Moffatt, George Moffatt, Jas. Moffatt, John Moffatt, Arthur R. Moffatt, Jno. Moffatt, Arch. Moffatt, Arthur Moffett, Harold J. Moffett, Robert Moffitt, W. H. Moffitte, Claudina Moffitte, Claudine Webster Mohan, George Mohrman, Elfrida Mohrmann, Elfrida Mohun, John T. Mohun, John Moigward, Ernest Moir, Mrs. Moir, Alb. E. Moir, Albert Edward Moir, Frank Moldson, Thos. Mole, Agnes Mole, Amy F Mole, Charles Molesworth, Charles Molesworth, Charles Harry Molloy, Robert Molloy, Joseph Molloy, Michael Egan Molton, George T. Molyneaux, John W. Molyneux, Fanny Momchilovitch, Cavrelo Monaghan, James Monaghan, Winefrida Monaghan, Frank Monaghan, Thomas Monaghan, John Monaghan, Wm. Geo. Moncey, Henry Moncks, James Monckton, Ernest Moncton, Ernest Moncur, J. Moncur, James I. Moncur, James P. Money, Edward Money, Albert Monk, Fanny Monk, George Henry Pvt. Monk, Geo. H. Monk, William F. Monk, Arthur Monk, George Henry Monk, James Monk, Wm. J. Monk, Donald Monk, Joseph A. Monk, George H. Monk, Arthur J. Monk, William J. Monks, Jimmie Monkton, Claude Richard Monroe, Mrs. Daniel Monson, E. C. S. Montague, Janet Montague, Dr. Montague, Janet B. Montague, J.Harvey Montanari, Percy Montanari, Percy J. Monteith, Hannah (Mrs. James) Monteith, Winifred Elizabeth (Mrs. William) Montgomery, JessIe Montgomery, Mabel Montgomery, Willaim Montgomery, T. Montgomery, Jean B. Montier, Albert Montieth, james Montledge, Thomas Monument, Robert Moody, Martha Moody, J.W. Moody, George Moody, Agnes Moody, Alfred Moody, Grace D. Moody, Edith L.F. Moody, Alf. Moody, Charles Moody, Chas. Moody, A. W. Dr. Moody, Hy. Fred Moody, Thos. Moon, Reginald Moon, Edwin Moon, Geo. Moon, George Moon, C. Moon, Ernest B. Moon, Wm. Moon, Richard Moon, Ernest Bradford Mooney, Joseph Mooney, Patrick Mooney, Thos Mooney, James Mooney, Lily Mooney, William Mooney, Gelen Mooney, Thos. Mooney, Miss. Mooney, Bridget Mooney, Christina Mooney, Mathew Mooney, Agnes Mooney, Louisa Mooney, Mary Mooney, Helen Mooney, Matthew Mooorhouse, Lily Moorcroft, Mgt. Mrs. Moorcroft, Margaret Mrs. Moorcroft, Margaret Moore, Frank Moore, James Moore, William Moore, Charles Moore, Fred. J. Moore, George (1) Moore, George Moore, Gertrude E. Moore, Peter Moore, Albt. E. Moore, Ernest John Moore, Joseph Moore, Violet H. Moore, Fred John Moore, Rachel Moore, John E. Moore, S. Moore, John Moore, George Everett Moore, Harry Moore, St. Ledger Montgomery Moore, Alfred Arthur Moore, George E. Moore, Beatrice Moore, Gertrude Moore, Miss. Moore, Henry Moore, Roger B. Moore, Sidney T. Moore, Maude Moore, Sheilah M. Moore, Mrs. Moore, Violet Moore, Anthony S. Moore, Sydney Moore, Albert E. Moore, Albert A. Moore, Florence Moore, W. W. Moore, Leonard E.W. Moore, Emma Moore, Mary E. Moore, James T. Moore, John Thomas Moore, William E. Moore, Mark Moore, Walter Ernest B. Moore, Albert Emmanuel Moore, Frederick Moore, Walter W. Moore, Lucy May Moore, Stephen Moore, Thomas Moore, Alfred Moore, Beatrice M Moore, Hector J .A. Moore, Lylian Moore, Edward Moore, Florence D. Moore, Phoebe Moore, George Frederick Moore, Fred Moore, Sidney Moore, Maud Moore, Dorothy M. Moore, Elizabeth Moore, Lucy S. Moore, Freeman Moore, Beatrice M. Moore, Mary Moore, Frederick W. Moore, Wm Moore, Dorothy Moore, Geo. Moore, Dr. F Moore, Violet Hilda Moore, Hy Jas Moore, Mrs. Angus Moore, George F. Moore, William Mr. Moore, Joseph James Moore, F.D. Moore, Tom Moore, Lilian Moore, Arthur Moore, Garnet Seymour Moore, Mary Ellen Moore, Wm. Hu(?). Moore, Gertie Moore, Bob Moore, Tamar Moore, Walter Moore, Albert Moore, Hy. Jas. Moore, Lionel E. Moore, George Henry Moore, Mr. Moore, Tina Moore, George A. Moore, Thos. Hy. Moore, Ada Moore, Alexander Dick Moore, George (2) Moore, Henry W.C. Moore, James Mr. Moore, Sydney Thomas Moore, S.W. Moore, Leonard E. Moore, Eva Moore & Armstrong, Messrs. Moorehead, Joseph Moorehouse, Thomas Moores, Beatrice Moores, Cecil K. Moores, Violet Hilda Moorhead, E.S. Dr. Moorhouse, Jean Moorhouse, Lily Moorhouse, Jessie Moorhouse, Harry Moorhouse, Dr. Moorhouse, The Right Rev. Bishop, DD Moors, Catherine Moors, J. Pvt. Moose, Ken Morall, Thomas Moran, Henry Moran, Sarah Moran, William Moran, Fcis Moran, John Moran, Ernest Moran, Francis Moran, Frederick Moran, Julia Moran, Bridget Moran, Edith Moran, Michael Moran, Harry Moran, Mary Moran, Winifred Moran, Wm. Moran, John (1) Ernest Moran, Anna Moran, Albert Moran, John (2) Morant, Frederick W. Morant, Fred. W. Morant, Fred. Morant, F. Morant, Fred Morant, Frederick Moray, Neville Morden, Anne H. Morden, John More, Amie Morecroft, Emily Miss. Morecroft, Geo. Moreland, John Morell, Reuben P. Morell, Jane Morely, Nora Moreton, Lizzie Moreton, Albert E. Morey, John Morey, Florence Morey, Sidney Morey, Henry Morgan, Maud Morgan, Sidney Morgan, C. J. Morgan, Walter Charles Morgan, Lilian Morgan, Wm. C. Morgan, George R. Morgan, Harry Morgan, Ernest Morgan, Elizabeth Morgan, Francis Henry Morgan, Thomas Morgan, Harry Sydney Morgan, Nelson Morgan, Eva Mrs. Morgan, Phyllis Morgan, Morgan, Donald Morgan, Er. W. Morgan, Henry Herbert Morgan, Geo. A. Morgan, Thos. Morgan, John Morgan, Joseph Edward Morgan, Sidney Lieut. Morgan, Marion Morgan, Harry A. Morgan, Geo. Morgan, E.W. Morgan, Ernest W. Morgan, George Morgan, Thomas J. Morgan, Cecil M. Morgan, Donald G. Morgan, James Morgan, Sidney G. Morgan, Henry Morgan, Bathsheba Morgan, Gertrude A. Morgan, Richard Morgan, Tommy Morgan, David Morgan, Pierpont Mr. Morgan, Cyril Morgan, George E. Morgan, S.G. Morgan, Phyllis A. Morgan, Maude Morgan, Ernest William Morgan, Herbert Morgan, Frederick Morgan, Charles S. Morgan, George Robert Morgan, Donald C. Morgan, Herbert F. Morgan, Sid Morgan, Daniel Morgan, Edgar Morgan, Daniel J. Morgan, Florence Morgan, Donald Cecil Morgan, Percival Morgan, Sidney Sgt. Morgan, Walter C. Morgan, Charlotte Morgan, WInIfred Morgan, William Edward Morgan, J. Mrs. Morgan, Harry P. Morgan, Patrick Morgan, Geo. E. Esq Morgan, Thomas Trevor Morgan, Sydney Morgan, Dan. J. Morgan, Alfred J. Morgan, John James Morgan, J. Morgan, May Mrs. Morgan, Leonard H. Morgan, H. Morgan, Cope Mr. Morgan, Clara Morgan, Thomas (1) Emanuel Morgan, William G. Morgan, Joseph E. Morgan, Maggie Morgan, Cecil Donald Morgan, Cecil Morgan, Walter John Morgan, Thomas (2) Morgan, Daniel Peter Morgan, Eliza Morgan, Joseph Morgan, Sidney Sgt. Major Morgan, Sidney George Mori, Elizabeth Millar Mori, Elizabeth Morletair, Charlie Morley, Ellen (Helen) Morley, Cecil Morley, Ernest Morley, Robert, Michael Morley, Norah Morley, G .Edward Morley, Ellen Morley, W. H. Morley, Archd. Peter G. Morley, George W. Morley, Gerald Wm. Morley, Chas. Fredk. H. Morley, Gerald W. Morlock, Mrs. S.J. Mornington, Harold Mornington, Harold H. Gnr. Moroney, Joseph James Morphew, Herbert Morphew, Herbert A. Morphew, Dick Morphew, Jack E. Morrant, Frederick Wm. Morrant, Eric Morrel, Janie Morrell, Frank E. Morrell, Frank Morrell, Rueben Paul Morrell, Elizabeth J. Morrell, George W. Morrell, Frank Evans Morrell, Chas. Morrell, Charles Morris, Charles E. Morris, Wm. E.J. Morris, George Morris, Alice Morris, Florence Morris, Thomas E. Morris, Sarah E. Morris, Ruby (Mrs. Albert) Morris, Thomas Edward Morris, Henry Morris, David Morris, Edith Morris, Nellie Morris, John H. Morris, Mary Ellen Manion Morris, Harry Morris, William A. Morris, George Robert Morris, Francis Morris, Evelyn Violet Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Morris, Beatrice Maud Morris, Alice M. Morris, H. Morris, Lilian G. Morris, Amy Morris, John T. Morris, Henry Francis Morris, Miriam Morris, Richard Leece Morris, Ada Margaret Morris, Joseph Morris, BessIe Morris, James F. Morris, William Morris, Alfred G. Morris, George (1) Morris, James Morris, Geo Morris, John Morris, Ellen Mary Morris, John William Morris, Chas. E. Morris, Arthur Morris, Edwin J. Morris, Edward Morris, Wm. Morris, Willie Morris, Frederick Morris, Edward J. Morris, Edward W.C. Morris, George (3) Joseph Cooke Morris, Ada Morris, Richard L. Morris, James E. Morris, William E. Morris, Michael Morris, Douglas Osmond Morris, Morris, Fred. J. Morris, A. Morris, Ernest Morris, Harry Raymond Morris, Maud Morris, Thomas Morris, Henry F. Morris, Harold Morris, George R. Morris, Gillian Morris, Ann Morris, Fred. Morris, Ellen Morris, Florence E. Morris, Herbert Morris, Frank Morris, Emma Morris, William F.J. Morris, Geo. Morris, M. Morris, Charles Percy Morris, George (2) Edward Morris, Ethel M. Morris, Bertie Morris, Elsie Morris, W. Mrs. Morrisey, Mary Ann Morrish, Annie Morrish, Julia A. Morrish, Emily Morrish, Julia Morrish, Alice Morrish, Elvon Morrish, Miss. Annie Morrison, Averill Morrison, Elizabeth Morrison, Elzabeth Morrison, Frederick Morrison, Percy N. Morrison, Virginia Morrison, Percival Noel Morrison, Michael Morrison, Ernest Victor Morrison, David Morrison, R.D. Mr Morrison, E.D. Mr. Morrison, John Robert Morrison, Harry Morrison, Annie Morrison, Hugh Morrison, Wm. J. Mr. Morrison, Janet Morrison, Percival Morrison, William Morrison, Hannah Morrison, Mary Morrison, Elizabeth "Betty" Morrison, Alex. Morrison, Mary L. Mrs. Morrison, Henry Morrison, Percival N. Morrison, Sydney Morrison, C. Morrison, Ian Morrison, Percey Morrison, Florence (Mrs. Ronald) Morrison, Dorothy R. Mrs. Morrissey, M. Ann Morrissey, Mary A. Morrissey, Mary A Morrow, Edw Morrow, Wm Morrow, Helen Morrow, Alfred Morrow, Alexander Morrow, Peter John Morrow, Hugh Morse, Thomas Morse, Lily Mortieay, Charles Mortimer, Minnie Mortimer, A. L. Mortimer, Frederick Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer, Joseph Henry Mortimer, Fred. Mrs. Mortimer, Helena Mortimer, Jane Mortimer, Mary Mortimer, Frederick Mortimer, Ethel L. Mortimer, Fred Mortimer, Earnest J. Mortimer, May Mortimer, Helena M. Mortimore, Patricia Mortimore, Joy Mortimore, Cyril Mortimore, Frank Mortlock, Benjamin Herbert Mortlock, Mr. and Mrs. B.H. Mortlock, B. Herbert Mortlock, H. Benjamin Mortlock, Benjamin Herbert (Bert) Mortlock, B. H. Morton, Ann Morton, Albert W. Morton, Gwendoline Morton, Robert Morton, Mrs. Robert Morton, Frederick Morton, Sidney Wm. Morton, Annie Morton, Wm. Morton, Thomas I. Morton, Helen Morton, Thos. Morton, Albert Morton, Sidney W. Morton, Thomas Morton, Louisa Morton, M. Thomas Morton, aka Martin, George Morwood, Alice May Morwood, Charlotte / Lettie Morwood, Violet Moseley, Gertrude M. Moseley, Gertrude Moseley, E. George Mosely, Gertrude Moser, Rose Elizabeth Moses, Alfred Moses, Alice Moses, Lewis Mosley, Gertrude Moss, Charles Moss, Miss. Moss, John Moss, Florence Moss, Fredk J Moss, George Moss, Hugh Dvr. Moss, Alice Moss, Maria Moss, Robert Moss, Hugh Moss, E Moss, Charlie Moss, Alice M. Moss, Leonard Moss, Beatrice A. Moss, Wm. Moss, Harriett Louisa Moss, Henry Moss, Chas W. Moss, William Moth, Hy. W. Moth, Percival C. Mothersole, Thomas A. Mothersole, Thomas Mothersole, Albert E. Mothersole, Peter H. Mott, Charles Mott, John Benj. Mott, E. L. Miss Mott, James W. Motteram, James M. Motteram, Roseannabell / Rose Mottram, Rose Mottram, James Mottram, Roy F. Moughton, Alice Moul, Ernest Moul, Ernest G. Mould, Clara Mould, Alfred Mould, Christopher Mould, Richard Mould, Eliza Mould, Joseph Thomas Mould, Florence May Moulden, W.B. Moulden, John Moulder, W.B. Moulder, Walter B. Moulder, Wm. B. Moulder, Fred Moulder, Johanna Moulder, Joanna Moulder, Walter H. Moulder, Walter Moulder, Samuel E. Moulder, Jane Eliz. Moulder, S.E. Moule, W.E. Moule, William E. Moule, William Edward Moule, William Moull, William Francis Moulton, A. Moulton, Herbert Mouncey, Dory Mrs. Mountain, Alice Mountain, Letitia Mountain, Horace Mountain, Richard Mountain, H. Mountain, Charlotte Mountain, Chas. Mountain, Christian Mounter, Walter J.G. Mounter, Walter Mounter, Walter James Gibbs Mountford, Emma Mountjoy, Theron S. Mountney, Henry Lewis Mour., Anne Jane Mousely, Mary Ann Mouser, Thomas Mouser, Thomas William Pvt. Mousley, William Mr. Moville, Lilly Mowatt, Lizzie Mowatt, Maggie Mowbray, Thomas Mowbray, F.B. Dr. Mowbray, Edith May Mowers, Louisa M. Mowforth, George R. Mowforth, Geo. R. Mowforth, Alred Mowforth, George Robert Pvt. Mowl, Herbert Moxey, Alfred Moxley, Margaret Moxon, Wm. J. Moxon, William J. Moxon, Thomas G. Moyden, Michael Moyes, Moyes, Percy Moyes, Alice Moyes, Geo. R. Moyes, Mrs. W. Moyes, Minnie Moyes, George R. Moynahan, Philip Moyne, Mary Ellen Mruphy, William Mu??Day, Kate Much, John Much, Amelia Muchmore, Walter Muckle, William R. Muckle, Wm. R. Muckle, Albt Jno Muckle, William Robert Muckler, Anne Muckler, Annie Muckleston, Hy. Chas. Muckleston, J.S. Mucklestone, William S. Mudd, Harold Mudd, Henry (Harry) Muddle, John Mudie, James Mudie, Kate Muerrle, Mr. Muggeridge, Albert E. Muggeridge, Albert Muggeridge, A. E. Muggleworth, Harry Muggleworth, May Muir, Sidney Muir, William Geo Muir, Lizzie Muir, H. Muir, Malcolm C. Muir, Alexander Sgt Muir, William George Muir, Robert Muir, David John Muir, J B Muir, Grace Muir, Archd Muir, David Jno Muir, Marion Muirhead, Frances Mulcahey, Jas. H.J. Mulcahey, Gladys (Mrs. Lawrence) Mulcahy, James Henry John Mulcare, James Mulcare, Thomas Mulcave, Alice Mulcave, Kate Mulcave, Charles Mulchinock, Frank Muldearing, Michael Mulder, W.B. Mulder, Jane Muldoon, Patrick M. Muldoon, Patrick Mule, W.C. Muleahey, Andrew Mulford, Albert Mulford, William Mulhearn, Mark Mulhearn, Ann Mulhearn, Annie Mulhern, Annie Mulholland, Benjamin Mulholland, James Mulholland, Bridget Mulholland, Benjamin J. Mullady, Thomas Mullady, Mary Ann Mullady, Rose Mullady, Kate Mullady, Katie Mullaney, James Mullaney, Michael Mullard, Mary Mullard, Hy. Mullard, Harry John Mullard, Harry J. Mullarkey, Michael Mullarkey, Thomas Mullarkey, Patrick Mullay, James Mullen, Lillie Mullen, Margaret Mullen, George T. Mullen, Oswald Mullen, James Mullen, Anne Mullen, Francis Mullen, Lilian Mullen, Andrew Mullens, John Mullens, Thomas Mullens, Timothy Mullens, Charles Herbert Mullens, Michael Muller, Rose Muller, Theo. Muller, Daisy Muller, Lizzie Mullett, Ezekiel Mullett, Fredk R Mullett, Leo. L. Mullett, Fredk. R. Mulley, E. H. Mullholland, Benjamin Mullholland, John Mullholland, Samuel Mulligan, Edric J . I . Mullineaux, Hug A Mullineaux, Hugh A. Mullins, Clara Mullins, Joseph Mullins, A E Mullins, Edith Mullins, Frank Mullins, A. E. Mullins, Lilian F.E. Mullins, H.A. Mullins, Lilian Mullins, Patrick Mullins, Andrew Mullis, Walter David William Mullis, Florence (1) Mullis, Selwyn Herbert Mulliss, George Thomas Mulliss, Florence (2) Mullowney, Henry Mullowney, Thomas Mullowney, John Mullowney, John James Mulloy, George E. Mulloy, James Mulloy, Michael Mullus, Florence Mulock, Mr. Mulock, W. Redford Q.C. Mulqueen, Robt. Mulrooney, Mary Mulvaney, Francis Mumford, G. O. Mumford, Harriet Mumford, Charles H. Mumford, Chas. H. Mumford, Harriet / Hattie Mummery, Charles Munay, Joseph Munay, Jeremiah Muncey, Henry Mund, Samuel Munday, Edward Munday, George Munday, Wm. Munday, William Mundell, George Mundell, Margaret Mundella, A. J. The Right Honorable M.P. Mundella, A. J. Right Hon. M.P. Mundi, Emma Mundie, Mrs. Mundie, James Mundie, Kate Mundie, Mrs. Jane Mundinella, Henry Mundy, Edward Mundy, Wm robt Mundy, Sam Mundy, Clifford Mundy, Regl Mundy, Frederick Mundy, G. Samuel W. Mundy, George Mundy, Charles E. Mundy, Reginald Mundy, Reginald James Pvt. Munn, Willam Munn, William Munn, Thomas George Munn, Mrs. Munns, George Munns, William Henry Munns ?, George Munro, Alexander Mr. Munro, Frederick H. Munro, JessIe Munro, Mr. and Mrs. Munro, Edward Munroe, Frederick H. Munsby, Robert A. Mr. Munslow, John Munson, Joseph Munt, Emily Murchland, Diane Murchland, John Murcott, Abraham Murdoch, John Murdoch, Charlie Murdoch, George Stephen L/Cpl. Murdoch, Sidney Edward Murdoch, Andrew William Murdock, Wm. Murdock, Alex Murdock, James Murdock, William Murdock, JeannIe Murdock, Charles Murdock, James Senator Murdy, Ada Murfitt, Albert Murfitt, Albert E. Murison, Thomas Baird Murkin, Owen Murkin, Bernard Murphey, Philip Murphy, Joseph Murphy, Michael Patrick Murphy, John Murphy, Arthur Murphy, Edith Murphy, Patrick Murphy, Catherine Murphy, Bridget Murphy, Andrew Murphy, Polly Murphy, Peter James Murphy, F. Murphy, Rose Murphy, Hugh Murphy, Abraham George Pvt. Murphy, James Murphy, Ellen Murphy, Jos. Murphy, Sydney Murphy, Frederick Murphy, Margaret Murphy, Maud Murphy, Edward Murphy, Mrs. I.J. Murphy, Peter Murphy, Martin Murphy, Alfred Murphy, Kathleen Murphy, T. J. F. Murphy, Emily F. (Judge) Murphy, Thomas Murphy, Michael Murphy, Daniel Murphy, Pat Murphy, Emily Murphy, Annie Murphy, Jeremiah Murphy, Mary Murphy, Alexander Murphy, Johanna Murphy, Patrik Murphy, Jas Jos Murphy, William Murphy, Margaret Ellen Murphy, Thos Murphy, Sarah Murray, Jeremiah Murray, Thos. Murray, Christopher Murray, Joseph Murray, Maud I. Murray, Patrick Murray, Elizabeth Murray, Mary Murray, Walter Murray, Maud L. Murray, G.H. Miss. Murray, ElIzabeth Murray, Minnie Mrs. Murray, Mary Ann Murray, Jos. W. Murray, Murray, John Murray, John Henry Murray, Kate Murray, Francis W. Murray, Annie (Mrs. Waldo) Murray, Nellie Murray, Catherine Murray, Cecelia Murray, Wm. Robt. Geral. Murray, William Murray, James Murray, T. Murray, Sarah A. Murray, James (1) Murray, John C. Murray, John M. Murray, Cecilia Murray, Walter H. Murray, Bruce Murray, Fred Murray, John Creighton Murray, H.M. Mr. Murray, James (2) Murray, Emma Murray, Robert Gilbert Murray, Thomas Murray, Francis William Murray, John Steele Murray, Eliz Murray, Sarah Murray, F. Murray, Andrew Murray, Alisdair R. Murray, Miss. Murray, Alfred Murray, John Clarke Pvt. Murray, Susan Murray, Joseph A. Murrell, Violet Murrell-Wright, Laura Murrick, Minnie Murton, Thomas Murton, Albert Murton, Thomas G. Murton, John Murton, William Murton, Sarah Muscutt, Geo. Muscutt, Minnie Mrs. Musgrave, Lucy Musgrove, James A. B. Musgrove, Thomas Musgrove, John A.B. Musk, Musk, George A. Musk, Geo. Musk, George Musk, Edward Muspratt-Williams, Reginald Lawford Mussen, W. J. Mustard, Mary W. Mrs. Mustin, Ernest Daniel Mustin, George Henry Musto, Emily Musto, Alice Musto, Wilfred / Fred Mustoe, Thomas Mustoe, Geo. Mutch, Mrs. Mutch, Annie E. Mutch, Sarah Mutch, Alexander Douglas Mutton, Albert Edward Muxworthy, William F. Myan, Martin Myant, Richard Myatt, Emma Myatt, Harold Myce, Samuel J. Mycock, May E. Mycock, George Myers, Hariott Myers, Charles Myers, Wm. H. Myers, George Myers, Rose Myers, Ida Myers, Martha Ann Myers, Ruth Myers, Edward Myers, Lomis Myers, Alfred Myers, Ernest Myers, Kate Myers, Wilfred Myers, Elizabeth Myett, Laura Myland, Arthur Myles, Charles Myles, Thomas Myles, Patrick Myley, Mary C Mylrea, Edward Mynott, Ernest Myres, Susan Myring, William Myson, John Myson, N, John N--, Robert Nace, Dorothy Nackett, george A. H. Nadauld, Albt Hy Nadin, Thos Nadin, Christopher Samuel Herbert Nagelschmidt, Patrick Nahabedian, Hessou Nahabedian, Varteres Nail, Eliza Jane Nairn, William Naish, Grace Naish, Maud L. Naish, Samuel Naismith, Eleanor Naist, Francis F. Nakanishi, T. Mr. Nalley, Mary Nally, Mary Nally, John Name unknown (POW), Nancarrow, Jas Nancarrow, Jas. Nancarrow, Jessie Nankivell, William J. Nankivell, William Nannell, H Nanson, Charles E. Nanson, Chas. E. Nanton, Arthur Napier, Herbert Napier, H. Napier-Clavering, Frances Narrowmore, George Harry Naseby, Thomas Nash, Alice Nash, Ellen |
Nash, Harry Nash, Elizabeth Nash, Alfred Nash, Chas. Nash, Alexander Nash, Joseph Nash, Harwood Mr. Nash, Geo. Nash, Ada Nash, Walter H. Nash, Richard Nash, Edith Nash, James Nash, Maud Nash, Mary Nash, Nash, Anne Nash, Arthur Nash, Jessie Nash, George Nash, Mervyn Nash, William J. Pvt. Nash, Frederick Hy. Nash, Charles W. Esq. Nash, Jane Nash, Walter Nash, John William Thomas Nash, Violet May Nash, Frederick Henry Nash, Frederick Nash, Henry W. Nash, Frederick H. Nash, Fred. H. Nash, Ernest William Nash, Richard James Nash, Beatrice Maud Nash, Henry Nash, Francis Nash, Mrs. Nash, Geo Nash, Alice M. Nash, James A. Nash, Fred H. Nash, Ada A. Nash, William Nash, Dorothy M. Nason, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. Spurge) Nathan, Rose Naylor, Chas. Naylor, Naylor, William Naylor, Arthur Naylor, Walter E. Naylor, William Matthew Naylor, Ernest Naylor, Walter Naylor, Fredk. Naylor, Wm. M. Naylor, Fanny Naylor, Jno. Naylor, Charles Naylor, George Nayzer, Henry Nazer, Wm. Thos. Nazer, Minnie Nazer, Rebecca Nccord, C. F. NcNeil, Roderick Neal, Eliza Jane Neal, Mara Neal, Louis A. Neal, Alice (Mrs. Edgar) Neal, Joan Neal, Olive Evelyn Neal, Edith Neal, Myra Neal, Arthur Neal, Eliza Jane /Betsy Eliza Jane Neal, William C.A. Neal, Marah Neal, Ethel Neal, W. K. Neal, Fanny Neal, George Neale, Ethel Neale, Edward Henry Neale, Mary Neale, George Neale, Frederick William Neale, Wm. Neale, Charles Neale, Ethel E. Neale, John Neale, Alfred Neale, Florence Neale, Annie Neale, Archibald Neale, Flo. Mrs. Neale, Joseph Neale, Florence Mrs. Neale, Edith Page Neale, Arthur Neale, Frederick W. Neale, J.W. Neale, Lilly Neale, Arthur Thomas Neale, William Nealey, William R. Nealon, Thomas Nearingburg, AlIca Neary, John Neasham, Dorothy Anne Neasham, Veronica A. Neasham, Elizabeth M. Neathway, William Archibald Neathway, Frederick Albert Neave, Frank M. Neaves, E. L. C. Neaves, William Nebbs, George Need, Beatrice May Need, George Howard Need, Charles Arthur Needham, Alfred B. Needham, William N. Needham, Walter Needham, Zena Needle, William Needle, Florence Helen Needle, Leonard Needle, Thomas Needle, George Needle, John Needles, Kate Needs, Edith Neeld, Neeld, Alfred H. Neele, Edith Neeley, W.J. Esq. Negus, Sarah Negus, Christopher Negus, Frederick Neil, Sylvester Neil, Sylvester H. Neil, William Neil, Neil, Patrick Neil, Myra Neil, Charles Neil, Alexander Neil, S.H. Neil, William F. Neil, Thomas Neil, D. Neil, Eliza Jane Neil, Charles H. Neil, Alex Neil, James Neil, Wm. Neil, Henry T. Neill, William Neill, Florence Neilson, M.E. Mrs. Neilson, Charles Mr. Neilson, D. M. Neilson, Allen Mr. Neilson, Nellie L. Mrs. Neish, Jane Neithardt, W.L. Mrs. Neligan, David Neligan, Dominic Nelles, Frank Nellesvo, Maggie Nelmes, John Nelmes or Nelms, John Gerald Nelson, Clara Nelson, James Nelson, Eliza Nelson, William Nelson, Vernon Nelson, Nelson, Hy William Nelson, Henry Nelson, Robert Nelson, Robert F. Nelson, Jas. Nelson, Patricia Nelson, George T. Nelson, Richard Nelson, Jennifer Nelson, Harriet Nelson, Henry Randolph Nelson, Joseph Nelson, Arthur Nelson, Judith Nelson, Elizabeth Nelson, Thomas Nelson, Albert D. Nelson, Henry / Harry Joseph Nelstrop, Edwin Nent, Mr. Nent, Charles Nent, Chas. Nent, Chas. F. Nertigan, Joseph Nesbit, Thomasina Nesbitt, Thomasina Nesbitt, Florence Nesbitt, Alice Nesbitt, Frederick Nesbitt, Thomasine Nesbitt, David Nesbitt, Ena Nesbitt, Ada E. Nesbitt, John Neslen, Mary Neslin, Mary Ness, Alex. Ness, Stella M. Mrs. Ness, Alexander Ness, Alex. J. Nethercott, George Nethersell, Ruth A. Netley, Winifred Netley, Winnifred Netley, Samuel Netley, John Nettle, Jane Nettleship, Clement Dickie Nettleship, Arthur Cyril Nettleship, Ernest Noel Nettleship, Ethel Mary Nettleship, Clement Nettleton, Sydney Nettleton, Sydney J. Nettleton, Sidney J.R. Nettleton, Thos. Ric'd. Neve, John Neve, Harry Nevel, Harry Nevel, Hy. Nevel, John S. Nevel, Henry Neville, Minnie M. Neville, John Neville, Jno Neville, Minnie Neville, Alice Neville, John S. Neville, Jno. S. Neville, Caroline Neville, William Neville, Thomas Neville, Chas Neville, Anne Neville, Nellie Neville, Neville, Nelly Neville, Charles Neville, James Neville, Alice M. Neville, Emily Nevin, William Nevins, John Nevitt, Leah New, Clarence M. New, John H. New, Richard New, Kate Isabella New, Percy New, Charles Arthur New, C. M. New, Clarence New, Kate New, Clarence Morris New, Philip New, Charles New, Clarence N. Newall, Patrick Newall, Emma Newall, Harry Newberry, Lucy Newbold, Caroline Newbold, Cath Newbold, Catherine Newbold, Mary Newbold, Henry Newbold, Selenia Newbon, F. Newbury, Lily Newbury, Henry J. Newbury, Thomas Cpl. Newbury, F.W. Newbury, Henry Newbury, Alice V. Newbury, Frederick Wm. Newbury, Frederick W. Newby, Redvers B. Newby, C. Newby, Hannah Newby, Francis V. Newby, A. Newby, George Newby, Clara Newby, Albert Newby, Rob Newby, Robert Newcastle, The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of, DD Newcomb, Newcomb, James William Newcombe, J.T. Newcombe, Joseph T. Newcombe, Frederick Newcombe, Walter B. Newcombe, Daniel Newcombe, Newcombe, Samuel F. Newcombe, James Newdale, Harry Newdick, Phyllis Newell, Frederick G. Newell, Thomas Newell, Alfred Newell, Tommy Newell, Samuel J Newell, Mary Newell, Emma Newell, May Newell, Margaret Newell, Thos. Newell, Albert Edward Newell, Thos. E. Newey, John Thomas Newey, Joseph Newey, Alfred Newham, Ellen Newington, Charles F. Newitt, Enoch Newitt, William G. Newkirk, Harry Newland, Ada Newland, Kate Newland, Newland, Henry P. Pvt. Newland, Frederick M. Newland, Frederick Newland, Agnes Newland, Ada Maud Newland, Rose Newland, Fred. Newland, Frank Newland, Arthur Newlands, Kate D. Newlands, Agnes Newlands, Ada Newling, Henry Newlove, Henry L. Newman, Sarah M. Newman, Mr. Newman, Sarah Newman, Lily M. Newman, Alfred Newman, Lily Newman, Beatrice Malinda Newman, Bella Newman, William Newman, Jessie Newman, Lilian Newman, Thomas L. Newman, Charles E. Newman, Maud (Mrs. Harry) Newman, Nellie Newman, William N. Newman, Albert Newman, Isabella Newman, Newman, MaryAnne Newman, James Newman, Jessie F. Newman, William Albert Newman, Betsy Newman, John Newman, Emma Newman, Frances A Newman, Eleanor Newman, Nellie L. Newman, Jno. W. Newman, Howard Newman, George Newman, Henry G. Newman, Mary Newman, Fred. McD. Newman, Harold Newman, Horace / Homer Newman, Frederick Newman, Albert Pvt. Newman, Geo. Newman, Frances Newman, Rose Newman, Thomas Cpl. Newman, Eleanor Sarah Newman, Rose F. Newman, Ernest George Newman, Sidney Newman, Jane C. Grace Newman, Lilly Newman, Arthur Newman, Alfred William Newman, Frances A. Newman, Edith Newman, Wm. Albert Newman, Alice Newman, Jesse F. Newman, Mabel Emma Newman, R.C. Newman, John William Newman, Harry Newman, Jessie L. Newman, Robert C. Newman, Ernest Newman, Geo Newman, Harry G. Newman, Chas. Edward Newman, Frank Newman, Daisy Newman, Catherine Newman, Frederick McD. Newman, Thomas Newman, Eric Newman, Charles Newman, Beatrice Newman, Kate Newman, John Arthur Newman, Harry George Newman, Henry Stanley Newman, Wm. Newman, Jno C Newman, Ada Newman, C. E. Newman, George F. Newman, R.G. Newman, G. Newman, Fred Newman, Jane Caroline Grace Newman, Janie Newman, Nellie, Laura Newman, Richard Thomas Newman, Frank Freeman Newman, Ernest G. Newnes, William Newnes, Molly Newnes, Mary L. Newnes, Mary Newnes, Mollie Newness, Mary Newness, Thos. Newness, Thomas Newnham, Thomas Newnham, Alfred Newnham, William Newport, Henry Newport, Ernest Newry, Joseph Newsbury, Arthur Albert Newshill, John Newsome, Edna Newsome, Nicholas Newsome, Joseph Newson, Henry Newson, Annie Newton, Sarah Newton, George W. Newton, Jane Newton, Rose Newton, Josephine Newton, Sophia Mrs. Newton, Bernard Newton, Robert Newton, Cissie Newton, Margaret E. Newton, Sarah A. Newton, Thomas Newton, Richard Newton, Geo. Wm. Newton, Jane /Jennie Newton, William F. Newton, Henry D. Newton, Ada Newton, Herbert Newton, James Newton, Lilian M. Newton, Annie Newton, Dorothy Mrs. Newton, Margaret Newton, A. Newton, Thomas H. Newton, Art J. Newton, William Thomas Newton, Henry Newton, Geo. Herbert Newton, Barbara Newton, Emma Newton, Newton, A. C. Mrs. Newton, Mrs. A.H. Newton, Albert Pvt. Newton, Wm. F. Newton, Frederick Newton, George Newton, John L. Mr. Newton, James F. Newton, Arthur Newton, Arthur T.J. Newton, William Newton, Rich. C. Newton, Louisa Newton, John Thomas Newton, Sarah Ann Niblett, John P. Niblock, Mary Niblock, Peter A. Nice, Arthur Nice, Henry H. Nice, Harry H. Nichol, Ronald Alan Nichol, Frd J. P. Nichol, Colin Donald Nichol, J. Nichol, Fany Nichol-Smith, Anne L. Nicholas, Bernard Nicholas, Benard Nicholas, Alice Nicholas, Daniel Nicholas, David Nicholas, Lillus Nicholas, Amos Nicholas, Benjamin Nicholason, Agnes Nicholl, The Rev. Sir W. Robertson, MA, LLD Nicholl, Mr. Nicholl, Peter Nicholls, Arthur J. Nicholls, William Nicholls, A. H. Mr. Nicholls, Edward G. Nicholls, Thomas Nicholls, Thomas G. Nicholls, Chas. Howard Nicholls, James Nicholls, Arthur Nicholls, Martha Nicholls, Rosa Nicholls, Annie Nicholls, Leonard Nicholls, Alfred Nicholls, Barbara Nicholls, Mr. Nicholls, Howard Nicholls, Elsie Nicholls, George (2) Charles William and George (3) H. Nicholls, Thomas (2) Nicholls, Amy Nicholls, Phyllis N. Nicholls, Edith Nicholls, Mabel Nicholls, Thomas (1) Edward Nicholls, Mary Nicholls, Phyllis L. Nicholls, George (1) Nicholls, Charles (2) Nicholls, Phyllis Nicholls, Elizabeth Nichols, Albert Nichols, John Nichols, Charles Nichols, David Nichols, Minnie Nichols, Thomas (1) Edward Nichols, Martha Nichols, Jos. Nichols, James Nichols, Elsie Nichols, Arthur Nichols, Julia Nichols, Charles (1) Nichols, Joseph Nichols, Elizabeth / Eliza Nichols, Angela Nichols, William Nichols, Sydney Platt Nichols (Nicholls), John Nicholson, William Nicholson, Mr. Angus Nicholson, Anthony Nicholson, Thomas Nicholson, James Nicholson, Ernest Nicholson, J. Nicholson, Thomas W. Nicholson, Herbert Nicholson, Georgina Nicholson, Wm. Nicholson, Clara Nicholson, Mary Nicholson, C. Nicholson, Bridget Nicholson, George Nicholson, Henry Nicholson, Edith Nicholson, Evelyn Nicholson, John Nicholson, Selina Nicholson, A. Nicholson, Roland Nicholson, Wm Nicholson, H.W. Mr. Nicholson, Patricia Nicholson, Frank Jr. Mrs. Nicholson, Frederick Nickels, Renate Nickerson, Alice Nickerson, E. A. L. Nickless, Thomas Nickless, Joseph Nickless, Albert Henry Nicko, Henry Nickson, Jessie Nickson, Sarah Nickson, William Nicol, Chas. W. Nicolas, Henry Nicolavitch, Stanof Nicolls, A. J. Nicolls, Edward G. Nicolson, Patrick Nicolson, Lindsay A. Nie Meyer, Annie Niehous, John Niel, Eliza Jane Nielsen, C. Mr. Nielson, Nellie Mrs. Nifton, Arthur H. Nifton, H. Nifton, Art. Nigh, Georgina Mrs. Nightingale, George Nightingale, Albert Nightingale, Florence Nightingale, Mabel (Mrs. Cecil) Nightingale, William Nightingale, Selina Nightingale, Alfred Nightingale, Art. E. Nightingale, Bennett C. Nightingale, Arthur Nightingale, Bennet C. Nightingale, Arthur E. Nightingale, Arthur Ernest Nimmo, Elizabeth Nimmo, Robert Nind, Albert B. Nind, Edward Nind, Albert Benjamin Nisbet, H. Bruce, Esq Nisbet, Harry Bruce Nisbet, Mr. Nisbet, Terson Arthur Nixon, Isabella Nixon, Nellie Nixon, John Hy. Nixon, Mary Nixon, Ernest Nixon, Joseph Nixon, Pamela Nixon, David Nixon, J. Nixon, Harry Nixon, William Nixon, S.O. Rev. Nixon, Sarah Nixon, Jos. Nixon, S. Nixon, Herbert Nixon, Mr. No Name, Noad, William Noakes, Johnny Noakes, J.W. Noakes, John W. Noakes, Lawrence Noakes, Frederick Noakes, Fred Noakes, John Noakes, Jno. W. Noakes, Hy. J. Noall, John P. Noates, George Nobbs, Leonard Nobbs, Bertha Nobbs, Ada B. Nobbs, James Thomas Nobbs, Jas. Thomas Nobbs, Jas. Thos. Nobbs, Jas Thos Nobes, Charles S. Noble, Willian John Noble, Herbert Noble, Walter Noble, Henry John Noble, Arthur Noble, Mary Noble, John William Noble, John Noble, Harry Noble, Wm. Noble, Maud Noble, Stephen Noble, Harry E. Noble, Miss. Noble, William Noble, Catherine Noble, Andrew Pvt. Noble, Maggy Noble, Ivan Noble, Noah Noble, Harry Elbon Pvt. Noble, Albert Noble, Walter William Noble, Ivan H. Noble, John Edward Noblett, John Nock, Thomas Henry Nock, Thomas William Noddle, Mark Noddles, Mark Noke, Maud Noke, Albert Noke, Fanny Noke, Nellie Noke, Ellen Noke, James Nolan, John Nolan, George Nolan, Mary Nolan, Nolan, James Nolan, M. Ann Nolan, David Nolan, Mary A. Nolan, Louisa Nolan, Alexander Nolan, Edward Nolan, William Nolan, Joanna Nolan, Minnie Eliz. Nolan, Sarah Nolan, Raymond Nolan, Wallace Nolan, Margaret Nolan, Ann Nolan, Thomas Nolan, Alice Nolan, Thos. Nolan, Joanne Nolan, Lizzie Nolan, Mary Jane Nolan, Ruth Nolan, Norah Nolan, Mary A Nolan, Michael Noon, Jane Noon, Elizabeth Noon, Charlotte Noon-Cruise, Elizaberth Noon-Cruise, Elizabeth Noonan, Henry D. Noonan, Hy. D. Noonham, Hannah Noquet, Caroline Noquet, Lucy Norbury, Samuel Nordass, Phyllis Nordass, Mary Norden, Richard Hoyland Norden, Margaret Norfolk, Ernest James Lt. Norgate, Arthur Norgate, Emma Norgate, Albert R. Norgate, Wm. D. Norgate, Albert Ronald Pvt. Norgrave, Herbert Norley, John Norman, Geoffrey Norman, Charles F. Norman, Mr. Norman, James Norman, Douglas Norman, Ruth Norman, Minnie Clara Norman, Minnie Norman, Violet Norman, Geoffrey C. Norman, George Norman, Elizabeth Norman, Edward Norman, Daisy Norman, Charlie Norman, Charles Frederick Pvt. Norman, Jean Norman, Stanley G. Norman, Georgina Norman, Henry E. Norman, Catherine Norman, Thomas Norquay, Thomas Rev. Norres, G.D. Mrs. Norrie, Mr. and Mrs. Norris, Henry Norris, Ethel Norris, Emily Norris, Norris, Edith M. Norris, Richard John Norris, John Norris, Lily Norris, Jane Norris, William Norris, Geo. H. Norris, Alfred Norris, Frederick Percy Norris, Edith Norris, Fred R. Norris, Ethel P. Norris, P.F. Norris, Ethel Phyllis Norris, Fred. P. Norris, Ernest C. Norris, Walter Norris, Edith A. Norris, Fred P. Norris, Fred Norris, George Norris, Willam Norris, F. Norris, Charles Norris, Wm. E. Norris, Alice Norris, Frank P. Norris, Frederick A. Norris, Walter E. Norris, Florence Norris, Henry W. Norris, Ada Norris, Florecne Norris, Victor Albert Pvt. Norris, H. Walter Norrish, A. N. Norrish, Thomas Norrish, Richard John Norrison, Hy. Norse, C. G. K. Esq. Norsworthy, Albert North, Mary Sybil North, Albert C. North, Albert North, Lewis G. North, Betsy Mrs. North, Frances North, Frances L. North, Edith Theo. North, Lewis George North, Albert E. North, A. Northall, Joseph Northam, Alice Northcote, Johanna Northcote, Ann Northcott, Mary Northcott, James Northern, William Northgate, Hoarce Northover, Harry Robert Northover, Ernest Leslie Northover, Reginald Percy Norton, Sarah Norton, Catherine Norton, Herbert Norton, George (3) Joseph Cooke Norton, George Norton, Gertrude Norton, James Norton, Edith Norton, Rachel Norton, Charles Norton, May Victoria Perkins Norton, Mabel A. Norton, Martha Norton, Fred. S. Norton, Edward Norton, Jane / Sarah Jane Norton, Cathy Norton, George Joseph Cooke Norton, Norton, Alice Norval, Fred Norwebb, Chas. H. S. Norwich, The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of, DD Norwood, Richard Norwood, William H. Norwood, Albert E. Norwood, Sidney Norwood, Frank G. Nosworthy, Walter Nosworthy, Albert E. Nosworthy, Walter T. Not Available On Microfilm, Mary Ellen Notley, John Notman, Mr. Nott, John D. Novakovitch, Alexander Nowell, Frederick S. Nowell, Frederick Nowell, Stanley Charles Nowells, Richard Nowlan, Hy. J. Nowlan, Ernest Nowlen, Frederick G. Nowlen, Fred. G. Nowlen, Frederick Geo. Nowlen, Fred. Nowlen, H.J. Nowlen, Henry Nowlen, Frederick George Nowlen, Henry J. Noyce, Bernard Noyer, S.J. Noyes, Maggie Noyes, Michael Lawrence Pvt. Nudds, William Nuendorff, Frank Nugent, Ann Nugent, Joseph Nugent, AnnIe Nulan, Alex. Nulan, John Num, Margaret Numm, Mr. Numm, Nun, Bernard Nunn, Mr. Nunn, E.S. Nunn, Francis G. Nunn, Harry Nunn, Francis Nunn, Alfred Nunn, David Nunn, Florence Nunn, M.C.V. Nunn, Joseph Nunn, William Pvt. Nunn, Herbert Nunn, William Nunn, Harry Pvt. Nunn, E.S. Mr. Nunn, Robert Nunn, Ernest Mr. Nunn, Edward J. Nunn, Edward Nunn, Henry George Nunn, Mr. and Mrs. Nunney, George Nunney, Claude Joseph Patrick Nunney, Alfred Pvt. Nurse, Mary Nurse, Mary A.E. Nussey, George Nutall, Thomas Nutall, Lawrence Nutall, William John Nutall., Nutcher, Eliza Nute, Wm. Nutford, Edgar Nutland, Wm Nutt, John Nutt, Harry Nutt, Alfred Nuttal, William John Nuttal, Lawrence Nuttal, Wm. J. Nuttall, James William Nuttall, Charles Nuttall, Thomas Nuttall, Lawrence Nuttall, William John Nuttall, Jas W Nutting, J. T. Pvt. Nutting, James Nybro, Mary H. Mrs. Nybro, Mary Mrs. Nye, Grace E. Nye, Henry Walter Nyland, Mary Nystrom, Ada Nystrom, Annie Nystrom, Esther Nzipo, John Nzipso, John O"Donnel, Ann O'Bree, George O'Brien, James O'Brien, John O'Brien, Elizabeth O'Brien, Ellen O'Brien, William O'Brien, Joseph O'Brien, O'Brien, Deidre O'Brien, Chas. Pat. O'Brien, Charles O'Brien, James Mr. O'Brien, Mary Ann O'Brien, Mathew James O'Brien, Josh O'Brien, George E. O'Brien, Patrick O'Brien, Danl O'Brien, Henry Esq. O'Brien, Daniel O'Brien, John Ernest O'Brien, Edward O'Brien, Maggie Mrs. O'Brien, Jos. O'Brien, J. O'Brien, Geo. O'Brien, Alfred O'Brien, Grania O'Bryan, Clara O'Bryan, Maggie O'Callagham, Thos O'Callaghan, Mary O'Callaghen, Mary O'Callihan, Edward O'Connell, Jean Agnes J. O'Connell, Michael O'Connell, Louisa O'Connell, Daniel O'Connell, J. O'Connell, Jerry O'Connor, William O'Connor, Arthur O'Connor, Caroline O'Connor, Alfred O'Connor, Elizabeth O'Connor, Martin O'Connor, H. H. O'Connor, Eliz. O'Connor, Joseph Aloysius O'Connor, H. Major O'Connor, John O'Connor, Arthur P. O'Connor, Frederick O'Connor, H. Major D.S.O. O'Connor, Chas. O'Dell, Chas. O'Donald, Ann O'Donnell, John O'Donnell, Joseph O'Donnell, Frank O'Donnell, F. O'Donough, John O'Dwyer, Ellen O'Dwyer, John O'Flaherty, Finnigan O'Flanagan, P.A. O'Flanagan, Wm O'Flanagan, Peter Augustus O'Flanagan, Wm. O'Flannagan, Augustine O'Flannaghan, P.A. O'Gorman, Charles Joseph O'Grady, Eileen O'Grady, Haley General O'Hagan, James O'Halloran, Albert E. O'Halloran, Walter O'Halloran, Louisa O'Halloran, Albert O'Halloran, Louisa M. O'Halloran, Horace O'Halloran, Fred. A. O'Hanlon, Horace Edward O'Hanlon, Dan O'Hanlon, John O'Hanlon, Kate O'Hanlon, Redmond O'Hanlon, Maggie O'Hanlon, Mrs C O'Hanlon, Doris Gwendoline O'Hanlon, Mary O'Hanlon, Annie O'Hara, Elizabeth O'Hara, Wm. O'Hara, John O'Hara, John Grange O'Hara, William O'Hara, Robert O'Hara, Ellen Lavinia O'Hara, Willie O'Hara, Miss. Mary E. O'Hara, Miss. O'Hare, Anne O'Hare, John O'Hare, W J O'Keefe, Edward O'Kenneth, John O'Laughlin, Michael O'Leary, Mary O'Leary, Daniel O'Leary, Cornelius O'Leary, Frank O'Lochlan, Mary Ann O'Malley, Vaughan O'Mara, Wm. O'Mara, Wm O'Meara, Thomas O'Neal, J. O'Neale, Stephen O'Neale, Clement O'Neil, Owen O'Neil, William John O'Neil, Patrick Henry O'Neil, Malachi O'Neil, Margaret O'Neil, John O'Neil, Isabella O'Neil, Wm. John O'Neil, William Jno. O'Neil, Nora O'Neil, Norah O'Neil, Jno. O'Neill, Charles O'Neill, Edward O'Neill, John O'Neill, William O'Neill, Percy O'Neill, Peter O'Neill, Mary O'Neill, Ed. O'Neill, Patrick O'Neill, Frank O'Neill, Malachi O'Neill, Norah O'Neill, Owen O'Neill, Isabella O'Riley, E. [C.??] O'Rourke, Jane O'Rourke, Agnes O'Rourke, Michael O'Shaughnessy, Laurence O'Shea, Michael J. M. O'Shea, Sheila Patricia O'Shea, Christopher O'Shea, Annie Mary O'Toole, Mary Ann O'Toole, Patrick O'Toole, Elizabeth O'Toole, Danl. O'Toole, Eliz. O'Toole, Mary A O'Toole, Elsie Phyllis (Mrs. Terrance) O'Toole, Patk O'Toole, Mary A. O'Toole, M. Ann O'Toole, Daniel O'Toole, David O., E. O., A. B. Oak, William Oakden, William F. Oakden, Grace E. Oakden, Grace Oakes, Herbert Oakes, Louisa Oakes, B. J. Gnr. Oakes, Lousia Oakes, Beatrice Oakey, Richard Oakey, Albert Oakford, Francis Thos. Oakley, Fred. Oakley, William Oakley, Dorothy M. Oakley, Howard Oakley, Charles Oakley, Bernard Oakley, Chas. Oakley, Harold Pvt. Oakley, Ethel M. Oakley, John Reginald Oakley, Phoebe Oakley, Vera Oakman, Alfred J. Oakman, Charles Oakwall, ElIzabeth Oates, Annie Oates, Herbert Oates, James A. Oates, Joseph Albert Oates, Geo. E. Oates, George E. Oates, Alice Oates, Herbert Robt. Thos. Oates, Geo. Oates, Thos Hy Oates, Herbert R.J. Oates, Herbert Edwin Obee, Henry Oberholtzer, Clara Ellen Oborn, Samuel Oborne, George Obourne, Albert Obourne, George Obrey, David Obrien, G.B. Occomore, Minnie Ockender, Arthur Ockender, Artr Oconnell, Jerimiah Oconner, Daniel Odd, Harry Odd, Maggie Odd, Margaret Odd, Henry Oddey, Alice Oddie, William Oddie, Harold Odell, Charles E.W. Odell, Charles Odell, Reginald J.W. Odell, Chas. E. W. Odgers, Edith E. Odiam, Emily Odling, Mr. Odling, John Offer, Emma Officer, Elizabeth Mary Offord, Henry Offord, Hy. Offord, Harry Offredi, Guiseppi Offredi, Battista Offridi, Guisseppi Ogborn, Walter F. Ogden, John William Ogden, John W. Ogden, Francis Ogden, Peter Ogden, James Ogean, Chas W Ogilvey, George Ogilvie, John Ogilvie, Adam Ogilvie, Henry Ogilvie, Alfred Ogle, J. Mr. Ogram, Elmer Ogree, Emily Ogston, Janet M. Ogston, George H. Ohearn, Janet Okeefe, E. Okely, Clara Olafsen, Wilfred Olafson, Wilfred Olah, Albert E. Olave, John Old, Gerald Oldaker, John Oldaker, Vivian Olden, Thos Olden, Thomas Olden, Mary Older, Alice Oldfield, Violet L. Oldfield, Violet Oldfield, Miss. Oldfield, Harold Oldham, Violet Oldham, Lilian May Oldham, Bertha Kate Oldham, H. Oldham, Frederick Oldham, Albert Oldham, Doris Oldknow, Miss. Oldritt, Fanny Oliff, Wm. Mr. Oliphant, Margaret Oliphant, Florence Oliphant, Margaret A. Oliphant, Margaret Anne Olive, George Oliver, Elizabeth G. Oliver, James C. Oliver, Ann Margery Oliver, Robert Richard Oliver, Robert J. Oliver, Francis W. Oliver, Geo. E. Oliver, Mrs. James Oliver, Ellen Oliver, Mr. Andrew R. Oliver, Elizabeth Oliver, Dorothy Oliver, Ella Mrs. Oliver, Arthur C. Oliver, Thomas Oliver, Richard Oliver, William Oliver, Edgar Oliver, Ann Oliver, Florence Oliver, Arthur F. Oliver, Oliver, Annie Oliver, Mary Oliver, Susan Oliver, Sidney Oliver, Tommy Oliver, Jessie Dorothy Oliver, Alfred John Oliver, Lizzie Oliver, George Oliver, Alf. J. Oliver, Frederick W. Oliver, Frederick Oliver, Anne Oliver, John G. Mr. Oliver, David Oliver, John G. Oliver, Ernest Oliver, Dorothy Elaine Oliver, Helen Caroline Oliver, Joseph Oliver, Fred. Wm. Oliver, Nellie Oliver, R. Oliver, Henry Oliver, Stanley Oliver-Bellasis, Jane Oliver-Bellasis, Elizabeth Ollerenshaw, Andrew G. Olley, Ed. H. Olorenshaw, Ronald G. Olsen, Oliver Olsen, Carl Olsen, Dora Cecilia Olson, Carl Olson, Peter Olver, Ellen Olvey, Alfred Omer, Henry J. Oneill, Frank Onions, Nellie Onions, Elizabeth Onions, Thomas Onions, Gertrude Emily Onions, Mary Onslow, Frank Onslow, Alfred Onslow, Sidney Onslow, Albert E. Onslow, A. E. Opie, Emily Opie, Mary Oram, William Oram, Mr. Orange, Gilbert Victor Stewart Orchard, Arthur Orchard, M.E. Orchard, Rose Orchard, Jabez Orchard, Christopher Ord, Annie Ord, Evelyn Ord, Mary Orde, Orford, Joseph Orford, Henry Organ, Edward Organ, Fay J. Organ, Mary M. Orgee, Emily Orgee, Emily May Orgill, Phoebe Orgill, Ann Maria Orloff, Tatiana Orloff, Marina Orman, James Alexander Pvt. Orman, Florence (Mrs.) Orme, Eleanor Orme, Albert E. Orme, John N. Orme, John Newing Ormesby-Gore, Mr. Orminston, James Orpen, Louise E. Orpen, Anne M. Orpin, John Orpin, Johnnie Orpin, Albert Edward Orpwood, Frank Orpwood, Francis Orpwood, Henry Orpwood, Joseph T. Orr, Robert Douglas Orr, Robt. D. Orr, Mrs. Roland Orr, James Orson, Louis Henry Orson, Philip C. Orson, Louis Hy. Ortelli, Reuben G. Ortelli, Reuben George Orton, Rosina Orton, William Orton, Ellen / Nelly Orton, Joseph Orton, Esther Ory-Lichtig, Ruth Ory-Lichtig, Eve Osborn, Thos. Wm. Osborn, Walter F. Osborn, Miss. Osborn, Horace Osborn, Roy R. Osborn, Gerald, Henry Osborne, Sgt. Osborne, Gertrude Osborne, Lilian Louise Osborne, Gertrude F. Osborne, Henry Osborne, Elsie Osborne, Sidney W. Osborne, Walter John Osborne, Alfred Wm. Osborne, Alfred Charles Pvt. Osborne, Kathleen Osborne, George A. Osborne, A. E. Osborne, Alfred Osborne, Albert Osborne, Miss. Osborne, Fred. Osborne, John E. Osborne, Levi Osborne, John L. Osborne, James Osborne, Joseph T.F. Osborne, Alice Osborne, Frederick Osborne, Lionel Osborne, Susan G. L. Osborne, George Thomas Osborne, Wm Osborne, John Osborne, Ruth Osborne, G. Osborne, Walter J. Osborne, Fred Osborne, John George Osborne, Jessie E.E. Osborne, Fran. Ernest Osborne, Charles Osborne, Muriel Osborne, James E. Osborne, Muriel M. Osborne, Geo. Osborne, Harry Osborne, Grace Annie Osborne, Walter Osborne, Herbert Osborne, Frank Osborne, George Osborne, Alfred W. Osborne, Leonard Osborne, Walter Thomas Osborne, Geo. Albert Osborne, Wm. George Osborne, L.M. Osborne, Frank E. Osborne, Jessie Emily Elizabeth Osborne, C. L. Osbourn, Alfred C. Osbourne, Alfred C. Osbourne, Albert Osbourne, George Oscenham, James Oseland, Ellen / Nelly Oseland, Louisa Jessie / Lucy Oseland, Alice Oslen, Carl Osler, Mrs. Osler, E.J. Esq. Osler, Edmund B. Sir Osman, Walter Osmars, George Ospwood, Francis Ostler, MInnIe Ostrander, Wesley Ostrander, Earl Ostrom, Alexina Simpson Oswald, Mary E Oswald, Sister M. Otley, Lillian Otley, Lilian Otley, Phyllis Otley, Margaret Otoole, Daniel Otridge, Rose Ottaway, Harold Ottaway, Miss. Ottaway, Violet Ottaway, Mabel G. Otterwell, Thomas Pvt. Ottoway, Mabel G. Oudney, James Oudob, Wm Oudot, William Oudot, Wm Oueill, Samuel Oulett, Annie Outram, EdIth Outram, Fredk. Outram, Fredk Outridge, James Outtridge, James Outtrim, Kenneth W. Outtrim, Kenneth Ovell, Mark Over, Joseph Overall, Harriet Overall, Eva Overall, Annie G. Overell, Ena M. Overend, J. Overfield, Rosemary Anne Overton, Edward Overton, Mary Overton, Sophia Overton, Joseph Overton, Alice Overy, Percy Overy, James A. Ovey, Elsie Ovey, Beatrice Sarah Ovey, Ovey, Beattie Ovey, Beatrice Owelett, William Owen, Mrs. Owen, Charles Mrs. Owen, Alfred James Owen, Alfred B. Owen, Louisa / Laura Owen, Mary (1) Jane Owen, Clara Maud Owen, John W. Owen, Elizabeth Owen, Mary (2) Georgina Owen, A. Mr. Owen, Wm. S. Owen, Frederick Owen, Alfred B. Mr. Owen, E. B. Owen, T. Owen, Mr. Owen, Cecil Hugh Owen, S. Owen, Emile G. Owen, Emily Owen, Joseph Owen, Harry Owen, Hugh S. Owen, William H. Owen, Fred Owen, Alfred Mr. Owen, Alfred B. Mrs. Owen, Ada Owen, A. B. Mr. Owen, Edith Owen, Christopher N. Owen, A.B. Owen, Hugh Stanley Owen, Francis George Owen, George Leonard Owen, S. Mrs. Owen, Arthur (2) Owen, William (2) Herbert Owen, Alfred Owen, Samuel Owen, Phyllis Owen, Veronica Owen, Nellie Owen, Geo. H. Owen, Ivan Mrs. Owen, Emilie G. Owen, A. B. Owen, Frances Mary Owen, Bruce Owen, David R. Owen, John William Owen, Stanley Owen, Mr. and Mrs. Owen, Florence Eliza Owen, Henry / Harry Owen, Richard Owen, Grace Owen, Arthur Owen, Mrs. Chas. Owen, Edwin Owen, Henry Owen, Charles Owen, Thomas Owen, William (1) Henry Owen, Alfred B. Mr. and Mrs. Owen, G. Owen, John Edw. Arthur Owen, William Robt. Owen, Rose Owen, Ivan Mr. Owen, Herbert Alfred Owen, Mary J Owen, Rachel Owen, A. W. Owen, Rebecca Owen, Arthur S. H. Owen, Charles Pvt. Owen, Peter A. Owen, Emily R. Owen, Arthur (1) Owen, Alfred Edward Owen, Robert G. Owen, Fredk. Owen, Gertrude Owen, Ernest William Owen, Rose Emily Owen, Clara Owen, Frank Owen, Louisa Owen, Elizabeth F Owens, Frederick W.G. Owens, Louisa Owens, William Owens, Mary Owens, Owens, Christopher Owens, John Owens, Richard Owens, Mary (2) Georgina Owens, John Ed. Owens, Louisa E. Owens, George L Owens, Thomas Owens, Archibald Mr. Owens, George William Owens, Mary Georgina Owens, Alfred James Owens, Katie Owens, Archd. Owens, Archd Owens, Louisa F. Owens, Herbert Alfred Owens, Samuel Owens, George, William George Owens, Charles Owens, James Christopher Owlett, William Owlett, Emily Owlett, Annie Owlett, Albert Owlett, Wm. Owls, Edw. Fred. Ownes, William Owthwaith, Frank P. Oxborrow, Charles Oxenham, John Oxer, Florence Oxford, George Oxford, Nellie Oxford, Chas Oxford, Robert Talbot Oxford, Frederick William Oxford, Freddie Oxford, Sidney Gordon Oxlade, Louise Oxlade, Edith Oxley, Mary Oxley, Frank Oxley, Alfred John Pvt. Oxley, Alfred J. Oxley, Harold S. Oxley, Victor Neville Pvt. Oxnard, John Oxtoby, George Oyler, Edward Ozand, William J. Ozanian, Avedis Ozanne, Herbert H. Ozanne, Herbert Henry Ozard, William James Ozard, William J. O`Neal, Larry O’Loughlin, Alice O’Loughlin, Mary P, W.G. P, C. C. P., Harry P., Alice P., C. C. Pacey, Violet Pacey, Vilet Pack, Eddie Pack, Eddy W. Pack, Eddy Packer, John E. Packer, Fred Albert Packer, Edwin Leonard Packer, John Ernest Packer, Frederick A. Packer, Fred Packer, John Packer, Fred. A. Packer, Frederick Albert Packer, A. Packer, John F. Packham, Frederick Packham, Violet Packman, H. Packwood, Frank B. Paddington, Florence Paddington, Lily Paddington, Lilian Paddington, Arthur J. Paddock, Charlotte Paddon, Arthur Godfrey W. Paddon, Arthur Padgett, Albert Padington, George Henry Padley, Leonard Padley, Len Padwick, Peter H. Page, Spencer Thos. Page, Hy. J. Page, Henry J. Page, Frederick W. Page, Ernest Page, Thomas Page, George W. Page, Edward Page, Ben Page, Nellie Page, Alexander Page, Hy. Jos. Page, Benjamin Page, Francis Page, William H. Page, Geo. W. Page, Frank Page, John R. Page, Hannah Page, Wm. Page, Ellen Page, Page, John A. Page, Nora Page, Leonard Page, Alfred Page, Thomas D. Page, George William Page, John Alfred Page, Henry Joseph Page, F.R.M. Page, M A Page, Elizabeth / Lizzie Page, F.W. Page, David Page, James Page, John Page, Albert (2) George Page, William Arthur Page, Henry William Page, Arthur (Captain) Page, William Page, Albert Ed. Page, Albert (1) Page, Gertrude E. Page, George Page, John Thomas Page, Patrick Page, A. E. Page, William F. Page, A.A. Page, Flo. Mrs. Page, Fredk Page, Ernest Victor Page, Arthur Captain. Page, Charles A. Page, Arthur Page, Ada Page, Charles Edward Page, John T. Page, Albert E. Page, Frederick William Page, Miss. Page, Francis R.M. Page, Norah Page, Jno. Russell Page, Thomas Daniel Page, Fred Page, Mr. Page, J.D. Esq. Page, J. Page, William Herb. Page, Wm. Hy. Page, Margaret May Page, Charles Page, Dr. Page, Mabel Page, Ada Frances Page, W.H. Page, William Henry Page, William Hy. Page, George E. Page, Herbert Page, Jas. Page, Hy. Page, Walter G. Page, Albert Page, Captain Page, Fred. W. Page, Charles E. Page, Thos. D. Page, Emily Paget, Ethel E. Paget, Ethel Paget, Mr. Paget, Joseph Paget, William (2) Henry Paget, Thos. Hy. Paget, Ada (Mrs. William H.) Paget, Mr. & Mrs. Paget, Tom. H. Pagett, Albert Pagett, Lily Pagett, Louisa Pagett, Tom Pagett, Tom H. Pagett, William (1) Bruce Paginton, George A. Paice, Edward Paice, Edith M. Paice, Maud Mrs. Paice/Paige, Sydney Paige, Leela Mrs. Paige, Archibald T. Paige, Archibald Paige, Archibald Thomas Pvt. Paige, Rob. Paigons ?, Wm. Pain, John Paine, William Paine, Albert Paine, Maud Painter, George Henry Painter, Rose Painter, William Painter, Rosina J. Painter, Rosina Painter, Alfred J. Painter, Wm Painter, Alfred James Painter, Norman Painter, John Henry Painter, Thomas Painter, Frederick Painter, Rosnia Painting, Herbert Paish, Elizabeth Paish, Anthony Paisley, Margaret Paker, Frederick Paker, Bertie Paker, Reginald Paker, Fred. Paley, Alfred Pelem Paley, Norah Helen Palfrey, Victor Palfrey, Ernest Palfrey, Ernest W. Palfrey, Alfred John Palfrey, Gerald Palfrey, Alfred J. Palfrey, Henry Pearse Palin, Sarah Palk, Mr. and Mrs. Palk, William Pallinder, J. Pallinger, John Palmaarts, John Emile Palmer, Joseph E. Palmer, Albert Palmer, Caroline Palmer, Alice Beatrice Palmer, Joseph William Palmer, John Palmer, Julia Palmer, George Palmer, Caroline M. A. Palmer, Sylvia Palmer, Palmer, Josep Palmer, Sidney C. Palmer, Harold A. Palmer, James Palmer, Eliza Palmer, W.H. Palmer, Sidney Palmer, John W. Palmer, William Palmer, Geo. D. Palmer, Joseph Palmer, Sylvia E. Palmer, Reg. W. Palmer, Mr. Palmer, Thomas W. Palmer, Albert A. Palmer, Clifford Palmer, Wm. Palmer, Arthur Palmer, Arthur G. Palmer, Charles C. Palmer, William R. Palmer, Alfred Palmer, Ivy M.D. Palmer, Chas. H. Palmer, Joe Palmer, John F. Palmer, Ethel Palmer, Jas Palmer, John K. Palmer, Charles Palmer, Frederick W. Palmer, Minnie Palmer, E.W. Palmer, Walter Palmer, Thomas Palmer, Charles H. Palmer, Thos. Palmer, George (2) Palmer, Geo Palmer, Reginald W. Palmer, Sarah Palmer, Fred. Arthur Palmer, Joseph Edward Palmer, Charles Clifford Palmer, Chas. Henry Palmer, Charles Henry Palmer, Jas. Palmer, Geo. Douglas Herbert Palmer, Florence Beatrice May Palmer, Florence B.M. Palmer, Ernest Palmer, Percy Palmer, Herbert Palmer, Ellen Palmer, Frederick Palmer, Margaret Mrs. Palmer, J. Knight Palmer, Frank Palmer, Albert Geo. Palmer, Josep E. Palmer, Francis Henry Palmer, Serah Palmer, T. Palmer, Ferderick W. Palmer, Harry Palmer, Rose Palmer, Arthur George Palmer, Florence Palmer, Joseph W. Palmer, Chas. A. Palmer, Chas. E. Palmer, Leonard Daniel Palmer, George (1) Palmer, William H. Palph, Alice |
Palphreyman, Edward Palphreyman, E. Palser, John H. Pamphilion, P. F. Pamphillion, Edgar Pamphillion, Percy Pamphillon, Edgar Pane, Herbert Pank, Arthur Pankhurst, Arthur Pankhurst, Thomas A. Pankhurst, Maud E. Panley, William James Panley, Marian Pannell, Thos. H. Pannell, Thomas H. Pannell, Cpl. Pannons, Mathilda Pannons, Florence Pannons, Florence May Panonas, Albert Panther, S. Panting, Herbert Panting, Hy. Panting, Herbt. Panting, Hy Panton, James Pantry, George E. Pantry, George Pantry, Geo. E. Papas, S. Papasian, Ardashes Papazian, Amy Pape, William Papps, Adolphus Mervin W. Parbury, Rosanna Parbury, Christobel Parcker, Albert Edward Pardine, Henry Pardington, Eric Pardoe, Clifford Pardoe, Florence Pardoe, Thomas Pardoe, John Pardon, Albert Sapper Pare, Percy E. H. Parfitt, Nellie C. Parfitt, Parfitt, Richard Parfitt, Winifred G. Parfitt, Charles R.G. Parfitt, Rose C. Parimter, George Parini, Andrew Paris, Ada Paris, Fred. Paris, Robert Paris, Florence Parish, Edith Parish, George Parish, Caroline Parish, William S. Parish, Ellen Parish, Caroline M. Park, Percival Park, Florence Parke, Richmond Parke, Margaret Lucetta Parker, Harry Parker, Fred Albert Parker, Frederick J. Parker, C. Parker, Dorothy Parker, Jas. Parker, Jill Parker, Albert Edward Parker, Fredk. Parker, Ellen Parker, Annie E Parker, Leslie K. Parker, Winnie Parker, Harry L. Parker, Parker, Henry Parker, Elizabeth Parker, Andrew Parker, Fred. Parker, Fred Parker, E. Parker, George Parker, J. R. Parker, Emily Parker, Emma Parker, Ada Parker, Alexander Frederick Parker, Frederick Parker, Margaret Parker, William Parker, William H. Parker, James Parker, R. Parker, John M. G. Parker, SophIa Parker, Mary Parker, Benj. Thos. Parker, Maud Parker, Lizzie Parker, Fanny Parker, Mary Ann Parker, Ethel Marion Parker, Hattie / Holly Parker, May Parker, A. H. Parker, Hannah E. Parker, Reginald Parker, John Parker, Arnold Parker, Ellen J. Parker, Mary A. Parker, John H. Parker, Jeremy Parker, Mabel Parker, Daisy Parker, Harry Lake Parker, Frank Parker, Ellen Jane Parker, Lily Parker, Fredk Parker, William George Parker, Sarah Fredaline Parker, F. Parker, Bertie Parker, Albert Alfred Parker, Fred R. Parker, Clara Parker, Josiah Parker, Winifred Parker, Fred D. Parker, Lewis Parker, Miss. Parker, F.J. Parker, F. Mr. Parker, Carrie Parker, Mary Alice Parker, William Henry Parkes, Horace Parkes, Margaret Parkes, Minnie Parkes, Josiah Parkes, Ethel Parkes, Minnie M. Parkes, Philip Parkes, Elizabeth Parkes, Arthur Parkes, Ellen Parkes, James A. Parkes, Fred'k Parkhouse, Victor Parkhurst, Henry Parkhurst, George Parkin, Annie Parkin, May Parkin, George R. Parkin, Victor Parkin, Florence Parkin, Selina Parkin, Florrie Parkin, R. Parking, May Parkingson, Mrs. William Parkins, Mary Parkinson, Parkinson, John E. Parkinson, Robert Parkinson, Polly Parkinson, M. Esq. Parkinson, Rosanne Parkinson, Elvira Parkinson, James Parkinson, Eleanor Parkinson, Daphne Parkinson, Stephen Parkinson, Jas. Parkinson, Hilda R. Parkinson, L/Sgt. Parkinson, Carol Parks, W Parks, Ethel Parks, Harry Parks, Lilian Parks, Mary Ann Parks, William W. Parle, William Parle, Margaret Parle, Fred Parle, Michael Parle, Frederick Parle, Willam Parlett, George Charles Parlett, Sarah Parlett, Mary Ann Parmenter, Douglas Parmenter, A Parnell, William Henry Parnell, William H. Parnell, Alfred T. Parnell, W. L. Parnell, Thomas F. Parnell, Catherine Parnell, Stephen Parnell, Parnell, Alfred Thomas Parphr ?, Hester Parr, Amy Parr, Frank Parr, James Victor Parr, James P. Parr, James P Parr, Richard Parr, William M. Parr, Cecil Parr, David Parr, William Matthew Parr, James Phillip Pvt. Parrell, George F. Parrell, James E. Parrell, George Frederick Parrett, H. S. L. Parrett, Gordon Parrett, C. V. Gordon Parrett, William Parrett, Cyril Vivian Gordon Pvt. Parrie, Lizzie Parris, Kenneth, Earl Parris, Kenneth Parrish, Norman Parrott, James Parrott, Jas. Mr. and Mrs. Parrott, J.C. Parrott, James T. Parrott, Jas. T. Parrott, Robert Parrott, Wm. Parrott, H.S. Parrott, James T. Mr. and Mrs. Parrott, Oliver Parrott, Elizabeth (Cummings) Parrow, Richard Parry, Gladys Parry, Rose Parry, William (1) Parry, Edward Parry, Robert J. Parry, Henry T. Parry, WInIfred Parry, Florence Parry, John Parry, Ethel Parry, Harriott Parry, William Parry, William (3) Parry, Emily Parry, Minnie Parry, David Parry, Robert Parry, Thomas Parry, Susannah Parry, Richard Parry, Harry T. Parry, William (2) Parry-Evans, John Parsely, Elizabeth Parsley, Eliza Parsley, Elizabeth Parsley, Jessie Parsley, Parsley, Jane Parslow, Albert Parson, Alice Parson, Henry Alfred Parson, Frank Parson, R. Parsonage, George Parsonage, Charles Parsons, Lizzie Parsons, John W. Parsons, Jas. R. Parsons, Richard Parsons, Edith Marion Parsons, Edith Parsons, John Parsons, Grace Daisy Parsons, Alice Parsons, Florence (1) Parsons, Ena Parsons, Herbert Reginald Parsons, George Wm. Parsons, George W. Parsons, Reuben Parsons, Thomas Parsons, Peter Parsons, Nellie / Ellen Parsons, Wr. G. Parsons, Parsons, Nellie Parsons, Albert E. Parsons, Edwin Parsons, Ethel Parsons, Hannah Parsons, Gladys Parsons, Alice Mary Parsons, Henry Parsons, Henry Alfred Parsons, Muriel Parsons, Ada Parsons, Frank Parsons, Alice M. Parsons, Wm Parsons, Charles Henry Parsons, James Joseph Parsons, George Henry Parsons, Walter G. Parsons, Roger Parsons, Florence (2) Maud Parsons, Jane Parsons, Charles H Parsons, Alice P.C. Parsons, James Parsons, Mabel Eveline Parsons, H. Parsons, Lizzy Parsons, Edythe M. Mrs. Parsons, R. Parsons, William E. Parsons, Robert Parsons, Owen R. Parsons, James Ernest Pvt. Parsons, Grace Parsons, William Parsons, Chas. H. Parsons, Eva Parsons, Gladys Gwendoline Parsons, Louisa Parsons, John (2) Parsons, Gracie Parsons, Bertha Parsons, Stephen Parsons, John (1) James Parten, Frederick Parten, Edward Parting, Sidney Partington, Eric Partington, Thos. R. Partington, Thomas R. Partington, Fredk Geo Partington, Jane Partington, Harold Partner, F. A. Parton, Thomas Parton, Alfred Ernest Parton, Hilda F. Parton, Arthur Parton, Hilda Parton, Ethel Partridge, H. Partridge, Florence Partridge, George (1) Frederick Partridge, F Wm Partridge, Alfred Partridge, Horace G. Partridge, Ann Maria Partridge, Alfred (2) Partridge, Horace A. Partridge, Beatrice Partridge, Arthur Partridge, R.A. Partridge, Rosanna Partridge, Lily Partridge, Ann M Partridge, William Partridge, Horace Partridge, Leonard Partridge, George (2) Partridge, Walter R. Partridge, Alfred (1) Partridge, Edwin R Partridge, Herbert W. Partridge, Elizabeth Partridge, F. G. Parvin, Charles W. Pascall, Winston A. Pascall, Ida E. Pascall, Alfred Pascall, Ida Pascoe, Gordon Pascoe, Fras. C. Pascoe, Annie Pascoe, Francis C. Pascoe, Leslie G. Pascoe, Frederick G. Pascoe, Ellen Pascoe, Edward Pascoe, Leslie Gordon Pash, Charles Pask, Florence Paskins, Abraham Paskins, Jane Pass, Honor M. Pass, John Pass, Herbert Pass, Herbert C. Passett, Thos. Hump. Jas. Passey, Charles William Passfield, Henry O. Passlow, Ernest Passman, John Passmore, Susan Patcher, Randolph A Patching, Edwin Patching, George Patching, Edward G.H. Paterson, C.A. Paterson, George Paterson, Elspeth Paterson, James Edward Paterson, Walter Paterson, George A. Paterson, J. Paterson, Miss. Paterson, C. J. R. Patey, George Patey, Emily Patey, Florence Patience, Harry Patience, Mr. Patista, Sophoeles Patman, William Paton, Mathilda Paton, Matthew Pvt. Paton, Hugh George Pvt. Paton, Matilda Paton, Annie Paton, Mary Patreck, Frederick Patrick, Thomas (1) / Tom Patrick, Samuel Patrick, Hugh Patrick, Joseph Patrick, John Patrick, William Patrick, Rebecca Patrick, Thomas (2) Patrick, Alfred Patrick, Edward / Harry Patrick, Isabella Patricks, Alfred Patrie, WInIfred Pattenden, Albert Pattenden, George Pattenden, Annie Edith Pattenden, Bertie Pattenden, Frank Pattenden, Ernest Pattern, Charles Patterson, Louis Patterson, Thos. Patterson, Frederick Patterson, Jessie C. Patterson, John Patterson, Ada Jane Patterson, William Patterson, F.H. Mr. Patterson, Joseph F. Patterson, Evelyn (Mrs.) Patterson, Ada Patterson, Alex. Patterson, Geoffrey Patterson, Elizabeth Mrs. Patterson, Samuel Patterson, Prentice Balfour Patterson, Saml. Mr. Patterson, James Patterson, Mrs. Hugh Patterson, Alexander Patterson, David I. Patterson, Armstrong Patterson, Robert Mrs. Patterson, Walter Patterson, Robert Patterson, S. Mr. Patterson, George H. Patterson, George A. Patterson, George Patterson, Miss. Patteson, Mary Patteson, Ann Pattifer, Albert Edward Pattinson, Charles Pattinson, George Pattinson, Patricia Pattison, Fred Pattison, Geo. Pattison, George Pattison, Wm. Pattison, William Pattison, Frederick Pattle, Robert C. Pattle, Robert Pattle, R.C. Pattle, Robt C Patton, Ida May Patton, Margaret Patton, William Patton, Albert Paul, William Paul, Harold J.E. Paul, Ernest J. Paul, Rupert Paul, Alfred E. Paul, Joseph Paul, June Paul, George William Paul, H. J. Paul, Conrad Paul, Harold J.F. Paul, Rosemary Paul, Francis John Paul, Alfred Paul, Ernest Paul, Sister Paul, Henry Benjamin Paul, George William Pvt. Paul, Frederick Pauley, Wm. J. Pauley, Maria Paulin, Shirley Alice Paulin, Sylvia Margaret Pauline, George Victor Paulley, Henry Paulson, C. Paulson, Christopher Mr. Paulson, Arthur E. Pavelin, Thomas Pavelin, George Pavelin, Geo. Pavelin, Albert Pavett, W. A. Pavier, William Pavier, Frederick Pavier, Arthur Pavier, Fred. Paviour, William Paviour, Arthur Pawis, William Henry Pawis, John William Paxton, Maud Pay, Thomas Pay, Thomas G. Pay, Leonard Pay, HarrIet Pay, Percy Paybody, Perry Henry Paybody, Percy Paybody, P.H. Paylor, Leslie H. Paylor, Leslie Payment, E. Payne, A. E. Payne, Dorothy Payne, Charles (Cadet) Payne, Stanley Payne, Frederick William Payne, Laura Payne, Geo. J. Payne, Violet Payne, Albert James Payne, Ed. W. Payne, Henery George Payne, Harold Payne, Margaret Payne, Lily Payne, Valerie Payne, C. Payne, Charles Capt. Payne, Frederick Payne, Charles Payne, George Payne, Frederick Wm. Payne, Violet Maud Payne, Maud Payne, Elizabeth Payne, James Payne, Robert Payne, John Ernest Pvt. Payne, Payne, Laura B. Payne, Albert E. Payne, Dorothy M. Payne, F. Payne, Albert G. Payne, Joseph Payne, George E. Payne, Chas. Payne, Alfred E. Payne, Dorothy E.A. Payne, Kate Mrs. Payne, Alf. E. Payne, VIolet Payne, John Payne, Albert george Payne, Alf. Payne, Jeanette Payne, C. Captain. Payne, Joe Payne, Edward Payne, Richard Payne, John Frederick William Payne, Wm Frederick John Payne, Lawrence Payne, Frederick W. Payne, Louisa B. Payne, A. Payor, Marjorie Payton, Ida Payton, James A. Rev. Payton, James A. Payton, Albert V. Peabody, Herbert W. Peabody, Henry Percy Peabody, Herb Peabody, David Peacey, Florence Peach, Thomas Eli Peach, Arthur (1) Peach, Henry Peach, Sydney Peach, Arthur (2) Peacham, F.G. Cpl. Peachey, E.C. Mr. Peachey, E.C. Peachey, Ellen M.E. Peachey, Edgar J. Peachey, E.H. Peachy, Edgar J. Peacock, Vera Peacock, Basil Peacock, Cecilia Peacock, Hannah V. Peacock, John N. Peacock, H. Vera Peacock, Verah Peacock, Hannah Vera Peacock, Hannah Vera (Annie) Peacock, Margaret Peacock, CatherIne Peacock, Vera H. Peacock, John M. Peacook, Hannah Peacook, John M. Peacook, Arthur G. Peacook, Hannah Vera Pead, Sarah Peagram, A. Peagram, Jas. Peagram, A. G. Peahe(?), Edgar L. Peake, Emily Martha Peake, Alfred H. Peake, Emily Peaks, William H. Peaks, Edith E. Peaks, Wm. Hy. Peaqock, Vera Pearce, Lily Pearce, John Pearce, Frederick Pearce, William J. Pearce, Francis A. Pearce, Alfred Pearce, Lilly Pearce, May Pearce, John R. Pearce, George Frederick Pearce, Samuel Pearce, John E. Pearce, Adelaide Pearce, Adeline Pearce, David Pearce, Maud Pearce, Herbert C. Pearce, Frank W. Pvt. Pearce, Caroline Pearce, William C. Pearce, Thomas Pearce, Mrs. L. Pearce, George Henry Cyril Pearce, Dorothy Pearce, Alice Pearce, Mary Anne(also Mary Margaret Anne) Pearce, Violet E. Pearce, Frank W. Pearce, Sidney James Pearce, William Cryil Pearce, Elizabeth Pearce, Frederick Albert Pvt. Pearce, Winifred Pearce, Florence Pearce, Edith J. Pearce, Harriet Pearce, Henry Pearce, James Pearce, Robert Pearce, Wm. Jas. Pearce, Frederick A. Pearce, Miss. Pearce, Francis August Pearce, Lilian Pearce, Annie Pearce, Albert Charles / John Pearce, W. H. Pearce, Elizabeth C. Pearce, Mary A. Pearce, Thos. Pearce, Frank Pearce, Jack Pearce, Ernest Pearce, Harold Pearce, Frederick L. Pearce, Thomas Saunders Pearce, Sarah Jane /Jennie Pearce, Arthur Pearce, Catherine Pearce, M. Mary Pearce, Thos. S. Pearce, Art. E. Pearce, Sidney J. Pearce, Pearce, Martha Pearce, Leslie H. Pearce, George F. Pearce, J. Pearce, Mary May Pearce, Herbert Charles Pearce, Wallace Pearce, Ernest R. Pearce, Rebecca Pearce, Thos Pearce, Joseph Pearce, Stanley Pearce, Elizabeth / Ethel Jane Pearce, F. Pearce, Harold R. Pearce, Wm. Pearce, George Pearce, John James Pearce, William Pearce, Percy W. Pearch, Lily Pearch, Ada Pearch, Ada Annie Pearcy, T. W. Pearcy, Francis D. Pearcy, Benjamin Pearks, Richard Pearks, Willie Pears, Reuben J. Pears, James G. Pears, C. Pearse, Miss. Pearse, The Rev. Mark Guy Pearse, Adelaide Miss. Pearse, Elizabeth C. Pearse, Elizabeth Pearse, Martha Pearson, Mildred Pearson, Violet Pearson, Elizabeth M. Pearson, James Pearson, Ivor D. Pearson, William Pearson, William E. Pearson, William F. Pearson, EInIfred Pearson, Mary Pearson, Sydney E. Pearson, Miss. Pearson, Leonard A Pearson, Alice Pearson, William Ernest Pearson, Wilson Pearson, Jessie Pearson, Elizabeth Ann Pearson, William J. Pearson, Peter Pearson, Albert Brico Pearson, A. D. Pearson, Margaret Scott Pearson, Daisy Pearson, Amy Pearson, Ernest Pearson, Arthur Richard Pearson, Mabel Pearson, Frank Frederick Pearson, Mary A. Pearson, Walter Pearson, Cecil G. Pearson, Leonard Albert Pearson, Ernest J. Pearson, Annie Pearson, Walter Ed Pearson, Arthur Pearson, W.E. Pearson, W. Pvt. Pearson, Harry Pearson, Elizabeth Ellen Pearson, Edith Pearson, Spencer Pearson, Gladys Pearson, Cuthbert Pearson, Mary Scott Pearson, Agnes Pearson, Robert Pearson, Alan E. G. Pearson, Wm. E. Pearson, Pearson, Sydney E Pearson, Elsie Bertha Pearson, Florence McB. Pearson, James Pvt. Peary, Margaret Pease, Pease, Rosamund D.B. Pease, Josephine Mrs. Pease, Jocelyn R.G. Pease, Roger F. W. Peasey, Thomas A. Peasey, Ernest S. Peasey, thomas A. Peasey, Thomas Alfred Peasmall, Wm Peasnall, Wm. Peater, Charles Peatling, Georgina Peck, William Peck, Arthur Peck, Horace Peck, Sidney Peck, Robert Peck, Alice Peck, Horace E. Peck, Annie Peck, Alice F. Peck, Thomas William Peck, Sydney Peck, James Peck, S. Peck, Walter Peck, Leonard G. Peck, Tom Peck, W. E. Peck, Arthur Edward Peck, John W. Peck, Thomas Peckett, John Bell Peckett, Mabel Peckham, George Peckitt, Henry Peckitt, Harry Peddle, Alfred B. Pedge, Gladys Pedge, Gladys M. Pedge, Galdy M. Pedge, John Pedlar, John Pedlar, Sydney Pedley, Alfred Pedrick, Rosina M. Pedrick, Beatrice M. Pedrick, Beatrice Pedrick, Rosina M.E. Pedrick, Rosina Peedle, Alfred Peek, John Wm. Peek, John Peek, William Peel, James Peel, David Ed Peel, Robt G W Herbert Peel, James R. Peer, Tom. Peerman, Clara Peers, Ian Peff, Mary Peffie, John Peffie, Elizabeth Peffie, James Pegg, MarIa Pegg, Emily / Rebecca Pegg, Daniel Pegg, Horace Pegg, Mrs. J.D. Pegg, Horace Pvt. Pegg, Harriet G. Pegg, Wm. Foster Pegg, Harriet Pegg, Georgina H. Pegg, Ambrose Pegg, Mary Peggie, John Peggott, Elsie F Peggott, Hanna Pegram, Esther Pegram, Emma Pegram, Serena Pegram, Thos Peierls, Gaby Peierls, Ronald Pelan, Eva Pelan, Mary Pelham, Lily Pelham, Lilian Pelham, Alfred Pelham, William Pelham, Alfred Leonard Pell, Wm Pell, Wm. Pellan, Mary Pellatt, William Pellett, Arthur Pellett, Arthur E. Pellett, Ruth Pellett, Fred G. Pellett, Frederick J. Pells, Reginald Pelly, Rosemond Pelow, Mary Ann Pemberon, Mary Pembers, Robert Pembers, Robert W. Pemberton, Joseph David Cpl. Pemberton, Mary Pemberton, William Pemberton, Alfred George Pemberton, Simeon Pemberton, William Charles Pemberton, James Chadwick Penaluna, Sidney Penaluna, Sid. Pender, Wm Pendergast, John Pendergast, Mary Penderghast, Kenneth Pendleton, William, John Pendry, Leah Pendry, H.J. Penfield, George James Penfol, Hugh Penfold, Amos G. Penfold, James Penfold, Arthur J. Penfold, George Penfold, Hugh Penfold, Wm S Penfold, Jas. T. Penfold, Amos Penfold, Alfred Penfold, Arthur John Penfold, James T. Penfold, Mary A. Penfold, A. Sapper Penfold, George Mrs. Penfold, Joseph Penfold, Peter Penfold, E. Pengelly, Bessie Penman, Joseph Penn, Sylvia Pennel, Albert Pennell, Margaret Pennell, Arthur Pennell, Albert E. Pennell, Joseph Penney, Mr. Penney, Hy. Pennicard, "Older brother" Pennicard, Alfred William Pennicard, "Little Boy" Pennie, herbert Pennie, Duff Morrison Pennington, Prudence Pennington, Fanny A. Pennington, Fanny Pennington, Elia Pennington, Geo. Pennington, H. Pennington, Pennington, Vivian M. Pennington, Ken Pennis, Herbert Penny, Vincent G. Penny, William Penny, Alma Clara Penny, Mabel Miss. Penny, Frederick Penny, Fred L. A. Penny, Mr. Penny, Vincent Pennycad, Alfred Penrice, James Penrose, Laura Penrose, Penrose, Henry Penrose, Helen Penrose, Samuel Penrose, Norman N. Pensanote, Joseph Penshaw, Lousia Pensonote, Joseph Pentacost, Annie Pentecost, Lewis R. Pentecost, Edgar John Penticost, Cecil Pentland, Wm. Pentold, Amos Pentold, James Penton, Archibald Penton, Joseph Penton, Henry Penwarden, Lucy Mabel Pepino, Frederick Chas. Peplow, Bernard Peplow, Bernard Pvt. Pepper, Hy Pepper, James Pepper, Hy. Pepper, Harry Pepper, William Henry Pepper, Henry Pepper, Harriet Pepperal, Florence Pepperell, Minnie A. Peppiatt, Wm Peppiatt, William Perceval, Percival G. Perceval, William Perceval, Thomas Alexander Perceval, Thos. A. Percival, Thomas A. Percival, Grace E. Percival, Gertrude Percival, Tom Percival, June W. Percival, Grace Ena Percival, Alfred Percival, William Percival, Thomas Percival, Grace Percival, Claud Percival, Allan Percival, Thos. A. Percival, Percy, Temple Percy, Vey Pereedy, Alice Pereira, Daisy Pereira, Walter Pereira, Mary Perham, Willie Perham, Annie Perkes, Richard Perkins, Rhoda Perkins, Joseph Perkins, May Victoria Perkins Perkins, Charlotte Perkins, Stephen Perkins, Louisa Perkins, Arthur Haden Perkins, William Perkins, May Victoria Perkins, Harry Perkins, John W. Perkins, Mary Perkins, Florence Perkins, Rose Perkins, Violet Gertrude Perkins, Annie E.J. Perkins, William H. Perkins, Albert E. Perkins, Thomas Budd Perkiss, Wm. Perks, Emily Perks, Richard Perks, Fred S. hn Perks, Edwd Perks, Osmond Eli Perks, Albert Perks, Catherine P.B. Perks, William Perley, Dorothy (Mrs. Roy A.) Perrett, Edgar F. Perrigoe, Thomas E.N. Perriman, Jesse Perriment, William Perrin, William Perrin, Edward J. Perrin, Frederick Perrin, Hannah Perrin, Lawrence Rufus Perrin, Edward John Perrin, Charles Perrin, Fred Perrin, Annie Perrin, Emily Ada Perrin, William Pvt. Perring, Wilfred Perring, George A. Perring, William Perring, William E. Perring, William E.T. Perring, Charles Pvt. Perring, Chas. Perring, George Perring, Wm. Perring, Wm. E. Perrins, Leslie Perrins, Frederick J. Perrins, F.J. Perrins, Frederick Perris, Frank Perris, Henry, William Perris, Henry W. Perrott, Alice Perrott, John T. Perrott, Joseph Perry, Ernest Perry, Fred Perry, John Christian Perry, Gladys W. Perry, Richard Perry, Mr. Perry, A. R. Dr. Perry, Walter Perry, Fredk Hy Perry, J.J. Mr. Perry, Lizzie Perry, Thos. J. Perry, Gladys Perry, William Perry, Muriel May Perry, Susan Teal Perry, Thomas Perry, Perry, Henry Perry, Samuel Perry, Gertrude Mrs. Perry, Charles Perry, Stanley Perry, Commissioner Perry, Edward Perry, Gladys A. Perry, Johnney G. Perry, Mrs. Perry, May Perry, Joseph Perry, John Perry, Ethel Perry, George Perry, Henry T. Perry, John D. Perry, Kate Perry, Thomas James Perry, Clara Perry, J.J. Perry, Lizzy Perry, Herbert Perry, Ellen Perry, Dick Perry, Sidney Charles Perry, Wr. W. Perry, Florence Perry, Thomas J. Perry, William C. Perry, Rose Mrs. Perry, Alice Perry, Elizabeth E. Perry, Elizabeth Perry, Wm. Joseph Perry, Frank L Perry, Samuel T. Perry, Alfred Edward Perry, Clard Perryman, Alfred Perryman, Wm. H. Perryman, William H. Perryman, Emily Perryman, A. Pertill, Mary Pervis, Barbara E. Pescod, Pescod, John Pescott, James Peskett, William John Peskett, Edward S. Peskett, Edward A. Peskett, Edward Stanley Pvt. Peskett, F. Peskett, Wm. J. Petch, Ethel M. Peter, J.R. Peterborough, The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of, DD Peters, Wm. Peters, Charles Peters, Thomas Peters, George Purvis Peters, Willie Peters, William Peters, William (1) Henry Peters, Arthur Robert Peters, Alfred G. Peters, Alf. Peters, Alfred C. Peters, George Peters, John Peters, Alfred Peters, Fanny Peters, Henry / Harry Peters, Mrs. Peters, James R. Peters, George W. Peters, Jno Edwd Peters, Louisa Peters, Walter Peters, Arthur Peters, Arthur R. Peters, Harriet Peters, Jas. R. Peters, Peters, William (2) Peters, Richard John Peterson, Renhold Peterson, George Valentine Pvt. Peterson, Mary Peterson, Frederick W. Mrs. Peterson, George H Peterson, George V. Peterson, Fred. W. Peterson, Thos. Peterson, Thomas P. Peterson, Pher Peterson, S.C. Dr. Peterson, Geo. Valentine Peterson, thos Peterson, Frederick W. Petheram, Georgina Petherham, Frances Mrs. Petherick, Mary Mrs. Petherick, John F. Petherson, Georgina Pethwick, William Petitt, Gerald Petitt, May Petkovitch, Vlaiko Petley, Richard Petley, Dick Petrie, Alice Pett, Annie Pett, Frederick Pettefer, L. Petters, Fanny Petters, Harriet Pettifas, Gladys (Mrs. Fred) Pettifer, Bernard Pettifer, Ernest Pettifer, Albert Edward Pettifor, Robert Pettifor, Fred Pettigrew, G. Mrs. Pettigrew, Thomas Pettinghill, Violet M. Mrs. Pettipas, Gladys (Mrs. Fred) Pettit, Ethel Pettit, William Pettit, Prentice Balfour Pettit, Katie Pettit, Reg. Pettit, May Pettit, Albert Pettit, Henry Pettit, Emily Pettit, Henry Mr. Pettit, Gerald Pettit, Fred C. Pettit, Albert H. W. Pettit, Mr. Pettit, Frederick G. Pettitt, E. Pettitt, Mr. Pettitt, Henry Pettitt, Kate Pettitt, Leah Pettitt, Gerald Pettitt, Albt. H. W. Pettitt, F. Pettitt, Pettitt, Fred. Pettitt, Albert H. W. Pettitt, Harry Pettitt, Emily Pettitt, Harry Mr. and Mrs. Pettitt, Ethel Maud Pettman, Mrs. Pettman, Cdr. Pettott, John Sgt. Petty, Sidney Arthur Pvt. Petty, James Petty, Frederick Peverill, Mary R. Peverill, Gladys Ida Peyther, Cornelius Pfahl, Norman Phair, James F.O. Phair, Jas. F.O. Phair, James Phalby, Annie Pharaoh, Thomas C. Pharaoh, Charles Phasey, Handel Victor Edward Phasey, H.V.E. Phasey, Victor E. Phasey, Victor H.E. Phasey, H. Victor E. Phealin, George Phealin, Elizabeth Phealin, Beatrice Phelan, Michael Phelps, Mr. Phelps, Beatrice Phelps, V. R. Phelps, Sarah Phelps, Arthur Phelps, Wilfred Norman Phelps, Sarah Ann Philamore, Hetty Philamore, Henrietta Philamore, Henritta Philblin, John Philip, William Mr. Philip, Stanley Philips, Willie Philips, Edith Philips, William W. Philips, Joseph Philips, Dorothy Philips, Bertha Philips, Mr. Philips, Albert Phillip, W. C. Phillip, Walter F. Phillip, Sid. Phillips, Mary Ann Phillips, Herbert E. Phillips, Frank Phillips, Charles H. Phillips, Walton Phillips, Alfred Phillips, Arthur Phillips, Jno Jas Phillips, Lilian (2) Phillips, Alfred R. Phillips, Mr. Edward Phillips, Lydia May / Mary Phillips, Wm. Phillips, Violet Phillips, James (1) Edward Phillips, Harry Phillips, A. Phillips, Florence (1) Phillips, John J. Phillips, Richard Phillips, Robert Darcy Phillips, C. H. Phillips, Henry (2) Phillips, Jno Hy Phillips, Emily Phillips, Phillips, Elsie Phillips, Ernest (1) Phillips, Charles Phillips, James Phillips, John Phillips, Jack Phillips, E.M. Phillips, Edwin Charles Phillips, J.R. Phillips, Norma Phillips, Sidney Phillips, Bertha Phillips, William John Phillips, Robert Mr. Phillips, Ellen Phillips, Chas. Henry Phillips, Lizzie Phillips, Edith Phillips, Trevor E. Phillips, Agnes Phillips, Frances Phillips, Lydia Mrs. Phillips, Ellen Elizabeth Phillips, Chas. Phillips, Thomas Phillips, Leonard Phillips, Albert E. Phillips, Joseph W.C. Phillips, Flossie E. Phillips, Brandon Phillips, Arthur H. Phillips, Herbert Phillips, Ada P. Phillips, William Thomas Phillips, Alex. L. Phillips, Annie Phillips, Alice (1) Phillips, J.A. Mrs. Phillips, William H. Phillips, Andrew Phillips, William Phillips, Mrs. Phillips, Mary Phillips, Art Phillips, Anne T. Phillips, William J. Phillips, Alice (2) Derrington Phillips, J.L. Esq. Phillips, William Robert Henry Pvt. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, Lillian (1) / Lily Phillips, Annetta Phillips, Florence (2) Phillips, Hilda Florence Phillips, Trevor Phillips, Annie Rebecca Phillips, Jns Hy Phillips, Mrs. Charles Phillips, Ann Phillips, Joseph Phillips, Fred C. Phillips, Henry (1) Phillips, Alice M. Phillips, Eliza Phillips, Maurice Phillips, Ernest (2) Phillips, Ada Phillips, James (2) Phillips, May Dorothy Phillips, Charle Phillipson, Phillipson, Edward Phillpott, Edgar Phillpotts, Emily Ethel Philps, Florence Philps, Bertha Phippen, Margery A. Mrs. Phipps, thos R Phipps, Mr. Phipps, Valerie Phipps, Patricia Phipps, Mrs. Phipps, William (1) George Phipps, William (2) Edward Phipps, Richard Phipps, Alice Phipps, Emily Minnie Phipps, Thomas Richard Phipps, Richard Esq. J. P. Phoenix, Saml. Mr. Phole, Miss. Phripp, Albert E. Phripp, Ernest John Phripp, Frank Phripp, Ada Mrs. Phyllis, Eileen Picard, Nellie Piché, Eloi Pickard, Reginald J. Pickard, Norman Pickard, Chas. G. Pickard, Chas. Pickard, Regd J Pickens, Joseph S. Picker, Ellen Pickering, Rebecca Pickering, Rebecca Ruby Pickering, William Pickering, Bertha Pickering, Mary Pickering, Ada Pickering, W. Pickering, Fred. E. Pickering, Bertha Hannah Pickering, George S. Pickering, Fred E Pickering, A. E. Pickering, Alice Pickering, Frederick Pickering, Wm. Pickett, Mabel Pickett, Edith Pickett, Frederick Pickett, Willis Pickett, Walter Pickett, Lily Pickford, H. Pickford, Walter E. Picking, William Pickles, Frank Pickles, Percy Pickles, Arthur Pickles, S. Picknell, Alb. V. Picknell, Edward Jones Picknell, Beatrice Picknell, Albert V. Picknell, Albert Victor Picknell, Arthur Picknell, Arthur E. Picknell, A. Pickup, Franciscus H. Pickup, Alfred George Pickwood, Alfred Picot, Leonard Alex Picot, Frank E. Picot, Frank Edward Picton-Turbervill, Miss. Picton-Turberville, Miss. Picton-Turberville, Beatrice Miss. Piddington, Emily Martha Piddock, Arthur Wm. Piddock, Arthur William Piddock, Arthur Piddock, Arthur W. Piddock, Bernard William Harold Ambler Pidgeon, H Pidgeon, Cecil Francis Pidgeon, Cecil F. Pidgeon, Alfred Pidgeon, Agnes Augusta Pidgeon, John Pidgeon, Agnes A. Pidgeon, Cecil Pierce, Henry W. Pierce, Annie Pierce, David Pierce, Charles Pierce, Albert John Pierce, Miss. Pierce, James Mr. Pierce, Thomas Pierce, Elizabeth Pierce, Henry Pierce, John Piercy, Piercy, Benjamin Piercy, Edward Pieron, Leonard Pierron, Leon Pigeon, John Piggott, Elizabeth Piggott, Susannah Piggott, James Piggott, William Piggott, Hannah Piggott, Jeremy Piggott, May E. Piggott, 5/1/2012 Piggott, Susan Pigot, Elizabeth Pigot, Fred G. Pigott, Elizabeth Pigott, Alex. Piinchin, Annie Piinkney, Edith Pijoan, T. Mrs. Pike, Alfred G. Pike, Alice Pike, Margaret Pike, Louisa Pike, Edith Pike, Thomas Pike, E. Pike, Helen Pike, Gertrude Pike, George Pike, Margret Pike, Ann Pike, Edith E. Pike, Walter Henry Pikervance, William Pikervance, Wm. Pilbrow, Henry John Pilgrim, Richard Pilkington, Bertha Pilkington, B. Pilkington, Stephen Pilkington, David Piller, Florence Frances Josephine Pilley, John William Pilley, Mary M. Pilley, Herbert Pilley, Harry Pilley, Francis Pilling, Thomas Pilling, N. Pillinger, Amy Pilon, Charles Pilson, Charles C. Pimlott, Henry Pimm, Florence Pimm, John Pinch, Florence M. A. Mrs. Pinch??, Annie Pinchen, Jane Violet Pinches, Pinchin, Jane V. Pinchin, Walter Pinchin, Henry Pinchin, William George Pinchin, Anne Pinder, Douglas J. Pinder, Edwin Pinder, Douglas James Pinder, D. Mr. Pinder, D. Mrs. Pinder, Eric G. Pinder, Percy S. Pinder, Thomas Pinder, Douglas Pinder, Percival Pinder, Eric Pinder, D.J. Pinder, Harold Alfred Pinder, Joey Pinder, Percy Pinder, Leslie Alfred Pinder, Emma Pinder, Percival Stanley Pinder, Eric George Pinder, Sidney Pine, Miss. Pines, Mary Ann Pines, Piper Pines, William Pines, George Pinfield, William Ernest Pinfield, Frances Sophia Ping, Apencer Lawrence Pinnegar, Louisa Pinner, Geo Ambrose Pinner, George James Ambrose Pinnington, Arthur Pinnington, Florence Pinnington, Earl Pinnington, Florence A. Pinnington, Arthur K. Pinnock, Levi Pinnock, Dorothy Pinnock, Ellen (Mrs. Frank) Pinnock, Cecil (Mrs. Fred) Pinnock, Alice Norma / Emma Pinnock, Frank Henry Pinnock, Frederick William Barnes Pinnock, Maud Pinto, Geoffrey Pinto, Barbara Pinto, Margaret Pipe, Ellen Pipe, Mr. Pipe, William Piper, Maud Piper, William Piper, Hugh Piper, Emma Piper, F.G. Piper, W. Piper, Albert Piper, Henry Piper, Christopher Piper, Thos. W. Piper, Thomas W. Piper, Mr. William Piper, Rose Piper, Mary Ann Piper, Chas Piper, Percy Pippard, George Pippard, William Pippard, Edwin Piquet, Ansel Valentine Pirie, Edna Miss. Pirie, Susan Pirie, Alice M. Pirie, John Pirie, Richard Pirie, Miss. Pirie, Alice (Mrs. Alexander) Pirip?, E.M. Miss. Piscope, Thos. Albert Piscope, Thos. A. Piscope, Thomas A. Pitcher, Alfred George Pitcher, Ernest Pitcher, Louisa Pitcher, Henry Pitcher, Sidney Pitcher, Mary A Pitcher, Mary A. Pitcher, Pither, Edwin Pithers, David Pitman, Charles E.S. Pitman, thomas W. Pitman, Queenie R. Pitman, Ernest Pitman, Thomas W. Pitman, Joseph Pitt, Charles Pitt, Patrick Pitt, Walter Pitt, Walter M. Pitt, Reginald Pitt, Archibald F. Pitt, Mary Priscilla Pitt, A Pitt, Frederick Pitt, William Pitt, Wm. Jas. Pitt, Reginald S. Pitt, Alfred Pitt-Hardacre, Nicholas Pittard, Stanley W. Pittendrigh, LIzzIe Pittman, Sidney Pitts, Geo. W. Pitts, Winifred E. Pitts, Winifred Pitts, Winnifred E. Pittway, R. Pitway, Robert W. Pitway, Robert Pitway, Robert G. Pitzey, Harriet Place, William Place, John Thomas Place, Emily Place, NIna Place, Robert James Plaiston, Arthur Plamer, Albert Plampton, Wm. Plampton, William Planche, Dorothy Plane, Alfred P. Plane, Albert V. Planer, Plant, Mary L. Plant, Ivy Plant, William J. Plant, Edward Plant, G.F. Mr. Plant, George Plant, Mary Plant, Mr. Plaston, Arthur H. Plaston, Edward George Plastow, Edward G. Plastow, Art. H. Plater, Thomas Budd Platt, Arthur S.W. Platt, William John Platt, George Platt, Ernest Platt, Platt, William J. Platt, Wm. John Platt, William Harold Platt, Mrs. Lily Platt, Alice Platts, Thomas Richard Playdon, Ernest Playdon, S. J. Player, John Plear, Joseph Plear, Ellen Plear, Elizabeth Plear, Lizzie Plear, Joe Pleasants, Mrs. Plews, Charles P. Plews, Charles B. Plews, Ronald Plimmer, Charles Thomas Plimmer, John Plimmer, George Plomer, Cecil Ernest Ploughman, John Plowman, Annie Plowman, Sarah Plowman, Jos. Plowman, Richard Plowman, Amelia Plumb, Samuel Plumb, William Jackson Plumb, Harold Plumb, Patrick Plumb, Samuel J. Plummer, Margaret Plummer, Frederick Plummer, Fred Plummer, John Plummer, Ethel Plummer, Charles Stanley Pvt. Plummer, Ferderick Plummer, Stanley Charles Plummer, William Plunkett, John Plunkett, Edward Plunkett, William Plunkett, Margaret Plunkett, James Plunkett, Lawrence Plunkett B., Taylor Poate, Frank Pobgee, Albert Pochan, Samuel Pocka, Paul (POW) Pocock, John Pocock, Jno. Pocock, Alex. Sidney Pocock, Edith Pocock, Edith M. Pocock, Edith N. Pocock, Guy N. Podbury, Horace Podgett, Albert Pogbee, Albert Pogson, Jean Russell Pogson, William Pvt. Pogson, Wm. Pogue, Dave Pohl, Herbert Pohle, Miss. Pointing, Walter Pointing, William Pointing, Jessie Pointon, Stanislaus Joseph Points, Mary Ann Polak, Percival Polak, Percl. Poland, M. Polanyi, John C. Polden, Bessie Polden, Bessie C.N. Polden, Bessie C.W. Polden, A. G. Polgase, Maud Polglase, Mildred Polgrain, Leopold Polgrain, Leo. Polgrean, Leopold Pollack, Charles Bernard Pollard, William Pollard, David Pollard, Joseph Pollard, Archie H.E. Pollard, Joseph Albert Pollard, Edith M. Pollard, William John Pollard, Geo. Pollard, George Pollard, Henry Pollard, John Pollard, Sarah Pollard, Fred. Pollard, Sarah Jane Pollard, W.J. Mrs. Pollard, Bertie Pollard, Pollard, Ralph Pollard, Frederick Mr. Pollard, Robt. Pollard, Edward G. Pollard, Edward Polley, Wm Polley, Mary Jane Pollitt, Benjamin R. Pollock, Percy Pollock, Mr. Pollock, E.M. Mrs. Pollock, Margaret Pollym, Hy Polson, John Henry Pvt. Pomeroy, Elizabeth Pomeroy, Elizabeth Ann Pomeroy, Hugh Pomeroy, Philip Thomas Pond, Celia Pond, Collin Pond, Emily Pond, Sidney Pond, Selina Poning, Harriett Poning, Mercy Ponsford, L. W. Pont, Ernest Pont, William C. Pont, George Pont, John Ponting, Alice Ponting, Sidney Ponting, Mercy M. Ponton, Charlotte Ponton, Douglas Mr. Pool, Walter Halifax Pool, Kenneth Pool, Miss. Poole, William Poole, Elsie M. Poole, Frank Poole, Daisy Poole, Wallace Edwin Poole, William J. Poole, Charles Poole, Francis Walter Poole, Henrietta Poole, John E. Poole, Elsie Poole, Edmund Poole, Benjamin Poole, Miss. Poole, Sarah Ann Poole, Ada (2) Elizabeth Poole, Howard Percival Poole, Gerald Robert Poole, Elise M. Poole, Wallace E. Poole, Henry John Poole, George Poole, Alfred Poole, Geo. Hy. Poole, Frederick Poole, John Christopher Poole, Harold Poole, Ada (1) Ellen Poole, Wallace Poole, Frank A.H.S. Poole, Elise Poole, David B Poole, Wm. Poole, Wm. J. Poole, Buchanan David Poole, George Alfred Poole, Eliza M. Poole, Wm. James Poole, Elsie May Poole, Juliet Poole, Sidney Roland Pooles, Wallace E. Pooley, Charles Pooley, Ernest Pooley, Louisa Pooley, Ernest George Pvt. Pooley, Edith Pooley, Ernest George Poolman, Kate Poots, Johnston Pope, Ivor G. Pope, Daisy Pope, Robert William Pope, Arthur Pope, Miss. Pope, Eliza Pope, Robert Wallace Pope, Chas. Pope, Elizabeth Pope, A. Pope, Frederick Wm. Pope, Arthur C. Pope, Henry Pope, Albert V. Pope, Kate Pope, Arthur C Pope, Charles Pope, Alfred J. Pope, Albert Victor Pope, George William Pope, Clara Pope, Iver G. Pope, Alice Pope, Robert W. Pope, Wm. D. Pope, Alice E. |
Pope, Ernest Pope, Albert S. Pope, Alfred F. Pope, Donald Fraser Pope, Mary Miss. Pope, James H. Pope, Patricia Lee Pope, Alfred James Pople, William Pople, Cecilia E. Popple, Walter Popple, Henry George Popple, Hy Popplestone, Percy Popplewell, Henry Thomas Porch, Jas Porritt, Gillian Portass, James Portbury, Joseph Ernest Portbury, J. Ernest Portbury, Jos. E. Portbury, Joseph E. Portch, Winifred Porteous, Nelly Porteous, Margaret Porteous, Mary Ann Porteous, Mr. Stanley Porter, Henry Porter, Mary Ann Porter, Florence Porter, Eva Porter, F. Porter, Florence E. Porter, Mary Mrs. Porter, Leonard Porter, George James Porter, Mary June Porter, Arthur Porter, Porter, Cecil A.J. Porter, Alfred Porter, George Porter, Phyllis Porter, Lilian Porter, George J. Porter, Ethel Porter, Joseph H. Porter, Arthur A. Porter, E.H. Porter, James Moore Porter, E. Mr. Porter, Ether Porter, Willie Porter, Ethel Maud Porter, William G. Porter, Arthur Alexander Porter, William Porter, Lilian May Porth, Winnie Porth, Ethel Portis, Irene Portsmouth, Stephen Portsmouth, LouIsa Portway, John Poser, Doris T. Poser, Lilian E. Possi, Thomas Possie, Thomas Post, Albert Sam. Post, D. Post, Daniel Post, E. Postgate, Richard Thomas Poston, Annie Poter, Arthur Pothecary, Henrietta Pothecary, Mabel Pott, Charles Pott, Walter P. Pottage, Robert Pottage, Robert E. Pottage, Robert R. Pottage, Christopher Potten, Ellen M. Potten, Herbert Potter, Charles Potter, Herbert Potter, Richard Potter, William Potter, Riginald D. Potter, Joseph Potter, Reginald D. Potter, Jno Potter, Herbert A. Potter, Richard John Potter, Constance Potter, Robert Thos. Potter, Charles H. Potter, Charles Henry Potter, A. E. Potter, Fras. Potter, Francis Potter, Chas. Potter, Cecil Potter, James Rev. Potter, William (1) George Potter, Mary Ann Potter, Charles Hy. Potter, Reginald Potter, Hilda Potter, Robt. T. Potter, Robert T. Potter, Reg. D. Potter, Charlie Potter, Maggie Potter, Wm. Potter, Edward Potter, F.J. Mr. Potter, Margaret Potter, William (2) Edward Potter, John Potter, Arthur Potter, Wm. Mr. Potter, Chas. H. Potter, Thos. Dashwood Pottinger, J. Pottle, Lydia Pottle, George Pottle, Henry Pottle, J. Pottle, Stephen W. Pottle, Stephen William Pottle, John Reginald Pottruff, Hiram Pottruff, Edith Potts, Ernest E. Potts, Edward Potts, Henry Potts, Mary Potts, Wm. Potts, Ernest Potts, Hy. Potts, Dorothy Potts, Ernest Edward Potts, Percy Potts, James McConning Lt. Potts, William Potts, Arthur William Potvin, Ernest Poucher, Mellor Poucher, Merle Poulson, Philip Poulson, Thos Poulson, Thos. Poulter, Maurice Poultney, Alice Poultney, William Hy. Poultney, Robert John Poulton, Catherine Poulton, William Poulton, Harry Poulton, James Poulton, Frederick J. Poulton, Jas Pouncett, Henry Pounder, Genessi Mrs. Pounsett, Chas. Henry Pounsett, Frank Herb. Pountney, Benjamin Pountney, Robert John Pout, Rosina Pouting, Thomas Pouting, Alb. Poutiny(Ponting), Harriet Poutiny(Ponting), Mercy Poutney, Robert John Pover, Ellen Pow, Robert Pow, Thomas Powel, Selina Powel, Thomas Powell, Grace Powell, Ernest Powell, Joseph Powell, Lilian Mrs. Powell, Agnes Powell, Alfred Powell, Fred J. Powell, Alfred Frederick Powell, Eric Chas. Powell, David Powell, Kenneth Fred Powell, Ronald Herbert Powell, William Powell, Frederick Henry Powell, Thos. E. Powell, Roland Powell, Alfred G. Powell, Albert Henry Powell, Thomas Powell, Thos. Edwin Powell, John Powell, Thomas E. Powell, Frederick J. Powell, Edward Powell, Charles Powell, Arthur H. Powell, Walter C. Powell, Wm. Powell, William T. Powell, Kenneth Frederick Powell, Mr. Powell, Powell, Edward S. Powell, Frederick H. Powell, Jas H Powell, Thomas Edwin Pvt. Powell, Wr. C. Powell, William H. Powell, Edward Scott Powell, Vernon E. Powell, A. Miss. Powell, Annie Powell, Dorothy May / Mary Powell, Elizabeth Powell, George H. Powell, William J. Powell, James Powell, John H. Powell, Robt. Powell, Jas Hy Powell, Bill Powell, J. Powell, George W. Powell, Richard Powell, Daniel Powell, Lillian Mrs. Powell, Henry John Powell, John M. Powell, A. Powell, Robt Powell, B. H. Powell, S. Powels, Chas. Hy. Power, Thomas Power, Jessie Power, Robert Power, Vivienne A. Power, William Power, Geo Power, Geo. Power, Ellen Power, Danl Power, Teresa Power, John Power, Fred. Edward Stewart Powers, Joseph Powers, Robert Powesland, Florence Powis, John William Powis, William Henry Powles, William Powlesland, Florence M. Powley, Walter George Powley, Ella Powley, Jas. Wm. Powley, Ellen Powley, James W. Powley, William Powley, Walter Powley, Leslie N. Powley, James William Powley, James William L/Cpl Powlson, Charlotte Pownall, Florence Powner, Harold Powner, Hilda Powner, Victor Powner, Sidney Powney, Charles John Powney, Samuel Powntney, Benjamin Powrie, A. D. Powrie, Robert Mr. Powrie, Alfred D. Poyner, Annie Poynter, Arthur Poynter, Esther Poynter, Mabel Poynter, Ann Poyser, John Poyser, Blanche Poyser, Joseph T. Poyser, Joseph Poyser, Jos. T. Poytres, Ar Chas Poytres, Ar. Chas. Pragnel, Joseph Pragnell, Joyce Katherine Prance, Christopher Prance, Geoffrey V .G Prangley, Albert Prangley, A. E. Prangley, Thomas Prangley, Francis Prangley, Frank Prangnell, Ralph Prangnell, B.M. Rev. Pranse, William Henry Prater, Louise Prater, Alice Pratt, John H. Pratt, S. Pratt, Edward (2) Pratt, J.H. Pratt, W. Pratt, Walter Pratt, Ed Pratt, Elizth Pratt, Lilian Pratt, Frank M. Pratt, Chas. Pratt, Emily Pratt, Robert M. Pratt, Henry Pratt, Thomas G. Pratt, Ed. Pratt, John J. Dr. Pratt, William Pratt, George James Pratt, John Henry Pratt, Edward (1) / Edmund Pratt, Sidney E. Pratt, T. G. Prattle, Robert C. Prebble, Fred. J. Preble, Frdk J Preble, Fred. J. Preccious, Joseph Precious, Joseph Precious, Mary Precious, Precious, John Predmore, Eliz Mrs. Preece, John Horace Preece, Elizabeth Preece, Florence Preece, Lizzie Preece, Percy Edward Preece, Annie Preece, Ada Preece, George Preece, Alfred John Preece, Jno. H. Preece, Ada Florence Preece, Horace Preece, Frances Preece, Francis Preedy, Alice Preedy, Alice F.H. Preedy, Alice F. Preen, Mrs. Preen, Thomas Preen, Thos. Preiss, Mary Prendergast, Mary Prendergast, Joseph William Pvt. Prendergast, William Prentice, Flo. L. Mrs Prentice, Victor Prentice, Mary Prentice, Marion Prentice, Minnie Prentiss, Prentiss, Miss. Presage, Stanley G. Prescott, Mabel L. Prescott, Walter Prescott, Wm. Presdee, Samuel Thomas Presdee, Philip Henry Press, Jane Press, Benjamin Press, Isaac Press, Benj. Press, William C. Pressley, George Presswell, Maude Presswell, Emily Prest, Freda Ann Prest, Fred. C. Prest, James S. Prest, Percy Prest, Fred Prest, Michael T. Preston, Alfred Preston, Albert Preston, Frances James Preston, Eliza Preston, Edward F. Preston, Norman (3) Preston, Walter Thomas Preston, Chas. Preston, Prudence Preston, Mark Preston, Charles Henry Preston, William Preston, Charles Preston, Jno T Preston, Norman (1) Preston, Harold Preston, Norman (2) Preston, Isaac Preston, Mary Anne Preston, Elsie Preston, Louis Preston, John Preston, Edwin F. Preston, Samuel Harry Preston, Tackwell Preston, Francis J Preston, Louisa Preston, Charles Henry Pvt. Pretions, Ellen Prettyman, Sidney J. Prettyman, Sydney Prettyman, Sidney Prew, Arthur Henry Pvt. Prew, William George Prew, Geo. Wm. Price, Josiah Mason Price, Amos William Price, W. Edward Price, Richard M Pvt. Price, Geo. L. Price, Minnie Price, William Robert Price, Harry Price, Glen Price, Alfred Rev. Price, Thomas Price, William Price, Muriel Price, Benjamin Price, Ada Price, William P. Price, Frederick (1) Price, Joseph Price, Tom Price, Edwin Price, John Price, John Lloyd Price, William (4) Price, Alfred Price, Fred. Price, Richard Price, James Price, Walter Price, George H. Price, W.R. Price, Fred E. Price, Amos Price, MarIon Price, T. Price, Frederick Price, R. W. Price, Mary (1) Ann Price, Emma Price, Willie Price, Edward Price, Alexander Price, Ethel Price, Frederick Norman Price, Sarah Price, William (3) Price, George Henry Price, Stanley William Price, Dorothy Price, Henry Price, Nigel Price, Fred Price, Henry (1) Price, F.E. Price, Ernest Harold Price, George L. Price, Emily Price, Roger Price, Joseph (1) Price, George Price, Thomas (2) Price, Mary (2) Price, William (2) Price, Edith Price, Mabel Price, Florence Price, Andrew Price, Frederick (2) G. Price, Henry (2) Cecil William Price, Esther Price, Elizabeth Price, Chas. Price, Elizabeth Martin Price, Doris Mrs. Price, Thomas H. Price, J.H. Price, Rose Price, Anthony Price, William (1) Price, Esther H.S. Price, Mary J Price, Charles Price, John L. Price, Joseph (2) Price, Leonard Price, Henry James Cpl. Price, Winifred Price, Thomas (1) Price, Diana Price, John Thomas Price (a.k.a. King), Thomas William Pricer, Marjorie Prichard, Robt. Prichard, Maud Prichett, Violet Prickett, Harry Priddle, Amelia Priddle, Elizabeth Priddy, Maud Priddy, Thomas James Pride, W. Prideaux, Phillip Edward Prideaux, Jno Pridham, Alfred Robert Pridham, Alfred R. Pridmore, Grace A. Pridmore, Rachel Pridmore, Grace E. Priest, Gertrude H. Mrs. Priest, Florence Priest, Edward Priest, Herbert J. Priest, Doris Priest, Roy Priest, Edwin Priestly, Mr. Priestman, Helen Margaret Priestman, Elizabeth N. Priestman, Barbara Mary Priestman, Mrs. Prigan, Charles Prime, Martha Prime, Arthur Prime, Maria Prime, Herbert Primlott, John Primmer, Gladys Primmer, Geo. F. Primmer, Charles Primner, Gilbert Primrose, A. Dr. Prince, Frederick John Prince, Frederick Prince, Agnes Prince, Frederick J. Prince, Joseph Prince, Dora E. Prince, Albert E. Prince, Laurel Stanley Prince, William G. Prince, Thomas Edwin Prince, Frederick R. Prince, Thomas E. Princeton, Pring, Emily Pring, Ester Pring, Esther A. Pring, Esther Pring, Emily J. Pring, Sarah A. Pringle, Beatrice Pringle, Euphemia Pringle, Geo. W. Pringle, Charles E. Pringle, Edward Prinn, Henry W. Prior, Annie Prior, Louisa Prior, Thomas Prior, Violet Prior, Wilfred Prior, R. W. Prior, Charles Albert Prior, Alice Mrs. Prior, Florence Prior, George R. Prior, Chas. Prior, Charles Prior, Aliice Prior, John Prior, Arthur Wm. Prior, Mr. A. LeRoy Prior, Edwin Ernest Prior, Albert John Prior, Arthur W. Prior, Charles A. Prise, Thos Priston, Margaret Pritchard, Edward Pritchard, Georgina Pritchard, Millicent Pritchard, Alfred H. Pritchard, Amelia Pritchard, Daniel Pritchard, Leonard Pritchard, Albert Robert `George’ Pritchard, Allan Pritchard, Joseph Pritchard, Charles Pritchard, Frank Edward Pritchard, EmIly Pritchard, Alfred Henry Pritchard, Mary Pritchard, Maud Pritchard, Annie Pritchard, Kate Pritchard, Edgar Alex Pritchard, Florence Pritchard, Catherine Pritchard, E. Pritchard, Joseph Pvt. Pritchard, William Pritchard, Jos. Henry Pritchard, Ernest Pritchard, Amy (Mrs. Herbert Victor) Pritchard, E.C.R. Rev. Pritchard, Allan C.D. Pritchard, Charles Henry Pritchard, Sarah Pritchard, William Joseph Pritchard, Pritchard, Elizabeth Pritchard, Alan C. Pritchett, Emily Pritchett, Alfred Pritchett, Margaret Probert, Arthur Probert, Lizzie Probin, James W Probyn, Ethel M Proconowick, John Procter, Edward Procter, The Rev. C.J., MA Procter, Arthur Procter-Gregg, Humphrey David Proctor, Arthur Proctor, Maggie Proctor, Stanley Proctor, Lilian Proctor, Alfd Proctor, Mary Proctor, H. S. Proctor, Cecil W. Prodger, Albert C. C. Prodgers, Sidney Imms Prodgers, Sidney James Prodgers, Sydney James Proffitt, Myrtle R. Proffitt, Myrtle Prohin, Ethel M. Proir, Chas. A. Prole, Joseph Prosser, Beatrice Prosser, R. Prosser, Joseph Prosser, A. Prosser, June Prosser, Jane Prothero, Ann Protheroe, John Protheroe, Anne Protheroe, Frederick Protheroe, Jno. Proudfoot, Miss. Proudler, Thomas Ivan Pvt. Proudler, Francis A. Proudman, Richard Proudman, Elizabeth Proudman, Frank Mr. Prouse, William H. Prouse, Sargeant Prout, George Prout, Alfd S S Prout, Bertha Provins, Harry Wilfrid Provost, Alan Provost, Raymond Provost, John L. Provost, Raymond N. Provost, John Provost, Provost, Roy Provost, Donald Provost, J.L. Prowder, Thomas I. Prowse, Flor. Alice Prowse, Francis L. Prowse, William Henry Prowse, Francis LCpl. Prowse, Florence Prowse, Sidney Henry Prowse, Wm. H. Prueitt, Henry Pruitt, Henry Prycke, Alf J. Pryde, Arthur Pryde, George Pryde, Isobella Pryer, Cecil David Pryke, Dorothy Pryor, Marjorie Pryor, Willam Pryor, Mr. and Mrs. Pryor, Florence May (Mrs. Lester) Puck, Stanley Puddeford, Edward Puddeford, Edw Puddick, Rose Puddick, Rose H. Puddicombe, Charles Puddleston, Alice Puddleston, Helena Puffer, Mrs. Harry Pugh, Ada Pugh, Alfred Henry Pugh, Nellie Pugh, A. Pugh, Thomas Pugh, Sydney Pugh, Mrs. Agnes Pugh, Winifred Pugh, "Boy" Pugh, Geo. Pugh, William Pugh, Florence B. Pugsley, Lucy Pulford, Albert Pvt. Pulham, Alfred T. Pull, Sarah Ann Pull, Sarah Pullan, Albert E. Pullbrook, Sophia Pullen, George W. Pullen, Elsie Pullen, Geo. W. Pullen, Ernest W. Pullen, Edith Pullen, Ernest Pullen, Chas. G. Pullen, William Pullen, William E. Pullen, Elsie C. Pullen, Fred. Pullen, Fred Pullen, Alfred Henry Pullen, Ambrose Pullen, James F. Pullen, Ellen B. J. Pullen, Grace D. Pullen, Joseph F. Pullen, Patrick Pullen, Ernest William Pullen, James Pulley, Lydia Pulley, Wm. James Pulley, Mabel Pulley, William Pulleyn, Miss. Pullin, John Pullin, Fred. Pullin, A. J. Pullinger, John Pullinger, John Pvt. Pullon, Jack Pully, Wm. Pulock, Thomas Pulton, Ambrose Pummell, Elizabeth Pummell, Fred Pumphrey, William John Pumphrey, W. Puncher, Harold Punicard, Alfred Punshon, Margaret Punshon, Margaret E. Punton, Elizabeth Purcell, John Purcell, Thomas Purcell, R. R. Purchase, W. Purchase, Stephen Purchase, Frederick Purdue, William Purdy, Henry Purdy, Florence Mrs. Purdy, Thomas C. Purdy, Richard Purdy, James Purdy, Flo. Mrs. Purdy, John Purdy, ElIzabeth Purkins, F.J. Mrs. Purkis, Laura Purkiss, Fred W. Purkiss, Edith Purkiss, Leslie C. Purkiss, Edith Gertrude Purkiss, Leslie Charles Purkiss, Edith G. Purkiss, Frederick Purkiss, Fred. W. Purkiss, Thomas William Purnell, Henry Purrdy, Florence Mrs. Purrett, Florence Purrett, Beatrice Purritt, Beatrice Purrott, John Purrott, Thos. Purrott, Thos Purser, Sarah Violet Purser, Lilly Purser, Roseanna Purser, Moses Purser, Lily N. Purser, Lily Purt, James H. Purt, James Harry Pvt. Purton, George Purton, William Frederick Purves, James Purvis, Archibald Purvis, Ed. C. Purvis, John Purvis, Martha Purvis, Barbara Purvis, John Mr. Purvis, William Purvis, John G. Pusey, Emily Pusey, Annie Pushman, William Putlock, Thomas Putman, T. Putman, Arthur Henry Putman, Violet L. Mrs. Putnam, Arthur Puttick, William Puttick, Keith E. Puttick, Frederick Puttick, Henry Puttock, Leonard Puzzey, Alfred E. Pyane, John Pyatt, Henry Pybus, Anne Pybus, Mary Pye, Harold D. Pye, Harold Pye, Herb. Jas. Pye, Violet Lillian Pye, Annie Pygall, Florence Pygall, Florence R. Pyke, J. Pyle, James H. Pym, Elizabeth Pym, John Beville Pyne, John Pyne, Victor George Cpl. Pyne, Victor G. Pyne, Howard Pyne, Victor George Pyne, James Pyne, James Arthur Pyne, Edward Pyner, Mary Elizabeth Pyner, Priscilla Pyner, May Pyner, Mary Pyner, Mary E. Pyre, Victor G. Pyrke, Patricia Pyrke, Gertrude Pyrke, Hot Pyrke, G. Patricia Pyrke, Rose Mrs. Pyrke, Albert Ed. Pyrke, A. Geo. Qinn, James Quaile, Thomas Quaintance, Hilda (Mrs. A. E.) Quance, S.H. Dr. Quantrell, Florence Quantrell, James Quantrell, Walter Quarry, Harold Quarry, Albert Quasley, Kenneth Quay, John Quayle, John Jas Quayle, Daniel Quealey, James Quelch, Walter A. Quelch, Edward Quelch, George F. Quick, Emily Quick, Kate Mrs. Quick, William Quick, Cyril Quick, Frederick Pvt. Quick, Fred Quick, Rose Quick, Mrs. Quick, Emily E. Quickfall, Frederick Charles Pvt. Quickfall, Frank Quickfall, Frederick Quicklin, George Quigley, Caroline Quigley, William James Quilley, William Quilter, Frederick Henry Quince, Wm Quincy, Henry/Harry Quincy, Gertrude Quine, Tom Quine, William Quiney, Gertrude Quiney, Henry / Harry Quinlan, Joseph Quinlan, Patrick Quinlan, John Quinlan, James Quinlon, Johm Quinn, Martn Quinn, Thomas Quinn, Harry Quinn, Miss. Quinn, James Quinn, Martin Quinn, Mamie Quinn, Wm. G. Quinn, Jos. Flaherty Quinn, William Quinn, Henry Quinn, Mary E. Quinn, Margaret Miss Quinn, Joseph Flaherty Quinn, F.W. Rev. Quinn, Ellen Quinn, Alex Quinn, Margaret Quinn, Maurice Quinnell, Alfred Quinney, George Henry Pvt. Quintan, T. Quinton, George Quinton, Frank Quinton, James Quire, Annie Quirk, Thomas Quirk, Alfred Quirk, John Quirk, Joseph Quirk Or Clayton, Jas. Quirk/Clayton, James Quittenden, Sydney Quittenden, Fred Quittenden, Albert Thomas Quittenton, Albert Quittington, albert R--Kits, Walier R., Miss. R., W. R., S. Rabajotti, Sidney P. Rabajotti, Evelyn F. Raban, Alfred Raban, Raban, George Rabbit, Mary Rabbit, James Rabbits, Dorothy M. Rabbits, Rabbits, Annie Rabbits, Dorothy Rabbits, Arthur Rabbits, Seaward Rabbitt, James Rabbitt, Mary Rabbitts, Dorothy M. Rabbitts, Dorothy Rabbitts, Arthur Rabbitts, Charlotte Rabbitts, Seward Rabbitts (Rabbits), Annie Raby, Michael Rachael, Wm. Rachell, Wm. Rachell, Dav. Alf. Rachell, William Rackett, Walter Rackham, Herbert R. Rackham, Augustus Radbone ?, Ed. ? Radburn, Walter James Radcliff, Mary A. Radcliff, Charles E.H. Radcliff, Francis D. Radcliffe, Francis Radcliffe, Frank Radcliffe, Fras. D. Radcliffe, F.D. Radcliffe, Alice Radcliffe, David Radcliffe, Robert Radcliffe, Fras. Radcliffe, Francis D. Radcliffe, Radcliffe, Francis Dudley Radcliffe, John Radcliffe, D. Esq. Radford, Edwin Radford, Millicent Radley, Herbert Radley, Delphine Radmore, Colin Radmore, Alice Radwel, D. Radwell, D. Rae, John Rae, William Rae, William Thomas Rae, Wm. T. Rae, A. L. Rae, Thomas Rae, James Raeburn, Kenneth A. Raff, George Rafferty, Charles Rafferty, Ellen Raikes, Leslie Raikes, Leslie A. Raimes, Faith Elizabeth Raimes, Roger U. G. Raimes, L. Rainbird, Joseph Rainbird, Wm. Raine, Wm. Robert Raine, Charles Rainer, Charles Raines, Edith Raines, Edith M. Raines, Arthur J. Rainey, George H. N. Rainey, Thomas Rainey, John A. Rainey, Hugh Rainey, Lilian Miss. Rainford, Samuel Percy Rainsford, Eliza / Elizabeth Ralls, Alice M.R. Mrs. Ralph, Alice Ralph, Arthur Ralph, James Ralph, Eliza Ralston, William Ralston, Doris (Mrs. Wilfred G.) Ramage, Albert Thomas Ramage, Albert T. Ramage, Albert Ramm, Ivor James Rampling, James Ramplings, James Rampton, Edith Ramsay, Violet Ramsay, Catherine Ramsay, Margaretta Ramsay, Margarita Eliz. Campbell Ramsay, Esther Ramsay, Ethel Ramsay, Margaret E.C. Ramsay, Noel Ramsay, Thomas Ramsay, Mary Ramsay, Frank Ramsby, Wm. Ramsden, G. Dvr. Ramsden, Kenneth Arthur Ramsden, Kenneth A. Ramsden, John W. Ramsden, G.A. Mrs. Ramsden, John Wm. Ramsden, Kenneth Ramsey, John T. Ramsey, Joseph William Ramsey, Noel V. Ramsey, Taylor Ramsey, Daniel Ramsey, Albert E. Ramsey, Violet Ramsey, J.W. Ramsey, Joseph W. Ramsey, Joseph F. Ramsey, Joseph Wm. Ramsey, Ethel Violet Ramsey, Joe Ramsey, Thomas E. Ramsey, Mary Jane Ramsey, Margaretta Ramsey, Mary Ranchman, Annie Rand, Ethel Rand, Violet E. Rand, John W. Rand, Ethel V. Rand, Gertrude Mrs. Rand, Violet S. Rand, Doris Rand, V. Ethel Rand, Charles Rand, Thos. Rand, Doris Katherine Randall, Samuel Randall, Albert Randall, M.A. Randall, Louiisa Randall, Jack Randall, John Randall, William Randall, L. Randall, Hy. Randall, Louisa Randall, Alfred James Randall, Charles Randall, Henry Randall, Louis Randall, Arthur Randall, Kate Randall, R.J. Randall, Joseph Randall, Wm Randall, Jack Thomas Randall, Geo. Alfred Randall, E.J. Randall, Lilly Randel, Albert E. Randell, Oscar William Randell, Henry Randell, Albert Randell, Arthur Randell, James Randle, Albert Randle, Alfred Thomas Randle, James Randle, Alfred Randle, Alfred T. Randle, Henry Rands, John Rands, George Randy, John Ranfield, William Ranfield, John W. Rangcroft, Sarah Rangecroft, Sarah Ranger, Mary Ranger, Denise Rankin, Hazel Rankin, Sir James, Bart, M.P. Rankin, Agnes Rankin, James Mr. M.P. Rankine, Miss. Rankine, Susan Rankine, Margt Rann, Malcolm Lewis Rann, E. Thos. Rann, Edwin Thomas Rann, R.J. Rann, Richard James Ransfield, John W. Ransford, Fred. Ransom, Herbert Ransom, Arthur Ransom, Ransom, H. Ransom, J.M. Esq. Ransom, Art. Ransom, Alf. Ransom, Herbt. Ransome, Horace J. Ransome, LIlIan Ransome, Arthur Ransome, J. Ransome, Harry Ransome, Fred Ransome, Wm. Ransome, Herbert Ranson, Arthur Ranson, Herbert Ranson, Ch. Ranson, Horace Jas. Ranson, Mrs. Ranson, Ranton, Esther Ranzan, Annie Raphelian, Aram Rapley, Percival Rapson, Jas. David Rapson, Henry E. Rapson, Leon Ratchford, Patrick Ratchford, Bridget Ratcliffe, Martha Ratcliffe, Charles Ratcliffe, Archibald Ratcliffe, ElIzabeth Ratcliffe, William Ratcliffe, Florence Ratcliffe, George William Rathbone, Sebastian Rathbone, Bridget Rathbone, Percy T Rathbone, Roland Richard Rathbone, Percy Thomas Rathbone, Richard Ratheram, John Ratheram, William Ratherham, Wm. Ratherham, William Rathfon, Mr. Rathman, Ronald Rathman, Ronald F. Rathwell, Mrs. Wm. Rathwell, Bernard John Ratican, Thomas Ratican, Cecilia Rattenbury, Ethel Rattenden, William Rattican, James Rattican, Cecilia Rattican, Thomas Rattican, Cecelia Raven, Elsie Raven, Elsie E. Raven, Sam'l. J. Raven, Percy Raven, Arthur Ravenhill, Raymond Ravenhill, George Albert Ravenhill, Lily May Ravilious, John A. Ravini, Charles Ravini, Ravini, Alex Ravini, Alexander Rawlence, Patricia Rawling, J. Rawlings, Charles Rawlings, Annie Rawlings, Herbert Rawlings, Violet Rawlings, Phyllis M. Rawlings, Geo. H. Rawlings, John W. Rawlingson, Emily Mrs. Rawlingson, William Rawlingson, Geo. Rawlingson, Chas Rawlins, Joseph Rawlins, Violet Rawlins, Charles Henry Rawlins, Geo. H. Rawlins, Nellie Rawlins, Jane Rawlins, Charlotte Rawlinson, Charles Rawlinson, John Henry Rawlinson, William John Rawlinson, Emily Mrs. Rawlinson, George A. Rawlinson, Enoch Rawlinson, Reginald George Rawlinson, George Rawlinson, W.J. Rawllinson, Charles Raworth, John George Rawson, Evelyn G. Rawson, Evelyn Rawson, Brian Rawson, Evelyn S. Raxworthy, S. Ray, Ray, John Ray, Louisa Ray, Dorothy Ray, Reginald Ray, Alice Ray, Reginald Pvt. Ray, Ernest Ray, male Ray, Earnest W. Ray, Baby Boy Ray, Frank Ray, Elizabeth Ray, Ernt. W. Ray, Ernest W. Ray, William Ray, Sarah Ray, William Shaw Ray, Eernest w. Ray, Dave Ray, (Baby boy) Raybold, Annie Raybould, Henry James Raybould, Robert Raybould, Lily Raybould, Josiah Raybould, Geo. F. Raym???T, A. Rayment, George E. Rayment, Ernest Rayment, Thomas Rayment, Lionel Rayment, George E. (2nd) Raymnet, Thomas Raymond, Ursula Mrs. Raymond, Ursula Miss. Raymond, Nellie Raymond, edward Rayner, Jas Rayner, Richard Rayner, Miss. Rayner, Albt Rayner, Valery Rayner, Rose Mary Rayner, Jas. Rayner, William G. Rayner, Richard W. Rayner, Albert J. Raynes, Ruby Raynor, Fred Raynor, William George Raynor, Florence Raynor, Henry Rayson, Constance Rayson, Harry Rayson, Rayson, Henry Rea, Walter Rea, Thomas Rea, Thos. Rea, William T. Rea, James Rea, Eben W. Mrs. Rea, Wm. T. Rea, Joseph Reaburn, Robert C. Reaburn, Kenneth Alex Reaburn, Kenneth A. Reaburn, Robert Colin Read, Jane M. Read, Chas Read, Robert Read, W. Read, Alfred George Read, John Read, Edith M. Read, James Read, Jessie Read, George Read, Wm. C. Read, Frederick Read, Catherine A Read, Dorothy Read, Florence Read, William Read, Thomas Read, Arthur Royce Read, Mahala Read, Thomas F. Read, Grace Read, William J. Read, Horace Read, Edith M. Mrs. Read, Arthur H. Read, Jno Ernest Read, Joseph H. Read, Ruth Read, Frank William Read, Dorothy R. Read, Ethel Read??Ys, D. Reada, Ellen Reade, Frank William Reader, Ernest William Reader, Frank A. Reader, Frank Reader, J.C. Petty Officer Readhead, Eliza. A. Readhead, Mary Readhead, Mary E. Readhead, Lizzie Reading, George (1) Reading, Arthur Samuel Reading, Frank Reading, Rose May Reading, Jane Emma Reading, Ernest J. Reading, William Reading, George (2) Leslie Reading, Edward Readon, William Ready, Mr. Ambrose L. Ready, J. Westly Dr. Reaney, Lewis Reaper, Charles Reardon, William Reardon, Joseph Reardon, Reardon, Annie Reardon, Alfred Reason, Amelia Reason, Chas. Reason, Amelia Molly Reay, William Reazin, Mr. Reazin, Mrs. Reazin, Henry Reazin, Miss. Reazin, Henry Mr. Rebean, Earnest Rebean, ernest Rebman, Mrs. A.M. Record, Frank Rector, May (Mrs. John W.) Redall, Gertrude Redbourne, John A. Redbourne, John Reddall, Gertrude Reddall, Frank Reddicliffe, Charles Redding, George Reddy, Mable Redfearn, Edward Redfern, A. Redfern, Redfern, Thomas Redfern, Joseph Redfern, Robert A. Redfern, Alfred Redfern, Wm. Redfern, Robert Andrew Pvt. Redfern, Chas. Hy. Redfern, Wilfred Redfern, S Redfern, S. Redfern, Chas Hy Redfern, William Redhead, Joseph Redhead, J. Redick, Rose Mrs. Redlington, Arthur Albert Redman, Violet Redman, Mr. Redman, Alexander W. Redmill, Jane Redmond, Ellen Redmond, John Redmond, Catherine Redmond, Florence Redmond, Polly Redmond, Willie Redmond, Mary Redmond, Sarah Redmond, James Rednap, Arthur Redruff, Charles Redrup, Henrietta Redrup, Emily Redrup, Charles Redrupp, R.J. Redshaw, Charles H. Redvers, William Redworth, Elsie Reeb, Emanuel Reeb, Charles Reece, Henry Reed, John Reed, Sidney Reed, Robert Reed, Mary Reed, Joseph Sir and Lady Reed, Alfred Reed, Sidney G. Reed, John Sir and Lady Reed, Harry Reed, Victor Cpl. Reed, George J. Reed, James Henry Reed, Henry Reed, Frank Reed, Sidney George Reed, Frederick Reed, Roland J. Reed, Walter Reed, Matilda Reed, John Thomas Reed, Reed, Sydney Reed, Victor Reed, Leslie Reed, Rufus Reed, Thomas Reed, Geo. Reed, Donald Reed, Alice Rose Reed, James Reed, George Reed, Wm. Reed, George Edward Reed, Susie Reed, Jno. T. Reed, Wm Reed, Olive Reed, Edward George Reed, Robert John Reed, James H. Reed, Emily Reed, Geo Reed, Dorothy Violet Reed, Alice R. Reed, V. Reed, Henry D. Reede, Julia Reedel, J. B. Reep, George Rees, Florence Rees, Lizzie Rees, David H.F. Rees, William D. Rees, Barnett Rees, Barnet Rees, Mary Anne Rees, Charles H. Rees, Elizabeth Rees, Ancurin John Rees, AlIce Rees, Mary Ann Rees, C. Rees, Ch. H. Rees, Mary Rees, Barney Rees, William M. Rees, Agnes Ann Rees, Judith M. Rees, John Pvt. Reeve, Willie Reeve, Florence Reeve, Walter Reeve, Ada Reeve, Francis Reeve, Samuel William Reeve, Garham Montague Reeve, Annie Reeve, Samuel W. Reeve, Mary Reeves, Daisy Reeves, R. Reeves, Ada Reeves, Cecil T. Reeves, Jane Reeves, Walters Reeves, HarrIet Reeves, Mary Reeves, Matilda Reeves, George Reeves, James H. Reeves, Jas. F. Reeves, Robert Reeves, Frank Reeves, Richard Reeves, Christ J. Reeves, Sidney Reeves, Marie Louise Reeves, Elizabeth Reeves, Andrew Reeves, Sarah Reeves, Amy Reeves, Caroline Reeves, Edith Reeves, Robert Vickery Pvt. Reeves, Frederick C. Reeves, Thomas Reeves, Andrew E. Reeves, Cecil Thomas Reeves, Herbert Reeves, Maud Reeves, Walter Arthur Refern, Robert A. Regan, Eleanor Regan, John Regan, Peter Regan, Richard Regan, T Regan, Richard P Regembold, Alphonse Mr. Regg, Edward Reggi, Frederick Regimbal, A. Mr. Reginald, James Regnier, Ernest Reibeling, Emma (Mrs. Werner) Reid, Wm Reid, Rose Reid, Martha Reid, Alice Mrs. Reid, Jack L. Reid, William John Reid, Annie Reid, Timothy Reid, AnnIe Reid, John Reid, Alfred Frederick Pvt. Reid, Mary Reid, Isaac Reid, Letitia Reid, George Reid, Rebecca Reid, James Reid, Geo Reid, Dorothy Reid, Alfred Reid, Ralph L. Reid, George J. Reid, Thomas Reid, Ethel Reid, Robert W. Reid, Jean Reid, James H. Reid, Hannah Mrs. Reid, Isabella Reid, Alice Reid, Jean J. D. Reid, Mr. Reid, G. Reid, Robert Reid, Reid, Robert T. Reid, Lily Reid, Rosetta Reid, Ethel M. Reid, Jessie M. Reid, Hector Holmes Fenwick Reigate, Eileen A.M. Reihl, Mary D. Mrs. Reiley, Sydney Reilly, Johanna Reilly, Alice Reilly, Catherine Reilly, Sydney Reilly, John Reilly, Clifford Francis Reilly, Wm. Reimer, Irene Relf, Lily Relf, Albert E. Relf, Albert Edward Relf, Samuel Relf, James C. Relf, Alf. Relf, Lillian Relf, Caleb James Relman, Mary Relphs, Mary G Remant, Violet Remington, Frank Remlington, Alice Remnaktz, Ellen Remsbery, Ernest Renason, James Renaud, Canon Renault, Minnie Mrs. Rendal, Arthur G. Rendall, Chas. Rendall, Eleanor Rendel, Clifford Rendell, Clifford J. Rendell, George Edward Render, Joseph Rendle, William Rendle, Henry J. Cpl. Rendle, Timothy Rendle, June Rendles, Ferderick Rendles, Frank Rendol, Arthur Gilbert Rendol, Arthur Gilbert Pvt. Rendol, Arthur G. Rendoll, Arthur Renfrew, Walter Renfrew, Richard Rennals, Kate Rennells, Kate Renner, Ivy (Mrs. John) Rennie, John W. Rennie, Elizabeth Rennie, R. Rennie, John William Renout, Arthur William Renout, Arthur Renout, Arthur W. Renout, Arthur Wm. Renout, William Renout, A. Renshaw, Harry Renshaw, Louisa Renshaw, Mary H. Renshaw, Edwin Renwick, George Renwick, Alfred, William, Lewis Renwick, Mary Repbaum, Fredk. Repino, Gladys Resden, Wm. F. Resden, William Resden, Wm. Frank Resden, W. F. Resden, William F. Resden, Frank Restall, Harold Ernest Resuggan, David Reuben, G. Fry Revell, George Revell, Emma Revell, Revell, George B. Revell, Claude Frederick Revell, Harry Revell, Harry W. Revell, Fred C. Revell, Henry William Pvt. Revelle, Geo. Revere, Clara Revis, Peter Revis, Martin Rex, Charles A. Rex, Samuel Rex, Samuel D. Reyner, Mr. Reynold, Richard Reynolds, Edward A.C. Reynolds, Kate Reynolds, Nellie Reynolds, Thomas Reynolds, Jas. Reynolds, Frederick Reynolds, Charles (2) Reynolds, Winifred Reynolds, John Reynolds, Amy Reynolds, Wm. Reynolds, Lizzie Reynolds, James L. Reynolds, Charles Reynolds, Charles H. Reynolds, Margaret Reynolds, George Reynolds, Geo Reynolds, Eric Reynolds, Richard Reynolds, R.H. Reynolds, Hy Wm Reynolds, Mary A. Reynolds, Martha Reynolds, Wm. H. Reynolds, Thomas James Reynolds, Robert P. Reynolds, Philip Reynolds, Eric H. Reynolds, Wm Reynolds, Harry Reynolds, James Reynolds, Charles S. Reynolds, William Henry Pvt. Reynolds, Alfred (2) Reynolds, Marian Reynolds, Sidney C. Reynolds, Elizabeth Reynolds, Reynolds, Daniel C. Reynolds, Annie N. Reynolds, Daniel Reynolds, Augustus James Reynolds, Mrs. A.G. Reynolds, Edward J. Reynolds, Gertrude Reynolds, William Reynolds, William Henry Reynolds, Annie Reynolds, Philip J. Reynolds, William James Sgt. Reynolds, Samuel Charles Reynolds, Jas Reynolds, Edward Joseph Reynolds, E. Reynolds, William Ernest Reynolds, Bessie Reynolds, Lydiot Rose Reynolds, P.J.H. Reynolds, Edward Reynolds, J. Reynolds, Harold Andrew Reynolds, Herbert Reynolds, Messers. Reynolds, James Henry Rhanney, Austin Michael Rhoades, William Rhodes, Eva Rhodes, Ernest Rhodes, John Rhodes, William Rhodes, Joseph Rhodes, George Rhodes, Thomas Rhodes, Rose Rhodes, Cecil James Rhodes, Edward Rhodes, Albert Rhodes, James Rhodes, Samuel William Rhodes, Leonard Rhodes, Arthur Rhodes, Alfred (2) Rhodes, Alfred (1) Rhodes, Maud M. Rhude, Percy Rhumney, Austin Ricardo, Susan Rice, Lily F. Rice, George Thomas Rice, John F. Rice, Daniel Rice, James E. Rice, Richard Bishop Rice, John Rice, James E Rice, Lily Rice, Edward Rice, William Rice, John Fee Rice, Ellen Rice, George F. Rice, Elizabeth S. Rice, Emily Rice, Muriel Rich, Bertie Rich, Cecil A. Rich, William George Rich, Sara Richamond, John Richard, Elsie Richard, Ethel Richard, William Richard, George (3rd) Richard, Arthur Richard, John Richard, R.W. Richards, Elsie Richards, William W. Richards, Joseph Richards, Florence Richards, Saul Richards, John H. Richards, Arthur Leslie Richards, Fred Richards, Elizabeth Richards, William Richards, Hannah Richards, Charles Richards, Isabella Richards, Peter Richards, Andrew Richards, R.W. Richards, Albert William Richards, Harry Richards, Isabella R Richards, Wm. W. Richards, Trenor ? Richards, Richards, FrancIs Richards, Mary A. Richards, George E. Richards, Wilfred Richards, Derek Richards, John Richards, Bessie Richards, Arthur Richards, Ann Richards, Edgar C. Richards, Una Richards, John Hy. Richards, Phillip Andrew M. Richards, Frank Richards, J.H. Richards, Edward Richards, Thomas Richards, Wm. Richards, Edgar Charles Richards, Percy Richards, George Richards, Thos. Richards, Thos. H. Richards, Arthur L. Richards, Frederick Richards, Alex. Richards, Susan Richards, Beatrice Richards, Arthur Gnr. Richards, Henry Richards, J. E. Richards, Sarah Richards, Margory Richards, Stanley Richards, Mabel Richards, John Henry Richards, V. Richards, David Richards, Emyr Richardson, George Richardson, Chas. Richardson, Margaret Alice Richardson, Jno Richardson, George Tropper Richardson, Edward Richardson, Geo. Richardson, Tracey Richardson, Samuel Richardson, Violet Richardson, Alice Richardson, Sidney Richardson, Thomas Richardson, Maggie Richardson, Fred Richardson, NellIe Richardson, William Richardson, Sydney Richardson, Joseph Henry Richardson, H.W. Richardson, Honor Richardson, Hy Richardson, Samuel Pvt. Richardson, Alfred Richardson, Alice L. Richardson, Anne Richardson, Walter P.J. Richardson, Ada H. Richardson, Robert Richardson, Tracy Richardson, Herbert Richardson, William W. Richardson, Tommy Richardson, Evelyn R. Richardson, Theodora L. Richardson, Charles Richardson, J. Richardson, Geo. W. Richardson, Annie E. Richardson, Reginald Richardson, Ernest Richardson, Wm. Richardson, Theodora Richardson, George W. Richardson, Arthur F. Richardson, James Richardson, Alice Louisa Richardson, Margaret A. Richardson, Gertrude I. Richardson, Leslie Richardson, Albert Richardson, Louisa Richardson, Geo Richardson, R.D. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson, Thomas A. Richardson, Arthur Richardson, Ethel Richardson, Herbert W. Richardson, Rose Mrs. Richardson, Ellen Agnes Richardson, Annie Georgina Richardson, George Henry |
Richardson, Rosa Richardson, Harriett Richardson, Percy Richardson, Wilfred Richardson, Evelyn Richardson, Lawrence S. E. Richardson, Walter Henry Richardson, A. E. Richardson, Kate Richardson, Jas. Richardson, Cyril Richardson, A. E. Mr. Richardson, M.A. Richardson, Charlotte Richardson, Ada Richardson, Douglas Richardson, Saml Richardson, Richard C. Richardson, John Richardson, Sarah Ann Clara Richardson, George H. Richardson, Bernard Richardson, W.FO. Richardson, Julia Richardson, Audrey Richardson, Gertrude L. Richardson, Queenie Richardson, Annie Richardson, A.E. Richardson, J.W. Mrs Richardson, Charles F. Richens, John Richard Richens, George R. Richens, George H. Riches, Mrs. Riches, Alfred Richie, Lawrence Rowan Richie, George Richmond, John Richmond, Joan M. F. Richmond, Peter Rickaby, Sarah Ann Rickaby, Elizabeth Rickaby, Jane Rickan, Archibald F. Rickard, James Charles Rickerds, James Rickets, Emily Rickets, Lydia Rickett, Emmeline Rickett, Thomas F. Ricketts, Thomas F. Ricketts, Walter Ricketts, Elise Ricketts, Emmeline Caroline Ricketts, Mary Ricketts, Jane Ricketts, R. Ricketts, Elsie May Ricketts, Annie Rosina Ricketts, Thomas B. Ricketts, Charles F.H. Ricketts, Henry Ricketts, Lily Ricketts, Thomas Farmer Rickley, John Rickman, Henry Rickson, Robert W. Rickson, Robt. Rickson, Robert Rickward, Robert Rickwood, Fred. W. Rickwood, Fred Riddall, Gertrude Riddall, Frank Riddeford, Grace E.B. Riddel, Annie Riddell, Angela M. Riddell, Elizabeth A. Riddell, Mary Riddell, William Riddell, Elizabeth Riddell, Joan E. Riddell, Gertrude Riddell, Amelia Riddell, Annie Riddell, Frank Riddell, Annie E. Riddell, Jemina Riddick, Frank Riddiford, Walter Riddiford, Grace Riddiford, William Ridding, Mary Irene Riddle, Elizabeth Riddle, Wm. Riddle, Joseph Riddle, Amelia Riddle, George Burfield Riddle, Sydney Riddle, George Riddle, Victor Riddle, Frederick Riddleford, Wm Rideal, William Rider, John William Ridge, George W. Ridge, Lilian Ridgeley, Thomas Ridgeley, John Ridgeway, Leonard A. Ridgeway, Leonard E. Ridgway, Serah Riding, Wm. Riding, David Ridings, David Ridings, Wm Ridings, W. Ridley, Wm. Ridley, Mary J. Ridley, M.E. Miss. Ridley, Emma Ridley, Stephen Ridley, Sarah A. Ridley, Wm Ridley, W.J. Ridley, William Ridley, Thos. Ridout, William C. Ridout, Wm. C. Ridout, W.C. Ridpath, Doris E. Ridpath, Doris Ridpath, Jane Ridpath, Jennie Ried(?), Alfred Rieveley, Christopher Rieveley, William H. Rigby, Sebastian Rigby, Edith Rigby, Rigby, Mr. Rigby, Margaret Rigby, Alice Rigby, Fred Rigby, John Rigby, Edith Anne Rigby, William Rigby, Amelia Rigden, Claude Gerald Riggall, Edward Pvt. Riggall, Edward Riggs, Walter George Cpl. Riggs, William Henry Riggs, Alice Riggs, Walter G. Righton, Leonora Rigley, Samuel Rilett, H. Riley, Patrick Riley, Miles Riley, Elizabeth Riley, Jane Riley, Mary Riley, John Riley, Chris. Riley, Arthur Riley, Bridget Riley, Alice Riley, Johanna Riley, Rosanna Riley, William Riley, Thomas Riley, James Riley, John / Jack Riley, Mr. John Riley, Charles Riley, Clara Emma Riley, Henry Riley, Alfred Riley, Matthew Riley, Christopher Riley, Fanny Riley, Mary Ellen Riley, Ellen Riley, Albert Riley, Ethel Riley, Fanny (Frances Laura Riley, Sarah Ellen Riley, Joseph Rilland, Thomas J. Rillands, Thomas J. Rillingham, Emma Rimes, Mary Ann Rimes, A. Rimmer, Agnes Rimmer, Henry Rimmer, Ernest Chas. Rimmer, Agnes E. Rimmer, Wm. Rimmer, Ernt. C. Rimmer, Rob Rimmer, John Rinders, Richard Ring, G. Ring, Edwd Ring, Emily Ring, Ellen Ring, Alice Ring, Rosina Ring, Edwd. Ringe, Ernest E. Ringer, Alice Ringer, Alice A.E. Ringrose, Lizzie Ringrose, Alice Ringrose, Mabel Ringrose, Elizabeth Ringrose, Thomas Pvt. Ringrose, Thomas Ringrose, Tommy Ringrow, Richard Ringwood, Arthur Ringwood, Geo. Thos. Rints, Robert W. Riordan, William Riordan, Edward Pvt. Riordin, Michael Rios, Camelia Ripley, Norah Ripley, Nora Ripley, Verenna Elsie Ripley, Mary Ripley, W.P. Ripley, Andrew Ripley, L. Norah Ripley, Henrietta Ripley, James Ripley, Norah (2nd) Ripon, The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of, DD Ripplinger, Henrietta Mrs. Rippon, Rose Rirkets, Lydia Risbridger, Henry S. Riscon, Vincent Riscon, Ernest Risdon, Edith Risdon, Diana Riseborough, A. Mrs. Riseborough, Amy. Mrs. Risebrook, Cecil Rising, Henry Rising, Andrew F. Rising, Andrew Frederick Rising, H.J. Rising, Agnes Risk, Edwin Risley, Edward Riss, Frederick Riss, William Rissell, Rose L. Rist, Richard Rist, Richard E. Ritchie, Ritchie, Alexander Ritchie, David Ritchie, Alex. Ritchie, Richard Ritchie, Joseph Rite, Dorothy Ritherdon, Alfred Riva, Hy. C. Rivaz, Ann Rivers, William Rivers, John Rivett, Digby Rivette, Horace Rivie, J. Rivington, Thomas Rivington, William Rivington, Emily Louisa Rix, Charles Alfred Pvt. Rix, Mary Ann Rix, Charles A. Rix, Geo. Mrs. Rix, George Rix, Mary A. Rixon, Nellie Rixon, Chas Ar Rixon, Fred. Rixon, Chas. A. Rixon, Chas. Ar. Rixon, Herbert J. Ro Berts, Frederick(3) Leonard Roach, Henry Roach, J.E. Roach, Cyril Roach, Wm. Roach, Richard Roach, George Roach, Alfred T. Roach, John Ed. Roach, Wm Roach, William J. Roach, Alf. T. Roach, Mary Roach, A. T. Roach, Henry Wilfred Pvt. Roach, Jas. Road, Henry Road, Harry Road, Arthur Roadnight, Edw Roake, Albert R. Roake, Henry John Roakes, Henry J. Roakes, Harry J. Roakes, E. Mrs. Roark, Arthur Roark, Mary Roark, Thomas Robb, Ada Mrs. Robb, Martha Jane Robb, Jessie Robb, E. Robb, W.F. Mr. Robb, H. Mrs. Robb, Edward Robbiliard, Thomas R. Robbilliard, Thomas R. Robbins, Joseph Robbins, Lilian May Robbins, Katherine Robbins, Horace Elgar Robbins, Harry Robbins, Charles (1) Edward Robbins, Frank Robbins, Kathleen or Katherine Robbins, William Thomas Robbins, Charles (2) Andrew Robbins, Mary Ann Robbins, Horace Edgar Robbins, Samuel Robbins, Ellen Kate Robbins, Daisy Robbins, Frank Bernard Robbins, Gladys Robbins, Chas. E. Robdrup, Ernest Robert, Mary Robert, Harry Robert, Taylor Robert, Clara Robert, Gray Robert, Lover Robert, Alfred J. Robert, Dora Roberta, Mary Roberts, Stanley Roberts, Mr. Roberts, Mary Roberts, Emma Roberts, George Roberts, Alf. J. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, Doris Roberts, Alfred J. Roberts, Gladys Ellen Roberts, John (3) Roberts, Jessie Roberts, Albert Roberts, Ernest Amos Roberts, William Roberts, Thos. F. Roberts, Jane Roberts, Eliza Roberts, Thomas F. Roberts, Wm Roberts, Mgt. Mrs. Roberts, Joseph Roberts, Percy Mr. Roberts, Lillian Roberts, Arthur Roberts, James Edward Roberts, Charlotte E. Roberts, W.G. Roberts, Cyril Roberts, Emma P. Roberts, Fred. Jas. Roberts, Edith Roberts, Catherine Roberts, Sidney Roberts, Matilda Roberts, Georgina Roberts, Daniel Roberts, Elizabeth Roberts, Winnifred Roberts, Henry Roberts, Eliza Ann Roberts, Percy Roberts, Edward Henry Roberts, Sarah Roberts, Florence J. Roberts, Morris Roberts, Robert P. Roberts, John Roberts, G. J. Roberts, Kate (1) Roberts, Wm. Roberts, J.W. Roberts, Robert Roberts, Nellie Roberts, Hugh Roberts, Arthur A. Roberts, Edward Roberts, Harry Roberts, John (4) Henry Roberts, Helen E. Roberts, Victor R. Roberts, Annie Roberts, Wm. G. Roberts, Albert Edward Roberts, John (2) Roberts, Charles William Roberts, F. Roberts, Kate (2) Roberts, Tommy Roberts, Frederick Roberts, H. Roberts, Harry (1) Roberts, Frederick (2) Roberts, Michael Roberts, Fred Roberts, Robt. Roberts, Beatrice Roberts, Ernest J. Roberts, Mary A. Roberts, S. Roberts, Maggie Roberts, Mrs. Roberts, Winifred Roberts, John Henry Roberts, Gerard Roberts, Percy H. Roberts, Edwin Roberts, Victor Reginald Roberts, David Roberts, Charlotte Roberts, John (1) Roberts, Mitilda Roberts, Roberts, Ernest Roberts, Arthur Henry Roberts, Owen Roberts, A. D. Roberts, Winifred M. Roberts, John E. Roberts, Joan Roberts, Mabel Roberts, Mary Ann Roberts, Benjamin Roberts, A. Roberts, Thomas Roberts, Wm. Geo. Roberts, Dora M. Roberts, Thomas Edward Roberts, William G. Roberts, Ben. D. Roberts, Lily Roberts, Samuel Roberts, Harry (2) Roberts, Selina Roberts, Lizzie Roberts, Violet M. Roberts, Ernest James Roberts, Margaret Jane Roberts, Alice Roberts, Rachael Roberts, P. Esq. Roberts, Isabella Roberts, Jane E Roberts, Patrick Roberts, Frederick (1) Thomas Roberts, Lord Roberts, Percy B. Roberts, Louisa Roberts, Emma Miss. Roberts, Daniel J. Roberts, Margaret Roberts, Gertrude Roberts, J. Roberts, Frederick T. Roberts, Edmund Roberts, R Roberts, Gertrude Isabel Roberts, Evan Roberts, June Roberts, EdIth Roberts, Stanely Roberts, Alfred Roberts, Theresa Roberts, Mary Ellen Roberts, Mary E. Roberts, E. Roberts, Herbert Roberts, Rachel Roberts, Alice E. Roberts, Fredk. Roberts, Josephine Roberts, Willie Roberts, T. E. Roberts, Ethel Robertson, Wm Robertson, Henry Robertson, Douglas Stewart Robertson, Eddie H. Robertson, A. Robertson, Mary Robertson, Mont Robertson, J.W. Professor Robertson, Robert Robertson, Mary Ann Robertson, Montague Hollingham Robertson, Douglas S. Robertson, Chas Robertson, DorIs Robertson, Elizabeth Robertson, PrIscIlla Robertson, D.S. Robertson, Robertson, Michael Robertson, F.N. Robertson, James Robertson, J. Robertson, H. Robertson, Isabella Robertson, Mrs. Fred Robertson, William Robertson, M. Robertson, Hariott Robertson, Jas. Shaw Robertson, Allan Robertson, Jas Robertson, William Henry M. Robertson, R. Robertson, David Robie, N. Robinett, Wm Rd Robins, Ernest Robins, Ada Robins, Maggie Robins, Harry Robins, Alice Robins, Mary Ann Robins, Emily Robins, Charles E. Robins, Ellen Kate Robins, Charles (2) Andrew Robins, Robins, Walter Robins, Samuel Robins, Wm. Robins, Rose Robins, John Robins, Charles (1) Edward Robinson, Elizabeth Robinson, R.J. Robinson, Harold J. Robinson, Mary A. Robinson, Herbert Robinson, Peter Robinson, Andrew Robert Robinson, Kate Robinson, Rose Robinson, Fred J. Robinson, Albert Robinson, Richard Robinson, Gertrude C. Robinson, James Robinson, Caroline Robinson, Christopher Robinson, Walter James Robinson, Tom Robinson, Emily Robinson, Albert W. Robinson, Lily Robinson, John J. Robinson, William Robinson, Samuel Robinson, Percy B. Robinson, Albert G. Robinson, J.W. Robinson, Rupert Robinson, Clara Robinson, Charles Robinson, Mrs. Frank J. Robinson, Ethel A. Robinson, And. R. Robinson, Walter A. Robinson, John Robinson, George Robinson, Ellen Robinson, Minnie Robinson, Mary Robinson, Earnest F. Robinson, Ethel Robinson, Polly Robinson, Simeon Robinson, Samuel Sgt. Robinson, Saml. Robinson, Wm. Robinson, Jane Robinson, Henry (1) Charles Robinson, James R. Robinson, Nelly Robinson, Ivy Robinson, M E J Robinson, Harriet (Mrs. Donald) Robinson, Henry (2) James Robinson, Winnifred Robinson, Susan Robinson, Charles J. Robinson, Ernest W. Robinson, Harry Robinson, Ivy Elizabeth Robinson, Martin H. Robinson, Frank Robinson, Francis Robinson, Mrs. Frank Robinson, Ormond R. Robinson, Ernest W.A. Robinson, Mary Esther Jane Robinson, Alfred Robinson, David Mortimer Robinson, James John Robinson, Charles John Robinson, Annie E. Robinson, Mrs. W.F. Robinson, T.J. Rev. Robinson, Katherine Robinson, Frederick J. Robinson, Jas. Robinson, Ernest Robinson, Arthur Ernest Robinson, Lilian / Lilly Robinson, Henry Robinson, Robert Robinson, William Bolivar Robinson, G. Drummond Robinson, Andrew R. Robinson, Connie Robinson, Jas. R. Robinson, Margaret Robinson, John William Robinson, Harriet Mrs. Robinson, Sam Robinson, E. W. Robinson, Wm. Edward Robinson, Col. Robinson, Chas L. Robinson, Herbert M. Robinson, Ivy E. Robinson, Mary Jane Robinson, Andrew L. Robinson, Josh Robinson, Amelia Robinson, Hannah Robinson, Frederick Ernest Robinson, Katherine O. Robinson, Walter Robinson, Katherine Olive Robinson, William B. Robinson, Reginald A. Robinson, Sheila Robinson, Edward Heaton Robinson, Harold Robinson, Emily Louisa Robinson, Chas. M. Robinson, Patricia Robinson, Charlotte Robinson, Ada Robinson, Andrew Moncrieff Robinson, W. Robinson, Laura Robinson, Arthur Robinson, Jack Robinson, A.E. Robinson, Clarence Robinson, Percy Robinson, Bert (Arthur Bertie) Robinson, Beryl Robinson, Fred Robinson, Catherine Robinson, G. E. Robshaw, Annie Robshawe, Annie Robson, Joseph Robson, Christopher Robson, Florence Robson, Eliza Robson, Elizabeth Robson, Jacob Robson, Lizzie Robson, Jesse J.T. Robson, Jos Robson, Christr Robson, Albert J. Robson, Jesse James Pvt. Robson, Jane Robson, George Robson, Doris Robson, Sarah A. Robson, P. J. Robson, Adam Mr. Robson, Bertie Cpl. Robson, Bertie Robson, Ethel Mrs. Robson, Chas. Robson, Elaine Robson, Wm. H. Robson, Christina Robson, T.E. Captain M.P.P. Robson, Geo. Robson, Sarah Robson, Mrs. Robson, Jesse John Robson, Richard Robus, Ruby Robus, Rudy P.V. Robus, Stephen Robus, Ruby Pearl V. Robus, Rudy Robus, Ruby P.B. Robus, Ruby P.V. Roche, W.J. Roche, Joseph W. Roche, James W. Roche, Margaret Roche, Michael Roche, Jos. Roche, J.W. Mr. and Mrs. Roche, Jos. W. Mr. and Mrs. Roche, J.W. Roche, Joseph Roche, Joseph William Rochett, Mary Agnes Frdca. Rochie, Joseph W. Rock, Sidney Rock, Mary Rock, Miss. Rock, Mabel Rock, Eleanor Rock, Dora Miss. Rock, Dora M. Rock, George Leonard Rodber, Albert Roddick, Catherine Roddick, Margaret Roddick, Jane C Roddy, Thomas Roddy, Thos. Roddy, Mr. James V. Rodel, Wilfred Lawson Rodel, Wilfred Rodel, Wilfred L. Rodel, Wilfred C. Roden, William Roden, Rose Roden, Alfred Roden, Clara Roden, Frederick W. Roden, George N. Roden, Albert Edward Roderigue, Jno J Roderique, Jno. J. Roders, Catherine Rodeu, Ellen Rodgars, Mary Rodger, Margaret Rodger, Cath Rodger, Albert Rodgers, Peter Rodgers, Edith Rodgers, Frederick Rodgers, Stanley W. Esq Rodgers, Ellen Rodgers, Malcolm Rodgers, Nelson Rodgers, Alice Rodgers, Thomas Rodgers, John William Rodgers, Henry Rodgerson, Mary Ellen Rodges, William D. Rodman, Henry Rodway, Charles Rodway, Agnes Rodway, Edward George Rodway, Winifred L. Rodway, Ellen M. Rodwell, Wm. Rodwell, Daisy Rodwell, George Rodwell, Cecil W. Rodwell, Alfred Rodwell, Henry D. Rodwell, Christman J Rodwell, Violet Rodwell, Wm Roe, Harry Roe, Lydia Roe, Albert E. Roe, Ernest Roe, Margaret J. Roe, Peter Roffee, Charles Roffery, Edith Roffey, Edith Roffey, Dorothy M.R. Roffey, Dorothy Roffey, Hy. S. Roffey, Harry, Say Rogan, Felix Roger, Dr. Roger, R.R. Dr. Roger, James Rogers, Joseph Rogers, John Mr. Rogers, E. Rogers, Arthur Rogers, Dan Mrs. Rogers, Clement Rogers, Henry W. Rogers, Patk Rogers, Cyril Thomas William Pvt. Rogers, Jas. Rogers, Gladys Rogers, Mary Ann Rogers, Alice Rogers, Kate Rogers, Albert Rogers, Joe. Rogers, Wm Rogers, Bessie Rogers, John (2) Rogers, John (1) Rogers, George Rogers, John Rogers, William J. Rogers, Alice M. Rogers, J.H. Rogers, Robt. Rogers, J.H. Mr. Rogers, Gladys L. Rogers, Lionel Rogers, Malcolm Rogers, John W. Rogers, William Rogers, Charles Rogers, Joseph Alfred Rogers, Ethel Rogers, Robt Rogers, John William Rogers, Reginald R. Rogers, Thomas Rogers, Edith Rogers, Harriet Rogers, Patrick Rogers, Katie M.G. Rogers, Mr. Rogers, A. N. Rogers, Fred. Rogers, Kate Mary Gladys Rogers, Mary Rogers, Agnes Mrs. Rogers, Walter James Cpl. Rogers, David Rogers, R.A. Rogers, Walter Rogers, Katie Rogers, Mrs. L. Rogers, Herbert Rogers, Hy. W. Rogers, Chas Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. Rogers, Frederick Rogers, Clarence C. Rogers, Jane Rogers, Lily Rogers, Rachel Rogers, Elizabeth Sarah Lily Rogers, J. Rogers, John Wm. Rogers, Mr. William Rogers, Elizabeth E. Rogerson, Clara Rogerson, E. Rogerson, Jno T Rogerson, Robert Rogerson, Ethel Roland, Elizabeth Rolands, Elizabeth Roley, John Rolf, Samuel Rolfe, William Rolfe, Annie E. Rolfe, Thomas Rolfe, Robert Henry Rolfe, Tom Rolfe, Ellen Rolfe, Martin Rolfe, Henry Rolfe, Rolfe, Cecilia S.V. Rolfe, Annie Rolfe, Edward E. Rolfe, Edward Rolfe, Wm. Rolfe, Joseph Rolfe, Nellie Rolfe, Thos. Rolfe, Robt. H. Rolffe, George Rolland, John Grant Rollands, Thomas J. Rolleston, Elsie May Rolleston, Benjamin Rolley, Kate Mrs. Rolley, Nigel Mr. Rolley, D. Mrs. Rollick, Lily Rollins, Percy A. Rollins, Mrs. Percy Rollinson, Mark Rollinson, George Rollinson, Alfred Rollo, Norman Rollo, Reginald Rolls, Arthur James Rolls, Daniel Rolls, Arthur J. Rolph, A. H. Dr. Rolph, Philip Rolph, T. Mrs. Rolson, Lily Mrs. Rolt, George H. Rolt, Charles Rome, Joseph Romminger, John Ronald, J.J. Ronald, William Mrs. Ronald, Alexander Ronald, William Ronaldson, Louisa Ronaldson, Louise Rondeau, Esther Rondeau, Kate Rondeau, John Rondeau, Esther Mary Roney, Nellie Mrs. Roo, Alfred Cyrus Roods, Elizabeth G. Roods, Lizzie Rook, Thomas Rook, James Rook, Richard Rooke, Thomas B.C. Rooke, Mrs. Rooke, Rooke, Thomas Rooke, Fred. Rooke, Fred Rooke, Richard J. David Rooker, Frank Rooker, Dora Rooker, Helena / Elleanor Roome, Walter Rooney, James Rooney, Bernard Rooney, Margaret Rooney, Thomas Rooney, Charles Rooney, Nelli Rooper, Shirley Roost, Amy Root, Henry R. Root, Florence Root, Emily Root, Edgar Willis Roots, Charles Roots, Frederick Roots, Harry R. Roots, Emily Roots, George Roots, Florence Rope, H.J.S. Miss. Roper, Bishop. Roper, Gladys L. Roper, Jas. Roper, Elsie M. Roper, Alfred Roper, Elsie Roper, Gladys Roper, John Roper, Joseph Roper, Jessie Roper, Rorison, Alec. Rorks, Wm James Rosa, Edward C. Rosa, Charles E. Rosar, George W. Rosbottom, Eric Roscarla, Audrey L. Roscoe, Mary Roscoe, William Pvt. Roscoe, Albert Edward Roscorla, Audrey Roscorla, Irene M. Roscorla, Mrs. Rose, William Rose, Frederick Rose, Edwin Rose, James Rose, Marjorie Rose, Henry Rose, Philip Rose, Ed. Rose, Elizabeth Rose, Chas. Rose, Amy Rose, Thomas Rose, Arthur Rose, Herbert Rose, Maurice Rose, Frank Rose, S. Rose, Maurice Herbert Rose, Charles Jesse Rose, Lucy Rose, Maurice H. Rose, Elsie May Rose, Blanche Victoria Rose, Charles W. Rose, Chas Rose, Chris. Rose, Charles Rose, Edw. Joe Rose, Audrey Rose, Julia Ann / Annie Rose, Wm. F. Rose, Sarah Rose, Daisy Rose, Edwin Arthur Rose, William E. Rose, A. E. F. Rose, Lilian Rose, Tom Rose, Judith Rose, Albert Rose, Christopher Rose, M. Rose, Helen M. Rose, Barrie Rose, Claude Rose, Edward Joseph Jessie Rose, Julia A Rose, Phillip Rose, Charles J. Rose, Julia Rose, Gertrude Rose, Mr. Rosenberg, Frederick A. Rosenburg, Alfred Rosenburg, Henry Rosenburg, Fred Rosenburg, Fred. Rosenburg, Rebecca Rosendahl, Martin Roser, William Rosewarne, Ellen Rosher, Winifred Rosher, Winnifred Rosimond, Florence Rose Rosing, Henry Ross, Ira Ross, Arthur A.F. Ross, Phyllis Ross, May Ross, Duncan Ross, David Ross, Annie Ross, Alice Knight Ross, James (2) Joseph Ross, James Ross, Kate (Mrs. Malcolm) Ross, Percy Ross, Jessie Ross, Frederick Ross, Charlie Ross, Chas Ross, Mary Ross, Gladys Mrs. Ross, R. Ross, Harry Ross, Jonah Ross, Janet Ross, Sarah J. Ross, Lizzie Ross, Harry M. Ross, Edward Ross, Alice Ross, William D. Honourbale. Ross, William John Ross, William Lee Ross, Anthony Campbell Spr. Ross, Wm Ross, Agnes Ross, Bernard Ross, Walter Ross, Thomas Ross, Phyllis D. Ross, Charles Ross, James (1) Ross, William Ross, Jean Ross, George W. Hon. Ross, Rosezella Ross, WInnIfred Ross, Arthur Ross, Mr. Ross, Ross-Ross, Diana M. Ross-Ross, John D. S. Rossamond, Chas. Rosser, Wm. James Rosser, Beatrice Rosser, Maud Rosser, William James Rossiter, Wm. J. Rossiter, William Rossiter, Wm. John Rostron, Edith Rostron, Constance M. Rotheram, John Rotheram, William Rotherham, John Rotherham, Thos. Rotherham, William Rothschild, Joseph Rothwell, James Henry Pvt. Rothwell, Annie Rothwell, Thorney Rothwell, Janette Rothwell, James Rothwell, Robert Alfred Rothwell, John Round, Joseph Geoffrey Round, Nancy Rountree, James M. Rountree, Stella D. Rountree, Jane Rountree, Harry Rourk, Mary Rourk, Thomas Rourk, Arthur Rourke, Thos. Rourke, Geneieve Rourke, Genevieve Rourke, [Art.?] Rourke, Mary Rouse, Chas Rouse, Geo. Rouse, Henry Rouse, George Rouse, Elsie Ellen Rouse, Harold V. Rouse, Kathleen (Mrs. Henry) Rouse, Harold Rouston, William Rouston, Willie Rout, Kathleen Routh, Hilary K. Routledge, Ernest Routledge, Thomas Routledge, E. Routledge, ernest Routledge, Mrs. Fred Routledge, Charles Routledge, James Routley, Mrs. Rovert, Winifred A. Rovery, Winifred A. Rovery, Winifred Row, Cyril Rowan, Margaret Rowan, Joseph Rowan, Laura Mrs. H. Rowan, Anty Rowan, Anthony Rowan, E.A. Miss. Rowans, Joseph Rowans, Robert Rowberry, Nora Rowberry, Lilian Mae Rowbotham, Wm. Rowbotham, Fanny Rowden, George N. Rowden, Wm. Rowden, George Rowden, Beatrice Mrs. Rowe, Rosina Rowe, Ethel Rowe, Herbert Rowe, Lydia Rowe, John J. Rowe, Thomas Rowe, Sidney G. Rowe, James M. Rowe, Hilda K. Rowe, Frederick Rowe, Bertie Rowe, F. Rowe, Caroline Rowe, Ivy E. Rowe, Albert Rowe, Andrew Rowe, Mentions Rowe, Maria Rowe, Ivy Rowe, Sidney Rowe, William C. Rowe, Mary Ellen Rowe, John Rowe, Joan Rowe, John Henry Rowe, Alf. Rowe, James T. Rowe, Rowe, Emily Rowe, Minnie Rowe, Caroline W. Rowe, T. Arthur Rowe, Albert Edward Rowe, Alice Rowe, Wm. Rowe, William Charles Rowe, Edith Ivy Rowe, Charles Rowe, William Rowe, Michael Rowell, Elizabeth Rowell, Mrs. Lavern Rowell, Robt. O. Rowland, Reuben H. Rowland, Ada Rowland, Ernest B. Rowland, John Rowland, Edith Rowland, William Rowland, Kate Rowland, Ethel M. Rowland, Ethel May Rowland, R.H. Rowland, Alice Rowland, Ernest Beresford Pvt. Rowland, John T. Rowlands, William Rowlands, David Rowlands, George Rowlands, Robert Rowlands, Edith Rowlands, Edward Rowlatt, Miss. Rowlatt, Elizabeth Rowlatt, Joanna Rowlatt, Charles Rowles, Sydney Rowley, Thomas Rowley, Chas. J. Rowley, John Rowley, John H. Rowley, Robert Rowling, Anthoney Rowlins, Saml Rowlinson, Charles Rowlinson, John Rowney, Geo. P. Rowney, Ed. C. Rowsell, Harriet E. Rowson, William Rowson, Ellen Rowson, Thomas Rowson, Walter William Rowton, William J. Roy, Frederick R. Roy, Ivy E. Roy, Daisy Royal, Ethel Royal, Elizabeth Royce, Arthur Royce, W.S. Mr. Royle, John Royston, Edwin Royston, John Ruan, John Rubber, George Ruck, Gwendoline Ruck, F.G. Rudd, Ethel Rudd, Emily Rudd, Stewart A.H.J.P. Rudd, Stuart Ruddick, Charles J. Ruddick, Mr. Ruddick, Charles J. Mr. Ruddick, Charles R. Ruddick, C. J. Ruddick, Charles Ruddick, Charles Mr. Ruddick, Cecil Sansom Ruddick, Ruddick, John Sansom Ruddle, Allan Ruddling, Bertha Rudds, S.A.H. Ruddy, William Ruddy, Wm. Rudge, Walter Ernest Rudge, Lilian / Lilly Rudge, Kate / Kitty Rudge, Arthur Harold Rudge, John Thomas Rudge, William Rudge, Fred Rudge, Ellen / Nellie Rudge ?, Walter E. Rudland, Charles Rudlege, Thos. Rudling, George W. Rudling, Ann E. Rudling, Bertha Rudloff, Margaretta M. Rudolf, R.D. Mrs. Rudolf, Charlotte Rudolph, Harry A. Rudram, A. Rudrick, Peter Rueland, Reg. Joseph Rufell, Fred. Ruff, Harry Ruff, William Ruffle, Minnie Ruffles, Mary Ruffley, Alfred Ruffley, Louisa Ruffley, Caroline Rugby, Arnold Dr. Rugman, Flo. Mrs. Ruinde, Miss. M. Rulby, Miss. Alice Trixy Rule, Joseph Rule, Edward Rule, John Rule, Edward G. Rule, Rule, Henry R. Rule, Thomas Rule, Beatrice Rule, John S. Rule, Amy Rulf, Amy Rumble, Fanny Rumble, Esther Rumney, Maria Rumsby, Robert Rumsey, Beatrice Rumsey, Thomas E. Rumsey, William Rumsey, Allan Rumsey, Allen Runchman, James Runchman, Runchman, Annie Rundle, Sophy Rundle, Kate Rundle, Catherine Runge, AlIce Runham, John (Jack) Horace Runham, John Runsie, BessIe Rupert, Daphne Mrs. Ruse, Richard Ruse, C. J. Rush, Elizabeth Rush, Mary Ellen Rush, Frederick Rush, Patrick Rush, Michael Rusher, Albt. Rusher, Alb. R. Rusher, Thomas V. Rushman, Mr. H. Rushmere, William Rushton, Harold Rushton, James Rushton, Elsie M. Rushton, Jonathan Rushton, John James Rushton, Robert Rushton, Edward Rushton, Jno. Jos. Russ, James R. Russel, Emma Russel, Henry Russell, Amy Russell, Alice L. Russell, Rose L. Russell, Rose Russell, Percival Russell, Elizabeth Russell, JessIe Russell, William H. Russell, William Frederick Russell, Frank Russell, William Russell, Robert Russell, Percy Norman Russell, Alice Russell, Michael Russell, Leonard Russell, Thomas Russell, William J. Russell, Mrs. Henry Russell, James Russell, Edith Russell, Henry Russell, Thos Russell, Cyril Russell, Wm. H. Russell, Percy Russell, Albert Russell, William Henry Pvt. Russell, T Russell, John Russell, Jane Russell, Francis Russell, Robert Cpl Russell, David Moffatt Pvt. Russell, Willie Russell, Emily Russell, Victor Pvt. Russell, James Henry Russell, Victor Russell, John Wm. Albt. Russell, Charles Russell, Michl Russell, David Russell, Robt. Russell, Rose Louisa Russell, Emma Mrs. Russell, Mr. John Russell, Doris M. Russell, Herbert Russell, Hugh Wm. Russell, Albert Edward Russell, Richard Harold Russell, Sidney Chas. Russell, James Frederick Russell, Gertrude Russell, William I. Russell, Margaret Russell, Russell, Sidney Ed. Russell, Mary Anne Russell, Alice Julia Russell, W.J. Russell, Sarah Ann Russell, James Shaw Russell, Mrs. Russell, Mr. M.P. Russell, Robert George Russell, George Russell-Cotes, Arthur Rev. Russell-Cotes, H. Mr. Russon, Alice Russon, Eunice Russon, Eunice M. Russon, Albert B. Russon, Florence Ada Russon, Phoebe I. Ruston, Frederick Ruston, Fred Ruston, Walter Ruston, Samuel Ruston, Fred. Ruston, John Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. Ruth, James Ruth, James A. Ruth, Stanley Rutheram, John Rutherford, Wm. Rutherford, John E. Rutherford, Arthur Rutherford, Robert William Rutherford, Edward Rutherford, Dd Rutherford, Janet Ruthnick, Henry Rutland, Charles Rutland, George Wm. Rutland, Charles Ed. Rutland, Charles Edward Rutledge, Ernest Rutledge, Mrs. Rutley, William P. Rutt, Percy Rutt, Albert E. Rutt, Jos. Hy. Rutt, Fredk. Rutt, Frederick Rutt, Percy A. Rutter, Bertie Rutter, Ernest Rutter, Frrederick Rutter, Wm Chas Rutter, W. Chas. Rutty, Thomas E. Rutty, Alice Ryall, Albert Raymond Ryan, Wm. Ryan, Mary Ryan, Wm. H. Pte. Ryan, John Ryan, William H. Ryan, Robert Ryan, Edith Ryan, James Ryan, Edward John Ryan, William Ryan, Dorothy Ryan, Thomas Ryan, J.P. Ryan, John Hy. Ryan, Edward Ryan, Sarah Ryan, Michael Ryan, Leopold James Ryan, Patrick Ryan, Thomas Walter Ryan, Catherine Ryan, Denis Ryan, Nicholas Joseph (also Nicholas Patrick) Ryan, Private Ryan, Wm. H. Ryan, Jonathon Ryan, Alfred Ryan, Thomas M. Ryan, Vincent Edward Ryan, Robt. Ryan, Joseph Ivan Ryan, Ellen Ryan, G. Ryan, WW. H. Ryans, Agnes Ryckman, Elizabeth Mrs. Rycroft, John Borden Ryder, Geoffrey Percy Ryder, Gertrude Ryder, M.A. Ryder, Gertrude Hannah Ryder, Mary Ryder, John Ryder, Mary A. Ryder, Charis Ryder, Xanthe Ryder, Charles Edmund Ryder, Dione Rye, Alfred J. Rye, Rye, Arthur Rye, Thomas R. Rye, Chas Rye, Alfred John Rye, S. Percy Rye, T.R. Ryell, Saml Ryer, Maria Ryerson, Egerton Dr. Ryerson, Dr. Ryland, Stafford / Stratford Henry Ryland, Mary Ryland, Fanny Ryland, Roger Ryley, Fanny Ryley, Agnes Ryley, Henry Ryley, H. Ryley, Wm. Ryley, Mary E. Rynne, William Ryons, Jessie Ryons, Agnes Ryons, William Ryons, Florence S., S., A. S., G. S., Jessie S., M. S., H. S., E. Mrs. S., Charles S. Maynard, Rogers S?????, Eliz. Saalborn, Gertrude Saalborn, G.A. Sabaline, Frank Sabell, Geo. Sabell, George F. Sabell, George Sable, Alice Sablin, Richard V. Sach, Elsie Sach, Elsie M. Sach, Pamela Sackett, Ivy Sacks, Reginald Sacks, Bernard James Sackville, E.L. Sadgrove, Edgar Sadie, Miss. Sadler, Elizabeth Sadler, Emily Sadler, Ethel M.H. Sadler, Alice (2) Muriel Sadler, Arthur Sadler, Phoebe Sadler, Ronald Sadler, Rose Sadler, Alice (1) Emily Sadler, James F. Sadler, Mae Sadler, Wm. Hy. Sadler, Wilfred Sadler, Emily C. Sadler, George Sadler, William Sadler, Thomas Sadler, Stanley F. Sadler, Thomas Mather Sadler, Fred Sadler, George T. Sadler, Ethel Sadler, Abraham Sadler, Hector Sadler, Clifford John Sadler, Isobel M . Sadlier, Stanley F. Saeb, May Sage, William Sage, Russell Sage, Jane Sage, Wm. Sage, Wm. J. Sage, Mr. Roy Sage, Lilly Sage, Lily Sage, Florence Sage, Edith Sage, William Henry Sager, William Sailsbury, Serah Ann Sainsbury, Jas. Sainsbury, Artr J Sainsbury, George Frederick Saint, Margaret Shirley Saint, Emma Sainte Mire, Thomas Sakaian, Aram. Sales, George Sales, Percy Sales, Gertrude Sales, Walter Sales, Walter N. Sales, Clara Sales, George Pvt. Sales, Elinor Sales, Wr. N. Sales, John James Sales, Philip Chas. Hunt Salibury, Gertie Salisbury, Margaret Salisbury, Mary Salisbury, John Edward Salisbury, Violet Salisbury, Sarah Salisbury, Gertrude Salisbury, Trevor Salisbury, Reginald Salisbury, Florence Salkeld, William Salkeld, Wm. Sallis, Annie Sallis, Fred Salmon, Robert Salmon, John Salmon, Albert Salmon, George Salmon, James Salmon, Edward A. Salmon, Mabel Salmon, Alexander De Nadaillac Pvt. Salmon, Violet Salmon, Jas Salmond, John Salt, William Salt, Horace Salt, Wm Salt, Charles Frederick Salt, John Salt, Frederick Salt, Walter Salt, George Salt, Wm. Salter, George Salter, Sidney J. Salter, Clifford J. Salter, Leonard Salter, Oscar Salter, Violet Salter, Frank Pvt. Salter, William J. Salter, Geo Salter, Ernest Salter, Sarah Mrs. Salter, Kathleen May Salter, Albert S. Salter, Albert E. Salter, Clifford Mr. and Mrs. Salter, George Cpl. Salthorpe, Authur Burns Salthouse, Ellen Salthouse, Mildred Salthouse, Philip E. Salthouse, Patricia Salthouse, Carl Saltxberry, Florence Mrs. Saluda, Hilda Salvada, Hilda Salvage, Arthur H. Salvidea, Hilda Salymann, Elice Salzar, Peter Salzberry, Flo. E. Mrs. Sambrock, William Arthur Sambrook, William Arthur Sammel, Thos Sammell, Geo. Sammon, Wm. W. Sammon, Ernest James Sammon, William Wallis Sammon, Ernest Sammon, Ernest J. Sampson, Josephine Sampson, George Henry Sampson, Pamela A. Sampson, Sampson, Agnes Sampson, Eva Sampson, G. H. Sams, Arthur David Pvt. Sams, May Sams, May Beatrice Samson, Mrs. Samson, Samson, Alexander Samson, Ellen Samson, Florence Samuel, Thomas Samuel, Richard Samuel, Andrew Samuel, A. Samuels, And Samuels, John Samuelson, Ivy Samuelson, Ivy E. Samways, Albert Ed. Samwell, George Samworth, Ann Sanbidge, Wm. Ernest Sandall, Elizabeth M. Sandall, Alfred Sandall, Bessie Sandall, Ada/Alice Sandbrook, William Arthur Sandell, Rose Sandell, Alfred Sandeman, Esther Sandeman, Margaret Sanders, L. Sanders, Horace Charles / Horace W. Sanders, Bessie Sanders, Edwin J. Sanders, Emily Sanders, Frederick (2) Herbert Sanders, Sanders, Lizzie Sanders, Frederick (1) Sanders, Mary Sanders, Maggie Mrs. Sanders, Tom Sanders, Frank Sanders, John E. Sanders, Minnie Sanders, Hetty Sanders, Lucy Sanders, John Henry Sanders, Edward Sanders, John Hy. Sanders, Jno. Hy. Sanders, Emmie Sanders, Beatrice Sanders, William Henry Sanders, Ed. Sanders, Mary A. Sanders, Elizabeth Sanders, ElIzabeth Sanders, Charles Thomas Sanderson, William J. Sanderson, William Sanderson, John Sanderson, Hugh Sanderson, Sanderson, Ethel Sanderson, Jno. Sanderson, James Sanderson, Thomas Sandford, Ivy Sandford, Beatrice Sandiford, William Sandiford, Wm. Sandiford, Wm Sandiford, M. Miss. Sandison, John R. D. Sandison, Filicity D. Sandison, Anne P. Sandles, Ray G Sandles, Raymond Sands, Thos Rd Sands, Herbert W. Sands, Henry Sands, Chas. W. Sands, John Fred Sands, Herbert Ward Sands, James Richard Sands, Arthur Sands, Sands, Charles W. Sands, Florence C. Sands, Archibald Sandy, Mr. Sanford, Stephen James Sanford, Stephen J. Sanford, Stephen Sanford, S.J. Sanger, Samuel Sanger, William D Sanger, Lucy Sankey, T. Sankey, Chas. Sankey, Maud Sankey, F Sankey, Julia Sansom, Eva Sansom, Florence Sansom, Albert Sansom, Sansom, Eva E. Sansom, Gordon T. Sansome, Graham Sansoms, Eva E. Sanson, Florence Sanson, Flor. Kate Sanson, Albert Sanson, Eva Sansum, Frank Sansum, Albert Sansum, Eva E. Sapsford, Eva May Sapsford, Eva Sapsford, John A. Sapsford, Bessie I. Sapsford, Bessie Sapwell, George Sapwell, Charles Sapwell, Alfred Sargeant, James E. Sargeant, Frank Sargeant, Albert Sargeant, V. Sargeant, James Sargent, Catherine Sargent, Robert C. Sargent, Thomas C. Sargent, Edward Sargent, John Sargent, Jno. Sargent, Percy Sarles, Alfred J. Sarles, Alfred Jas. Sarles, Albert J. Sarson, Arthur Sarson, Noel C. Sarson, Arthur W. Sarson, Stanley Pvt. Sarson, Stanley Sarson, Noel Cecil Pvt. Sarson, Percy Sarson, Noel E. Sarsons, Ronald Sartin, Francis Cecil Sartin, Francis C. Sartin, Francis Satchell, Catherine Satchell, Wm. Geo. Satchwelt, Wm. C. Satterley, Marion Satterthwaite, Thomas Sauer, Mr. George H. Saul, Mary Ann Saul, Arthur Saulnier, Mary Ann (Mrs. Russell B.) Saunder, Alice Mrs. Saunder, Maud Saunder, Olive Saunder, Maude Saunders, Alice M. Mrs. Saunders, Alice Saunders, Geo. D. Saunders, William E. Saunders, Claude George Saunders, Hannah Saunders, Maud Saunders, Claude G. Saunders, Richard K. Saunders, Harriet Saunders, May Mrs. Saunders, John Saunders, Edwin Saunders, George C. Saunders, John R. Saunders, Lizzie Saunders, Ellen Saunders, Mary A. Mrs. Saunders, Beatrice Mrs. Saunders, Yvonne Saunders, Arthur G. Saunders, Wm. E. Saunders, Arthur A. Saunders, Frederick (1) Saunders, Harry Saunders, Mary Saunders, Emily Saunders, Saunders, Florence Saunders, Jno. E. Saunders, Minnie Saunders, Alfred Saunders, Frank Saunders, Evelyn M.G. Saunders, William Saunders, Elsie Saunders, John G. Saunders, Henry J. Saunders, John B. Saunders, Chas. Saunders, Fred W.G. Saunders, Arthur Saunders, Gerald Saunders, Thomas H. Saunders, Olive Saunders, Chas. A. Saunders, Charles Thomas Saunders, Rich. K. Saunders, Marshall Saunders, Arthur J. Saunders, W.H. Saunders, Horace Charles / Horace W. Saunders, Rachel Saunders, Thomas Cecil Saunderson, Charles G. Saunderson, Fred Savage, Maud Savage, Frederick Savage, Arthur Savage, Edwin Savage, Mr. and Mrs. Savage, Winifred Mrs. Savage, George |
Savage, Cecil G. Savage, George Leonard Savage, Walter (1) Savage, Charlotte Savage, Louisa Savage, Chas. H. Savage, Susan Savage, Miss. Savage, Elva Savage, Paula H. Savage, Fred Savage, Edwin George Lt. Savage, William Savage, John Joseph Savage, Bertram F. Savage, Walter (2) Thomas Savage, William Percy Savage, Lilian K. Savannell, George Savell, Norman A.M. Savell, Norman A. Savell, Thomas W. Savell, Willie Savell, William Savell, Thos. W. Savery, Wm. Savery, William Savery, Mabel Savill, Isabella Saville, William Saville, Arthur Saville, Serah Ann Saville, Thomas William Arthur Saville, John Saville, Isabella Saville, Lilian E. Savin, Edith Savin, Thomas Childs Savin, David Reginald Savory, Jane Savory, William Savoy, Ed Saw, Albert Saward, Warwick Sawaw, Petrovitch Sawdy, James M. Sawle, John Sidney Sawle, Mahala Sawyer, Herbert Sawyer, Grace G. Sawyer, Emily Sawyer, Harold R. Sawyer, MaryAnne Sawyer, Fred Sawyer, Henry J. Sawyer, Isabel Sawyer, Harry R. J. Sawyer, Mary Ann Sawyer, Kate Sawyer, George Sawyer, Henry Sawyer, Fanny Sawyer, Frederick G.L. Sawyer, Frederick G. L. Sawyer, Catherine, Maud Sawyer, Fred Geo. L. Sawyer, Ethel Sawyer, Harold Sawyer, George T. Sawyer, Amy Sawyer, Fred G.L. Sawyer, Frances Sawyer, Emma Sawyer, Percy Saxby, Charles Saxille, Herbert Saxton, William A. Saxton, Hannah Saxton, John Saxton, Joseph Fred'k Saxton, William Saxton, F.J. Saxty, Thomas Say, Charlotte Sayer, Charles Sayer, Jessie Sayer, John Sayer, Chas Sayer, Ellen Sayer, Elsie Sayer, Beatrice Sayer, Leslie Sayer, Charles Wm James Sayers, Chas Wm Sayers, James Sayers, Johnathan Sayers, Ellen Annie Sayers, Chas. Wm. Sayers, Beatrice Sayers, John Sayers, Jessie Sayers, Chas. W. Sayers, Ellen Sayles, Edith T. Saysell, Albert Scace, Henry Scadamore, Basil C. Scaffe, Charles Scaife, Frank Scales, Jane Scales, Thomas Scales, Ruth Scales, Nathaniel Scales, Jane Marley Scales, Agnes Scales, Ruth Marley Scales, Hy Josh Scales, John D. Scalon, James Scammell, Mr., Mrs. and Miss. Scammell, Gertrude (Mrs. John McAdam) Scandrett, Thomas (2) Scandrett, Wm. C. Scandrett, Thomas (1) Scandrett, William Scandrett, William Charles Scandrett, W. Scanes, Scanes, Thomas Scanes, Thos. Scanlan, Edward Scanlan, P. Scanlan, Charles Scanlon, Joseph Scanlon, William Scanlon, Albert Scanlon, Charles Scanlon, Timothy Scanlon, Thos. Scanlon, Wm. Scantlebury, Lester Scantlebury, Judith Scarborough, Wm. Scarfe, Florence Scarfe, James T. Scarffe, Thomas Scarffe, Charles Scariel, C. Scarle, Mary Anne Scarlett, Edith Mrs. Scarratt, Ernest William Scarratt, George Scates, Harry Scates, Charles Scates, Charlie Scates, Mrs. Scates, Henry J. Scates, H.I. Scates, Henry Jos. Scattergood, Albert Scaum, Arthur Schaeffer, W. Schaffer, Jessie Schalck, Ada Schedler, Winifred D.J. Mrs. Schell, Leonard Mrs. Schemeld, Bernard Schillemon, Geo. F. Schillemore, Alfred William Schillemore, George Frederick Schillemore, Ed. Schilling, John Lewis Schilz, Miss. Schimmen, Clara Schmidt, Elizabeth Schmidt, Catherine Schmidt, Rosina Schmidt, Wm. Schmidt, Charles Schmidt, William Schoblam, Annie E. Schoblan, Blanche H. Schockley, Mr. and Mrs. Schockley, Mr. Schofield, Thomas Schofield, Mary Schofield, William Schofield, Edgar Schofield, Elizabeth Schofield, James Schofield, P. Schofield, Danl Schofield, Charles Schofield, Christopher Schofield, Hy Schofield, John Schofield, Scholart, Fred Scholart, Frederick Scholefield, Henry Scholefield, Danl Scholefred, Harold Scholes, James Scholes, Evelyn Scholes, Mabel Scholz, Victor H. Schonfield, Mary Schonopp, Jessie Stenhouse Schoolcraft, Albert Schooledge, Alfred Schooling, P. H Schottlander, Herbert Schroder, Geo. D. Schuff, Ellen Schuten, Sopha Schwalm, V. Mrs. Schwartz, Albert D. Schwarz, Albert D. Schwarze, Annie Schwarze, Annie H. Schylling, Florence L. Schzinger, John Scivener, Percy Scoble, Alfred Scofield, Elizabeth Scoles, James Scoone, F.M. Mr. Scoppard, Frederick Scotcher, Ada Scotcher, Ada E. Scotney, Alice Scotney, Alice E. Scott, George Scott, John H. Scott, Kathleen M. Mrs. Scott, Sidney L. Scott, Anne Scott, Frederick D. Scott, John, M.S. Scott, Rebecca Scott, Charles Wm. Scott, Emily R. Scott, Kathleen Mrs. Scott, Scott, Christabel Scott, Chas G. Scott, Agnes Scott, Grace Scott, Emily Scott, James Scott, Tom Scott, John M.S. Scott, Chas. Scott, Mary H. Mrs. Scott, John Scott, Harry Scott, James Hy. Scott, J.A Scott, Violet Scott, Violet P. Scott, James H. Scott, Walter J. Scott, Maud Scott, Esther Scott, Hugh Scott, Doris Scott, Frank M. Scott, William John Scott, Mary Scott, Robert C. Scott, William Scott, Charles Scott, Clara Scott, Lily Scott, Martha Scott, Mary Jane Scott, Arthur Scott, Chas Scott, Hannah Scott, Alfred Scott, Emily M. Scott, Robert E. Scott, William B. Scott, Hannah Mrs. Scott, Victor George Scott, Margaret Scott, Jos. W. Scott, Albert Scott, Henry Scott, Francis A. Scott, William D. Scott, Sidney Lincoln Scott, Walter Scott, Mr. Scott, Arthur Pte. Scott, Mrs. Scott, John R. Scott, Denis Thomas Scott, Edith Lily Scott, John Henry Scott, Thomas Scott, John E. Scott, Edith Scott, Frederick Scott, Sidney W. Scott, Frank Scott, Christopher Scott, Wm Scott, Burton Scott, Georgina Rachel Scott, Wm. Thomas Scott, Veazey Scott, H Scott, Kate D. Scott, Thomas W. Scott, Thomas William Scott, Frank Bateman Scott, John Ernest Scott, Thos Hy Scott, Isabella Scott, Norman Scott, Daisy Scott, Charles William Scott, Harriet Scott, Ernest Scott, Georgina Scott, Jas. E. Scott, James Henry Scott, Norman William Scott, J.E. Scott, Charles Henry Frederick Scott, H.W. Mr. Scott, Emily Miss. Scott, James Pvt. Scott, Chas. Wm. Scott, W.R. Scott, E. C. Scott, Sarah Scott E., Ethel L. Mrs. Scotton, Ellen Scovell, Jessie Edith Scovell, Jessie Scovell, Rose Z. Scrace, Chas. William Scrancher, James William Pvt. Scrancher, James W. Scrancher, Jas. W. Scrase, Kate Scratch, Mr. Scratch, Mrs. Scratch, Sherman Scratch, Solomon Scratch, Samuel N. Scrinener, Hy. Scriven, W. Scriven, Mrs. Ed. Scrivener, Josephine Scrivener, W. H. Scrivener, William Scrivens, James Ernest Scrottow, Geo. E. Scrottow, George E. Scrutton, David Scrutton, Susan M. Sculley, Frederick Scullion, Scullion, John Peter Scullion, Peter Scullion, John P. Scullion, P. Scully, William Scully, Frederick Scully, W.E. Scully, Alfred Scully, William E. Scully, Wm. E. Scully, Wm. Scurr, Wm. J. Scurr, Wm. Jno. Scutts, Edith Seaber, Minnie Seabourne, Gladys Seabourne, Horace Mack Seabourne, John F. Seabourne, Florence Seabridge, Alfred Seabrook, ??? Seabrook, Miss. Seaby, Sarah Seaby, Sarah A. Seach, Henry G. Seaforth, F. Seaforth, Arthur William Seaforth, Frederick Seaforth, Art. W. Seager, Charles Seager, Hannah Seager, Frederick Seager, Wm. Seager, William Seager, Frank Seager, William Pvt. Seager, Kate Seager, William F. Seager, Charles J. Seagnutt, George Joseph Seago, Miss. Seago, Alice Miss. Seal, Jessie Seal, Albert E. Seal, Arthur Seal, Nellie Seal, Henry Seal, Jessie Elizabeth Seal, Seal, Mary Seale, Arthur Sealy, Alfred John Seaman, Henry William Seaman, William Seaman, George Seaman, William E. Seaman, Alfred C. Seaman, Josiah Seaman, Josiah T. Seaman, Henry W. Seaman, Henry William Pvt. Seamark, HarrIet Seamons, Thomas Ralph Seanes, Tom Search, Ernest Search, Earnest V.J. Searl, Jos. Searle, B. Searle, Henry Searle, George Charles Searle, George L. Searle, Olive Palmer Searle, George Searle, Charles Searle, George C. Searle, Gladys Louisa Searle, Charlotte Searle, Geo. Searle, Wm. Searles, James Sears, Jessie Mabel Sears, Florence Sears, Albert E. Sears, Florence A. Sears, Albert Edward Sears, Albert Searson, Richard Seary, John Seaton, Thomas Sebog-Montefiore, John J. Sebog-Montefiore, Harold H. Seccombe, Gregory Seconder, Arthur Secord, J.W. Secret, Fredk. Thos. Secretan, Harold H. Secretan, H.H. Seddon, Mary Seddon, Pamela Sedgbeer, John Sedgemoor, Sarah Sedgemoore, Sarah J. Sedgemoore, Sarah Jane Sedgwick, Benjamin Sedgwick, Maud Sedgwick, Edward J. Sedgwick, Maude Sedgwick, Arthur E. Sedgwick, Herbert Sedgwick, Arthur Edward Sedgwick, Clarence Sedgwick, Ben Sedgwick, Art. E. Sedgwick, Reg. Seeby, Sarah Seed, Wm. Seed, Maggie Seed, William Seef, Elsie Seeley, Daisy Seeley, Mary Seeley, Ernest Albert Seeley, Sidney Seeley, Janet Seeley-Smith, Ed. Seely, Mary Seeman, Hugo Seeman, Norma Seeney, William P. Seers, Sarah Seers, Emily Seeton, Kate (Mrs. Parker) Sefton, John Pvt. Sefton, Sarah Sefton, James Sefton, John Segeant, Arthur Vivian Seggins, Alf. Segriss, Ernest Seirl, Alfred Selbie, W.B. Dr. Selby, Stephen C. Selby, Emily Selby, Richard Selby, Harry Selby, William Selby, William George Self, William Self, Walter B. Self, Elsie Self, Elise Self, W. Self, W.B. Self, Wiliam Self, Walter Self, Walter H. Sell, Sophia Sellars, Robert John Sellars, Bertie Sellars, Miss. Sellars, Gerald S. Seller, Florence (Mrs. Howard F.) Sellers, Frederick W.R. Selley, Mary Selley, Daisy Sellin, Hy. Sells, Emily S. Selosse, Albert Selvey, Susannah Selvey, William Selwood, Wiilliam R. Selwood, William R. Selwood, Arch. E. Sely, Daisy Semark, Cecil Semper, Eliza Semple, Mrs. Sena, Carmen Sena, James Sendall, AnnIe Senior, Elizabeth Senior, James H. Senior, George Senior, Elizabeth A. Senior, Jas. Senneck, Helen M. Sentence, Mr. Sepo, John Septcher, Ada Serase, Hy. Serjeant, John Serman, Ernest Serman, Zebra Aston Serridge, Alfred Serridge, Sessions, Wm. Sessions, William Sessions, Thomas Sessions, Henry Seton, K.M. Miss. Seton, K.M. Miss Setter, Laura Miss. Setter, William Sever, Cynthia M. Severence, Nellie (Mrs.) Severn, Charles E. Severn, George W. Severn, George William Pvt. Severn, Robert G. Severn, Geo. W. Seward, Annie Seward, Noel William Seward, Walter Sewell, Alf. W. Sewell, Isabella Sewell, Alfred W. Sewell, Isabel Sewell, Rachel Sewell, Gertrude Sewell, Alfred William Sewell, Ethel May Sewell, Frank Sewell, Alice Neave Sewell, Mary Sewell, Robt. Sewell, Alfred William Pvt. Sewell, Ernest S. Sewell, Joseph J. Sewell, H.G. Sewell, Olive M. Sewell, Amy Gertrude Sewell, Charles H. Sewell, John Brereton Sewell, Pamela Wendy Sewell, Harry G. Sewell, Wm. Ed. Sewell, Lilian Mrs. Sewell, Margaret Rachel Sewell, S. Sewis, W. Mrs. Sexby, Serah Sexton, Hy Sexton, Wm. G. Sexton, Henry Sexton, Thomas Seymour, Doris J. Seymour, James Seymour, H.G. Seymour, Rose Seymour, Frederick S. Seymour, Arthur Seymour, Edith Seymour, Fred S. Seymour, Doris I. Seymour, Seymour, Doris Seymour, Fred. S. Seymour, James Benjamin Seymour, Daisy Seymour, Louisa Seymour, Elizabeth Seymour, Stanley Ernest Seymour, EdIth Seymour, Herbert George Seymour, Catherine Seymour, Florence Seymour, Emily L. Seymour, James B. Seymour, William Seymour, Herbert G. Seymour, Leonard Seymour, Alice Seymour, Priscilla Seymour, Albert Edward Seymour, Wm. Seymour, May Seymour, Fred Shackel, Sidney Shackell, Sidney Shackelton, Geo. L. Shackleford, A. W. Shackleford, Arthur Shackleford, A. W. Pvt. Shackles, Wm. Geo. Shackles, William, George Shackleton, Muriel Shackleton, Geoffrey Shackleton, John Shadbolt, Annie Shadden, Edward Shadgett, James Shadlock, Isabel Mrs. Shafer, Eleanor (Mrs.) Shafto, Annie Shakeshaft, Charlotte Shakespeare, Alfred Shakespeare, R. Shakespeare, George Shambrook, Annie Shanahan, J Shand, F. G. Shandley, George Alfred Shane, Mary Shane, Lily Shane, William Shane, James Shanks, Walter R. Shanks, Shanks, Edward Shanks, John Bassett Pvt. Shanks, John Shanks, Hugh Shannon, Lily Shannon, Patrick Shannon, Lilian Shannon, Lilly Shannon, Giles E. Shantary, John Shantry, Walter Shantry, William Shantry, Walter Patrick Shantry, Wm. Shapcott, Rosina Shapcott, William Shapcott, Frederick Shapcott, Fred. Shapcott, Wm. H. Shapcott, Rose Sharland, F. Sharland, Geroge Sharman, George E. Sharman, J. Sharman, J. R. Sharman, F.P. Sharp, Christopher Sharp, Miss. Sharp, G. Miss. Sharp, Mary Sharp, James Cornelius Sharp, William Sharp, Arthur Sharp, Joseph Sharp, Thomas Sharp, Horace G. Sharp, George Sharp, William J. Mr. Sharp, Emma Sharp, N.A. Dyce Mr. Sharp, Gladys Sharp, Matthew Sharp, Hubert Sharp, James Sharp, Margaret J. Sharp, Alice Sharp, Amelia Sharp, Margaret Sharp, Glady Sharp, F.L.M. Miss. Sharp, Jane Sharp, Leslie Sharp, John Sharp, Albert George Sharp, EdIth Sharp, Sharp, W. J. Sharp, Catherine Sharp, Roger Sharpe, Emma Sharpe, Ada Sharpe, Cornelius Sharpe, Gladys Sharpe, Florence Sharpe, Colin George Sharpe, H.G. Sharpe, James Sharpe, Geo Sharpe, Horace G. Sharpe, T. Sharpe, Sharpe, Wm. Sharpe, Arthur Sharpe, William Sharpe, Roger Sharpe, Henry Sharpe, Ernest Sharpe, Leslie Sharpe, Joseph Sharpe, Henry S. Sharpe, Leslie Horace Sharples, Henry Sharples, Wm Sharples, George Sharrow, Henry John Sharwood, Isabel P. Sharwood, Belinda R. Shattock, Samuel F. Shattock, Samuel T. Shaud, Albert Shaw, Chas Shaw, Alfred Sydney Shaw, Stanley Shaw, John Stanley Shaw, Elsie (Mrs. Frank B.) Shaw, Margaret Shaw, Mary Shaw, John V. Shaw, W. Shaw, William Shaw, Francis Mary Shaw, Mary Ann Shaw, Frederick Robert Shaw, Wm Shaw, Charles Douglas Shaw, Norah E. Shaw, Sidney E. Shaw, Arthur Shaw, Colin H. P. Shaw, Norah Shaw, Sidney Shaw, Rose Elizabeth Shaw, Edwin Shaw, Edith Mrs. Shaw, chas. D. Shaw, Mr. Shaw, Rosa Shaw, James Shaw, Albert Shaw, Shaw, Alice Shaw, Charles D. Shaw, Richd Shaw, Alfred S. Shaw, Mary A. Shaw, Richard Shaw, Jno T Shaw, Jessie Shaw, John Shaw, Florence Shaw, Mona Mary Shaw, Albert Ernest Shaw, Lilly Shaw, Amy Shaw, Richard Harry / Henry Shaw, Lily Shaw, Lester Shaw, Frederick R. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaw, Richd Thos Shaw, Anne Shaw, George Shaw, Annie (2) Shaw, Annie Elizabeth Shaw, Frederick Shaw, Alfred Shaw, H. Shaw, Albert Edward Shaw, Wm. Shaw, Catherine Shaw, Winifred Shaw, E. Shaw, John W. Shaw, John Thomas Shaw, Leslie Shaw, Lilian Shaw, Cuthbert Shaw, Thomas Shaw, Thomas Valentine Shaw, Geoffrey Shaw, Jimmy Shaw, J. Shaw, Albert E. Shaw, Annie (1) Harriett Shaw, Robert Henry Shaw, John William Shaw, Alfred William Shaw, Septimus Shaw, Fred Shaw, William H. Shaw, Frederick Ernest Shawyer, Florence Shawyer, Florrie Shaxted, Charlotte Shaxted, Charlotte E. Shayler, Ed. Shayler, John Shayler, Edward Shaylor, Cyril Shea, John William Shea, Percy Douglas Shea, William Shea, Wm. Shea, John Wm Shea, Jeremiah Shea, Mary Shea, Ada Mary Shea, Arthur Shean, William Shean, Peter Shean, Ellen Shean, John Shean, Mary Shear, Elizabeth Sheard, Kate Sheard, Florence Sheard, Kate M. Shearer, James L. Shearer, Daniel D. Shearman, VIolet Shearman, Mabel Shearn, Annie Shears, William Shears, George Shears, William R. Sheasby, Daisy Sheath, Grace Sheath, Florence A. Sheath, Florence Sheckle, Edith Sheckleton, Elizabeth Mrs. Shedman, Frederick Sheeg, Arthur E. Sheehan, Joseph Sheehan, John Sheeler, Barbara E. Sheelhan, Owen Sheen, William Sheen, Douglas George Sheen, Thomas Sheen, Kate Sheen, Thos. Sheen, Charles Sheer, Lizzie Sheer, Elizabeth Amy Sheffield, Elizabeth Sheffield, Edward Shehan, Bernard Sheils, James Frank. Sheils, Thomas Henry Sheires (Shires), Walter Henry Shelbin, William Shelbourne, Clara Sheldon, Lynette Sheldon, Jennifer Sheldon, Martin Sheldon, Alfred Sheldon, George Sheldon, John Sheldon, Harold Sheldrake, Arthur H. Shell, Shell, Frederick Shell, Frederick Wm. Shellard, Albert H. Shellard, Arthur J. Shelley, Charles Shelly, Chas Shelswell, John Valentine Shelswell, Francis W. Shelton, Richard Shelton, Michael Shelton, Walter Shelvoch, Alfred Shepard, Charles Shepard, Alice Shepard, Frederick Shepard, Gertrude Shepard, John Henry Shepard, Thos. Shepard, William Shepard, Dorothy Shepard, Emily Shepeard, Dorothy Sheperd, Dorothy M. Shephard, Frank (2) Shephard, Ernest Shephard, Sarah Shepheard, Dorothy Shepheard, George F. Shepheard, George Shepherd, George Shepherd, Dorothy Shepherd, Ethel Maud Shepherd, Albert Shepherd, Wm. Shepherd, Frank William Shepherd, Jessie Shepherd, Emily Shepherd, Robt Shepherd, Frank (1) Shepherd, Emily C. Shepherd, Victor Shepherd, Joseph Hy. Shepherd, John Shepherd, Gurney Mr. Shepherd, James Shepherd, John Albert Shepherd, Dorothy M. Shepherd, George Frederick Pvt. Shepherd, Victor M. Shepherd, Victor N. Shepherd, Caroline Shepherd, Jesse Shepherd, J. Havergal Rev. Shepherd, Irene Shepherd, R.J. Shepherd, Elizabeth Shepherd, William F. Shepherd, Eunice Lilian Shepherd, Chas. Shepherd, Fanny Shepherd, Mr. Shepherd, James H. Shepherd, Ernest Shepherd, Charles Shepherd, F. Alfred J. Shepherd, Dorothea Shepherd, Frank (2) Shepherd, Alex. Shepherd, F.J. Shepherd, Albert E. Shepherd, Leonard E.V. Shepherd, Edward Shepherd, Thomas R. Shepherd, Chas Shepley, James Shepley, Mr. Sheppard, Reginald G. Sheppard, J. Havergal Rev. Sheppard, Reginald Geo. Sheppard, Robert M. Sheppard, J. A. Drv. Sheppard, Havergal Rev. Dr. Sheppard, Havergal J. Rev. Sheppard, J. Havergal Rev. D.D. Sheppard, Wm. Sheppard, Alice M. Sheppard, Emma Sheppard, J. Havergal Dr. Sheppard, Francis Sheppard, J. Havergal Dr. Rev. Sheppard, Alice Maud Sheppard, Ellen M. Sheppard, Alice Sheppard, J.H. Rev. Sheppard, Eunice Lilian Sheppard, J. Havergal Sheppard, J. Havergal Rev. Dr. Sheppard, Jack Sheppard, Dorothy Sheppard, Irene Sheppard, Gladys Mrs. Sheppard, Charles D. Sheppard, Emily Sheppard, Ethel Maud Sheppard, Havergal Dr. Sheppard, William Sheppars, Alice Shepperd, Thomas Shepperd, Alice Shepperd, W. Shepperd, Albert Shepperd, Ethel Maud Sheppick, Mabel Sherbrook, Wm. Sherbrook, A. Sherbrook, A. G. Sherfield, Alice Shergold, Frank Shergold, Charles Sheridan, Thos. Sheridan, James Sheridan, Lawrence Sheridan, Thomas Albert Pvt. Sheridan, Thomas Sheridan, John Sheridan, Sarah Sheridan, Henry Sheridan, Thos Sheriden, Mary Sheriff, Ellen Sheriff, Julie Sheriff, Lizzie Sheriff, Elizabeth Sheriff, Nellie Sheriff, Sheriff, Julia Maude Sheriff, Julia Sherin, Walter Sherin?Am, Edwd. Sherington, Fred Sherington, Alfred Sheriton, Lilian Sherk, Audrey Sherlock, Mr. Sherlock, Edward Sherman, Albert C. Sherman, Jas Sherman, Ada Lilian (Mrs. Otto) Sherman, Mary Sherman, Albert Charles Sherman, Minnie Edith (Mrs. Covert) Sherrard, Wm. Sherrard, Priscilla Sherrard, Hannah Sherrard, Robert Sherrard, James Henry Sherrard, William Sherrast, J. Sherraton, Lilian Sherratt, Elizabeth Sherriff, Phyllis May Sherriff, William Sherriff, Edward Sherriff, Gladys Sherrin, James Sherring, Rose Sherry, Edward Sherry, John Sherry, Jno. Sherry, Martin D. Sherry, Edwd. Sherwin, Hannah Sherwood, Geo. Sherwood, Eva Sherwood, William H. Sherwood, Artr Sherwood, George Sherwood, Arthur Sherwood, Eva. C. Sherwood, Bertha V. Sherwood, Wm. Sherwood, Mr. & Mrs. William H. Sherwood, Cyril Thomas Shesby, James Shesby, Charlotte Shevlin, Robert Shevlin, William Shevyer, Charles Shew, Geo Sheward, kate Sheward, Henry Sheward, Douglas Sheward, Leonard Sheward, Kate Sheward, Caroline Sheward, Beatrice Shields, James Shields, Margaret Shields, George Buller G. Shields, George F. Shields, William Shields, Geo. Shields, Mary Shields, Francis Shields, Geo Shields, Anne Shields, George B.D. Shields, Wm. Shields, R. Shilito, E.A. Shilling, Florence Laura / Laura Florence Shillito, Edward A. Shilton, John T. Shimel, H. Shimels, Annie Shimer, John Shimmels, Annie Shimmon, Clara Shimmon, Clara Florence Shimmons, Clara Shine, Joseph Shingle, John Shingler, Albert Shinn, Harold W. Shinner, John Shinner, Peter Shinnon, Clara Shipley, James Shipley, Lizzy Shipley, Lizzie Shipman, Frank Shipman, William Shipp, Kate Mrs. Shipp, Peter Wyndham Shippam, Alfred Ffrederick Shipton, John Shipway, Frank Shipway, Frank Pvt. Shire, Walter Shire, Fanny Mrs. Shires, Amy Ann Shires, Walter Shires, Margaret Shirley, Alberta Shirran, Bessie / Lizzie Shirtcliffe, Joshua J. Shivers, Louisa Shoard, Albert Edward Shockley, Mr. Shoebottom, Shirley Shoebottom, Judith Sholl, Frederick W. Shoobridge, Prudence Shooter, Robert Shore, Jacob Shore, F. Shore, John Shorey, Minnie (Mrs.) Shorney, Mabel Short, Mrs. Short, Thomas Short, Rupert Short, Frank Short, Frederick Short, Vivienne Short, Wilfred James Pvt. Short, Fred Short, Mary Ann Short, Winnifred Short, Minnie Short, Edward Clarkson Short, M A Short, Wilfred Short, Olive (Mrs. P. R.) Short, Henry B. Short, Ernest Thomas Short, Edward Short, Stanley Short, George Short, Fred W.C. Short, Sydney H.V. Short, Frederick W.C. Short, A M Short, Nellie Short, Annie Maria Shorthouse, Violet Shorthouse, Violet m. Shorthouse, Henry Shott, Fred. W. Shotton, Vincent Shotton, Hy. Showell, Eliza Showell, Alfred Shrewsbury, William C. Shrewsbury, William George Pvt. Shrewsbury, William George. Shrubb, Ephraim E. Shrubb, Earl Mr. and Mrs. Shrubsole, William Shuffill, Rose Shuffill, William Shute, R. Shuter, Thomas Shuter, Thomas Geo. Shutler, George Shuttle, Charles Shuttleworth, George Shuttleworth, John Shuttleworth, A. T. / Thomas Shuttleworth, Thos. Sibbles, Willam Sibbles, William Sibbles, Katie Sibellas, Mary Sibley, Henry Sibley, H.J. Sibley, John E. Sibun, Mary Sheila Ann Sibun, John Antony Siddall, Harriet Siddle, Dorothy Sider, Norman Sidney, Sidney Sidwell, William Sidwell, Jas Jacob Sidwell, George S. Sidy, Samuel Sieveking, Varerie Sieveking, Antonia Sievwright, John Mr. Sifton, John W. Sifton, Mr. Sifton, Clifford Hon. Siggars, Grace Siggers, John Sigsworth, Artr Silborne, Wm. A. Silborne, William Alfred Silcock, Ellen Silcock, Joseph Silcocks, Ellen Silcocks, Harry Silcocks, Harry T. Silcocks, Harry T. Corporal Silcott, Albert W. Silcox, Joseph Silk, Nelson Silke, Matron Silke, Marton Sillars, Miss. Sillars, Eva Miss. Sillars, Miss. Eva Sillars, Miss. Agnes Sillars, Eva Sillence, Ellen Sillence, Ellen M. Sillery, Richard Sillis, Kate Sillitoe, Daisy Silo, James Patrick Silsbury, Harry Silsbury, Annie Silva, John Silvane, Fred'k Silvane, Fred K Silver, Susannah Silver, Simeon Silver, Albert E. Silver, Emily Silver, Florence Kate Silver, William Silvers, F. P. Silvertern, Willie Silvester, Alfred Silvester, alfred Silvester, Frank Sim, Robert James Sime, Evelyn Miss. Simey, James Simey, William Simkin, Irene K. Simkins, Lilian Simkins, Eunice and Lilian Simkins, Thomas E. Simkins, Harold C. Simkins, Thomas Edward Simkiss, Samuel C. Simkiss, Frank Harold Simm, Ivy Simmonds, D Simmonds, Nellie Simmonds, Messers. Simmonds, John H. Simmonds, Henry Simmonds, William Simmonds, W. S. F. Simmonds, Rose Simmonds, Jas. Simmonds, Thomas Simmonds, C. Simmonds, Caroline Emily Simmonds, Ellen Simmonds, John Henry Simmonds, Arthur Simmonds, Stephen Simmonds, John Henry Pvt. Simmonds, Dorothy V. Simmonds, Arthur Fran. Simmons, Ellen Simmons, Caroline Simmons, George Albert Simmons, Dorothy V. Simmons, Beadum G. Simmons, Dorothy Simmons, Elizabeth / Eliza Harriet Simmons, Percy Simmons, Geo Simmons, Michael Simmons, Beadham G. Simmons, Mich Simmons, Beadham George Simmons, J. Simmons, William H. Simmons, Walter Simmons, Beadham Simmons, Lucy Simmons, Edward T. Simmons, Susan Simmons, Sarah Simmons, George Francis Simmons, James Simmons, Florence Simmons, HenrIetta Simmons, Frederick James Simmons, Victor Simmons, Gertrude Simmons, Beadham Geo. Simmons, Wm. Simmons, Alfred Simmons, Laura Simmons, Bernard Ellis Pvt. Simmons, Alf. Simmons, Harry Simmons, Chas. Simms, Ivy Simms, John E. Simms, Alice M. Simms, Harriett Simms, Harriet Simms, Alice M Simms, Emily Simms, Emma Simms, George Simms, Sidney M. Simms, Albert Simms, Ernest Simms, Wilfred Waddy Simns, Emily Simon, Max. St. Leger Simon, Dorothea Simon, Katharina Simons, William Simons, Alfred Montague Simons, Fredk Simons, Elizabeth / Eliza Harriet Simons, Stanley Simper, Mary Simpkin, Irene K. Simpkin, David W. Simpkin, George Simpkin, Irene Simpkin, Ellen Simpkin, Reginald Simpkin, C. E. Simpkin, Reg. Simpkins, Irene Simpkins, Eunice E. Simpkins, Ellen Simpkins, Fredk. Simpkins, David Wm. Simpkins, Irene K. Simpkins, Lilian Annie Simpkins, Fredk Simpkins, David Simpkins, George Simpson, Ann Simpson, Sally Ann Simpson, Horace V. Simpson, Ellen Simpson, Irene Simpson, Mary Simpson, Norman Captain Simpson, Norman (Cadet) Simpson, Margaret Simpson, John Simpson, J. Simpson, Charles E. Simpson, Arthur Simpson, Albert Simpson, Thorburn K. Simpson, GeorgIna Simpson, Jas Auby Simpson, Harry V. Simpson, Jas. Auty Simpson, Norman Simpson, Simpson, Thos. Simpson, Fred. Simpson, Charles Simpson, Cecil T. Simpson, Frederick R. Simpson, Elizabeth Simpson, Aubrey Simpson, Mary Ann Simpson, J. Mrs. Simpson, Annie Simpson, Cecil F. Simpson, William Clarence Simpson, William C. Simpson, Thomas Simpson, Miss. Simpson, Alexander S. Simpson, Eliz Simpson, Henry Simpson, Sarah Simpson, Cecil Frederick Pvt. Simpson, James Simpson, Alex S. Simpson, Alfred Simpson, Charles Alfred Simpson, William J. Simpson, Charles F. Simpson, Bernard Simpson, Arthur William Simpson, William John Simpson, William George Simpson, J.M. Simpson, Ernest H. Simpson, Nicholas Simpson, Cecil C. Simpson, J. E. Simpson, Fred W. Simpson, Caroline Simpson, Harriet Simpson, William Sims, Lilian Sims, Sidney M. Sims, Ivy Sims, Fred. Sims, Noel Sims, Harriet Sims, Irene Sims, George William Sims, Herbert William Sims, Lilian Alice Dawe Sims, D Sims, Mr. Sims, Edward Sims, Alfred George Sims, Sydney M. Sims, Irene M Sims, Fred Sims, Sydney Sims, Alfred Sims, Selina Simson, Ernest H. Simson, Ernest Simson, Aubrey Sinclair, Margaret Sinclair, Frank Sinclair, NIna Sinclair, The Ven. the Archdeacon, DD Sinclair, John Sinclair, Bella Sinclair, MalIna Sinclair, Findlay Sinclair, Ramsey E. Mr Sinclair, Percival Sinclair, Thomas Sinclair, W.E. Mr. Sinclair, Kate Sinclair, Martha Sinclair, Charles H. Sines, George W. Sines, Thomas Sinester, George John Siney, Emily Siney, Emilt Sinfield, Alfred Sinfield, Alfred Corporal Singer, Jacob Mr. and Mrs. Singer, Jacob Singer, Samuel Singer, Nora Singer, Norah Singer, Nora Miss. Singer, Ellen Singer, Michael Singer, Reginald Singer, Emma Singer, Fred. Singleton, Thomas Singleton, Walter Singleton, Margt Singleton, Ellen Singyer, Michael Sink, Beatrice Sink, Ada Sink, Ruth Sinnett, Percy Sinnott, Percy Sinstadt, Jane Sippett, Wm. G. Sirett, Wm. Sisley, Kenneth R. W. Sisman, George Sissmann, James Sisson, Wm. Sisson, A. B. Mr. Sissons, John Joseph Sissons, Robert W. Sitwell, Francis Skaare, John O. Skeaines, Ch. Skeels, Vera Skeels, Miss. Skeels, Vera M. Skeels, L.O.C. Mrs. Skeet, Lucy Skeets, Lucy Skeggs, Edward Geo. Skeggs, John W. Skeggs, John William Pvt. Skelding, G.W. Skelland, James Skelton, Horace Evelyn Skelton, Geo. Leslie Skelton, Alfred E. Skennell, Edward Skerratt, May Miss. Skerrett, Sidney Skerrington, Albert C. Skerrington, Alfred G. Skerritt, Sydney Skerritt, Percy Sketcher, Wm Sketcher, W. Sketchley, Ernest Sketchley, Walter Skewis, Leslie Skewis, Leslie C. Skidmore, Alfred D. Skidmore, Harry Skidmore, Agnes Skidmore, Henry Skidmore, H. Skidmore, T.B. Skiggs, Arthur Skill, Catherine Skiller, Ed. Marston Skillicorn, Sarah Skillicorn, George Skilton, George H. Skilton, Herbert Skilton, Alfd. E. Skilton, Herbert Ernest Skilton, George Henry Pvt. Skinnard, Kate Skinner, Leslie Skinner, Roy Skinner, Albert E. Skinner, Alfred Skinner, Gertrude Skinner, Annie Skinner, Davis E. Skinner, Gilbert Skinner, Gertie Skinner, Charles Skinner, Prudence F. Skinner, Percy E.P. Skinner, Willie Skinner, Albert Skinner, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Skinner, Catherine Skinner, Florence Skinner, Alice Skinner, William Skinner, Kate Skinner, Edward D. Skinner, Martha Skinner, Edw Skinner, Lucy Skinner, Florence P. Skinner, Edwin Skinner, Percy Skinner, C. Skinner, Prudence Skinner, James E. Skinner, Eddie Skinner, Florence Prudence Skinner, Jas. Edw. Skinner, Chas. Skinner, Ada Skinner, Thomas Walter Skinner, William Evlyn LCpl. Skipper, Sidney Skipper, S.C. Skipper, Joseph Skipper, Sidney Charles Skipsey, T. Skitch, Alfred Mrs. Skitt, Albert Skrimshire, Captain Skuce, William Skull, Emily Slack, A. E. Slack, Jane S. Slack, Sarah Slack, Lucy Slack, Alfred Slack, Jane Slade, Wr. L. Slade, Arthur Slade, Wm. Lewis Slade, Fredk. Slade, C. Slade, Albert George Slade, Alfred Edward John Slade, W. Slade, Joseph Charles Slade, Annie Slade, Wm. Slade, Dora Slade, Harold Slade, William F. Slade, William Slade, Harold F. Slade, Frederick Luther Sladen, Jacqueline Slaipher, Chas Slann, Walter J. Slann, Jas. Slark, Arthur H. Slark, Annie Slate, Reginald Slater, Charlotte Slater, William Slater, Mr. Slater, Norman Slater, Fred Slater, John Slater, Wilhelmina Raywood `Lillian’ Slater, James Slater, Oscar Slater, Sarah Slater, Henry Slater, Daisy V.S. Slater, Harry / George Slater, Wilhemina Slater, Geo Slater, Florence Slater, Hannah Whittaker Raywood Slater, Frederick George Slater, Julia Elsie Slater, Leonard Slater, William J. Slater, Florence Maud Slater, Hannah Slater, Fred. Mr. and Mrs. Slater, Frederick Slater, Herbert Andrew Slater, Thomas Slater, Dan. Wifce Slater, Mary Ellen Slater, Ada Ann Raywood Slater, Charles L. Slater, William Henry Slater, Arthur Slater, George Slates, Ada Slator, Samuel D. Slatter, John Slatter, Julia Elsie Slatter, John Mr. Slattery, John Slaughter, Rose Mrs. Slawson, Thos. Sldan, George W. Sleap, Arthur C. Sleaper, Wm. A. Sleath, Leonard Slee, Monica F. N. Slee, Florence Sleep, Mrs. Sleep, Sidney Sleet, Arthur Sleigh, Samuel Lancelot Sleigh, Frederick Wilfred Sleigh, Fred. Sleight, Leslie Harold Sleight, H. Slemmon, W.H. Slight, Sidney Slight, Frank Slingsby, Clara Sloan, George Sloan, Norman Sloan, William Sloan, Dan Sloane, Norman Sloat, Florence (Mrs. Orman L.) Slocombe, Eva Slocombe, Mr. George Sloman, Eric Stanley Sloper, Wm. Slough, Charlotte Slough, Thomas Slough, Thos Slow, William Arthur Slowey, Edward Gordon Smaile, Emily Small, William Small, Jack H. Small, Rose Small, Catherine Small, Walter Small, D.T. Mrs. Small, George Small, Mary J Small, Percy Small, Victor N. Small, Tom W. Smallbones, Jas. Smaller, William S. Smalley, Elizabeth Smalley, Rose M. Smalley, Rose Smalley, Lizzie Smallman, Alice May Smallman, Ellen Smallman, Rosina Ellen Smallman, Rose Smallwood, John Smallwood, Ethel Smallwood, Samuel Smallwood, John James Smallwood, Fred Smallwood, Leopold Jas. Smart, James G. Smart, G. Bogue Mr. Smart, William Smart, Mr. Smart, Kezia Smart, G. Bogue Smart, Keziah Smart, Alex. Smart, Keza Smart, AmelIa Smart, Willie Smart, Fred Smart, Lucy Smart, G. Smart, Sydney Smart, Beatrice Smart, James George Smeath, Geo. Smedley, Albert E. Smee, Beatrice Smee, A. Smee, Mary Mrs. Smee, Beatrice May Smee, James Smees, Lily L. Smees, Lily Louisa Smeeton, May V. Smeeton, Amy L. Smellie, Smellie, A. G. P. Smelt, John H. Smelt, John T. Smelt, Ronald, Norman Smelt, Douglas, John, William Smelt, John Harold Smelt, Douglas Smelt, Ronald N. Smelt, Richard Henderson Smelt, John Smelt, John, Thomas Smelt, Ronald N.S. Smelt, Douglas J. Smelt, John Thomas Smelt, Sgt. Smelt, Jno. Hy. Smelt, Ronald Smeltzer, Mr. Jacob Smerdon, James Smillie, Jean Smirk/Smerk/Miller, Thomas Charles Smirk/Smerk/Miller, George Frederick Smirt ?, Thomas Smit, Norah E.M. Smith, Frederick Ernest Smith, Jane E. Smith, Harriett (Mrs.) Smith, Selina Smith, M.H. Smith, Peter Smith, Thos Smith, Maria Smith, E. Smith, William A.J. Smith, Edwin Smith, Thomas Smith, Annie Smith, Hy Smith, Dorothy Smith, Walter Smith, Ethel Smith, Leland Smith, Joseph Smith, Ruth Smith, Charles George Smith, Smith, George (1) F. Smith, James (3) Smith, Winifred Smith, Mary Smith, Annie E. Smith, Olive Smith, George Smith, Jessie Smith, Lilian Smith, William (4) A. Smith, Douglas Smith, Gipsy Simon Smith, William (8) Smith, Donald Esq. Smith, CarolIne Smith, Cissy Smith, Arthur Smith, Clarence Smith, Eliza Smith, Alice E. Mrs. Smith, Bertha Smith, Naomie Smith, Leslie C.F. Smith, Robt. Smith, Caroline E. Smith, Edward Smith, Samuel Smith, Chas Hy Smith, Herbert Stanley Smith, William Smith, Sidney G. Smith, William R. Smith, Emily Smith, John Smith, Lydia Smith, Joe Smith, Jas. Smith, Thos. E. Smith, Thomas Henry Smith, Ben J. Smith, Frank Smith, Sidney A. Smith, Hind Smith, Andrew Pvt. Smith, Florence Smith, John W. Smith, Nellie L. Smith, Fred Smith, Sarah Smith, George Fred Smith, Leonard R. Smith, Henry (3) Smith, Cyril Smith, ElIzabeth Smith, Henry Smith, Richard Smith, A. G. Messrs. Smith, Lizzie Smith, Thomas E. Smith, Mary Hannah Smith, Percy Walter Smith, Fredk. Smith, Charles Smith, Clara J. Smith, Harry Smith, Catherine Maynard Smith, Thomas P. Smith, John James Smith, Jane Smith, Wm. Smith, Albert Jas. Smith, Campbell Smith, Evelyn Smith, Sephen Smith, Wallace Ford Smith, Albert Smith, George R. Smith, Walter W. Smith, Sarah Ann Smith, Michael Smith, Leslie Cyril Frank Smith, Edith (3) Harriet Smith, Oscar E. Smith, John (5) William Harold Smith, Stephen A. Smith, Ernest (2) Smith, George H. Smith, Edward B. Smith, Herbert Smith, Hannah Smith, Michael J. Smith, Rose Smith, Edgar II Smith, George Henry Smith, Maimie Smith, Donald F. Smith, Mary A. Smith, Alf. G. Smith, Nellie Mrs. Smith, Sarah Jane Smith, Dora Smith, John Harold Smith, Louisa (Mrs. Henry) Smith, James A. Smith, Ernest Rev. Smith, Benjamin Smith, Fredk Smith, James Smith, John Mrs. Smith, Wilson Hind Smith, Alfred (1) Smith, William S. Smith, T.P. Smith, Violet Smith, F. Smith, Stanley Smith, H. Smith, Arthur A. Smith, V.R. Lt. Smith, Dorothy M. Smith, A. M. Smith, Lily Smith, Frederick William Smith, Edgar B. Smith, NellIe Smith, Taylor, Bishop. Smith, A. G. Smith, Sammuel Smith, James S. Smith, Walter George Smith, Alf. Smith, Alfred G. Smith, Ernest William Smith, William (11) Smith, Alice Smith, Leslie Smith, Jno. H. Smith, Ellen Smith, William H. Smith, Ethel Mary Smith, Alfred G. Mr. Smith, Willie Smith, Victor W. Smith, Mary Anne Smith, Norah E.M. Smith, Helen Smith, George A. Smith, Chas E. Smith, Edith (1) Amelia Smith, Stanley F. Smith, Fred E. Smith, Walter F.A. Smith, Nellie Smith, May Constance Smith, William Henry Pvt. Smith, Alfred Smith, E.C. Mrs. Smith, Ernest W. Smith, Leonard G. Smith, Charles J. Smith, Walter (1) |
Smith, Frederick Smith, Jane A. Smith, Lavinia Smith, Sylvester Smith, Ada Smith, Dora M. Smith, Peter Anderson Smith, Arthur G. Smith, M. Smith, Ernest Bernard Smith, Elsie (2) Smith, J.C.L. Major Smith, Elizabeth Smith, William A.G. Smith, Robert Smith, Edgar H. Smith, Stephen Smith, Harold Smith, Joseph (4) Elsmore Smith, William (1) Smith, Peter McIntyre Pvt. Smith, John James Pvt. Smith, T.G. Smith, Alice Muriel (Mrs. David John) Smith, Albert W. Smith, Constance Smith, Clara (Mrs.) Smith, Walter Thomas Smith, John (7) Smith, EmIly Smith, Frank Mrs. Smith, Charles H. Smith, Jos. W. Smith, Frederick G. Smith, Annie Elizabeth M. Smith, Jno. W. Smith, Henry C. Smith, Geo. Wm. Smith, George (6) Smith, Mary Ann Smith, Wm. G. Smith, Snowden Rev. Smith, Caroline / Charlotte Smith, Vincent Smith, Ethel Beatrice Smith, Fanny Smith, June Smith, Mary Harriet Smith, Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Smith, May C. Smith, John (2) Smith, William M.G. Smith, Ernest Smith, Sarah J Smith, R. Snowdon Rev. Smith, Winnifred Smith, John William Smith, Ed. I. Smith, Victor Smith, Emily J. Smith, Geo. A. Smith, T. Smith, Charlotte Smith, William (5) Smith, Alfred E. Smith, Walter William Smith, Alice M. Smith, William (6) Pugh Smith, William (3) Thomas Smith, Albert G. Smith, Eva A. Smith, Alfred J. Smith, Walter Alfred Smith, Ross Smith, Winifred D. Smith, Arthur J.W. Smith, William G. Smith, Mary (2) Ann Smith, C. Smith, Sidney Smith, Jno. James Smith, Fred. G. Smith, George (7) William Smith, Rose Mrs. Smith, Wm Smith, Violet E. Smith, George W. Smith, John (4) Smith, Tom Smith, Leon Smith, O. J. Smith, G. Smith, Bessie Smith, Elizth Smith, Percy S. Smith, Miss. Smith, Ida K. Smith, Geo Hy Smith, Alexander Frederick Smith, Florence B. Smith, Louisa Smith, Lewis Oscar Smith, S. Smith, Sydney (2) Smith, Thomas M. Smith, Annie (2) Smith, John J. Smith, MIldred Smith, Hilda M. Smith, Charles E. Smith, Lilian / Lily Smith, Gipsy Smith, George William Smith, Chas. E. Smith, Amy (1) (Mrs. Charles) Smith, Annie Jessie Smith, Charles Henry Smith, David Edward Smith, Ernest E. Rev. Smith, Taylor Smith, T.W. Smith, Alfred C. Smith, Richard Samuel Smith, Henry (2) Smith, Edgar Bradley Smith, James Sydney Smith, Catherine M. Smith, Amy Smith, Jas. H. Smith, Albert B. Smith, Alfred (4) Smith, Emma C. Smith, Sydney George Smith, John Douglas Smith, William J.E. Smith, P. Smith, LouIsa Smith, Conner Smith, John Stewart Smith, Georgina Smith, Bertie Smith, Edith, Amelia Smith, Charlie Smith, Evelyn B. Smith, Thos. Ed Smith, Geo. W. Smith, William (9) E. Smith, Carolne Smith, Charles Edward Smith, Frederick E. Smith, Annie B Smith, Florence E. Smith, David E. Smith, Grace Smith, Harry (2) Smith, Chas C. Smith, Josh Smith, Wr. Hy. Smith, Vera Smith, Lilian M. Smith, Thos. Smith, Ida Kathleen Smith, William E. Smith, Dave Smith, Sidney (1) Smith, Elsie Smith, James (1) Smith, Albert E. Smith, Mabel Ellen Smith, Gertrude Smith, Thomas (5) Smith, W. Smith, Frederick (2) Smith, Thomas (4) Smith, Maud Smith, Walter Leslie Smith, Charles John Smith, Jas Smith, Emma Smith, William, Edward Smith, Louise Smith, Frederick (4) Alexander Smith, Minnie Smith, Ernest E. Smith, Teresa Smith, Ernest E. Dr. Rev. Smith, James (2) Smith, J. H. A. Smith, Dorcas Elsie Smith, L. Mr. Smith, Wm. B. Smith, Abraham Smith, John (1) Smith, Wm. H. Smith, Katie Smith, Mr. Smith, M.A. Smith, Laurence Smith, Etta Smith, Mary Ellen Smith, John (6) Thomas Smith, Sarah J. Smith, Robert G. Smith, Albert (2) Smith, Albert John Smith, Herbert, John Smith, Jno W Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Thomas (1) Stephen Smith, Walter R. Smith, A. G. Mr. Smith, Joseph (1) Smith, George (4) Smith, Sarah A. Smith, Winnifred D. Smith, Tom P. Smith, James N. Smith, Robt Geo Smith, Eva Smith, Francis Smith, Edith (2) Smith, A. F. Smith, Mary (1) Jane Smith, Caroline Smith, Owen Smith, Ernest (1) Frank Smith, George (3) Smith, Sydney Smith, John Edw. Smith, Albert James Smith, Annie B. Smith, Christopher Smith, Benjamin J. Smith, Esmerald Smith, Wm Henry Smith, Percy R.G. Smith, E. Emily Smith, Hector Gordon Albert Pvt. Smith, John Robert Smith, Leslie C. Smith, Esmeralda O. Smith, John George Smith, Sidney Frank Smith, Herbert Thomas Smith, Albert Edward Smith, Mrs. Gordon Smith, Ann Maria Smith, Gwendolin Grace Cheesman Smith, Arthur J. Smith, Lucy Smith, Joseph William Smith, Mrs. Smith, William (7) Henry Smith, Charles Ernest Smith, Conner Kerridge Smith, Alex Frederick Smith, Thomas (3) Smith, May Smith, Charles (1) Joseph Smith, C. H. Mrs. Smith, Vera E. Smith, Violet Maud Smith, Mary M. Smith, Annie (1) Smith, Percy Sydney Smith, Stanley Alfred Smith, Ernest V. Smith, Hy. G. Smith, Whilehemmia Smith, Vivien Smith, John H. Smith, W. Wilson Hind Smith, Sidney George Smith, W. Sam Smith, Walter S. Smith, Annie C. Smith, Joseph (3) Harry Smith, Wm. Royal Smith, Joseph (2) Smith, AdelaIde Smith, Harriott Smith, John (8) Smith, S. W. Smith, Dorothy (1) Smith, Thos. W Smith, A. J. Smith, D. Nicol Smith, Nora E.M. Smith, Alfred (2) James Smith, Frances M. Smith, A. W. Smith, D.E. Mrs. Smith, Ruby Smith, Isabella Smith, Henry James Smith, Edgar Bradford Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Hy. Alf. Smith, Charles Samuel Smith, Harry (1) Smith, Alfred Mr. Smith, James Edmond Elliott Smith, Wilfrid Smith, Eliza B. Smith, Hy. A. Smith, Walter Hy. Smith, Arthur H. Smith, Stanley J. Smith, Wilfred Smith, Ralph (2) Frederick B. Smith, Stephen Albert Smith, William J.F. Smith, Hilda (1) Jane Smith, Arthur L. Smith, Jamie Smith, Charles William Smith, John Henry G. Smith, M. A. Smith, George (2) Smith, Amy (2) Smith, Violet (2) (Mrs. Lorraine) Smith, Albert (1) Edward Smith, Elizabeth A. Smith, Charles (2) James Smith, Chas. H. Smith, Frederick W. Smith, Art. Goldsworthy Smith, Clara Smith, Pamela E. Smith, Stanley M. Smith, Maud M. Mrs. Smith, Jesse E. Smith, Robt. G. Smith, Colin Hartley Smith, Frederick (3) Smith, A. Smith, Edward E. Smith, Bessie W. Smith, Jno R Smith, Walter (2) Smith, Sidney E. Smith, Daniel Smith, E. Dr. Smith, Jno Hy Smith, Chas Smith, E.A. Smith, Peter James Smith, William A. Smith, Sid. A. Smith, Mrs. John Smith, Edith A Smith, N. W. Smith, Archibald T. Smith, William (2) Smith, Percy Smith, Nelly Smith, George Edward Smith, Lucy Mrs. Smith, Sidney L. Smith, Henry J. Smith, Rose Kathleen Smith, Kate Smith, Frederick (1) Maynard Smith, Alfred Ernest Smith, HIlda Smith, Samuel W. Smith, Hector Hall Smith, A. G. Mr Smith, Edith K. Smith, Dorothy (2) Smith, John (3) William Smith, Louie V. Smith, Jas. S. Smith, Annie Ellen Smith, David Smith, Teasdale B. Smith, J Smith, Thomas (2) Henry Smith, Hy. Smith, Jas. A.M. Smith, Alfred Henry Smith, Edith (4) May Smith, Edmund W. Smith, Arthur Edward Smith, George F. Smith, Susan Smith, Violet (1) Smith, Chas. Smith, Norah Smith, Frederick M Smith, Alice M Smith, William (10) Fred Smith, Alfred (3) Smith, Michael Mr. Smith, Ralph (1) George Smith, Sidney F. Smith, Mary (3) Jane Smith, Edmund Smith, Elizabeth Amelia Smith, Jack Smith, Dora L. Smith, Sydney Geo. Smith, Leonard Smith, James Sidney Smith, Eric D. Smith, Wm Jas Smith, Arthur Edward B. Smith, Beatrice M. Mrs. Smith, Charles (3) Smith, Chas. Wm. Smith, Ada Gwendolyn Smith, Mary E. Smith, Howard Smith, Sydney G. Smith, Colin Smith, Jno. Smith, Benj. Smith, Reginald Sermon Smith, Adam Smith, LIzzIe Smith, Reginald Smith, Mr. D.F. Smith, Cecilia Smith, Violet L. Smith, Geo Smith, Hector Gordon Smith, Sydney (3) Smith, Sidney J. Smith, Rgd. Smith, Henry (1) Smith, Robert C.G. Smith, J.S. Smith, Beatrice Smith, Sylvia M. Smith, H. T. Smith, Robert C. Smith, Henry Digby Smith, Susannah Smith, Thomas B. Smith, Geo. H. Smith, Lara Ann Smith, Mabel F. Smith, Elizabeth Ann Smith, Reginald Abel Smith, Mrs. Frank Smith, Jno. A. Smith, Ralph Smith, Walter Frederick Smith, George (5) Smith, E.H. Smith, Katherine M. Smith, MInnIe Smith, James Nelson Smith, Maude Smith, Fred G. Smith, Chas. G. Smith, Thomas W. Smith, Nelson J. Smith, Wm. Joseph Smith, Emily, Elizabeth Smith, Donald G. Smith, B. Smith, Hilda(2) Maud Smith, Reginald George Smith, Elsie (1) Smith, Amelia Smith, W.T. Smith, John Thomas Smith-Gordon, Lionel E. P. Smithers, Stephen Smithers, Elizabeth Smithers, Minnie Edith Smithers, Jessie Smithers, Jessie G. Smithers, Rosina Smithers, Emily Smithers, Rosie Smithers, Ethel Smithson, Dinah Smithson, George Smitt, Nellie Smitten, Benjamin Charles Smitten, Edward Smoothey, Frederick H. Smoothy, Fred. Smoothy, Frederick H. Smoothy, Fred W. Smoothy, Frederick Henry Smout, Lucy Smuts, L.C. Smy, John Smy, Cecil Smyth, Harry Smyth, Rose Smyth, Elizabeth Smyth, Thomas Smyth, Alice Smyth, J.W. Rev. Smyth, Willie Smyth, William Smyth, J. Smyth, W.J.H. Rev. Smythe, George Smythe, Rose Smythe, Patience C. E. Smythe, Hy. Smythe, Ian C.E. Smythe, Nicholas D.E. Smythe, Ernest John Smythe, Violetta Smythe, Leslie Thomas Smythson, Waverly C.A. Snape, John Snape, Julia Snape, Hilda Snashall, Evelyn Snashall, Evelyn M. Snazel, Miss. Sneddon, Helen Sneedon, Helen Sneithman, Emily Snell, Lizzie Snell, Ellen Snell, Elizabeth Snell, Harry David Snell, H. Snell, Lorne Campbell Snell, Henry Snell, Frank Snell, David Harry Snell, Henry D. Snell, H.W. Snell, Edith Hilda Snell, Edith Snell, Sydney Snell, Herb. Jn. Hy. Anthony Snell, Horace William Snelling, Charles Snelling, Ada R. Snelling, Lucy Snodd, Harry Snooks, David Snow, Samuel Snow, Charlotte Snow, Thomas Snow, Chas. Snow, Anthony Snowball, Gertrude Snowdell, Robert Snowden, H. A. Snowden, Samuel Snowden, George Snowden, Welburn Snowden, Nellie Snowden, Allen Snowdon, Welburn Snowdon, Miss. Snozwell, Daniel J. Snozwell, Violet Snozwell, Arthur Snozwell, Daniel John Snozwell, John Snure, Lulu Snyder, Mr. Adam A. Soanes, David Soanes, Charles T. Soar, Lawrence Soderberg, Charles Sodor And Man, The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of, DD Sofer, Valerie Soffe, Mrs. Soghigian, Hovhannes Soilleux, Edward Sole, William Sole, John Henry Sole, James Sollers, Henry Sollers, M A Sollers, Mary Ann Solomon, Alfred Solomon, Albert Solrey, Henry Soltan, Mr. Soltau, Henry Somenberg, Marshall Somerfield, Ada Somerfield, Ellen Somers, Laurence Somers, Lawrence Somers, George Somerset, His Grace the Duke of Somerset, Helen J. B. Somervile, Violet Somerville, Mary Somerville, Agnes Somerville, Violet R. Somerville, Jessie Somerville, Alick Somerville, James Somerville, Violet P. Sommerfield, Ada Sommerville, J.E. Mr. Sones, Robert Sones, Jones Sones, John Sones, Robert William Songer, Albt. F. Songer, Crofton H. Songhurst, Charles E. Sonnenberg, Emma Mrs. Sonnenburg, Emma C. Mrs. Sonnenburg, Emma G. Mrs. Sonnes, Robert Soper, William Henry Sorrel, Samuel Sorrel, Doris Sorrell, Alfred V. Sorrell ?, Priscilla Sotham, Walter Howe Soughton, Frank E. Soughton, Frank Souhern, Wilfred C. Soul, Thomas Soulsby, John Sounders, Walters Soutar, Elizabeth Souter, Richard Souter, Elizabeth South, Ernest South, Joseph South, Albert E. Southall, Sarah Ann Southall, Thomas William Southall, George Southall, Comfort Southall, Sarah Southam, Walter Southam, John Southam, Frederick George Southam, Arthur Southard, Jas Roy Southel, Serah Southerland, Q. R. Southerland, Hugh G. Southern, Wilfred Charles Southern, Wilfred C. Southern, Lee Southern, W.C. Southern, Nelson Southern, Reginald N. Southern, Reginald J. Southern, Wilfred Southerton, Alice Gwendoline Southgate, James Southgate, Maud Southgate, Chris. Southgate, Miss. Southward, William H. Southwell, Philip Southwell, Robert Southwell, G. Southwell, Dorothy May Southwick, Albert G. Southwick, A. G. Southwick, Arthur George Southwold, I. Southwood, Harriet Southwood, Harriett Southwood, Albert Southworth, Lizzie Southworth, M.A. Southworth, Mary Sowden, Nellie Sowden, Olive Sowden, Mabel Sowden, Alan Hughes Sowden, Samuel Sowden, Ethel Sowden, Helen Sowerby, Anne Sowray, Frank Sowray, William F. Sowrey, Frank W. Sowter, Robert Sowter, Robt. Spackman, Geo. Spackman, Owenia Spaggett, Dorothy Spaggett, Margaret Spain, Alfd Spain, Tomas W Spain, Robert Spain, Thomas Spakes, Jas. Spalding, W. Spalding, William Spalding, George Spalding, John Spaney, Katie Spanner, P. W. Spanner, Kate E. Spanton, Lorissa Spanton, Thomas Spargo, Samuel Spargo, Hy. Jas. H. Spargo, Henry J. Spargo, Gertrude Spargo, Edmond Sparkes, Wm. Sparkes, James Sparkes, Ernest Sparkes, William Arthur Sparkes, Christopher J. Sparkes, Christopher Sparks, Ann Sparks, Margaret Sparks, Henry Sparks, Alfred J. Sparks, C. J. Sparks, J. Sparks, James Sparks, Alberta E. Sparks, Ernest Sparks, James Richard Sparks, Frederick Sparks, Albert E. Sparks, Ernest Pvt. Sparks, Ada Elsie Sparks, Florence Sparks, Sidney O. Sparks, Jas Sparrow, Alice Sparrow, Victor Sparrow, George Sparrow, George A. Sparrow, George Andrew Sparrow, William Sparrow, Walter Sparrow, Edward Sparrow, Victor Spr. Sparrow, Victor G. Sparrow, Victor C. Sparrow, Nelly Sparrow, Nellie Sparry, Alfred Spaul, Robert Pvt. Spaulding, Martha Spavin, Susan Spavin, Adam Spavin, John Speakes, Elizabeth Speakes, Nora Speakes, Lizzie Speakes, Norah Speakes, Norah E. Speakes, Elizabeth L. Speakes, Lois Speakman, John Richard Speakman, Albert Edward Speaks, Nora Speaks, Lizzie Speare, Jessie Speare, Jesse Spearen, Florence B. Spearen, Florence Speares, Ann Rosemary M. Spearing, Bessie Spearing, F Spearman, Walter Spearpoint, James Pvt. Speck, Elizabeth Speck, Ralph H.L. Spedding, Robt. Spedman, Michael Speed, Hannah Speed, Jas. Speed, Richard Henry Speed, Rosina Speed, Jonathon Speed, Thomas Edward Speed, Eliz. Speed, Jonathan Speed, Robert Speed, Henriette Speed, Elizabeth / Betsy Speeham, H.A. Mrs. Speight, W. S. Speilman, Ruth Speirs, George Spekes, Lizzie Spelder, William Speller, Lily Speller, Sarah Speller, Daisy Speller, Bertram Speller, Alice Speller, Daisy L. Speller, Gertrude Speller, Francis Speller, Daisy Lillian Speller, Bertram Pvt. Speller, Thomas Speller, Lilian Spellman, Michael Spelman, Michael Spence, George Herbert Spence, Robt. Spence, Edward Jas. Spence, Thomas Henry Spence, Elizabeth Spence, John Spence, Duncan McI. Spence, Ann Spence, Thomas Arthur Spence, Robt Spence, Percy Geo. Spence, Mary Spenceley, Ernest Spenceley, Nellie Mrs. Spenceley, Percy Spencely, Percy Spencer, Elizabeth Spencer, Henry Spencer, Wm. Spencer, Maria Spencer, Mary Spencer, W.H. Spencer, Andrew Lloyd Spencer, Wm Spencer, Lois Spencer, John C. R. Spencer, Amelia Spencer, John Spencer, Samuel Anthony Spencer, William Henry Spencer, Edith May Spencer, Alan H. Spencer, Marjorie Spencer, George H.L. Spencer, Walter Spencer, Charles Albert Spencer, Mary M. Spencer, Philip Thomas Spencer, Margaret, Margherita or Margarita Spencer, William T. Spencer, Philip J Spencer, Ann Spencer, Mary Ann Spencer, William Spendiff, Chas. L. Spendiff, Percy Spenser, William H. Sperm, Alfd. Spice, Arthur John Spice, Arthur J. Spice, Albert George Spice, Albert G. Spice, Lawrence Spicer, Florence Spicer, Edgar Spicer, Beatrice Catherine Spicer, Henry Wm. J. Spicer, Henry W. Spicer, Frank Anthony Spicer, Albert Spicer, Benjamin Mr. Spicer, Henry Richard Spicer, Teresa Spielman, Roger Walter Spier, Phillip Mr. Spiers, Reginald Spiers, Leslie Spiers, William Spill, Mitchell C.H. Spill, Albert G. Spill, Albert George Spillar, James Spiller, Emma Spiller, James Spiller, Albert Spiller, Fred'k Spillett, Florence Spillett, Emma "Brownie" Spindler, Margaret (Marjorie) Anderson Spindler, Marjorie Spindler, Otto Alexander F. Spindler, Margery Spindler, Margery A. Spindler, Margaret Spink, Bertran John Spink, Violet Spinks, Violet Ernestine Spinks, W. Spinks, Esther Spinks, Walter Spinks, Catherine / Kate Spinner, Wm. Chas Spinney, Ethel (Mrs. Gilbert) Spires, Annie Spires, Samuel Spires, John Spires, Ethel (Mrs. John) Spirritt, Joseph Spirritt, Jos. Spiteri, Henry Splanie, William Spofforth, Michael Spofforth, Jeremy Spokes, Peter Russel Spokes, Ann Hazel Spong, Geo. F. L. Spong, Mabel Spong, John Spong, Mabel H. Spong, mabel H. Spong, Mable Spooner, L. C. Spooner, John A. Spooner, Mrs. John Spooner, J.A. Spooner, Jonathan A. Spooner, Charles Spooner, Edward Spooner, Maurice Sporle, Frederick W. Sporle, Lily Sporle, Christopher Sporle, Emma Sporle, Frederick M. Sporle, Frederick Sporle, Elsie Sporle, Lilian Sporle, Chas. Spottiswood, Arthur Spragg, Archie Spragg, Sarah Jane Spragg, Albert Edward Pvt. Spragg, Albert E. Spragg, Richard Spragg, Arthur G. Spragg, Leonard Spragg, Frank Spragg, Cecil George Spragg, Clara Spragg, Leonard A. Spragg, Richard Albert Spragg, William Henry Spragg, W. Spraggett, Dorothy Spraggett, Margaret M. Spraggins, Fred Spraggins, Fred. W. Spraggins, Frederick W. Spraggins, Fred W. Spraggs, Samuel Sprague, Ada Sprague, Frederick T. Spratley, Mabel Spratley, Mabel (2nd) Spratley, Harry Spratt, Dennis Spratt, F. S. Spread, Leonard Spread, Tom Spread, Thomas Spredbury, George Spree, Art E. Spreight, Joseph Sprengall, Albert Spriggs, Leonard Spriggs, Alf. Spring, Hubert H. Spring, Geo. Spring, Jas. Spring, Arthur Spring, Charles W. Springall, Fred. Springall, Frederick Springall, Albert Springall, Springelt, Arthur Springett, Arthur Springett, A. Springett, Ernest Springford, George Springford, Albert Springford, Geo. Springford, Chas. Sprong, Mabel Sproson, Robert William Sproson, Richard Sproson, Florence Sprosson, Richard Sprotley, Mabel Sproul-Bolton, Hugh P. St.C. Sproule, Joseph Sproule, Robert Watson Sproule, Hugh Spry, Louisa Spry, Laura Spurdin, Ada F. Spurdin, Ada Spurge, Florence Spurgen, C. H. Rev. Spurgeon, Mr. Spurling, Mary Spurr, L. Mrs. Spurrier, Ralph George Squair, David Squair, Dav Squairs, Mr. and Mrs. Squance, Fred Squance, Frederick Square, Harold S. Squarey, Susan Ruth Squire, Winnifred Squires, Wilfred Squires, Kate Squires, A. Squires, Henry Charles Squires, Kate E. Squires, Joseph S. Squires, Alice V. Squirrel, Louis Squirrell, Louis Charles Squirrell, T.W. Squirrle, Lewis Charles Srawley, Emily Srawley, Flora Srawley, Florence Srephens, Alfred St Albans, The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of, DD St Clair, Frances St John, Richard St John, Honora St. Clair, Robert St. George, Maud St. George, Charles St. George, Maud A. St. John, Richard St. John, Honora St. John, Honnora St. Lawrence, Sara J. St. Lawrence, William St. Lawrence, Mr. St. Lawrence, William Mr. St. Lawrence, Wm. Mr. St. Lawrence, W. St. Pierre, Henry St. Pierre, John E. Stables, William Stables, Joseph H. Stables, J.H. Stables, Gordon S. Stacey, Joseph P. Stacey, John Hy. A. Stacey, Gladys Mrs. Stacey, John W.R. Stacey, John Stacey, Charles Stacey, William J. Stacey, Wm Stacey, Thos Stacey, Phillip Stacey, George Stacey, Philip Anthony Stacey, Lottie M. Stacey, John M. Stacey, Wm. Stacey, Seaman Stacey, Wm. J. Stacey, William James Stacey, Ada Stacey, Thomas Stacey, Geo. A. Stacey, Fredk Stacey, William Stacey, Joseph Stacey, Fred Stacey, Claude Stacey, Lottie May Stack, Mary Anne Stack, Garrett Stack, Margt Stack, Bridget Stackhouse, Winifred D.T. Stackhouse, Winifred D.J. Stackhouse, Winnifred Stackhouse, John Stackhouse, John J. Stackhouse, Winifred Stackhouse, John, J. Stacy, William Stacy, W. Stadden, Edward Staddon, John C. Mr. Stafford, Walter Stafford, Ch. B. Stafford, William Stafford, Mary Stafford, George Stafford, John William Stafford, Agnes Stafford, Reginald Stafford, John W. Stafford, Herbert C. Stafford, Robt. Stafford, Walter J. Stafford, Ivy E. Mrs Stafford, Ivy E. Mrs. Stafford, Geo Stafford, John William Pvt. Stafford, Harry Stafford, Geo. Stafford, Ernest Stagg, Ada Stagg, Frederick James Stagg, C. Stagg, Fred. J. Stagnas, E.A. Mr. Stahl, Hermann A. Staight, Percy W. Stainer, Lily Staines, Amelia Staines, J. Staines, Alice Stains, Alice Stairs, Jessie Staite, Geo Hy Stakes, M A Stalder, George Staley, Joseph Staley, William Stalker, Charlotte Stallard, Frederick Ernest Stallard, Dorothy Stallard, Frederick Stallard, Howard Stallebrass, Minnie Stallebrass, Mabel Stallibran, Mary Stallibrass, Chas. Stallibrass, John Stallibrass, J. Stambery, Alf Stamforth, Jas. R. Stammen, Ernest Stammers, Caroline Stamp, Walter Stamp, Leslie Stancombe, Albert Stancourt, Sheila Stancourt, Colin Standbridge, Albert Percy Standen, Mary A. Standen, William T. Mr. Standen, Thos Standing, Emmeline Standing, Sidney Standing and Hutton, Annie Standish, Rose Standish, Ernest Standstreet, Wm. G. Stanely, Alfred J. Stanely, David Staners, Mr. Stanfield, Harry Stanford, Gwendoline May Stanford, Ivy Elizabeth Stanford, Harry Fuller Stanford, Daisy Violet Stanford, G.D. Stanford, James G. Stanford, Geo. D. Stanford, James D.H.H. Stanford, NellIe Stanford, Daisy Evelyn Stanford, Thomas Stanford, Dorothy Annie Stanger, Sarah Stanger, Geo. W. Stanger, George W. Stanier, Florence Staniford, Ellen (Nellie) Staniford, Nellie Staniforth, Jas. Staniforth, Wm. Staniland, Wm. H. Stanistreet, William George Pvt. Stanistreet, Wm. Stanley, Alfred John Stanley, Albert Stanley, Charles H. Stanley, Ethel Stanley, Lily Stanley, Vera Ellen Stanley, Rebecca Stanley, Walter Stanley, Bertie Stanley, G.H. Stanley, Louisa V.C. Stanley, John Stanley, Ada Mrs. Stanley, William (1) Stanley, H.B. Stanley, Agnes Stanley, W.A. Stanley, Art L. Stanley, June Stanley, Charles Stanley, Samuel Stanley, Ivy Stanley, Wm. Alf. Stanley, Alfred (1) Stanley, Geo. S. Stanley, William Arthur Stanley, Harry/Henry Bowden Stanley, Alexander Stanley, Alfred (2) / Albert Stanley, Beatrice Stanley, George S. Stanley, George Arthur Stanley, William (2) Stanley, Ethel G. Stanley, Maud Stanley, Lily May Stanley, Ethel Grace Stanley, P.C. Major Stanley, Gilbert Stanley, Joseph Stanley-Smith, Phyllis Hazel Stanmore, Edith Stanmore, Mabel Stannard, Ada Stannard, Rose Stannard, Wm Jno Stannard, Matilda G. Stanner, Mr. Stanners, Mr. Stanners, Inspector John Stanners, John Stanners, J. Mr. Stanners, James Mr. Stanners, John Mr. Stannett, Edith M. Stanning, Olive Evelyn Stanning, William Stanning, William Ernest James LCpl. Stanning, Stanley Stanovitch, Milosh Stansell, L. B. Stansfied, Jos Stansfield, Joseph Stansfield, George Stansfield, Jos Stantial, Joseph George Stantial, Alexander P. J. Stantial, Eleanor M. Stanton, J. Stanton, James Stanton, Albert Stanton, Charlotte Stanton, Herbert Stanton, James W. Stanton, Mrs. Stanway, Ernest Stapeley, Thomas Staphens, Florence Staples, Joseph H. Staples, Jas. R. Staples, Geo. Henry Staples, Joseph W. Staples, George Henry Staples, J.H. Mr. Staples, N. Staples, Fred Staples, Joseph Staples, Harry Stapleton, Albert Stapleton, AnnIe Stapley, William Thomas Stapley, Anthony Star, Wm. H. Starfield, Geo Stargatt, Saml. Geo. Stargett, Louis Stargratt, Samuel G. Stargratt, Paul Stargratt, S.G. Stargratt, Louis C. Stargratt, Louis Stargratt, Louis Barnett Stargratt, Samuel Stargratt, Saml. G. Stargratt, Samuel George Starie, W. Stark, Mary Ann Stark, Annie Stark, Walter Starkey, William Starkey, Alice Elizabeth Starling, Wm. Starling, Robert Starling, Wm Starling, William Fred Starling, Herbert Henry Starr, William Start, Sidney Ernest Start, George Start, William George Start, Wm. Geo. Start, William G. Start, Wm. G. Start, W.G. Start, W.G.H. Startin, Elizabeth Sarah Startin, Letitia Startup, Edwd. Statham, Audrey W. Mrs. Statham, Rose Statham, Rosa Stathers buried as Strothers, Emily Staton or Stainton, Cecil Theodore Staunton, Francis Staveley, Helen M. Staveley, Mary E. Stawson, Thos Stayton, Albert Stead, Christine Stead, Robert M. Stead, Mr. Stead, A. W. Stead, W.T. Mr. Stead, Arthur W. Steadman, Jane Steadman, Henrietta Steadman, Alice Steadman, Frank Steadman, James Steadman, Frederick Steadman, George Steadman, Mary Stearn, Annie Stearn, Elizabeth Stearn, Emma Stearn, Frederick G. Stearne, Mary Steary, Jane Stebbing, Claire M. Stebbing, Leslie Francis Cuthbert Stebbings, Violet M. Stebbins, Jno. Stechell, Albert Steddy, Hy. Stedman, Thomas Stedman, Stedman, Diana Myra Stedman, Jane Stedman, William K. Stedman, W. K. Steed, Charles Steed, William Steeden, Harry Steeden, Henry Steedman, Jane Steedsman, D. Mr. Steeg, A. E. Steel, Lizzie Steel, Miss. Steel, Alfred Steel, Henry Steel, Rose Steel, Harry Steel, Reginald A. Steel, Frank Steel, Christopher C. Steel, Geo. W. Steele, Eliza Steele, Christina Steele, Rose Ann Steele, Rose Steele, Eliza Ann Steele, Lizzie Steele, Robert Steele, Christiana Steele, Hannah Louisa Steele, Robt Steele, Amy Steele, Thomas B. Steele, Lydia Steele, Coward Steele, Isaac Steele, Rosie Steele, Lily Steelman, Mrs. Jack Steen, Ellen Steenton, Richard Steenton, Hilda Miss. Steep, Miss. Steer, Alfred George Steer, Robert Steer, Annie H. Steer, Annie Steer, W. H. R. Steer, Ernest Steere, Ann H. Steers, Geo S Steers, H. Gill Rev. Steers, Geo. S. Steers, Jessie Steers, James E. Steers, George Walter Pvt. Steers, James Edward Steffen, Henry Mathias Stein, Richard Stein, Peter Steip, Miss. Stelling, Caroline Stem, Elsie A. Mrs. Stematopulo, Thesus Stembridge, William Stemp, Louise Stemp, Louisa F. Stemp, Louisa Stemp, Walter J. Stemp, Francis L. Stemp, Louisa Frances Stemp, Frances Louisa Stemp, Frances L. Stemp, Walter Stemp, Louisa J. Stenhouse, Ellen Stenhouse, George Stenhouse, John Dr. Stenhouse, Ellen (Hellen) Stenlake, Arthur Stenner, Wm. Stent, Harry Stent, Miss. Stent, Margaret E. Stent, Henry Stent, M.E. Stephen, J.N. Mr. Stephen, Jack Nathan Mr. Stephen, Mr. Stephen, Florence Stephen, Sarah Ann Stephen, ElIzabeth Stephens, Mary Ann Stephens, Chas. W. Stephens, Florence Stephens, William Henry Stephens, Mr. Ira Stephens, Edward Stephens, Ronald H. Stephens, William Stephens, Dorothy Stephens, Lily Stephens, Ernest E. Stephens, Alfred Stephens, Ernest Stephens, T.C. Stephens, Geo. Stephens, Henry Stephens, Thomas Alfred Stephens, Gertrude Agnes Stephens, Alfred T. Stephens, Rosamund Stephens, Wm. C. Stephens, Rosina Stephens, Thomas Stephens, Alfred J. Stephens, Chas. Stephens, M. B. Stephens, Charles William Stephens, Thos. Mr. Stephens, Sarah Stephens, Rose Stephens, Leonard Stephens, Ernest C. Stephenson, William Stephenson, Dr. Stephenson, Stephenson, Christopher Stephenson, C. Stephenson, Chas Stephenson, Emily Stephenson, Chas. Stephenson, Louisa Stephenson, W. Stephenson, Elizabeth Stephenson, J.H. Mr. Stephenson, Wm Stephenson, Fred C. Stephenson, Robert Stephenson, Fred. C. Stephenson, George Stephenson, Mr. Stepney, Wm. Stepney, E. Stepto, Albert P Stepto, Albert P. Stepto, Bert Stepto, C. Steptoe, William S. Steptoe, Joseph Steptoe, W. L. Steptoe, Rose Steptoe, Steptoe, William Stephen Stergess, Sydney Sterling, James W. Sterling, William Sterne, Richard J. Sterrett, Albt. W. Sterrett, Albert Walter Pvt. Sterrett, Albert Sterritt, James Schomberg Steven, Vera Stevenette, Mr. And Mrs. John Stevens, Doreen Stevens, Mark Stevens, Ernest Stevens, Edith Stevens, Joseph Stevens, Kathleen Stevens, Arthur (2) Stevens, James Lawrence Stevens, George Stevens, Stevens, Albert Stevens, Catherine Stevens, Alfred Stevens, Rosa Stevens, Willie Stevens, Edith Frances Stevens, Dora Stevens, Andrew Stevens, John Stevens, Frank Stevens, Bertha Stevens, J. Stevens, Alice Stevens, Frank W. Stevens, Harry Stevens, Mary Ann / Mary Allan Stevens, Richard Stevens, Mona V. Stevens, Minnie Stevens, Franks Stevens, James Stevens, John (2) Stevens, William Stevens, Ethel Stevens, Cornelius Edward Stevens, H. Stevens, John James Stevens, Arthur (1) Stevens, David Stevens, Ch. Stevens, Mary Stevens, Arthur J. Stevens, Frederick Stevens, Rose Stevens, Ellen Stevens, Joyce Stevens, Maud Stevens, Kate Stevens, Arthur James Stevens, Clifford Stevens, Ernest C. Stevens, Thos Stevens, Thomas Stevens, Charles Thomas Stevens, G. Stevens, Christopher Stevens, William N. Stevens, Rose Ellen Stevens, Ernest H. Stevens, Henry (Harry) Stevens, Edmund Stevens, Jane Stevens, Stanley Stevens, W. Stevens, Charlotte Ethel Stevens, John W. Stevens, Timothy Stevens, Mildred Stevens, Thos. Stevens, Arthur Stevens, Aug. G. Stevens, Nettie D. Mrs. Stevens, Frank Mrs. Stevens, Walter Stevens, M. Stevens, Charles Stevens, Daniel Stevens, John Ed. Stevens, Ronald Stevens, Ed. Stevens, henry Stevens, William Norman Stevens, Frederick Lawrence Stevens, Harold E. Stevens, Saml Wm Stevens, Elizabeth Stevens, F. Stevens, John (1) William Stevens, Mack Stevens, Frederick J. Stevens, Albert W. Stevens (also known as Miller), Walter John Stevenson, Walter Stevenson, Henry C. Stevenson, Annie Stevenson, Florence Stevenson, C. Stevenson, AlIce Stevenson, Harry C. Stevenson, Barbara Wylie Stevenson, Cyril Stevenson, Henry Stevenson, Geo. R. Stevenson, Sophia Stevenson, Jack Stevenson, John A. Stevenson, Alfred James Stevenson, John Stevenson, Herbert Stevenson, Arthur Brentnall Stevenson, Harry G. Stevenson, Walter Harold Stevenson, W.J. Dr. Stevenson, Anne Stevenson, Charles Steward, Stuart Steward, John Joseph Steward, William Steward, Albert W. Steward, George Steward, George E. Steward, Rupert H. Steward, Ellen Elizabeth Steward, R.J. Mr. Stewardson, George Stewart, William Stewart, Caroline Stewart, Robert Stewart, MaryAnne Stewart, Mary Stewart, Wm. Stewart, Winnifred (Mrs. Harry) Stewart, Walter Stewart, Beatrice Stewart, Wm Stewart, Richard Stewart, Oliver Stewart, Jessie Stewart, George Sherlett Pvt. Stewart, Gordon Stewart, Joseph Stewart, Fredk. Stewart, Clara Stewart, Mrs. Letitia Stewart, Dr. Stewart, Donald Stewart, John D Stewart, W. Stewart, Duncan Stewart, Henry Stewart, Leonard William Stewart, James Stewart, Emily Stewart, Jean Stewart, Ethel Stewart, Olive Stewart, George Stewart, Willie Stewart, Archibald Henry R Stewart, Susan Stewart, John William Stewart, Isabella Stewart, Frdk Stewart, Mrs. Stewart, Florence (Mrs. Thomas) Stewart, Archie H. Stewart, Albert Stewart, Charles Stewart, Robert Mr. Stewart, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Stewart, Malcolm Stewart, Gerald Stewart, Stuart Stewart, Archibald Henry R. Stewart, A Stewart, Annie Stewart, Janet Steyles, Charles Stibbington, Rosina K. Stiche, Robert William Stickland, Kathleen Stickles, Frances A. Mrs. Stickney, Mrs. Margaret Stidder, Stidworthy, Edward F. Stiff, Harriet Stiff, Gertrude Stiff, Arthur W. Stiff, Arthur Stiff, Gertrude A. Stileman, Harry Sir, Rear Admiral Stileman, Harry Sir Stileman, Harry, Rear Admiral Stiles, Ruth Stiles, Maggie Stilgoe, Alice Edith Stilgoe, John Henry Stilgoe, Ada Emily Stilgoe, Westley Ronald Stilgoe, Arnold Kenneth Still, Edward C. Still, Arthur W. Still, Frederick William Stillwell, Elizabeth Stillwell, Henry Stillwell, H. Stillwell, Johanna Stillwell, Alfred Stilwell, Louisa Stimmers, Jessie Stimpson, Alex. Geo. Stimpson, Jos. Stimpson, William George Stinson, Thomas A. Mr. Stinson, Ada Stinson, Chas. Stint, Ada Stinton, Thomas Clarence Stinton, Henry Stirk, S.D. Mrs. Stirland, James Henry Stirling, Harold Stirling, The Right Rev. Bishop, DD Stirratt, David Stitson, William Frank Stitson, Wm. F. Stobbs, Elizabeth L. Stobbs, John Stobbs, Stobbs, J. Stobbs, John Mr. Stobbs, Catherine Miss. Stobie, Christina Stobie, Peter Stock, Charles Stock, Geo. W. Stock, Ralph Walter Stock, F. Stock, Mary Stock, Mr. Stockburn, Cyril George Whitlark Stockburn, Marion E. Stockburn, Marion Stockdale, Florence Stockdale, Annie Stockely, Phyllis Stocker, Harry W. Stocker, William Stocker, John Gilbert Stocker, John G. Stocker, Hy. W. Stocker, robert Stocker, May Stocker, John Stocker, Harry Stocker, Fred Wm. Stockham, F.W. Stockham, Fred W. Stockley, Reginald C.R. Stockley, Gertrude H. Stockley, Gertrude Stockley, Phyllis Stockley, E. Phyllis Stockley, Phyllis E. Stockley, Oliver Stockley, Oliver E. Stockman, John Stockman, Stockman, Wm Jno Stocks, Wilfred Stocks, Sarah Stocks, Jas Stockton, Robt. J. Stockton, Thomas G. Stockton, Thomas George Stockwell, Geo Stockwell, Alfred Stoddard, Frank Stoddart, James Pvt. Stoddart, Margaret Stoddart, Margt Stoddart, Jennet Stodden, Tilly Stodden, Matilda Stogg, Joan Stohge, Ernest F. Stoke, William Thomas Stoker, Joseph Stokes, Ellen Louisa Stokes, Margaret Ellen Stokes, Cecil John Stokes, John Henry Stokes, Ellen Stokes, Mary A Stokes, Joseph Stokes, Alice Stokes, Martin Stokes, Wm Stokes, Emma Stokes, Wm. Stokes, Nellie Stokes, Henry Stokes, Mrs. Joseph Stokes, Annie Stokes, John H. Stokes, William Thomas Stokes, Peter Stokes, AnnIe Stokes, Mary Ann Stokes, Walter Lucas Stokes, Reginald Stokes, David Stokes- Gardner, Noel Stokes Stokes-Gardner, Noel Stolworthy, Kathleen G. Stolworthy, Kathleen Grace Stonadge, George S.R. Stondage, George Stone, Alberta Stone, Albert Stone, John Stone, Jas. Stone, Elizabeth Stone, George Stone, Frederick G. Stone, David Stone, Frances Florence Stone, Frederick Stone, James Stone, Eliza Stone, Be?? Stone, Matilda Stone, Mrs. William Stone, Bertha Stone, Alice Stone, Ethel Stone, Addis Stone, George A. Stone, Florence Stone, Henry Stone, Laura E.V. Stone, Elizath Stone, Harriet Stone, Elizabeth R. Stone, Walter Ephraim Stone, Phoebe Stone, E.W. Stone, Frances F. Stone, Elsie Stone, Percy Stone, Richard F. Stone, Rose Stone, Dorothy Mrs. Stone, Florence L. Stone ?, Edmond Stoneham, Henry A. Stoneham, Henry Stoneham, Lillian G. Stonehouse, William Stonehouse, Lilian Stoneman, Mabel Stoner, Alf. Stooke, Alfred Stookes, Geo. Stooks, William Stopps, E. Store, Edith Storer, David Storer, Isabella Storer, Samuel Herbert Storer, Jno. Wm. Storer, Alice Storer, Samuel Storer, Jno Wm Storer, Charles Storey, And. Storey, Andrew Storey, John Storey, Darrell John Storey, Darrell Storey, Sarah Annie Storey, Margaret Storey, Darrell J. Storey, Dora Carter Storey, Margt Storie, W. Stork, Alfred Storm, Laura Mrs. Storm, Isabella Storr, Edith Storr, Gertrude Storr, Beatrice Storrie, Caroline Storrs, Ernest Storry, Hugholine Storry, Fred W. Storton, William H. Storton, Wm. Hy. Storton, Wm. H. Storton, William Henry Story, Dora Carter Story, Sarah Annie Story, Edgar Edwin Stott, R. Stovell, Chas. Stovold, Margaret Stow, William Stowe, Harry / Henry Stowe, H. J. Stowe, Lucy Sissie Stowe, Harriet Beecher Mrs. Stowe, Kate Stowe, Elsie Ruth Stoyles, Charles William Stoyles, Charles Edward Stoyles, Charles, William Stphens, Geo Strachan, Mrs. Strachan, James Stradwick, John E. Stragnell, Wm. Strain, Elizabeth Straith, P.L. Strange, James Strange, Fras. J. Strange, Ernest Strange, John Fred Strange, Joseph Strange, Hy Strange, Percy A. Stranger, Annie L. Stranger, Kate Stranger, Dorothy M. Stranger, George William Stranger, Albert Stranger, Jno Strangward, Betram John Oliver Strangway, H.C. Mr. Strangways, Henry Stratford, Annie Stratford, William Stratford, Frederick Strathy, A. G. Mrs. Strathy, G.S. Dr. Strathy, H.H. Mrs. Strathy, Gerald B. Strathy, G.B. Esq. Strathy, Gerald B. Esq. Stratton, Sarah Strattonsmith, Robert G. Straw, Arthur Strawbridge, Brian Strawford, E. S. Stredwick, Benjamin J. Stredwick, Harold E. Streer, Annie Eliza Street, Harry Street, Albert W. Street, Stanley Pvt. Street, Hy. A.L. Street, Street, Bertie Street, Sidney H. Street, Stanley Street, Thomas H. Street, A. Street, Sidney Street, James Henry Street, Albert Street, Dudley Street, Samuel Street, George W.G. Street, George William Gosling Street, Sidney Harold Street, George W. Street, Martha Streeter, George Streeter, Walter Streeter, Mrs. Drastus Stretton, Reginald |
Stretton, Regd. Strickland, Charles P. Strickland, Walter Thomas Strickland, Thomas Strickland, Kathleen Strickland, Margaret Strickland, Strickland, Ellen Strickland, Mary E. Stringer, George Starkey Pvt. Stringer, Mable Stringer, Frederick Stringer, Lauri Stringer, Mabel Stringer, Geo. S. Stringer, Ethel May / Mary Stringer, Charles Stringer, Mary Stringer, William Stringer, L. Stringer, George S. Stringer, Nathan R. Stringer, Laurie Charles Stringer, Laurie Stringer, Charlie Stringer, Jauri Stringer, Wm. Strong, John Dykes Strong, John P. Strong, Beatrice Strong, Catherine Strong, Kate Strong, Mary Strong, Elizabeth Stroud, Edward J. Stroud, Herbert J. Stroud, Frank Stroud, W. Stroud, Edward Stroud, Allan Stroud, Edward John Stroyd, Harry / Henry Strudwick, Agnes Strudwick, Katie Strudy, Lilian Strugnell, W.A. Strugnell, Wm. Struthers, Mr. Struthers, E.A. Mr. Struthers, E.A. Struthers, Robert Struthers, James Struthers, E.A. Mr. J.P. Struthers, Edmund Amos Struthers, G. Roy Mr. Strutwick, Alfred Stuart, Davina Stuart, Chas. Perry Stuart, Mary Stuart, W.S. Stuart, Sid. S. Stuart, Ernest Stuart, The Rev. Canon, MA Stuart, C. J. Stuart, Charles P. Stuart, George William Stubbert, Francis J. D. Stubbings, W. Stubbings, William S. Stubbings, Walter Stubbings, Walter Stephen Stubbings, Charles Mr. and Mrs. Stubbings, William Stanley Stubbings, Charley Stubbings, Alice Stubbings, Charles Stubbings, Wm. Stanley Stubbings, Charlie Stubbings, Wiliam S. Stubbington, Rosina K. Stubbington, Albert Stubbington, Henry Stubbington, Rosina Stubbington, W. Stubbington, Willie Stubbington, John William Stubbins, R Stubbs, Jno. T. Stubbs, Frederick Stubbs, William Stubbs, Selina Stubbs, Joseph T. Stubbs, Bettie R. Stubbs, Ernest Stubbs, John T. Stubbs, John Stubbs, Bertie Reginald Stubbs, Mary Stubbs, Harriett Stubbs, Bertie, Reginald Stubbs, Bertie R. Stubbs, Mary Elizabeth Stubbs, John Thomas Stubbs, Edward Stubbs, Wm Stubington, Rosina Stuckey, Albert E. Stuckey, Lilian Stuckey, Frederick J. Stuckey, Frederick Stuckey, Cecil Stuckey, Robert Stuckey, Lillian Stuckey, Lilian F. Stuckey, Lilian I. Stuckey, Fred Stucky, Lillian Studds, Bertie Reginald Studolph, Frank Stuggins, R. Sturdy, Wm. J. Sturdy, Ethel Sturdy, Ethel M. Sturgeon, Joseph Sturgeon, Albert Sturgeon, Jos. Sturgeon, Arthur Sturges, Henry Sturges, Wm. Sturman, Wilfred Sturrock, Gordon Sturt, Alfred Stuteley, Edward H. Stuttard, Ethel K. Stuttard, Ethel Stuttard, Elsie Styan, Thomas Andrew Styan, Thomas Styan, Cicely Styan, Thomas A. Styan, Cicely M. Stych, Harry Stych, Charles Stych, Joseph Styche, Harry Styche, James Bernard Styche, Louisa Jane Styche, John Albert Styche, Robert William Stylas or Styles, Bridget Styles, Frederick A. Styles, E. Styles, William Styles, James William Pvt. Styles, Edward Styles, Fred. A. Styles, Cyril C. Styles, Frederick Arthur Styles, Arthur Suart, M.W. Mr. Succamore, Henry Such, Harold Herbert Such, W. Such, Frederick Alfred Suckling, F.C. Suckling, Annie Sudbury, James Sudder, Sudders, Sudders, Sam J. Sudds, Rich. Aubry Sudeley, Lord Sudeley, Lord, Rt. Hon. Suden, Arthur William Suffolk, Lily Suffolk, John A. Sugden, Hariott K. Suitens, Desire Sullivan, George M. Sullivan, Michael Sullivan, Julia Sullivan, Eugene Sullivan, Maggie Sullivan, Agnes Sullivan, Norah Sullivan, Edward Sullivan, Ernest Sullivan, Florence Sullivan, Barry Sullivan, Margt. Sullivan, Alb. E. Sullivan, Peter Sullivan, Richard Sullivan, Maurice Sullivan, Nellie Sullivan, Jane Sullivan, Mary Sullivan, William Sullivan, Thos. G. Sullivan, Geo. M. Sullivan, Mable Sullivan, Ellen Sullivan, Daniel Sullivan, Edith Mary Sullivan, John Sullivan, Will Sullivan, Mary Ann Sullivan, Nelly M. Sullivan, Nelly Sullivan, Patk Sullivan, Catherine Sullivan, Frances Sullivan, Magie Sullivan, Maud. Sullivan, Patrick Sullivan, Nelly M Sullivan, Margaret Sullivan, Mabel Sullivan, Sarah J. Sullivan, George Sullivan, Kate Sullivan, Hy. Sullivan, Dennis Sullivan, Patk. Sullivan, Thomas Sullivan, Mable Caroline Sullivan, Timothy Sullivan, Ernest Pvt. Sullivan, Henry Chas. Sullivan, M. Sullivan, Hy Sully, Sidney John Sully, Sidney J. Sulter, Geo Sulton, John Henry Sulton, Edwd Sulvean, Decima Summer, James Summer, John C. Summerby, William Summerfelt, Marjorie Mrs. Summerfield, Benjamin Summerfield, Ethel A. Summerfield, Emily Summerfield, Mable Summergill, Ernest Summers, Albert William Summers, Dorothy Summers, Philip Summers, Charlotte Summers, Geo. W. Summers, Geo. W.F.C. Summers, Sarah Summers, John C. Summers, Ethel Summers, John Summers, Roland Summers, Henry C.J. Summers, Lily May Summers, AnnIe Summers, Walter Summers, Miss. Kathleen B Summers, Nellie Summers, Florence Summers, Frank Summers, Alic Sidney Summers, Heather Ursula Summers, Ethel M. Summers, William Rew Pvt. Summers, Ada Lilian Summers, Ethel C. K. Summers, Frank William Summers, Ethel K.C. Summers, Sidney Summers, Tiny Mrs. Summers, Ruth Margaret Summersby, Geo. Summersby, George Summersgill, Ernest Summersgill, Albert E. Summersgill, Albert Summerside, Sidney Summerton, Harold Summerton, S. Summerton, Harrold Summerville, Violet R. Summner, James Summods, Chas Sumner, Arthur H.E.G. Sumner, James Sumner, James L. Sumner, J. Sumpster, Eva Sumpton, Frank Sunbourne, Emily Sunby, Margaret Sunderland, Arhtur Sunderland, Arthur Sunderland, Cyril Reginald Sundet, Annie Georgina Sundy, Albert Charles Sunley, Mary Sunley, Margaret Surbeck, Conrad Surbeck, Conrad J. Surgess, Phillip Surman, Ernest Surman, Evelyn Surr, Joseph Surr, Thomas Surr, Gertrude Surrage, Helen Surridge, Edith May Surridge, Edith Surtees, Marjorie Surtees, Alfred Susands, Michael Susden, ElIzabeth Sutcliffe, G.C. Sutcliffe, Thomas Pvt. Sutcliffe, Thomas Suter, Serah Suter, George I. Sutherland, Wm. Sutherland, John Sutherland, Wilfred Charles Sutherland, William Sutherland, Mary Sutherland, Arthur Sutherland, ElInor Sutherland, James Sutherland, Charles Sutherland, Alfred T. Sutherland, Wille Sutherland, MaggIe Sutherland, Hugh G. Sutherland, Willie Suthons, Charles Suttle, Samuel Sutton, Thomas Sutton, William Sutton, Mary Sutton, John Sutton, Henry Sutton, Fanny E. Sutton, Emily Sutton, George Sutton, Elizabeth R. Sutton, E.B. Mr. Sutton, Harriett Sutton, Caroline Sutton, Alice Sutton, Frederick E. Sutton, Reg. Sutton, Louisa Sutton, George Pvt. Sutton, William J. Sutton, Jas. Sutton, Ivy Sutton, Lucy Sutton, Edwd. Sutton, Thomas Henry Sutton, Geoffrey Sutton, Lawrence Sutton, Catharine / Caroline Sutton, Herbert Svetolik, Poblovic Svott, John R. Swaddling, George L. Swaddling, John Swadkins, F Swaebe, Norman Swain, Thomas Swain, Henry Swain, Charles Swain, Eileen Swain, Jane Swain, Georgina Swain, George Henry Pvt. Swain, Eileen M. Swain, Sydney Leonard Swain, Thos. Swain, Hannah V. Mrs. Swain, George Swain, John Swain, Mary Ann Swain, Henry H. Swain, Edward Swain, Rosina Swain, Geo. Wm. Swain, Arnold Swain, Harry Swain, Geo. Hy. Swaine, George Henry Swaine, Edward Swaine, Henry Swaine, Henry H. Swaine, Harry H. Swaine, Jane Swaine, Hy. Swainland, John Swainland, John Pvt. Swale, Wm Hy Swales, Christina Swales, Sarah Swall, Leonard J. Swallow, Edna Swan, Thomas Swan, Alfred Swan, Chas. F. Swan, Walter T. Swan, Maud Swan, George Swan, Edith Swan, Alfred Edward Swan, June Swan, Francis Swanborough, Arthur S. Swanborough, R. Swann, Alfred Swann, Albert Swann, Henry G.J. Swann, Ellen Swannell, George Swansborough, R. E. Swanton, Elizabeth Mrs. Swanton, Mrs. Clarence B Sward, Jas Swartz, Annie Swartz, Alice Mrs. Swatzer, Edward T. Swatzer (Sweetzir), Edward A. Swaun, Geo. Swaysland, William Swayze, Mr. W.H. Swayze, Mrs. Sweatman, A. Sweeney, Peter Sweeney, John Sweeney, Amy Sweeney, Stephen Sweeny, John Sweet, John Sweeting, Charles Sweeting, Grace Sweeting, E Sweeting, Alice Sweeting, Reginald Sweeting, Alice V. Sweeting, George Sweeting, Charlie Sweeting, Mary Sweeting, Claude Swell, Gertrude Swester, Alice Swick, Eliz. Mrs. Swift, William Swift, Albert Swift, George Swift, Alexander Swift, James Swift, Gwendoline Syble W. Swift, Swift, Sidney Philip Swift, Geo. Swift, H ? Swift, Sydney P. Swift, James H. Swift, George Cpl. Swift, James H Swift, W Swift, Tom Swift, Lily Hope Swift, Sylvester Swimmer, Mary May (Mrs. James) Swinbourne, Rose Swinbourne, Ethel Swinbourne, Alfred Swinbourne, Rose Ellen Swinbourne, Rose E. Swinburne, Ethel Swinburne, Rose Swindale, Rose Ann Swindale, Thomas Swindel, Geo. Swindle, Geo. Swing, Mrs. Swinnerton, Daniel Swinnerton, Frederick Swinnerton, Maud Swithinbank, Martin Swithinbank, Jane Swittimbank, Henry Switzer, Mrs. Switzer, Wesley Switzer, George Sword, James Sydney, May Sygrave, Edward Sykes, S.S.P. Sykes, Joseph W. Sykes, Joseph Sykes, Emanuel Geo. Sykes, Samuel P. Sykes, Harold Sykes, Jos Sykes, Herbert Sylvester, Walter Syme, James Symes, George Symes, Barbara P. Symes, Charles A. Symes, David Symes, Thomas E. Symon, Roy R. Symon, Beulah Mrs. Symonds, Walter V. Symonds, Arthur Symonds, Arthur F. Symonds, Bertha Louise Symonds, Arthur E. Symonds, Charles Symonds, Samuel J. Symonds, Stanley Symonds, Eveline R. Symonds, Thomas Symonds, Evelyn R. Symonds, Evelyn Symonds, George Symonds, Maud Symonds, Samuel John Symonds, Geo. W. Symons, Maud Symons, Louis Harding McKinley Symons, Herbert J. Symons, Regd W.H. Symons, Samuel J. Symons, Reginald H.W. Symons, Ernest J. Symons, Gwendoline Symons, Herbert Symons, maud Symons or Baker, Frederick William Syms, Herbert W Symthson, Waverley Synes, Henry Syrett or Serett, Robert S (Samuel R.) Sysum, James T., E. T., Joseph T??Mus, Alfred Taafe, John Taber, William H. Tabram, C Tabram, Charles Henry Tacberry, Mattie Tachauer, David H. Tachauer, Leon Tack, Cornelius Tackaberry, Martha Tackaner, Leon Tagg, William Taggart, John Taggart, Alfred Taggart, A. Taggart, Hugh Tagney, Denis Tailor, W. Tain, Phoebe Tait, Dorothy Tait, John Tait, John R. Tait, Alfred Tait, Sidney R. Tait, Simon Tait, Dorothy Hamilton Balfe Tait, Alfred Pvt. Taite, John Magnus Take, Percival Take, Percival H. Take, Percy Taker, Thomas Taker, William Taker, George Alexander Talbot, George Talbot, Annie Talbot, Bridget Talbot, John Talbot, Maria Talbot, William Talbot, Esther Talbut, John Tallman, A. S. Mr. Tamar, Jane Tamblin, Frederick William Tamblindson, Bertie Tamblingson, James Tamblingson, Herbert J. Tamblingson, Bertie Tamblingson, J. Tame, Ernest Tame, Kate Tame, Katie Tame, Philip Tame, John / Jack Tame, Richard P.J. Tamer, Jane Tammage, Frank E. Tammage, Frank Tampdin, Arthur Charles Tamplin, Arthur C. Tamplin, A. C. Mrs. Tamplin, Joseph Tamworth, Ann Tancock, E. J. Tandy, Edith Florence Tandy, William Tandy, Charles Edward Tandy, George Tandy, Harry Tandy, Harriet Tane, Kate Tane, Phoebe Tanfer, Rudolph Tanitute, Tannahill, Ernest Tanner, John Wm. Tanner, Jennifer B. Tanner, Wm. Tanner, T.C. Tanner, James Arthur Tanner, Gladys Tanner, William Tanner, Frederick A. Tanner, Frederick H. Tanner, Charles Edward Tanner, Fred Tanner, Charles Tanner, George Tanner, Adela Tanner, Fredereick A. Tanner, Frederick Tanner, MInnIe Tanner, Fred A. Tanner, Elizabeth Tanner, Frank Tanner, James A. Tanner, James Jordan Tanner, Tanner, Violet Tanner, Jacqueline Clare Tanner, Gladys Miss. Tanner, Arthur James Tanner, Fred R. Tanquiy, Albt. G. Tanser, S. E. Tansey, Miles Tansey, Myles Tansey, John Tansley, Charles Tanswell, Joseph Tanswell, Dorothy Tanswell, Dorothy H. Tansy, John Tansy, Miles Tant, John E. Tant, May Tant, James Elisha Tape, Ernest Tape, Ernest Sidney Pvt. Tapley, William Thos. Tapley, William Thomas Taplin, Jno Tapp, Joseph Tapper, Florence Tapper, Flor. Tapsell, Richard Tapsell, Richard J. Tapsell, Richard LCpl. Tarbottom, Jessie Tarbox, Mr. Tarbuck, Chas Tardrew, KatherIne Tardrew, Mary Tarley (Turley), Frederick Tarling, Ivy Tarling, Charles Tarpey, Stephen Tarpey, Francis Tarpey, Fcis Tarpey, Step Tarplee, Hubert Harry Tarr, Mary Tarrant, Lillian Tarrant, William Tarraut, Fred. Tarrent, Henry Tarte, Mr. Tarver, Bertha Tashjian, Vahan Tasker, John Francis Pvt. Tasker, Sarah Tasker, Mary Tasker, William R. Tasker, George Tasker, Annie Tasker, Wm. Tasker, Wm. R. Tasker, Nary Tasker, May Tasker, Frederick Tassel, Rose Tassell, Herbert Geo. Tate, Miss. Ruth Tate, Percival Tate, John Tate, Martha May Tate, Fred. Geo. Tate, Geo. E. Tate, Patty Tates, George Tatlock, Jane Tattan, Henry Daniel Tattersall, Frederick Tatton, James Taturn, E. Taut, Wm. Henry Taws, F.C. Mrs. Tawse, ElIzabeth Tayler, Henry Taylor, Sarah Taylor, John (3) Arthur Taylor, Colin Taylor, Robert Taylor, Margaret Taylor, Ch. Taylor, William (5) Taylor, Lizzie Taylor, George Taylor, Miss. Taylor, Hilda Taylor, Elsie (2) Jean Taylor, Frank Taylor, Mary Taylor, Taylor, Wm. H. Taylor, Mary Alice Taylor, Eva Taylor, Alice Taylor, John F. Taylor, Thomas Taylor, Elizabeth "Betty" Taylor, Walter Taylor, Thomas (1) William Taylor, Ernest Taylor, Marjory Taylor, Caroline Taylor, A. Taylor, Sarah Elizabeth Taylor, George Richard Taylor, Stanley Robert Taylor, Edward Taylor, William T. Taylor, Baden E. Taylor, Leonard Taylor, Arthur S. Taylor, Dorothy Taylor, Harold Harborne Chavasse Taylor, Alfred John Taylor, Nellie Taylor, Charles Taylor, Julia Taylor, W.J. Taylor, Lily A.C. Taylor, Maria Taylor, R. E. Taylor, William Thomas Taylor, Harry (2) Taylor, Auby Taylor, Harry S. Taylor, Violet Taylor, William Taylor, Frederick Frank Taylor, Annie Taylor, Florence Eliza Taylor, Albert A Taylor, George (2) William Taylor, H. Taylor, Stanley Taylor, Reginald G. Taylor, Elizabeth Mrs. Taylor, W. Taylor, Jessie C. Taylor, Edgar Taylor, Mary Hannah Taylor, Lily Taylor, Wm. Taylor, William J. Taylor, Albert Taylor, Samuel Joseph Taylor, Henry (3) Taylor, Alfred J. Taylor, Wm. T. Taylor, Richard (1) Taylor, Herbert Taylor, Sidney Taylor, Minnie Rose Taylor, Albert (1) Alfred / Alfred (1) Albert Taylor, Lily Ann C. Taylor, Mr. Taylor, Rob Taylor, John Taylor, E. Taylor, Donald Harborne Taylor, Edith Taylor, Dennis Taylor, Ann Maria Taylor, Fred Jos. Taylor, Thos. William Taylor, Walter B. Taylor, Benjamin Taylor, George Hy. Taylor, Rose Taylor, Leslie Edgar Taylor, Richard (2) Taylor, Hebert Taylor, Matthew Taylor, Fanny Taylor, Lizza Taylor, Lilly A.C. Taylor, John Henry Taylor, Henry (2) Taylor, Wm. Thos. Taylor, Harry (1) Clifford Taylor, Kenneth Mrs. Taylor, Ben Taylor, Marhy Taylor, Albert Edward Taylor, Barbara Taylor, Joseph (1) Taylor, Walter R. Taylor, William (1) Richard Taylor, Joseph Taylor, Florence Taylor, Eleanor Taylor, John Hy. Taylor, A. E. Taylor, Wm Jas Taylor, John, Walter Taylor, Albert E. Taylor, Emma Taylor, Charlie Taylor, Wm. C. Taylor, Fred J. Taylor, Wm Cecil Taylor, Mr. William H. Taylor, Alf. G. S. Taylor, Percy Taylor, John M. Taylor, Rose J. Taylor, Henry S. Taylor, Mrs. Taylor, Isaiah Taylor, Elizabeth Taylor, Oswald Taylor, Fred. F. Taylor, Geo Taylor, Alfred G. Taylor, Joseph (2) Ernest Taylor, Arthur Taylor, Edwin Thos. Taylor, George H. Taylor, W.A. Taylor, R.E. Taylor, Fred. Chas. Geo. Taylor, Jane Taylor, Emily Taylor, JessIe Taylor, D. William Taylor, James Taylor, Arthur (2) Taylor, John S. Taylor, Sarah J. Taylor, Elizabeth (2) Taylor, Albert (2) Edward Taylor, William E. Taylor, Amy (1) Taylor, Kate Taylor, Geo. H. Taylor, Jessie Taylor, Ethel Taylor, Wm. Jas. Taylor, Charlotte Taylor, Sydney Taylor, Alf. John Taylor, Ada Taylor, Elsie (3) May Taylor, Roger H. Taylor, William Charles Taylor, William (3) Henry Taylor, William (4) Henry Taylor, J. Taylor, Auby. Taylor, John W. Taylor, Alfred B. Taylor, James Henry Taylor, Rosemary M. N. Taylor, Frederick (2) Taylor, Alfred Taylor, Ann Maria / Annie Maria Taylor, Thomas (2) Taylor, Annie Mrs. Taylor, Samuel Taylor, T. Taylor, Frederick (1) Perey Batterby Taylor, Henry C. Taylor, Clifford Taylor, John (2) Edward Taylor, Herbert E. Taylor, Edwin Taylor, Alfred G.S. Taylor, Gordon Taylor, Amy (2) Elizabeth (Mrs. Alexander J.) Taylor, Chas. Taylor, Shirley Taylor, Ernest Eustace Taylor, John (1) Thomas Taylor, Alfred (2) Taylor, Thos Wm Taylor, Alfd Taylor, Henry Taylor, William Henry Taylor, Baden Edward Taylor, Rupert Taylor, Harry Taylor, Francis E. Taylor, Wm. Hy. Taylor, Mary E. Taylor, William (2) Taylor, Andrew J. S. Taylor, Louisa G. Taylor, Patricia A. Taylor, Patricia Taylor, Baden Powell Taylor, Jemima Taylor, Gertrude Taylor, Christopher Taylor, Evelyn Taylor, Henry (1) Taylor, John Samuel Pvt. Taylor, Reginald Taylor, Beatrice M. Taylor, Kathleen M. Taylor, Rose C. Taylor, William Edward Taylor, Frederick Taylor, William James Taylor, Sarah Charlotte Mary Taylor, E. Miss. Taylor, Elizabeth (1) Sarah Taylor, Annie (1) Taylor, Mary Ann Taylor, Geo. A. Taylor, F. W. Taylor, Cath M Taylor, Jessie R Taylor, Arthur (1) Taylor, Wm. Cecil Taylor, George (3) Samuel Taylor, Anthony Mr. Taylor, Gilbert Taylor, James E. Taylor, Hugh Taylor, Florence Elizabeth Taylor, Elsie (1) May Taylor, Alfred (3) Taylor, Rose Miss. Taylor, H Taylor, Reginald Pat. Taylor, Theodore Henry Taylor, Jas H. Taylor, George O. Taylor, Albert W. Taylor, Lily (2) Taylor, Lily (1) Taylor, Frederick J. Taylor, George (1) Taylor, Jessie R. Taylor, Bertha V. Mrs. Taylor, Harold Chevasse Harborne Taylor, Mary J. Taylor, J Taylor, AnnIe Taylor, Blanche Taylor, Annie (2) Elizabeth (Mrs. Thomas) Taylor, Thomas Hy. Taylor, Frederick F. Taylor, H. W. Taylor, Adelaide Taylor Smith, The Right Rev. Bishop, DD, CVO Taynton, Charles Taysum, Eva Teale, Mary E Teale, Mary E. Teale, Joseph Teares, Robt. D. Teares, Robert Douglas Tearle, Mary E. Tears, Robert Tears, Douglas Tears, William Teasdale, Gertrude Teasdale, John Teasdale, J. T. Teasdale, Mary Tebbuts, Mary Tebbutt, Ernest E Tebbutt, Mary Tees, Henry Tees, George Tees, James Tegg, Harry Teggs, Sarah E. Telfer, James Pvt. Telfer, Miss. Telford, Samuel K. Telford, Samuel Telford, Sam Telford, A. Telford, Sam. K. Telford, Samuel Kerr Telford, Gordon L. Teller, Dora Telley, Jas. G. Tellfren, Mrs. Carl Jr Temlett, Alfred F. C. Temlett, Alfred T.C. Temp, Charles T. Temperley, Hilda Temperley, George Temperly, Hilda Tempest, N.B. Temple, Margery Temple, Adeline Temple, Percy O. Temple, Frederick Temple, Harry Temple, Templeman, Ernest Templeman, Robert W. Templeman, H.W. Mr. Templeman, Thomas Templeton, Rudolph Templeton-Armstrong, Miss. Tenant, Tendall, Dorothy Tennant, Francis Edward Tennant, Tennant, George Tennant, George H. Tennant, Alf. Tennant, Mrs. Tennant, LouIe Tennant, Thomas A. Tennant, Thomas L. Tennant, Mrs. Alfred Tennell, Theodore Tennyson, Whitfield Tepper, G. Ternstram, O.W.E Ternstram, G.A.E. Ternstrand, Charles Ternstrand, Ch. J.P. Ternstrand, George A. Ternstrand, Oscar W.F. Ternstrandt, Marie K. Ternstrandt, Marie Teroe, Abraham Sapper Teroe?? (Feroe), Abraham Terranova, Mica Terranova, Yano Terrell, Bertie Terrey, Kathleen Terry, Ellen Terry, Frederick A. Terry, Mr. Terry, Thomas Terry, Sophia Terry, Frederick Herbert Terry, Ann B. C. Terry, Leon De Loss Terry, Joseph Thomas Terry, John Thomas Terry, Cannon Rev. Terry, Edith Terry, Sidney Francis Terwin, Charles Tessier, Marie Tester, Jessie Thms. Testman, Louisa Tetley, Michael Hubert Tettersel, Hy. Tettley, Alfred Tevlin, Albert W. Tew, William Tew, Thomas Tew, Ellen Teys, Lucy Thacker, Mary A. Thacker, Mary A Thacker, Lorna Thacker, Herbert Cyril Thain, Edwin Thallbun, Frank Thalman, Robert Thamer, Ethel Mrs. Thamer, Orville Thamer, Caroline J. Miss. Thayer, Rhoda Thayers, John Theibot, Peter Louis Theibot, Peter L. Theobald, Walter J. Theobald, Alice Theobald, C. J. Theobald, Walter Theoblad, C. J. Theogood, Chas. Therlby, Charles Thew, Sidney Christopher Thexton, A. G. Mr. and Mrs. Thiebot, Peter Thiebot, Peter L. Thiem or Thieme, Clement Auguste Thiems, Francis Joseph Thirst, James Thistleton, John Thistlewaite, Mrs. Thoday, Percival R. Thom, Mr. Thomas, Richard Thomas, Doris Thomas, Joseph Thomas, Albert Morley Thomas, Rebecca Thomas, Bernice Thomas, Alfred Thomas, William Thomas, Ada Thomas, May Cecilia Thomas, George L. Thomas, Percy Thomas, Eleanor Thomas, Margaret Thomas, Chas. Thomas, George Thomas, Beatrice Thomas, Edward Thomas, Allan Thomas, David Thomas, Frederick Smith Thomas, Bernard Thomas, Bertie S. Thomas, Edward G. Thomas, Edward George Thomas, Wm. Ed. Thomas, John Thomas, Frederick Thomas, George Llewellyn Thomas, Gervase Alan Thomas, James Thomas, Frederick W.J. Thomas, Mr. Thomas, Fred. Thomas, Winnifred Thomas, Frederick S. Thomas, Mat Thomas, Sarah Elizabeth Thomas, David Gilbert Thomas, Ernest Thomas, Allen Thomas, Allan B. Thomas, Nellie Thomas, Frank W. Thomas, W. J. Thomas, Esther Thomas, Frank William Thomas, Mabel Thomas, Arthur John Thomas, Henry Thomas, Mary Thomas, Frank Thomas, William S Thomas, Bertie Thomas, Ann Thomas, George (1) Thomas, Reginald S. Thomas, Frederick Pvt. Thomas, Elsie Thomas, Allen B. Thomas, Wm. Thomas, Enoch Thomas, Geo Thomas, Charles Alfred Thomas, Wm Thomas, Florence Thomas, Spring Thomas, Rowena Thomas, W. W. Thomas, Alfred (1) Thomas, J.H. Rt. Non. M.P. Thomas, Frank W Thomas, Thomas, May Thomas, Daisy Thomas, Ethel M. Thomas, Wm. C. Thomas, Charles Thomas, Elizabeth Thomas, William Pvt. Thomas, Davi(e)s Thomas, William S. Thomas, Isaac J.T. Thomas, Henry Vincent Thomas, Margt Thomas, Algen. Thodr. Frank Thomas, James Edgar Thomas, Beatrice A. Thomas, Aug. W. Thomas, Peter Thomas, Ernest W. Thomas, Hugh Thomas, Benjamin Thomas, Geo. Thomas, Fuller Thomas, Mabel Eleanor Thomas, Ed. G. Thomas, Elcock Thomas, Miss. Thomas, Sam'l. P. Thomas, Harry Thomas, Augustus W. Thomas, Sidney Thomas, Mary Jane Thomas, Fred Thomas, Capt Rev. J.H. Thomas, Ellen Mrs. Thomas, Rose Thomas, George (2) Henry Thomas, William A. Thomas, J.H. Rt. Hon. Thomas, Samuel Thomas, Mrs. Thomas, Richards Thomas, Stanley W. Thomas, Joseph Edward Thomas, Alfred (2) Thomas, JessIe Thomas, Smith Thomas, Samuel P. Thomas, Loonay Thomas, W. Thomas, Christine H. Thomas, Hannah Elizabeth Thomas C., Weston Thomason, Frederick Thomason, Frederick Pvt. Thomason, George Edward Thomoson, Richard Thompkins, Henry Thompsett, Reuben James Randall Thompson, Charlotte Thompson, Findley Thompson, Matthew Thompson, Annie Thompson, Mary Thompson, Sarah Thompson, Georgina Thompson, Martha Thompson, Henry Thompson, Finly Thompson, L. Thompson, Joseph A. Thompson, Fanny Thompson, Henry D. Thompson, James Henry Thompson, Alfred Thompson, J. A. Thompson, Ivy V. Thompson, Art W. Thompson, David Thompson, Stoker Thompson, William Thompson, James Pvt. Thompson, Hy. Thompson, Walter Thompson, Sarah Ann Thompson, Mary Maud Thompson, May Thompson, Ivy. Thompson, Arthur Thompson, Edith Thompson, Alfred Ernest Thompson, Louisa Thompson, rosina Thompson, Ivy M. Thompson, Harriet Thompson, Joseph Thompson, George W. Thompson, Douglas Thompson, Charleton Thompson, Ellen Mrs. Thompson, James Thompson, J. Thompson, Margaret Thompson, Annie I. Thompson, Florence Maud Thompson, Amy Thompson, May G. Thompson, Pauline Thompson, Agnes E. Thompson, Ada Thompson, Samuel George Thompson, Emily Thompson, James H. Thompson, Elizabeth Thompson, Julia Thompson, Alf. Thompson, Polly Thompson, Sheriff Thompson, Fred. S. Thompson, Vera Thompson, Wm J Thompson, Geo. Thompson, William Leonard Thompson, Timothy Thompson, Mary E. Thompson, Adolphus Thompson, Phyllis Mrs. Thompson, James Randall Thompson, Alice Thompson, Agnes Edith Thompson, Jas. Thompson, Andrew Thompson, Mr. James A. Thompson, Frances Thompson, Jos. Thompson, Horace C. S. Thompson, Albert Edward Thompson, A. Thompson, Ernest Thompson, Charles Thompson, Edith Elizabeth Thompson, Thomas Thompson, Howard S.C. Thompson, Agnes Thompson, Evelyn Thompson, Esther Thompson, Robert Thompson, Ed. Thompson, Reuben James Randall Thompson, George Thompson, George William Pvt. Thompson, Lena Thompson, Bertie Thompson, Hugh McM. Thompson, Arthur William Thompson, Edward Thompson, Charlie Thompson, Rose Thompson, John Thompson, Ivy. V. Thompson, Mr. Thompson, Violet Thompson, R.M. Mr. Thompson, Jessie H. Thompson, Robert W. Thompson, Arthur W. Thompson, Keith Thompson, Ivy Thompson, Mr. Robert Thompson, Mr. R.H. Thompson, Percy Thompson, Arabella Thompson, Ewd. Thompson, Amelia Thompson, Ivy M.T Thompson, Fred Thompson, R. Thompson, Rosina Thompson, Sarah K. Thompson, Kathleen Thompson, Florence Maria Thompson, Helen Thompson, C. H. B. Thompson, Hiram Thompson, Alex Mr. Thompson, Hugh Thompson, Harold Thompson, Alice Mary Thompson, Ephraim Thompson, James Mrs. Thompson, Cynthia Thompson, Charlton Thompson, Norman Thompson, Emily Hilda Thompson, Anne R. Thompson, Leslie Thompson, VeronIca Thompson, Nicholson Thompson, Benjamin Thompson, Mrs. Robert Thompson, Mrs. John Thompson, KatherIne Thompson, George Wm. Thompson, Wm. J. Thompson, Howard Thompson, Ethel Thompson, Daniel Thompson, Ivy N. Thompson, Florence May Thompson, Patricia E. Thompson, Alfred David Thompson, Florence Mrs. Thompson, Muriel J. Thomson, John Thomson, Sir Piele Thomson, Andrew Thomson, Edith Thomson, Charlie Thomson, Francis Thomson, Adolph Thomson, Mary Thomson, Asta Mrs. Thomson, Robt. Thorburn, W. J. (Boy) Thorburn, Miss. Thorburn, Mrs. Thorington, Ivor C. Thorington, Harry L. Thorious, Freda Thorious, Helena Thorius, Thorius, John Thorn, Frederick T. Thorn, Phillip Henry Thorn, Sidney D. Thorn, Arthur S. Thorn, Mary Thorn, Alice Thorn, Mary Eliza Thorndyke, William Thorne, Violet Thorne, Minnie Thorne, William Thorne, Ernest A. Thorne, Daisy Thorne, Annie Thorne, Henry Thorne, Ruth Thorne, Daisey Thorne, Alice Thorne, Wm. Thorne, Frank Thorne, Frank T. Thorne, Frank L. Thorne, Arthur S. Thorne, A. G. Mrs. Thorne, Stanley Arthur Pvt. Thorne, Arthur Stanley Pte. Thorne, Wm Thorne, Hy. Thorner, Lily Thornes, John H. Thornet, Frederick J. Thornett, Alfred Thornett, Fred J. Thornett, Frederick J. Thornett, Thornett, Alfred T. Thornett, Fred Thornett, Frederick Thornett, Frederick James Thornett, Frederick Chas. Thornhill, Harry Thornhill, Leonard Harry Thornley, John William Thornley, Lily Thornton, Bella Thornton, James F. Thornton, James Thornton, William Thornton, Brian Thornton, John Thornton, Sarah Amelia Thornton, Isabella Thornton, J. Thornton, Sidney Thornton, Alice Thornton, Francis Thornton, Selina Thornton, Earnest C. Thornton, John Wm. Thornton, Thos. Thorogood, William Thorogood, Maud Thorold, Maggie Thorold, Albt. A. Thorold, Margaret Thorp, Charles Thorp, J. Thorpe, Septimus Thorpe, Edward Thorpe, Louisa Thorpe, Margaret Ellen (Helen) Thorpe, Margaret Thorpe, Edgar Thorpe, William Thorpe, Simon Thorpe, Robert Thorpe, John J. Thorpe, Anthony Thorpe, John Thorpe, Dorothy Esther Thorpe, Joel Culmer Thorpe, Edgar E. Thorpe, Alfred Thorpe, George Thorpe, Benjamin Thorpe, Alfred James Thorpe, Stephen Thorpe, Camilla Thorsteinson, F. Thorton, Alice Threfall, George Threlfall, John Threlford, Patricia Threlford, David Threlkel, H.C. Rev. Threthewey, Pamela Joy Threthewey, Shirley L. Thrift, Sarah Thrift, Serah Thring, Jas. Wm. Thring, James W. Thring, Jas. W. Thring, James William Thronett, Fred J. Throop, Louisa Throwbridge, Chris. Thrower, Albert Thrupp, William Thurbon, Percival Harlock Houghton Thurbon, Albert Henry Sydney Thurbon, Percy M.H. Thurbon, Percival Thurbon, Percival H. Thurbon, Albert Thurgood, William James Pvt. Thurgood, John James Thurlbeck, Florence Thurlbeck, William Thurlow, Cecil Thurlow, Cecil Frederick Pvt. Thurnham, Colin R. Thurst, Wm. Thurston, Joseph Thwaite, Ralph Grist Thwaite, William Lt. Thwaite, William Thwaites, Winifred Thwaites, A. K. Thwaites, Albert K. Thwaites, Albert Thwaites, Winifred L. Thwaites, Jolyon Charles J . Thwaites, Winnifred L. Thwaites, Thwaites, William Thyers, John Thyers, H. Thyers, Harold Thyers, Tibbatts, Mary A. Tibbel, Sidney A. Tibbell, Sidney Tibbitts, Jno. Tibury, Olive Tibury, Beatrice Tibury, Alice Tickell, Percival J.M. Tickell, Percival Tickle, Eliza Tickle, Walter Tickner, Bessie Tickner, Edward C. Tickner, James Tickner, Frank R. Tickner, Walter Tickner, Alfred Tickner, George Tickner, Albert Tidd, Frank Tidmarsh, Alfred Tidmarsh, Annie Tidy, Mary Tidy, George William Tidy, Margaret Ann Tiernay, W. Tierney, Mary Margaret Tietz, Eugene Tiffany, M. Miss. Tight, Wm. Tijon, William Tijon, William Pvt. Tilberry, Sidney Tilbury, Beatrice A. Tilbury, Olive Tilbury, Wm Tilbury, Charles Hy. Tilbury, Joseph Tilbury, Christopher W. Tilbury, Alice Tilford, William Tille, John Tillestone, Edward Tillet, W. Tillet, Willie Tillett, Florence Tillett, Florence B. Tillett, Wm. Tillett, William Tillett, Flo. Beatrice Tilley, Don Tilley, Roy Tilley, Donald Tilley, William Tilley, Jane Tilley, George Tillhurst, Henry Tillier, Frederick Tills, Ernest Tillson, Oliver Mr. Tillstone, Edward Tillyard, Angela Tilsleg, J. Tilson, Lilian Mrs. Tilson, Selina Tilston, Joseph Tilton, Mrs. D.K. Timbrell, Peter Timbrell, Elizabeth Timbrell, Herbert Timmath, Henry Timmerman, Annie Timmerman, Ann Timmins, AnnIe Timmins, Alfred H. Timmis, Henry H. Timms, David Timms, Martin Timms, Rachel Timms, John F.H. Timms, Edward Timms, John F. Timms, John T.H. Timms, Martin Henry Timonen, Edward C.A. Timperley, Ysaballa Timpson, William N. Timpson, George Timpson, Frank Timpson, Wm. N. Tims, John F.H. Timson, Thomas Timson, Thos. Timson, T. Tindale, Wm. Henry Tindale, E.G. Tindale, Arthur Tindall, George Tiney, James Tiney, John Tiney, Jas. A. Tingey, Winnifred Tingey, Frank W. Tingey, Mrs. Jane Tingey, Pte. Frank Tingle, George Hy. Tingle, Geo. H. Tingle, George Henry Tingle, George Tingley, Archibald R. Mr. Tingley, A. R. Tinker, Jenny Tinkler, Eva Tinkler, Jenny Tinkler, Eva. Tinkler, Jennie Tinley, AlIce Tipper, Alice Tipper, George Henry Sgt Tipper, George Henry Tipper, Samuel Tipper, Robt. W. Tipper, Thomas Tipper, Geo. H. Tipper, George Tipper, Tippet, William Charles Tippett, William C. Tippett, Wiliam C. Tippett, Cecil A. Tippett, William Charles Tippett, Wm. C. Tippetts, Cecil Tippetts, Cecil A. Tipping, James Tipping, Alfred Thomas Tipping, June Tipping, James W. Tipping, Agnes Tipping, Richard Tipping, June L.A.W. Tipton, Leonard J. Tipton, R. J. Tipton, Leonard James Tipton, Caroline Tipton, Leonard J Tipton, Edward Sgt. Tisdale, Jack Tisdale, Arthur Tisdale, F.S. Tisdale, George Titcombe, Frank Titcombe, Leslie Titcombe, Leslie Captain Titcombe, Leslie Lieut. Titcombe, Leslie Capt. Titcombe, Herbert Wm. Tite, Sarah Titmus, Alfred Titmuss, Alfred Titshall, Frank B. Titshall, Frederick Chas. Tobias, Henry Cronhelm Tobin, James Tobin, John Tobin, Georgina Toby, Maud Tocher, Henry Todd, John Todd, William Todd, Art. H. Todd, Violet Todd, Art Todd, Arthur H. Todd, Srah Todd, Arthur Todd, Charles Todd, J. ? Todd, Todd, John Thomas Todd, Edwin Todd, John R. Todd, F. Miss. Todd, Arthur Henry Todd, Selina M. Todd, B. M. Mrs. Todd, Selina Todd, James Todd, Chas Todd, Art. Todd, Selena Todd, Dolly Todd, Gertrude (Mrs. William G.) Todd, Horace E. Todd, Jas Todd, Marjorie Todman, Wm. G. Todman, Wm. Toellen, John Toellen, John D. Tofflemire, Mr. E.J. Toft, Florence Gertrude Thomson Toft, William Norman Thomson Tofts, James Tolcher, R. Tolder, Barbara Tolen, William Tollett, Richard H. Tolley, Florence May Tolley, Wm. Henry Tolley, Frederick Wm. Tolman, JennIe Tolmer, Mary Tolson, Thos Tolson, Thos. Tomas, Thos Tombling, William Tomblinson, William Tombs, George Tombs, Alfred Tombs, Beatrice Tombs, Yvonne P. Tombs, Cycil H. Tomes, Edmond Tomey, Stanley Tomison, Alice Mrs. Tomison, Ernest Tomkin, A. Tomkins, Margaret Tomkins, Wm. J. Tomkins, Wm. S. Tomkins, Henry Tomkins, James Tomkins, George Tomkins, James Hy. Tomkins, Bertram Tomkins, Tomkins, Wm S Tomkins, Joseph Tomkins, Arthur Tomkins, Art Tomkinson, Geo. Tomkinson, Albert Tomkinson, Oliver G. Tomkinson, John Henry Tomkinson, Frederick Tomkinson, Fred. Tomkinson, Mona Tomlin, Edward Tomlin, Clement Tomlin, Alfred Tomlin, Emily Tomlin, Albert W. Tomlin, Herbert Tomlin, Alfred W. Tomlin, Ed. C. Tomlin, William Tomlin, Alfred William Tomlinson, John Tomlinson, Agnes Tomlinson, Granville Harry Tomlinson, Harold Tomlinson, Herbert Tomlinson, Kate Tomlinson, Mrs Tomlinson, William Tomlinson, J. Tompkins, Joseph Tompkins, Jas. H. Tompkins, Edward G. Tompkins, Walter Charles Tompkins, William J. Tompkins, Walter Tompkins, Wm. S. Tompkins, Arthur Tompkins, Herbert Tompson, Matthew Toms, Francis A. Toms, Violet Toms, Violet M. Tomsett, Florence Tomsett, Florence E. Tomsett, Flo. Tomsett, Alfred J. Tomsett, George Toner, Kathleen Tong, Henry Tonge, Lily Tongue, Lily Tongue, William Tonk, William Tonkin, Rona A.V. Tonkin, Rona Tonkins, Reg. Tonkins, Wm. Tonks, John Tonks, Roland Tonks, William Tonks, Ronald Tonks, Charles Tonquiy, Cycil A. Tonquiy, Albert G. Toobey, Maud Tooby, Maud Toogood, Dora Toogood, Emily Mary Toogood, William Herbert Toogood, Albert Victor Tooke, Frederick Toole, Arthur E.L. Toole, J. Toole, Joseph Toole, Mary Toolet, Arthur E.I. Tooley, Leslie Tooley, Edward Tooley, Jno. Tooley, John Tooley, Sarah Mrs. Toolgood, J. Toombs, Herbert Henry Toombs, C. H. Toomer, Toomer, Bertram W. Toomer, Bertram Toomer, Charles Wilfred Toomer, Betram Toomer, George Toomey, J. Toon, James Toon, Alfred W. Toon, Thomas Toon, James Sapper Toon, William Tooth, Mary Tooth, M.J. Tooth, Mary A. Tooth, Lucy Tooth, Mary Ann Tooth, Sarah Ann Toovey, Sam. Mr. Toovey, Foreman Mr. Toovey, Samson Mr. Toovey, Mrs. Toovey, Mr. Toovey, Samson Tooze, M. Mr. Tope, Blair Tope, Sidney Tope, Blair Pvt. Tope, Duncan Tope, Duncan Blair Pvt. Topham, Bernard Bert Topham, Bernard Topley, William Thomas Topley, William T. Topliss, Janet Topliss, Janetta Topp, Charles Topp, John Back Topping, Dorothy Mrs. Topping, Geo. Topping, Harry Topping, Mrs. Topping, Henry Topple, Ernest George Toreville, Charles Toreville, C. H. Toreville, R.C.H. Toreville, Robert C.H. Torltle, William Edward Torode, Josiah Norman Torrance, Margt Torrens, Sarah Torrington, Frederick Torrington, William Frederick Pvt. Torrington, William F. Torrington, Gwendoline Tosh, Flo. Mrs. Tosh, Florence Mrs. Totten, Annie Totten, James Totten, F. Tottenham, Iona A. Tottey, George Tottey, Ellen Totton, Joseph Tough, MaryJane Toull, Hy. H. Toulson, Thomas George Toulson, Elizth Toulson, Clementina Touzel, Gordon Tove, Florence Tovee, Er. D. Tovell, G. Tovey, Sadie Blanche Tovey, Arthur Tovey, Albert A. Tovey, Albert Tovey, Lillian May Tovey, Lilian May Tovey, Lily Toward, Albert C. Towell, George James Towell, George J. Towell, Geo. Towell, Geo. J. Towell, G. Towell, George James Pvt. Towell, J. Tower, James T. Towers, Robert Towers, John Towers, M. Towers, Kathleen Towers, Sidney Towers, Leonard |
Towerzey, Isabel Towerzy, Isabel Towill, John Towle, Albert Towle, Mrs. Town, Walter Town, Robert Mrs. Townend, Stanley Boothby Townend, John Townend, Peter Alvin Townend, Rosemary Townend, Keith Towner, Florence Towner, George Towner, J.T. Towner, James T. Towner, James Townley, Sidney Townley, Matilda Townley, Zinnia Townsend, Horace Townsend, J. Townsend, Percy Townsend, Jas. W. Townsend, Margaret Townsend, Harriet Townsend, Anthony K. D. Townsend, Ada Townsend, Percy Pvt. Townsend, Marguerite Maud Townsend, James Townsend, Horace William Townsend, Elizabeth Townsend, Thos. W. Townsend, Horace W. Townsend, Edith Ellen Mary Townsend, William H. Townsend, Arthur W. Townsend, William Henry Townsend, George Ezekiel Townsend, Jas W Townsend, Sidney V. Townsend, Doris Evelyn Grace Townsend, Teresa Dorothy Townsend, George E. Townsend, Patricia M. Townsend, Frederick Jas. Townsend, Eliz'th Townsend, Thos W Townsend, Herbert Geo. Townsend, Thomas Townsend, Joshua Hackett Townsend, Fred Townsend, Thomas Pvt. Townsend, Dorothy Townshend, Arthur Townson, Frank G. Townson, Fred G. Townson, Blanche Annie Townson, Fred J. Townson, Francis G. Townson, Mary Townson, Fred. Townson, Fras. G. Townson, Fred. J. Townson, Fred. Jas. Townson, F.G. Towsend, Charles Thomas Towsley, Ethel C. Mrs. Towsley, Ethel Mrs. Towton, Fredk. Towton, Fredk Towton, Frederick Mr. Towzer, Louise Toy, Thomas Toy, Alice Toye, Sidney Toye, Sydney Toye, Florence Toye, LouIsa Toye, Alice Toye, Charles Arthur Toye, Florence Maud Toye, Charles Toye, Sidney Josiah Toye, John Toye, Fred Toyee, Ernest D. Toynbee, Lionel C. Tozer, William George Tozer, Thirza Tozer, E. J. Tozer, J. T. Tozer, Doris Tozer, Elsie M. Tozer, Aaron Trace, Albert Trace, Reg. Trace, John Trace, Percy Trace, Wm. Tracey, Alfred J. Tracey, Joseph Tracey, Lizzie Tracey, Saml Tracey, Mary Ann Tracey, Hugh Tracey, Edward Tracey, Samuel Tracey, Alfred Joseph Tracey, Elizabeth Tracey, Serah Tracey, John Tracey, Elizth Tracher, William Tracy, Lizzie Tracy, Edward Tradgett, Wm Geo Tradgett, Wm. Geo. Trafford, Albert Traine, George Pvt. Trainer, Donald Trainer, Domald Trainor, John Trandle, Peter Tranter, E. Tranter, Emily Tranter, Joseph Tranter, Edward Tranter, William James Tranthern, Jeremiah M. Tranthern, Jerry M Trapp, Ellen Trapp, Edith Alice Trappitt, Victor Jack Trask, G. Travers, William Patrick Travis, John Travis, Cath Travish, Fred Traviss, Ellis Trayner, Wm. Joseph Traynor, Joseph Traynor, James Traynor, John Traynor, Robert Treacher, Emma J Treacher, Fred Treachman, Mark Treadway, Henry Treadway, Wm Treadwell, Ada M. Treadwell, George Treadwell, William Treadwell, Frank Treadwell, Alfred Trebeck, Thomas E. Trebel, Eva Trebel, William Trebel, Eva. Trebick, Thomas C. Trecket, Joseph Treen, Norah Treend, Joseph R. Treend, Jos. R. Treend, Joseph Trefoil, Trehearne, Anne Trehen, Miss. Trembart, Wm. Trembath, Wm Trembath, E. W. Trench, Christopher O. Trench, John Trengrove, James Trenter, Mary Jubilee Trenter, Sidney Trentham, Mercy Trerise, R. Trestrail, Winifred Trestrail, Lottie Tretton, Bridget Tretton, Mary Trevel, Jack Trevena, Cora Trevena, George Trevena, Herbert Trevenna, Cora Treverton, Allan Trevett, Jack W. Treviss, Alfred Trevor, George Trew, Stanley H. Trewin, Charles Trewin, Charles H. Trewin, Geo. W. Trewin, Verne Trewin, Chas. Trewin, Silas Mr. Trewin, Annie Tribble, Thomas Tribble, Thos. Tribbling, Frederick Tribeck, Thomas Tribeck, Thomas C. Trice, Louisa Trice, Sarah Trick, James Tricker, William E. Tricker, William Edward Pvt. Tricker, William Edward Tricker, Wm. E. Trickett, Joseph Trickett, Mary Trickett, Gerald J. Trickett, Mary J. Trickey, Howard Trickner, Alfred Trigg, George Trigg, Albert Triggs, Alfred Trim, William Henry Trim, Trim, William Trim, Mrs. Trim, Wm. Trim, Wiliam Henry Trimmer, Emily Trimmer, Emily V. Trimmer, David Tringham, John Arthur Tringham, Jno. A. Trinity, John William Triskett, M.J. Tristram, Christopher Tristram, David Triswell, Edna May (Mrs. George) Trivett, Arthur S. Trivett, Mildred Trivett, Arthur Trodd, John Troeschel, Marie Rosina Troke, Frederick Ernest Troke, Fred E. Troke, Jack Troke, Edward Troland, Susan Troman, Ernest Harold Tromp, George Troot, Lizzie Trotman, David Trott, Henry Trott, J. Pvt. Trott, Joseph Trott, Lizzie Trott, Robt Trott, Robert Trotten, James Trotten, John Trotten, Mary Trotter, Ethel Trotter, Elsie Trotter, Mary Elizabeth Trotter, William Trottman, Martha Trottman, Katrine Trottman, Martha S. Troup, Charles Trout, Charles Trout, William Trout, Chas. H. Trow, Abraham Trow, Katie Trow, Kate Trowbridge, Catherine Trowbridge, Mary Trowbridge, Catherines Trowbridge, Clara Troy, Louisa Trucker, John Trueman, Sarah Ann Trueman, John William Henry Trueman, John William Henry/Willie Trueman, Bertie Trueman, S. Ann Trueman, William James Trull, Eileen Trull, Amy Trull, Nina Trull, Arthur Truman, T. A. Trumbull, Dr. Trump, Ernest Truner, Arthur Truran, James H.J. Truscott, William J. Truscott, W. Truscott, William Truscott, Wm. Trusk, William Trusler, A. J. Trusler, Emma Trussel, Philip E. Trustain, Harold Tryner, John Tubb, Philip Henry Tubb, John James Tubb, Samuel Thomas Tubbs, Barbara Tubbs, Graham B. Esq. Tubbs, Doglas Esq. Tubbs, Percy Mrs. Tubbs, Christopher Tubbs, Jessie Tubday, John Tuberfield, Rose Tuck, Winnifred Tuck, Carrie Tuck, Albert Tuck, Caroline E. Tuck, Harold Tuck, Frank Tuck, Matilda Tuck, George C.F. Tuck, Lavinia Tucker, Ellen Tucker, Emily L. Tucker, Percy W. Tucker, Thomas Tucker, Charles Tucker, Chas. Tucker, The Right Rev. Bishop, DD Tucker, William A. Tucker, Thomas Henry Tucker, Thos. Tucker, William J. Tucker, Reginald Tucker, G. Mr. Tucker, Wm. Tucker, Cyril C. Tucker, John Tucker, Ruth Tucker, William Tucker, Joseph Tucker, Henry Tucker, Elizth Tucker, Louisa Tucker, William L Tucker, Mr. Tucker, G. C. Tucker, Hy W Tucker, Mary Tucker, Mauda Tucker, Frederick Chas. Tucker, Frank Tucker, Fred Tucker, Agustus J Tuckerman, James Tudbury, Jane Tudge, Edward Tudor, John Tudor, Ann Sophia Tudor-Hart, Alan Tudor-Hart, Delia Tudor-Hart, Jennifer Tuff, Albert G. Tuff, Ethel Tuff, Albert Tuffey, George Tuffs, Ethel L. B. Tufts, Thomas Tuggey, John Roberrt Tugnett, Alfred Tugnett, Albert Tugnott, Annie Tugnutt, Ann Tugwell, Edward Tugwood, Percy Tuisant, Lilian Tuisant, Edith Tuisant, Edith R. Tuisant, B. Tuisant, Lillian B. Tuissant, Edith Rose Tuissant, Edith R. Tuissant, Lilian Beatrice Tuissant, Edith Tuissant, Lilian Tuissant, Lillian Tulk, Wm. Charles Tull, Walter Tullock, Hy. V. Tully, Mary E. Tully, Francis G. Tully, Frances G. Tully, Mary E Tully, Francis Tumber, Frederick W. Tummond, Jessie Tummond, Florence Tunbridge, Ethel Tunnicliffe, Herbert Tunnicliffe, Mabel Tunnicliffe, Thomas Tunnicliffe, Florence Tunnicliffe, William Charles Tunstall, Benjamin Tunstall, Annie Tunstall, Ellen Tunstead, E. Tupholme, Clem. Henry Tupper, S.H. Esq. Tupper, Charles Sir Tupper, Charles Tupper, W.J. Turbill, Charles Victor Turbill, Sydney Edward Turbill, Fred William Turbill, Francis Walter Turk, Mary Mrs. Turk, Mary L. Mrs. Turk, Mary I. Mrs. Turk, Lily Turkington, F. Turkington, Frederick Turle, James Turley (Tarley), Frederick Turnball, Eleanor Turnbull, R Fred Turnbull, Florence G. Turnbull, R. Fred. Turnbull, Robert Turnbull, Florence Turnbull, William Turnbull, Robt. Turnbull, Daisy Turnbull, Walter Turnbull, Margaret Turnbull, A. Turner, Sidney Turner, Ernest Edgar Turner, Roland Turner, Maud Mary Turner, Leslie E. Turner, Thomas Turner, George Wm. Turner, Henry Turner, John Turner, James Turner, Alice Turner, Frances Turner, William (3) Dixon Turner, Charles Turner, Geo. F. Turner, Robert Turner, Robert James Turner, Violet Turner, Sarah Turner, Ellen Turner, A. Turner, Ernest Turner, Art. Turner, George Turner, Valentine Turner, George A. Turner, Reginald Pvt. Turner, George W. Turner, Lilian Turner, Mabel Turner, Leslie Turner, Robt. Turner, Ernest H. Turner, Edward D. Turner, Frank E. Turner, Florence F. Turner, Lillian Turner, Edward N. Turner, Wm Turner, Chas. Turner, Sidney H. Turner, Florence Turner, Alfred Turner, Jos Turner, Johnny Turner, Clifford Turner, Rose Turner, Turner, Edith Turner, E.A. Mr. Turner, W.A. Turner, Roland Pvt. Turner, Joseph Turner, Lilian M. Turner, William (1) Turner, Gertrude Turner, Florence M. Turner, Annie Turner, Pauline Turner, William Turner, Sidney Dehillgreave Turner, Wm. A. Turner, Charlotte Turner, Agnes Turner, Mary A. Turner, Alfd. Turner, Thomas James Turner, Osborne J. Turner, Frederick Turner, Sidney D. Turner, Edward Turner, Leonard Turner, Fredk A Turner, Annie E. Turner, Albert Turner, Geo. Turner, Ada Turner, Agness Turner, E. Turner, Harry Turner, Frederick A. Turner, George Albert Turner, Reginald Turner, Sidney W. Turner, Arthur Turner, Wm. Turner, Lily M. Turner, Gordon Turner, Andrew R. Turner, Jno Turner, Francis F. Turner, L. Turner, Mr. Turner, Alfred Edward Turner, Margaret Turner, Frederick Francis Turner, Robt. W. Turner, Alfd Turner, Lydia Turner, Violet Susan May Turner, Sid. H. Turner, Thomas W.R. Turner, Stanley Marsh Turner, E.E. Turner, Fredk. A. Turner, William (2) Henry Turner, William A. Turney, Alice Turney, Mary J. Mrs. Turnip, Timothy Turnstall, Annie Turnstall, Ellen Turnstall, Anne Turnstand, Oscar Turnstand, Turrell, Edith / Lizzie Turrell, Arthur Turrell, James Turrell, Elizabeth Turton, John Turton, Violet Turvey, Edward J. Turvey, Mr. Turvey, Cornelius Turvey, Edward Tustin, Albert L. Tustin, Leonard A. Tustin, Annie Alice Tusting, John Tusting, Elizabeth Tuthill, N. Tutin, T. Tuton, Mrs. Jessie A. Tutt, Herbert R.H. Tutt, Horace Tutt, Herbert Tutt, H. A. Tutt, Edward Tutt, Frederick Tuttan, Henry Tutte, Edward Tutte, Tuttell, Daisy Mrs. Tuttell, Mr. and Mrs. Tutton, Charles H. Tutton, Wm. Thomas Tutty, A. Tuxford, Victor Edward Tuxford, Victor E. Tuyte, Thomas Twart, Bernard G. Tweed, Jessie Tweed, James Tweedie, Robert Tweedie, Robt. Twells, Joseph/John Twigg, Alice Twilley, Alfred James Twine, Henry A. Twine, Charles C. Twine, C. C. Twine, Chas. Twining, Doris Twinn, James Twinn, James Henry Twinn, James Harris Twinning, Doris Twiss, Ina Twiss, Mr. Twiss, Frankie Twiss, Kathleen Twist, Mary Twist, Lilly Twistle, Albt. Twitchell, George Twoers, Leonard Twomlow, Joseph Twomlow, Hannah Twort, Barnard George Twort, Bernard G. Tye, Percy Tye, Ernest A Tye, Claude Tyer, James Tyer, John Tyers, Charles Tylee, Sidney Herbert Tylee, Agnes Tylee, Sidney H. Tyler, Joseph Tyler, Frank R Tyler, Flora Tyler, John Tyler, Charles Tyler, Joseph W. Tyler, Horace Tyler, Ernest Tyler, Robert Tyler, Sarah Mrs. Tyler, Thomas Tyler, Chas. Alf. Tyler, Geo. E. Tyler, George Tyler, G. E. Pvt. Tyler, Fred. Tyler, George E. Tyler, W. Tyler, J. Tyler, Rachel Tyler, Elizabeth Tyler, Mr. Tyler, Emily C. Tyler, Douglas Ernest "Cox" Tyler, Emily Tylor, Millie Tylor, Eliza Tyndall, Mrs. Harold Tyndall, James H. Tyner, Alice Typer, Lily Tyrell, John Tyrenn, Mary Ellen Tyrer, Lily Tyrie, William Pvt. Tyrrell, Mary Tyrrell, J.W. Tyrrell, Claude Tyrrell, John Tyrrell, Douglas Tyrrell, Ernest Tyrrell, Emma Tyrrell, Arthur Tysall, Florence Tysall, George Tyson, George William Tyson, Margaret Tyson, Mary H. Tyson, Geo. W. Tyson, Sarah Tyson, Sarah A. Tyson, Bertha Tzarch, Alfred Ueck, Ueck, Carl Uglow, Ernest Uimonen, E.C.A. Uimonen, Edward Carl Alex Uimonen, Edward C.A. Uimonen, Edward C. Uimonen, Edward Uimonen, Ed. C.A. Ulph, Frank Uncer, Jessie F. Mrs. Underhill, John Underhill, Jessie Underhill, George (2) Henry Underhill, Alfred Thomas Sgt Underhill, Alfred Thomas Underhill, George (1) Frederick Underhill, Rosetta Underhoy, Elinud E. Underwood, George C. Underwood, John Underwood, Geo. C. Underwood, Ellen Underwood, Underwood, Horace B. Underwood, Jas. Underwood, Walter Underwood, Charles E. Underwood, Wm. Underwood, Grace Underwood, Leonard Underwood, Chas Underwood, William Underwood, Maud J. Underwood, Emma Underwood, Ed. Arthir Underwood, Kathleen Underwood, J Underwood, Harold Underwood, Geo. Chas. Underwood, George Underwood, Frederick Robert Ungless, Grace Florence Union, John Unknown, male Unknown, Arthur Unknown, Lillie Unknown, Willie Unknown, Judy Unstead, Edmund H. Unsworth, Hilda Unthank, Richard Peter Unthank, Emma Unthank, Richard P. Unwin, Margaret Unwin, Annie Unwin, Hugh Unwin, Louisa Unwin, Alice Unwin, John Unwin, Ebenezer Unwin, Ebenezer John Unwin, Violet Unwin, Annie E. Upchurch, Cyril Upchurch, Cyril T. Upcott, Herbert / Bertie Upcott, George Upfield, Charlotte Ethel Upfield, Charlotte Upfield, Lottie Upham, Frank Upjohn, Ada Upstone, Louis Alexander Pvt. Upton, Kate Upton, Thomas Upton, Ann D. Upton, Augustus Upton, Harriet Urie, Matthew Urmson, Annie Urmson, Thelma Urquhart, Maria Urquhart, Maria M. Urquhart, Mary Urquhart, Jessie Urquhart, Miss. Urquhart, Urquhart, Alexander Pvt. Urry, Bernard Ursall, Duncan Ursell, Duncan Ursell, Duncan Wm. C. Ursell, Duncan W.S. Urwin, Agnes M. Urwin, Jane Urwin, Ethel Urwin, Jeanne Urwin, Agnes Usher, Samuel Usher, Usher, Lizzie Usher, John Usher, Elizabeth Usher, Henry Usher, Emma E. Usher, Fred Uttley, Joseph Thomas Uttley, Edward Utton, Fred William Vail, Dorothy Vail, Henry Vaisey, G. M. Valder, Geo. F. Vale, Mary Vale, Ellen Florence Vale, Emily Vale, Winnifred Vale, Frederick Vale, Laura Vale, Ethel Vale, Alfred Vale, Emma Vale, George William Vale, William L. Vale, Charles Vale, Willie Lind Vale, William Lind Pvt. Vale, Frederick Geo. Valentine, Chas J Valgian, ElIz. Vallance, John F. Vallance, John Vallance, Albert F. C. Vallance, Agnes Vallance, Fred Vallance, Nelly Vallelay, Isaac Vallely, Alfred Valleylay, John Vallins, Forrie Vallins, Clara Vallins, Florence Valor, Gertrude Valour, Gertrude Valrey, Robert Van Buren, George Van Buren, Geo. Van De Velde, Hy. Van Dewolf, Wm. Van Santen, Peter Van Santen, Mary Van-Millingen, Adrian M. Vanables, Hy. Mr. and Mrs. Vancamp, Annie Vancamp, Mr. A. Vance, Florence Vance, Mrs. Vanclief, Mrs. Dan Vandenbulcke, Elizabeth Mrs. Vandyk, Enid Toni Vanevery, Mrs. Vanner, Percy William Pvt. Vanraakt, Phineas Vant, Stephen H. Varden, Arthur Vardon, Arthur Varley, William Varley, Tom Varley, Margaret Varley, Ernest Varley, Robert Varley, Nellie Varley, Nora Varley, Herbert W. Varley, Robert J. Varley, Herbert Varley, Wm. H. Varley, Ann / Nora Varlow, Mark Leonard Varndell, Bessie Varndell, Dorothy Varney, Walter Varnom, Arthur Varnon, Arthur Varnove, Vezo Varo, George W. Vasey, Mabel Vasey, Mary Vass, Elizabeth Vass, Helen Vassey, Mabel Vates, James Vaton, Harry Vaughan, Arthur Vaughan, Albert E. Vaughan, Leslie Bernard Pvt. Vaughan, B. Vaughan, George Vaughan, F.E. Vaughan, John English Vaughan, Leonard Vaughan, Alfred E. Vaughan, William Vaughan, Archibald Vaughan, Lilian Vaughan, Emily Vaughan, Alfred Ernest Vaughan, Frank Vaughan, Agnes Vaughan, J. Vaughan, John Vaughan, L.S. Vaughn, Alfred C. Vaughton, Eve Vaughton, Wendy Vaux, Evelyn Veal, Albert Roland Veale, Henry Wm. Dan H. Veale, Frederick W. Veale, Albert Veale, Ethel M. Veale, Thomas Veals, Mr. A.H. Veare, Geo. E.H. Veare, George E. H. Veare, George Veare, William George H.T. Veare, William G.H.T. Veare, W. Veare, george A. H. Veare, William G. Veare, William Veasey, Muriel M. S. Veitch, Veitch, Ella Veitch, Miss. Velzian, Mary Ven, Harry Venables, Hy Venables, Hy. Veness, Frederick Veness, Harriett Veness, Alfred John Veness, Alfred J. Veness, Owen Venn, Thomas C. Venn, Ernest Venn, Thomas E. Vennell, Harold W. Vennell, William Vennell, Harold Venner, AnnIe Venner, Cyril N. Venner, Thos Vennes, Fred Venness, Harriett Venney, William J. Venney, William Jas. Venning, Dorothy Venters, John Venton, Albert Edward Venton, William Ventress, Edward Ventris, E. Ventriss, Edward Ventriss, Nellie Ventriss, Ellen Ventriss, Nelly Venuss, Wm. R. Venuss, William Venuss, Wm. Venuss, Will Venuss, W.R. Veoules, Anny Verall, Albert Verby, Annie Vere, W. V |